HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 5,
- 1,11.11,
Lceum -Thoatre,
'09w start! at 8 P. M. except
Sat. -,=Sat. night •two shows
745 end 9,45 p m.
iirsdaY, FridaY, SaturdaY
MAY 12, 13, 14.
Winchell And' Bernie In 'An-
other Feud To, The.:Finish,
Simene. Simon , Sings And. The ,
Whole Ohee .Is SIIPP.corted. BY
T. e• C owning • • a r
And 'join Davis. '',
, 'Also . .
"NEWS" .
Monday, Tuesday, :WednesdaY
MAY .16;
•Two Kids And A Race Horse
In A Picture You Will Never '
Forget. it's A Good Show For.
The Wii-o1-6 Family.• . '
.- and
, When Vivienne ...lean Scokie BeeaMe
Bride Of/ 'Thomas 'Donald 'Alldereeni
Foraler1,i0f Ankhrn
First United, Chtirch"Westinirtater,
of Which the brige father is the
Minister, was the setting.at 9'citick
on Saturday evenig fer . a lovely
sPring brida, When Vivienne Jean,
daughter of 'Rev. JamOS •Scebie and
Mrs. .SCoble, became the bride of
ThOnlas 'Donald Anderson, of Starr-
geen RiverGeld Mines son -of 'Mr,
and Mrs': William Anderson, of All -
burn Both brvie and groom are grad-
.. • ••
nates of citteen!S: UniVersityC•
The • bride's father* performed the
Ceremonyr for which the Wedding
;Music was "played by Miss Marie Baty.
rug..e service e, iter
Mis§ J.anet Scottie; who Os One. of
her, -bridesmaids, sang• in charming
voice "My Heart Is Singing.", Baas
of terns and spring flowers, made a
Plealing, background for the bride.
and her attendants, and the church
Was.,softly lighted with ivory tapers.
• Given, in Marriage by her. brother,
Mitchell Scobig, the bridawas charm-.
her Princess gown of shimm-
ering white satin, the skirt ,flaring
into a. slight train,. the bodice design-
ed:with a becoming-highk -neckline
end, long close Sleeves' eilding in points
to the fingers. Tiny Satin buttons
adorned, the bodice. ;The 'hip -length
veil, worn over.the face, was of ivery
Utile, arranged. under a. Juliet ,.cap
of :pearls\ The bride Wore ivory satin
sandals and carried an arm bouquet
. Of calla lilies. '
The. Attendants
Miss.. Mildred -Scobie *as her sis-
ter'S maid, of honor, gowned in hyac-
inth blue chiffon , over • taffeta, With
. • ,
W. 11.- TOMLINSON, M., F. -
The Teliert, the Einployment.
berniniesien; • .which latelY felded ifs
tents- and very„ Silently stele; al:Y,ity,
'today: ' One, '• blelligefent ,.' gentleman
went so far ,as te, flinethe bluebook
containing this report' .violently to
the.,floor. H. C. Green' of Vancouver
warned- that. ri4s. were . likely to: take
place in that city Owing to the influx
of unemployed • Men. from', thefor-'
estry carnps and the prairiele Mr..
'114gers •midthe Dominion was -*etch-
• ing ',the situation- 'and-, would act in
accordaziee • with the reqUirements..An
excellent.: speech dn. , this Subject 'we's
made IA_ the Liberal Member-. for
Renfrew. He said the "curse of this
conntry.was the idea tlia the 'Federal
Government 'would look atterall our
troubles without :our having • to li,ft
-finger to helpOurselvee He believ
there was work for Many ,of those. on
relief if they were willing , to, eXert
with -him when he Said that it was
not; fair that municipalities Which ,had
'kepi themselves off relief ,should have'
.to.bt.C:,;th,mtt:om_,e burden of those got
called them,
• Ttaitight:: the,. minister ':.of AgricuW
COMING MAY 23; 44, 25.--
• .
