HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-05-05, Page 2•
CoMtnentatY' on the ,
Of • the Week's Nel,vs,
Request 40,000 Fish
For Ontario Waters
WeSterhi. Ontarko •Sportswg0
. • , „ • Send,
IIeato•Departnierit to
.'11Z.at:0:i•th 'Eedit ' * *R.g.Atcck Streams..
. ____, ,,,, I LONDON, Ont.—AS Part of a cam-
' IVINDOW,DRESSING .— In .- Pottle lalld,;• Its terms' heWevert set fOrth Reign to re -stack We'stere Ctattitip
• ;:cmatters thebelief is, eXPre§Seilthat the follttwillg: transfer to•Irelana at watere, ,application hen been made to
- : IPt the -past , threeer fAtt.r... years. ',..p.a...v..al. 4efe..pse.sc4tiims. DA the. Irish the.. preyincial, „game and'fisheries
• Papt, Anthony EtIPA has been nsed by Coast '1101W, OPoilpiea by ' the United bratich-f9V 'Fri:411:40,QQ° td, 5mocr Ash
•' the :National Gciver,anient Of Great Kingdom; elldillg of all sPecial 43:11- to be deliVered within the next &'wgritain as a show -window aummy to ' ties impeSed by both countries; free ronths.-; " •• ' '
. occupy attentima While, the
• 't'his Annouriceinent was made by
` teat feteeS of government were 'at efriclals erf Che WiStern 'Ontario Fish
work behind i the scenes.' . It is said and Cattle 'Protective •Association due::
that rie n ngare, representing Weak
„, ., , . • trig the course of their largelyeattend-:
• /Ma, and :Pro,League :"finliy, he was ed ,meetillg at" the ,II.'• p...: Beal. Tech.
entty'af Irish goods into the United
Kingdom; Payment of
00,000,000 in final i'settlement 'PT all
•fillOnAiati claims against her. Brtish
trade concessions to mean
that IriSh geodS the -Same
treatment as
of the. British" ConunpnWealtre',
rnatuai 'benefit ta beth centt-
• tries,,the Peet iS likely to endontage.
large -Seale agrichlthral development
in Ireland (this would mean a • valu-
able feed reSer,voir for 'Britain' in
;event of a war)* in turn B ritish
manlifaCtiners of textiles, iron and
.so,ittiern Ireland (formerly the
Irish Free State now Eire) la pri-
rnarily an . agricultural oeuntr3r, For
-Years her natural market, the •Viaited
ingdone has been virtually closed to
. her. because of very tariffs on
agricultural products : from Eire.'NOw
In typical mood; however; the Irish,
Independent (Dublin) declares: "The
'Ministers , of, the GoVernmeat. (Of
Eire) :who prOclaimed they wonld,
*ash their' Way. out of the British
Empire have marched their 'way into
it over the rains of Irish agriculture,
:and over the corse of Irish - heutral,
,kept an view ta-Placete these "fotceS
Oical School, auditorium:',
in ••tlie British nation that Wer North and south. branches of the
posed to . the gbvertithent'S. "bargain, Thames rlir,Or- will, be stocked .with
• lng •with " dictaterV; When' the• from. '30,000 to 40,000 matill mouth
. time. arrilied ipr ...the. "realistic' poi.. black bass, .flegerlihg's .end pareat flail,
PlArface, Eden, the sytabol; Was- re- 1,000 brown treat to be supplied ' to
' the Cabinet 'later Under a different peeted about' 500, pike, ranging
• ' I.Cy of the government to rise tathe &rid. the ' association, hats . gpplied for
. ,
; Moved, perhaps te come back into streams „north of Loudon. It is ex-
.bannet:'. • .2 • - • two to five penh.da, l_y_All be transferred
, — .
IlmOirsteurrerie,laPr.Wttek Su stall- -frenr:MitehelPsei3ay-to.-the,..eW..0,-lis
•"tiate the latter ,part of. this.. thesis, preserve )u Westminster .towaShip'-b
that Eden may shortly return, to. of- fore the summer season.,
. flee (as Ainbaesedor-to Washington • .
