HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 2'• •
akgr Forder
•' Sin e414
The story. eperie with.scene In an
Ameripan. muele .."M.YeT.ICLIV'.,
a British :artiste with -a,,great gift ,f9i4!:
•etaite`h"rnaiii4,!.'• :haA-•firliehed hia;tern,
'•-ln his dreesIngereeirt- he- ihedie,awalt-
• ine•;hltet:hB:eotleg. brother, Who.; le,
endeavouring to eASeI, ••• frenee• racket
.In evhfah ;he ' bee: got hitneelt rivol vete,
•• Myetietleeeffera to take "-ern .home.to
•England, but the c.enveegatitse Is in-
•"eerr,upeed ,.by tjt, entry of three: Men',
-• who, producing-;p13.t41,,,' demand; that
. the 'younger man eeMe /TOY with
'them He refuses and the older broth-
er. intervenes, with •• the result that
. both are 'shot and leftefor dead.
• Several years. ( lapSe,. and, the scene
Is: ',changedto an: old elotteee
.:Prefte On "thi "Eadf.' coast' of England.
It has been bequeathed by an accent;
,teit Man .to his' nepheiee FRANK •DIG -
BY. who, on taking possession of the
neglected place, is nirnoie Scared out
•Ofehis: *vete by what leen!to be pey-
'chip hiefieeings, • . '
'0iy enlists .the help Of MAXTON.
1-40NTrete who has •:a reeeteti,n ,foe
private Investigation, and the•twe take
hp- residence• 'When*
,I6ey: are eitenee..• by • in elderly : toe-
ple, MR. and MKS. ElAelleeeN. The
cc:1001e : are ina:eteseactory, but • OigleY
flnds ehatdiejeele, servants • he engages
refuge -to--... ay. • . •,,
'On- :the , ;first • eveniggedfHunter's
'Oin'4'initn,p'h,ouse-tnere are iireappotinte
uncanny things hepPen an ancient
• . • n
, picture of a ..priekt,Presently, foot
stens:.-are - heard . Oueeide . the • lidrary.
. •
. The Call Of •TheHound
"Noyou are hete; ,Ctanston, stay
with uS foe dineer ---. well, that is; per.
haps I give • it , an unduly ''Phonetic
• eat, after a long and tiring journeY.
The strange old 'man accepted -Dig-
, ,ineitation, and Mrs. Bartel slip-
ped away to her Mechem"' ' : . •
Aftera few 'common -place remarks
to the visitor, limiter turned so that , ,
eee he night command e view of the
• 'pic-
ture. '
Covertly ho had already' investigat-
ed It and he '613 -served the strange' feet
that the, herrthle •crieasen ..line of
gleaming mpieture around the neck of
, the man in the picture was fading.
Hunter reflected ' wag :a mite
febt-loi•—invbstriTalion wireiralone.
Stalk that day.feeding.••••,...?„.
, Don't let a sluggish overcrowded
1111nm-dews and Inactive, r\
• Usually works within II to P....241,
10 hrs. MILE but prompt!
•• etdruesteetescielge
eilielatt GO
° ittas."'Y
.1 arise Avenue. TtirristP, Canada,
Dept. AbA.
No such tIting. qet
; An•ACOUSTICON teerand
, • -
; ualtheating to use (Smatter
,dietentereception..:.light- '
er enialler thgn. ewe.
before. •' • •
Write for free bOoklet
Horde Demonstration •
• •
33O Bay St
TtAoN'to • ONTARIO.'
by led the w'ay. back into the. loon
all ,and 'Mese ,Bariew::pr940904 fTte
and announced thati 4t,•nteaf Ofe,grom.
ouhetaera.,.weaKha ,read$,.•at, digne
Hunter 'onipoSelr .steered t "t,h
conversation away tram .the ktueeeta
subject oftlie picture. . • ; ,• .
• ..e.,e)6,.• you .71(ve!".fiteeenii3OfeeMr..'epra
tea?" eahert efenter,..." • "
eyeu, gen .glieost gee MY, Piece,
few, minutes' ; • .
• His Coat Was. Dry • •
• . .