Ss t the Lord's g
.The e men o e upper
v'!'res observed in ponneybroOk Church
last Sunday. During the Servide a
aria of ten young People were
ceived as members Of the Church.'
The Y. P. S. Met. last Friday, even-,
Ing -th-Margaret--4efferson--preeld,-
, mg. Irene Jefferson read the : Script.-
nre leigen and Jean Robinson gave
the Topie &dos were • contributed by
Mrs: :Bert Taylor,. andi ,George
, .
. , Wallace.
Visitors, 'at the . home: of Mr. and
. ,•
'Mrs. R. Chaniney during :the, Week-
• :: end i„inehided Mr., and; •Mrs. Elwyn
' ' Chaninei, ' Mr. and 'Mrs, •Ernie 'Doerr
and Joan Mr. and Mre.. Herman
. Cliaiiiney2-and-:-childient-af GOclerieh
and Mr. and Mrs. • S. J: ;Cfnig :and
. 'The Wonienii"''.1,Mit ttite field' their
son Allan, of: A4101 .,, ‘• 1 :• .1
May Meeting at the home of:the, Pres.
,Mrs. Mose. The financial- rePolt fin'
the peat year Was receiVed. etirrent
Events were given by 'Mimi Loretta
'Knit:hart...A letter' Was 'read trent the,
:St.'. Helens branch inviting ' us to 'meet
:with 'them *On 'June .2nd and was itc
cepted with pleasure. 'Roll Call "Hints
to. keeP.,the Baby H,ealthY."'The sub-• .
jeet "Health and Child Weifitre,"'vyas
taken hr ' Mrs.. David .Chaniney, MISS
McAllister and" Mrs. R. t lianiney:
i , , .
'N. Mils Donna Aiiiistrong is Spending
it...coliple..,o1,..,w4e0Wit_Anbnrii With , her
grandnarents, Mr: ,,and Mrs. Win,
.Thenipson.„ , ' . '. ' • : •,“. ' .
, . .. .
....MrS::10;ooseiriore and ;sons Jack . and
•i'reddie of Glencoe aro visiting' With
Mr.'. and Mrs.' Fred Mole. '
short puffed sleeves mitts and
aiippers. •matched her *gown and :7 she
'Wore . a small of hyacinth blue
tulle , caught, with talisman 'rosebuds,
and .carried a Sheaf of .rosea in the,
sante glowing .dolor. The bridesmaids,
,the, bride's .,sister,-;"- Janet, and the
troorri's sister, -Dorothy, wore 'gowns
of similar'. design, the fornier: in. tur,
queise :blue; the latter in; buttercUP
,Yellow:, They carried itiouquets of
pastel. sweet peas' • and. wore '. sma4
flovier 'bandeaux. The , pretty: little;
flower •,girla,. 'cousins uf the bride;
Were , Elizabeth ' Mary, iScobie,
Sarnia,: and Carrell ' Scobia,' Of
,Walton Grove. They Wore frocks :of
'buttercup '-yellOw.;-„Oliver-HLAndetsen,--
of A-neurn, brother of the, groont,.*as
the; best 'inen,;, and the usher's were
• William McDowell,. of' Toronto., and
William H. Waddell . Of Walliceburg
.‘.The reception was held tithe manse
where buffet refreshments were serti-,
Cd. flOwere ;and • • fragrant'
blossoms • were Used in 'profusion
through ,.th'e attractive • rooms. Mrs:
ScObie received in. Most, becoming
gown Of •ecru lace, cut.'on:long
With smart sinall jacket' :Of laceand
broad -Min -tined ,leghorn -hat: Her
flowers were a, corsage of 'tea roses;
Anderson,. mother of the,. bride.:
• • . ' • .• •
groom, chose a!navy geergette • gown,
With Matching hat and accessories,
and a eorsage of :token rose. In the
kipper Mrs: T. A.. McArthur,
Sudbury, . and Mrs. John -,Mecowan,
of 'London, aunts of the bride, presid-
ed .over . 'attractive Thee
assisting,' were the Misses :Mary and
Margaret bleArthiar, -of Sudbury, and
1411/4,5;;:MeC91,van,. Of ;McDonald "
consins. 'Of 'the bride- Miss
Margaret M•cDutrmid, McDonald' Hall,
,,,,Gi_telpLy Miss Dora Miller, •Amherst:
burg; the Misses. Blanche Cowley,
and 4.da .Celgrove, Londen and Miss
I3erta. Riissell, , Toronto; s'
Later. Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Donald
Andersen left for. New York,' the
bride trayeliing 'away in' a , nightfall
bine tailleur,' With, tweed ten. coat and
sheep in • matching,..bltie: .After their
honeYmeen iheY 'Will take up resid-
ence at .turgeoiv.kilier Gold Mines,
Northern,' Ohtani&
• ,., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham
Spent Sunday. with the latter's par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs: Charles',
Miss Beth Walsh- spent Sunday at
i- •• BrMilton Walsh as engaged
'John Wraith,. Of tucknow to shingle
his' barn: N.6 • •
• Mai Enuna Thompson is spending
a few daYs with her.brather, George.
