HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-12, Page 1, MX, • . . e • • kr • 02.00TE4iii..;IN AirrA,Norr,,,,509 EXTRA' TO WCASOW;ONT, THOOSPAYI:AlAY 12t4,1938 - FRand-Set car „chainS. APplY at Sentinel Office . TO 'RENT;,•A CoMfortable six room !mite% toWn'Water..Temple Clarke. . 'LOST -;A pair Farden shears. Eind- er retUnl to )Sentinel .Office, • . FOR . SALE -z -Tennis „ racket and Geit(1* with Hriviailan• attachnients and case. • Apply - at. Sentinel•,Office. FOR •SALE,QnantitY haled, hay •., ,titnothY ,Seed„ -GeV; graded and- gong: :lean hark • for: teed orseeRL MacDougall.'"). FOR SALE -One, % Size •twhite enamel bed and one, full slit'. white 'bediJoth- nth ifPri.P.O# and mattress. 'Bargain for quick sale.- ' Apply' by letter to Sentinel,04ffice. AUCTION •SALE -of livestock, furnitirre, Implements,, tools, at Aline Lots, Con 4.11firon, on Friday May 13th, at 1 P M See Bins. .,§ain. McFarlane, Prop, 'Well. 'Henderson-, Anc. ' ' AUCTION SALE -of household. ef•• . ' feets and prperty-at the residence of the late Dr. D. Geddes, Lucknow on Saturday, May 14th at 1.30 o'clock. tSee-bills. The property will be offered subject to a reserve, bid.' Mrs. • J. A. .Robertrion, exeCutrix; Well. Henderson • Auctioneer. •• %Spring Clearance Sale Of Used. Pianos. .Such well-known inakes, as • Heinttznan ,Nordheimer, • Mason & ,P•tort!'413V•eherr.br,xs,4*•.,rezsor*, able•'prices.and . Man Ar Co., 242 Dundas St., London, • . for further" particulars No obligations e THE •MILDMAY aPIJRN1TURE , STOKE-bai, for sale New Semi - Grand: Planes. •$350.; New •Miniature Pianos,. ;250.; 5 Re -conditioned Pianos 39, $65., • $75., $854 • $93.; • Various Makes of Refrigeratora.and Washer Opened evenings•-7,Easy terms -Free SCIIUETT & 'SONS; lifILDMAY.• ' • • •'1%0T.A,Pognir,tp, but a pleasant, profitable business' for . earnest and lictiire.peepl& Any dependable' person: can, operate this ;Mamie btisiness. in n ,1riserVed tdistrict. ,290f Gitarenteed .lienie.necessitiei used by Million!' Of, . people., Safe and advantageous . cash •• Plan. SQUARE DEAL No risk. For • free particulars, Write to "F'AMILEX CO." 570 St: Cleinent St.• Montreal, if. you, 'vviSh to "t somewhere" .. • • FARMER'S, Attention 1 -L-J-TIS-T-REGKIVED--;ANOTHER • . 'SHIPMENT OF BARBED, • WIRE SECONDS They Are A Real Bargain W.f4 _ . MURDIE & SON • , • •• MEETING AT KINLOUGH Everyone is invited • to a•,meeting in the Orange Hall, Ki,nlougir on Thursday May 12th, (tonight) at, 8.15' o'clock, conducted by Evangelists ,RiPly and .Fletcher of Ripley, assisted .by' Mr. and 'Mrs. Oliver of Goclerich, former .Salvation' Army 'workers. DANCE At-4'haramount-May ' 13th, 'McKenzie& Orchestra. Gents 25e, Ladies 15& Lunch eoUnter. Ky.; erybody we:twine: . •. To Induct New Elders. k The induction service or newly, ap- : Pointed elders of the 4.,ucknow,,Pres- bYterian Church, will be 'held on May 27th, they are Dr, James Little, 'W. .W. Hill, Cameron MacDonald and Henry 'Gardner. "Pasties, With: Honors . . • Herb Taylor, son of Mr.; T. ' B. '‘Taylcir, of St Helene, recently' cOnelud7, ed Yscourse at KemptVille Agricult- ural Scheid. Mr.. taylor received hon- or standing. in passing with a Mirk of 80 .per cent,' „ • • "Horses To Stratford: . TA'k. McCharles' stable'horses, Iiioved to Stratford,t4ck. the first: Of the week, to go 'flitetgh.: their "paces ,under anpexperiencod trainer: Clair 4Ohnstarria*t1eigtho-nni1na1r Receives A. At (being , • Mr. Gordon Johnston Is visiting at . the home of parents; Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Johnston, after :completing his Year at Queen's Mayoralty, Kingston, ,Where he received hi i A; degree.' AccOP(Iing'qO results announced this Gili•don trio* honor standing'in biology, bovine • taken'. general belated COOrige., . • REBEKAH LODGE VISITED • BY ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT , , 4 RiPleY Lodge Exemplifies Degiee At Well AttLnded Meeting Thursday •,-preset Assembly ',President With Leather Bookcover Por the purposes of receiVing Christina .:Doherty of Fort preside'4 of the Rebekah Assembly, r'.aebffiCial visit,:' Jewe, _Rebekah Lotige,-„-Lucknow,Lheld-*-.4Re..ciaL-and- well attended meeting' '-.04 Thursday ,evening last, •More than thirty members of Hur- on Star Lodge, Ripley, were also.Pre, 'sent -and -their -degree- team, exeni- plified degree • work:. '• Mrs. Doherty gave •a Very interes.'" ting address on the.w-ork .of the Order. (*ere who ePot.c.e7bric4..livar...! Mrs. Temple Clarke, past -District Deputy, President and„ Mrs: McAuley, Noble 'Grand, of Ripley Lodge'. • Mrs,* James., Smith, Noble.'Grand of •Lucknow. .Lodge, presented Mrs. Doherty with ' an embossed leather bookcovei. WON CONGOLHUM 41.J.OS • Congoleurn •Rug gtiessing ;contests, that Concluded at The Market Store and l'enipletons,.the end of the week. resulted in Mrs. Norman Wilson and Win. Ferris, • having the lucky numperS. Which :won for each of them --a--.neireefign Mrs. Wilson was the winner at'The Market: gfier guess...was 2479;„ only Oni hee two away. from t actual cone nled number • Which was 2481. At Templetens, the number entered 'by:Mrs: Perris was 2405,• which was the closest guess to the lucky number which was 2428. PIPE BAND BAND TO,..RE OUT FIRST SATURDAY IN JUNE , • Summer Saturday night :band cOn-, certs by the Pipelpand`will commence the first Saturday in June • At a' 'fleeting, of the Business Men's Clnb', on 'Monday, the ,SeCretary, re, „ported..thitt: fc; date,. somewhat ;over. $125 had been contributed , by the business men of the •Village to Make these . Conerts:. possible: A coininittee was appointed to decide if it was fea- •sihle to make any-chang-e-in-ithe--1O-z- cation, On the street, .where the hand will play ' • - , • . The secretary, Wm. 'Porthous, also reported that up to the time of the -meeting,. Tortjathree Members'. had. -joinedllith-Tthe next meeting will be the •second Monday in lune.'• ' • Her -the (rushing into house):: Moth- er,41 go 30 per cent today! Mother, My goodness' How did' that happen? Bertha;:s 40 in ,Frendh and 40 in Algebra:. •••1: Expr.esses Appreciation Of W. J. Little's Services Held Position Of Court Clerk l'gr 37 Years With Entire Satisfaction To the',.pepartmei* • . With the ...appointment of • E. 0 - Agnew as • Division Clerk, which we refer 'to elsewhere, he aticceeds Mr. W. J. Little, Who for thirty- seven; years. has capably conducted this :office., Mr. Little in assuming this appointment nearly two. score years age,: succeeded David Forester, form- erly 'of the local manufacturing firrit of Cliff and Forester,- . "Upon „receipt Of 4r. Little's resig- nation some iiing receive:CI the foliowing reply • from II. A. LoCker senior assistant inspector of the Lei- n! Offices of •the'ProVinee of Ontario:. W. J. ,Little, : tiivwozi Conti. Clerk'', Lucknow, ,Ont.