• The enewer•, gave Hunter -fUrtber
feed forconjecture, f6r the inanfg edet.
was a'r, His hat; trio; was innocent of
any .rpoistute. The, :quaint • Old 'greeil
einbr,ella leaningagaint hh chair,,
flirted, Yet outside g •drenellIng rain
gwent.,thesountrySidee le • : • e.
queer 'place: 'Sr. Ilentee, is, the
•elerrs. Croft!".. Cranston enntied as be
;j.oilTts• cranked aloud.'• ; •
“.4 queer! plaggeledeedr That is why_
„I amso attachedlo'it. My good friend',
Digby is.'going to allow me to :imbibe
Its „psythic atmosphere te'the •
shOuld expiate "! ehlined in Dig:
by, "that Me. Cranston is a,mediem•-•
a •spiritUalietie:medium.,:e ee_44.1se. , •
"ftenlly, that's certeielyteresting,.
Prefessionelly, May' 'I. ask, or etbere
"C4ufte privateije Mr., Huietet, •I us
the inborn faculty for my own ends
a&that, of MY friends 'Ntrilaeateeintet
.fee -oeeqeeyzeeeeeottet.eLhe.rte'ztie
•••Y`I'm, decideele!, leterelted."e •-•W
smiled, ehtit can go nd,fity.therl.''....••••
' 'TIM" flickering fire -light pleYett,very.
strange tricks with the gergoyleeike
face of, branstoii. and. his. Velce; drOP•
ped to a low:vibrant whisper.
•ek .einiple itheaSe; but uneenseibesie
the atmosphere in that darkened- bali
ten:hied ' end' Hunter •';aeeePted:: eye • flash•
Challenged from : CrAnstint's • . glaring
eyes. „ .„-•
. • "Mi. :Heater," he teamed' forward,
pointing s lean •fore -finger, ."take . rny
Advice and , de, not :dabble in matters
.thee occult. Here ..and now, all•
around us, unseen by you, •but seen
by reee;bY reasele.ef 'MY priceless gift;
are .spirits, moving' and 'walking, and
,heirine • their being in 'our very midst!"
'Mad perheng,". 'Mentally : assessed
'Regime,' "bet, artful CentAitelje"':'"Yenee.
interesting, '1. AM ,sere," be added Out
toed, 'After . lge:. Cranston, • that
may be only a' theory and net .a •faet.",
• : "Is: it •a ,.fect.. that by •your eide'1 see
alf,.44,tagi.l?'i'. • ••• . ,
: 461S(ibject ror Fun • . •
• ,Cranitc,ii's leen', finger craned for-
ward, and with his right arm extend-
ed. pointed tp'e enet •between fleeter
and Digby. e • •• ' e • •
gipping his tea. 'I've been telling big -
by •heee that his ,plaee needs brightii-
ing. Now, it
. you coUid... convenietnle•
see a•;nieesprepoeseSeing.'Yoting lady,".
eThie is net .S•sUbject fote:fun," DIE;
•:interrupted 4Ogr gOed • friend, .Mr.
'Cranston,: ig..a keen believerein .these
'nlatteree, arid. We ,si,The'•do ". net .
.seand ;must:not seOffi"
' "If! I • Cinild gee for • re'yeelf !--", come
"meneed Hueter. :! ,•
:. "Wait -yeti Sealeee letter tinted _Mr.
,Ciansten; 'eThe hour, and ::the ;Plate are:
ripe. 'W.hY net neWr . ''"
you tee; Site why not neW?"•
agreed •• • • • •
”Ohe 'bet •e• say!11' began' .0.ighy,, but
instantly the'behaVidunebt, the7Medittne
istic Cranston SeoPped'hine.,.• • ; " •
• "Sileneet"'Ite; 'cOmrnan,ded inaeetele
jew,'4POzeing voice. 4eYiett kite*, •Digby,
Of my !'pewers: •Pray •keep silence; for
'there., is Muth in :thee eir -tonight that
mut be explained. SoniehoWe I de. 'eel
. that bee friend hetie is Vitally concern -
.ed. bo :not Co% er:itiettirla t e whilst
I niak•in tratkei" . ' •
The tweetnen Stared inhie direction.
At• bisegannt, figuee-Sittitig rigidly er-
ect in a high -ha '-ed 'chair,. hielean
and bony tiegeitegeieminig its arins.