Several of our scholars and teach -
Kr. CraWford, attended .the musi-
cal ' festival at Kincardine on Priddy.
• Mrs, John Nesbit of Both line, Vis.
eat Mr. Ben Scott's recently; •
'Mr. too Mrs. maicohn .Lie • spent
.Sunday, evening at Mr. Albert Scott's.
Mr, Will Scott and Miss Marville
sttemied tbe funeral of_their cousin,.
• • the Asts Peter Smith of Toronto jaht
• visitors., at .the home' of mr, ohn
Enters9n , On Wednesday were, Mrs,
Nohis Guest, - Misses .Nellie and Mir=
• garet Malcolm,:MiscHizel Peres, and
AleKiermlf,---•Mpt. • John larrl
'mrs., 'Aibert Thompson, .Mrs, Albert
-Scott, Miss Margaret ROteitgon. and
Mr, shii, Mrs,,,Victor '
irucepi an Inaugurated
ComitY • Officials And Citizenb of
. ileitWerth District Witness First
; Tr& Plantingin „Flea' That Aims
At. Reforesting 400 Acre!, Q ,
Barren 14and:
priieo , County's. reforestation
eine officinpy.beetinie factoii7.4e of
the '711),. acre plots
seven miles north-
west • Of Hepworth on Fri after
neP.U:as Warden Henry Car-,
kick towrisliiP.,- aT, A. *Auto -
on; romber, of ,the COnnty ,Conncil's
Reforestation Committee Reeye
rf. E. Evans of Arnabel 'tOviiship; and
'eorcle, 290. eitiSena ot the :flistriet
ched the Planting Of the firat'. trees
and ,.heard numerous speeches. .,.
Situated close to Sauble Beath, 'the
Cpunty, ,Forest gemPrises• about 1;596
acs ,of t° barren,: •wind-swept, I and
which, the. county' ht.:01)es, event-
ually beceme a land of: waving' inaPle
trees. ,
Four•trees were officially Planted
.to Mark the occasion, with the:mem-
bers . of .the Reforestation 'Conunittee
'setting .i.i.P. the • first 'Maple: the, coin.
mittee consists' of 'reeve T. E. 'Evans
of .Amahel, Milton ,Theda Of 'SeugeOP
and George Paterson, Bruce County'
-Agricultural Rep. from Walkerton.
Warden Henry 'Lantz first • 'Planted
his particular tree, followed by Mr.
John; former reeve' of
Arran and cpirent ..nieinber,„.. Si.. the
Ontario Legigative Assembly , for
Bruce T. and then' John Longmire of
riled the niakers of Bruce .C9untyie one ,Of three Count-
: •
tire wa .
Mr. Wilee!) Woods
Dundas and-'M.re, A#bur Whetham
of Were vlaitere with We, .4,
J:. Woods for Mothers' PaY.
