HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 6- , P..001knejtter$the . Highlights :the, We'etc!s, 1 By Elizabeth Ee .DiMOC-RACY- t3N THE SPOT' ; Instead pf plenping t iiardh in "044 9,Ver• Czechealpyakia. lie. 'did Adelfitier.ie. In the pies- ent eades..Uling ether reethedS which, 0re. Celenlated!' eitner te. eanOe Czech - OSIOValtat to ,,IDIOW froin 'the in. hl or. to OiO Ilitter;" reas9n fQr • .coiningeto :the"..air.•of the. German iceinority: ieacde'.;!,!107entral;: 41.1rone.'0. •,deinocracy..". ' , • • T1e'.14imiii.likn. eug waged• Jo • .• • . • "erifel'effaii% ' one . Of gur,. ' hae4eSt,,. „best, un most 'all- ' 'ent coUntries• internaldisserision Xil*.i'lge.7"akkitregi4t.i.Pe44.-1.0thcr tttr-ried:: agains'`..kirpthOr,'; '•'leacler.' of the 'Sudeten. Gerinans; a ..pertYin the .C'echparlianient,' takes •• .his' orders -direct from . Hitler,: nialt0 moat •inureaseriable";and tiricarled.,for •enianda-, en the Premier of his own county,.. ips;ete that :.(;;echosioval.sia ' itbandc* 'democracy •and :bedeme 'Part •Of the 44,tfhe. Fatherland„ Greater •Gn2ahy" It is iiredicted. that .earl5.7 •Anney,,;.H.Ohleinii..will demand that •the 1,-:.Germans,in I Ceehosloyakia .be permitted. • A' plehiscite;„ expressing *ThethertlifreY, 44„ir.e. to'reinaih where '-t.het--are-,7•0,r-leity--:Greater. Germany, Abotit that time., or even a the erfeiS 1ikey toueine., to head:, • '' .•?.4.11.0*..Vve'uld,'Wes:Cariadians. tate. it azouId the French ..devernmene'stir trouble in ...Quebec. te° dernandn e plebiscite: "Shall We:eteY. with., Canada:, become parT7 of, Prancer)• :• „ 1.. CZecluialoyakia :has, allies, pledged • to :, conte.e to her aid -.—France and Iisia Bbtnow France la-tied...tip _ new Angla,Fiench ...13i,!fain'V. he p 'should' Prnzice , choose. to aid CiechOslevalcia, In feet:1'11'1.1f, axn is already tclling the . -Czech Prethjer that his C'encessiens ,to . per-, .man'y are nht .good enongh,7 that he ;Muse, give in. to ',Hit*:stil, further. Czeplieplevatiaelslin'azi,intelertilAY. diffieult ituation Democracy f has lialfer in. tlip 'history of MO.dern times • .bfiutokso'bad it'Spot; ' * * * • 4PEEIYVIV,I'' CROSSINGS: ....A ita,. tistieal Supley •••inide by the IkIlitOrj: Vehicles p4anch of the- GOVerninelit reVealp'..that. . most acvi- dents ,14, (Intario occu at tions 'hen 'experienced driv‘eFai7a:tie :at the!.,whePO. of 'card; inlike4;.*611; ditiore': in tend daylight.,•T'oll,,'.740, .7 -speed : :is • id to :be. •respOnsihlea „speed cgreetpr„.than the ,tratrie.;.:oe...ToTt: I ,C0r4diti01104170*:. N90 ; HIGJiWY To. ALASKA Jeug ptished. akthis ' time hy the:.Goyerte. 'Znent . pf tile tTnited States Governmen't of British Columbia is 4 .ptoPosetli"five-;nation": highway to • ' :Alaska, ‘.-ftein .Mexite, through the Columbia and the y.4- '.‘ ken., terr4457.:. P.reinier 7Pattulle, of ish7ctirtunbia, ;wa.. ton "last letinth conferring on' the •inatter, now the House o . , , • :,RopteSeriti"fi.fee'haS :pasSed and sent ..,t�, the.:::Senata billautboriziilg the President 'An ,.appeint, ,a five man Commissi which would , negotiate • with..teprentatives ofthe Ponithion. :GOVerrinle4t. ' • , .' The ,.bui1Iing1 of!sech a-highWay Weuldetieiylip,a'whOleneW te.tritory fel!, foutisk deVelopmerit. 'in Canada and tap 'untold soureesof revenue '(which we.liadly 'need)." Incidentally Value'ae a "Military road!' is, self=, •e• •• • • 'AICN• OPENINgf ' is ' eyeing; Seith, Africa as e possible field f,ot new trade developinents. • iron"' the IVilian point of view. Sale • of coffee,; cement and ether, goods from Italjap East Africa to the • :Union of ,,,Igoath Africa would pay , for the pUthase ofSouth Afrigan 144,1%,;„„ip.