HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-28, Page 7••-•••••44-
p; p
r 1:$ wag
selling holisehold, proilncts. 17301411-
, das West Toronto. .
. want,ed, te selll'MotOr oil and greases
directto. farther% trktn/c And ear
9Wilera.•. 403 akin to. earry email
stock, Amy '.„..dycrtiser 4," P.O, 1,4ex
574.. TOrai*Q. . •
u4ity - •
t,ovIvEit ‘11,•APtp,11#13!;y.•
• • - .14111.1111,31EXT
l',EQR0IIN• AND 11,00g try,94
“td. 38.95. Per. hundred. Niagara Vartn,
Niagara Falls„,Onthrio._
rohane .Baden Governmant-APernY.,
'Chicks from bloridtested breedera,";
.at • 9,4a,• pUllets '19c, enckerniff '
Owetypriccs.,for.,IWAy. 'Send for free. •
:fodder, Baden Eleetrip, Chick gat,er4„,,'
P • e•ry' 1,imitecl,s13OX .sa,.• Badeo, tarto,
. .
jotAy010 .Anii Nom4o: FOR VIO:
our.: stionina, ,!
.',-../31n.ty-pttliet8 laid.- eontinuOuslYfor
: over 18 months, for w, Get Bray
chicks under. your brooderow,
;Write for catalogue. • Bray Hatchery,
13(t. John, St. 'North, klannittoni Opt
•. .
. _
• ing- .119)4%3 this • •Fall. , Their iuhk
-growth-- and • early •• • iarig aiIity,
• should•catch 'the high Pall fit,Ag.
• ettlitaniers,...
"tpg 'under 5. months. See. etitalogne.
Bray, •Hateberk,, 130, John. •St., North,
•.Harifilton, (hit, '
at FRP Flon, Manitoba, all alive and' '
--*vigorous----atter• --3" days•-•on-th•e•.train.••
Truly , an Outstanding. indication ,qt
•• the vitality. of Ilray Chicks. :Write
• for. catalogue; Bray. Hateh.ery, .130
Chieks. Seven furthers within j a
' .yhdius• of ,sIxteen mites of Peri,us
purchased.* 3575 chicks, At four • to
five weeks,, their loss was 24 chicks
And •they have now 74• more ehlekS
than they paid' for. You too, can -
have the same result.with Tweddle•
Chick: send for new reduced pziges
•'•for May. Tweddle, Chick Hatcheries
Limited,. Box 10, Fergus, Ontario.,
• , GET ' ,•
backed by Guarantee, that we hon-
b,e1leve".11as never before' been
' offered chick buyers.- Our 'Catalogue
• ; tells ,..you: whY,J• l31g-4 • Chicks *lutve
• extra' vitalityan,t1 abUlty to.lay•rpore
• apd,;larger eggs because :they 'Are
'bneked.: by a detlnitod.breeding pro -
e oo -tone( •Prices. for delivery
May -9th Or any Thursday. or Monday'
,thereafter:• 13arred • Reck ."Stantlarcis,.
$8i95; ptilleta, ,$14:50.• .Leghorn, New
,Hanapshire, Standards„
.crelp, $1.95' and up: . Premiums.'$2.50
more, Write for special priece p..
Started •:ohicks, Pullets hll ages,. Cap-
• onS, and catalogue...Kitchener Ei0,4
Hatchery: .1083 kink St,, E. Kitch-
* ener.. Ontarib.. •
' • •••
tft•q0.1), 9A,N•l)Sf.4.B.V.,;111Alf(44.1.Nt •
43- ikl,,,litENNIAtes.
• Marg.:Perlte, t'untertfhrr Rell,,•
,ete.,7-.4 • Evorgy.gens; Tree;
Shrtibi. A lltilbs; .440 ,Scod$, PrePaiti.•
Two Orders St.80.. ;Outlay Niirserles,.
on tall°,
. ,
Reconditioned Furniture •
'We must ha ye .floor space regardless
0,_f•-'t•O,ot.(, 'This la' YO,Or opportunitY to
ut4Y 414JI, IYIt4.48 rgvunclitioned furniture
at a ,frttetion of tho actual value. Here
are .sonie of our amazing bargaine
pleked at random tfom our enormous •
' • • ' • •
' $49.00 Deau=tiful thee -:fee Mohair
•• • State,. pillow arms, Marshall
revOrsible ettahlons, thoroughly cleaned.
$23'50'Large, three, piece repp Suite,
_ • Marshqli reversible cbshionse
tII webh, construction., ..tirbroughly
'ejeaned•,' •"• • ' "
ti 2.43R J..ikrge • .three-ptee,e Suite
`4'ffr••,'• Englinti • Tapestry,• pillow
arms find, Marshall sp•ring cushion% • A '
real buy.- • . • • '
gfli4 Smart 4 -piece Chesterfield
`r,`••••"."" • Bed Suite. In 4 good quality '
roPP • material (brown shade),with .
-large- wardrobe box,' In splendid .dondi::.
...:tapestry ,epVering. Deveraible-
Marshall spring cushions, thoroughl
d:• y
eleane• •
$3 •.