'Methane Pay wee:Observed, the
United Church on Sunday. , morning,
when the theme of the , service was
!Ii‘Tohmee$,!.piciriotredf9nC, hriem, inter otli,de
'Phe life .o the
the stoy
:v..s. Wrightrrh 0. i nahf, et° gaven: ee thef ifyle, d 4aeets.
Floral' decorations' included abasket
.of 'rniiced flowers, a Mothers' Day gift
to Mrs." K. -Miller: from, her . sop
"Mr. Neeli Todd. was •home: Mint,
Stratford for thaiveek-end.:
• The, ,re,gular"' 'Meeting: 0f the t. P.'
U. was' held On...SnildaY evening' with
'age read' :the scripture leasoit,, and
Gorden Miller' a paper on- Mothers',
Empire, The' chapter from the Study'
.Book -was 'read by, Cuyler Rarnage.
• The ami6a1 meeting of the Wernen'S
1. Elect Officers
itistitute-was held at tliehoine • of
Mrs.,12: 'WoOds 35 ladies pre-.
sent .and with; Mrs:rW.. :pre,
siding. The r011, call WaaresPondecl to
by,' -"The number /Of meetings have
attended. during the year andthe Pay -
• •
• PAdi
0,1 ,3rd ice iiReIiW
Assista4t; 'Was Lila,
WePhrey; pianisto Mrs. Chester
TaYlor; district rep., Mrs. E, W. Ricei,
anditors,• Mrs. J. Cameron., Mrs. E.
*T. TAM; llower.eom.; Mrs, Earl tour-.
ran, ,Mrs. Jas, Gaunt, Mrs. Will Ruth-
erford', MM. ;Chester Taylor; program
porn:, Mrs, George .Stuart,. Mrs. 'An-
dre* Gaunt, ; Mrs. Durnhi.. Phillips,
Mrs g. W. Rice Mies Annje Watio
conVenAra Of standing ccinnutteeP=
Mrs. W. 4.. Mi116r; Home
Economies, Mrs. T. J.' Salkeld; Heal-
th and Child Welfare, gra, G. Stuart;
Agriculture and Canadian Industries,
Mrs: :Earl; Gaunt;, Legislation,. Mrs.,
Ear} Durniu; Historical .4esearekand
Current : Events, Mrs. E., W: Rice;
Cominnintr' ; Activities. and Relief,
Mise."Annie Watstm; CanadiallizAtu;n?
Mrs. .Pharis Mathers; Peace Edina-
Recent -visitors with Mr. and, MrS,
Lorne Woods, included Mr. and Mrs:
Graham. McNee of Nile, Mrs:, Helm
.and 'Mr: and •Mrs. ,JOhn. Gardner,
Kathleen, and Carol of , Zion.
Misses,Vera Taylor and Freda Rin-
toul are representing the Girls' Han-
dicraft Club at the •Girls' Conference
, .
'eting held At quelph WS.
•Weanesilayi the girls will deinon§trate
th.e,I.Projeet "Clothes Closets Up-to-
date". ••
„• . •
ing .of fees"; Plantr'ithre-niade-for- -734t.---and7•Mrs:. England- of -1Aelcnow
the June meeting and also for the andl and Mrs.', Earl Swan and
District Amnia- to which Mrs. E..J. son e of Ashfield; were recent visitors
•Thoin and Mts. Chester "Taykor were with Mr. ahd Mrs. John Swan.
• . f
appointed delegates. Dr. Treleaven
Was the ,guest speaker ind he 'gave
a practical' and informative talk on
"Childreies.4).ent1stry ' Mr Clayton Shier.,--of-BiantfOrd
For the election of °ific°is,.... Mrs: was 'home for Mother's' Day:.
