HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 6-
. Highlights :the, We'etc!s,
By Elizabeth Ee
; Instead pf plenping t iiardh in
"044 9,Ver• Czechealpyakia.
lie. 'did
Adelfitier.ie. In the
ent eades..Uling ether reethedS which,
0re. Celenlated!' eitner te. eanOe Czech
OSIOValtat to ,,IDIOW froin 'the in.
hl or. to OiO Ilitter;" reas9n fQr
• .coiningeto :the"..air.•of the. German
iceinority: ieacde'.;!,!107entral;: 41.1rone.'0.
•,deinocracy..". ' , • •
T1e'.14imiii.likn. eug waged• Jo •
.• • .
• "erifel'effaii% ' one . Of gur,.
' hae4eSt,,. „best, un most 'all-
' 'ent coUntries• internaldisserision
Xil*.i'lge.7"akkitregi4t.i.Pe44.-1.0thcr tttr-ried::
'•'leacler.' of the 'Sudeten. Gerinans; a
..pertYin the .C'echparlianient,' takes
•• .his' orders -direct from . Hitler,: nialt0
moat •inureaseriable";and tiricarled.,for
•enianda-, en the Premier of his own
county,.. ips;ete that :.(;;echosioval.sia
' itbandc* 'democracy •and :bedeme 'Part
•Of the 44,tfhe. Fatherland„ Greater
•Gn2ahy" It is iiredicted. that .earl5.7
•Anney,,;.H.Ohleinii..will demand that
•the 1,-:.Germans,in I Ceehosloyakia .be
permitted. • A' plehiscite;„ expressing
*ThethertlifreY, 44„ir.e. to'reinaih where
'-t.het--are-,7•0,r-leity--:Greater. Germany,
Abotit that time., or even a
the erfeiS 1ikey toueine., to
head:, • ''
.•?.4.11.0*..Vve'uld,'Wes:Cariadians. tate. it
azouId the French ..devernmene'stir
trouble in ...Quebec.
dernandn e plebiscite: "Shall We:eteY.
with., Canada:, become parT7 of,
Prancer)• :•
1.. CZecluialoyakia :has, allies, pledged
to :, conte.e to her aid -.—France and
Iisia Bbtnow France la-tied...tip
_ new Angla,Fiench
...13i,!fain'V. he p 'should' Prnzice , choose.
to aid CiechOslevalcia, In feet:1'11'1.1f,
axn is already tclling the . -Czech
Prethjer that his C'encessiens ,to . per-,
.man'y are nht .good enongh,7 that he
;Muse, give in. to ',Hit*:stil, further.
diffieult ituation Democracy f has
lialfer in. tlip 'history of MO.dern times
.bfiutokso'bad it'Spot;
' * * *
• 4PEEIYVIV,I'' CROSSINGS: ....A ita,.
tistieal Supley •••inide by the IkIlitOrj:
Vehicles p4anch of the-
GOVerninelit reVealp'..that.
. most acvi-
dents ,14, (Intario occu at
tions 'hen 'experienced driv‘eFai7a:tie
:at the!.,whePO. of 'card; inlike4;.*611;
ditiore': in tend daylight.,•T'oll,,'.740,
.7 -speed : :is • id to :be. •respOnsihlea
„speed cgreetpr„.than the ,tratrie.;.:oe...ToTt:
I ,C0r4diti01104170*:. N90 ;
ptished. akthis ' time hy the:.Goyerte.
'Znent . pf tile tTnited States
Governmen't of British Columbia is
4 .ptoPosetli"five-;nation": highway to
• ' :Alaska, ‘.-ftein .Mexite, through the
Columbia and the y.4-
'.‘ ken., terr4457.:. P.reinier 7Pattulle, of
ish7ctirtunbia, ;wa..
ton "last letinth conferring on' the
•inatter, now the House o
. , ,
• :,RopteSeriti"fi.fee'haS :pasSed and sent
..,t�, the.:::Senata billautboriziilg the
President 'An ,.appeint, ,a five man
Commissi which would , negotiate
• with..teprentatives ofthe Ponithion.
:GOVerrinle4t. ' • ,
.' The ,.bui1Iing1 of!sech a-highWay
Weuldetieiylip,a'whOleneW te.tritory
fel!, foutisk deVelopmerit. 'in Canada
and tap 'untold soureesof revenue
'(which we.liadly 'need)." Incidentally
Value'ae a "Military road!' is, self=,
• 'AICN• OPENINgf ' is
' eyeing; Seith, Africa as e possible
field f,ot new trade developinents.