„,...nat• fer.consumption in Ethiopia, . nnd ror ravt Materials to be used by Italian' indUstries at hoin'e. •: declarce thnt the 'defaUlting et MoesejaW, on. SMne bonclp just pre- Vi.:011s1r, Was yesPorisih,le, together With:the lossin "credit Of certain 9f Out* pi�yinces.- Ea.ch .new. default 'places an even heavier hnrdell On the 1)91.11inioni cietracts froni- Caria, • May Make Park Of Huge Marsh 4,. e , Would Turn. S,,Vanip Land.; i‘Pear' Into. dame , Sanctuary j'ae ',Luther . 1Viatsn,. near Orange. ves.:.s'tretch of 10,000 -acres, May• be transfermedr: ftonl •a,, wet,. dese late area:into a provincial oark, and game pandtaary; •ir pleas, 'of 'leading, citisenS'. and erganizatioaa..are adopted hY.' the .government, . •.• • The marsh Is regarded as the meet' important.. oeaiIty1ns. tbe....Wa.tersbeti .of. the 'Orand Alver. from -the :stand; pole( of Watee conservation.. • Ten MifesLong• , • . • ;Recently- a propoaal to teen it into , ,A. erovinCial, park'was by the federation . of ,natinallets. The marsh 1840:Mile's long and in some places two miles Wide. It straddieS, the,toWn. line 'bOwee,n, East West. Luther for ,approximately silc: 'miles: It •eon - tains peat to a depth of ,15 „feet. r ;i News In Review aPaintezete.en,uve. _ . sent.: • Werd,- this Week‘end 'that the second Japan- ese, ehai•ye. in Southern Shantprig, Prpvieee, pivotal fi•ont of the:war, was Oil the verge Of 'eollapse„ , • •• •Chishing ef,1J the first,„'d.rive' last ;UiPilih, ;WI'S:Tithe most dcanstrouS, defeat' •of a Modern Japanese army. No*,!chinete• deplared:. they ' are ready. to Pend .800,QQQ. „trOolie "144:in,41 . „ the reinfOrcedJananeselegions:whi•eh; ,thy . Pay, are Wearied' • to .,eXhanatidli: and again kiinning • •- .• , , • 'kits. Appears •SolleV1 the • Tee.X944 le Df thd tyo great..,dietatereialpe ef• the •flarif,s: ,intlie,Rome.ef the caeitirs, and .''of" the inedleVal P�pes, the, twe, Outstanding: dleintOrs :Of;our'To•Wn met'feeis to demdnsti ate their unity of' this linineOP In :•hnildirig, for their-'.n,i3ePp,le new empires, edelt'• accordingtj liis , 11 ht • , , • Will -'Benefit Canada: :‘ trade advalatigeO•glv-. ea -to the Untted- Kingdom in the Eire market under': the. ,recent agreenient ate alse.,extended.!1 to Canada,daceotd: tethe' teXtLpf.„-t4e..,..tagreemAtt with the :United Kingdomp issued •, ,•,-. he,re.' . •. Chnadais. the only, meniber of the • , Britislt,.%Conimonwealth. of • :Netions, 'that is 'Mentioned in ' the•bill, apa • rt , . , from the signatories. . : —o— • , • . -.; rioniand Bishopiftesign ... f STUTTGART Gei.naanY The "i\la.- Lionel Socialist, Governer of'. Wuert- . . terabe.rg,'• Wilheinci Mint, :hap • publicly demanded ine• resignation of 13ieh.6 'Johann Baptist Sproll Of Rottenbu , icea:d.oi .the Catholic Church in Wuert- . , . ternberg,because. he 'failed' to -vete in the 4p4'eliluss ;plebiscite and .Reichs-; . . .tag elections.,.Th7 demand appears in „ . , . tht .local partY o -gen, National Soci- allot ktirier. - " • •' •• . WHAT '0,A1,101,'S AFTER: ;Mete-. ter King.CArol of'.Runidnie is, work, • ing.up. toisemethieg' dOWn there in hia corner,Of,Eilrope. 'After te- • Piseence, attropie,hs•b•eeil •thi.g4Od. • (of tIve 'Off the "Iron. Guard"), .10,bser'Veed tell usthat be • likelY, te.".