Lorne Woods, eoriVener of the :nom- Mrs. A: Ernerstqn.' was tinfortnnate
Mating committee, took charge , and, enough to fail and injure her should -
as a, re -kilt of :the vote by ballot,•the .er. She is being cared for at the home
following,are the officers for .the of her daughter's, Mrs. Gillies;Rinley
tor.pv.*zkrg;aww44usrvi-i,;t---'-- '
ist vice,pres. Mrs. Lorne.7.1ede days 'being .tlie gue4 'crf
, .
ural implernenta that if they 'pist .,•ies hi Ontario Which this year are
• 2nd vice-pres 'Mrs. tiart 'bic her friends
, •
„,in maintaining their high, prices, act-
ion Will betaken,that they;Wili 'fully
understand:, Agriculture Will not
thine' to put Up With this. ,extortion
froni 'half 'a dozen manufacturers Who
because. 'they •einploy. .about' 4150
Werkinen, think .theY can 'get; away
with highway robbery. Theindustry
hai 'prospered year after year in:spite
of. the depression, yet the farmer has
been aSked -opay 'prices he. Cannot
carry.: Several times the Minister re-
ferred • to; the Price' increases' whieb,
went.......Mto_effectjaat November and
. the musical,,festival, 'Itin.ctsr„,..
dint on Fido, 41.., school ohoik got
0000no;' LlOyd, Irwin, Son Of Mr. and
'Mrs. W. J. Irwin, got 2i4 for' violin;
also Fetne McGyffirt .2rmi for mouth
organ.. • • ,•
.DiCk Reed • and LlOyd. Ilenderson
went to., Port .0z,lherrie last Wednesday
On 'tliec card Sold by Myrtle
McQuillin, Mrs. W.' G.. Reed drew. the
.lucky otanie: 'Lois" : and .wort a ;nice
blanket; •
Miss Winnie. Thetneon hastettnted
• lionia"'frora'Oederielf,
Mr, Will Beed:visited‘ tin...Saturday
yeninWith her inethen Mrs ito,,11:
Alton, 'receiti64'4 telegiatti In
honor of MOthe're: ,Day -trot Jack
Webster at Eiclorade Mines, saying
all is well and waiting :for the mai
Plane in 'Itine, • •
Lloyd -mcflait the"*citc-end
• Mrs/R4 IcQnil1hir, is g611.1trg-
a „few :Weeki 'With 'her sister, Mrs
• t„,
which he stated in "his opinion to be
. .
Unitistifiable.,,,,In the ,Past jricee-
dtteticnis have follOWed. 'lowered 'tar-.
riffs SO, .ike inference is that in the.
budget there ,will • be a much reduced
rate, on,these,implementsi.
MONDAy7-Today was: again Spent
diseusaing the releif qtiestion. It -has
been insinuated ; that .policies :cater
intO the adMinistration of thiS fund,.
particularly, in the .;Viregt. On "the
other ' hand counter -charges . were
made ai to the' method .in which the
Conservative •ptirti had :handled these
•ntatters:..Mr. Bennett hurled' back this
latter 'charge in a ..hetite4 !tilt. with
Thomas 'Reid: Of .;New. Westminster,
who had said the • ConServative. releif
Pay -rolls had been padded. SO' it goes:
:Mi. Rogers expressed the view that
taken by and large, the peoPie of this
country are better taken care. then
'at ,anY time:in' history°,,Which brought
forth a remark from 'Mr: Wood; Lib-
eral Of .Brant, that people ' have been
s9 ...Used to luxury that. they . find it
imPossible tc adjust themSeives ! to
the :sta,ndard"Of actual necessities:. r;
Wood suggests that 'every .indllst
tMlirtirre'r---'—'1,. feW.iiiitraliailds and
that eVerydne on 11.:PeYroll'iliould Con-
iribute much ptr, year so 'that on.
attaining the'age of 65,„Years he-itould
be able to get at' least the equivalent
of an. old .age pension. If he died be -
fere :that age, his family would get
back what he had., paid, in plus inter-
est at -44... • •
TIIESDAY-Today,, the Governinent
Was pressed, front three sides
ahead, with HS unemployment insur-
ance Plan, hnt, appeals reinained: un.
ansWered ?from the TreasitrY:benchei.
