HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-05, Page 6,..afet..forcht pyricpsis, , The story open's •with a scene in all "American. Music; hall. ''MYSTICOS.P# • aBritish artiate with, a great "gift for: stage"magic," has finished his turn., In ,his dressing-rorns he finds avvait,. Ina him his young 4ti,i4Other, Who it's' • endeavouring. to escat from A racket it) Which „he 'had clot hinieelf Involved, •"ivlysticuS offers to take m home. in btit th•02''convetsatinee is in- terrupted ly .•enttio' '.'of,;,tbree men., 'Wfvb,,,7prOclueino"..Pietols,. 'demand that the younger man .cdrile away with, therm!: He inittseslnd „the, Older broth.. er: interveneS,".With the result ••.that 'both. are skot,:ancr4eft. for dead, Serral-Yeark--lapse,,-And-the.-scene , ' IS" c 'anoed , to an ol,c1.',Atottp,e,•„. Croft,4,Bast; Coast nv. It has been bequeathed by an eccen- tric; Man to hisnephew, FRANK 0107 4,ho,AnAarking. poseesSion-..cii.the neglected place,' is .almost scared out .. Of his Witi, by what :seemto be „ - psy- chic„happerings: 7 '” ,bigby enlists the help ofMAXTON. HLJNTr',, Who :hos, . a „reptitatii,n .for• Firivateinv•istigation, and 'the two. take , up residence at Owl's Croft, where they are atter,' ..'•-by• •an elderly cou. ple, MR. and, BARt.OW. The , • . :coupie are un- hut Digby finds that other servants he .,engages • refuse(6...stay.• :On the first eVeninfic of Painter'S k stay.. in the house house:there are unaccount- able noises and ringing of hells; and unCannY, things 'happen- to an ancient picture of of a, priest '4',Presenti foot; A -Simple Die r. au si.e the library. d•litIte....n "S0410 iterrihig theatriesa • whee?el,a PCOnring triel0 Here, .glve• ine a hail(' •• -.'Aa. he spoke he, clambered upon tit& tall ..mantel-elielf,':, employing -an Ohl,. •11171.4.go'ed eba-ir as a' nieO'ne, Outside 11 .11. .The Hall 'r..-f3ut,',iv..44, a etiOa he wet-do:have tali:: c'arried' Ong for Kit,' otteribg' a . shriek: rudned :Into .the remit. with of t4theretherebiltsicle in ;the -hall--! 'WC there" • ' lionter -jumped "•r;ein his niche be, neatii th ainiing, and feed . to the door Of .the library. • Digby • stetid with the cowering Woman behhicl lim -Thus they remained Lor ienre-tabee: and, thrll.liiig seconds, listening to. the. steady traMping of .,SomeOne Or. sonie '.ttring in the, hail outside. , • , , Stealthy feet were walking, furtively and shoffling,•ahd`With their straining earsthey cc Id :detect a reeurrent sql1Palt, squeak, of shoes, . . .-=--teAt--le-itstr7771.1711:tinteP, ."this 14,the first ghost 1 -ever- heard o .wlicr wake squeak i Shoei,". Steadily 44,4 without halting'he footsteps.' approached, first crossIng the floctr'Of t.he then nearer,. then muffled by a rug or. Carnet, until flnai- they, (ire* neat to the door itself. ; .Mrs. Ballow shivered 'back,. bat,•xliri. „ter moved. 's.;step., forward and thrust his right hand; into. hs jacket It-Pelf:et, 'there was siomethinf, 'reassuring 'fa • • . k • • :I CHAPTER 1V • As ; ,the two ':•nreti 'steed !within. that darkened'.old :room there- Caine akain. 