HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-21, Page 11
1938. •
-T-0.11E14T--.-. A eoMfOrtable six rOonl' EATER 14010AY --"--
•-'rrhe'•Ashid Presbyterian
was the, 'Scene -of a very prettymar-
riage ceremony, when Miss F.'earl
Maris*. Sandy, now of 6t' dertell, ,•re-
turned to ther,Anrch.of her childhood
last *Monday, and was -,united in mar-
riage to Mr. Jetnep E. :Naftel, • of
,Godericle, Rev,' J. MatOillivraY,
'Minister of the Church, 'officiating.'
The happy Wedded pair are. making,
their home in Goderiele with the best'
wishes of their Many friends of Ash -
-bongM; toWn. water,. .Tesnple.clarke.
Ilart* and"Seizflet., Apply
• ,tin4..Q,N.O.. • .
'FOR SALE -Good table and seed
.:PotatOeie CObblergie .James
..NoWer, 14141.1**4
:FOR.; SALE 1000: Bali. clean
heavy oats. -Fred r Webb R. 1' -Lticlei
-Phone " • '
OARS 'ro* SALE 1929 Durant
• Sedan; 109 Chev. Coach; 1929 Chey.
Sedan'. 1.92e Ford Coupe; 1036 Con-
' stein. .
roR„SALE,--,Brick lenge in Luck-
• not furnace and Ugh* good .garden,
amalliliarn.:Aud-garigge • coMbined.-
APO/ to Ilfrik lopeoh Tioor.
ik.01,t,AALBe'Anantity' beletr•haY
,timothy seed, Gov. graded and got*
•..-„leati barley for feed or , seed. -Rod;
. .MacDougall.
Government•Standard No: 1 grades
of Ontario Variegated. and Grimm's
Alfalfa; AlBsike, Red and Mammoth,
•• White and 'Yelloge„- Blossom Sweet
• Clover; Timothy; .. Orchard and Blue
Graselfor sale at W. G. ANDREW'S..
AUCTION, SALE -of farm iniple-
,4menta;; ininiture and effects Ofthe
late DA:- •MeiaDonalet, ;will be sold
the. C. tuelo
dew, Sado,: April 25th, at •ff tent,
, BILEY, CHICKS from high .quality
•blegoci 'teetegl. siocke-^=,Barred Rocks,
-19e; W:;1.1,egherns, 810c., Leghorn* al-
'• our own ,,breeding; ;large ,type a0e,'
0,04- layars,,:saa:i4 .ranat4 1:9a, if. ord,
iered Jri advance.: guaranteed.-:
•Eliiter Gorrie. • • •
, • . , • ; „
• NOTI'A FORTUNE,but it: pleasant.
profitable business for earnest end
lliii^7^P^eitile.T.Any dependable: person
-'enieperate.thie sunple bingineas in a'
reserved 'district: 200 -Guaranteed
: home neeisiiitioe used by -Mittens of
people.j Safe„ond, *W1,10,4060 'Cash
Goderieh. • '
• Fred 'Stanley; ,Who fermerly. operat-
ed The Variety Store in Lucknow,has
purebascda two-storey brick block
oppoiite' his Present location in Ches-
ley.,. Mr., Stanley has been , Carrying
on a successful business ler a num-
ber of years in the Selrite store ;in
that town, but has found his ' prein
isei too "small for .his steadily en-
larging business. He gets possession
May ' 5th, :and plans .-considerable
changes to suit, his business. .
. „
, .
was t e scene of a quiet. wedding at
high noon, SaturdaY,. April 16th, `when
Rev. P. H. Rickard united in marriage
Vera .Helene Graham,. only daughter
of Mrs. Sherriff .and the lite Jack
Sherriff to .George Harold 'Mary only
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marr - of
Dorchester, Ontario.
The :kneeling pillow !' Of white 'satin
was 'arranged in the living room, be-
tween' tables banked ,with ferns and
spring, flowers. • Easter. ',decorations,
throughout' the house were Mallile and
Business' Men's Club
Organized Monday Night
Vote To continue Weekly
day , On •TluirsdeY-e-Meeting Solidly
' -Behind P!Pee parni-WM,;^Hornell
President Of New - Organization
Which Will Meet Menthly
, ,
• leicknow. will -continue to observe
the weekly halfholiday 'on Thursday
afternoon. This was decided at e bus-,
Mess men's: meeting on Monday nig&
with an attendance of twentv-three.
