HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-14, Page 744.
• r.
ass' le
NOSt. Oling4 are made for -vations.„
1A44 thi inelndes otir'poor
. ,
.. •
: Ines .--- Reconditioned, guarantee('
like- new, $14.00; new Williams Drop -
heads, '$D. Shipping and 'creating, $2.
extra: Sutlierlands.,358'Gerrard East,
'Toronto. ' • . • • •
Uvrhaul patented mineral plating, re-
" stores comPression, Stopo Piston slat),
smoking and oil pumping. ` Works
while driving. Saves' 50, •• p.c. of 'oil.
• Saves. gas. • 500,000' satisfied 'users..
Highest British ',recommendations..
, Costs $3,75. Money -back guarantee.
Free Information. Ovrhaul Distribu-•
tors,' Box C3. Kitchener, Ontario.
Reconditioned Furniture
.WO must .1 -lave .floor space rqgardiess
of•• Cost. Th' is '',your oPportunitly to
,•buy highclass•"rebend.itioned furniture',
at•tt .fraction of :the actual value: Tiere .
nre :.sOrne. :Ofour amazing , bargains
picked at.ittlidcint from Our ettorrnouS'
s4900 riettittiful three pieee Atobair•
Suite, 'pillow. arms; Marshall'
reversible cushions, thoroughl.Y, cleaned:
23.50 :Large three Pleee repp•
full ..,webb ..constraction. thoroughly.
:Cleaned.. • • • .. ;
t13 95 Loarge,• threp7pieee' Suite ,in
..!‘q " English, TapeStry,-.pilloW
arms+atid Ikla;rshall. spring' ctis.blons. , A .
$39aSnt rt Ch.esterfield.
'Bed 'Surfc' in a» nod quality
•re,r4 Material thrown shade), with„ •
large, wardrobe box, :in .,splendid condt-',
Throe 19000, in" English
:tapestry 'Covering'. • Raversi.ble
1qm-sha. ll spring eitshio•ns. 'tnioroughly:.
eqa .1111 `1.4\14:it!e 1:Oorn to: CI?'"
va,iitty NVitiv V(»flCtian
mirror». f it I l'..si02'bett. and s,agles's
..compketely- • " •'."
$.69.n0 co
Alressb r,. • ithl ffrobe,
full .srze beli. and
sa:gle.ss .spring, coorittletely • refinished,
$49.00 1;01 tr-t, rul. three-piece Suite -Air
'1100(iire Walnut _finish. •dres$
er with '8Wing. .111 ropier, ;fill!
o41.7.0 1101 'e orap tt, t SI) gl'0S1.4 spring.%
"Tho'ronglity recandi„lion'ed .•
t91.grc.S01,i.d I tining-ronin
"o••"••• togextension.table and (1119".h,1 !t.,17
tAr, 1,ieve Dining-Coorui.-3pIte."
40-x•-••••.‘"„ ohk,- bYttfet, • extol*
00 cabinet and .5 leather
see t elia 1 r. Complet el'Y ..refiniShed• ' , •
$6600 .Ba
eut iful.,9-piece Oak Suite,
.•Iu rr1t. •-•(.tengion table. ehl110.''
(1 -0 -I -e10 did S.•,,(1/9F:11 •
pletely .refin•ilittd.. • "'.•
$1 15:00 -English Oak Surte;.:saniple, •
• • , -nine pieces.: 'buffet. fei•ed-
re.Ott tyti,c), refectory ..table,. cloeed
front china Cabinet ,and. 6 leathe.r
holst eredchairs, . • ' • _ ' • ."
• kitchen' 'CabinelS,:-$11.00S Breakfast', •
•Suites, pieces, $13.30; singer se*ing'.
machines; ; .Orts,•"StoveS; 44,05; .'
• Dining,roorn. Extension Tables, 16.501!
:Befrigete-tor-S. #4:95;4zt-c. " ••
Write,foy..dur .free' illustrated cata-
logue f neW.Ittid..re.,:conditiOned.furni•: .
ture. and •hundreds . of valuable' gifts
free .with...purchases: All :merchandise
thoroughly .cleaned and re -Conditioned
-and- sold under a definite inoney-• back.,
' guarantee Of satisfaction. •• • ,
, „ .
, • •
. . .
:473.=Yonge St. .,Totonto
. • suy-. real • wondnr., seed. grad.er. •Kline ,
Manufacturing,..1slingOti, Orit.;
101 i'1ilt Ai, rtouLTIt.V
' Eft 11 I
liveability, larger eggs, better pro-
-ductiOn. buy' Pletsch's Government
Approved•IChicks,--itt lowest Prices in
years. • • 1..egliorna, 'Rocks; AffnorcaS,
Sexed, Cificks,.' pullets: Write 'today,
.Pletsch flatlitery 'Stratford, Route 5,
.; Ontario. ' • ,
I3A11Y 'CIfICKS,', WHITE 1.EG1-101tN,S;
.from Itirge blood -tested stouts; good
laYers. of '-ittrge' eggs; ,all. eggs set
weight 2 07.. or •pyer: Safe 'delivery
gtittranteed. PrieeIs low. M.3 1"..caf
Poultry Farm, .11(s.amaitille, Ontario.'