'the cieaking peal..of,4e deep , threat. bell far; away -in the .kitCheec..,.... "There, "Pinter, ..that'S. • the :start of thing 'that 'goes Thereii".th old . the'. side 'of the 'fire k• Dig:hy indica fed ,a broad :band' of cln eilk.. which .terntinated in ' rusty 01(1 old,ring. „. °Y,en Mean that:the hell now...ringing , in "the• .kitclien• is :cornieeted' to that ....hell-tene?",:•. • '"I , mean Audt.,:the opposite, .:Hunter, It is .not'..conneeted, and yet it is ring- ing as: ',yen hear.: 'Say .what..eu.:-.1ike-,-• - Its uncanny,"' , • - .• "OPPer,',dettainly,2,014.1,fina no ,rOom ,far 'initeidnetion of the .noCulti',And' ninst have a little time to investigate . before' I 'agree to Yoor suggestion. • In .• :any ease,_Avhat_does-.the-felldw-'itr'tite7 picture. heed ..!:fiat he... should ,ringiP': anniVeriaiW.:Pi death..,', hushed hei- Voice ta, a"retpectful tone. `And- 0 'always, calls those- who ere in the .'ouse.to. see, 1..the "death*--ring:rbund • . Minter. strodeforward...towards the. bigh.;,..04a.-44e-1-41:10tt-Olre•t!-.-1011al-tireL pertrait. • , . •• • • ;He Was Beheaded , ;Underneath ;it, Whilst li peered up- wai(Is at tlie griined aid •cany4S, he. deinanded;..°Wel • What's, the yarn, ‘`1t osed---"'• . sirt . It's !certain. ',rye. ,• seen it and 'so, 'ae., My'.'ueband!" the :holloW,:voice :of Mrd.,13arlOW had' no advanced to the dooeof the' room trouna, WOCh. 'she .Ptered7.,fedifilliye • • gay ,it id. conOsyect . Digby, •:1,fer:I•havenever seen it '.nlyself,••that ,...! this -picture lives „fey a liaCtion• of 'a: r 2,-seeond..eyery, Year. upon •the anni:sre'e. gary ot.theq'snbject:'s irnpending death; • upon the biock. He. Was b,eheaded,.• as• „7-1, told you, and the pietUi' rn §ome hOrtitr1e.7-Wa:r'stigge`sts'.-fifat7Trim pen-. • . • . Hunter, .fascinated, stared, at ° the • •canvas, anct.as:-his eye s studied the -picture a thincrimson line began to- , l'nfaie ugv , . . . neck of the than , • ' •:,iiroader ,and .Wider;i:t 'became until It cireied th neck ust above an -.tibethan. ruff. •• ;thtereatiek," -.•91)s.ele'd • '1eI Full of Life—No Mrc Tired, Dt4 fitavy,Mornings , Keep your 'hut healti4"ahd 'youll. feet• . great every'retern*g: Whpflyou.'wake Up . feeling #fpfieti,liour liver is Out Of :order... • ,- Your Iiv 1e Ifid 'blob& of poisons,' , lepatilevk ,hlul'ishill:011 oIr tir k 'ffbhl th6VfaSte, Supplies rneirgyldliiitcles, • • • liastieS and glands -gives out hilei the body's • laxative, khelp t itaintich.; 'kidneys ind ..iptines, to yok:proPerly, • '4‘. Met* bowel ' inovcintnt enough. 'Split-04es"; • Made troin fruits and herbe: will atretigthgh ' .sinkbpil&up your:liver like nothing else will. You be amazed how well you are every 7"4-Vierning.., Try Pititzt.tiva; AIIdrugit • FRUITA-TIVES ' LIVER testi& Ni98.•, • tit.) Ir Settee his ,grasP. CHAPTER . , The: .Mysterious : Mr. • Cranston A, shadow darkened the doorway of thelihrarY ahda dgnre. •Came. into: View: • •Tall. ;with sloping,' shoulders PAK arins aswiii lIke an ape's, ktag :and, leap, With scraggy neck.- •' Cranston!" breathed Digby.' . appear- toi have disturbed 3,`Phr" The. voice '.