‘„.make a go' for' Hcr unary ,• . avvelloW it.tup;, with the • corinivanee 'Of 'Polandl.eventuallY, Create a gal, • , 'tie -Black Sea axis fayorable to„ the O1,11tle1'd .Gerinany. •'.:* Jelin .G,tinther's 4`.Intide, turepq" • ihforms u ,that igi„ nnania 04.11'37) • try ".-tich, 'richit1 natneal, resott4e0S' -Whose fil 1na.bied ./hite • by • :Mismanegement of Sunda, end • cal graft.' .:Itiof /IOW the gOverillUent, • .owes Fran i great tlalof money. •. . • .BLOWS TO 'PlIgSTIGE:l.en., II. Stevees, Ilecenstructinnist *Mein- • bee n the', Ilonse of .Cepimerid, de- . etars thtit HothiriThri prestige „Aid Dominion ,O.edit have •been dealt soV- ere bio we uring the. PaPt1.Yetir,.110 " 'erring to the 116,Minion'. • ,tatilethittias.no" wiiith-Wea: 9 rt......the. • London market three itigtitht,t, 00, and, . 'hung. fire At week .or ten days; he, • , , "Twie-n Bees ImpOrte • 'finge shipment Weigh .221ez• • • Tons; lifito4,Ming 'ROO JoM /n,OjtParacie,. • .fM4,0N.TOM. Approximately •ItEdiall..beea Along. Wlth. ' few, hundred thensalid,' ' will *Migrate to,,,Alhertathis Spring, Jto1ik4_lees, wh.,I,P1i settle doWn, in varios 'PArtsof the .prov7. ince., are the type most hi hly ,ored by he -keepers through ,Nerth, Ameriaa because Of their hardiness an ea heusekeeping:, They .earne to . • S. 0.• 1-1111Prqd; • 41herta!s • chief .;apitaitSt, estimates ,:the •9:9' 500 000 bees will e1gh 'but' 22 1 2 teris;1 ,Tie hitchhikers cif cdurse,• \.vifl Make .the • total irrimigratiOn • thaa, is,h1t,4 ; .'-' • ' ,.• ,France,IncreaseS' Detentes . PARIS.—France this week '. met a, new oheve ef Italtan':-O,erinen s�fldartty 'ordering."abigger army; navy and The Natienal Defense C,abinet, head, .ea Pretnier Deindier,...geo.red-:.the • wheels of li'reech eacrionly .and ;finance, tO.a:higier and strongerwar niachine bY decrees 'issued jtot Adolf:Hitler, approaehed .flonte' for a Visit to, • •• Kirig'.griens Enhibition• , .04Asq_OWIche 0,0a.t. Empire, Ex• Tetflied, By 'the - Meek of „ti, greet, Commenwepith'ef Na- tlo1)S' WrIS • CVeiled • bY. Hie .1V1ajestY• here:, .; •, • 011eering throngs,. ,exCeeding ,600r, assembled: fti 11iiiox ,clalined the 'King and (Usti, as, they arrived in an open . landau, the tip- pitte•ln, inbilattive•.was statelk, readerni.Stio, grp,tip 2. pf 1u1lel,: inghin ,Bullahouston. Park; with ...the. high .,elieft tmpliv lowering ever ;the Scene, 1, • :0 • . . •'Puni0.-Frinting nBrtain • T.ONDON.—Britnin . already is ing plans for future •Pump.priniing, Sir iJP17i)oci,,:minister of, iferiliti, revoaled0ast week WilrYIV 'nkin at a M101.0911 Ce161)TMI1Ig•the. Manchester cchteintrY, •• , . clpti o .tlundt`lue tc propiire plans: "foilve; years ahead In order that the' ptoottni • - • • • .ot public works bitty proceed as rapid. iyuaPOSSIble"Wlieh 91VO started, ''Stiv said. • When. the „1 be 'start 914 ..f19i11:: • callferr4 .Mr, Hillenad sai4, they e.":PaCrted," a. eCrefilited, cagee, The • queens 41,00 the .419,00. ,404 the.Werlt- • PrS an got: Oo 0419 ..,C14.W -9f..trana, • 149:.• •• Arts4tAigh4e..: truck's..." t• heir • 'heat earefUl- 1Y. regniated. 'en.:rente„ qave1 album hmidreils'qf theueartda of the MU*. bees 'fasten themselVes:tO the Sidea... Of' the cages 4, The 9110 inside fee cl thOn. jP4t, aOi generOnSiy As they feed, .themselves.. •. •• I Mio,h4thor.§.