• -
A 'Vote revealed those present alniegit
iftganiiiibdriftWOhtitining the Thurs-
day. half holidaYiand the open Wed-
nesday 'tight custom, which will
commence the first Thursday in MaY.
and continue until the end of October.
The matter vaa brought 'up, when
S4:fine had expieised, a preference for
the -half:holiday being observed • on
-Wednesday, as it is in the majority
of centres in this district:
Another Matter, of importance was
'regarding the Pipe 'Bend, ,,whose Sate
urday night appearances in Lucking*,
have been .widely popular? Those .pre,
sent were solidly behind suMorting
tbe'. Rand to assure another season of
Band concerts from June. to Septem-
ber., A 'subscription list opened at the
nieetihg brought 11.,^. guarantee .of
$19.00..Wm. Porteous and W. J.. Dav-
ison Were apPointed a eommittee to
•. - •
completethe subscription canvas.
ustmees en u rgattme .
The meeting achieved a long felt
want in the organizing of a 'Businesg
Men's Club, with the second Monday
of each month. set as the regular meet-
ing night.
President of the new ,organization
is Wm. See'y:, Wm. Porteous
and. a „ committee of ...three, • T. W.
Sniith, W. Hill and Edger Helly -
Man: ^' '
Various matters were discussed and
. . „ •
the ^^ meeting ,•:wee,enthusiastic that
Lucille* and community is to.. con -
time to prep:pis and retain its pres-
tige ,as oiiesofithe best communities
of its size in Western Ontario:
The bride given in marriage by
her mother, looked lovely in: i navy
blue travelling suit, With hat of An -
Plan. SQUARE :DEAle----No--riek,-. For goia----felt. and -,accessories ; to. match;
free ' particulars, ' Write to "FAMILEX and carried . a bouquet ,of rosehill
CO." ',KO 'St; Clement : St. Montreal; roses. • . :
if ' you wish, 'to •"get somewhere." . it/las ' Grace Hunt,: of. Dorchester,
" cousin Of thegroom, wore a'. steele,
AtiC'rION 'SALE of Farm proper- _grey tailered-,suit:with_lav„y_bitie-ag
tY at the premises, Lot 9, Con. 3
_3,„ ,! ceitaoriel'an&wOre i'Corsage of pink,
.Kinlosion Tuesday, April Mtn. (1004 roses, Grahami Sherriff, brother of the
•clay‘ -loam, .comfortable house, barn bride, acted as gra0MaMall.
60x40 With 'Cement stabling, imine;
. _ the wedding. ,music Was rendered
' diate Pessessi40-• T 761111-14!, ."1„bit Mia$ Jessie MacKnzie. Duringthe-
, Next Week is "Ladies' Night" When
Old Light -Lodge; A.F & A.M. holds
anaaal At:40ine, in the Town Hall,
,Wednesday, April , ffith.
i.911. Light baS,been_ fortunate in se.,
.0414,as their, guest speaker, Rev,
(Capt.) Norman Rawson of
who will feature 'att;interesting ,pro -
av_sale;balnncewhcnP08eofl:signing of the register, Miss. Peggy
is taken. Farm will be offered sub-
jeet to a reserved bid. Sale commen-
ces at 2 o'clocl.
- Estate Colin Mciunnon• ,
Well. Henderson, Auc.
; ALL persons 'having. claims against,
theestate: of Kenneth Gollan, late of
:the Township of Kinlosnie the County.,
• ' Of Bence, Farmer, deteased; whodied
on or about the .twenty-first day of
January; A.D. 1938,. gtre notified_ . to
Send to, J. 11. Crawford Virighain
• Ontario, , on or before the twenty-
third 'day .Of 1938,,full
:perticidars of, their 'claims in writing -
Immediately after the said. twenty-,
2: third day of. April.the assets of the
said deeeased will._be ..distrihnted,
amongst the 'parties entitled thereto,
• haying regard only to claims of Which'
the administrators -shall then have
notice. • • '
, DATED at Winging:Tit, this second
day of April, t938.
CRAWFORR, Wingliene Ontario
Solicitor for the Adminietrators.