. from - 'Great -Britain.) -t. -Plausible
though the argument seems; that he
was used ea:merely window-dressing,
we feel, certain, however,. that there
- i - -- - -- — --
,critics owlinid hire Us believe.
e .m.
-.ore7i,* Anthony -Eden Uwe lits
ing the year 1937 the, nainber Of hit;.
run drivers involved in accidents on
'Ontario's roads increased 31 percent.
• Commenting•- on the: figures released
by the • Provincial. Highways' Depart-
, merit, :Testonte's Chief :Draper said ity.•• ; •
alarming increase clearly ' de-• -
hipnetreteS ;the necessity rif adopting FOUR -POWER PACT—Great Brit -
effective 'measures to 'reduce .a. ' ain's plan for an alliance 'of ,the four
rible condition. An intensive .aain.; great Western Eurottean towers--
• paign, shaulde. be InUnehedie at4ottegi.France;. Lritain,
ase upon, .A.,; prac ica .• an soun being Shelve Lor eiline'..berrtg
p• roceSs.'et ,education 'along • the. llneS •rdpea.n advices would have •AP MAIL'
of eenithorusense and moderation." ReaCoasfor teniPorary abandonment
The 'nut -ober of . deaths.' . on: the, of the Pact idea: France' deterrn-
to Steed, by her
ally, zechosIo-
xalcia; and Germany is deterinined to
• .
keep her Pin heads freefor expan-
Eastern EnrOpe•,, will :.not be
tied down to any agreement to keep
Montreal last, Week, Hon. Stuart Oar:, the peace; '
.ao.TV Treasurer :of 'Manitoba,. declared
that: thinei;eipalitiea ; are • piling PP ' an 'BRAZIL ••BT.A,,KP--When :PreSident
•overpowering •public 'debt:. beemise :Vargas became: dictator of. Brazil last
they ,areheld. responsible for unem November, the.,,dernocreeres . of North'
plOytrietit rolief. Many teW,11a, and and South Ameriba.1eared a iFascist
cities are facing bankruptcy asa di. set-up there. Italyland Germany be-
rect, outcome of the situation, he said; gan 'immediately to cultivate 'closer
• Administration , by the. Dominion relations with Brazil, flooded. the
Government of all uneinployuient •,re- .'countly.With'prcipagande,ahd Opened.
Jief'.ity,.Cahada would ..d.istribute.,.the;.,special.:sehoela and clubs.7
:burden • 'of taxation Mote,: evenly. But things are turning out better
throlighoitt-theconntry; .would "Mit .than it was:liOped, for at that time
out the 'enertnOns*.shiplication,and .by the democracies., President .RopSe-
, poise .involved :in the ptelient 'System velt's Warning to Latin America •last
Where; each :inuniCipality runs Its own week• defend deniecraeY 4.841Ast
Independent. relief Jahreati.. ' '
. • !' effeBraii1:
ct In , President Vargas
THEY. AGBEED. TO 'AGREE -Pee.. has banned all ..foreign. ac-'
• • , • „
ple,.•Who, neVer'helieved, such :a thing, ;tiVities:: in that ',cduritry,.• ,airaing at
possible, , 'Sat • uP, last ••week, rubbed Nazi doings in:Partial:Oar. . , •
..,their :eyea and blinked' to eee' 'that, .• One' observer •••puts '• it:: ‘J•Ltrazil is
. Greet Britain ann•Eires(Ireland) had bending over backwards:th..preve, ad-
actuafly after4raptieibe hei ea. nee-t-otan4iiierleanisni,and the-
' ly • ten •centuries of:disagreerrient. rePubliCan forth Of .government, pre-
The'heW accord :doe's ferring ta':stictifice its relatipna: with
not go into the pheCtion, of union he- the : European dictatorship s .rather
tween • the; North ,and. South: of Ire, than ;aliendte American •good ,
• highway has risen, too, • since 1936.