• Dear •. I regret to !earn from. Your lettet:, thatowing to your: adVanced age and failing. ,health, yon, have ouncl.. it necessary to, relinquish your office ab 11)1Vis4m Court 'Clerk, a pesitiOn- you have held for thirty-seven years,. satisfaction "tie the DePactinenr-^L' have reported this vacancy to the proper antlinritioo`tind.'no d'otibt your Overcome By Fumes WhiIe Operating Grader Wilfred, Riehl Of ikringhiim Crawls From Cab And Lapses Ante Cn-. , consciousness 'Front r Carhop Nion- • oxide Peisoning, ' • • . • Wilfred 'Riehl of Wingham over- Pente by fumes. Seepingint ci the...eab of . the toad grader' he was operating' •on":1klenday • morning east of the Vil- lage, had A narrow eso.4p(i from death .as hi ,eraWled ironthe truck before lasing into unconsciousness on the .aide...of ;the road.• "' • Riehl, a young man, in the ,employ Of the Provincial Highways Department,. was operating a pOwer.grader. on the • Lucknow Winghani• road, 'Abbot ten -thirty -Monday 'Morning, as he reachecta peint•about,;% miles east of: ,the, village, exhaust fumes that had , leaked into the closed, cab began to overcome him,. Sensing this, he managed to bring his. machine to ,a halt, and escape from the cab, lea- ving the motor' still •running.. • Staggering to the roadside where he: collapsed, he was shortly 'ilis'eOv.••• erect' by a ..pas5,1rig motorist; who brought him to Lucknow, Where. he Was treated for 'carbon Monoxide noi- sorting, and later in the afternoon; Was able to return to his home, but was .off work for a ',couple of :x.layPi recovering frorri•the"..,affecti-'of an ex- perience ed fatally. ELECTRIC FENCETO , , . :BE DEMONSTRATED 'The working: of a one -wire 'electric fence :,4r." keeping liVestOck. within bounds, Will be demonstrated at the'. • farm- of Earl Cranston, one 'Mile east of, St. Helens, this Thursday evening, evening, May .12th (tonight) .at 7 o'clock. _ . RE. ROYAL YEAST CARTONS " Will all those who are savi4 Royal Yeast carton' fronts for me (the ,blue front) 'please ° send Or bring in all battens- by SATURDAY; MAY-'28T1l, Postage 'will. be Paid on ,any cartons sent by mail. Contest closes May 81st. Thank You, MARY CARTER. " • , Well At Musical Festival School takes First Prize In Choir •• Class' And Grant Parrish, First• . , • •• Prize In Sr. Solo Class Pupils ' -of School -seetion • ,No 10,; Ashfield Township, TOwnship, did particulnrly well the-s-inusical feitivaf at' GOd.;; erich last Week at which rural pupils in the northern •section ef .WeSt Hur- oir, inspectorate • competed. '' • • ' • • . In the one-rciOin . School Choir con- test. NO. la tgok first Place and Grant ' Famish Of ,the 'eanie see, tiOn, • took highest...honors; with :14: Points, in the -.senior boys solo eleeS of, 21 entrants. Lyn' Turner of Diungaanon was, first in 'the Jenier..'boye' contest In which there Were tvveraY fogrontrieS: " iSehools in kili':::neighbortiood. failed -tol-have •a--wiiiner. in the .J-iinior-girls:- elaSSin 'which, there."