Remerriter the, danee in the, COm7
numity Hill, St Helens, on,Thuri-
daYi, April 21,st. -MuSic by CKNX
"General' AdnilsslOn. 25g.
'Lunch, served.' •
MacDonald sang; 'I love you truly".
The dainty •wedding breakfast was
served by lout life long' friends Of the,
.bride, Misses Winnilred Armstrong,
Catharine MacKenzie, Jessie MatKen-
The bride's Mother were black taff
eta, •with. 'shoulder 'ecirSege of roses.,
Pits; Marr, mother of the groom, Were
bin& velvet,' /with shoulder corsage
Of roses and fern. '
'Other •gueste.yoeto,mis...`ROs's, aunt
of the, groom,' Mr, and Mrs. Clinton
Berri all of, Dorchester, and. Frank'
'Grahain,l'arid; Mrs. Graham, grand -
Mather of the bride. Mrs. Sherriff and:
,Mis. . Mari, :the other' twe grand -
Mr. ' Rawson ,' served during• the
. i
, „ .
World -War n France • Belgium , Rus
ma and Italy. He was twice mentioned
in dispatches • and decorated, and was
tain. He graduated in theology . in
Toronto University, lectured both in
the United. States and Canada. , For
over six, years he was pastor of St;
,Taines!Tinited, 0404 ..Qttawa,_and
is at -present pastor of Centenary
United Church, Hamilton, His talk
promises -to -Ale an interesting -one. .
.• ,
• The home of Mis...Sainuel•SherWood
was gladdened, when her fetidly, geth,
erect; to celebrate her , seventy-first
birthday. She received some beentifel
flovgers„ also two birthday cekes. The
evenieg,' was • spent in =laic -end
games. On retiring, they. all jcnned 14
:singing "For 'She's', A jolly Good Fel
Synod Will
Meet In
Wingham Next Week
SerenSde. By '1,Atekao* Pipe Rand Will
-Establishing Of First Presbyter.
Be Prelude To Opening Of Session
iianitte,rCeeintigrengigyatuiee,nevie. District
The hearts of all Scotsmen in this
district will receive athrill .when - told
that the Syne(' of Hamilton and Lon-
don, Meeting' in Wingham, April
27, is to 'be Serenaded by Lucknow
Pipe Band. (We could not expect much
else from Lueknow anYwaY)--Thi7Se-r2.
enade: will be given on Tuesday even-
ing from '7.30 to 8.00 o'clock,end
serve as a splendid prelude to what
promises .to be one of the best es -
sins of the program calls
for .Rev. • Hugh "Munroe, New
Assembly, to be present. .His mes-
• sage on "Our Church as seen by the'
Moderator", . PrOmisee ,. much and
knowing the .Moderator as we do, we
may safely say, no one will -be disap-
pointed. Rev. Wm. Barclay, of Hamil-
ton;Convener of the "Assembly's
Committee on the Budget and Stew.
ardship,", will also speak on Tuesday
,evening. , • '
, The Synod willget underway on
,Monday evening.' Public worship will
be conducted by the Moderator, •Itev.
membered in, this district.' Greetings
will be brought by Mayor John Hanna
from the town, Rev. E. O. Gallagher
representing the Ministerial A.Ssocia-
ovis 'and Sunsoy Bread
Olir 'Window: For 'Easter 'Specials
• COOgiEs
:A. 'N'...:P.-.A.:-„TO:^PRESENT7 -
Tonight (Thursday) •"Sineple ,Simon
Simple", a hilarious three -act comedy.
-will be presented --by St. Peter's A; Y.
P. A. in the .Town : LticknOw.
This play ^ presented by a strong
cast of players, ,promi,ses, to, keep Yon
Well entertained from start to :finish.
It -js-one of the--few--plays-presefltd
here during the past -season and e ea-
pacity audience is anticipated. "
• •
New Seats Required
TO Accomodate Pupils -
• Card' Of Thanks
, We wieh to 'thank all those who
belpod is4ire our &nine at thelhne'of
, the fire -it was much appreciated.
Mr. and Mr's: Elwood Barbour.
emeeoe, a . id had
• somewhat Cet. a distriteted altPerienee
one evening last Week. After an un-
'aUccetieftit, gittegnpyikatort their, ear.