900 Modern Bedroom Suite:, • Chit -
vanity, with venetian
mirror; fill size bed and sagies,s spring,
-completeW reflritSfied: • •" • .•. -
•469:00 Large' Suite in. rich Walnut
. • . 'nish, • 'dresser, chIffrobe,
triple Mfiirror, vat -qty. full size bed and
spring, Completely refliiIsb.,
$49 00 Beautiful three-piece Suite, In •
two -tope walnut finish, dress,
• er with swing 'mirror,' Chiffonier, full
size bedcomplete with aagless 'spring. ,
• Thoroughly reconditioned. . , •
421.50 -5.141 Oak Dining -room Suite
,-.11f,iffet„ extension table and
'six len ther sent chairs; new condition.
MOO Nine Piece Dint ng-room.Stilte •
In solid, oalt,•• buffet, exte'ri-••
si.on tabl4 . china erthin•et and 6 leather
sent chairs.'..Co'rnpletety refinished.
•$65,00 Penutiftil 9'-p1ece Oak Suit,
buffet; extensfrin.lable, china
cabl,net and 6 leather seat•chaira. Com-
pletely refinished. . •
$119 00 English ,Oak Sitite,. sample,.
• :" nine nlecesr.buffet. ' (ered-
renza tYbe.)•,' refectory ' table. -closed
front•china' cnbiriet end 6 leather up-.
-holstered chairs., •'• "
Kitahml '7.(Itlitiets• 4811-00: .,Prts;1t."9-1:
.Maelifnes, , 1,13.50; •Iflas Stoves1',, lit4.98•(
r•INI'f•t1S111,1 $6;393'
RefrigCratdr.§; 7
.W,rite. for our tree. Illustrated •. catty,
• ogue of newnnd re-condit1oned.:furn1-
4qure-tind.....-huwer-Wds of. 'vaivabla gittifT
free with purehases. ' All merch.nrplise
thoroughly cleaned ,nnd• re -conditioned
nd ':solll, unrier.n. deflnite.,thoneY . hack •
gunranteeraf 'satisfnetion.•.
. . •
418 Yonge St..., -.'Toronto •
„ wriv ,•• .
they 'have proven themSeiVeS.:satis-
l'Aptory•atid made extra. proflt$•to,r our
custorners, for 17 years. Get the .best
•under. Our: guarahtbe, ...Plant -tinder
• Govern/tient 1npcLion. Dreeders.
• blOod-tested, LeVhorns: .Rocks, NeW
.-Chic14,... $7.15
$14.15 'and up; :day-old ,eoek-
erein $1.75 .And up.' Write for cata•-••
. 'ague. 'and • Complete .prices. HllI6tde,
•Poultry :Farm, New .Durid,cie, chit; .
• b11.1CFCS FROm Go'Vfill'i.NMENT. BAER?-
. ,
ed, 131ood-tested.stOck. Leh -horns TO;
Rtil1ets-*,14.c., • .13arred-::11,6eks;--
•• .Reds, I $c., Pullets •12c,.,.Ceektre1s46e._
Super QuAlltiy one cent mere,. I,Ihrted,
• Chteks, twb ,weeks •add, three
• cents, 'three; weeks add five. Free.:
Folder., • Top' 'Notch ,' Chickeries, '16
'Wilson .Street,• Guelph, Ontario.. '
-11V.I.IIS • • •
isxgrBITIOIst GLATit0L1.78;" NAMED,
froth $2.00 per .100.; ' mixed., $1.25p,er
.100. Lists free.; mail ordera only. '
&Cushy, 107 Bellefair Ave- Toronto.
including Picardy, 85 blooming .size
bulbs • $1.00 Postpaid. Corman,
• Harristem, Ont. •
. _
etc., with, clothing purchase. Write
for, free illustrated catalogue of
• clothing bargains, Dept. N. Yonge
• Street Clothing Exebange, 502 Yonge
•. Street: Toronto. ••
• free enlargement 25c. Re-printa,r10
for 35c. Photo -Craft. 183%-\KIng' E..
• Toronto: ' •- •
•with free enlargernent 25c. Trevanna
Studios, 93 Niagara .Street St; Cath-'•
• arines. Ont. • '
Prints • With free enlargement, 25c.
Reprints 3c each. Commercial Photo
Service, Dept, D Outremont,:Que"..
25c• order. Doll. film developed and 8
prints, 25c. ' Itenrints 3e each.. Brtglit-
•• ling Studio, ,2 11:ichmond St. E., To-
. .
1,'1111 • 44:ALE •
NACU 101111'1411:111ENT. orponi`vii'T'y
And Nerve: •
i4 Jn,:pgainess.
Chicago .4pcol POCIares,
a,tion Is.Also, nOctIp.„4
'BIlt*igVsq Suce53'
...Imagination; taCt. and. nerve were.
advOCated. by ?TOM" 'M., lcurnlee,..pr
cage, as: the main reggisites- for a
successful.:nsiness as well. as •a, sales
career, He spoke 'Nat Week 19, am
3.7i114§9F, Act. And SalesC1ib.j
recent stirvey revealed that
large pereentage of the • tuomtriat
:ie4oerp!pturto. out only.. those
.tbre(3•assets,'^. said •Mr; gunner... The
chiefdifference:at:401W Men IA`,,Wbat.
fhey. d� with, an; idea t,ice• they get
he added; • 1. " .. • •
in detail', the
• :yariouS sales p1 sotlemep :glut
.haVel,heen 'used by 'seine of: th•e:large.r
:."01.41).4niea jn.the U. for tho •416Pos.a1:',
Of "their commealitles. He strongly.'ad.