• iron"' the IVilian point of view. Sale
• of coffee,; cement and ether, goods
from Italjap East Africa to the
• :Union of ,,,Igoath Africa would pay
, for the pUthase ofSouth Afrigan
144,1%,;„„ip.„,...nat• fer.consumption in Ethiopia,
. nnd ror ravt Materials to be used by
Italian' indUstries at hoin'e. •:
declarce thnt the 'defaUlting et
MoesejaW, on. SMne bonclp just pre-
Vi.:011s1r, Was yesPorisih,le, together
With:the lossin "credit Of certain 9f
Out* pi�yinces.- Ea.ch .new. default
'places an even heavier hnrdell On
the 1)91.11inioni cietracts froni- Caria,
May Make Park
Of Huge Marsh
e ,
Would Turn. S,,Vanip Land.; i‘Pear'
Into. dame
, Sanctuary
j'ae ',Luther . 1Viatsn,. near Orange.
ves.:.s'tretch of 10,000 -acres,
May• be transfermedr: ftonl •a,, wet,. dese
late area:into a provincial oark, and
game pandtaary; •ir pleas, 'of 'leading,
citisenS'. and erganizatioaa..are adopted
hY.' the .government, . •.•
• The marsh Is regarded as the meet'
important.. oeaiIty1ns. tbe....Wa.tersbeti
.of. the 'Orand Alver. from -the :stand;
pole( of Watee conservation..
• Ten MifesLong• , •
. •
;Recently- a propoaal to teen it into
,A. erovinCial, park'was by the
federation . of ,natinallets. The marsh
1840:Mile's long and in some places
two miles Wide. It straddieS, the,toWn.
line 'bOwee,n, East West. Luther
for ,approximately silc: 'miles: It •eon -
tains peat to a depth of ,15 „feet. r
;i News In Review
. sent.: • Werd,-
this Week‘end 'that the second Japan-
ese, ehai•ye. in Southern Shantprig,
Prpvieee, pivotal fi•ont of the:war, was
Oil the verge Of 'eollapse„ , • ••
•Chishing ef,1J the first,„'d.rive' last
;UiPilih, ;WI'S:Tithe most dcanstrouS, defeat'
•of a Modern Japanese army.
No*,!chinete• deplared:. they ' are
ready. to Pend .800,QQQ. „trOolie "144:in,41
. „
the reinfOrcedJananeselegions:whi•eh;
,thy . Pay, are Wearied' • to .,eXhanatidli:
and again kiinning
• •- .• ,
, •
'kits. Appears •SolleV1
the • Tee.X944 le Df thd
tyo great..,dietatereialpe ef• the •flarif,s:
,intlie,Rome.ef the caeitirs, and .''of" the
inedleVal P�pes, the, twe, Outstanding:
dleintOrs :Of;our'To•Wn met'feeis to demdnsti ate their unity of' this
linineOP In :•hnildirig, for their-'.n,i3ePp,le
new empires, edelt'• accordingtj
11 ht •
, • Will -'Benefit Canada: :‘
trade advalatigeO•glv-.
ea -to the Untted- Kingdom in the Eire
market under': the. ,recent agreenient
ate alse.,extended.!1 to Canada,daceotd:
tethe' teXtLpf.„-t4e..,..tagreemAtt
with the :United Kingdomp issued
•, ,•,-.
. •.
Chnadais. the only, meniber of the
• ,
Britislt,.%Conimonwealth. of • :Netions,
'that is 'Mentioned in ' the•bill, apa
• rt , .
from the signatories. .
: —o—
, • .
-.; rioniand Bishopiftesign ...
f STUTTGART Gei.naanY The "i\la.-
Lionel Socialist, Governer of'. Wuert-
. .
terabe.rg,'• Wilheinci Mint, :hap • publicly
demanded ine• resignation of 13ieh.6
'Johann Baptist Sproll Of Rottenbu ,
icea:d.oi .the Catholic Church in Wuert-
. , .
ternberg,because. he 'failed' to -vete in
the 4p4'eliluss ;plebiscite and .Reichs-;
. .
.tag elections.,.Th7 demand appears in
„ . , .
tht .local partY o -gen, National Soci-
allot ktirier. - " • •'
•• . WHAT '0,A1,101,'S AFTER: ;Mete-.
ter King.CArol of'.Runidnie is, work,
• ing.up. toisemethieg' dOWn there in
hia corner,Of,Eilrope. 'After te-
• Piseence, attropie,hs•b•eeil •thi.g4Od.
• (of tIve 'Off the "Iron.
