HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-05, Page 7•
I •
IT.S.,'ON. VI.
cp01,:i.EATPIP •IN...517:irtvicz •
• Niai...k 9:30-41- • -
'Golden Taitt-lt or .he that is not
against is ig., for Ll3. Mal`ii• 0:16
71-1F.; LESSON 11 1'17.1 -SETTING .
.'1Iine.-Aittaivin AD. `,•:;').• •
Place,----The•.words of Chrlst eon-
(eynilig his -..deatli and resurrection
were ••• spoken; in Galilee, while the
...;'rest of1h6 tdachingtrceorded in thiS.,
, - •
...., lesson was given in thy eity of Ca-
' nernaum, ;at tie northern end of ..th.
:Sea of Galilee: .: „ .'.• %'-.. • •
•• 3b.• And' thTeY Went ""forth :froM,
' .thenc6,:ned passed threugh Galilee
. '•antl he WoUlli riot that any .;,man.
:•sheuld know it', , "Otty Lord left Her,,
on.. and_ :the _ii eighborho od of , Cae-
' •'Sii., rea-PhilifinTr,fire, getiiiiielr:To
perrianin, .As ' he wiShed- to:. avoid
,notice, ,he probablY: Went:••frein Her-
mon• westwards,.
31 For .he 'taught his diseifiles. He:
,reeant t� spend,:the••tiinp in the-unin,
terriipted teaching of , his •disciplea„
' ''..• not nierely the. Twelvel,lirtit . allwho
Work was near ,at 'hand, and he spent
'ally his: One in ! trying to °prepare his,
'folle,Wer‘for the events. And said
unta them, The Seri of man • deliv-
'upinto the . handSn , of . , and,
' they,,slialf kill hini4. and •Virli ri he'iS
1cil1ed, after.three days he Shall rise
, again. 'Christ hasfj . previously. an
' nouneed Ins •deat . t� the disciples
' when. they ,were at 'Caesarea PhiliPpl,
' (see '8 :31); 'but • here he adds One
• '
detail, 1.:e.,:that bP Would lse. delivered.
' 'un to Men,. which inenni•he Would be
botrayed.14Y**6-0.117 ' ," ' •
• 'inies. •`'Sitch'• 'staternentS• is thig'...abso•
luierY contradiet„'Un yviliebrr.:"that
. .'makes the death, of Christ' tin iinekc,,
"peeted.: accident in. hiSlife. . Jesus
knew ' it would take. 'nfiee,, '.and; liad
lie' chosen; be • cotild. have , avoided
•. such a:death On the :o.ross'.., Inasmuch. rtS this, •predieitior: was 'meat wend'er-
... .
, .. 7. fully. fulfilled; just, when Jesus said,
:. ' 1•:,,, ' it would be, We cannotesCape: the
• '•-•'; • ...:.,i.conelusien that lie, was what' he claim
• ed to lie;7.and .t,hat he •rose. from:the
• dead ',because God was satisfied with
y• his workon the cross,, and his ;Own
*line-. '• • •
ss ..prevented:him!froin remain.,
ng' in the newer of death.. . • •
Wi!itect Earthly.,Kingiloin. ..
• :32, But they „understood net :the
saying,' and were afraidto oak him,
It:we-ea) in 0 srlinne-SitIVWget „the
diSeinies: to abandon their Cherished
dreams of ein.earthlykingdoin. :They
• still -desired saivation;withOut atone-
- • , •
mcnt. They were simply•:,ifraid, toask
birir becauSe!they guessed •pretty• well
What it Meant; '' They did not want'
'to be brought :face to: itice with -the
cross that :ley 'ahead Of him .and the
:issues it opened tip for them. They
".' 'understood 'enough ;of 'Christ's. Mean-
.. ing tos.,knOW that 'their 'hopes of an
, ... :earthly' :kingdom ;Were tioomed.....:
- Tru Cteatness " • •
.33 And thy ,canie toi•Caperna-.