Vacated the• USes.•• of sales c.ontests...and,
preMitim •paying plans ; as bnsiness,
boosters.: : • - . • _
' The. &beaker. told Of Me 'successful
ieSints Of inank• Primpotion scheines.• .
---.Iferelated-hevv,Hotreeontlianrfirtr. e re • `
'valuable prizes totheir salesman for
• every order of $10..br rndre, •and al.
though it ,lost. money virlieu the sales-.
man. earned a, prize, it more. than
-Made upfijjthasedfa1
of 6 and so Iforth, made: by the clerks'
in their effortsto attainj1je,41.0 „ones .
• .
Rowell Inquiry Will
Report In Autumn
Findings, Likely, to Be. Most VO1• ,
uminotis On Record'
oTTA,wA.—A, report ly the Rowell
Corrimission On FedPril and Provincial',
relatiOns is net ;expected before ,next
fall,. 'The record- Will be monumental, ,
the' largest of any,. commission; not:
-ft inquiry' nto the
• railway n-oble,,. In addition to the
format .stihmistions, and what arises
out 61 them, a corps of ex erts is an-
Binds Human
• A ul:iitatice .Which• Holds
• tells Together
theie_. .P4.74 the plArefirt.
4.#4. .•
Diseovery nf • th'e . "gine' 0 life"
. uhiehkeeP; tbe himar 1:443P wqikng
hy holding each one ef'. its. billions •or."
cells...together_ Was, report.ed.last week:.
at „Pittaburgli Aefore the. Opening..szs-..
. 'pion of the meeting Of the American..
Aattletrilste.. •
Pr, It .og the Univ'ersity.
of ''Chicako, •former, preLsident 4 the
A$40041014 opetiett.lfs. czotli annual
•m, eethig with :the anouricernent tht
he ;had identified, thiS neW hingling ,rna,-
within. the It 'is the stuff Willett,'
...makes each cell•an individual „unit. ,
Fundamental Substance.‘ •
•'•Thia :stibstanee,, he added,. , not .
like, the mortar, which holds bricks
• together hi bhilding a house, but ia
more like.. the ,attraetien'wnich holds
the particles of eden individnal brick
-together. . •
mental snhstances • of living' things.;
pr, Bensley said since it argailiZes
the pretptilesiri of celle TheY .
are eenipooed sof the protoplasm, a.
• pleils ancLa_cbxering,.1:or . cefl wall.
• When studied under the • micto-
scope, he said, the new material' look,
like, a maw -9f •fihres, somewhat similar-
, to 'the Connective tissues which tie
the .variaus organs Of the body togethr
• • The attractiVe Action of 'plasmesin
reverSible,--noweveii and when it,
lets gel the cells; affected degenerate
like 'a • toy balloOn• bursting, •Further
, studies- on it will 'aid in underStandin;
the. hrealtdown :of parts of, the body4.
•varions dise;ases And may also help ,in
prolonging life .if ' Methods.; can be
,found, dri maintaining thebinding en-
ergy, of the substanee, members. Of the -
association said;
al7ing,a11:theseLetateTmen . --niAlci'.-
ing reportiii,•of a financial :iir cenatitu!
• tionnature... • :..
Hearings ' to come will be .M.•New
.„Brunswic.k,- ntario and.. Quebec, and,
.'finally;. in :Tune, .at •Ottawa, 'sy,. that
time IP will he „Ittly-and initbsuniMer,
as a. rule, -involves some reepite for
• such • bodies..' The inquiry s . exnerts,
however;, will g� • ahead and,. some
time...in the fall, the report should' be
.. . . .
. ... • , . ...„ .
'..i'eal.4.; .. ...• .. •.• ' ' • , ,
•! According to the pi'obable procedure
thesin;bnifssion' of. the. conunission's
lindings• would be ,followed' by a • Do-.
..minion,Provinbial conference to de::
...1...-.1.rmine- 1-hee ffeet--to•The--give n 'the-.
. recotinnendationS:!That,', in tarn, would .r
denend nnon , he ' measure '0? agre.e. •
,reent...'. ' •, .
; •
Re a triiined eXpdrt -In Practical liadiii,*
and Eine trt)11 los . . the industrial
• 'lleld With wrirld-Wide senne. . •
Our tbri Years.. •s'el'‘'•ice among
Canadinn industrinl • firms. has
brought uS,ree..airnition, 'reaultiog in
• our ,p1ficiivr many of otir • g-raduates
in, worthwhile, positians.
'We1 ro ;deits inour home •ttudY,
half -resident or full' resident .111.irses.,
ardic an ts-mil s t be over 18-Y C nrs-arlit'
•' mechanically inelined:Ayfite today tp.