Guard"), .10,bser'Veed tell usthat be
• likelY, te.".‘„.make a go' for' Hcr
,• .
avvelloW it.tup;, with the • corinivanee
'Of 'Polandl.eventuallY, Create a gal,
• , 'tie -Black Sea axis fayorable to„ the
O1,11tle1'd .Gerinany.
•'.:* Jelin .G,tinther's 4`.Intide, turepq"
• ihforms u ,that igi„
nnania 04.11'37)
• try ".-tich, 'richit1 natneal, resott4e0S'
-Whose fil 1na.bied ./hite • by
• :Mismanegement of Sunda, end
• cal graft.' .:Itiof /IOW the gOverillUent,
• .owes Fran i great tlalof money.
•. .
• .BLOWS TO 'PlIgSTIGE:l.en.,
II. Stevees, Ilecenstructinnist *Mein-
• bee n the', Ilonse of .Cepimerid, de-
. etars thtit HothiriThri prestige „Aid
Dominion ,O.edit have •been dealt soV-
ere bio we uring the. PaPt1.Yetir,.110
" 'erring to the 116,Minion'.
• ,tatilethittias.no" wiiith-Wea: 9 rt......the.
• London market three itigtitht,t, 00, and,
. 'hung. fire At week .or ten days; he,
• ,
'finge shipment Weigh .221ez•
• • Tons; lifito4,Ming 'ROO JoM
• .fM4,0N.TOM. Approximately
•ItEdiall..beea Along. Wlth.
' few, hundred thensalid,'
' will *Migrate to,,,Alhertathis Spring,
Jto1ik4_lees, wh.,I,P1i settle
doWn, in varios 'PArtsof the .prov7.
ince., are the type most hi hly
,ored by he -keepers through ,Nerth,
Ameriaa because Of their hardiness
an ea heusekeeping:, They .earne
to . •
S. 0.• 1-1111Prqd; • 41herta!s • chief
.;apitaitSt, estimates ,:the •9:9' 500 000
bees will e1gh 'but' 22 1 2 teris;1
,Tie hitchhikers cif cdurse,• \.vifl Make
.the • total irrimigratiOn • thaa,
is,h1t,4 ; .'-' • '
,.• ,France,IncreaseS' Detentes .
PARIS.—France this week '. met a,
new oheve ef Italtan':-O,erinen s�fldartty
'ordering."abigger army; navy and
The Natienal Defense C,abinet, head,
.ea Pretnier Deindier,...geo.red-:.the
• wheels of li'reech eacrionly .and ;finance,
tO.a:higier and strongerwar niachine
bY decrees 'issued jtot Adolf:Hitler,
approaehed .flonte' for a Visit to,
• ••
Kirig'.griens Enhibition• ,
.04Asq_OWIche 0,0a.t. Empire, Ex•
Tetflied, By 'the -
Meek of „ti, greet, Commenwepith'ef
tlo1)S' WrIS • CVeiled • bY. Hie .1V1ajestY•
here:, .; •,
• 011eering throngs,. ,exCeeding
,600r, assembled: fti 11iiiox
,clalined the 'King and (Usti, as, they
arrived in an open . landau, the tip-
pitte•ln, inbilattive•.was
statelk, readerni.Stio, grp,tip 2. pf 1u1lel,:
inghin ,Bullahouston. Park; with ...the.
high .,elieft tmpliv lowering ever
;the Scene, 1, • :0
• . .
•'Puni0.-Frinting nBrtain
• T.ONDON.—Britnin . already is
ing plans for future •Pump.priniing, Sir
iJP17i)oci,,:minister of, iferiliti,
revoaled0ast week WilrYIV 'nkin at
a M101.0911 Ce161)TMI1Ig•the. Manchester
cchteintrY, •• ,
. clpti o
.tlundt`lue tc propiire plans: "foilve;
years ahead In order that the' ptoottni
• - • • •
.ot public works bitty proceed as rapid.
iyuaPOSSIble"Wlieh 91VO started, ''Stiv
• When. the „1 be 'start 914 ..f19i11::
• callferr4 .Mr, Hillenad sai4, they
e.":PaCrted," a. eCrefilited, cagee, The
• queens 41,00 the .419,00. ,404 the.Werlt-
• PrS an got: Oo 0419 ..,C14.W -9f..trana,
• 149:.• •• Arts4tAigh4e..: truck's..." t• heir • 'heat earefUl-
1Y. regniated. 'en.:rente„ qave1 album
hmidreils'qf theueartda of the MU*.