Which 'Weit parked in front of Hill's
store, ilia di:ace's/era the lose of both
' her die:Mond and ;wedding' ring. A
therOugh, search of the ear proved
frultiese, ono ring bel4 thetyleund
near the curb, the. Other undo.' the
cat Mtith.the finding Of the Angie the
ear respinided•O the Starter, and ,80
• It was egliggi; .4t "all's wall that ends
• welt".
;mothers, were linable to he , present.
The home. of ivir, and Mrs. George
T. nurge0,1 10 Roslin Are., Toronto,
was the scene f a very.prtty -Easter
'wedding, on .liely Thursday evening
at eight 11,•144 When 'Miss Mary Wat-
son, •daughter Of :the late Mr.
and Mrs. , John. Watson of Strathroy,
became the bride of Mr. .Win. 'Kelso
McNay, ,Soti of M. Peter McNay ,' and
the lateMrs,'McNaY of LucknOw,*Ont.
Rev, D. W, test/ uncle of the bride;
officiated: •
The bride, who Was unattended,'
was given in 'marriage by Mt. William
Davison Of Lucktiow. She wore a
gown Of White Silk lace :ciVer white
Satin, with 'veil, of tulle and orange'
blossoms, and carried a nosegay of
tore' sweet peas and Illy-of-theevalley.
: Alter, the • ceretnonY, luncheon .nona
served, and the couple left for a sheet
tour to Ottawa and other, points, tile
bride wearing a rest suit:. with hat
and WeasorieS .to, match. '
On theirrettiri th�y.'iil reside in
the vicinity Of
GUeSts, Were' from .Ottawa;" thd9ftAtt
and •Toronto. •.
:11101tR18011IIICICTON ,
AAtliet wedding Was 'solemnized at
the 'United Church parsonage, Guelph
on Monday, April 4th,. When Rev. ',Mr;
Gallagher united ',in Marriage, MISS
Constance daughter Of
:Mt% and Mrs. Alfred .1htekton of Tor-
onto, and 'gr. ThOMAS ,ilanieS' Mot.
tiAoh, Soh of Me., eild M. J. )14 WV"'
' • kt
c now
From Near Arctic Circle.
Jack Welbster Tells' Of 1100 Mile Air•
Trip From Edmonton To World's
Richest Radium Mine: In • North
West Territories -IS Now Cut 'Off
From Civilization Until Ice Break-
1.Tp In June
To The .Readers'
Of The Sentinel,
. . . ,
• As this is the first literary venture
I have ever tried I don't went Sentinel
readers to he too. hard on me if I make
some, Mistakes, as try and describe
my trip, into the far north, weit,ld,the
-,:best-of ;My --• ,
On jaiiimey the fOntieenth I woke
UP' in the MacDonald: hotel in Edmon-
ton ready for What believe 'tvaS my
greatest adventure up to. that time.
on 'my maiden flight in. Piane: on a
trip. eleven hundred . Miles north' and
.west .of Edmonton to . within thirty
miles. of the;Aretic. coM-
„ ds„-richest-
raditiM Mine en, .the shores of , Great
Bear Lake. And what a TriP4 1 shall
never, forget it. .
From Edinciriton nre. flew' north un-
til We Paine to Waterways and' we had
. „
• lunch at, 'McMurray. From ,-ttiete
we followed the Athabaska River to
Ft. Chipewytin on. the neith: shore of
Athabaska Lake., Pp to here we 'Saw
a few Meese beneath ,us and :especially
One beauty of :a bull Moose. which
,would have Warmed any hunter's
heart, had. he looked through the sig-
hts' Of a big gayn. riilei
We were i at ' from Friday
afternoon ' Sunda? morning as
:the weather was bad' for *lying.. A Mr..
4acly'r,liains. and I hilted out and look-
ed the old 'fort 'Oyez' from end to .end
and *eund,it.,a ,very historic village in
the •pioneering, of -the northrT
Sunday morning we 'took 'Off and
flew to Yellowknife- where there is -La
big rush on through the finding of
gold. We still' followed the 'Athabaska'
River -to Smith and the Gt.','Slive
river from there to Greet Slave Lake
and across ,,the Gt. • Stave to • Yellow
knife. We flee: over,ench historic' forts
as Fit?.gcrald, Smith and Resolution.
