HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 4• r r EGGS ND,LOT OF'TIEM • •.,•.Chic i ere . • Baby C_i ks 90% , P u lets . CRcke els `WIUTE LEGHORNS , ,•,., " • , , . 8' ; 17 1' BAaR ED -ROCKS* , , . ,• , ,.., .. 9 : hk ' , . 6 ,• NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS'•.•.. ,;'.0 . •:, 15.E SAT ANDA' LIV.ABII:ITY G,UARANER IF YOU HAVE GOOD. FUNK QF'YOUR• OWN,W.E WWILL A ,CUSTOM BATCH YOUri FGGS1,. W O, CETS AN E00 • flLOTS 0<'150QR MORE, . . •' ; • .. WE 'CAIN SUPPLY XAIU WITI` STAREDCHICKS, . PULLETS AT RIHT' PRC S.. ` ALL; "ANSEE US. .: AND' OUR ,NEW •E •UIPMENT:, ra" uttean etirtedy • wiN GHAm 01,11 PHONE'30 ;or 38W.: $ot•NDARY WE$>" The,May,• meeting will be held.. at the home of Mrs, Melvin Reynard :on. Tuesday, May 17th, Motto, "'he:l?'ar ' slit's; Life is: the Child's -COPY :Book"' ,, py .ltoll:, Cali; 'Hints for• Gardening;:. Pro- gram. Coni; Mrs. as, WebsterMrs e A. .1rwin,^ ' Demonstration = Junior Hoinemaher's •club," As• it ' is , ;the Grandmother's .meetin • •we would; like all the ladies to .dress, in :grandnioth er's attire. Visitors,. Welcome, Mir:' and Mrs., Dan Wylds have, rnoy • •e i to .,.h fo • • ei eldersoii hone. d � 'the }fin. H .. heMe. i We` welcome them, to our.' conic nity. Vr.; a d Ms, Cecil.it.Robb andMr,' and Mrs• Bill Robb 'were, repent; vis itors.: With Mrs Albert Cook • .,, Miss, Verna am'ilton is. s. atpreseiik engaged with Xr'.'MoirionnAick- how;,' w •� lllssx1ena•,T�erntonRNb Of � e= tioft, •Mr.: and Mrs;' Thomas • K,emptoit. 'aced' ,Mrs. Wni.• Keripton,Sr, were re- centvisitors' with Mr; Wm '; Kempton: PECIAL 11-ALYES: tom• . 4 00 u e •t ,fields' .S � es �' 9 n New.Chie _ u.x � . _, . _ :: (Your. Choirs �Of Caveringe .4.I.00 CHESTERFIELD. SUITES RECOVERED REBUILT •AND MODERNIZED For • Prices •& Cl 'Samples oi' cloth, write A. ilk: YANDRICK; Lt3TOW L,_' ONT... KINLOSS.. Mis Hannah' M Donald visited last Mr,' John MeDoneld attended 'tli Lennan were- Calleira..-lin'the:.,Siattli 'and . 'fourth Con.. last 'week. ' ' Mre.-Doherty of, Fort end Mr. and Mra. R. Middleten :spent und y with r. and Mrs. Wrn, Mid- dleton of Forest; , * There was, a large attendance at .miss. Marion MsDitirmid 'of London is spending a few daYeWith her • OA-. ARA OUN. x r. and Mrs: Wm. MacGili, visited recently ws th ••Mr, .knd`-:Mrs; 1. Dah- mei: at Millar ton. ' • The musical festival ter:the pub1,, echo* of this, dist •tint was, held in Goderich in Knox Presbyterian Church; os, Mai .0_ 'There: Were 49 entries for. solos for . Girl`s, • of 10 yrs, and over. , Louise ,',Campbell received: 80: for - rdc 1 e. in, solos for Aa. yrs.. and over, there were 21 entries `and : Grant .Farrish received' ,82.-4narkn' e from #or 1st pl ce, the school choir •• . . No. 1,0 school also *on. 1st Plage • Dur roll . the,, :afternoon" Evelyn :Little in Sr,, girls, Geer e. Parrish and, Elwood:. Miller fer iw re good ,enough t..takea stand to sin t night : , in. the. ' solo, c sses.• • ,, gate o'ny u il,pn Frt f rti .. , tris P . p s.of NO. 10' school •playedball .at ,I aurier who had too , :big a: ; bonlbardment against '114 0 sebool:'=71trartrexe7re= ceived veli Socially. •.Next Friday, No; 10 school •pupils Plan • to play ball against _ Port • Albert, " " i ` assisting Mr. Gordon Jamieson s .a 8' Mr. Ewart Jalnieson with the:•spring wort:•.. , , Mr. Melvin 'Culbert spent the week end at his home at Dungannon. Miss Rhea -Miller of Paramount, visited one ' dayrecently ink the• burg. Mr. and Mrs. ,Fraser. Paterson ' and, family: visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne • Farrish._,on-Sunday. •Miss ,Vera Little visited with, .Mr, and Mrs, Wm .Irwin of Mefeking re, cetitiy. A successful, meeting 'of Hackett's W. M. S. was held 'at the 'home of Mrs. Adam 'Johnstone last, week.' SinfiOL. BPATS "TQWN *TAM IN SOFTBALL: DOUB1 ENEADER ednert,hIeasi o Tahu.:br s'adta Y enaf td e�rnoa d o ...b. r e. -- The Hi h. School • softball team' turned 'the table.xonthe(ownteam These •' • softball . :encounters are an annual affair •and.pri r totheSea"• soil's, opener' last weeeu. encs never had Tmuclir '"r •s luck :against ,+the squad picked lip from about, town. . • Thursda it.. was different. h On ,. ... y f., eat„ Hu¢ ?VIcCrost' its le Pitched -the scholar$ to an 11-4 shutout in the first game and Bill 'Jewitt- took the' mound for: the second t s` Sccn u, s1e when. the .town.