bees 'fasten themselVes:tO the
Sidea... Of' the cages 4, The 9110 inside
fee cl thOn. jP4t, aOi generOnSiy As they
feed, .themselves.. •. ••
Mio,h4thor.§.‘..4r001 eyn
400.0E401Y '4f the, -Shrhe race hs thq
,heea. Ah.o. SereelW they .Ret•
feed anyway,? Mr. ffillernd
'''.1tallans 'were. not. introdne.ed•jte
'America:1.14ft 501:-Ok pot: yearo‘; ago. -
•:Halgere.::,tnat the Meat Popular •genins'
, was „the German
one -year 50 000 colonic§ of Hack
NeW.V.ork etete' were...Wiped
e:ut seldem': hites
the.. Italian.beeat9the Italianere
better' hOusekee' ere:. ' • ' •:
•Oirr Qerila611 ,R1141074.:
. Any' day, Pow Callad4 :Mar eXpect to
he faued by hfieniaukfrOrn Hitler that:
'wed eee,e,e ,Oppreoeing.the 'German
„nerity,", Withipt our. herders tie else.
Canilece'Vsaa ,I;ViarP
• Consideration o Et-ropenn
• Marketsriric'es-Ilave-Riaen
Fast Few:. Years.
• In 1915 flax fire sold for 00 cents
• a Round and the price of ,fibre flax
seed was $3.O0•bushel .The high
price a fibre was directly due' to
•the excessive war -time :clefnands at
• tat time. •In the eriod from 1011
te,•1918, the price of fibre flax reach.:
.ed , an all-timehigh, going from .60
gents'to 6'.1.25. a pound. In sympathy
With this eensational iecrease .1the
IfTrice of ,fibre flax seed' jumped, from
!' $5.00 t� $9,„00 „budhel.
•After the 'war (151.4718); the price
-of fibre dropped . an, a1l4irne. 'low
• of 16 cents a. pound and, the seed
pries turnhled' frOM $9.00, t� - $2.00
a' bushel:. During the interval of. the
Period the pride Of .:Iihre
flax Seed vide -froth 02.00'.fte.-.86..25,
bushel. This encetiraging ; riie in
.'price level Was in n.9' Shialf,' Way clne
• tothe introduCtion of pell'greed
ieties of fibre flax. These, apeeiel var.
.leties, were imported from he .North:.
lof:„Ireland through the .ed-opeeation
• of;.;:the .MinistrY, of ...Agriculturein
zIeelend And the Fibre, Division of the
Central Experimental
..: Fa:10:
Ro'ever, from 1935. to ,1-937 'flax
:fibre prices 'have slowly:" 'risen: to
abut 8'cents a' pound Tor the- best
of mnieChacal pullers!and tur-
,hine:fietftching machines hY the. DO-:
minionGoerriniert- iri 1937 has jent
'neW,stiniulus to Cariadlan flax . pre,
duction. The.: flax acreage has ,ad'
'.vaneect rom a.little over 6,000 acres
in 1623 t� 7,900 in 1937 •;With a ktie
ther increase of. 2,000 .acres 'expect-
edin19.38',.: ' ' •
• ;: Competition ,
Futti.re. _prospects tor fibre •deve
opment in Canada re, encouraging,
because •Canada,..iniy .,sure
consideration on the European Mar-
kets.. Russia is exporting: les§ and
less •fihre each y,ear tb .Ireland .bn-ae--
connt Of the .fact that She rPtiniree a
'nitich..larger amount for :her own
spinning,: "kgetoriee she • has
been°, developing • these. .:..past .efew
Ili E addition tothis* ',Canadian
groVers .are'. better organized tO
!handle the ;expected increase in 1bilsil
'neas• than they have e,vet 'been; 'aloe
Scottish , and Irish' buyers , are begin
.ningio look to Canada for. a' ierge
•portiorildf . their future. ouppliel..
, ,
. . .
sae .•Streng . and:, spaciona
enotigicte weighr.thrOe.,elephants1lias.
been installed near the zoo in, ,fohati-
neshurt,'Sonth Africa. •r.
, . •
"Immediately on attaining power
each dictate'', has stip5ressell, all ,free
speech except hiS --•110bert
.i .1.`Here Are- Mr„Lectures And Ste:
By Stephen "Leacock.