The: darktiese •had. ifideettsede and now
they' eptild diserti the Men. by, reason'
Of the' flickering tire -light : •
Hunter Stood ewith his 'back to. the,
glow in 'order. that the ,n.'itetnelint am-
ef.eighteshould fall On s med.
teinietic. man: Ho ,Wet cited:every:, Metre-
ment carcfully. ' • f
-' • The felloW ..distOrted Ilis.lefeattetee
Whir' t•Wiecliihgs and minithinge, ell of
Which !..1.1untee decided Were theatrical
Theror(ji:c:' gVeryborty s1ioud help: The Salvation'Arih.
,itjaapires, hope in the hopelese
- • rextends lielpetoetheehelpleesee ,
provides shelter for the homeless,
oidind6 to the WeyWaed;
. pfeliehes SitivAtiOn to ell iclatses.
Its Werk le eildtieeed by. ,Ociverntuent,and, cited Offiehile
loaders in ell lines of naticiner endeaVor,
Your cupPeri''Of the
" is needed.
- Contributions may be Addressed to: ,_.
otrimissxprier Qco. L. Carpenter
26 Albert Street "
iie ..weli, ete
, • ,
The, tireitemporarily: die4. 0:even' and:
.the biack phedeWe of tlie .04 haft had
leant out from lurking oe.rher$,
.In a:Jew
nyonetetleare rumble,hle, tuattereck..mean,,
"MasterSter masterter -aw.,:att:7
-.pease 4nrfpg,-iv,h1ch the sllence • was
only hyphen by the: swishing of the
von, atul' wtml .at the,,windpvia,' • . •
,49)ach,•.P.401c•: appait 1- af0'
paeetap:1-7.0aeaee-,,..,'''' •
'The. 1,,atea..traitoo, off Into "a, Nyhtepet,,
and -by the tilM light:they, .-saw' ehat,
:the: teettintre*Peeed.',Ited".tallen forward.,
His -chin was buried :•deeply in.; his
:chest. ;• ;
, . ; .;• .• .•
.Ittnter itiValeatarP.Y.
eneente . het 'Oen,as„ee!!, Oct :egi.4.,thac.roor:
shook the lanky topeiii theoPhalr. Mr
.Cranston ' sat bolt •nprightageie',as
vested with A •newefeuudevig::
. • .. . . . „
.4'Whe calls?”, The voide with which
heepeire' waa atsuradly not ,the ereck-`
,ed mid raeping tenet!: of Cranston, but
the clear,, irell,mOdUlated voice .ot, a:
man in vigohealth
rbas beel, • .
,"etee another man," Whispered Oigby
• "Ilesh,' cauiloned • .11unier heneat
his breath.
HowInj Of A Dog ,
' Tile figure inethe cheit tragec. its
heed stifflyand appearedte' be listen-
ing, straining to hear something above
tee noise of the gale. —
'This night must ass without
:the:re-visitation of those Who 'teak a
. , , _
Part, in -the nyighty aceneacf old.' T.he
passing of -ie is, as et nought, The
things there are '*hieb • may never die: '
scenes there' be woick eliall never:
cease to :be enacted.: . Impel:iahablp:
they live through the ekes." ' •
• , (To Be Coetinued)
. , .
• Modern dletary- -etenflArder qemanct
,YegetAblea and still Mere Vegetaidea;'
al*.00 .t./le`,,Vitaallas, knitter-
ele„and, bulk 'Which they Provide, And,
eine" Particular Merits ;of leafy greens.
,dranting. that ,yegetabrds are a daily
essentia* u housewife -appreciates
thege for Atilt another reaSeel 4 -for the,
variety they etnitribute••ee- her .i.naals.
74.PY being, 'soeijethigg •fresh and sea-
sonal In her table every -day.
, •
0';.,pel4ti.ca1at,linfaartaltee inscrving
,vegetahles,. le.their, poqirlg• Ervea t'40
finest • vegetables Army • be made utter-
ly taiitelesi, and •gettOpeeleing by Ooar,
cooking -- esually otOrcooking or dee
slow cooking. Their natural •,coleer
and fresh flavour mast -be 'preeerved
to get 0.0., best,villiie and °Meet first
roles to acbieVe .this isto eooL• thern.
the shortest time poitiibIe only eill
tender • " • e ' '
Here gre some attractive vegetlfile
reelpeseehiCh. will add :Variety to your
meals,, • ;- '
Carrot* Au.Gratin
2 cups ceeked-diceel. carrots
1 thilleSpoon, minced. onion .
up grated cheese •
.eee.teAspoon paprika
' Cream sauce '
; • ; ,
-;Make create sauce by using 11/2 cups
milk,', 2 tablespoons Mettee., and 2
tAbleepoonS:fleer, Cool uneil•thicle'TO
thee apt' the ,eheeaa, onion atid-papri,,
tree andeefinally the diced, carrotsMix
Well; place Inn buttered baking dish
and cover with buttered erunahs...Bake'
ie.a•mederate oven for ;25 minutes.