This:Matt& .ie ;soinethig which .canitot,
lightly lad undertaken but Will 'need
the ..careful -and PrOyerfulconsider-
aiion of" the beitminds of all Parties.'
It is ; for Parliantentnet for any eve
t'art).". •
'The Niagara Bridge Bi;11.1yftS 1i1i!
again. and the same fate. befell lit as
On ,Many . ether • occasion* In ther
.vArds;it was again talked. out,.. the
opposition leader .,clOing Moatof the
'talking. lie daims that when-. the
'bridge fen chnra,' the Vested righte Of
the American concern Which Owned' it
till existed and, it cannot be replaced
.Withopt_Lviolatint.:.!frieria elationS.
With_ the. .T,Tilite4...tatOs. P 'tO
WbNEST../.A.V,Lonee a&ainthe Re -
Dr: T.• P;.•Dminelli% Liberal
from 8aSkAtelieWan. picked on Ontario
today 'and' 'demanded to "why
$6.000,.060 1lMtild be :aPPlying 'for ,re-
lief, ,"Stirely"., Said he,. t a, surplus
Is declared, the Y aXe ;abts to' leak after,
starting *meat*, 'the others being,
Grey and Lanark. In all there are: I.§
counties with county forests and these
are ' taking seme twelve million 'trees
per, year, Referestation, commenced
in 1.905•tis a proVincialproject, carried
along for some years with a knell.
nursery at the 0. L C. in •Giielph,
and eventually saw. Midhurat. and
Orono nurseries • added to keep , pace
with the demand for trees. It is new
an important item with :the Depart-
ment of Lands and Forests.
their. own .needy without help or .as-
sistance frem the federal .atitherities."!
That again, is: something for, consid-
eration. Rowever,. the long . debate . of
this-subject:1a . nearly COncluded,only....
a sni011 :part litoW reinaining. The het-
terPart-of three weeks has been taken'
up in .discussion of this Vital . topic.
In the :Senate: the inquiry into the,
•Railway -situation....,began, Statistical
litforMation, had beeir-laid' bere-the
Committee which is to furnish the'.
basis of , investigation. ',Soina.Of : the
figures are 'Old' but many are new and:
Startling. Per example; in the, current
yeti!, for the 'past „three months,. the;
.C. N. R. 'revenues are 'downalniciat
44;000,000 'from last, year ;and the
C. P, R. ,ehowa. a Corresponding,
though leaser. decline.' CmitpetiOn :is'
growing rather than lessening.
It, is .eXpected the Budget will be;
down M about three weeks. The ne-
gotiations at Washington have not•
Yet been completed but it is expected
they wilt be .shortif:"The Government
here ,cannot go -at, the .Itudget' in small;
:bites, Making a lear.,4144eabera and,
being .helinipm'lar.Wnshingtoirtherei
in regard to items .relatini. ' the,
samaniatter. Ifewever We arieiefo.rml
ed that at last We. are 'gettnig seam-)
Where. ;
- The, Divorce Bill is ,stilrviending its
Mere or less. Stony 'Way through; the
Senate. . Senator Haig'has expressed
his ' view, , of . the,,,Manner,. which
things: are being done in -`a, far frOM
complimentary Manner and • Senator
Hardy has 'Madeitclear' that-hts
Mien of ^Senator Haig maeh , the
. .
Same plane.., ; '
THURSDAY-MuCh ',oftoday was
taken. up With the ,Farm implenient
• question. It Was examined 'froni every,
'angle and mostly •everything that,
Could: be said, fOr. and against Was
said. From :one standpoint the, man-
ufacturers ' farm implements' are
'practicallY highWay. 'robbers, ,fatten-
ing on the Verylifebleod of the peo•
'downtrodden twiner and froM "the.
other they are noble PhilenthrePlate
Cariying on in•Order to keep their fent
thousand workmen employed and -'that
reakin one p
-„..0 g cent ori •
ital involved. This. latter view wag
-proPounded-1-13Y- Mr2-bentotkasseY
who.,a0erted, he had fit personal in.
terest in the firin bearing his Winn.