• • .
ligark:'•112:1; 2.:1)
. had ceaSad. ' to be ' • the , :centre' of
• Christ's, ininiStrY but it was a Ceti,
venient. , terminus to the northern
(ilirn,eY and starting. -"point 'for
, 'fresh field of •Nork in th0 south, and
" Simon's or Leyi:s house, (Mark • 1:29.;
2",..15)afford.ed.a.,shelteo:therc.•• 'And
•..When,he .Was :in, 'the iniuse• he asked.
thern;,What 'were :ye reesdning on the
way? 3„4: But theY. held :theif peace:
• for,*ey: had disnuted. one With
.other on the lw.hy,, • who 'Was
the greates, •• What; a cOmment,
on the bardbness',. and the selfiSliiieSS,
andthe. unspirituality, • of .tbe
• ''.1..iunuin heart to •fidthese . disciples
' quarreling •:anierig themSelVes :con,
••c.erning their „,oll•yn.qpisitiorix„,,...:„.ip„, the
• „ kipg,dein, when they,ohotildliave been
•':,,,,..ectinfOrtilig:the:::.•••Lorti, It -sus t,4ie-o.p71
prciaches'•deoth,•Ofering hini the Wor-
Ship ' and ndora4inn which, were his
" One, „a d pi ei j nij.,thcir 0'. JLhcaiis
by drawing. nelir • to God for the ed -
which, aetliallY. they were afraid
, 35. And 'tie. sat -doWn • and
, the twelve.: •ii,e'51.1:4 :88L'd0W11' ill Ori-
• • ental fa4filon,:lis leg cross,ed hyr,
'flpitth :isstmie, that. the
• TWelv•el all of -winini•
• ,
Sat bc'foio in 1n,1110. anio way.
Jus -
.,Ubeut ,•to 'convey raljnii 11401113a iti-
.strUction. to ,the disciples. And lie
•Saith. urito thoni, It any )Vould
be fijt,'he shall he last of all and
• s.:,rv, a ri tIx rank atad .st
ing of a, di,i4eipte ;joints is, deter-
•, Mined by the Way, InclnirkeS
a .1pinistor .or all, 'by 'llie....charheter
o(l'• i•tryire he renders, in
08 many aS Ptis'.4111e, l'f6.forreets' the
." fase, earthly r greatn08.11i.114
of 1,110 dminnatiti..ittseiplesi
• eying bei'ore • ihern, the, tratvI,
11 reality' 'of ::greetnersi.' ,This ,he
,,,pronapts Ahem to •attailit; • Jklull
•": promptthem wightilY`."-bY shdwng
that its them
• ,all, •• -•
.SeVvilite •.0tiierw
30. Ana he fotcrt" enila; ;!11.1
. set hiin in' the' Mi 1st or 0.,‘,14; :tad
taking Iniu in ins suns, ho. :ad. unto.
, ikon;7 VhoSoever,
• end of such (ithl!ett•iit
• myna? .reedit4eth wvt a 4'''d
ale, re 14.•
, .
• him' that serit inp; J'estla 'inpses.
the lodo)f lv abil:::.cte'4.parable of 'pe-
culiar beauty. .,:re caielei:. a liil
child or for; one whb, Ike •a child,
'needs our sympathy, protection, •and
guidance, and, helpis.really doing. a
great. thin"' so great :indeed that to.•' -
do Se'in..the'• name off Christ, and •f or
the sake "of :Christ is really to render
the service to 'Christ: ,,Trne gi„eat-•
boss then consists' not inttairing
,helirst plOce' in the notice and 'praise
theviotild, not , being served.
„mnny, :but in. 1-4eing, to
,to • a: lininble Prepe,no
for the sake of self-effacement, but
in oi•der to serve others f� r the sake
of Christ. No doubt natural' bene-.
valence. .has its -blessings .tor those
herespOiceri of something, Much
deeper than -nature, and' winS:',U fay
higher reward. Unselfish. deeds, in
,bisnaine opcn the...heart for mcire;-of-
ChriSt and God, and. bringon the
doer, the.blessing of, cloSer eorrrieuT.
onion,with theLord:" • •
' -75/irtue -of.--Tolerarice.'
38. Jobn said 'unto :him Teacher,
we,, saw pne casting " out. demons in
thy nara,P; and we forbade ;him, be-
• cause he follewed not us A man.
Who did.nOt belting to tbp.recegniZed.
