The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-28, Page 8- A TRIM VANITY .O'ASg FOR THOSE SIVIAI:fIikt FRF, .AERO -PACK THAT- KEEPS DRESSES AND ACCESSORIES NEL TWIN SET AT 'OUR. STORE. • SPRING' IS HERE Latest etyles arid _ EW NECKWEAR • Fane)r Checks 'and 404, bold et. Wingbanii tritielacd, "the 'iatlifferan4-Or TO - petty gambling'. and 'intemperance" , Which n repOrt On. Churell T„.44. 'end to:11*- rife in larger centres •••:0:37104. that aftrn9611;" iater being sent hack that MOrning for reeonsiderationL adherents . to "ho their •-ntmOat to ,',.create* 4uhltc :sentiment gtil'inat ganahling..",'; and, further recommended _that, Presbyterian .qongrOgations re-* After bearing Rev. Dr. •yi.14 of the.r.Ontario ,Temperance tion eaking "that '-aa. .eatnest, effort be made within olir Sitlobath.'scliocils MEET MATURL,,,N0 BONDS •', and churches to create a 'new. interest .$ioo two nd 111.64 Ontario , West Shore Railway 46446 t • ceritlx obaerVed their 831.4 OirtlidaY was ,a4.week.end visitor in town, eldeSt living twins in. Ncirt1.1 Ler the oldeat Oahadian'TecOrd is believed to be held 1./ and marked' their 9fat birthday,' g'ig ',MARKET ,STORV. he' Lucknow Joint .CIub, will be el Orang 'Hall o' Wednesday'. Art Andrew. left on Wednesday for - peat month, Pii!en.ta, '77 •London,!Visited on SUndiy with Mrs: . Stewart- Cameron :and Sid. Gardner the •crewe of 'the lake freighter, Apvit„:41.94treel,c..end-...With-her, friend,' Misi• Ruth and. Anne Parker; and Kathleen :Carruthers. women., and Ghia! .A1L and enthusiasli% ri t?1e. -c .ns fl, e perance. . : The following resolutions were `indorsed "that -the; synod: ca11T upon our mill= isteds and. .adherents' to do their ut, most to create a + public ' sentiment ._..againat_.gambling.,and_m-the.can. g aga tions be :enjoined to continue to re train: from' the . use of questionable fnethods.in the •raising, of .money .the :Welt of the ,church.; • That,.an' ••earnest effort. ,he .matte within our 'Sabbath ,schools and, :chug thea : to:iereate a new • interest and en- •thusiasm,in the cause .of temperance., • That • the only remedy for C$muiun-. ism, etc., as the evangelical preaching of the; Word of:•God in Jesus Christ; 'and a carrying out of, •the ;principles iDi t Yir{st n"�'jiri ate airily •nihe lift° i; , That : sessions •, endeavor to 'create a closer : relationship between. ' • the Sabbath school and the church atten .dance, or Church Loyalty „League, Jbe -organized •so : that '•every 'Sefiort• may, be made 'get our. peop a to return' to: the• practice of ;worshipping; together in the' family pew `'• 1 ; That our ministers' 'he urged. to press, upon, the people;, the import .ante; of family;, worship,`,showing ' to' them., the ;tremendous advantage . it would be in tiie development; of • per sonal' piety ',and also =in: ,the : reli'gious, education •of, their children The moderator;, Rev. ,'Cha`rles {i. MacDonald; presenting; a report '1,on --college students, 'saw as one -of' the: greatest •problems.: of the :church; the. • queation: ofstaffing pulpits, a num- , SPORT TROUSERS. BASEBAILL CAPS LADIES' DRESSES tip TOP MADE TO MEASURE -SUITS' ma • A JUNIOR BAND IS TO .BE 0,KuANIZED: IN LUCKNOT: IS 'OPPORTUNITY '0ou'Aisi UNLIMITED NUM BER :OP *Os. AND GIRLS 2 HEAR'', -WHAT, DISTINGUISHED EDUCATIONALISTS HAVE isr)5i•TxuoilorT. CHILIAN: :LEARN HOW :YOU, .OIVE •YOLTE CAM) THIS OPPORTUNITY. AT " eurities '1)o Extent Of $140,000, But Can Get No Interest On Cash 'Not Needed_UntiLlhat....Tinse' The 'four .municipalities' of the Towns ' of ,Kincardine and `Goderich, and the Townships of• Huron and Ashfield, .took 'joint' action at Gode-- ich last week to ligpidate.'s9me secur- ities of,a sinking fund set".up !thirty. years ago to •Pay, -off. $400;000 bonds of the' ill-fated defunct Ontario'' .West Shore Railway; It was 'agreed to . sell $133,000.31/2 per .cent Dominion of CanadaL194.9:. tbr9 , a 9 4:'I3�,'T the h gl'leW.