•' Aka le*ttfied•Clini914; .
• 'Selectlarge onions, •Phel ..aact .11011
remOve core with epple perm'. Fill, the
cavity with.saspoee 'bread" crembe.
alt,•tcutter.t. • •
• ' cnOlin(t*Or A. e#0
1 head cauliCoAusil:5P9.114
.1 .cupl'whitef'eaitee: • : ' 7
tab1espoons grated e • ParMes4h:,
ehpeee, • ;. •
eiv; buttered 41044 .erutal)a
place: patillfloW'Cr, )...eOed: caa0er,
olepc* white' a aucP •over ':eaulltlaWet
.arid, e 'witli! cheese arid: bread
Prilfraixt Bette in, ))16deeere. AVOW:(375.
degrees: 'F,) 39 ••trtinetel,,'or."untii• the.:
Centeihe are dellcetelY breernA4..Thia
ej 4
Stree. • e 7 , %' "
teCi oili0113
pound. .(44) snafl Wbite elliene
4 tablespooee 'buttee
9"•tablespboes gugar
Peel onions ' and cook in •Ie.rge
amount of holiin* watersalted tlatir
just tender; Draineane• dry: on eheetie-
eleth. Melt better in e.eueepane.. •atto
sugar: Then add entails and cook :`•,7er:'
leer ;lame, , shaking ,frequently
dittoes ere grazed :Berees "6.. • . '
• Bake .Mushrooms • •
und :fresh mushrooms
teae • 'PI alt •
pash Of' pepper ,
2 tableenoonebetter • •
.4 tablespoone ereara • !
• Wesel enushrooyns •aziel•place In eas-
'serol. Season with 'salt and pepPer.
Dot .With butter, Add. • cream:, :: cover;
and hake • in. Moderate oven „(35e
geeee,,,F.),LP to le' minutes,. or until
tender; Sefeett 4. •
, Spinach Ring •
214 cups •,e'oOked. spinaeh, chopped ' •
e teaspoon salt.•..
PATVE 1684
. • Make' your •linens pperkle With a combination of cross *titeh, and
, .
crochet! " These motifs come in paire. Pattern 1682 ;contains a transfer
-pattern-Ote.2-ernotifie.5.1%-eit:4314.„inchese_21notife.„,fiele.e.X._131.1/41;.iriebes. 2
motifs 3. x 514 inches; and 2 motifS, 4 x•r.53A, inches; 'directions -end charts
for the 'filet crochet 6 ;.e. 15 inches; materials reqUieetle• illustrations of
stitches used; color- schemes. ' : • _' .
, ,Sezul -go cents in Coins (starniis cannot be aceptecn for this pattern
to Wilson Needled•aft Depe.e 73 West Adelaide •Ste Toronto. Write plainlY
, . • ,
eed More Women
Our Parliament
Senator Cairine Wilson bic
More ,weenea are neededle Can-
ada's Parliament, Senator :Cairiee R.
Wilson, first Canadian *aeon senator,:
said in anentervieW at Vancouver last
•'Mis, Wilson, .tibeialr,,seriatee'• front,
„Ottawa, said women in Canada' and
Great :' Britain had contributed ' so
innch to:pocialeeeorine in the Past ten
years that their position in 'public Iife
could no ',longer be disputed.
Interested In Social Feforrn
44WOtheneundoebtedlY have' devoted
'more, attention to goelall; tefotre' than
inett;",she said. :"In. Meat Beitain es-
pecially ,. they have achieved • realtY
eauctefieeded beep:vett-tenth. in hous-
ing. maternity welfaree-eery 'often
in the /ace of 'Mach •Unjastifiable
"In Canada women 2have been re:
eponeibie for obtaining mother4e Al:
lewence in , the -,provinces 'Of Ontario
and • Quebec," • ,
Senator Wilson .has One Weneen „eel.
league in the Upper euseee ena m
lee Pali's,' Conservative, Of. Peterbee
:eagle min theyeare two wonien in the
Hottee-, of 'Cei)lnuing. They 'are: Miss
Agnes „Meepheit 'Grey,
.Theide),.:!atiel !Uri; '141ertlid Bleck-and.,
yulton). .