• "A ' year.-agoi", Says".kr,..: LefleoCk,'
,spoofinglyi "I ,retired• from college.
lecturin-e, „ar'ilie!-Iirgerit-retrtrePt—raf-
the .colleg.P trustees, who were very,
grirrk about it. :New, ,at the, request
of innumerable friends all over the
Cetintryi I am tetiring froth ,leettiring
:on the, 'public .Platforin aa. U: humor
s -
ily p heo• and .• oonie •P., . er , 'insect-
lane,ona. iteins from the. lunacy Of
"Leneock, •Canea'S preniiet liemoiiat, •
•, :Elsewhere 'Mr, -Leadock ..has''Spok-
•'01.-,z . of his exeruciating experteaces,,
while leCturing her you ;get .the
lectures , tliemselves.,.. and. ...quite a
feast :they:make for those:who' have
followed his . written • Word for le,.
these Many • years. The' lectures are
•.inere serious, at least in Omits, than
Opine .,Of tis , had ' ..been • imagining;
"Hovv &km- Can .We Start The, Next
'War?" .for instance, turns gilt to be
,a 'timely OtatiOn: full ofsound sense,
• ninonfiting. ahriost' to one of , these
• t'alks' fel...serious listeners -in en the
. .
radio.'•.1Lnnati; lInt;,:!HaPpy • .. , . .
. . , . ..
Our leettirer. is, happiest,' perhapsy
in. his _talks .,to. 'college • audiences,
• suCti. as "RecoverY. After Graduation,
.or 'Looking _Back' on .College,"; .-in
which he -malls deligilitfully„.;overthe
dear 1 old eannmia scenes, gayly inis.:.
quetes. 'Shakespeare.. . . ' '
"What I Don't, Know 'About the
.. .
Drama"".1and three.leetetes On. "Pren-
Zia '..Fiction,." give* Mr. Leaceek ' leti I
of16.0veyto giVe us sscraps • of ,•bur- .
lesque.' • ' , : , ., , •, ,
. Yonearit.t4e11---*XactlY-:,hew-7,-Mr..'7
'Leacock . -.;*els about , life .itt•-';:thia.:
point;.1of C6urse.. In:the final piece .".0:
,his 'lecture volume he's a, trifle ,pes-:
shnistic.abeut retired. professdrs who
think_they...ar _....goingH-te.-;e6inplefe.-
-their "great , sternieces now that
the.••linstle nd'.biistle. is: e'er... Here;
ishis last ..7ord . on that:. "When peo-:`
ple'say t� Tee; •"You'll ..be _able .nOw'
to 'finish., your book' on the ,History:
Of Political Theory,"." I answer,. To
hell With it'." . • 1 .• ., :• .' , • ••
"Here Are „My leCtures and '..Stor.-.
ies,", :hy, Stephen. I...eaeoek, '251 pp,,:,
42: ' M„ cLolland • ityid Stewart, Limit-
• ed, TorOoto: '
' younger generations, .ever
'since. the , beginiditg. •of •tirne; have,
illem. Van, Loon,,
BecaUse of the Japanese invasion,,
in 36.0 ktplare mils: nor h of hang
, •
zhai there Will he, pradtihnily 110 bar-,
vesting of slice, cotten or beans this
Not PerceptihlY stieter,
v- r •...rep.op. e• leve
:mined. More 'sugar lastyear thne.ever
before...Bet ,it Ties net,,Seem to have
syeetened internetiohal blationshipe
in perceptible eegree.,-43reeky:Ile At.
corder And Times: • ..
Service to 'the Conununity .
• A -single grain of sand is_ alinost in
linitesimai • yet ell.dry grain c,•alito 10
foirelag thelar-flung shores Ca' the
Pea. Similatly ever
honest, • industrious, and .' imbued , 11
.014 spirit of 'service is an influence Of
eller Record. ••'
Getting, Lets ofyilelp •
One reSult of theRowell ,Commis-
sionhas been the exCellent Wciri(dene
on its. behalf by private and"public or-
gabilatiens. • Thrcingli • it, eitizena
Meet' parts of Cahada have had an bp,
damentalS of goVeynmental 'e#endi-
ttire and'eperation; These studies,in
themselves, should: reap rich JeWards,
in ,a` better underetanding of public
from • the dqib
Selea..Finaneial Post.,
Stink°. in.the HMS • .
The weatlier:growa,werteer' and ;NO-
va Seotiane are begitinng- to .enjoy the:
best the S.'pring season. Anglers.
are.„geing to the- lakes..and ..riverO and
others are taking to the, oPen, road. for
change of scene,- and air; It is
Pleasant.season, The sun begins:, to
'give', some signaof life are
oh': every hand.;,. -and the .whole.world'
is,' filled *Rh ailticiPatiOli of: growth
, , ,
and, biotin:L., The: .Cotititry.eicte has
. . .
beenty-..peculiar to • the 'season.. Sturdy
,fieraes.draW ploughs through the 'rich
earth and 'bine enfeke turle, Up.gfreM
;the hills as men of the,Soll cleat t44ir.
land of ..brush.•Halifax Chronicle.