•L4e3 Bay Street. Toronto,. Ora: .
• :.!1.7lie Wander ,Cantidlhii Institution of
'• its' kind!' " • •
• Listof inVen•tIons • n nd • full Company,
.tion sent free. The Remsay. Company..
• Registered ••PatentAtterneys... 273'
, •-fla.nk St.. fittriwre2Cah.., ...•• • ' •
•'What ' You,' want.. by 'making ,•peopre
„like you. 'Personal ,.charrn will ,give•
you more .acqu'aintances,. friendships,
,Valuable seem'. and " business
_Contacts. Individual. Onflden'tial, co-'
•.operation in 'easy • lessens by irfail.
• .Send '28 tents. for • .IntroductorY- tree,. •
tise. and . membership.(Prompt . re- •
fund• ifelissatistied ) Canadian ,Charm• •
.Club, 6811.,Eread.v" w. Ave., •TdrontO,'
• comfort, pOsitive support With our •
advanced •method. No•mlastic or Un-
,der-straps......or steel: ',.Write. •Stiolth
Manufacturing Co, 'Dept. 219,' Pres-
ton, Ont. J ••.• •
• • •,. ' '
'HAIM; rtEluoviifn. PATENTS
• Pending:. link' is b. tried and true
. remedy., Safe to .use and Mire .in ac-
tion:. Knit .contains no, harrritul
• gredientS,, letiVes aelean, .sett skInfl
Is •gua.rante..e.elz.tado. the work •or your -
• money. back.. Klik;1$1. per . packaged
.postnaid-,$1, •anyWhere in Canada.
• A. Adams,PorChntigley1 13.C: Refer-
• ences • IlOyht
1..1RE MA1LI;.1 svitup, • tirst •
Write for prices. Order early; ..Tdhn
NL GtI1opit., Abbotsford.
Chris, and AIN' tYlies 'Of fthest •
•qu(1,:11ISe Hnir Gonda. 'Write forRit1S-
trated' •diitalegtie. Toronto Human
'• Hair Suritily Co...528 Dathlit.st. TOrOli-•
. . „
' • .
.• Tfalrdranaing . 6 months • $75. •JOIleA
"HairclrosSIng Sthqo1, Ilstow1," Ont.
" •.
.. • ,
HAI1IPSI4 IR.13$ AN 0 IH.1(11513
land ltcds lIeitvy iavers, exttibition.
Eift,ben' eggs .A $2,00; PittY..
$3,0D. M. '171shor,-Bnterprie, Ontario.
Ylt4AD,. Fotesnoit
clyiser On Winner' ptcitlernt, will 'send ,
Isersetei and Perionaliti Chart flee to ••
anyone wlid writes hon. This smiling: fa.
offeth Mae inetely;to .clverlise , •
-• •Atici • at -ifii1461e. toi
• Wtiti od*, enclosing o self, adcliessed,
siafftptd Invelopo mid- 'you.' birtlitdate.
• Achiress,,Raysisara
. hiasOis itEsitent LIMITIO'
.14 fAtCAUL $.1%. TORONtett CANADA •
• issue No: 18—'38
Yo,'D "WA•NT:. AN A1?FECTfONA!I10,.
ro.rnantie ..streetireart With money,
• Write: Mary Lee, •Misl
, ily, Inexperinive home remedy.
anteed. Testimonials. 'Advise. free:
• Box '1, Witinitert..•
••sufted7 •Hundreda 'to .chooSe•:IFOin.
. -Some •With• -,mentis, MntiY
• datighteitt .and WidOWn With.propertY;
Partientars; Ille. (onfidential. ••CantiL,
• Alan Cori•eSpondenc:e.pt:N. 1289.
•,.`Ca lgn ry, Alta. • • '
• piNt' vt*'()Iims
• • • '
'YOU It 01III,DIlLN Sl....14PER. .1. R0,111 ,
these annoying pests,' send t.tvo• dol-
• lars Pirnoir, home- remedy,
Pan't•fl Stntion ,I/t" Toronto
• SA 1.14S31A W'AN'TEI)
'tylst.T.F%. TO ON-.
' tacit .prosPactiVe 'Salesnut11, Several
•proteyted territories,. are beihit,
'give .the 1t11chosen a
perniatientl 01)0 il n il P Pset na 1 i 24 t or-
• vhy‘v ifli he arrangedtri dis'ettWs
. Ontlipbtisrition ,fittPIA rodelpt of dei
.i alt OiI 00011111ibir 1 n Irrentier•Vactitint
(*fennel' .co, Ltd., Voronto. Attention
7.tt II,. • •
111. Eureell, .Ab'erdeen''4())
1004' 33.50, .L000/ Palrfax Itidge*ny,
• eota. Jaspberil:, • $1.75, 100, Near old
itSparagus roots,. 711,*( 100, •Not •
• paid: Chas ,•• Ellerbeek, Sydeithatni
Ont •
, • .• .
'S'I'lLik1V13111111Y Pr,ANtkl,,:.(1t,EX1‘7Bli
'ready ,,tO.O1at11.. 1ar$611§ iedCity, font'
„dollar§ per thotitaiid;•koltogga PreniAv
•Ior, .11V/5 dollar:11.1er thousand;
. seVoitdolltirs:„ net, thousand.