- team suffered another setback • 18 to 7, Harold 'Greer and Jaek . Fisher did the, pitching for the "so{ s of toil." School -Donald Finlayson, c; Old, Thompson, 2nd;; Jack MacDonald; ss' ,Gordon Miller, 1st; Donald. Mc Kinnon, If; Melvin. Morriiion, rf; Bill Jewitt, 3rd; p.; Jack Cook, cf;''Hugh McCrostie, p,, 3rd'. , Town T.earn-r Clair Johnstone `2nd; Sob, Thompson, 1t; Elliott Webster, cf;,'R. Finlayson,; fat; Jack .Fisher, es:: p, , E1•a ood Solompn,. c, . Bol MacKen zie,, Srd; ,Art McCarti eyy rf; Harold• Greer; p., ss;' Umpires -G. S. McIntyre• and ' Jerry Rathwell., gQine 'front this vicinity attindcd the Pesbyttry in 'Walkerton on Tues.,: .4+ yeti ISl3'A. Rr a tAY.: ` 411te KINL�U Mrs. McGee and baby Margaret of Toronto,; spent the past weekwith'. Mrs. M McLean. • • Miss Alice„ Pinned; has returned hams after sPd� p. en in the St • two :.... 4 weeks, at, Whitechurch,, ` Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Cox spent Siin day at G.uelpli. 11 f r, ,and•.Mrs, m. Montgomery' °.4si� it t s' with. Iletrort Were; re Flit . a.i ol' riends, here.. A from here attended, .. the, usical:festival at Itincardine on Fri day, Congratulations,to Everett ,L ane who 'campaecopd n the boys' solo.' y " • class; Mr.,and Mrs.. S 'arry•;and fanny' ere recent visito s at :Mr 'Jne. fiod'- w,. e t r t .. r' and Mrs:' Wm Loyd ari. fain- fly"ofunknow;"'were Sunday 'Visitor. with: Mrs . E. J' Haldenby. • and. his .Mr" SaSam.Harden .by n ......mother spent Sunday with Mr. anis Mrs. Alf." Haldenby. Mr:• W. •Boyle, 'Edna and May at- tended tended the.• funeral Of: their; 'cousin, the late Mrs. W. S. Cole at Exeter on Wednesday.• " Mass: Muriel 1Vfci'arlan..af Bmf=' dine. spent the weekend At home. The May. meeting; was held atrthe home pf Mies, Eileen., altid.4 T,.hursday aftePleen. After. . the usual epening ecerciae;;, a `letter •was :read. ;froth the secretary of tI e. ' Tees, ' • watee, Iiistitµte accepting.the, h►- vitation '.to •the June; •meeting at'•rt hone - Mrs: Ernest A.cicex't' o>}.• dude, 1,00 2nd onveners for ;lunch 'Mrs. Thos.: C. Miss H zel ere 1• and 144411$,, ...:.. a l? y •. May Boyle: Motto --,Mrs, Art' Graham; • .Colient events, Miss,' Robertson.: It, wasdecided'not t4: aend. a delegate to , ...::. Guei'ph Coinriiunaty',,sfnging followed,,. e e 'a brie rs • 1►x, McL an 6. ,Ye f olt; lhie 'gf' the• cooking.sehe4 denionlio- Alen . . conducted• by Mrs;.. Aiken at 1,ucJc oW Mrs, Mc Dona d read a aPer• Bele -an Donn: i cW laltd red-th nieetiug-vvfth.: a ..duet and Shirle ! Robinson gaffe; a recitation.. -A vote of thanks ..was: moved ..5.A. Acker t, ret irin ' presi eat for her faithful serviees during the' past three Years, 'The ton I ca 1 ,end National Anthembrou8h the... Meeting•. . to cl .a os e..L,unch *es served by' the, hostess 'and cornmittee charge, • AIIMERS PROSPERtTY for the' fiinizei• and rancher contribut6 to the RFraieis and rancheis frequently'. .4.; need to bortowzfoi putting Puri)osbs. _,414 l'2nd school %von the •bill game played With the 4th SchOol.. Mr. and Mra. Mrs.'Nohle Oliver and kr. and'mts. Holt froni London .Tend. Ingersoll, 'visite,d at the hoine el Mr. O. 0:,Sundey it being •Ido,thers' Day. , Mrs. Rciss Olack :is, week with friends in lOndon. liOLTYROOD Mr, tOuis Tatuhuli Ana Mr. Chat. 1towe ',vete.' recent visitors, at Mr. Robert MacDonald's. Harris.. were -recent- viai-.7 tors `With Kincardine friends. • end Lorne, Mr: and Mrs,„JOhn Peter:- , Mr.. ,Dobson; ; LP, S.' '.visited the, Mr. ' end' Mrs:. Robert MacDoneld, Doris and jack, spirit Siinday at Mr.. were recent visitors at: Ernest Ackert's. Mr. end Mrs..