Incidently meals Were a . dtill.ar a
throw and Yearbed in the ,hotel con-
sisted of a -bed, mattress and a pine*,
you ,furnish your own feathers :(Yopi
Eiderdown) and he* you cite sleep.
Especially if the huskies are out to
serenade the moon. •
Easter Beginners And Newcomers'
At SecondeConcessiOn School Oier-
tax Seating. Capacity t,Schoigirl
Take Part In Eaater.,Sunday Church
Service. : •-
We read', of ,other ••schools *being
eloped, for want of scholars, but sugh•
is ,not the case with, Mir; school at the
2nd. With one new faniilY:mOving
along :With abOnt. five beginners,. our
-"pupae^ Will 'number about alter
Easter/ So Mr. John D. ;ROSS wee
busy 'the, first of ,the vieek installing
several new scat. • • ••
:Take Part in .Oulich, ;service
Easter Service in South Kin-
loss Church on Sunday morning" WAS
Most interesting, hen .about. twenty
pupils tront'eur school took part, The
Easter Message was given., In, story
and song, and the address was given
by Rev. Mr. Young Much Credit is
due Miss !Manche ,McDougal l; 'musk
teacher, for the way the ehildren,were
trained. and took their parts. .
We are, glad, to know that ltttte
Mary daughter of Mr. and
Mrs., Rosa -MacMillan..is improving
after an attack- of whooping cough
,and also threatened With pneumonia.
Easter 'visitors in the: burg were
Miss Whittle Thomson and Mr, 'Sam
Duckworth.of Gaderich, with Mr, and
Mrs. tharlie Thonlson; Miss:, Jean
Reed, ;41r; Ilen_HrOWri,_Port 'Albert,
Gardner, • Zion, 'Fred Anderson,
Hill, Dick And 'Howard Reed, with
Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Reed; .Lloyd,
Me -
Null Of Kincardine and Jim McNeal
at their home here,
'4f Richard returned
bome Saturday helm -a visit With her
htother, Daniel AliOrt of ..„L'Ones,
Mtge Eunice Carter isetpending a
&lin& of, weeks with Mrs. Alf. Kit -1
Chid, ith cent, of ,AthAeld,
tion 'and by Mies E. Williams of Oran -
brook, representing, the young Peo-
ple's Societies of Maitland Presbytery.
The eleetipn, of the new Moderator
;will also be held on Monday evening.
It is at this, time when the favorite
"'sone of, the •Church are &meted by
:hailing. their names presented for this .
high office. ,
At four o'clock Tuesday afternoon
the Synod will adjourn and the Com-
missioners , -visit thegraveof Dr, -
Caroline MacDonald, which is in our
local cemetery., Of her it can !truly he
Said: "She being dead. yet SPeaketli.”
Her naine is ^ a household word in
Tokyo, Japan, and her memory Cher_
ished..Her Ilife was sweet, wholesome
and inapiring and lived to° the glory
The service to b held ' in St
Andrew's.: -Church Sunday evening,
April 24th, is designed to serve as . a
fine 'introduction to . the' Synod. „That,
service will be-"Pfibliet"-Weesh,s
(Continued on Page 5)
• tjakgnIns in Metes ilhd Boat Wk
Glothing,,'81firtsi Vents* Overulls.4.
rigon ithibea. TILE •MA11,1CgT torORM'
Ashfield .born twins who recently observed their, 83rd birthday.
, - •
Williani,hae been** continueus resident , of the Township. John re-
sides in the State of 'Washington. Their lather Wei: one . of the first
of three white men to settle in Ashfield.
' Monday we took. oft still into the
Unknown, it WAS then Saw" ‘some-
thing that, so *OW people ..have the.