Company of 'disciples had 13een% dis-
covered by the ilistiplOS using. Christ's
aine' to Cast out demons, • It ' is a.
remarkable: evidence- of Lord'?.4
•in8uence.that his. name ...should' be'
• thenglit 'so powerful: disciples'
revels.' a 'contemptible Spirit of 'intol,
crane& When they attemptto prevent
• # • ## a
•CiouS,wOrk•bel:Was.• und.ertaking:,:f#,.
'One single reason'',.hecanie the man
'did. not helong.to particular
.ecimpany; He was •undonlitecilyi ,as
the teXt,clearlY indicates, a tile fol-
lower of the. Lord. Jesus.. There are
many• men throughout' Christendom
• who are: n,ot' cennected-.'with any of,
gteat • denorninatiOns :of the Christian
world: to-doy,I,WitO aredoing a great
wOrk..for• the Lord ,Yeins. Christ,. : 'Iri
:•facc,•there,are spine denominations
in our Country Which 'Will not'recogy,:
Ole.: the:Christian., standing of mein -
bei' of ether dencniinationi, and Will
:net evenallow .theM; in their 'pulpits
to preadh,,,beCausethey iave not ben
ordained'.1,a. ,e)catly the Way they
:think :ordination • should be inatituted.,
When.I.Christiona are °Lone faithiand.:
one helm, an.„ti; one clOCtriherend have
one none. other than 'JoSas
-Christ; ".the Son: Of 'GO& ',there IS 7ne,
reason Why .they: should •Upt encur-
one.anether.:and:.approve One 'en.
otheri:s-workr•-, • ... . • • :,2
•39.13titIOsu8 said, :1-.701t1d him nott
:for there is no: inan, who shall de
Mighty work in MY:name,' and he able,
qUiCklY -• to : speak evil. of Me. '•'‘
To test I 'Whether' one i fit to
• perfd,rni an act is ' the, iSerfcitinance
:Of "theLi,:aetz--,.-B.-*-lieretlhere'-wtOr-ra4
futther einestiOn..invelVed,•4hether
• the7 man **talk belonged:to the:
ciples • Of: Jesus,- and .S6 right,
to Use the name that he had sed in
/editing ciutth. e denions.,
That -authoritative, ,MiConditiOnal
"Forbid hini not',' ought: long.,:aio to
eran.ce. and: to'have ,ended the" te,
• er„ance and to have. ended ethe temp,.
'tation. to Adoliie "OonfOrmity"i and to.
confound union to; organized 'forms
Of ,the Chriatian.?•comnpinity With
laden to Christ: 1;04 • biget,i7Y• 'dies
• , Spiritual Quality of Acts •
40. For' hd that is -not against us iS
fOr. The .6pposite law ;is given
by Our Lord.. in Matt. :12;80 •and
11428. • One'. cannot be both'•for and
against thei•Saine"person at, the same.
time. •
•.11: wheseeVer Shall give you a
• cilo of Water to drinit; beCanse ye are,
Christ's,; `verily' 1' say • Unto you she
•shallino wise1is hiS reAlard. See
2: ; ' •Here •lestir-explajno
what'it rneans not,10,be 'against
and hew ,such 5 nian
him. &little test 'rhay reveal tho wayi
; his heart inclikys. Jesus. 4oeEtthe
spiritual inanity,' of t:act,' -
tho ..•
Boils Eggs Inside Radio
•New Type Truck la Useful in Handling Plane Accidents
Thi is is the firstof; the new, sixvvheel trucks completed in Rockville Centre;.'L,i., for use, as "creph tracks" by
the U,S. Naval Air 'Force, The truck holds a crew of ft fteen, Inakes .fifty miles an hour, has a special crane, and
1 -holds ten carbon :Monoxide' cylinders- for use in -stripther- ing flames.
" .
In Alberta, New Frontier Opens
. Up, One of Derricks and, Drills
"Mushroom!" 'Communities' --
Millions Invested. ,, •
, A new frontier- is opening in Al-
,..herta=„different ,'„from pioneer day,s
•ie r lima a e
• a frantier of oil derricki,,dle.
ted with a 15 nule front With "imieht,'
room" :e'eMmunit..ieS. Laid mi1hon of
'dollars, being invested in Ob . -04101
for"black • , • •••• •• •
Wherebut a'few • rridntlis cattle
• eraied, oil: ilerricks,! giant frernes Of
steel•and: iron, shootskywards while
'huge drillS plunge:into. theearthi
ThanWells reatining a depth of. More
:than. •, „, . .„
It is the ' southern frontier
ner Valley, Cariaild's'.natjOr • oil •de-
veIorpne4t area . extending far South
of „, the. •Discovery Well Which
„brought iti;flr,st ;petroleum %porn in
Calgary . : • '
'.. Picturesque towns,'reminiscent , of
-inirring..Communitieemith theirfalse
front. -stores; 'natio been established
and moie will follow this Spring--; -.
