HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-21, Page 8• 441. Vr" OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, WHETHER' YOU WI8111 A Lr..ATHER OR PANCO SOLE, WI A MENNONITE OR RIMAN . " UPPER.. . MADE BYWILLIAMS,1ONTAPIO AND GAB% .COMPARE1 • COMPARE! COMPARE! ME;!IPS. RETAN UPPER with Pantie Half, Sete!! Walther Reel, •Real. ' .......................................................$2.9S. • , Value • AVIE;si'S• 111,BNONITE•U1PFERA henti.leather, sole, entaide' °anat.!. • . Steel heel Plate .. .. ; • -; • • • • •1. • • •;•4 '• • • .• * $2198., M_EN,'S 'HEAVY MENNONITE' UPPER 'leather Wks and Imele.' • with eteef •Plate ; .1494 Tilp MAN wiTIT SORE FEET; .A". PAIR OF GREB ARCH - SHOES. . divg YOU :uNLamiTER.COMFORT.• TRY' ON • A PAIR ;AND BE coilTlig E, • • . *FritK SHOES piRcim to 0,40. at we ee • .E -- ABRICS • • PiriBST OPT-N-B*V-STYLM NEW -F' NEW PATTERNS NEW COLORS . . in, . . SUITS. and TOPCOATS for SP,RING • • , , HAND -CUT AND TAILORED TO YOUR PERSONAL' MEASUREMENTS Come in to day and meet Yonr"- fayorite fabric and style from TIP ' • TOP'S greatest showing In 28 Yeara, a ••;•.-44 TAIJAORS lames, Submitted In Ib Naming' Contest Pitty-FoUr Fairies . Contain : Total "Of 288 ' Namea—Club 'Selects "Clans- men" Submitted B/ .W. ,.t.: 'Mae- .liensie -' • ' 1 The •faileivipg are the....naines sub-- mi#04tiin the Club Naming contest; recently' conducted; As 'Will he noted, • quite a- number ,were names, suitable • f(4, the. new arena, rather than 'the Club, ° • • Canadian , Hak frownshead . Hall; Victoria gaB• Wright Town • Caledonia ' • Soppy; Atlieletic;, Lucky. The SePOY: Boosters: -The Twenty' •,Sepeys;,,The,Rusy Westerly The, High ' The CIVIC UPlifteie; The Hap- py- Hustlers; The 'Loyal Squad; The Ever -Ready Club; The 'Clansmen; The Developing iaquaci; The "Sepoy Optiniz I—The Crystal Palace.. .. • ' The liustleriFThe---IITaTeifirGyroClub; Coronation Clu-b; Prosperity Qi -Getter Club. The .LucknOw.Golcenda'41u134....„The • Lucknow-Go-Getters Club; The Merry' akers.-.Club;- Th Jupon Club; The Go -Getters .Club; ' The Golconda Club. Sepoy Hustlers;Young Igo Club. ' The fLucknOw. Olympic _Club.. George H. Goodwill Club. ' Keepitgoing Club; Bon Fichead Club. „ frtis tv9tnotir sown TEUft*PAY.,, .„ ,‘ 4UPP•19W BOX .WRITES (contifided from Page I) out the Window, and saw two Indian,* thtr -Squaws ..and :a . little fellows all dressed in -their Pitrlola and mneklnlis 89 that you can hardl3r See anything, Of ,theMselves., We landed at -Radinin •Qity, just a Brasil, settlement where we got a 'geed, warm Meal and enjoyed it, believe Me? for ,"eViin. dreised as *e" Were** the north, we, had becon* and stiffened up,' Meals were a dollar and a half and' we, still bad ,to have'.our. sleeping ,beg at the llotel, Blyth, vzstedMrs/ 'Tech A Leith Next morning we atarted across the MqhdaY: • ' ' • ' ctt man •, . ore, ratiVI Always More TLU Your Money's Worth' In - Tip Top Clothes. RES OF. AMAZING BARGAI ens' Clothing FINE. SHIRTS ••.-lytilw swill's ffgu*Mis1Ight*W.rAir- . „ ..pine SOCKS; " Werk SOCKS ies' & Children's • UNDERWEAR PRINT, DRESSES A/qKLE SOCKS APRONS I _1.0cAliand GENERAL, ` 'Greg and ,Jackie Xaith Peter- • borough spent theWeekend With their Parents, _ , Miss Helen Thompson ia In To.ron.; te this,week attending . the Oi EN A: convention., • • •• Mrs. MacDougall and Freda, visited their', daughter, Mrs:. Vie4 CO* at Delhi on Sunda); Mrs- James Moody and. Delis • , •Igke.for•the.nrine•anftWe were nearly Wee' Mary. Struthere o -Toronto, "—.1!