Something should be, done, quick.;: ;
'Speaking :to . the Canadian Club ' it
Duke Will Not
Meet The King
Won't Be In Paris When Brother
Pays Visit There
In June
•' 4
Tile place aad'Ru•chesd of Windsor
have decided to. divide • their.' time be-
.. tween, Patis and . the Risieia for , A
long time to •COMei it vas learned last'
•week.: : •• : • • e • .
They have signed a threelyear' lease
d'AntibeS,',0waed by Sir Porrieroy *Bar.
toh;---re tirede-,Lo n0U1nalit tChp,
' born in tlie United •States,, was natur-
alized in Groat 'Britain in .1916 and
knighted:in •1923.
,To Live ,On Rivierta
It was understood that. the (Duke
nd Ducliessintended to spend:MOtit
.of their time on the RIViera, and the
. ,
t at their leased .villa in Versailles
ont'stde Parte. They intend to occuoy,
the Chateau daring the ,visit of the
Duke% brother,, King, George , VI, to
Paris in June. ,"' • , •
Their plan was to return to. Paris -
'and remain there 'until the begiening,
of June and then .to %0t0rn here': It
was not, •known, whether they ,•wenid...
of their Marriage, June'3, but it seem -
c1 definite that they hadAecided to
absent .theinselves during the
'visit to garb:
Veterans Injured In Hitler Birthday Riot
eN473._In Review
• •
Budget Leaves Them • Gasping .'
LONDON.--eSir John Simon, Chaa-
cellor of the Exchequer, struck heay-..
this week at the' British 'pocket-
book. The astronomical figures of
hie."'nrat Budget left the House of
Cornmens:,almost bewildered, with the
magnitude of the . Corning „expendi-
Po -Naz i Arrested
•Corneliu Zelea Codreanu,, Romanian
pro Nazi leader, was arrested' with
1,600 f011owers. rn Bacherest,,Icharg-;
ed • withe'plotting..agairist the Govein-
ment (intimated that they
seized eVidence theta jising had been
planned, 'apparently by., Codreentes
illegal;, extreme • rightist , "Iron
' The Chaneellor's increase of six, 1•
pence'in the standard rare of incoire
,tax„itid his addition of •two -pence in r renicts anet.
,the :duty: on tea, •both .Einpire, and
.fOreign,serika'gasP: rOiind the chain:'
the land. ' • •
8aye.flussian Fliers Drowned
WAsitiNGTONThe ,U,.•$. State
Department last Week received word
that Sigiamerid"LeyeneVsky, ,famous
•,'Soviet airman; and five coinpaniehs
probably perished .in Arctic, waters
dining" their. Moscow -United States•
• , . . ,
flight Jest
' • Sergetiiit: Stanley ,..MOrgarr,
charge of the,arMy wireless station
at Point Harrow,' Alaska,: Wired the
department: that Eskinaes told him
that last August .they":had'seen..v,Jhat•
appeared to he a huge airplane sink
below '4 -filled „Waters.' The , date
.was Aug.. 18or19, be said, tending
to „make their. story 'Plausible.
Attack And 'Counter -Attack
, ••.SHANOHAI., jerinneCe fighting
southward toward' the 'vital railroad
junction : at 'Suchow . broke through
HsiaeWarig,. ,a Village Southeast of
Yilisien, but the Chinese •swiftly
counter :attacked and temporarily
stopped the gap., '•• '
• Despite .geeatly.iricreased Japanese
pressure' all along , the South ,Shun-
int—'irbatilefrent 'arid •contrimed heavy
fighting,- relative :peSitioris were., un-
changed 'except at. Hsiao,Vverig. • , "
..Big Business. Offers Help
WASHINGTON.—Sixteelii of the
nation's "Blue •'hip" industrialists
and bankers:this :weekoffered presi-
dent Roosevelt conditional c0-e1;era-
premien drive .atitt pledged 'thernseTves,
to "encourage" Iiis eft'orts direeted
at restoring •"confidence. and 'normal
besitiess conditions."