•In Ihe;,rolling. foothills valley With
a I beckgrolind of now-c,apilea. Rock
• ieS;
'.and Little Chicago... ..Littie..'BroOk-'
.IYn or perhaps a.; • Tilisa-4. name
. hasn't "beeti.;decitied „on
making but •a short •distance a*.eYe,2
Surrounded ,,bY weils whieb, lost
1 4at played a Maier *tit in 'Alberta's
4:7ge1ig4.7.01,--112e YilY,..44,0100:;#01iy-7-•
iolsof . oil ..ValuedAt; around '$5,600,-
000., • the :f'Mushreoiri', toWitir are
thriving., Prosperity is ,thore.' :Few:
•are unernPloYad. • :I"
'A 1ittI More than :a. year' old,
tle Chicago has a population Of 2,.009
and •Little• Ne*, York With 1,000, is
giowink „
....:Senchwest.:of' Calgary,
, ,
. • Tneyare la* ablding. 'communities,
Crimesare few and there is Only one
polie.enian ;hi the 'ilisttiet--a member,
of thItoyalCanadiall, Monnted.
llei. -who is 'statiOlicd at Turner
',pioneer. valley town, .12. miles
awe y, Little Chi ,ag...) his ;Its lawyer
‘vith.4141ditipnal 7`,1aw office?' Shingle
hanging ,oVer
Calgarallarget stores•liave, estab-
lished branc,lios Inilia' oil towns,
bc•iiiity` Shops,. Piodern garages., and,
inaftlitie :shops; -,tbeatres quid
• comMunity, chibs.',
low do yon „like von r: ogk.4 ? ou'
•c,ati haVe them dohe en ii higkfreqUeri,..
short -.wave. oscillator' yen •
go'. to
Noonan. 'Clerk, a rimini,ford: Tho -do.;„ .
• Vi('('' j}4:a 3.7 niet k*C.. a flair the. egg I '
• la -Sof ' inside Coil, Whore, in Ill, Min,
:ltvo,t is 'Anne"..Cti ilade
Ilratitford;.. bey
fOturnoir ft (yni 'the \Vag lug, I'
ton' technic:a or (It Seat wherel
Alit, • or,tfl-S.' here • lost week, '
'his • Vont:gate:re -.v.% Evelyn,. five and
.NI.Uvnton, dr.: had . their eggs
Nuked 1 hat Way, 100, on :East or. morn.
*vIlo you think th 1 lifellind • W111 "
v TT I r1 11 Q.! I •
vvvr •ron , lea': •
ho4dmit rydr.minkjz,
. .
cortliirg frottl
.) :Icor llernay,,I
poll% o. d tho 1:011vv and
11,1, n' 12 :-,o1,1111 Whclae,.)railds
f t.1 \,,,r,1 1
thoy .stutod
!i, te en i•e„ Iii t
i.ov.vvvy 11 "i1,0,-
-Inspired By Disney
41.1) other; "of the innuMeivahle adopia-
tioilS "Silk1W White and. the
'Seven Dwarfs." :
I"S'tiew 'White" coiT:tre, 11 wa..v, in-
•Apired by the 14,0e heroine of V;.•• 11
Disn•CY's t‘r111.e co, 'Alt 41 roll
tw6: • forelovkg to"7' v Vitt-
Priti, with, set, tml),
• In their. wake ,the new, towns have
left • a ghoSt- town. ;Hat -tell,' 14ye miles'
to 'the north., ,It is. practically 'de-
serted. tddity:: . It's Stores and houses
-7-en skids -have been moved to Lit-
tle Chicago and Little New York.