*6rn fortY con- testants, but',Ashfield •sChobls in the Senn* sole sWept this elites. Annabelle Webster of Dungannon was first With 85 Points, Lerraine Durnin of :NO. 160 Aelifield, sedorid• with • 83 points'•' ri 'Cariapbell Of ' No 19; kehii.did third with .80 ..Points..There Were 49 entries in this Class. •'• Entrants in the two. and three-roopi school - choirs , Placed . *f0110W§: ZntI011; 80; ' Helens; 0; DiingannOn; • • iise as . . • • The children werri wider the follow- ing instructor Scotch- , mer; tayfielt Miss 1VInrgaret ,Mac Donald, Lucknow, Mies 'Boyd,: Sea - forth;" , Miss ' Blanche MacDougall, Lucknow; Miss •May Hednie.nd, Tit; Miss :Marie.PollOck; Ripley..• ' 'Little: Lad Strays A little. excitement that ,wasn't,bill, ed On:the festival program occurred when Wilfred Austin, 4.6 7, of No 10 Ashfield rind: son Of Frank Austin, ecaind , separated frOrn ;the rest Of he Pupils and wandered \ otit ,the Hnr- n,Read to near'the C. N. R. crossing... Here he Was taken into,h nearby mile until his teacher, Mr, Duncan MeXtty, w,its, notified' and 'arrived • to Q auceesser wilt be appointed in ithe••h ,Very near future., In :the Meantime, .1 :wish yeu Would ,be'good enough% to' t carry,. on until • air appointment- ' 1 , . . • madek„._,• ' • - 4 With kind regards,. 1 ,'reinitin,. ' Vont% Veil A. LOOK Seiner Matitaitt:..fnaPeekori ake the yotingsteir licick•td•the fes0 „• •, Jock: And how do: you like your radio,' Mad? • „? Mac, Men; it's grand -,but the Wee '`gliOs hard to read by, •••-." 1 ApPOINTED CLERK OF ' IL •- ' --•-THE• DIVISION COURT • ",:4 E. Haward Agnew 'received. word last week 'of his. appointment as..POurt Clerk of•Diyision Court, No. 110B.nice Con*. Notice of 'the.'ap:Pointment .was .received from ,the • Inspector of 'Legal 'Officesfor the ' Province •Of Ontario,: , , -' ".'' • . Howard succeeds W. J. , Little. who has been Clerk of the Court here for .inanyyears,-Mr;:Little, Who resigned io,Thirrn&e-it-i-O7, W.7:4-e-ric`-ci-Tylng , on pending theohipointment. of . his suc- cessor, to, whom, he at . once. turned over ,his, books and documents upon official announcement of the aPPeint-, ment,the latter part of the week, LOCAL GIRL!IV GRADVATE • ; AT WALKERTON JUNE 1ST• :The graduation exercises for the 13374-38 .class of nurses who have completedtheirtranfing at the Bruce County Heepital will be held in tht Town Hall, Walkeiton,..im Friday ev- ening, brie .1st.' ' ' This year's • class is Comprised of six' young ladies, as follows: Misses Blanche Evans of liarristen;• Phyllis Heim, -Paisley; "Anitrey Henderson, Lucknow; Louise Ireland TeeeWater• Florence .Osborne, Ripley, and Marion Murray, HarristOn. • • • This willbe the largest ,class ,of graduates frohi: the Walkerton train- ing :sehool, in . some. YeatriTtliere being. -76•""A young nurses received their "diplomas at . the same eXercisea, in the Bruce capital: ' Mothers. Are Honored • • • On 'Tieir Day' Sunday Special Services In Presbyterian And United Chuclics--Eaoti4nial Service In Afternoon At 'United -George, 'Douglas Took -Evening Service In , The Prestyteriiin C . Mothers' •Day wak,fittingly obserV7., ,ed in the