NEW: YORK. Prorrioter'.Mike
Jaecibs'•has Ceafitined • hiSeSpeetiori of
the Yankee Stadium 'as.!>: the :.site .for
the. Weil& heavyweight ' channpionShip
„te•tuen match between 'Joe Louis and ,
ax 'Schrheling, . the' Gerinan chal-
lenger. It will be •held :Stine 22, in:
the.ring where ;;Schrrieling titan nedi
the 'fistic Universe tWo, years ago by
knocking out thee tirOwn, Boreber iri
. „
of t e
This IVIodern. Eiucatiun
• And now youngsters' can even grad;..
nate,;''w.,ithout knowing readin':, wrIt-
in', And tkithinetie, .1.1a.v,,tireps. Change!.
••.Bten-don Sun. • •• ,
Works Bcth *U3rsi. : •
ii ,ah,` liper, tieeerdirig. ta.a Writer,
can:.lee'Ve London la the •morning and„
"he 'in Vienne for. tea." I3y the.,samp
token, therefore, a bomber could leave;
Viennain the-Merping end be in Lon -
(1011• for •T-N7T,-.—Windsor. Si ar.
An *Efficient' Exampie
.Instead of considering the abolish-,
ing. of "countyo, couueils, legislatares
might. • well' take pattern froni these
nluiIIcIpal .butilea-;:-amd---mrdeavartn;
conduct their business along the sanbe.
econnirnical andefficient lines.—Chat-
ham. News.. ' ' • •
• I.
Smell Of. The Stable,
It is 'a wholesome and Invigorating.
Smell that, one finds in orderly stables
,anci,barns, as salubrious :is the tangy'
Odor of,,freably•turned•seil. it• is an
old-fashioned smell,. or Mingling" 'of
smelle, that brings •back inemeries of
care -free belyhodd days, on the . farm:,
The ,fragrariee of hay, freshly forked
from the prielte,d mew, the odor ...of
-clean straw used for,: beddieg. .•
• .Btoy
C oNear4orgeten
arrying 2 000
St :Thoinag.
2_ Tirneselournas lame* ..,
Igor Sikorsky, First to Build The
Multi.Motored Planet, Makes
A Prophecy •
.' 'Igor .Ivan Sikorsky, who
first . multi -motored ' 'plane 25 Yeate.
ago,. speaking- in Detroit onthe'. sev-
enty-first aniiiveraary, bethe..birth. of
Wilber Weighepredicted .that 'plane's
Carrying Opp; neesenger4 would h
flying: between the •United States and
Europe 'within; a decade...SuCh planes
—witli-,a .500 -foot ,Wingspread and
weighing 2,000 tons ---are past the ex-
perlinental stage, he said, adding, hew,
•eVe4 that 100 -Passenger ships Might
`prove mere practical. ."Within two or
three' Years ;regular serViee With .10te
passenger -.'shipe, willbe established
betWeen. New. fork :and London," he
..pronliesied,.",• "The trip' will take 18
Of the. Wrights'•;planes
and the- in-
dustrythat grew from it. he said.: '"It'
seems-to-be-the-Lfate...Ot_All,goinLt 'n
on their 'first appearance that :sinister
hands stretch out to :snetelf theni; for •
evil uses.. ,Alinest • every. discovery
.and dnyenfion Micle by man haa.been
:attackedint. the •gtPundof its possible
ili uses.
airplanes' aseti In war
aroime.inere ebinnietit than:the:OA:QS;
andS:,,o,g."pianed in daily Seririce 111 the,
ways of peace. One haridreti, and ten
!niillion..peeeeable Miles are 'flown in
' •
I .