. strong_ .hCal.tt* 40ote,- Order.-
' troth:. this, Advt.. ;Pred NeWmaiii Wat-:
• orl'Ord, Out, '
Claims •iinder, ,False Colors
• .
NatUraliit • Saks: ,
• VVairbler DeserVes .Title,of
,WASHINGTON., -Henry • P. Davis,.'
secretary of the • American Wildlife.
Inatitnte•tOok; a verbal pot shot • • ,
7:the rohin as the • harbinger...a, Spring.
red -breasted robin,". he said,
""has been travelling.under• false
ors: 'Slang • IS. not exactly In My;lInei
but .as.A figure of 'folklor'e-the robin
deserves the bird. ' ••
• '‘The *yellOw Palm warbler is the,
• real first bird:of 'spring in thariy parts .
Of the Country. He ,tra.ve1si'loo77401
Central' America, • . , • '
the, rObin, added,', doesn't•
range like that. He'Whitera no farther •
.south than.•FlOrida •and ..tornes north',
.no 'faster thall'tt tourist With A taller.
"PeW PeOPle know it,",iluoth.tlie ex
pert,: "but the 'Arei,ic tern 1 'the•nn-,
sling: bird, of spring, lie gPeS,frOm the
Aidardtie to 'tke Arctic7-11,000.nilleS
in to months."
, •
• Oi."Tookli.13abies'.
•Gengators• start yoting inParisand.
Moravia , (Piovince': CzechAslOya-
:.hia). Paris 1 'desperado" who
• wits arrested' for, stealing wine, gaVe.
his age as nine;; and tenfetsed that he ,
wa.S.Wo'. 11, in a' group ofgangsters
ranging from eight to; 15 „Years . 61"
age. When caught he itinkhe his
,captor• Wiiit n pieee %of ,Wood.! •
0, In Oltriutz,, • Moravia, pbice haVd
.arkt§.ted, a band'•of young .gangsters,
ages ranging between. 14 and 17, who
have been earrOrising the ,ilistrict.,
The, boYs,..Who belong t0 respectable,
larbili'eS) •were' 'alined With revolvers,.
knives • an lintickledhatere, • and uSed
tWor.UndergrOtindi "hideAttta."AlleY
ihea8d,*beeit, respon'lible for '26. robber-
,,t.i.ii.ontgo SUITS F011 SALt3 "
,PutE, PA.1•Prs, vAlattri AT'
The Gteatest .Bargaln, Offef in Can,
Pair of Palta , VOW evarY Suit, •order
bargain Priced at $13.95, a regtilaP
• $19;00"Vattio,.. Tailored frorn. all Wool
• botanY-Wersteds, In Steel Grey,Ifluo
'or l3rOWnI deSIgn§,. AdVance
SPring. l.,)atterna,„Single 'breasted Med-
e10,• atook�d 86 to 46 Linifted
offer: Carl Orders, Prompt refunds
gtittratiteed.• •P1etts04,glite cheiti Waist .
and leg theatureinentei the dolour
ad, ndH45-cbt8-
for poStage.. 'OritWfordS Clothe,. Box .
395, .Montreitt,
Tiny Thnieter
Tests Star :.„Motion
So Sensitive ItCan Measure the
Heat of a Candle Siity
Miles AwaY
• ,A thermeineter'so 'sensitise that it
will ;measure. the., heat -of a . candle •
sixty milesaway :has been used in
testing •tbe 'motion of a 'double af-tr et
*Ibe • lIarVard' ...Obiervatory. Oak•
• Ridge,' .11,1aSs,.' The flieflnaineter , eon
sista! of a 'blackened ..disk of: copper; ;
1-200.0'• Of an inch in dia.inetr,) whieh*
acts`A.s the ,heat '
. The heat.„collected is transformed
te-.,--ele.etti -a therMOciitipl.p-r.
which,••consist's . Of tWo; Wires, one of
...antiniony" and' the other of bispintkit.,
'They ape :0004 of an inch in'din.meler•
and .15 of An inch long. The'. wires.
'ar,e. in ..centact. each,' other and'
is ...verY",;'sniall,,blit can 'be ...meashred
without. difficulty :bY.a vety sensitiVO:.
galvanometer. _:The 'thermoCouple IS
inothited41ii the tele:ecepe Where the
Concentrated.: -•
the light and, heat gathered .bY; the:
la-redlrjet t, '4;1 ass-Top,-ihr7teleS'ecrge--1
eye.plepe.' located, 'where
Young • ••.. -74 • 'Dear, • what
makesyou.thjnk our• ;boy, iS .gOing..to.
be ,a,•politibian?". • •
Young Father' - "He, saysmire
thinge: that Sound. well .and; ineart: rio-
thing than any ,other hutnanybeing I
• ever 13aw.',' •
Britain Teacjies
'What TO.