The Speedh oir.the Minister..d
eultute. last Friday eenis to had
naked soiiiething There.le no doubt
that thee 'tempi:Mies have PresPered,
us woUld not, grieve "for thein' if.the
price en' fern' p1einnt Were forded
deVM: 4. •
• --Mis-e -1;"-frwit- of-WAterford-, kr-1-.71
visitor at the Parse "
number ok people from here al-
tehiled the uMaleal'feetiv,e1 In Kin,
cardlne Friday.
Alvin 'ThornPson 'has reuguw
home froth the frnit district. •
Or. jarnis EmersOn and Mrs': A.
Zmerlloh attended tke fueile144 ;10'
Haggitt Sr.., of Blyth on paturday,
Mrs. Phneen McDonald Of HOY-
rood, spent last week With bet sister
Mrs. Alex Rintoul .'who we -are sopy
.14 under • the doctor's' care.. e hope
for an early recovery'.
The anniversary- of the„,PriebYter- :
:.an,Ohurch I:4 held On Inns 19th, •
• when .Rev. Donald McKay, of London.
will, preach.,
Mr: 'Win. Them of Auburn; '*iisit,ed
recently. ,with the. former's
Mr's, David Gillies.
Miss Be•rtha BfekaY of Statfordi'
spent the Week -:end with her parents'!.
,Mr: and, Kris. Hector 3ceiray, "
IMial Janie 'Alton of. Ashfield is as=
siSting Miss Agnes . Petteiie" zi this
• . • , ,
:Mr. and grs:, DunCan Rennet+ of? ,
Winghain, Mrs. Harry Tiabo* of
Goderich and Mr., and..X.Ta. Lorne:
Dumin and little Ion.' JOha -
spent Mothers' Day with, their mother. .
Mrs. David Kennedy. f,
Mothere Day will, be,lield in the '
•Presbyterian. Church Sunday'
morning • When Rev. Mr: Wilkie of
Teeswater , conduct the serviee
her, and Rev7t7Pollock
Teeswatero, •
. :Mrs. (Rev.) J. Pollock la. p
'a few days last week with: a bad,
with her sister, Mrs.. Toynbee Limb
of Goderich.' • •
Chiba form a valuable part- of our social structure.
They encourage co-operation. an mutual wider-
idtandMg. They promote activities that benefit our
social life. ,
Many of these clubare granted authoriti,by the
Liquor Control Board to,serve beer to'their members. •
To many of them, especially Veteran and tabour •
Clubs, this 'provides useful assistance .n irprirovifig.
the accommodatiOn-in their, preniises and 41Cteasing.
the scope of their good work.
eserhu1ic1ubs proVif�r
relaxation is provided also in hotel beverage .rooms
to those' not fortunate enough to ,be members of , a
club —but to whom relaxation .is as esseptial.
The same law provides for both.
•'1,1 • • I 1,1, I
110111. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 4111.1,1
,The -.present law:Peirnittirig Veteran' Clubs to sell
beer to their members has .been of, great•-a.sagstance!
ih maintaining suitable club rcore..4 and Alai enabled,
them tO, expand :their effortS t assis.t ex -service.
men and overcome their econonuc difficulties and
phksical: 'handicaps, In the • past the bootlegger
received a large Part, of this revenue, which now is'.
used in the interests of groups ,of patriotic citizens
.bound together by their service for their' King and
- 'Country. Veterans' Clubs are a great asset' to any
comMtinity ki',S they stand as Veritable Gibraltars
of patriotitim in the • raidstof unsettled Conditions• "
. and foreign "ienia:". •' '
'Presideht Originals' Club
netuertieement'4 inserted:Wait
' treweit the intei•est of a innti'mpublic
tinde andi, f s,ertain cr4Secta eff •
'prstilents 01 teiripertinceiria
, I
' • ,`