. . , •
Canadian.FlOur 9 ,
Western.Canada, wheat hitetesta are.
promoting h eampaigo of . advertising'
;for -Canadian -Oder In the-Bi
is a •population Gf abut fifty
milliOe in the British Isle's. A 'Slight.
inerease ni the amount of bread cert.'
,Sumed by the Average family would
mean a eelastantial', additionto the
Jquentity. of ;wheat from . Canada to
manufacture the. newl brands of bread.
The .enieriment in publicity: Is likely
ta"beejastified by they e.sults.---.1,Sernia
Canadian Obseryer. ••
. .
Not Dead But Sleepeth . •
Do the League of Nations Societies
throughout .the -World realize that the
Walks 000
London To Tcyo
• 7
Ottng Swiu Youth fins !-eft Ou,
His Long Journey
The World's • Ill'est pedes.
Jricti. !vie lett LOotleu ewe; 2,0Q0 mile
svelh to Tokyo e hopes to 4 -4,4
the 14 tinle for the.oPelling of Vie
• .oiymple QauTes,S,eptember
174 xia:r1,11 .autteur ear). and wa as p•ypooiti ht."
. .
present i 'their .great "opportunity?
'rile League is net actually dead. As
an inatruinent
peasement it . Iks lil its ,;ectilin; but
even those, who are. Meat eMphetic
'that 11 nust not ..he allowed to ine
trude pri ,the present delicate situation,
eVen • if it could, , fully acknowledge
that if it would wakeehp with more
practieelsenSe; it *mild, be a -grand
thing for2.-the world in general
Saint john...Telegraph-Jefirnal.: ,
• ,.• •
Save The WU' Fluirers .
„ Nature has,..,provkled .for tie: a free
•gift and',/illeafere. a •COMMell..resifoal
SaillitYralgringtiree-pee taelel-orwild
flowers; " 'e-
• • • r
Soon .niany Re.tspeswillstroll:
through, the Weeds and witheas this
miracle picture. painted • by rain' and
stuisliiiie., .1. ! •
MenY Of these, probablya majority,
aie true natura'fovers, wlio apPreciate
dte. delie.,apY.ALLS_plAtit.,8, spread "lika.
a' coloredtapestry,' for a•brief .Beason,
Oyer the forest %lean, They understand
that Pqmota.m4 of wild flowers
must be •preserved its entirety If
• • •
future '.geneiations, are to° enjey; the
present . beauty Jof the..stene;
Our wild flowers ; aren't nearly
prefuse as their :•once were. Th
gradually disappeared as the. lied • Was
Cleared for And,. if every
,season they' are sabjeeted,tO the iv11n7
ten.. raVages Of. thouglitles,s humans,:
the time, will CoMe When. they will
ceaSe to :reproduce their •kind.e,•Kitch
eheadteeteuhes0-',:•:the' ' • .„;;
'ed: by the Olympic Sports Adqaciation•
to, walk' from Switzerland La Tokyo.
T1lle,•24600-pdd miles that he Will epyi
bYl' beat willhave to be maac Up
With Otoure onfocit;.. That, la why be: • •
'Went to Londbri.' • , '
,• s,Threaah. :Piratic° to Rome
...;77ife: "Streit!'
and thence..throtighrran.ce' to Rome,
, is the detour. .• •: •••'
No "little'. are 'allowed,.pii • tha; jour-
ney;,..,and the. r ulee . insist - that he' eOr-'
•ries- a large unfurled Saiss flag Over
lLis shoulder tiotl a Minimum weight •
en his back of .44 pounds.