Expect In War
4 4
' 'To•13e Protected From
. • • Raids • •
.,The British' Government,' is inten1-
tylog.,;•40 atlipaign tci eftali The
ple,' qw,?..to protect theinselVes. and• •
wartime. • '• ••• •
•„ . • •
'The home 'office has sent out 5110),-
Q90 booklets ,advising thent •••1.o
prepared for war”; ana what if,
enerny 'air; raiders hou1d, .suddertly
'appearover the, country, •, • •
"1? :he ethergenCy
Hoare, the home • Secretary; de-
clare's in "4 ..perso6af: foreward, •,"the,
country ivill looklerher safety not
dray 14,..her .Sailore and :Soldiers. andli„
'airmen,, hitt.' also ria: Abe, ''orgaitized
:ccinta.go. mid foresight 'af..,AverY
e1ti4ens hewt� darken, 'the• ; hons0t1"
night"; Choose. a refUge-room;,what to.
!how to keep • put gas and,
• 'event fire :What to do when air-raid.
Warning ist'giVen,' how. to 'protect their
bellies from mustard „gas,' Whatje do:
• if flliey are, :out .of',..deors during :war•
time;•,and hOw .to treat Victlms,, ofair
"1he booklet Pohils;• out 'Oat the'Ti.
ead of the honse, ,should consider
himself "the captain' of the ship," and
should prepare to, pratect his, family
In an -eniergency jUselike a Sea -going •
captain instructs both .0re .thdd 'pas,s-
engers *here ,to go ;and What. to: do,
,ziot ' when daneer • threatene,:. but. 'be,
forehand:. The 'seagoing ea,ptain, it
• Points ut, emisideis it a niatt'er cff
rninary routine and • everyday pie
caution that;eVegything is in.,readine,S8
'for 'a ..shiliNtreck• Which he holies ivill
never "happeni, and, the: 'hauSeholder
•:should adopt the sante attitude, '
•, Millien Volunteers ;
tleanw 4 fade -Is -43y
'eeeding as rapidly" 4 •poisible with
• .
its - vast 'air-raid precantiens scheme
..and: with the ,gigantic teak, of recruit-
ing .1,000,0011 Men; and Women volun;'
teersi.required to carry•it out..
••• The magnitptle, af the ta,a1(Is dem,
-.4:n1st-rated byr:the4net,'-that,,,the,Landon7
count Y council's plan to,Sprn an. ether-
•,gency fire 1.brigadorg2nizatitin alone
'will' require. :about ;30,000, men and
Woinen•Volu'nteers. •• • '
• Roadway and structures .mainten:,,
ance, Casts Of' American Class 1 '
waYs, in 1925 aniotinted to 10,-
967,200: ••
• attim
• I ,
F4,pvi/ER pokEs
• , .
.A brOWn. 'or .' green -Stained window
bek• overflowing with. gaily ' blooniing
flowers . is easily produced This sort '
, of „,garden frig 'is highp intendivetand..1
"to's. very Heir•Soll should hensed,..nnd'''
in addition a frequent: applice'
tion"..of ,chemical fort:Wier 'during the
sea spn: the 'box mustbe of eptli,
at, leas t:'Seven. incites ,of sail being •alt- .
Being.eXPoSed biiall aidea'•to ."
• drying winds •A thorough soaking once •
•ndaY• IS adVised. '.„ • •
,' •
Therrnist'be.holes in' the .bottont
'of ;thehoax' tds proVele drainage,, and
else"n layer' of ArOyeli,..elliders„brOken'
'cro6ke1'Y ,or • sitrillarYinaterial, for.- the
sanle: Ptirp'eSe, Along 'the . front, trItr-
ing .Nasturtiorns; ,Gertnan Ivy, Lob1
la, Alyhatiin anti shirtier plinits arelitiC
la; With rethaniaS, Ager'atuaii; Bon -
las, • FeritS, beraninnia .and atly
plants • especiallY.' reCominended .fot
this 'purpose fill.theri , Shelter
emithe stiri for a, tiro* Otf.'tive Should
lbe prOVided tritil the plallta get•Altab•!
The .Sable treatMent and PIM*
Ing niateriala will be Ilse& Witli hang-.
•PU&H vtd.ttettst.,tS.
Tender Vegetables are ttOSe WhiCh
have leen.' groivu titi,jekiya
*int; Stich thing'as radish,' carrots
'Aire -61tArgrotvt1i-i11015treus--
44 the rents; hecoind Voody and fllled
With objeCtionable• 1bres. but thls
rule 41s0 aPPliee to those thing, u.seit
for Salads'. On, this apeetint exprtBad-
viseiPtishing gr,0,Wt11:, ftecthentr
enttiVation# Which r iii ddition, AO'
Cultivtitlen glebe ottonkoop
the' vegetables!'.gaingthrongh a .dry.
,. , •,.
ter cir an 1101114..6n two. with the hose •
SPell; but o? Coiirse, • a 'few...1401s, of isa
at this' time .farther.aid.?And
-...Where-t1ie4-Supp1y .nOt -AS
'convenient as it .inight .he,it is a geed,:
pled, in•lnying ent the •garden,; tatilSo
.plantAhose •things meet in need of sx-• .
tra ;ntoieture,' sueli as radis11, leftttee
, and celery, closest AO the pump. , Per-
, • • ' •• .