‘..4r001 eyn 400.0E401Y '4f the, -Shrhe race hs thq ,heea. Ah.o. SereelW they .Ret• feed anyway,? Mr. ffillernd '''.1tallans 'were. not. introdne.ed•jte 'America:1.14ft 501:-Ok pot: yearo‘; ago. - •:Halgere.::,tnat the Meat Popular •genins' , was „the German one -year 50 000 colonic§ of Hack NeW.V.ork etete' were...Wiped e:ut seldem': hites the.. Italian.beeat9the Italianere better' hOusekee' ere:. ' • ' •: , • •Oirr Qerila611 ,R1141074.: . Any' day, Pow Callad4 :Mar eXpect to he faued by hfieniaukfrOrn Hitler that: 'wed eee,e,e ,Oppreoeing.the 'German „nerity,", Withipt our. herders tie else. $tratford litScrehee"iiii Canilece'Vsaa ,I;ViarP • Consideration o Et-ropenn • Marketsriric'es-Ilave-Riaen Fast Few:. Years. 1, • • In 1915 flax fire sold for 00 cents • a Round and the price of ,fibre flax seed was $3.O0•bushel .The high price a fibre was directly due' to •the excessive war -time :clefnands at • tat time. •In the eriod from 1011 te,•1918, the price of fibre flax reach.: .ed , an all-timehigh, going from .60 gents'to 6'.1.25. a pound. In sympathy With this eensational iecrease .1the IfTrice of ,fibre flax seed' jumped, from !' $5.00 t� $9,„00 „budhel. •After the 'war (151.4718); the price -of fibre dropped . an, a1l4irne. 'low • of 16 cents a. pound and, the seed pries turnhled' frOM $9.00, t� - $2.00 a' bushel:. During the interval of. the Period the pride Of .:Iihre flax Seed vide -froth 02.00'.fte.-.86..25, bushel. This encetiraging ; riie in .'price level Was in n.9' Shialf,' Way clne • tothe introduCtion of pell'greed var- ieties of fibre flax. These, apeeiel var. .leties, were imported from he .North:. lof:„Ireland through the .ed-opeeation • of;.;:the .MinistrY, of ...Agriculturein zIeelend And the Fibre, Division of the Central Experimental ..: Fa:10: Ro'ever, from 1935. to ,1-937 'flax :fibre prices 'have slowly:" 'risen: to abut 8'cents a' pound Tor the- best ,gradq.•toid.„qualitY.:Therintodiletion of mnieChacal pullers!and tur- ,hine:fietftching machines hY the. DO-: minionGoerriniert- iri 1937 has jent 'neW,stiniulus to Cariadlan flax . pre, duction. The.: flax acreage has ,ad' '.vaneect rom a.little over 6,000 acres in 1623 t� 7,900 in 1937 •;With a ktie ther increase of. 2,000 .acres 'expect- edin19.38',.: ' ' • • ;: Competition , Futti.re. _prospects tor fibre •deve opment in Canada re, encouraging, because •Canada,..iniy .,sure consideration on the European Mar- kets.. Russia is exporting: les§ and less •fihre each y,ear tb .Ireland .bn-ae-- connt Of the .fact that She rPtiniree a 'nitich..larger amount for :her own spinning,: "kgetoriee she • has been°, developing • these. .:..past .efew Ili E addition tothis* ',Canadian groVers .are'. better organized tO !handle the ;expected increase in 1bilsil 'neas• than they have e,vet 'been; 'aloe Scottish , and Irish' buyers , are begin .ningio look to Canada for. a' ierge •portiorildf . their future. ouppliel.. , , . . . A sae .•Streng . and:, spaciona enotigicte weighr.thrOe.,elephants1lias. been installed near the zoo in, ,fohati- neshurt,'Sonth Africa. •r. , . • "Immediately on attaining power each dictate'', has stip5ressell, all ,free speech except hiS --•110bert 'Hoover. By ILIZABETH EEDY .i .1.`Here Are- Mr„Lectures And Ste: By Stephen "Leacock. • "A ' year.-agoi", Says".kr,..: LefleoCk,' ,spoofinglyi "I ,retired• from college. lecturin-e, „ar'ilie!-Iirgerit-retrtrePt—raf- the .colleg.P trustees, who were very, grirrk about it. :New, ,at the, request of innumerable friends all over the Cetintryi I am tetiring froth ,leettiring :on the, 'public .Platforin aa. U: humor s - ily p heo• and .• oonie •P., . er , 'insect- lane,ona. iteins from the. lunacy Of "Leneock, •Canea'S preniiet liemoiiat, • •, :Elsewhere 'Mr, -Leadock ..has''Spok- •'01.