Presbyterian and United -Chrichee on .,--Sunday-s-Mornini;: with, large' congregations ' in attendance: at 'these special services • • In the, Presbyterian Clitt'rch it is the first time that Mothers' Day • has -ifiten-observeil-since-that-sad-Occosion- nfimber of years ago, when the late Mrs wm. Connell, Was trikkn ,criti- cally ill, while assisting In the' Choir; ' On Sunday Rev. C H MiieDOnald delivered -an appropriate -sermon and motherif, choir rendered .'special music including a: quartette by Viola Jewitt,Mrs.; Phillip Stewart,' Mrs Horace Aitchison and 'Mrs R T. Douglas. • At the evening service; ri large con- gregation greeted Oeurge. .L. Douglas,. a .recent graduate of Knox College, who preached a very fine sermen, ' In 'the United Church, a.” Mothers' Day Choir•refidered two 'anthems: Rev. Tucker in a forceful sermon, pointed, out, the all :Inipertance of home 'training. Parents have lost their Moorings 'today, and have' not: :the COntrictione of our, forefathers, • on Sabbath :observance, ;the liquor 'pro- blem, and 6131614, he said. • •; - Stressing home trainingj,gtekildizeli. .Rey. Tucker pointed.; out 'nett, to leave this to teachers in our Sunday school and day schools. We may get our de- grees; he continued, but without the proper ,honie foundations :such as in- tegrity; faithfulness • and responsibil- ity, We May ,become: more of a nuis- ance and menace to society. Facing the. World with faith in God, means infin- itely, more to the child than all its theoretical .education. A special Mothers' , Day- program was held at Sunday School in the af- ternoon,, which was marked by a bap- tismal service conducted by Tucker. :Children baptised were -Ken- neth kainsaY,. son, of Mr, and Mrs. Alex McNay; ' Donald fi.eorge; ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Orland Richards and Gladys Ann,, daughter Of Mr., andj Mrs. Jniin Kilpatrick: • ' • • W,ATC11 sTiLi: 'GOES AFTER 'POUR. YEARS: IN: FIELD .• Four years ago this spring, Albert werkettfOr_Andrew Casa., More on 'his farni 'south of Winghain,• lost his employers Watch while work- ing in the',field..A search at that time failed to Ideate the Missing time piece ; On Tuesday Of this week, 'Mr, Case - more, while ploughing, turned Alp ' the long, lost watch, The ring and hour hand Weretinissing„' but -otherwise' the Watch • was inidarnaged,'" AO after winding it OP, it started ticking Off thknitrites again, none the Worse of its long ek "re, • Rev. Presente rs. Tuc r : Gift Of A LevPlY pPho,Isterfa• Chair Made Retiring Pastor And His Wife As Society Concludes Season's 'Ac- tivities-,- Reg, Moore And Jim Little Of Tegswater Took Part- In Meeting .• 'W Wet YYCiiing•'--People"s meeting of the spring Orm; was held on Men - day night, opening with hymn and the repeating of the :Lord's 'pray- er. in unison. The scripture lesson Was read by.. Jean: Struthers, ' and Grace Hudson :I then favored us with a solo.. the, 'devotional (period ;closed with brim 153. . The .following program "then presented'. solo, 'Mrs: Joynt; reading, Mies M. McCalltim;, piano sok, Mrs. N:7Wilson; sola,--Grace-IludSon-and- a lovely duet by Eerne. Alton and Marjorie' Hoffman. • Talks Were then -given by Mr., Reg. Moore and Mr. Jas. Little. of