Sick Motor Cars
. „ .
' Tre,Sefeti'teague is On Safe.•grennii,
•when. •••it ;insist -Pi that all used cat§
should beAexamined fer,inechanicet
'recto before they are. resoldI they:
Wel e,•. Many-Oftheifdeathitiaps-to7.4-W.
'seen On 'th highWayo.weuld.be on the
junk4leary:-.' pending a general exam-.
inationof meter • vehieleiditiatie at
tention slio,uldbe paid:tell:wee' that
Seem to be falling:. to pieces.• These
removed. •Speeial care; sheald be exer-
:cloect, toWUrd.. making sure ,thaf:•per-
rilatientlY diseased cars, Made,temlier-
arily..eOnvialeseent,With a:paint brush.
Ood..a..14.0.4.kok-wre.deti; oft:tho...
rtitglttyt-St Thomas Times -Journal.
, • ;• . „ , •
Indian Net Vanishing,
ThOyused to refer t.6.1110,.Indien as
thp 4.iyanishi4 Ainerlean,'' but the fi.g7
urea :refute the theory. entirely. The
,Indiaariferfrom vanishing,is increaS-
•.ing in numbers, in:Canada .at any rate,
Po ttie..pictereeque1and pathetic,' title
. •
ledian..po.pitlation figures ,in this tib-
minich • have 'varied beinewhat ,ia the
last few ' fpri4Tholthc1 .Man did,
•Ind'eed, Appear, to be. declining numer-
ically ebere-a, aericus showed
thet.the Indians of, Canada minibered
•onlY 104,000; as ,coinpared With 110,000.
iti•1907, 13.9t latest returns iseuedyby
thj Departmeet. Of , Mince' and, „Be,
.8:Otirdee •8116* that ',,there ere nOw ap
proximately 114,000 Indians iesident.
in ebuntry,--7Brantford txpOsitori,
, . , ,
*dem Civilization Reaches OW hulia
Thb Thdiah ulgticin o ton.fhi`iy, has !tyloPte.d At 'lag crte ft the rae'derP Iveal10118,. eivili2atien
It it is piActictd in the crilightOn0. Wcsti; This, girl Alidket is urging a strike!
• All in the' Next 'Front 'Line • • .
• • .
'Por 'Barcelona! read. ,Battersea' or
'Birmientarn '• and one need- go p.6.1fur•:.
thee thanthe daY'e _neWspaper • for" a
picture of Di- next war: -V, 'one will be
'able: to tell, when:lie may be ,in the
front line.. 'Men an women •alike will
find the, niepaea of denth.•eenfrenting
themin eat:lees. more ..horrible' than
7evertr 's amine o
isni.„,„: The Ring oe Terrors, •when Hee"
• tor -and Lysander faced him„. was
gentleman: in •comentisen •with the
shapes ,in Which peril, death, 4iia,puf-:
'felieg. will overhene. eery English-
man's home, The bomb will rain alike
on the jnel aed, the uejest, theital.-.
wert: and' the coward. .1Teneernedp .of
nerve or censcienee: will gain ,n6" 0:{7
emptiOn:, C;re 'and elf,. we eball be
-faOcr•by -.a menace deeper .than hdP
ever &likened the -page ef history. It
it he true' that. fell that 4 mail 'lath
solf.preoerVation he's neVer been
will he give. for pis life, ' the •hiptinct
roused hy •a such a summons." -Lon-
don Observer:. •
'Ghost Frequents •
116 ingRo_o1
• So Irish Believe • Selsrcral Say,They
• SawMa Dead Three Centuries
Count ' Mona hail
in mPerner
sits Alstrians.
4 ,1
Wealthy Young Hai A,'
• Already Suoo04ed Jn GOtting
• Fifteen .Febrite Out:of Nazi -
Controlled Conntry. 4 ,
. Nai persecutioh th.'1710nna has ,
ded aniodern, "Scarlet
)rov•Og .4,44144 nobleman ;
•nemepake'lethe days
°tithe Prenel," 'sot -jinn;
.s0t, the taeh4.0t„gim.liggli.ag his friends
out 44,- the city Of terror, which. the 7
-fernier .Austrien:10apit41,1100 becenle,
The .risks' .runs, in, tricking the ".•
Nazis.were described to me,iStiYp•';'
!Wl.fiter Ai. the London Daily $itefeb;. '
. ,
Heu:beigoi' an, .Atietrian: -
now 110.1:1g.14'401i.4911 Wliese •
. ,
• saVed.fronv,their. clutches, . •
:;• 'A. Myeter(ouS Vop& ' •. •
, teelaet ten„da.,
".•`‘47141Veti 'itr•Consta,nt ear..fer.the.. safety .