Quintuplets, - Like
• .
UnVe Perfect Teeth)
ation Shows 14?,
.CAL1..AI41)0,,, Ont. - The Dionne
genitimiets, 'wee- struggled to, •getento:
the 'dentist's ohaii,.all at once, Were
'tird •by three epeeitillste that nothing
_ e„ _
Wart rdrig- with 'the iroty teeth ' Which
tee this share elteti)y., • . '
Dr Arn�ld 1), htioott, doan of the
University of Toronto!e; 'Dental doe
lege, said :that the :children had "tea,
usually beantifer .teeth.. Neither he
Dre'.'Cherlei'ecorrigan of the betteere
sieje :nor . W. G Thomsoii, pf Heinle
ton Ontcould find a sign, of decay
Have Eaten Right Food
T y had ;no' :suggeption's for ,Dr.
'Allen Roy Defoe; physielan to the five,
:aheat'll -change. of diet 'finding that.
the teed Which, the Children Were eat
hag: ad developed ' their; teeth. perfect-
,: Thedentists' took iiiinressions' Of
• . •
Hien' 'teeth,: witieh will • be -; kept' 'fee
eeeoede: • : • •
...As the dentists first , pronottliced
IrvOnne's tee% perfect, Em1ie An
eette; Marie and Cecile yished to take'
her place in the chair.' Yvonne was
reluetant to leave aed. it • was only.
Witli the, help of the nurses that • 010
srpeaillsts could prevent all fiye climb-
•ing:into the ehaireet tepee., ,
Cardinal.:.. Deplores.
• . .., , . .
, .:.-.Current:Fashios
.r..,................ . , ../7, ..."'.7'
CAI* .:Wits#Lekle 'Oaah--f--k&Ity •And
. Pagan". . • , :- •
• -.„...„,....- ,, , • , , ...
. Williany Cardinal .0:Cot:Melt deen Pf -
the Witten Catiielle-hierarehY;ift the
tufted States last ' week At Boston
:spoke Against nineteen fashions, dances
Site ., gene's, an • herg:ed.• that some
peteims! Were 1 elti '. ettlilliang.in the
Corituption' Of. ur ye ' g pOotde,
, Ill a sent y et e co'ttelen reaSe
. of 'the. New ! riglAriti 'Pie:Wince Federeie
Lige of Catholic chliergo clubs' at Holy
Cress Cathedral, bc deseribed ettodeen
. .
•feellidit's .00 "silly arid ‘ pagan".,. ". '
Wterlere.eidiettleus, they "aio eetleinly.
•Atteetetiieg" Jic sal& i,14 ilit.tiar'.sillY
deeeee, and eerfectlY,iiteniel tattsio,..,-
*hero, IS the art In 10 „belied Malls
eee. .peritettieg our,. - youno, MeD .atitt.
.weineee„ • :Peenle:..tedine make' intillieee
in ,the cortelPtiOit of dee' Yantis Peoein"
:Citedinhl to,C000s4 urged hie lletert. .
Met to Ittake, thoie'Prdteetg heated and
to i3tattd.by theiteatittidatele !reellithig
:the ."einetintlett Mt' about us". 4 '
P •
pqsh Of..pertfeere•
of .treirjoritre •
2., egg's, slightly beaten
•, 2 tablespodns• melted buttere
e•Ceek :spinaele fe'peeke; only mite
:tender.. Drain,. and chop. Add seascirie
,ings; egge'. butter and riox, iiery
theroughle. Teen into a 'ivell-,greeied
,ring mold.place in pan ,prhot Water
and bake' ie. Mederate, been (375. de-
gree's: F, ).. 30 'ntieutes, .er until fnm
Ture 'fi'Qut meld. antleseivithe-Milshe-
rooin .Saince. Iedivideehmelde May, be.
esed.. Serves '4. '• • .