•till'aer le another 'we'Y of:hurrying:the
• groWth., atia,' therefore' assuring vege
• tables Of the.bigheit'qUality, '••
' •
' • '
When an abinidante of •fldwers' far
4,boug'Uets is Wantcd, XD'0rfel1C.e'd
defiers, often grbw „these' in .,a,•.apedial.
Place:- Usually it pertion of. the vege-
table patch Or a i•aW at the back niay
• be 'roserVed far th is 'PtirPose., Sonie •
. .• • • .
well designed beds of .inixed anintalS,
'are 'spoiled it too many ...flowera. are
'Picked and then -again there ara:per-
• ,tain things4111te sweet peas, lot,
Altance,. that haVe'llttle,•,•aftradtiVe••fe1I-•
• la go.. bot ,b e aattifot •
• 0.:•14.X.:4:.:eXt14:•±4:0.:4.10:•.,"0.:•:.:4:•:.:.:
• o4
A Smi es and 4
0 4
O 0 .
• 0 4
°A Chuckles :$
Women are east thinkers.When she
• gets ma.d she can think of more cuss
words and not say them than a man
can Ihink,of and spit out.:
Yes? Pur
little Henry is wonderfully smart in
Caller -- "What 1E1 he studying?"
Mrs, Gotrich • --- "He's ' studying
French, and Sp nish and Algebra.
Henry,.say''good ioining' for the lady
in Algebra." ••
1 shouldJest-too
, . ,
'liere ;is drioirgh,..,of grief without my
ne pe -ace, in 'laughter:a
' Let me he one; And, be more W•ise; •than
• seers. • ' . ,
Which of all .Thycreatures•kneWs not'
. .
• pain?. •
Ilret..none •
.save, we popr;ino,kals have,
•. been blessed. : : • . •• '•
• .
• With. rnirth...So ,me. my. heritage, •re,.,
, . . .
tin '•• ,
In langhter'S jeyons., strength:- I •.only
. „
At f n 1i'Zir I
And itsk no •ble'sSag but the:night* to
• READ OR r;;CiT!
.• All ,blue-QAd eats. are deaf, bUt all -
deaf cats bhie-cyed.
• T ere isit:t-,in'uch. I- can,
Say :for' Myself. I'm jus t plain;cit:zen
arid a takpayer.", ' •
rirosPec,tive •"Tax- •
payer, eli?„ineerne ordog?' :0*
—A-fter7hA-tit-ng-seeirm group of-yoirng,
people cavorting "The Big. ApPle"
we think less thaii.‘ve eVO ve.
Of daily aggravaions'.
-.This one takes the cake -.•
• And have yOur.shoestring break.
ie• man whe takes Iiiib.ther Man's
m&he for,. labour 444 then steals his
time Is in the foot -pad ,class and • he
,.should receive the ,gsam,
• . ,
Mr. Sniiiii Cleveland is
,the very picture 'of, his father." •
Mr...Jones' "Yes, and.hiS 'sister;
ls the,very talkie of .er •Mother."
, Sue --,"Should,1 marry a Irian wlio
• lies to me?" •
Mother 46Sue, do .yeti wan't, tb be
am old maid?"
• • .:- • • •
. .
; Civic t'ride I is the"qualitY that can
'take 3,000 people andinake a Crowd of
75;000; • •
Sthcosis Celn
Be kiiininated
. •
8ilieosip in. moot 'occtIpations
ably Will be eliniiriated as nrnearite
• to 'health within .the'rie:i.,few yeara;
Pr. A., IR...Riddell) ,of Terento;
•Clan df the division of induStrial
of' the •Clitario Departrrient\;f
Health',. told rnernbera of the WaYne.
County MediCal, Society lost 1Peel: 4
Dr. Riddell said that the -credit 'pr
the rtitIction ,in 04
• optics- Was, due largely- io. industrial
'engineers; ,not to Ithe. niedicel:prOfes„
Mon, He ventured the 'O"Piiiio,n 'that
there WoUld, be Virtually no silicesia,
Within 10 Years tinning Minel'S and:
VerY little aniang granit'a cuttera.
the Ise it.41evet athfa .protitslitt Fold PrOPerti
iiiViari(Sr aste
. , a • • .
p •
directOrate, Ottalneqklok ,staff; largo
propert$' hOl4Ing•ap diamond eirlfling results and under,
trOurttd deye1opniens to date, etc., sviillaldo on request to
•• , G., ,FIRTH
. 300, BAY ST.b TOIt4)14tO
ump-priming. may .1:i.e. tbe econo-. •;
iethme of--th-e-'1119eaeliti-ha-t-49W-\-----
an thestreamlined farm gpttinF
• gut of' stye. "
"Manyy, farms,," said, ?Tobn W. . .
Rockey, TJ. S,' Agriculture Depart,
ment engineer, !`finvO' antelnatie
• •PdmPs and high iy medernized equip -
Ment. • $elf-Priniers areyen appear-
' ing for the old-fashioned pumps,u.'