-, Wesley Whytoelt and Allan were 'recent visitors at••• Mr. Richard `ElliOtt'S. Miss Florence Langside WaS the guest of Miss. Annie Marie Mr. end, Btra. : Richard. Elliott anii family Spent' SUnflay , at, Mr: wm.; Illi;sfiraiedtbitirolei Ago, 'He'acl engine develops. its fall 85 herse; eitia, gasoline -hungry' • hiders ileaent road tests have again' 'elasa 'with ,fasteir and' . faster acceleration „thro every speed' ' °whets report getting. as high as 25 ancV 27 ie. the gall9npj. gas, eaniistntly. • 'And, as many point'ont,,Clic;rrelet,coste OUT JUDGE FOR *OURSELF. ',Come to win'. showrooms, take the wheel, and let ,yinnt.OWIt.ariv it Ili tee ell o ns tell yoit, .‘‘It's wise to ehoose the 'Chevrolet, SIX tor 'por,sef.- ins' econotny." - residt1 of. ;the, tots. '45k hint;`: . cPresentativea ...cif, Juvenile-. teams in the Maitland 'League; ia‘,xt the lorallads, Who are out‘triractise batting and . fielding practise the tither .night, we venture ,tip say :the Sepoy. kids won't •be any pushover, ungan-n*;1h--; -::::c7ner7e; a strong Bruce "B". team thia Season are bright. With little change in last. Years available playere, season the. team ,will be bolstered by Bob and last year with OakVille,,,' as Nell pred IVIacDonahr,lennerly of Clin- ton end Herh hist • years the 'Bkuce Leagne officers and executive , are entirely from the north . nobSon, League president,.. 'of Walkerton; 'who is' the only inernber The Bauk'of Montreal, because of lig -Wide connections with • agricultural eaivities, it viith the credit needs of „ farmers and ranchers, and welcome'S their 'applications . for' loans. Consult. Our near -4 -- est branch manager, who, will, be glad -to discuss your -.giTABtliHED 181'7 cutive, member to '.reireaent • 'clubs, in ',Clinton When Little ,Schept Girl Was • ,' • Eight nienths definite: end --:•two erich truck (trivet.; emivicted of 'crim- ,The- Charge aroie out of ,the.killing ,of •••niii&year7.'.,ild' Marguerite she onerked frtini School,. On March passener car driven:by ,Lester as She ite 'the sohool entrance, tout and, a Nit. and -Mrs, Heim and child- . half ,miles north ei-Clinten. ren sPent, Stinday,' 'with Itiends ,,and failed .te.) take dae•cat.'e•and Lerena Hogan of Markdide 1'0' a 'dear, little Yon have not Mr, arid Mrs.-4,Phit MeDenald' onlr saddened' a hoine,,:..but, af•Whole ed 'with Mr. and.' teed. on 1".Y.au, inuti lieve been going tit An in ...this; vieinitY.. during •the past week I feet -1-16, feet, on paVenietitand hy Mt. rind Mrs', Petet"Cook.and babe • 48, feet 'in the ditch:tit Cenie ,to ;rest *he spent. tlie day in Clinton. 'on, the day 01 fier death end was ROOMIER AIL -SILENT All-STEE1 BODIES • 00,1 Alastei De. X.u.vf ! tory Oshawa, Ont .Oovtrnineht tax, tiriftht and license extra:. ', Ccintrribient taint Ott thi General. Motors rtittalment Phut' .- acKenzi ungo.onon:. TUNE IN BEVERLEY BAXTER, M.P....Transatlantic Broadcast from London, England ... Every Tuesday Evening Over Canndian Broadcasting Corporation Network. .With this' in mind Jack . MacDonald Goderich has 'entered,, the HUroit 'Perth .League this yeer,- which laza, 'stet" their agnad- are, angling for the serviees of Pordtin • Irwin ,end Clark , visited with Mt,. arid Mri, 'Oeatirc tkiiit home, Card iti Land to-' Show it .....i,e . ii- lilt 60 Olt •LiteknOW "Bianchi 11, ..113lZET :Manager a Telephone CA • behfee atise thio ictriner could have called ler ret. reins intetv.etted . no* ha icidee Cr sUbetantial 10f3.4. A, tele.. , phone . o fortner'S • most loyal ,htiain* oak - partner tilakrays there la bring- help• Mar- ket uews itelghhourly.contocts: „Why het, .' FOR • v.