Mushroom Sauce
½Pound fresh .mushrbenis •
3 cites water., •• '
1/ teaspoon sett
•". tableS0000s butter • :
• 3 tables/items. fitter
bash (if pepper 7
. ,
Wesh', muifirpoine•Welle,Sliee'lengthe
Wise Orel:Leh. tiapene stem. .Cook in
water *rifinittee, Over 'Medium eleee
Add salt . liquor and measeee.
11/z Cape. Melt better,: add ,floure and
blend, well. Add..Musbrocim liquOr:•,(11/fi
and cook, stirring,- eons ant y,
until thickened e Add' mushroomsand
peppet and Copk:five..iniuutes leeger.
.Serve 'with .aboeeespinech • :This
. •
eauce May "aUci used to sere with
elticken eeeleegg:and :tither vegetable ;
diehee., lefakes'-2' type lattice,' It deehe
ed enicken icrd,th. or'' et•eam • may be
, _
substieeted :foe %• cult, • mushroom
'stock.'.. • • .
113a.nia Holds
Mass ui
140. COuples Wed In tionoi., of
King: Zoo's Marriage., •
LieekY: Pennies
numbering '150 were, ueited, mees.
wedding* throughout the : kingdhng.' itt
, honer, ..King geg's•; Wedding .ele
Ceinetese- Geraldine, Apepayi of Hun..
•garY.' • • ' ;
'Fifty. Were Married ...at • the' soeme
eigns •eipeneePapil 106 at the.'exeense
of •veeipes riihnielpelities, They were
,iielectee: by legal:authorities. '
• A largo crowd.; gathered; to Wittiege
the •cen•ereony ht the TiranaCityHall
where 14 'couples wete reerrie.d.
Couple's Were 'pinned int : line and .
nteedhe,d• theough.lhe steeets• singing •
natiVee:sOags. ' , ,
••• "• • Gifts And
'Genie' art' d. steMete-bearing'Pertegitte
of. fhe•leingeand7ceueteeS•were vet Mee'
seePerldtielterehile' veriolls teeele • Chris.
,teeed stre'ets Queen
, Wedding' guests attended a' dinner'
in the, foreign tulastey :Which was 'Eel.
loWed lee; a„ .bail at the 'tapers'. club.
A "gipsy ,otc:hestre. arrived teem. lenda:-'
Peet; 1141egal:V.• to Add musical ' talent
at the: evening's:: 'events.
In lierlin.it Weeetinnotteeed
celler Adolf Hitler •eene leihg
eleteetlee•Bettz;„antOthebile beaeitig tlie
Albanian• royal eOet of antler and alio
a heennet Of the . *Athenian, nettehel
heed; !:Slianelerheg, wedding 'Peeie
elite.). • • ,
1707 A.
• OPEiii ',nett SPA' SEM! etke, 14.
•• 1,'.toin 0,111.
I ilitiut,',14w teat
.tOtVer., 01.0164 .1trid Stables, royaltiPtialle, and rallitti,r'St. e5thibitp,, art
'comettipo, ynny Mega Viet:eon:tale,
• • Adults 25e1 •
thlldren150,. ekeePt Sunds? 25e
!time .20,=g32
, .
eeeeeemenel r eY
GPO BIS an aide() leteonelyettl thy
cleanses thPort of feed Pat-
: • elclesenmesagee the eurfes. Aide:di-
gestion, rel ieees stuffy. feeling after .
Meals, liglps. irepp you •fieci$041:
Tekeseine home for the children •
tooe'••••,ehey will love, JO "045 •
"Equal .13.ights" .11ai
A: Real_Meaning
MarriePWorkerTeacbes Husband
: To Cook, Mend Dalin •
And' Sew - •
• •
DuRHAM; Eng'. - Defendiag:.the,
riget Of rhaiTied women to continue at
work, A4rs. Rose,F'ai,rant, .26,. cleek in
the, same •London factery' which' ,eni:
ploy e her husband, told ,a meeting
here of a 50-50 arrengement .evhich
gives here 'equal opportunities, with
her husbend.. '
She taught ham cook, inend, earn.
and sew„ ,fsg this erratigereent: we
both. hinee 'Opportunities for atteeding
meetinge. in' the evening and taking
part ig othereictivities."
, . •
Mts.. Ferrant said she only.,,wAnted
• .. „
to work uzitil they had enough• money
eight chileren
• A bey„in Hartford, U.S.A.,, has a
three-legged :kitten for a pet. 'The
entire.' was 12,Q111, with: the Trent lef •••
leg missing. - ' •
With Neurits
KrUschen Salt's 'Brought .