•wasfittingly like • its own. er, rasping and mincing hi its pectijia.t • .dketion. "i rang the, bejl, but inr.ofie.". .aPPeare to have heard, apologise, d.ea,e4310y,for tals14, such. liber :ties, but 1 had no idea: you were enter taining a .guest." : •••As he spoke he craned. hit ',vulture like • neek :terward and Oispinyeti bis •Waxentace. With. it Wrinkled smile, • "My:friend antiAleighhour, Mr. 0.14 brans ted , this, gentleinan is At• friend riom Loudon, Are: Digby, alelieved and,rnatter of 'fact tone. . "Hunter, Hunter?", croaked.. the gra,. tesque thanat the door'. •"Not Hantet, the 'crinfinologi, -, "That aii.§Weted7bIgby; 4Delig1ited, sir,, delighted, .1 axn to meet the solver of sti;many Mysteriet! Here' yon Are Well.plaCed,, Mr. Hunter, 'fornli ever there, were mysteries yant- ing assuredly: 'they , are in' Owl's CrOft." He laughed'ilarshly, and. giving himself a, queer twist' upwards' s treteliTs e-boncs of- his e 'his body cracking.: •' "Lor, sir, • don't -do .it!" gtilped Mrs. Ba)i-low...•"That Cracking of yours :sets my 'teeth on edge:" , • Hunter-topit.in thequaint make -tip, :of the. inYtterious Visitor ,and Mentally assessed him as something More thaw .a,„ crank.. 'What .fascinated him was .the.'queer ,article ,he gripped,.. a faded Old thing; a gteen umbrella. k " (To Be Continued) 7 good atitematie • e rhripe When Mr. and Mrs. James West of 'Midland; Hamp-shire,.'Eriglari.it., celebrated their 75thwedding arinivereary recently'', 'they advocated -plain living' .as a Means of .reaching a ripe 01(1 age. ; Mr. West who is 98 years, ord,•stgited work asa bird :Scarer in the ,"Hungry, Forties" ,wheil his -usual breakfast was an apple and a piece -of .bread. This picture Shows' -the cupbe 6.4„the'y celebrated' their .75th anniversary.: Abdut 1O& of their children descend- ants are still living: They had 14 children dn41 are proud ng the fact that no; serious quarrel has ,marked their liyes. ' . Beautiful Queen ..Arrested In, Paris = Suspected of Passing . Vital Information Out Of • . The Country ' Paris vas ekeited ,by nevvs.of the, arrest of the,beautiful young "queen" of an alleged spy ring .whicli has jeoL, pardized the safety of the Southern frontier.. , ' • . • ; Idol of the dance halls and hags of the Rene Tatiana;" 'At ehe,,was 'known, is :said to have 'ganiied a chain of spies whose activ- ities rnay have the"gravest,rePbrcos- • liCai roe' 1 name is Tats.(na‘ 'She. is the wife of a soldier' in the French army, but she is said to he friendly:With a young Persian, ' , • '• •Suspecting 'leakage' •et, vital rriation, lorericli Secret Serviceligents', :after weeks Of intensiveiriquir, ar- rested It, stoung .soldier who had just oraplsSeA hji,01:11ta'ri seevlee, in the '1tUc teen' of Graul 'b:ocunients ,f,o'ond • TlieVIrattlearied ti ti f�reign agent had made •him ad offer for, a tlocument Concerning' the defence of the "SOuth-eastern region and a plan of mobilization. - The a'qciaged man doela termer seeretarY' et the ,ar d•• that ••Mitirs, . • f .0pStitot-ha-cltthe7d:e-etitF: I' Search. of • Otittrie'Slionie roveal- Od 143 doetinients, including fortifi; Cation plail§, and charts, says B.U.P. , 'Then „ the pence,. turned their ...at- tention to Toulouse, here the ,b-e-ati• tifill • 23 -year-old .brunette, Was -re- . ported to 'he staying with Annimirihn„ :the• Perstarie....laut, . the "bird? had flown, : They...avere