Tees; Water, who were special, visitors for 'the evening. Stewart Collyer, then spoke briefly, asking Rev. and Mrs. ,Tucker to Corne forward.. Stewart then read an address and Hertford, Ostrander and. Chester twaridey pre- sented Mr. Tucker With a lovely up- holstered chair in appreciation Of the •help behas been in the Y. P. S. dor-, WaSalso presented with a basket of flowers by, Betty MacDonald.: Mr. •and. Mrs. Tucker' both made fitting relies. Everyone' joined in ,singing "Forthey are jolly good- fellows" • Reg: Moore then led 'in a sing•Song• after which a social half hour was spent, Rev. Mr. Tucker Moved a vote of c-i-ti.-7Mir,77.-Moore and Mr. Little. The meeting ,dosed with sing- ing "Auld Lang Syne" and "Blest be the :Tie that Binds", with Rev. tic- kerelosing the • Meeting with prayer. „ )IET SPECIALS Hovis and Sunsoy -.Bread, WEEK, END' .SPECIALS. .•.driEAm "PlipEs- , DOUGHNUTS • • CHELSEA ;1f31:INS TO GRADUATE IN .JUNE• 11 • , Graduation -exercises of Stratford. General iforpitif•will-be held in the auditoriuni :of the Stratford ,•'Colle- giate institute On June 1st. Among the eleven • graduating nurses is Miss Florence Gwendolyn McQuillin, dau- ghter-of--John Lucknow. . • Second Annual Fesival Popular In 'Bruce Thirty Seven School: Choirs And 162 Solbists Compete' Ih West Bruce Festival At Kincardine On Friday . West : Bruce .InsPe.'etorate second musical • festival held in Kincardine 011 Friday, saw 37 school choirs and -162 Solo'iCts take , Part in the:various classes, • that Were ..keenlY, Contested, and Were heard by. large And inter- ested ;audiences: , The, festival was presided: over by s‘g: C. Dobson, ,LP; S. G. Roy Fen Vick; 'Toronto,. .supervisor of nitisid for, the •pepartnierit Of Education .was 'festival adjudicator. :and commentedonthe-progress-being made -in" the: .speCtorate , in theshort time ..music has been a 'part of . the curriculum. •. Miss Peggy MacDonald. and Miss Blanche MacDougall,: are ,. the two musical .iiiStrnctors in Lucknow and:. vicinity,',;.' • , Ptipirs. 'of; the •Second Concession School, at which,JohnHosS. teaches 'did; well in ...placing second . in the school Chair Competition for one and two rooni schools. Thc local school did equally ' well intying for second' place with Kincardine' -in their school choir class., , In,the heys'. sold., class, over ten, Everett 'Lane of Kinloss Was second and daringir.MeQUillin,'•ef: Lucknow, Little Roberta :Phillips Of LucknOW was third in•the class for girls tinder , . 10 Years.. : • , 4 " Lloyd Irwin *of 'the , Second Conces- sion, Was second in the Open' violin . _ class and atiolner,•Second ConeS'Sion. ‘pUpil, 'Porn. MCOurtln placed -second in the harmonica 'contest, • In the, Senior'pianot leek -Ackert"•-•-of... iri‘e-fded third' place.. , , „ Card Of thanks • , Thennisidil supervisor, Miss' Peggy MatDonaid ancl,the teachers of the. Luetrnow Publi0 School •wish to ex- press their 'aifirecintion to the 'mem- bers,:ot the 1*-1tiblic.' School Board: and to th parents, who so kindly he1i4d. in conveying teaChetrs tin& •otttcfento to festival in kinonkdino, a • „ •LAYER CA,kES' JAM' TARTS 1.