•••,...••••••.-!••••77-1: --••••-••••--r. • tilaered•out,, as we Were, excited over spent the week -end it the .home of our trip, and when • nerves are, e3.7(iii Ms R Struthers: • Miss: olive Alton of Tomtit* Wait an Easter holiday visitor with her ono- theroMrs. James Alton. Mr..and' Mrs. .W. -J. Spindler spent . the past few daYellisiting with reit- to the pitch as ours Were for so long, •the reaction hit us,* jolt. , • . . ; As 1 mail this, on April sixth, oUr last -mail plane wings its--. way down here from 'Edmonton, and it will be its lest trip till the middle of 'June, as they can't fly between seasons. Last summer they bleated the ice on Juno the,siith,j4iJet:a_ulane in hereon mercy flight. Great Bear Lake is the ball 'diamond here through May. I will -write another letter .later on in the..sununer if you would Care for it, or maybe you are • sick and tired of this One. ,ant -enclosing a picture- of-the7 Midnite sun and Imoon, as maybe some of the folks around would like to see it. The Camera was snapped at ton. minute. intervals. On the 'Arctic red river, the sun never lets for forty- two days and never rises for the same time in the winter. Now,1 .will get this away on this last' planewith kind regards to all and loOkingfor the day when I'll see the 'old -Sepoy town again. Just one of ,the boys in the eountrY, of forgotten men: • . ' JACK WEBSTER ;Club of a, Score; , The Store .-Club; The :Service Score; The ,ScorA;. The Clan; The Caledonians; ' The Clans- men. , , , . The L. H. T's:; The Lucknow Moine •,Towners. ; • , The Lucknow " Seporium Club;. The , • "Maneheater'' Club; •: King 'George; Winter ' Wonderland; ; 'Wonderland; Merry -land; Excelsior; Sepoy; •ROYal York; Made -Rite; Caledonian; Prince Edward.• .!. • : .hiek• • Prineeaa • Me• B mg, A' • ae Merrylauding; Roialeen;,, Bella Donna; Ran:tonal, The Right -Of -Way; Key. .to , Paradise; Fish; Duchess; Fairways; : ?fflannii.; Patron; Bluebird; Supreme The Sepoy .Boosters: Ready to Help Club: The Sepoy Sports Club. • In..LoCk-New-Chib; Lucky Twenty Club. itinkydinky Club- Club; "Anern Club; :YoPand.OS-Clizlit, 'Coins- ,. Unity Club; • UsforYOU Club. • . bouble•K ---• . . The 6 Ems; •Slogan—Many Men make much money, . Icelanders . Excel Club; • Keel Club; Club. • Silver Moon. • • -Good Cheer •Club; ':Banner Club;• Second •Mile, Club; Shebang Club; Johnny Pall Club.; Friendly Pals Cliih;, ' PoPpin: along Club; • CherriO • 'Club; Century ,ClUb.;, Club Esquire Capitol Club.' • . LucknOw.Castle; Community Castle, iSePoyi 'Recreation Hall; Community Recreation Hall; . Sepoys Palace; •,Eincknow Sports 'Home; Community Palace; 'Lucknow Palace: , Sepoy Amphitheatre; Sepoy Coloss- eum; ,Sepoy ComrritinnitY, Amphithel atrer The Crystal Palace; Sep:* Cry- stal Palace:- . • , ' Study Chili; Glee Club; Sepoy Club; Club for young and old folks; Wel: einne Club; Idle:Club; Fellow All Club; Fire 'Side Club; 'Heine Time .01nb; DeceSeion glib; Merry Makers Club; Citizens Club; Hero Chit; Industrious Club; : Home: Folks' ,Club; EVeryories; CrOsider , DRESS FLOWERS, ICE, BOX FLO: • SPECIALS IN CUPS AND SAUCER*, ,WAT PITCHERS, • ' ' AND GLASSES, . FANCY DISHES , , TOILET SOAPS, ItEXOLEUM SQUARES, GRANITE WEAIL' ' •. .,• , . . HOP AND $ 1 • • LUCKNOW BIBLE INSTITUTE •the study ' Will include ProPhetical , Bible Truths .and Signs of the Times. The -Bible - Classes for 'adults -mid --11e -Club will Meet High School students will meet as this Friday at 4 o'clock. Be sure to usual this -Friday ,evening. We hope bring Your Bibles' and someOne . there will be's. good attendance ai te• , ,ProsPeritY Arena; , King George A- rena; Coronation Arena; Olympia.; •Colosieuir4-Silver Dooni-Arena. - • Z. B. -C. Club. "‘ The ,ISlepoY Progressive Club, The Helpatovvn Club; • The Luck-Knoweril The Donald Dinnie 'Club; The Activity Club; The Merrymakers; The, Beavers. The Caledonia Society; The Unity Club. • • . The Nuclius Club; The Lucknow Magnets; The . Sepoi. Magnets. ' Sepoy Skating Club; The ,Ice palace Directors; Club of 'the Silver Skates; I: C. E. Club; The Ice Palace Club; WiUing Workers , Club; Paradise Skating Club; Wester Club; Lucky Booster , Club; Lucknow Booster Club; Ideal Arena Club., Boosters, Co-Oper- utive Club. Sepoy Gardens Club' Ice Garden-Directors;--Siepoy-Arena-Club; Sepoy Arena; Curia": C. Arena; Geod. Time Arena; -Regal Arena; ,Thicelsior, Arena. . tirs. near 'Mount Forest. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Reynold' qf Toronto, spent liek-ead-71th' the latter's brothers and sister*. , Mrs.r • Susan Phillips returned • re- cently: to her home at Belfast after" 73pending the -winter in Loudon. , • -11 Miss Arabella Cameron of ' Strat- 1 ford- spent- Good Friday witlr her -par= exits, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cameral. Mr. and Mrs. J..* 41,cleartY, and two . sons of London, . Spent' Monday with Mr:, and Mrs. J. W. Henderson. - , • Among the Easter Visitors wits, Mr. John R. Graharn of. Windsor at the home of Miss Elizabeth Henderaon.‘ • Miss Eunice Newton of Toronto,. is spending • the Easter -vacation at the home of • Dr. and Kra. G. A. Newton. and. Atia. Thomas Little ". of .411theilulaguel"livsts t"Liee$W. 3. Little. Mr. Gee. Leith and 'BettS! of Listowel, spent GOod Friday With Mr. Leith's parents; Mr. and Mrs. J H. Leith. Mr.. and Mrs. 0. , s. Moffatt and Marilyn of Toronto were Easter, vis- itors'a_t the, home ef,Mr. and Mrs- S. C. Rathwell. • TUSCAN NET*WRTAINS-r3fr wide. 21/4 $119, Iimc .Veey effec- 0WItH- NEW, CURTAINS, CURTAIN NETS,- AND ,SMAR:r, BED, .ROOM CURTAINS!! .. ,,, patterns, Pair. l .. ,.. • • • ? •• • A.P.,t1.....P.t.:1...!1•1•••/"..01- ., & ., re 't . or Sprm. g .. . . . RAyo. CURTAINS—Are very popular this,' year.. 25" . wide, .., 21/4 ,Yds.Y!iigt.-Piii'i:.:..;,,...'...,.......:.;,,.;.,,„:„.,...;,.. $1.95, SHADOW' CLOTH—for Draperies, SliP. COvers, OVerdraPes. Yard, ....‘.......i...;.;,...,,....:..........:....,.•........ 5.?c,' FRILLED CURTAINS—Marquisette, the better . qnalit$+. Colours ' -• Gold, Rose, Blue, Green.; Pair • ; . . . . $1 00, , .$I36, . 0,25, 81.50. • • , • . . , . . FRILLED; SCRIM—for', Curtalan 84" wide. Per Yard . .. . : -15c. TUSCAN NET tinalitY net,: 2112 ide• long: 1 Ok „AWNING DI):CK-Bright col**, euitable :for , chair:seats, couch coverings or wining's. Per "Yard ;.: .45c and 59c • . Winter Gardens; The Renclevons; The',Arcade;.,The Casino., - Sepoy Recreation Boosters. Lucknow .•:Recreation Club.; The Community Welfare , Club; . Willing ;Workers; Satisfactory Sport Club; Busy Bees; Lucknow Good Luck Club; The Booster Club. , • • ---'4Th-e-M'eff—Mi„ alters ClubiTkektnek:-.. now Welfare Club. • Silver 'CI!). • • Druidhean (wise men) Club. . :The , SUCessful Twenty. • • • •• Humdingers; .' Gloom Chasers; Pep- 1)YTThe"Antci:n.e, The ileXX 'Club; The lauXXuriate . 