Lasting Relief
:ipr.din4ry headaches itee bad oppugn
but they,,are' as uothingecpnipared ;to
the, awed „pains of neuritis 'in the
hOatt„ saYs. this woenan e•Beed . how
grgeehen coxnpletetY beinehed: ,eee
' 4:41, had 'neuritis in . the head„and,
•tight ann. •; suffeeed'eUntold agoeY
With roe. head ,' and 1 -dare not .thihic
whaLnugl t haee happened.hadit con
firmed. •Eireeybode, know§ • •what ; a
headache is like, but it is is nothing
conipared .with awful' pate of neu-
•eitis in' the head. I spent eleeplese.,
tights teiel egewitheeet n ,--lebegenetitke.
bag. leruseeen :Salts; and •after *ante •
'menthe of the treatnient these effectd lasting relief."e-(Mre.) L.M, •
; 'Adin•itis; like itheurnatisM .tind 5E1:
atica, fregnently has its .eobts intese
Intel stasis (delay) -7 -the. uesuspected
acting uiati on' in ehD sstelii Of barngui,
Waste Ime tter„ welch leads:to. eke pr•
niatioe cif..eXceee erieeadie. • '
Twe• of the ingredients of KraSelien
• .
Salts have the spOwer ,of
add crysialS, otheit .`ingre,.clielitS of
Keuselien assist Natere to expel these
disselved Crystals through the natinat
ehannels. • ” • • .
-1F you're troubled •
lvith etomaeli
Pssteit5, acidaSo
have no appetite;,
titetes nath1,11g.
,.• better. than Dr.
R`iefces. Golden '
Medical Dieter -
ery; 'It'stintulateS' '
•'• flie•egektite and, '
aidedigestien.• Aire. 11. Jones',
-.^.--AVristent Hill, St:. Catharipet,' Ont.; said:
."A :few years OgO,1 •ifas'*)- Weak a..nd sui:
toed from :add indigestice And sour :Stoxii-
'ach. I • W5almost .aiwt,ys.'belellii*, gas.
larc Pierce'(301(1ot Atedictil
. ,helped ale ,incre thAti".ailything else. I iiave
fuseti:,It helped to relieve Inc of 'Mg MOcultolluan "
Nd;,;,1,1 4th(tSr,
SOC : •tkquid1.00hLihd1:35. ,
• .."",
pridett from Seer() •
To$13,95 •
tete- Cfll two.buroot'
models ro/.41,.or;
RIVelt11;:rirlit° (64:
10.1,41bitlf Cibik.4.41‘6.
"SiePt.•:tel,gett '
Veteetee nee
. ,
ft n 11,71 e
rf)01411)5 1133it
Int' kitchen.
,korrlivef fat-
' trige.,, en nvp.
eas tram goio-
IfUtiOit nOl'iv)151.0:
[Oft1 16 to 20 hotrra.
The Modern :girt:77
Than the -00.ancla Paine" Of.
• Other Pay—Educational '
t 14
thit. Vida* any woinaii of eYerege lee "7..
eenigence, can acquire-euperfietellee
'aatn:(117pagsrttntl .c4hr4adrnat411:WSP111:24 'OSni4caer. "
the'eeentelVeproperty of Qregt. 14a-
• Never befon•e have girls without 'an-
. „ „ „ ,
.hapregelvte seen', • :background- had
.,Such a 'Chance,. • , • :
- gven. though • her school,
early and har Pareetseemt a Peer
UPiplp,:a girl. With get-up-aMttot can
tlir4 bottulf into -the sort Of, PPr.90#
ihelvoold 1i40, be,.'writes' Retie Mill -
it she legate, idler '.ecetion! for the
Confidence, she th' it .wilt.give her,
give • ,
phe..can go to n it school le auy1ette,
If that is dcriz d her, she:" can, read,. '
'with, A •liesegteares' geidgene,ethe same
beolte that are on c,oPeke • ',.