later arreste.d. .in. the 'Latin:: quarter. otipartsi and it is, re - petted that mere, vital' documents .,.sttere 'found in their possession, . . ' . Duck Eg.gs Must Be Railed Well Dont. kty ci,eek eggs. 13611thein — NW. WI..them . cll.' a. That it ;the warning 'given to Our-. chaser t :.efdttek eggs., in France mad Germany. In Oertnany.slioniteenOrt are: compelled by law to fall,everY eiti§toni7 tgit..,giye• eiksA itang b,0111114,...tn stamp :on eaoh: erie.11 the , lore be, boiled,' and to , a nos, ter - i th,c:Sobject.,for'llie 'infonitiation' e(Ctiaterriers:' . 'Reason •..is• that 1,',Yrencli and Cferinan. Med:teat -M-ca - mere sorlous :VieW•of..theltlatigers of ditch i..ghs piatt la '00 oWn,• bectitisd et I dangerous bad -gins 'which they 1-iy lurks in even ti16.;,,elpnil11$t :)akingelg,..f,Tio(fitAlly, one' reads Of ii`nIttett'S. 011< 1)001)10' hae'. fallen Vi"ltifht tn: the, ha,e9Ins,..• ' • 7, , : • t -i'••• a0'ety. In Your REA FASTS • •The housewife' ‘Y110can prepare a, breakfast that .pleases her family and at the saine time „nourishes them, 1$ W•• bev.o0iod: ' Mast:wouten find break `• fast. 4 Prhhi.ehl. it • cen104 At n time when . • apPetitieS 'are ,tenipetaniental and digestien slLggish.. • • • Breakfast ',can start'. the day right Or •wr,0U:t1, It all detiends' on the:plan- ning„.Et shotild. be 'a, fairly...light nietti that :is' easy. Ta'nd., quick to eat, yet tasty, •and ycontains *plenty of !healthful It .gitouitt,not, .:require any elaborate prepgratiOn. Soll4e-cf' hehig,at pence vvi,th•'theoyorid: When. everything rims :snanethlY, :and .eaSflyslionlObel inSpIred..and thin can tiot'be U.:there-14 a clatter or pots :alid . Paekaged cetwils are a big '11 in '7,:eaeYth-eck4-• (flP 61$11-''?oo fOla' nnod- niailles are •a `delightful' addition to the .breakfast, thbie. They canine thadedays ahead. of tithe:and heated, in. 4, .dbitble. boiler_ over „hot 'water tit 'toasted just before serving. For the "adnits, be; particular about the c,offee yPtk.. Serve: sliOtild. be fresh, prOpei,ly, ground for thelYoe Of Ceffee:maker ••yog ;nee, and,- of the right' tirength"' and doll't skiirip -. onthe cream. Hot. chocolate is a geed start,, er fpr the youngsters Who • 5o.. to schvoaorly. bro.• ' kk:ra. t by starkii.l'g....0;f with pineapple : juice; orange juice, tomato juice Or grapefrait juice, stewed or' ....Tfr11711.....efarlill be:Wiliaeultowiletedy iSee..aals °an,: eggs,, ,§aoSage§,- fish' caked. Or .'ICI:e4111 'chinned : 'on:: toast. Toast, or ,Frerich•Apast can beserved someFluffy. Ornelet. • . A tablegpoons•:oniel.conicilig,.tapidca teaspoon ..salt•• 1:4ablesPoon ,blitter •, 4 yegg yolks, 13eaten until ;hick and ' lemon -Coloured • :4 'egg whitet, stiffly beaten •,, . Cembine , tapioca, salt, pepper,•'and .anik. in. ten 4,)f, d�u ble „holler. Place,' ever -rapidly beil- ing 'Water,. bring • to scalding point 3':• to •5• iniriutes) • and: cook 5 minutes, .• stirring 'fregtiently.. Add ,buttei.....Rernove from boiling water; let extol slightly While , beating eggs., 'Add. egg yolks' :ail(' „rnii well. Fold in. egg whites.; Pour into hot, 'butter - .16W flarraC'3 minfates. Then bake in MOderate.oven:(250`det. F.) 1:5 min, ; titesi Omelet is:. suffieien,tly cooked 'when a -knife inserted ..Comes: out 'clean: ...Fold • Carefully: and serve' on --474f.6iirlatte-1...