• . • •CALL AT MR. STORE AND PROCURE A .13.1MAD DIET • • •. Aocqc .LINfiEp NUMBER. • 1.41AYMAN'S'BAKERY 'velh Atip*Ne* ENJOYS PLAY • .PRESENTED,BY .01.,IVEt CAST -7-The-:Piey;--"An:-0111-1Fasioned-Moth- er" presented ih the Town Hall on Friday' night. by Young People Of .Olivet, was :well rebeiVed. • ' The,. presentation, • which ' Wag°. Under L. 0.. & A. auspices,. was creditably stagedby the iellowing players:' Deborah: Underhill Jean. McGuire; Wicider :Bill pinclie,:Laura Hamilton;„ Miss 'Lowizy Loving Custard, NOrine Walden; . Isobel SiniPscott, Marian Ilarniltdn; Gioriana Perkins, Jessie Mc6harleS; Stikey Pindle, -Mae Bark - well; John batEler!,!V4,448411407_ 111,4ferfi'M Brother Jonah Tnachenbesh, Harvey Brooks; ' Jererniah•Gosling, • Sandy Medharles; • Enoch .• Rone,; Clifford Wilds; TtiintuS Todd; Charlie. -Roul- ston.-• : • Nthiribers between acts by Drs: Fowlei,„and Little,. with-riccomPani- rilefit: by Mrs. Fowler, were much en- joyed. • A dance, followed. with. :ninsie eup- plied by the dedharles: Orchestra. s' • LADY BOWLERS ORGANIZE • ' FOR SEASON,, tlIFIBDAY • Lucknow lady bowlers met on -Tiresday:evening-ta-orianizel-fer7the ,approaching SeaSon. Officers and com- mittees.. were appointed is follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs., D. Huston; pree„. Mrs.' Charles Steward; . Vice .Pres.; WT--Tiainilton; '1 Set'Y;TNtS7 Wm. Porteous; Treas., Mrs.' Clair, Agnew; ,Gaines Com., Mrs. t -Clarke; Mrs: A. §olonioni. Social dont,, Mrs., Wm Douglas, Mrs: A. W-HaMilton, Mrs. Wellington', Ilendersen, ' Mrs. Fowler; Mrs: J.'•W. joynt; Member- ship COM:, Mrs. "W. L. MacKenzie; Mrs. Wm. Wm: Hornell, Mrs. :Robert But- " Jitneyswill, be. held each TueSday. afternoon al:O.' mixed jitneys ..each Monday night. Fees 'remain unchanged Whitechurch Neighbors' Age 84 And 85 Years Old Mr El! Jaques ' And Mr WM, Barr BoJrWJI Past The Winn. Score Side By Side And 'Par Around Together Eli Jacques Will he 35 on May 18. 84 on May lst. side in .BaWrhhaiuterch'arch4 Both "these gentlemen ' side' by , and both are as spry as ,the 'proverbial cricket.• • These two geetlemen 'neighbors and fast friends "pal" ,around together. Mr. Barbour drives ' his. own •cair and motored to •Lucktiow ;on 'Monday; to renew his Sentinel., accompanied by Mr: Jacques. The latter's onlyi com- plaint is that his eYesiilit is bed andlwevents liirl•e1;6filedir141'19enhtIiertltli te:r8'ie!)a7pth geatiemen acl: both attend to large gardens and nu,- merous ether duties: ' P": • • . Jacques' good:Wife is his coin,. l)(fliOfl. She is 82 years eldis.4'Mmi.uprai';ir Miss ‘ . . bour's granddaughter, ,Watt,. Makes her heMe. With hint.: Mr. , Jacque, 11� fOrnierly farmed' 'east.. of .•WhiteehnrCh,.; retired into .that ',village 'nineteen years ago: He ;g:it-4O;v1,1„6:4401i'll.Toti:itlilig'44:fii•ntinr-etHhit";;Mtmr.- nOth of 'Whitedlifireli: . Mr, Barbour is anunele of Robert Barbour,, , Brighton, 'England, and: formerly of Luck -now, Who -.lost his eyesight in iii,the :Great War; Mr: ,Bar,: beiir tells us.: that. Bob has Uffered • muchr vi improved 'hot'veeri Aid his 'uncle ex - pets ,itti,,,i.tirmtii,etu.61 'hero' the fu- ture• ks. 0 BITUARY JOHN 5facK.ENZIE . • Death 'O'ir Friday removed 'orie of Ashfield'soldest: pioneer residents, john -MacKenzie, liked '86 years He was a'son of the late boll!' MacKen- zie and/ Ann Clark.. Cohn , MacKenzie . 