of sister,'who coeld. net get but • '
'fraln..., Austria in thee, • ' . „ ••
All effortst� get. Jii tench ' with ,
her 'Mid felled, w.hen:two..daYs'•ago f
rPeel.Ved a mysteriend, telephone, mess,
age, fyora.a caller ,:*hn,:refusect to give ,,
hie name:, • , .• . „ •
',He Said that. my, ,sister was 'safe
and be g'eve melAn eddresa...and.„tele,,
iitiniber'.. t• 'Czechoslovakia
W:ere,•T 091:14 teleplieneber.-
.."1 know the veiee,, Mit-when! asked
the speeket td, hisename. ,he
ran off I linme,diately1 jilt, in ajall
'to..my .sister and told her of: the' rive-. ,•
tericiaS,telephogef•call., She -82*.1a.
that it: wap,•the men who save .. her •
and many ,otheis.':
Anti -Nazis, :
know of fifteen ii.e6ple'Whoni. he
• . . .
ha' 'succeeded in,getting • cut,. from
:. ;
Austria. • ' ••. •
'"It :is not only Jews 4'h:saving:
1tliere are, qathelies and ;other's' Whose •
Iife is not ske• for a...inoment"eirripiy,... 4:.•
1beeau,se they were' known.as anti:
Nazi. .'New he ;is-theee'againCand ;
pray • for hint."... ' :
hest of a 17th century
.plantek-.'who ' evicted. -a poor .,,Widevv'
and • her e'ight children from their i
.Dunsrie farin 'it haunting, a drink-,
ing .pool near
That's the story 1 local resident's
•top,, anywan...• and they • back it up
with 'Vivid descr;ptionS:
• 'Reflection or His Eyes
The planter,. says "legend, ..,.was
thrown from his .horse and Sound one
nightafter .sunset With neck
Tiie• ghost is: said to. appear
after shneet„near the epot.where the
evicted •woman and her eight "chil-
,dren were founcl dead in the” snow.
, John' Francis SMith said 'he. saw .
"the .tall figure a a man, dresSed
„old-fashioned clothes," as he, walked
home.,:•.Thefigure. knelt at the :pool
:to .4uench. his thiret "As I watebed,
.spell....bound; said Smith, •
see therefleetion Of his ey:a in the,
clear wate:r: They 'weie likehtwO large •
red coals:" • '
÷-,--Suddenly—the-Aigure0' d sapPeare d -
and ' •Sinith, • who 1144O'Ptood in a
trance,began toes Afilfr. He said as ,he •
;ran .11e heard the ,setiircl of,- spurred
boots. •
' 'Patrick Connelly ':and, Mise ljlhe
claim', 'to have --seen .tife7
ghost. Legend his it the figUre .still
haunts the district to :frightee people
out of their. lands. •• . ,•
Cnadiarris eep .
Are; till Wnrld's Chairlp:on
. TaIk-
ers' TelephoneAnd
Otherwise:. '
• Canadians. are the niostrotalkative
people. in the world and .t ey are et-
tinl:g. ;even. More so: s •
•• Apart altegether, „frbrn the :Wordy
briefs.. Presented: 'le .ftoYal, Commissiona and the'4,000;000 to 6,000,000,
Words epoken in the.,Hotiee 'o„ficOM-
itorIS each session, telePlione Statip-
award lognaciouslau'rels:to
adinn. :
TelePhopa_cdnyersatione p,er capita
'during. 1035 in Canada numbered
210.8 cOmPared With 19,7'. in the Unit.
cd States, 17.3.9 IO,1 be/mimic' 'and,
152.2, in Sweden, ,-thc next highest
coplitries: „Still .ori th iiiereeie„
Canadian calls Were 222 'a .person
in .1906., 'latest yew ry,portedr •
,22 Calls Per 'Person•.,
• Birthplace' of the' telephone,.
•c ()vetted bt Alexander „Graham 'gull
hi 1576, 'Canada retains the 'lead in
140ire..advancetrient ;Of thie, instru-
Meet' in establishing' the lenges,' (gr-
eet -vyire voice.' path of 2;,2000, miles
between Teronto. and Calgary, Alta,
;Canada'stands .fifth .in world Cain-:
'Orison with 1.,256,228„ telephones
in.5ta1led, showing' aimroxirnately 10
• per' ee'tit, ofher, po'Puintion benefits'
by telephoni tea:thin, -1-The
Jnited Statce is the anlY ".ceuntry.
ellowing, a larger'. AuMber of
phonee installed per capita:, .