§-eiteS 6. Bran .' Mniint cup sifted 4.'teaspoons•baking••pOWdei %. teaspoon. salt' •••'.„ • • • 1 •egg well beaten • 2:, tablespoons sugar' •• • tablesPoons, butter, melted 1 cup bi•an flakes- , •:: , Sift '.ifotir• once; measure, add baking PeWcier:atid salt and sift'again. Coin bitiej•egg .and sugar: :Add 'fipair,,sal-', tetnately with milk,: a .sniall amount ritinutes:! iNlakes'12. . medium sized Muffins.. until snioCitb., Add butte'r and •bran , • • French • Toast pans, tliOn't. 'two-thirds full. • .BAke.In. hot oVen.'(‘150 deg. F.) 25 •flakes. • Pent° int6' greaSed muffin. " ata time Beatbcup milk .6aafteer.ir each addition. (;1: 'inch"\thick) cut . . ,-• in triangles • tea:speon -salt' ", . ,Combine egg, iriiIk, and salt. Dip ,sliels of bread an mixtureand , fry M deep fat (390,..deg..-F.),2 minutes, or, until golden .brown: Drain on un- glazcd also be sauteed in hot fat. on griddle)., Serve With.;.,maple syrup or jam. . Makes'. 6 triangles. ' ° • . Runner and Mat in To .0elera in•Lalga Wheeler : F ' • „Jiff-yCrOctzet CROCHET Get • Got out that large erpche't liook—use. four strands of: string and crochet these.' jiffy-matS Or a „runner... They're smart for Summer ,entertairting.. Pattern 1757 'contains directions foe making the Inlet shown and it runner; illustrations of mat arid of 'stitches; material needed; pliotegraph of the oArrERN 17V :Send 20—Cents in coins (stamps cannot be' accepte0 for this pattern to Wilson,. Needlecraft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Write plainly Pattern Nurnber, 'your Name and Address. ' ^ Believes Women Less Susceptible To Manly, Charms . Dr. Peter Sandifora 'States Alen More -EakilY Influenced In CriticiAing . . to little'boolc, and wiSli to ill F)nwers in the gardent meat in the 1'1411; .A. bit of Wipe, ,a spice, o,f Ahou With la:Wu 'enc1osin if,„ • riVey by the:,dear, nightingale in the sycamoy.e!' Stevenen •WEAK AND NERVOUS? MOST..women at ,..Sorne., period, of thele liVed." need a. to,r Pierce's, .'47aVorite.. PrescriPtion; I' he , yeting "avoinan who • stades fte'iti inofithl tyP. patus,; 'the ex- pectant illotliOr who has no ,.appetite; ancl. iniclifit.hgedwoMan who exPerieneeS i„P.S't • fhiA .oree$e.ripilam"' MfA.,, L. 'TOT 48/ •, htidge'' St4 ..NiAgod '1)uring• motliet.hOod Piekce,A, 1:;aVo.rite Presqrlptinfv'gav h (incItC, '110001 tr) clieve IOC Ocifitt*Itst stotilacb, ahd tktrengt oiled a,vo, befully, Ilefeim I th ust(1, 'e •• Peoctiorr ioi was quite weaaidk.ifierv.otta, Pro4.peeflva mottles. Wito.,:tre weak .auti iti • ' CCd of:a tonic' Will findit d krtat : • BAIIY,Igistr,of :your ei•tigkt!pto •- , • eac 47.4 , . Ho*eyer susceptible to nianlY Charins women appearto be it -seems they. are .not influenced by them nearly:as -mich•••as men are, in-' fitienced' by feinale • charms. It has has all. been _worked out ...scien- tifically' ;by Dr: 13Pter Sandiford,. Partnient,'•di..g.duCation iterearelt.„ Coll- ege , of .idneatioiii".,',WhO •". 'before.. the Training .S.ec,fl'OnAf the,'Ontatio Edu- catibhal convention in To rontor showetyby4gtrefullY. Worked' out charts- the .pait.