. Atl this is but a Short motor ride
. •
e Hunt
'When. the: German strollsthrongh;
forest and meadow, the. Erittou Welke
nig for his garden: is thp cininterpart.
of. the '‘Wariderinat' of the german:Peri,
pie: Master of the ,wide Wprld,' the Bri-
ten seeks his -little garden while the
Gartner', ;within the narrow .ccinfines.
of Me homeland,, wants vvto 'feel the
immensity Of nature; '„ •
"In :this.. attitude to ,na.turel„lies: one
ofthe greatest differences between
the two peoples." •
Solid Stone Tr-fles
*ell knOtt.4 for their archaeological
iverk in ',South Africa.„The ft is
called.by the notiVeilriziwo, from 11,
nome of,the sniall rIveineor its
which. Je about - seventy-five. Mlles-. •to
ti,e north' of . port JaMesen;In° the
taindost dietriet, :• ••
It Ia.:thought tMt the,infiltratioe, eF
lime girt other ntiller417bearing water
has confled,,the.wood.toturn to itone1I
The epteal trees ere..eMell, t#eIr
age, lengthbeing tinder . two feet, .a;
„vaile(y, �f , stone toole.. chipped .frola.
the...forest show that in „ancient Ones..
it Woll;Ia. regator toots/lop 'for:the. 44-
tiveS, . ••
dding Bees To
Farm Live S
One or twO colonies, of bees on 'the
farm: will prove a Kanto* and if'
treating' Sideline. I 'Where alailte
• Will gother'.eitviTirt-'''...larne;I.4407:7111P(tIPICS”
the houieheld needs and 4 surplus fer
ratitly ia1e ifbef QUO in he
pees,40. not.reqUire.a4reat -de
attention. During the inteithsef.
May •and Jane, when the colontee'ere
building gp for the naain'honey flew,'
which usually conunences•..abOut the
first bees recialre :only enough
attention to see thatstores are prei-
ent.,,an.cl: the queen has enOugh room.
for ,raaxonitm. brood-.praductitin. a*.
And • August. 'ore ,the two 7:-huar4st.,
months ,for the beeke'eper. A• thOr•-•
en811 'WeehlY' exaMinatiOn' 11000..1)e;
given in order ..ta•4 controlstar:Ming,.
and to provide supers for. t honey
crop. • Colonies headed by young 'pre;
irne queens iithFll and fed am •
stores, wllj, come through the, Win ,r
'in' good .eondititni if , well ,protecteiLz
. beginner In bee,keeping,. the
,perchiseof an ever -wintered • otitony'
from, some rlIabIo beekeeper -'19
reCommentled., This •coloni Is:Usually
itrohg, has a young. gtieen,.' and plefier
u e
,ta.,prepere• for the. palin'-• flow. -lt_ary
iiig with Package bees raiiniquit some
experience but 'once welt .eatablielted.
will yield. as 'ranch as, tiveritinlered
colonies. • ••
forest ' trees have been
turned. to SOO.. Stone has juiit• been
discoVered'..in NI,orthern.,Ithodefiia;It
es ;stumbled, upen'Ibi'Neasrs...k.B...'
Macrae and, Gordon, Lancaster, 'both
andwnting Analysis W.
Strithionian Institution Eneour- ,
, /Aga Search ;For -Valuable,' • Hdr.I TO Solve: YOur PrOblemet
,f,'Stories From HefiVen'.4
••"Stones.. frOm.. •Heaven" 1043,.• b
• • . • : •
worth •more' .than .•••!tennieii••,. from
Heaven," the Sinithstinian. •Institution
et.IWOShington;D 0, said In"request
ing ,Searea: foryinete•or7'
it „I
E. P. kenderion,; of .•tlie,Mnsentres•
'-thousands-'of ;;Meteorites..-.ot, frag-
ments of, shooting stars -are 'scat-
tered 'Iliroughont-tlie-Aliiiteit• States'.
EaCh.Meteerite,.he.:said; wohtd,"bring
everk;g6.ed return for o..dey's . Work,"
I..Henderson said sclentlsts,had to de
pend • on ;theaverage citizen: to. •hird
the ‘!:Eitones ifrotal heaven.," because.'
,Most "sotfitarfe' arehigh above
the:..earth . and .tisatillY 'appear to fail.