II1s• , "Passport,", an .entside
gation, and 'a.. score • of letters . given'
to Mize at Zuiieli have. to.' be. posted
on to the next capitel. ." • • • _
. •
. •
. The letters. ate large enough to take •
all the stainps-theY-7W111.-everittiallY---e-e- ',-
carry; but they are already showing'
signs of wear.,
Ile,Was dreSsed in his national 'cos •
tume—black Alpine eoat‘trimmed witli
red' and white' cord, and „above ..the• •
poelte "Schweiz—Tokyo." • •
, • Welke On Moonlight 'Nights
;1 -le was asked the., way to Tokio..
is.' quite easy," he Said. "Yoh .
keep straight oe .thiough. ferance to. ,‘
lapcle through oree to • Egypt,
paiestine, rend, Irak, 'aerbesethe
deserts • (with native carriers),.to Por -
810, and then oh through British
dia, China, . and across the, sea'.' to,
Japan." • . '
, •
lie. prefers te;•walk "in the , night, '
the,,ttra 'it • nieen.p'za,c1.,i.7ees:.,about
a • • 33.7#e .•
Teeth.»Of The Million
A cause which' shmild intrigue
Many is contained in • the sehenie for
an_Anglo-American trade .agreement:.
.It ptoSides that Britain will; take from.
the U. s.. A.„, seine .40°,0,00,000 false
teeth a year. •
'rhea Amerian enterprise, in addi-
tiOn to sending Britain More Vocl will
also .end' teeth to eat it with. Actual-
ly„ false teeth figure ae a normal item,
in imports from AmeriCa. In 1936 the
U.. S. A. exported 41,797,000 false
teeth to Britain, their value :being over
one millton dollars.—Times of• 'India.
.this country ip, oee_yeer.' Will all, the,
flying that haaheen"derie in Weiequal
i tithe of that?" '
. • „
Alibis Related
Dpiet try- shifting the: blame •like,
Adanadid-' the woman Tiled gayest
-merelie tempted ineeaed44ell," be -yen
will find , yovreelf guilty' of ratlianalii.
ing, .a defense inechanisni, Whieh'.;was.
one of the roads leading to 'a behavior
problem. Of mental illness,
Liddy department ofphilosophy• - and
psyeholegy, .11niveraitY.of.Western,,On-
.terio; said in a par2z• on. 'Personality-
• Disprclerst! ,ieha .to . the trustees and
ratepayers sectibir of" the-bntario, Edu-
bational Association,. " •
. ,
Psychological Examinations
He urged educationists to .; stress
eareful. physical and Psyciiological, ex-
• =mations ,the r'-ortance abund-
.AGAIT HIMSELF; , ant physical health, to teach children
: By Karl Menninger to be hone* With '.-theintelvei„ Ac-.
• There's a little bit of • the perverse knowledge heir mietaltesy •and "the
in all of Us Who .consider. otirselves-to art of facing, life is is
be nornial.' human beings.; in. the Day -dreaming ;indulged in to e• kceSS,
sane,. hoWever, 'this streak: of pervor, „reac,-.
Iiity,-26`radruldhey,L.tflaelftteeib:ii -6:siiefrivs tio_i_Pers
has merely .become intensified. .
I Such is the'thesid of a brilliant,
• book by one: of America's leading
paychiatriSts, Dr. Karl A. 1VIenninget:
"Mari Against IiimSelf" is the erre:A;
ing diagnosis?f, a sickness that af-
fects'. the, ITi•reire World, that'inanjf 044
itself in:hotirotic:liiValidiPM;* alcohO-
lic addiction,: failure, Suitidal, Mania,
inartyedom„. Self-Mutifation, crimin-
ality of all sorts. With training ahd
'experience, ,gained•. from .many 'years:
of woilngwjth-nvousand..nieataF
patients, Menninger demonstrates
how, once brought out into the' open,
these diSeases Of the: mind may be
'Will Remain ernoc anc
WASIIINPTON.-- Czeehosloyakian '
Minister Vladimir S. Flu •b•in* • thid
. , „
week 8orvdd ttOtiCe' Ott 010 World that:
'CZechosloyakiaisdsetermined to rnairi;•
,tain-ther• denioeratia,,
spite demands; of a Ceinien minority,
for regtOration et Privileges enjoyed
„tinder ! the old .X.1:1StrO-Htln'arian
' Plan tO'Retire Judges' .-
OTTAWA.. --'2A retiretnent plan for
'Judges' of the' Suprerhe :Cellri.S of
:the :Vi ovinees• is now tiedet •cotleid7
era -lien, by, the. Pepartinefit Of JuS-
tice. b 18 learned here frotn. offkial
80.111.CC84. • '
Legi.ihition to pul the, schema in
effect "may be Presen'ted 'to ties Aesz
Siert efe lianicrit„" •it' was .statol.