„-Oy'ed by ;sei, when men and. vitoineirerftieS. Jndge, men and. • • women, stndentjeschers, • • Are . Better.' critics • 1 -lis findings :wete,: (a) •,B6th .•••inext and -ornen-riLics givesigirincaiitlyr" higher., practice • teaChing-.. marks to' women students than to inenstudentS.: ly .•higher Marks..fibm. ;:;men '•ritics than from Woinen,critieL, While .on .the age-Vate-7„Warneil • students' .oly11Tlr equally.' high, :triarliS fUom • Critics of. beth • seXee.. „ • "Iltceerris that wpmen • critiod'dare net: so; oVetconie by admiration . for . . the oppositesexas to givetheM high- er niarks," Said On. Sandiford.,."Men 6..10es...however,. Cannot ;ciaint lefbeso free "i-oin influence; it is prehablY, that, they.,are '.roarelenient with worn. -- en Stadentteachers.'"' • Woineri.Owli Most •Of S. Wealth • - . . Women; "in Pocket or. in•PreSPPets'.' are the owners of 70 per rentof the wealth in the "United. S,tatee, accor& ing tot1 William E Weid, president. ofWells Coll e r NesS771 e e a oeg as erlt Alitnniae • Association, he, asSerted: that 50. per cent, of, the stockholders in the United States are women, and', ,that: they own '44 per 'cent, of the • poniie utilities .Of the 'United States. ' RVery: coin minted in 'Venezuela beart • the • profil§ of, SiniOn :Bolivar:. • EXtreine cold i5; CaPableoffca.using tin to ernnible to dust. , n.. „Another , mnipeit WriterPcter.isivef //ly. Into This Ai0.,01.4.Pi4IPM. -,12e4t19r5591,13ewhat Irilprovo•-• ecf, The wife an an .4fricen exf7frer., V I'vbent the, rear • „ taPthin'th; effect Os flier §etind'of trAf.„ fic to • New: ,,,Yerlierj:-§liocked-het-.., friends ,of.climbing 6410, ,chair iv1101:1, 4 little grey .mouse hove into view, .pallY C•hipin,en! 'notes in the, vgjapipek free: Pies Ttlerk dinok;,, thrown; into upraars. ui,peri•• the tle folioIfia0 N..0...Way from „on.e., • CorlI•or; to tbe:etbeir. f'"':41,RW•eArOenlY .11.1swent set:t. v+11,9'4e:t•,,P;t;it ,te, .c.ertaiii-, the faetii :ot the :Writer: , into14.ieibed, .prerMifent:Wilinipeg:",;Wentert .• 'Dates '.1ltk to-Vict.tarlan , .• . E. Cora 111,ind, for. yttr,f.the , West's grain, prophet, ,^s,C,Offed.";'' ,t,11.0,.• • idea, -but:she recalled seeing, ,ei:a.m.:„9:f4the-,31:ii.ilefiStatee01v& war -- climb up on A chair and .heWl-W1-10n. .n ;little .grey ,aninal,' walked across 'the toe„ Of his boot.' "Perhaps we ;..,.71.ota1d:have askp.ci, the,„.meri.:too,!'..the -• Writer' interjects, Dr: Einina Adamson said the. Whole . ..• • . . . thing data,. back to ,Vietorinp times - and • 'Atisten,.nOvels, when it 'was. • ,the "mark of :a lady te‘,10ap onto,a sofa and let the; edgeof one's lace :Panties peep out ,juSt eVer.:§ii It's a Mattel.. of. What 'you are trainedand' 'breUght•.on, to ',fear,. she:said:7' Seek : Rafters 'Wa;4 -queried Our •.friends 'shame-. lesely and flied the answer's; in ' the •bett, scientific, statistical' nia,nn.er';", the writer Sunis up. :"The findings of. our research, in cold figures'. prOVe ,• :that *Omen no iongerseek the raft-:•- ers .or the *chandeliers when the Wee: ppeartat, ' is '..tver.7*oVeirdroTitlietelotir•':weinene:... ;do: 7 •"One• • ••of.:•,tice :tiniid, souls . told. *us that: -a Mense had 'Once taken ,refttge,,.