„ . . •
. Whtte-Hot ,Exterlor • ,
The beet way terecogrilie a ineteor,
Hendersen Said, :is by Ite:exqe.ory
dinery,..wejght, .1i,teteorItes, often coni=
Potted ..ahnOSt ;. entirely of. ikon • and;
.nickel,:. are •aniong• ;the -heaviest:: -.0f
. • • ; . .• •• „
'''(PsYtholegist ind KandOir Wog Analyst)
.•Blostof the prebleins!that..a,re rowed .
inniY daily mailbag' aterepresentotite
Of AO probleing of' niany. Of .nii'P'readi,'
era, and 1 '8.1:114881111i *11/1 9118,0 two
.:11141Y14,,Ma1•S8Se8 in this.:artielo- Y0174
'relitr• •alarrierasY.'itistienlip3rof-nto.di)717tiltb.41VPIt:'
. • . , N."
.your vorries„ . , . , - _,, •.:.. ,. ,_:
Miss, IL G.' writes •;iTsam a steno'
grapher, just. OverY,2'0•• years'. of .age;
.• and Ana :conSidered. 'geod-looking, ; .1',
bef...theY: do: not. list!'... Is ythere-,:iiiip.;
thing finIMy writing'Which ShaWswhat:.
isverong. With.,Me.•that'l *apt lot& ,
• e boy -friend .'Very..lellet.":'
Yes, ' lgiss:.L.• d.,.... n-e-e_Hia.raeteristie
acaiF. titli.' 1"rie 66tl----ale.:•traizt's
.staiide.Out :like .a :i ghthetise„ you are
ilittiisi's.so;it .0 ,
that people seidolii..'realise • they „pose,:
-.owl; hut it- ii, 'a Very. irritating. one.
•ttiii! say clever;.• tint :.clittitg; things
aboutpeople: This :is :a, habit llial --..I.n ..
he -checked . and. ..overecrine:. Wateh
yooraelf; Weigh:110..what ,yon.say: and
• then put yoarself tilItbe other Person*
place,aSking yOurs&f,,, "HOW would '1
Nice it?." 'In tline.,..yeu 'will' find that
you haye'le:st•the,:'habit-and thetvYeu
:will keep )0u1 boy 4iencla...: ••••
Mrs.:'yE•••••,C,.. writes:. '.ifi.• aM a. yOung
• widoW, living: in a' 'district. where
! The star fragments .do' not always
. .
show',eigns of burning, Tho • stones;
altboiigh •actually •tiiirned because of
'friction wlth air probably are 'Cool
..enOugh: 10 handle When.they . strike
'the,earth, Henderson Said. •
, . . • • .
fie' explained that 'a 'inetoOroid is
pearly at absolute 'serp-270' degrees
below zer� Contigrade--,when it en
ters. the .earth's atinop"hore. AS the,
.ineteor,,plunges through. the atinOs-
;nhere in a fewtseeeiids, the exterior
hecOrnes•.Whitkliettbefern the interior •
ne4('ted7. above ordinary'jaiiiitein-
peratures, • •
Love of Fler
'Strong n* Briton
• .
Gerirrag Writer Finds It'..One•• Of
„• .‘Tieite
the ilriten'i'leve: of flow..
Xiii•t 'von §tutter4elin, the
LenIcto1.1. atttresppild en t ot
.tlie".'"13.e1:1•111;er rl$ipplitt,‘", draws. 104
Atgard 114
13rit,ish (101'1100i',
• • :ilia tY's we rifitSt
be. in 4fl fhpl rho,.
pidt'orilfitst in Iho,tvoovi'.116.'
calctilating he may
•17,. 'I:a 01(111(16 tinoi;Ment% sUmg, 011
• 1"..t6'Ivors ‘. • •• * •• '
'Where the: (.1611.0.411.. iottlea he
forest, .1110 Fronch setliPr
niajlel:t, a VOgefalile .gatileur hut the'
hinglishm .flewer ga1-ti6n; ;so ilvat
t116.1after"1ias 00100 1obp asytnhol•
i'rtt 1011 (10400180 ('0."
The' Real Britlsh ScaSon::::
, Coinenting nu the eXeptord.inar.y...pre.L.
1111116110y 'given hY.' the' press. ,t6 "tho.