• Although ' it is impossible' , de
tertriirie whether' 'ninth' women are
the greater 'ears -of the "felepiibne,.
16'ng ilfstrnee.
More; Sre9uent.1y during . bustnesa
• .
13elteved-to--Ite-inore--,-thafr- 22;000;4'
.000 •years, old'; .a,tooth Of an" ttnkiroWn
se'eel* Wao.foend in R4guAte;,81::
elY, by '1%,i(thard I1iintor, whn dis
played it reeetitly' Vhisle visitl'hy; 40,
itnilesburg, South Afriea,
46rner,of;,Ohntl'nf Ca/judo...Says
' ThisJs N�Loniew. a
Picneer-C.otaittrY •
. . .
Canadians ;are' passing Ahreugh. '
.diflien10 stage,'' :Grabapi. •Towers •
goVerner Of the.:Batik .of Canada, said
in bit addreas at. TOrente last week:: '
.1.,Ceneila no longer is a pioneere�un-
try,". Mr.•''owers iteid 'the
iler of %the St, ..Andrewe';.CeilegeOid.
Boys' ',Association,' It • had changed to
a 'stage pfinerelnederate d'evelop,Ment
which may not-1,:ratrarit Iarge•eapltal
epenJituea on the
obscale eoFii4
'cofnthee; rps:te.:
'4iheu1ty, (n:geY.P.rnirig. the DOMitiiini'
'Which .has hicreeeed• s'oCial." re-'.
,sponsibilitiee, he said,: ;Canedians had ••.:
not .yet„dev,e1Oped the experienee of
_adrn!7,1 isteringtheleaffnita under :those •
„ „'. •
• • FunetiOn, Of .'oefittal Bank' 1 .•
Discussing eehstrat banking, "'me.
TOwers said the fi0it responsibility of •
tho. central. bank :is to • .depide .the • .
annit.int. Of cash 11!,!.(1:,:d in the..couity
"The amount, of 'the. cash. reserVea' Of
tbe!etimmerelaf .banks,".he said "Is. -•
*determined •down tO.the,;last dollar' by •
the 'action of the 'Bank. of Canede.''..,,
The .ceMinercial,!bankpi.lit'.turn, deter
Mined, the voltinie of:credit available.
"There ip 110 book which . one: can,
teen which will tall' just' Wilat.:aCtiOn
is appropriate:et the:given inoment,'',..
3:Ir. Towers, continited. ,Central 'bank -.
geiVereleg credit conditions:
depended upon stUdy. of f,he. VolUme. of .
busineeS and Many oth-Pr factors. He ,•
added::: has always leenamistake•'..
in .recent,..yeara to say' that 4 ,ceptral
bank was not. riedessarY . in
. . ... • . ... •
Play Baseball
•By'• Lifireniif
California Institation use
'A. Jingling Ball
men. at the'•Indiistrfal• ,HOMO
Lor Mr it Blind 4i. Oakland; 'C'al,„, are, ,
learning ..to seited7.,
• , • , . • „
•Th garne deViebtl by Superinteilnet;
itebert :V".'•C,holeiller,' Is baseball wltJi•
'e Inizier and ithell, but 'It'sIiieball., • .
, , "••'.
: 'regtilitr indeoe :baseballdial-66nd.:
equipped with ya rd-smi are. basea-and
.yarti.witle .carpeted haew liliOs s_ the
Equipinent' eonsiato. Of,
an indeerhaseliall with a:jingling ecite:
a, leacktYfer .and
. ,
Tee playeri emietittite ,a team: Nite
• of them Itic ,up on heeds •and ' knee)
back •..e.i'.the base Iri between; first .
and :thirtl,:' The tenth, • inPti'eat.
has partial
. , .
The piteber really deesn't•eount': HP
pitelieS for both* teanie. 1.30.• rolls tbe
hn11 to'home. plate, atifl'ilie .batter,Att.kd
'JP. gelded.; bniy by the..gotind cif the
jingiftig. eore, sivat8 it, • ',
. The:. fielders . tlio ball 'corning
and, tco one heart:41,41a ,
"nitd,.:tiothf• it toWard. 'tite. base for Whieh ,
the. ilonner i heed:ed.,. Thelma 'Meet '
tl`tNilA 0a,t1i to putilitin out.
lintleate thpst-
.A. hottle,..rui..18••pig- =
.threO bio,r,pP.Ithd a hell,:•
. •
AnAlyldah .to.ttriAs .s1.0 reto.rted
have spent. 4navoi'age tit , in
Switierland 'in