• in , her •clothes cupboard family were out •city: tuntitelY shebed tivoTsuch cupboards :ie;she chided the, little.felloW up and; • Wore :clothes. irein .••the Other s,tip:;•••" 'beard for a niopi:h:: until' her ,farniTy ,:' • •retairnec::' •••• • "One• 'told was pot g afraid, of 'a irioure• .and :she'd love to rneet •a ghost if if we.. could.; Arrange • • it., . Another 'eK:pteeSed., the. opiin that. Mickey • Mouse had n god deal o' (le With; the improved 'relatiOn,§...., • oetWeOn ;mice and Pon% let constipation dull ihathappy smile., ,Give Steedinan'S powders, the mild, 'kende laxative specially made for growiirrellItIrei-T.:Tortifore7,- itthroleid04eye(erinratlY:tto4lecresererarheenrilebattvlit fully regular from:infancy to early teens. FREE Sample and Booklet John• 4421n st st S. ;G°e ea dm aentMothers'scrae e• tco. on roe Intriee.epastit... rate67\Til ' '.•te •••••••••• , • ."7e7chciZe;;;;;; POWDERS Zia for the Amide EE,sy;tlie:1 oit'each belches& Behind this. cigarette tobacco is 80years' experience —4 secret of a flavour and,a smoothness -that will * delight you. Try it for a real_ smoking 'treat. , FINE CUT •kf • Wonien7 Operators Enjoy Gossiping - Giver the Air Waves--7r-lams Are Pained and .YearicE6ffPion• - - eers Days, of Short-wave Radio Pity the peer radii) his :wife. discoveted She could talk °Vet. 'the. in Without . using' 'Merge code he can't • get, a avert] ...in edge-,, sets exchanging recipes,- gessiping, abouthnt, newkinds, of, lipsticks .and: . what. not," -the. .P.1.2riale as-:„ gerted last :Week._ ": Off ,the air WaVes ,thp Purple Pa - Jan* is . Dr. Burton Simpson, di- rector of the: '$1,500,0,66. Nein?. York:. „ „. State. Institute for the Study- of Ma- lignant 'Diseases :and ono ‘•Of thena- • timesforemost intherities On Cancer.- ., He has been an,arnateur, racijo op 'crater ....for' 15, years ',rid, has one ef the Most, powerful. "ham' sets• --in the country. ,His putple'ral. jaina title comes froni his leadership in „the Pajama ''Clob, a group 'ef "liarns" ib Now 'Eng,' • ;land who meet on the air three .titrips• ..,• a week at 7 'a na to diseuss-thttailleit• of ..the day. • • ''' " • • ..• The Ol.51: pays 'of. Morae , "There. was ,a, tiine when. We hains, svould•say good night to our wives and then sit Up, until marriing• .cifiang;irig Message.;',?, Dr. ,SIMPSon; cx-‘, -'"But the .radio telephond°, :change,ci . • • • ' ' Minns used td,designae their WiVes ad:OW.9" (ol(1 .W,Ornati) -but )1o:tneitel.:,,„ ."In the dais of. Morse that' Wad idi right,", Dr.' • $impson. :doelaredi, "shut. when .the Women:folk hetisrd. the sneaker saying, ,`Flow'n',the taw, , Meant rind' when they f.mind .01.16.4 . ",50,: iketvo Ch1nged it to XL, mearringex-yettna. lady," • • LIBBil Mary .DciesitA , Like Modern Mu&ic - a (4'‘-le,,,60111111,1' n Ot filmier) ' . Shortly, ,b,eforg she:: Ijdth� fel ;chitin/1 'steno of the rfeav' hospital ,at: prograne'offliI ,Ale :for LIIC cere,nony.ottag sent': fttr. er app'en,ViL in ?n a fed that. she , didnot like inetlet,t,' lnultfO, drt1'gar, Ifetrittrty saiq she prefort light ()Peva, 00. Viennese ..,1,tiA1(1,11fa stinit,', „ l(t',L Ui 11 hy0•' .'4.‘k •