Albania's First ,,,queen :
Albania,. Tribesmen,
soldiers( Arid dinleintitaeiwdcd this
liitte pita 'or the weilifirrac' last
Week of Xing Ahmed •Zok• anti a fair
fungai in COuptess with a dash ''ef
old Virginia in her blood:
Pieffce ahcg:c. from the' horth.
bare -feet' ToSks' ft em the se th
ped ttdet ap111101111,",, Alta drilt»lc
front t ah . other's wine ,4kinti the!
• . ; • . •
'health' be •ColintesS Appott-
tette'r vetlerans attending a: aerman-Artierican nicetilg \*:esOrk 144 Who' le Albetila's first ueeri.
One Mathies, whose, coat wtig. tore, (41.6,, fit aid te Ite4fet,
Tltinl i,,
Itadbeen attacked by the Natla,,, fn near riete• • . ,k1 • ,
cured. - •
Can the wilp.to-liVebe encouraged
and tielt-deteet be conquered?' This
is ona.'“)fthe' most iinportent
tions Which modern medical'Selen ce'
hd to ,solve in an ageeenneieiashig:.
Mental allnittrifS, %the 'author ileimoye:
strateS by ease histories bqth liumen
and ,iltafititic thatthe deep-reoted'
tropentsity of self-:a:esti:action in 'rnan.
can be; ti,irtaid to good.„pilrposa. tiuld
POW., pOrSolia,litS, built up... •
• "Mali Against Himself" i4 written.
In:tering yf oveiydtiy-tisirrldirrsp. that
'every layou,in can' understa.nd it,,It
will, rend'er ran ifiValuable service to
practishig' ply:Achim; often: at g...10eie
t6 priderStand their pationts". Mental
twit s; and, to, hopeless' huildreds who
\ are chi') fUs'ect about; theniselVeti -„or
, about tht,ir frdthicis and io1ations•
'"i\rtfin A Art rnst iviself," by •21:1•11
A. l‘lellt11.11ger. I5ublished by. (leorg6
. • -
J. McLeod, timitet!, Tererlt0—$4,115,
103' Afigotm,' who.re. Mrs, Siarner atiffig t,wo acto6' gl4e,rits th,tb' doubled it -1 2,0,goti
• said,' loci .te personalitY disorders
which ifn) righted--ntight, '.heeerne.
seriona m�fital problems. Ile 'arge'il•
,t3agiiere to c,all in expert advice.,•if
pupils revealed symptorns. '
Science Seeks OITA-,
Secret of Energy
-Discovery---of, New -Process , May_
an Un-
. Energy .is supplied to our. hoclies:by
.focidclasaified. es carbo -hydrates,, Snob
as sugar and starclie97.-±ri-repaveited
into edible- fotrri,:' by methods so,:' far
. hidden •fr.onr• man, but scientists are
feet catching Up 'with. Nature. ,
. In An saddress 'made at the CalCiitte,
.Science Congress' rebehtly; Professor
E. . who • retiredfrom the
Chair' of Inorganic Chemistry at
• erpeoi University 'last year, described
how ..carbon -dioxide . and 'Water, two
Common 'substances, .are...reade, to pro;
'duce eriergy In:food:Merely byt"the ac.'