:pleasure of seeing -Cariboo . by the
thousands. And how theY,would run
froni thenoise d the big tri.iMotored,
plane; Thetwould tlounder,in the' deep
they got gond_ :trav*...
elling theY..coUld really:make it iyar-4,
Ineidekitly, We Were following and
over the,..Greet-'.Meltentle
We dropped: the mail at Ft. Rae and
se*, our first 'Cariboo carcass. :A idog
ribbed4ndian luiit it 111 hi. ANL.: Sled,
He had kiii6eit that niotiiirffeWe'
0,4 no'Vit near onr!joUrneYs•end, te,,
gaida the plane ahd I 'aitWt 'yea
how /,en3Oyed 'my first trip over that.
greatest,of fietitierS,-:that land 6f.
rMuallee and OdYeiltlite•-the
Vat North. • • '••,
t write this I happened to ;look
HOrticultOral. Society
_Tuesday Night
lifira.„ WM., MacKenzie Elected. New:
'President-NenthershiU Dtive'
• derwey As Enthusiastic •• Meeting ,
, ,
; Strongly. Recommended' Continuance'
Oi „Society . • - •
At not a largely .attended, but. nev-
ertheless arill enthusiastic ,meeting.. Of
those interested in the.Luelmow"Hort-
icultntal Society •on Tuesday night; it
was unaninieusly ;decided to continue
the Society for ^the coming Year:.
nienibership. :is AtL0fLinclUding,
preminthin goods of a 4Ocvalue.
The., membership drive :is npei -under-
Way and the „obje,etivelat *att.- fifty,
Members. '. Roads and ,gladiolus are
.being ordered, at once.. to,. be,' carried
in stock, with. Mr, ,Collyer appointed
the eeW' distributor: ,
'rhe Society pans to replace a nuni.
her. of .roes. in the rose bed at . the
POWling Green,- ,Whieb is one of the
,•sociletY's acepniplishniente, „The ad" -
vantage of loW cost and high quality
bY 'baying through the, Society . was
StreSset1 at the ,Aneeting. There • is .; a
wide :range of- pleas; shrubs,
"ete., „available, to rural' and Yillage,
merabera ,..threugh the 'Society, that
merits enitairY of any of the members.
Election of Officers and appinrit-
ments,oPeoMmittees were es 'follows:
'President, Mrs,: Wm. MacKenzie;
„lst Vice Pres., Mrs,' A. G. Elliott;
Vice tires.; lvOgs McCluskey;
Set.-Tresisorer; jasd•-1-1,•'Ffekering',. '
Muidie, Thompson, Mrs.
MeLbod, Joseph Collyer,
Directors for 1038;1939-elllts,,
Dr. W. V. lolinSton, Mrs. Mor-
gan 'Henderson, Rathwell, Robt.
Fisher: • • •"
Pl6W,er COiiitV4,itted-4tre.:0... Huston.
Mrs. A'.`1Salotilon, Mrs. T. .T. Snlkeld,
S. C. nati4p11,!' Joseph
• Nahliditk.
Mrs, Dr. 'W. V. -Jelinstent Anditors
Gee. H. Smith Robert..Pisher.
Distribntor.loAeoh, tan'yth.t., .
The. annual. th'e wat 'tet $at;
.(Coritinued On Page g) &day keotetthei
Twin Sons'. Of 'One Of 'Ashfield's
Settlers. Pass Eighty -Third Milestone.
Wm: A:. Johnston P.f._Ashkeld` TovvnshipJohn .,
A.- Johnston Of State Of Donald MacRae and a large fttinily
of boys, left the Township or the
west, some sixty years ago
It. was; in this pioneer settlement'
Washington, : Ashfield Oldest Twins,
Still Hale And Hearty As They
Enter', Their 84th Year - Their,
From Goderich By Rowboat
, • t
• • . . • , ••
Wm A.• Johnston, ..afid , A.
that :the, twin bretheis;
John were born; as:a cOntin-;
Von's 4„resident,. is ''eridely. known ,and
highly esteemed in the, district, arid
in their evening of life, he an is
, .
Johnston, twin, brothers, and sons of good , wife; :formerly Margaret. Jane
re:tire-late ,
83itl; -birthday: , As they '•':enter, back over
yNoble Johnston, can , look
:Ashfield, ...recently obSertied: :their
.84th Year, 'both hile. 0)4 hOattY;, they',:vatron, and recall many interesting
oan proudly 'lay 'claire.' to this distinc.-
otheigh. their ages !lot. events as they • have. watched ,
Township, grow ';'and: progre4 for.