• titer have. been since ;they "were .pui chased in 1934. The . bonds ;'were• purchased at par and the municipalities made•. $6,000 •oh the'` deal. When`'the .:0. W. S. R. „bubble; ,a projected electric railway from Goaer- ;ich to Kincardine, burst thirty .years ago, G.oderich . was left ".holding the bag" for $1$oop, Ashfield: Toivn ship $125,00; Huron 'Township ,$-75;, 00and .Kincardine 'Town,' $50;Q00. The "promoter,.. J. W. Moyes,. now "de= ceased,''fied•.'the country The: four municipalities have paid .in.:thirty years; $600;000 in interest; • bringing, the ,total .to one rriillion dol- leis The bonds -bore five per -cent, Goderich Council •ratified its shard mai i lege Elizabeth orrison sister f M Ch ..cif the bargain, to 'sell $133;0+00 Doi •of the lateIsaac Morrison; ,formerl .: ; minion Of' Canal bonds: Kincardf'ie , y. late • Mrs. Chas:;' Kosmyna; • News Yoir'1 ber of years fence: In 1936; he said;+ a of fmckilow State, on A ril �. ministers' While ,was-renrPran'te�i Y. Mayor :nrt�,,.,. � P � 13,. at 4 o'clock' Tq�O_:F4R 25c Froni May ` 2nd •to-. May a4thr- 1;.Brush,. 25e; 1. Tin Utilac, •30c= -the.. two for 25c.='WM MU1tDIE 'di,` SON. `TMIss TMyrtle; ,Webster; of Mrs. Eddie Johnston and. daughters; Shirley and Betty of •Harristoii .,,$pent`, 1938 PATTERNS OlM-11QATIQ.lsr TO: 140 Come FREE° ENTRY. MANES. WILE BE '81.1ITLI.ED."' RILL TWO . am. 4empivil /t wen k NATI A. WHOt [-LIEF ASSURANCE Local Agetit: SMITH, LlicKNOW PARAMCipprf FROM LUCKI•TOW j•ndi Where he Will reMajn, for three • spent :the holidays' With Master .Doug. Sunday, May 1st 1938 Prank, Messia:.- Victor. and Leonard Miss 'Edith •' Osborne from' ' Huron LEAVES---tio Winghain Ter - Ethel Back, messrs. Ed. and Irwin Airs.. 10Ftin• girrett;of 'London; Misses Alice and were ,recent visitors with Mr: arid : Onto'and LOUden, dailY eXcept' Sundays' and 91.1:2:idpay. 'alls, 't•r/..0,5 'A.M. • Passes Away In, N. j.)ahata IC(ASMYNA�MacDOhTAI.D Word has ;,,been received ..here of Miss • ` Phyllis.. MacDonald R.:. T the:• death of -Mrs. W4n.-'Lockhaait in. daughter of•Mr'. and:Mrs. Jaines Mee (assleton, � North •.Dakota on • Marcb Donald; -Ashfield, Was -United 'in:alai 3f Mrs. L' ockhart• •was ':before her triage : to Mr. Michael G, ltosmynn , . son o� r. as: KoAmy na• and tis a six year period was. onl 1S Re F the . delegates to urge ine - f ..1J wit, Stothera of DiniganziOn is tnisiee an i• P t h week en with Mr and v. . G. Beckland- officiating. Th.; II y, Reeve pan Logan Goder- ,TION SEE" LOcitt; AGENT ' We SMITH LAJCKNOW and Mrs, -Alex' GraWfoid 'and 'Ken- I Ifuron Township.,,Councit.-Inet Jest' neth ,stepped in Detroit where'. thieves.!. broke into their Car and.. took their w.enY, to cOnsider' 4he ' purchasing. of I the, sinking 'fund held 1?Y Teranto a d epee,' north of ; the' C. R in their ,eenireiations to' endow a • disposing of the effects of her father over taffeta, 11'1;0' in. form -fitted ' chair at Knox College. The: college , • ' • ' • the :late D; MacDonald.' The place I Trust The whole, isstie of $400 000 la • • ' style - with a flowing skirt; to the , • - . • - • ' , will all m t' • s eeri e e to r. iv, rap, poth a and: fianeing• wa:s.resulned till, the wee floor a qiiilted satin he 'reef:Immo-Idea that - and ' The railWaY Ivas built as+ far .