• Pump -,priming„ you, learn at the agif
• rietlltutal engineering. division, is as
pi•dctiee as, 'PuMPS, but officials
admit 'the, Average city -born AmerV
can never heard of.. it,
.* To...prime a ptimp-,--assurning yoU,
have a putripyou have. t,i; have:
stroile avn. '
Pump prmin experts sy priming; ,
;is not An art: You jtist ,pour irt'wat;er
and frantically Weil the handle up, .
• and down to accompaniment of loud
sloshing. ' •'
• . Lots Of people think wate A primes
A pimp' Siniplr. because it gets the
Theres-nfOre :to It than- ;
the air and lets the' valve get to work,•
• Some experts 'argue ',that the
• pump -priming ' metaphor has got
tied up duping the discusionon
how to end the recession.,
Na matter how wpli you prime a
_,•pump, Itty the next 'time xou
' want water ypti'Ve get to priine it all
over again.
rained ' Animals
ar Combatants
ice and 'Seals Dogs and Pigefkis
Are All C;11e4 Into Mili-
tary Seryice •
Animals,„ as ...Well. as Men, .havp: to •
• •
. :Of
114711110119 of' • horses a•Mr., Mules and . •
, scores' of thousands„ of asses. were
killed in, Great'War. ,
Leeserrithewn aninfai "Combatants" •
;included camels and,;linIndia, trained,
elephants -while even mice were not` •
'exempt: They Were kept in submar-
ines,, where their, restlesineas gave
he, first warriing. of the. Scarcity or
pollutien•ef.,air. •' ••• • •
• . . •. • -
'Stranger still
•:made. in -training seala-.07.g1vewarning
• of the •••apProach. .of submarines „
their ..derneanour, their hearing being. :•
more ic\ito. than that of.. '
• Wasps 'Capture' a 'Trench
• And strangest of ,allt wasps,. once
aptuiled .4. German :trenah ',fur the •
13rit1sh 'forces. • A soldier dtig out
• wasps'. nest one,night and -the folloVf=•'
• . . , •
'in g „day•heaved it' across. No .:Man'• S•
,Land, Into 'the en'emy's. lines. ;. The .Ger,'
• inane beat' a haSty retreat and2:th.e
trench. :Wa's' taken. •• •
. . .• •
Modern arrnies' devote-consitletabie •
• attention to thotrainingof. dogaand
carrier,,pigeons; f.cirinessenger seryiee,, •.
•.• . .
and• in:"labaratbries monkeys 7 .have
been eonseripted.'.for; testing out the -
.effects df pOiSOn. gaSeS..
.FYoil Type Linked
• To Stock Success
• That'there IS 'a defiriite relation be-
tween soil:and the success of raising
livestock was the; contention of .T;:C.
Steckley, sttperintendent of the'West-
ern Ontario.: gkpethriental •'Statitin at
;RidgetoWn, in Speaking befere the:
B.lenheirri ,(Ont.) Rotary Club.
• Gn one 'kind of sell a certain breed •
6 0
mak fl uris , another:
heed , Will tot bring ; PrOfits • to the t'
farnier,SuPeriritelident, SteckleY' told :
the club' in giVinga.ettial „exiierc'eai
•' • 'Must .Fit .Prograrn,"•
"Agriculture,, as ,we have it; has
• three-. main structures • Os.. the 'hasis•:.
- Soil,.orop and ,livet toCk., and. if we are '
Aping" to haVe sueeestfur .agritulttire•
we .inist• pay attention to these 'three,: '
ImPortauf•as,PeetS,':,...The.'itirther•We•gn•,„ ,
'into the .develOpment of livesCock,,the
more 'We' have 'toi,conie tlowir...i,e the
bet;Veeii type •ok soil •arid •
• kind'of: liVesteelt kept• 'on, the farin.
knew[ .a farineri:..whO kept ',,thp."
.Sanie:'breett'of ctt1.e ort two; farins,'!
'Some, distance 'abort; • and :when, lie 1,e,
, .
'brought the cattle t age th er," •YOu•
reodily ;nick autthe.'ea ttk, ,•
-th the* re.spective farins. Theo, 19q,'
• ltnew .inan 'who raised:. Shorthorn. ,
cattle, ppt neer seeined to. get any- :
17(ina:11 he Spid 1111.6 herd: and.
8witci0d 10. ocynsez's- 'nod in a de 'a
real suepess, A farthe'r, intist :get 3110'
.tyPe: if s„attletimt ilts 'into the., '
• Corrtpoitton
T!tn 131 jLii tiii'i, wifl .11.)t1v ohuue
I3y c, a . ' these colors, wHI II-
• Arrange: ' '
'this pattern Of INvig Ana bud and
• bough.„
IloW.„.111so1ont word Is `iti.ow"
• That trin to hold: tlw'restics 1.),Ne
O:i1', to ',CaptUrC, ddicate,tPue
•Notes -of a•nielek4,-,-c-Itinliiigt-,-cleav•;..
And 'Singly upon the'listcning car!,
• Vor, while :we speak, 'one tote i§ gene
And a prodig1'caith iS oloving .011
richOP.inVe1ttiort then Matt'lflt
•• •
Making .oI at ns UPO'n' it• thellte, .
•tiOLL:t.$,eietee Mou!tor.' •
.1 •