recor1:1 for, issgevitY'. Of '^'four -score years. -
sWidielit!tair4, ' bA'assh: fi',Lle317,P resides °pri
seven children, six of vhom stirvire,
the, tine, Water HigliweY `about two • Mrs. David ,Farrish .0ennio. geinans,,,
inivhiliecslit:ntrath° othit,hper6nsi:net':•9sfiiebi!c:ibi:tit4h.o, Vancouver; Mrs. Wilfred Farrish,
Sask.; Mrs. Ewart McKeith (Jane),
Presbyterian Camp at' Kiataill'*re":11 (Greee). and • Mrs. -Russell. .lissett •
looking the Lake. His • twin . brother,
left Ashfield fifty-eight years
ago, .but visited here years
past. He ,resides in Bellingham, State
:of Washington, ,
It 'will he a hundred 'years ago this,
'suniinet Since their father' set foot in
Ashfield, as one of three _men, who
wer� the first whitc men to settle in
the Township. Their, father was the
lite. Alexander Johnston,,:Who Was
born .in Montreal.'' Their ,mother, was
Catherine McRae, a, native. of Roe -
Scotland: •,•
• Spry:el loot and clear ,of mind, gr.
JohnSteri;,`.Who spent' the first- of the
.Week.' in Luelinow' with his son .1\10'hie;
can tell many interesting events'. of
pioneering in :his native Township,.
• In tile satin -tier of 1838, Kenneth
a "tow beet leirowtng the..., shore:, 'of Soeed-ori:•filin portraYsl; it. Was a sit-,
Lake „linreil liertliWYStd until he .ent mietute. 'so far .as ,:ttri,eliareeters. '
'canie to • what is. now dui:ri6, Creek speaking , were ,concerned. The gentle- •
(Jessie) ,of.Ashfield; Noble of Luck -
now' and WM. J. on homestead. L.:%.
seri 'Alexander died during , the 'flu'
epideinic .the war.
--Fitting it wasthat'e4e.:Of Good
.Friday as chosen for the presenta-
tion 'in Lizcknew of "Ring Of Kings".
,A ,reverendly gripping picture drama
of ' the life of Christ. , ;
.1 there was a large ' audience
nessed .the picture, inany,•: of • thent
'children, but So ..awed were they, the.
;reverend silence throughout the pia,:
ture, was not °nee. 'broken by ,
ter .or applause.: ,
The 'production, was set to aPProP:'
McGregor set out from Gederieh, riate• hymns, and while :it WAS a
at Kintail...Returiiing the. next day'tO
Goderich, • he told. lila' ,friends, Alex-
ander\2,g 'Johnston, t en . years old,
And Beheld Mitelta6..',, he,' had foilett
A ferni (sdtia : bush) ; and •a,, good
:piece" to keep the beet • (the -river);
This was MoPt„, itziportant.: for :these
,orignial pion4rs were.4et fishermen,
plemented by n generous , supply ' 'el
potatoes,„ was .tbeii4; thief foed..siipplY,;
-.It was to this 'layoff , then, these
three hardy Scets, etinle • as Ashe
:field's'. first White settlers,: to take to,
Crown latiti on either. side ,or the riv-
er.- Tall tinlbera of Maple, beech; ,eirn
and 'hemloC,It• were tolled. gradually',
,and what ', was not used in construct-
ing rough buildings was, at iapidly
as 'posiible;,blitned td provide O-alattr-‘
hit for farming operations. Ronnetli
McGregor Was khOWn AS "Th'e tether
of Xthnold'I and as the iirtt known
white Met "to put hp. ,thiojteo• in
Man in charge of the.picturg, pointed
out. before : commencing, that Motion
pittUIO directors ' were agreed that
:0 :ittcnipt to iCet. r71,1iCgeiti
• .“ •
• Only those . who seer this picture
can • appreciate this 'Masterful • pro-
duction by £ecil DcMflle,Jnwhich..
the' story of Christ has taken human:
!mei; and,' greater arideri‘nding".•It
is a story ,so tense and 'absorbing, SO
noarasiVest-he'iyiols, 6.•
and,'compassion, that 'tt..13.ower and
' The ofedtkion was presented hate'
under auspices of the r:Womenss: As-
sociation of .the. United- Cherel,..
and through the courtesy
of Super-
tcst Petrpleilfit • Corporation.
pocini in Women's, Milt, and
Children's rkeliv spring Hose and Stec -