4irstlyerocita7` similite Signs of ap
.pro;feliing, snring, Von twterheini
pays r
4e1lod y (,,,n ir reproaelt the'
• fp1 bil enthusiasm. Sprlag'is• the rear
and, i;pring flowers are•
a lira oia 0811 ifut SloWp,ra•
Ilectit„:Attitude Neturc . •
"l.'1,.:.,.ttr,)n•rplio of 4t1), eTMitoe Pi; Ole
11.t.:T; .is the 'laud of. flOW,era, •
there., are no eligibie men.. Through..
correspondence Olub. :I , , bectinie'Ac-
quointed•Wit,h two Mee, but: have not
met elth*.on yeV. I prefer ihe• min
'who .•Wrote - apeCimen„ A„„ but :Went&
Ifteti; both . Of "tiii." Marry
nip:" ' • ' . • •
' . yew' instinct di, right, „Mrs::: E: /C.
. • • .... .... • .
The,- Writer �f ••aiiectnen.' A. .is /much
mere suitable •• 'than' your ',other: 'evar7I
tharacter,--os 'shown •hy. your ;hand!,
writing,.. with hli, 1 eannot help. 1;1.0
how much, you have in coin-
. 1-16..l a:intie, more .easy-going
than yen are and Is ,probably a ',tribe.
caieless.about 'Money; .. he is' ,tot. a
but L-
Olelodtiihirinifit-I-elbfYI, tea.' re .:11m7eirase'd I upon
f1nUs YOUI own cjiarater 'Auld
be •admething 'et a. brake:. • .
• LI any, pr011 Would
you like: to .youR hand
writing •Shows.'aboutifbiJR. •ehaiict.elq
And have yOO•o.sesthearti friends ' or
relatiVesyOu'd. like ,•tbkribw.the real
troth.: abbnil Senil "Speclmene. ofthe .
writings you wisii..aoalyieif;tnar.Osina;
10d for EACH specirn�n. E1cIose with
Stonipeif addressed envelope to: Law-
rence Hilibert,:Room 421, 73WestAde-
laide St., '',rorOnto; Ont. '
. .
They Looked Like After the Election'
Were many casualties in.the Egyptian elections. •Here yoU see the
Wafdist (Nahas party) depUty from Damiette, bandaged heavily lifter
repeiving rough treatment 7ftil1ow01,g 'eleetertil 'speeeli., 'On ,the lv,i0ht,
Hon, Mohammed presidbia of the' SOn'otei,
Instrument, Swiftly
• teats ,hncitnitks
In Water and Solutions; Electrical
Device Seen as Valuable In Ch.
inistry, Crime Detection ,
Magic. .4400Yered In droPf' mer.
try and Pete4t1411y for criree'Oeteettext
Whieh' was described' to the, .Anier7. ..•
gon•Chemicol Society Meeting at a1
T444, • . • .
" This .",inagie"ein mercury' •Is the' aky'.
',fifty of tiny drops', srna11ex than a, pin
teed, to pick up eleetricity:. The do*
are alloWed. tofall ri' like stfiegof,
beads, .144) any liquid,. thot •
¶Ish td • testraer;ay does •:ri ;at mix witW
9,1kiti.ay,1,11:4,1cle"‘,.dott.04, ptc,altisttieohieo,o;mx.
-Nore---•wecaileetect4o-tiiisq-,p6,01.---et-i •
cury," Over the wire f IOW's any
tricity,..the ni,9reiry • 'droplets • have
•pic1ed u,p dmingeir gail. throuth,•
the Ihlitid.f. • y . : •
• NOw.--CcUries
_pellet Prof. 1. M. oltheff of .the
Thilterilty• of Minnesota and D. oeto':
Muller of Stanford VniVereitY,
amount eleetrieity which the little
di7oPleta pick' up rOP410 the !imp drities
aid taints "clues" in' the soliitten.: •
• HOW 'ranch 'of Each Kind
Th s volume of current-telle-svhether
thee are iron; lead, caleinin, inagnes;-..
Wor •other .iiiiptirities
inking witt.r..If tells net onfr •
iter one 18' thece;.but)ottles,on all Iot .;
'illielaniount of eleetricity.,ghren up
Is different for• 6104 .eubiitoee...