Well -Dressed On 1,6W income 7 •
., She tieetiel, wear the -wrong clothes.
war 'dress'obeapiS,,,eyen, when money
is very iimiJ. Worneeee, pages.. in
newspapers Oxide Women's Magazhies
hgve• at last came dOwntte.esdlid•feeee.
and ;figures. They no 'tenger general-
ize, but ten e wetean just-ewhat to bey
if she has Se emelt money4-end, what
!,to add if She has aelittle elere.'Teday
any *V./Dina:it ean manage to look
drt:-ssed, on a lbw
And her actions 'needn't „belie her
Woks. Practical. e'aitunne on. etiquette, •
which anticipate awewaeft: ,situations
Andetele how. thee can be 'met, prac-.
tical atl•eiee 011 beanty And .. eharni;
welch a smart gni can eclePt ;to, her.
own needse--ailehese.may be, foUnd le '
_ •
newepapers,,mtigezietes end beeke.,.
Movies -also teachher 1 tit:Inge about
social e.ielygeltne. style and beeety.
dries eadig, ee•Well as getting dn exereee •
dt eprreet 'Pe•toinuicletion • ee • •
'here 4. help, at 'every tern and
you think„ weineo ere ,,not taking ad •
vantage of it -look about you at the
'girls ,working: at:Nimble taikse-girls
who •.kneW when. they , were echildrea
thee'whaieedle they get out be life, they
would bave to get r themselves girls
v.>:htii, new that they are young wernee,"
Ar .haid• tOr small Pay,
. Look at thorn, Bet, of ceerse, you.ve;
looked. They are •se• atteacteee ou
couleneeltelp ecurself.
Discovers Women
Less .Dishonest:
Govern -nett Inspectors Say They
• • Seldom' Try to Cheat •
,The eeenmon beilefjhAt atmest all
wPmen •r• are athateer,, smuggiera eede:
that no wernan 'thinks , it a Ciente to•,
tioration is diSpi•Oved by the exper
ien:Ce:of government investigators, de
claree Greita Penner. Quoting facts
and ilgeree, she writes in 'McCall e far
may: e , • , •• ;
In spite Of the semen:lion beliefthat
tergeenumbers of woynee enuteele new
elat:hes into the conntry,. the govern-
inent etispeetetA 'knew that, this is not
true. `Theiron exo'erts are' trained
to detect the sales slaps which itre!,uie
eetisenably' low. : They know About the..
wifimen e•ho weal' ',three, dreaes, one
on top of •the • othee,;and about the
.. • • :
weinen who seW old labels In new
fereigh teets; But theyesaie :thee such •
dishonest Papeengere •numbee ;fewer
then ;niter per . cent._ 0! the re;
turning ; front' ebt•Oate
They're -.Net The Crooks •
'Well, Yoe may eay, women at'e the :-
see* that :shepliete.: They form aelhrge
section Of , the • criminal 'Class fotine,
ginity ol tbeft .011; do they? ,
".tlVery' year, he Departrueet„of.eue-e,
(ice of , the 'United States ' iseitee a
solid, bulgiog heok known..ge the :bet:
form: Crime iteperte;. It ,liete convik .ekee
tions of ''critninals in every' city and ,. 7
etate.' Aad ina nine.inotiths'. peeled.
•of 1987, tifie 'book shotes •that 44,127.
peeseas wete Lound guilty of larceny
or theft,' Only .3,159 ,of thege were • ,
'The bitefeshioeeil %yr:linen:: who :••••
thought it wtie'•ethieitll:to eheatea ,eoe;"
pi:trate:ire because It ; was se big has,
disappeattedif ''Slie: eVere exieted
I to the d oi!ttfit
itil-fasel ('1 1,
o r
otter three., •, if the 'Men. Ot. Ameeie.n.•
'were as honest ase theft women are,
our jails "wottiti, be lase crowded .antle • •
our goVermeeet. Many inilliOns be•tter
Glyce,rine, Helps
i:tf. yeti, ar.:e otto of the Mally,ia111641.,
tiithiikots ,
•Whe, develop their
' films and send tiints through t.0
to' .admiring li eende, .elettetenS' ,
!Ile& filet been with. a Peptottipg emelt!:
-leant • thee PittfiR„reare 'sine eitnee
lVeteiteett. When they' t6titlf'tkit.
uttio4; 11 yati Add a.:1(416 .
inc to—ehD' 661' tft46,. Water'i, ,the
l';')%1161 be'
tilt4 ;*.'14 printa lie i.t, -• • •
A festival 6.f II,ussien el4ssi010104
.$1'• hits •inet been held *simultarkeetni.
130 i# 2ftiegittts,,