-,z . of his exeruciating experteaces,, while leCturing her you ;get .the lectures , tliemselves.,.. and. ...quite a feast :they:make for those:who' have followed his . written • Word for le,. these Many • years. The' lectures are •.inere serious, at least in Omits, than Opine .,Of tis , had ' ..been • imagining; "Hovv &km- Can .We Start The, Next 'War?" .for instance, turns gilt to be ,a 'timely OtatiOn: full ofsound sense, • ninonfiting. ahriost' to one of , these • t'alks' fel...serious listeners -in en the . . radio.'•.1Lnnati; lInt;,:!HaPpy • .. , . . . . , . .. Our leettirer. is, happiest,' perhapsy in. his _talks .,to. 'college • audiences, • suCti. as "RecoverY. After Graduation, .or 'Looking _Back' on .College,"; .-in which he -malls deligilitfully„.;overthe dear 1 old eannmia scenes, gayly inis.:. quetes. 'Shakespeare.. . . ' ' "What I Don't, Know 'About the .. . Drama"".1and three.leetetes On. "Pren- Zia '..Fiction,." give* Mr. Leaceek ' leti I of16.0veyto giVe us sscraps • of ,•bur- . lesque.' • ' , : , ., , •, , . Yonearit.t4e11---*XactlY-:,hew-7,-Mr..'7 'Leacock . -.;*els about , life .itt•-';:thia.: point;.1of C6urse.. In:the final piece .".0: ,his 'lecture volume he's a, trifle ,pes-: shnistic.abeut retired. professdrs who think_they...ar _....goingH-te.-;e6inplefe.- -their "great , sternieces now that the.••linstle nd'.biistle. is: e'er... Here; ishis last ..7ord . on that:. "When peo-:` ple'say t� Tee; •"You'll ..be _able .nOw' to 'finish., your book' on the ,History: Of Political Theory,"." I answer,. To hell With it'." . • 1 .• ., :• .' , • •• "Here Are „My leCtures and '..Stor.-. ies,", :hy, Stephen. I...eaeoek, '251 pp,,:, 42: ' M„ cLolland • ityid Stewart, Limit- • ed, TorOoto: ' ' younger generations, .ever 'since. the , beginiditg. •of •tirne; have, eeri'lmatuip-ily---.'wickedl'..-7LLLIIendrik- illem. Van, Loon,, • „ BecaUse of the Japanese invasion,, in 36.0 ktplare mils: nor h of hang - , • zhai there Will he, pradtihnily 110 bar-, vesting of slice, cotten or beans this Not PerceptihlY stieter, v- r •...rep.op. e• leve :mined. More 'sugar lastyear thne.ever before...Bet ,it Ties net,,Seem to have syeetened internetiohal blationshipe in perceptible eegree.,-43reeky:Ile At. corder And Times: • .. Service to 'the Conununity . • A -single grain of sand is_ alinost in linitesimai • yet ell.dry grain c,•alito 10 foirelag thelar-flung shores Ca' the Pea. Similatly ever honest, • industrious, and .' imbued , 11 .014 spirit of 'service is an influence Of eller Record. ••' Getting, Lets ofyilelp • One reSult of theRowell ,Commis- sionhas been the exCellent Wciri(dene on its. behalf by private and"public or- gabilatiens. • Thrcingli • it, eitizena Meet' parts of Cahada have had an bp, -pertunity-M-Tatn_-di:atit.m.ob-e-tlie damentalS of goVeynmental 'e#endi- ttire and'eperation; These studies,in themselves, should: reap rich JeWards, - in ,a` better underetanding of public questioba,Anitesapart from • the dqib Selea..Finaneial Post., Stink°. in.the HMS • . The weatlier:growa,werteer' and ;NO- va Seotiane are begitinng- to .enjoy the: best the S.'pring season. Anglers. are.„geing to the- lakes..and ..riverO and others are taking to the, oPen, road. for change of scene,- and air; It is Pleasant.season, The sun begins:, to 'give', some signaof life are oh': every hand.;,. -and the .whole.world' is,' filled *Rh ailticiPatiOli of: growth , , , and, biotin:L., The: .Cotititry.eicte has . . . beenty-..peculiar to • the 'season.. Sturdy ,fieraes.draW ploughs through the 'rich earth and 'bine enfeke turle, Up.gfreM ;the hills as men of the,Soll cleat t44ir. land of ..brush.