'settled along the lakeshore at some ninety -Six' years ago; n short Lime after the firet se41ers' arrived' at this point; • John was one of a family'cii•seven-.1 born to this ,staunch Scottish' couple, who later took up land back from the Jakelrar-thepresea---,Kintail-kchoel-ort'-' • His death .on Friday 'leaves.. Mrs. peter Clark of Belgraye, the only . surviving- member of the family; life5frin' Mh ai se•I'Cniant wnzie d ssPheinpt, hwihse.ernei.irhee farmed quite successfifily, and as an exemplary citizen was widely. esteein- ed , and respected. was7notH'inariied-,aud-for-tiome--• time, while in failing healthi hemade his home with his .sister-in-law, 'and nephew' Mrs Murdoch Q.•MacKenzie.- - and Hugh MacKenzie, at whose' home , the funeral service waS conducted on ' 1McGllivary 0111f onAdsa,hfyjobaylislii.eesv4iJeiri,Ka;:, ' Church Interment was. in Kintail Cemetery iAlii_kturdoeh Mackenzie,: 'Charles Stewart, Itocierich. McGregor,°'• 'John MacKay, Colin •McGregor, •ena' John 1VIcLemian acting as pallbearers. • i‘ Mrs. -Charles 'BieWard ,ilected ident--NeeklyJitneys Tuesday Af ternobnL-- Mixed • Jitneys:, -Mende- , • . • , „ Evening, SOLOMON ziNN Mr.; Solomon ,Zinn, a life-long resi- dent :of, Carrick township, ' Bruce • ciriin••• ty-and father of E. G. Zinn of Lanes,, .died on Tuesday, morning at Victoria . following- two , operations which be: underwent- re- cently. The late. Mr, 'Zinn, was 77 years old, was born. in Carrick ' tWp:, and resided there all his life, . until about •tWo years: ago, since -Which time he has • made his hoMe, in • Owen Sound. He Was a progressive and successful farmer: He had: en- joyed .'mgeellegt*, health..alnitist':Up' to the time, 'of the operation at'London.' His wife predeeeased, him in October of list year and Was buried at Han- over. • He is survived by three mins, .Lucknow; Elmer,•,Wroxeterand Lloyd Of ',Goderick and ;one daughter, • r: Otto. Johann, Owen Sound. Sound. , Ile ,also leaves. ',fon* brothers,; Peter and. Ben:, jarniUr•liMm-veri-,...TOhnr Kitchener and David, Winnipeg, and two •sisters„ - Mrs. • Hafling .and Mks. Rapp; both of .: Hanover. • . Card of 'Thanks • • It is with sincere appreciation that; we acknOwledge. ,the kindness, and, helpfulness '0 • friends. and neighbors:, during the ,illness and convalescence of , Mrs. Marion & Mrs: Creerge- McGilliyary, arid Farnily.: GRAND SUPERINTENDENT . VISITS LOCAL ci-LiPTER for:1111.,euseakanYOWaps'haaripte°rilt8Ntral.4in7g, Ktio*yhatl Arch Mason's,' when they •re eiVecl on • his official • visit, Albert 'Dell; Of,."St. Mary's, newly elected -Grand SUpeiln- tenclent' Of Huron District No. 6. An- other distingnished visitor and spea- ker Was John.; Empey of, Grand Third Principle of the Grand Chapter of Canada. •, • Org"-sttre 'present front 4:7 Marys, Mitchell, Whighap, Kincar- dine and Goclerich to add to the large' gathering who greeted the : district, Following the 'regiilar • meet- ing, the niernbere' adjourned to the.banquct •lfst to Thhaell;;tinwilibeo,rei:4arici ::efres.LhOindeenet”a; Were ',served and ,the:ClistorintrY-lbast-,-. aild "The,. Visitors" WSS car,tied, Out. Dr, W01, bonnet Of Winglunti, ,head *oi: the local,. chapter, presided during the evening, .41