•• it even gives an Idea .of'an'otil bait'
nuih of etiOh, kind Or ith.Purtiy. 'there'
It deei the ssine, in • any kind Of:
That •'inakeii: it a. new testing
iffitrifinerit, ,for •ehemiste..:, It was 4`e-:
'1161bed' as quiok, cheati, accurate and
neeful for scores of • different .0144,41,
• .4
• r
must Shows WI
p Flows 'Urowfir
TOtteentleof ,gailolisi•,a, lhosture
.ar on their Way upthe trunks' ,of
'trees and will• 'Continue fowlng up
Wards as long aatheTgrewing season "•.:
cOntinueli. •• • , •
What makes the :Sap ildw..unWards?
McGill.' vniversitybotanists explained' • .
-last : *eel; that it , is .,ifIroot' pressure" :
.which drives t the eep. upwards • in. the
spring but *hen...the, leaves "ceineOut.
another ; force Comei.intk.nlay.Y" 111,30
force- is Iinovio as transpiration pufl.•
It is:crated . through' the action'
-leavetieVaperating...;,:inoistUre,-LOther •
and 4ohe'sitlii, come iritonpleY,.Whentlia.,...•:..,I.
Istnaepc: hrannntec..al.' f a. c:.tc1. 'et.711.1arity'
, . . ,
• ....14ett.''1"..MaItAcehn'tiWonaI't'ehtIaSfIge.'e'vutali.e..tlIf9I'Ia.11sSe
ari eintanation. for . trave1nninp:7
wardot. through .jolentific
Caitriett.Icout,Aticent);•. by 'the use Qj ••
jfistrtiinents• itha l been
that this root Prssute wilt Wriliatti,„
force�f90oundS p,tr,scputthzig
:measure has. 1eh est Mated as su
dient'•,ta' drit,e , sap' pp to the,. tops of
:the talleat'Arees... :
Sot& • Ilea,. Of the• treinendous-
einountsvIRif Water utilized.
may.: ,be -geinetr iv'hen . it,. is ..realized .
thera single coin plant eyaporates-
hogshead' of water duiving.' its ;growing
sea itSir. "ho-ch.largetVee recifiires a.'any, •
barrels." ' •
Finless Salmon
Capture Dollai
Lucky, Anglers Can Collect, $1.00
'if, They Catch One
•,:.•• Thouiands :of ',Atlantic saltiron are,
`sWininiing in•Maritiine wa.te.i45 31410 ked
with price' doilar
The Dominion. .CIOVerunien.t wifl pay
the deller tto .ailynlie catching tlrein.,,
's-`'part:df:a Siptifio mei\to gath-,
et* accluatc :data, On the rhiihtio of
saline:1, their travel ro ti te a', and otlitT, •
chareeteristie,:.." „; ,
. 'wOre ;IlhOritteti Do=„
hatellr.'les fit NeW Hrinswick .
'eva,Scotia Streams , as:
111a41.51 e
- .
meat 'of Eh:lie:des sxiyii. riiffe.i.ut sets
Wife, 'Weite. 'shinned' off, sonic :nth- "
1 nsi thA iliosp. o,r ha ok .tin :Ind the,
'Ho:44 peetiiral„' the
right side' of 114,1-
itist' the 'left pie:" '
'Leval and .a.t.'111;
trols„ 'Cho' dpa on' ,10f, ..n.natieredo Of.„:
• AYI:on.,e.or."11
lils ±)11.ar! hy 113111b:k *;116rn..
lAndodlo it rincl, ;,01141.1111., .0 1141
part mont (;1. 1..f..11iirlott: • .1.11ree
de5e41!'3001(' ;froth 'I tn. Jeff 15141dI10 sOlo
of: s(ho 'flap and,
tie:I', sears, ta43"Iliy..117410'.iil: :of. bp' 11
11.0pvtt 16 'g'a tflet. ••-
siiirt.triirtilkiritiVitoir .90 i. itve
froti,:•elited hv sol moil .1.
;•;Ir'rt:4,:ftn!41:1:(11‘;(( 3011 fi'0ii\ dmrtiit'
Roni,la, What; of. 148440e:1 -e‘0, ,
41 111 4:°:1(1:°, A° ' 1:
corm, eivfrom th„, : t:17,:
o .1110; .0;1.4 0:1''it )0t .
411 retain i his into-a.lo,l''Y fv",altfrO11
gt iht1t0ii, 111 ,r1VAT 'AA lin-, ,
• ' •