:don of Colored . fie bai dupli-
cated the.rattlial process in the. labor-
atory *.arid has it the, fearsome
title "phOtoeyatlieSia . of . carbo -hp
, ft is still in an experi Mee' tal stage
:and :exceedingly xpnsive, but 'one,
day his diSC,t4,,,MaiCheaneif
. . • . . . „ .
to .aa. an foreseen. level .:atid .enable,,pep:„ , ,
--ple-toe,enbeist-•-Withlethe-einini•main-efe-n-itairee • a-v-e-a-poo,rerepresp•eet-a
. ,
.‘• - ; quiring ' fatins of their OWn. It would
• .!',""•• • it:PPO-1if-tirlft,-Atilif "sOTOratty-- ObstarRa7H--
-0. • . • • the. Way, of acquiring fill oba, •,
• ••.-Lake-, Stipeilor; is :the. deepest eheady in 'peetieSsion .ociand MO,
the 'Great lakes. •
Than It Did Forty.ilearp Ago —
While Demand For Harvest
Labor Has Dropped
Cempaeisons with :figures pbteined..
In .191—the firat aeciirate onege,y04..
thined in the Government census—re-
veal hoNsl•• much extra capital Is re`quir- •
, ed. today to purchase and equip a:farm -
says the Family •Herald and Weekly
Star. J. Booth, of. the, conoirries
Branch-of-the:Federal Department of
Agriculture• states that the ev,erage,
eize of farias.was leis than one hued,
red acres in 1891, .while now it is ovet " •
twb hundred. This jerrip :Idue to ,
great extent to the, development. of
mande large scale operations" The
Most recent change was the inteaduc-
thin of the harVester Corabirie, Which
refileded • man power with niaehines.
With the purchase of 9,000 .combines
in the-period-Lbetween-1925.:_anit 1929
the. dernatid :far harvest labor .was re- •;''
dueed such an • extenk,:that excur
Simi Cate's' tram...the. Haat' Were:aban-
Heavy Machinery Investrrient:., ....•
itil,restrpen.re. ie. Macbitiery„. at tint
earher date were ebont.$900•Per feria:
ReCent surveys in Saskatehewitil indt•
.cate, taat, frain 81;000 to 52,500 is re.
quired ,iMplements. The man, Who.
specializes in live stock maY save oh ..
eiiltivatots, Seeders and'etimbines, but
he has heeVy.:cbm::ges for bariis, fences:
and; in 'years. Of eliottagdi for.‘feeds: •
One result of stepping up ie..:
that It Is moi "difficult for the ,wage
earner, ta advaiiee to the position .01
• tenant. or owner. Fern) laborers ,Are
not paid any better .thap. in ,the,•nine.,„„
ties Of the Met •Cetitary, eenee-
eider 1,11 e iris c 1 'ye 'f tit) t e. • •
Claims Share n Discovering Screen Star
s'. 114.4:.48
eg the '• pa year. tile e wa ; a
speetac increeee in the.; number ,
nr 1,648 oireret1 for:rail ga..ad`n.g,' Thp.,
Adoption. ,2f, 'method. ef grad'h. .
a 'substantial sectiOn' of, .ftirn-iers
,a.nd .01,ippe.rs irdiented iv:definite in-
toa est , and • ....by 1 PrOti deere
ail?' live • etock .eue'eort' enit
eoteld, policy for, the iniprel•rneni,
(n iiatl.iin
; ' 1981 a ii,110,1or for, ;
If Ira nel titles ..inern than half of Crine,.._ •
‘0,00.009, ctireaf.'ty0 iant
elintage 'Mere:1Se %"0(4 1101 not 110,. 101
large' Ter% the" Werteret ProsThihtf.,
estriblialied year., nue e earlier
in th&3 East. iId 1iesj vol 001 ' tilitg'ildtaelliLi••thWt1.111116 ‘"tc:iitr ••
•hiiiiiest ()Utility' hoes tinietie; ,0,10 Pref.,
'Unica Sat4e,t.l(ewell
'With '85,321,, lienrt antler ,rail era&
• Sliewad'eti; 11t flv.1,41 three
\'v 111101 anti 1ie1; daughter Ioah, left, ai)tycni. Itt tobrly titnes that Of 1 DrUi. Menito'ei
• •
• • '1' • a'