'Club; ' The EXXceI Club. The Matant Club; The -Rin107, clinks:Club; " The Club. The 20 Buccaneer Club. The .LtieknoW Arcade Club; The Strathroy, accompanying Mr.,, and . .0, . • Lucknow' Humoresque Club; The .Se- Mrs. Ian MacRae,. who Spent •the • poy Swanker -Club. 1 week -end -here. • „ ' Barthel* Club; •Glee .Chib; Gliders Mr. And Mrs. George D. • Stec- ichain Club: Sports Club: , Banner Club.-: o af, Detreit am', Mi. rid Mrs'. ertiple • •• Dr. J. end /fin. Armat. rang and Sari Jahn David of Toronto, spent the Week -end here With his 'mother, MM.: Sadie Armstrong, - W. 3. LITTLE" is retiring front business and is offering his entire stockof'BOOti and Shoes .at Bargain Prices, Particulars later. • Doug. Clarke of PON,01581111 and jiin Henderson of •Matheson in .NOrthera Ontario, are spending tk; Bai.t_cr eatien at their respective homes. Don't 'miss the three -act Comedy, "Simple Simon Simple'? to be .presen- te& in the Town Hall tonight (Thiire-; day). by St: Peter's A. Y. P. A. , Dr; Herbert Woods and ,Mrs. Tarl- ton of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil' Meyers, of .North. Bay; were Easter .visitors wjth Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Quillin.• ' % SPONSORED • BY FRIENDS 1 THE COMMUNITYOF syAi,liky; 'wEro WAS IiNFORTUNIA' '1'E IN ..,,,LOSING. 'ill:11E4111NQ A.6CIDEXT • . •„4,. Andrew Thoinpson of B,owmanyille, ' spent the week -end. at borne .hero, returning to Toronto the first. Of the week. to 4ttend the ti E. A. conven- , tion. Mrs. A. G. Elliott returned the hit. ter: art of the Week from a visit in The Se. poy 'Hustlers , Club:, .., ac iarmid . M D' ' and Donald of 'Cleveland The Hilarity, Club; Whizz Bang si)ent thei, week -end with mr. •Alexi .. Boys; Whizz Bang Club; The Holy , . maeDiannid. Corkers, New Ideas: --.Club; Twenty - - e - , 1 , Arena.. Gardena. Big Louis. Red ' Original Gentlemen. • !, Miss Edith Smith and Mn n• 3-,. ENER 4 •wrHiRs: WISHING TO. MAKE DONATIONS • .MAlt.,14EArk • - • , . . SAME ;AT THE, SENTINEL OFFICE.' . • , and Mrs. • James Smith. , Mr. Edwin Smith Of Listowel is spending his Easter vacation at is home ere. On Tuesday, he. left for, Toronto, ac- companied by his 'mother; .to attend the 0. E. A. convention. . 'fr. and Mrs. J. a mem" Mrs. 'Walter Hamiltori and Jimmie and .Mrs; Charles Cook, spent the latter part of the week in Detroit, when 1VIcNab received' 'delivery of a. new. Dodge sedan: On their return they were aeFemP W _ _ of Detroit, who is g . and Mrs. Chas. Cook and other rela- tives in the cornmunity. Horner; White Elephant. I K—LChib; Sepoy 'Club"; Sepoy renshain of Toronto ',,spent the hell - Utility Club " Haistlersi Clansmen. ° • : day, with the former -q. parents Mr - ' • I • 1 . • •••-• • ••••••••mosimmino !olr.tGp. coNpitEGA.tiors AT ; VILLAGE CHURCHES SUNDAY Easter. Sunday services. in the lage churches, were attended by -large congregations.. Miss Myra MacDonald wai:goeit 4Kiliiiat at, the morning ser- vice 'in. Op United,. Church and in :the 2 evening at ther•Preabyterian •Church, , when the service 'was Marked by the W. M. $. Easter7Thenithffering,. with Xteir: Kenneth MacLean of Wingham, the special speaker: . • 1. • , On • Good Friday a special :threw hours':•-serviee was ,itel4in St Peter'S - ohtliCh, frein twelve to three o'clock, ' with local ,lergYmen. taking Part' in . • . . this 'special ;devotional period . - t.