•Halifax Chronicle. Sick Motor Cars . „ . ' Tre,Sefeti'teague is On Safe.•grennii, •when. •••it ;insist -Pi that all used cat§ should beAexamined fer,inechanicet • 'recto before they are. resoldI they: Wel e,•. Many-Oftheifdeathitiaps-to7.4-W. 'seen On 'th highWayo.weuld.be on the junk4leary:-.' pending a general exam-. inationof meter • vehieleiditiatie at tention slio,uldbe paid:tell:wee' that Seem to be falling:. to pieces.• These are-a4nienaCe-a-nd-7shotild-beHtpee-dfly removed. •Speeial care; sheald be exer- :cloect, toWUrd.. making sure ,thaf:•per- rilatientlY diseased cars, Made,temlier- arily..eOnvialeseent,With a:paint brush. Ood..a..14.0.4.kok-wre.deti; oft:tho... rtitglttyt-St Thomas Times -Journal. , • ;• . „ , • • Indian Net Vanishing, ThOyused to refer t.6.1110,.Indien as thp 4.iyanishi4 Ainerlean,'' but the fi.g7 urea :refute the theory. entirely. The ,Indiaariferfrom vanishing,is increaS- •.ing in numbers, in:Canada .at any rate, Po ttie..pictereeque1and pathetic,' title . • longer ledian..po.pitlation figures ,in this tib- minich • have 'varied beinewhat ,ia the last few ' fpri4Tholthc1 .Man did, •Ind'eed, Appear, to be. declining numer- ically ebere-a, aericus showed thet.the Indians of, Canada minibered •onlY 104,000; as ,coinpared With 110,000. iti•1907, 13.9t latest returns iseuedyby thj Departmeet. Of , Mince' and, „Be, .8:Otirdee •8116* that ',,there ere nOw ap proximately 114,000 Indians iesident. in ebuntry,--7Brantford txpOsitori, , . , , '• *dem Civilization Reaches OW hulia , Thb Thdiah ulgticin o ton.fhi`iy, has !tyloPte.d At 'lag crte ft the rae'derP Iveal10118,. eivili2atien It it is piActictd in the crilightOn0. Wcsti; This, girl Alidket is urging a strike! •.• TI116 EMPIRE • All in the' Next 'Front 'Line • • . • • . . 'Por 'Barcelona! read. ,Battersea' or , 'Birmientarn '• and one need- go p.6.1fur•:. thee thanthe daY'e _neWspaper • for" a picture of Di- next war: -V, 'one will be 'able: to tell, when:lie may be ,in the front line.. 'Men an women •alike will find the, niepaea of denth.•eenfrenting themin eat:lees. more ..horrible' than 7evertr 's amine o isni.„,„: The Ring oe Terrors, •when Hee" • tor -and Lysander faced him„. was gentleman: in •comentisen •with the shapes ,in Which peril, death, 4iia,puf-: 'felieg. will overhene. eery English- man's home, The bomb will rain alike on the jnel aed, the uejest, theital.-. wert: and' the coward. .1Teneernedp .of nerve or censcienee: will gain ,n6" 0:{7 emptiOn:, C;re 'and elf,. we eball be -faOcr•by -.a menace deeper .than hdP ever &likened the -page ef history. It it he true' that. fell that 4 mail 'lath solf.preoerVation he's neVer been will he give. for pis life, ' the •hiptinct roused hy •a such a summons." -Lon- don Observer:. • • 'Ghost Frequents • 116 ingRo_o1 • So Irish Believe • Selsrcral Say,They • SawMa Dead Three Centuries SAT Count ' Mona hail in mPerner sits Alstrians. 4 ,1 Wealthy Young Hai A,' • Already Suoo04ed Jn GOtting • Fifteen .Febrite Out:of Nazi - Controlled Conntry. 4 , . Nai persecutioh th.'1710nna has , ded aniodern, "Scarlet )rov•Og .4,44144 nobleman ; •nemepake'lethe days °tithe Prenel," 'sot -jinn; .s0t, the taeh4.0t„gim.liggli.ag his friends out 44,- the city Of terror, which. the 7 -fernier .Austrien:10apit41,1100 becenle, The .risks' .runs, in, tricking the ".• Nazis.were described to me,iStiYp•';' !Wl.fiter Ai. the London Daily $itefeb;. ' . , Heu:beigoi' an, .Atietrian: - now 110.1:1g.14'401i.4911 Wliese • . , • saVed.fronv,their. clutches, . • :;• 'A. Myeter(ouS Vop& ' •. • , teelaet ten„da., ".