• as , corsage'• 'Briarcliffe.. 'roses; Was cipent :by' everyone, Pregent. Ki tail sixtee miles north of God: Pupils To Perform the -valley and' sweet peas. Mrs. A. ' '• men for the .iiih'ijatrY.. . . . . erick, and A . few' loads of wheat .we'r a . „A free entertainmei:it will be' given .L.; macLe• !loan; sister,- of the . hr'itia,e „ , The, par.amount . U. F. W. 0.. ,. Club. ' Mr.',.kaCDonaltt's lattee, suggestiQn. drawil ctver the roaq by ,a‘sinall, ta'arm . in. the Town Hall this Thursday, af- actt.d* a obridesinaidc and Tilore a ho are • to take brolight froai, 'key. William. ,Berelay, engine, when the :proinoter, took to - • - • • • . . ' • .fo.or unici,. the Public Scbool, w . rincesi lines with a . :lilted bol-. on: Tue8rd•a Y. niiiht; -A-piil .19th,., in, •the• . palities' have been paying through the PArt In the mPalcal estival at Kin- cardine on May:„6th. Thi$ afternoon's noae ever since. men into the' rniniStry. 'apPreCia.. carried a banquet:: 'of Jelianna — "'""` expected,, o5ing to u'ggrel :The,. ear 4,as .r.14rked, •and AT''''oad maintainer.. Pive tendert' were. led that there vvaa a dearth:' Of min7, ; Sale' . seculi les. no. .. s, front ' window ,43hen , OPened ,the '"do6r .;., 9v 1,0 ears , .o a ,ou „.. n our in length,. roses ' 'and mauve aWeet.Peas: .,, . .:teade' cl- '''elijoYed. a real: treat' and..nre . ea, wi : e puz.,,iso in# ,iStera; brut " thought .candidates ' shotild . amhiiPailitieS .Silth. .$1,„40,.00 :in cash.sppgs '-al,T• a. .1.40.8. ; 1 • '• .1, . : On Wedneiday evening, ' AP ril 201i, "".190,ki iv... Ind made1off,' With 'the contentS Of the'. made. from the Dorilinion- Road' Me- feel a. enuin call.' to th ' ehttreh be,‘:.. on' their handS,''wliteh their' don't ,re- ' can get, no . interest in, the -interval? tended the . fir.at annual ball., of the .boTiOr. in the ,;,hall' ',at. ' ParaMOUnt.. ' QUite.n. nu inber ,frorn. here:Attended "Beth' the trust co.Mpdny"' aiv ,ebart..... er Armories; .01' ;Friday. • 'evening. l'OrOnte, 4no Detiej, Tile .lia1,1:.• Was,..ley in :the Paramount 1-1.all' eo. .p,,i..iiNy ., 'MI's:, Douglas, • Widow ',of , the late manner 'as coiintir roade.,A snow plow"- d ' i ered 'banks lave refused. to pay inL. -.111eMbers .of Abe .tstekhow Pipe Bant.'beautifullY deeerated-Ior the ocias- evening- ;'"April .22nd • ' Mr.& 'Stanley . Reginald . Douglas ' Who' Vcras killed ' hi . ,_ , • . . . • Itsf the ',Bell' Teleplion.W,ingtain t,ereehAboy , asy ..tho.4_11...a.m.e4d,.....e...:1Y...C.Ke-J.W.t..@.....-.031.eas-Of41..e.egialeilL;..8101).-,After..,,the-gireata,-Avele„--reeeive4.,,..7114..thoinisi!ortiine.;_.,totiose_his:.,hand....7.,..„— Huron Township will now:be /Aaile • • , map*: MaeEwen informed his council Se6ta Faallrra, • Ca a at Kite ent: .krae ds •were reaent frOm-, Cede'. .1.1ie E'en° it dance for Mr. Wm. tan, moneythey cannel: ,place on this ••tAit %villa attended:, tile menabei:e of ibe,. family joitted in in the threShing maLlbine laA fall , she 1,-‘,4n visft:her late iniabAnd'a ,Par- - •, • . gotre Graham oT Dilvtiani is taking , : , , the: money marke't is glutted", ,said ."hY' onlY :the .DOetar and Mrs. Tre- tlie 'Grand march' te. bagpiPe music --and th•-•'e dance was "sponsored; bY • 11, • ease Arket ,Store verthin rran Prices etgd For • INV:e:iiigitc.&- • CoMe.: • ee. uckno 4.0 .41 ANIL