•`‘47141Veti 'itr•Consta,nt ear..fer.the.. safety . of sister,'who coeld. net get but • ' 'fraln..., Austria in thee, • ' . „ •• All effortst� get. Jii tench ' with , her 'Mid felled, w.hen:two..daYs'•ago f rPeel.Ved a mysteriend, telephone, mess, age, fyora.a caller ,:*hn,:refusect to give ,, hie name:, • , .• . „ • ',He Said that. my, ,sister was 'safe and be g'eve melAn eddresa...and.„tele,, iitiniber'.. t• 'Czechoslovakia W:ere,•T 091:14 teleplieneber.- .."1 know the veiee,, Mit-when! asked the speeket td, hisename. ,he • ran off I linme,diately1 jilt, in ajall 'to..my .sister and told her of: the' rive-. ,• tericiaS,telephogef•call., She -82*.1a. that it: wap,•the men who save .. her • and many ,otheis.': Anti -Nazis, : know of fifteen ii.e6ple'Whoni. he • . . . ha' 'succeeded in,getting • cut,. from :. ; Austria. • ' ••. • '"It :is not only Jews 4'h:saving: 1tliere are, qathelies and ;other's' Whose • Iife is not ske• for a...inoment"eirripiy,... 4:.• 1beeau,se they were' known.as anti: Nazi. .'New he ;is-theee'againCand ; pray • for hint."... ' : hest of a 17th century .plantek-.'who ' evicted. -a poor .,,Widevv' and • her e'ight children from their i .Dunsrie farin 'it haunting, a drink-, ing .pool near That's the story 1 local resident's •top,, anywan...• and they • back it up with 'Vivid descr;ptionS: • 'Reflection or His Eyes The planter,. says "legend, ..,.was thrown from his .horse and Sound one nightafter .sunset With neck Tiie• ghost is: said to. appear after shneet„near the epot.where the evicted •woman and her eight "chil- ,dren were founcl dead in the” snow. , John' Francis SMith said 'he. saw . "the .tall figure a a man, dresSed „old-fashioned clothes," as he, walked home.,:•.Thefigure. knelt at the :pool :to .4uench. his thiret "As I watebed, .spell....bound; said Smith, • see therefleetion Of his ey:a in the, clear wate:r: They 'weie likehtwO large • red coals:" • ' ÷-,--Suddenly—the-Aigure0' d sapPeare d - and ' •Sinith, • who 1144O'Ptood in a trance,began toes Afilfr. He said as ,he • ;ran .11e heard the ,setiircl of,- spurred boots. • ' 'Patrick Connelly ':and, Mise ljlhe claim', 'to have --seen .tife7 ghost. Legend his it the figUre .still haunts the district to :frightee people out of their. lands. •• . ,• , Cnadiarris eep . veTitle Are; till Wnrld's Chairlp:on . TaIk- ers' TelephoneAnd Otherwise:. ' • Canadians. are the niostrotalkative people. in the world and .t ey are et- tinl:g. ;even. More so: s • •• Apart altegether, „frbrn the :Wordy briefs.. Presented: 'le .ftoYal, Commissiona and the'4,000;000 to 6,000,000, Words epoken in the.,Hotiee 'o„ficOM- itorIS each session, telePlione Statip- award lognaciouslau'rels:to an- adinn. : TelePhopa_cdnyersatione p,er capita 'during. 1035 in Canada numbered 210.8 cOmPared With 19,7'. in the Unit. cd States, 17.3.9 IO,1 be/mimic' 'and, 152.2, in Sweden, ,-thc next highest coplitries: „Still .ori th iiiereeie„ Canadian calls Were 222 'a .person in .1906., 'latest yew ry,portedr • ,22 Calls Per 'Person•., • Birthplace' of the' telephone,. •c ()vetted bt Alexander „Graham 'gull hi 1576, 'Canada retains the 'lead in 140ire..advancetrient ;Of thie, instru- Meet' in establishing' the lenges,' (gr- eet -vyire voice.' path of 2;,2000, miles between Teronto. and Calgary, Alta, ;Canada'stands .fifth .in world Cain-: 'Orison with 1.,256,228„ telephones in.5ta1led, showing' aimroxirnately 10 • per' ee'tit, ofher, po'Puintion benefits' by telephoni tea:thin, -1-The Jnited Statce is the anlY ".ceuntry. ellowing, a larger'. AuMber of phonee installed per capita:, . • Although ' it is impossible' , de tertriirie whether' 'ninth' women are the greater 'ears -of the "felepiibne,. 16'ng ilfstrnee. More; Sre9uent.1y during . bustnesa • . 13elteved-to--Ite-inore--,-thafr- 22;000;4' .000 •years, old'; .a,tooth Of an" ttnkiroWn se'eel* Wao.foend in R4guAte;,81:: elY, by '1%,i(thard I1iintor, whn dis played it reeetitly' Vhisle visitl'hy; 40, itnilesburg, South Afriea, Canada:Undervoin Ver 46rner,of;,Ohntl'nf Ca/judo...Says ' ThisJs N�Loniew. a Picneer-C.otaittrY • . . . Canadians ;are' passing Ahreugh. ' .diflien10 stage,'' :Grabapi. •Towers • goVerner Of the.:Batik .of Canada, said in bit addreas at. TOrente last week:: ' .1.,Ceneila no longer is a pioneere�un- try,". Mr.•''owers iteid 'the iler of %the St, ..Andrewe';.CeilegeOid. Boys' ',Association,' It • had changed to a 'stage pfinerelnederate d'evelop,Ment which may not-1,:ratrarit Iarge•eapltal epenJituea on the obscale eoFii4 'cofnthee; rps:te.: '4iheu1ty, (n:geY.P.rnirig. the DOMitiiini' 'Which .has hicreeeed• s'oCial." re-'. ,sponsibilitiee, he said,: ;Canedians had ••.: not .yet„dev,e1Oped the experienee of _adrn!7,1 isteringtheleaffnita under :those • „ „'. • • • • FunetiOn, Of .'oefittal Bank' 1 .• Discussing eehstrat banking, "'me. TOwers said the fi0it responsibility of • tho. central. bank :is to • .depide .the • . annit.int. Of cash 11!,!.(1:,:d in the..couity "The amount, of 'the. cash. reserVea' Of tbe!etimmerelaf .banks,".he said "Is. -• *determined •down tO.the,;last dollar' by • the 'action of the 'Bank. of Canede.''..,, The .ceMinercial,!bankpi.lit'.turn, deter Mined, the voltinie of:credit available. "There ip 110 book which . one: can, teen which will tall' just' Wilat.:aCtiOn is appropriate:et the:given inoment,'',.. 3:Ir. Towers, continited. ,Central 'bank -. geiVereleg credit conditions: depended upon stUdy. of f,he. VolUme. of . busineeS and Many oth-Pr factors. He ,• added::: has always leenamistake•'.. .. in .recent,..yeara to say' that 4 ,ceptral bank was not. riedessarY . in . . ... • . ... • Play Baseball •By'• Lifireniif • California Institation use 'A. Jingling Ball men. at the'•Indiistrfal• ,HOMO Lor Mr it Blind 4i. Oakland; 'C'al,„, are, , learning ..to seited7., 'baseball, • , • , . • „ •Th garne deViebtl by Superinteilnet; itebert :V".'•C,holeiller,' Is baseball wltJi• 'e Inizier and ithell, but 'It'sIiieball., • . , , "••'. : 'regtilitr indeoe :baseballdial-66nd.: equipped with ya rd-smi are. basea-and .yarti.witle .carpeted haew liliOs s_ the Equipinent' eonsiato. Of, an indeerhaseliall with a:jingling ecite: a, leacktYfer .and . , Tee playeri emietittite ,a team: Nite • of them Itic ,up on heeds •and ' knee) back •..e.i'.the base Iri between; first . and :thirtl,:' The tenth, • inPti'eat. has partial . , . The piteber really deesn't•eount': HP pitelieS for both* teanie. 1.30.• rolls tbe hn11 to'home. plate, atifl'ilie .batter,Att.kd 'JP. gelded.; bniy by the..gotind cif the jingiftig. eore, sivat8 it, • ', . The:. fielders . tlio ball 'corning and, tco one heart:41,41a , "nitd,.:tiothf• it toWard. 'tite. base for Whieh , the. ilonner i heed:ed.,. Thelma 'Meet ' tl`tNilA 0a,t1i to putilitin out. lintleate thpst- .A. hottle,..rui..18••pig- = .threO bio,r,pP.Ithd a hell,:• . • .11 AnAlyldah .to.ttriAs .s1.0 reto.rted have spent. 4navoi'age tit , in Switierland 'in •