•W 1.-101.ESA.LE Vrtl COS .ouR
: 'seal -131t1)y-,Chidica, 'the progeny, df
Begister4.*:-6trd Pedigreed-. fliocks'i; as-
. SM:es the 'public of the highest
ity of,ehi'cicS obtainable. Prides.$.7:50
to $10i.00 Per 100. • Goddard i .Chick
-HirtchericisT-BiTta tinifi-714011.fliTS: 0 t;
'1'14.1f1.0I)DS ..ARE IN • yo.eit
'when .you..,,,pure hit se w esidi h icks.
Breeding. cOunts in' any istoek
and' Tiveddle Chick)I 'are,• nots.(1til
over- Canada for their • egg -1.:iying,
, 'ability. Send for free Chlealogne 11111
about TWe'cidle Chicks, TWeddle
('hick Hatcheries. Lin -sited, - Dox 10.,
'Fergus,- Ontit'rio.
S111E13 :CHICKS, 13L001) -TEST -
ed breeders. 'Established. 25 years..
1egfhoros.„8c.• Rocks:9e 1Vinte.,•lillack
.41ttnits No better 14toelc,-..Wit"Y
pay higher prices. .Schtt;•or ,Stinitary
',Hatchery, -Kitchener.,Ontario.
'limPREIss.AtiENT:•# TE'LL U 131tAy
, Chicks are aniong the liv,ellest and
strongest chicks 'received at., their.'
stations. 'You -want "liveliest ,and
Strongest:- chicks under your broodl
ers. Write • for catalogue. ' Bray'
Hatchery; 130.John.St., North, Brunt'',
' ton, Ontatifo: ' •
W:.' T.'s BRAY. nArtrtt t-) , Rom
, Chielcs averaged 1% potinda at GI
.weeks,, Bray chicks,- will 'grow fast
for you too. Order yours now (and
Cash in On next Fall's•profits, Write
for ',catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130
'Sohn. N'oi•th, Hamilton, Ontat•lo.
.11.• S.'s 403 BRAY BOCk ITBLI:TS
• laid at,4 Months. 201 g'gs daily
'at 5' months and .302, at 7 months.
,Try these early and heavy laying
iliraY Pullets. -Send for catalogue,
larav Hatehety...-1,3•0 ...Tohn_.,..51. Not Lk_
Ilanilit on,"Ontarlo. • • '
1NI11 .ALL
loltEE HATS, 811,01S, SHIRTS, T11-:',82
. etc'.tvIth elothing 001011 14C \\Trite
, for free illustrated .('ataiogue of
clothitig.'hitrgains. 1)ept. N.' Xonge
' Street ('IothIng Ex.change, 50211 onge
Street, Toronto. '
• 'land • Reda: Fleavy layerS,•, exhibition
*inners, Fifteen' eggs,' $1.0.0; Fifty,
• $3.00, M...Fisher, Enterprise, Ontario.
11:11:1 1111 110inba kg,gs,. 11.50 Setting,
Ttirltey.Or “oose egt.rS, 30q 'each, Or,_•;
der.•_fr(sin-sisl-v'er Use= cut.-L(.14'.an..-Aftoo re,
•A.thenS. 'Ontario, ' , • I...,
NeW Fejt Mattresse8;•$3.50; NeW Sprit&
• Mattresses, .$8.."50. Front: factory • to
•tiscr. Vetertiti'Bedding. 893,Queen St. ,
west: Toronto. • ,.•
1101,1,s DEVELOPED, •PItIN,TED.. 1.
free en lit rgempitt •25e. Ire -,pr !tits. 10
for 05e,',' l',hoto-('raft, f831/, King, E.,
, I •
.2011.1> IsttICES,EXIi.ERT V0fl1C. 1101,1-
, with free eniargement• 25c., Tr.evanna
StildlOsl, 93 Niagara Street,. ',t4 Oath- °
a Hiles, Ont.
• 1ltit1=-•'1' WO 11,EA U'r 1 tf E -
Ai en la f one colored) With roll' de,
vehmed. eight ,gloPsy..; 'fade,-preof •
pritttS,. 28c; highest '(111blICY;?41ithI l'
IMS: !Peg.
:ROLLS'. t)EVE1'..01113E ,A'NE
Pr/nt,s froentargement,- 25c.
'Reprints 3c each: Comm,ercial 111090 '
Servide, Dept, II' Outreniont, Que.
25c order. ftoll,(11in deVelopedr-stfici 8
Drinta 2,5c: Reprints 3,c each, Bright-,
• ling StUdio. 2 Itiehmond St. E.; 1. 0-
FOit » 'SALE •
I1 NGRL 1111-11), •OrANT W1.111`1,1
,F.,eetlitig, grade one; I: lb., 350:. a
. .51.00: 5 lbs. 81.80 preprid, 1 lb, 250.
•. Roth (ir 200,• 50 lba, or Marc: Oiv 170
here, StimPle.free.;10fill00101,Y0 In
• f•s0 tido,: oz.; t•ntiii);ik, Ontario -
and, grow Ity ;ono variety, .]Atenno •
• • A:Wilt-Ms' AC,`A.1)EM V OP' •
dr6'ssi•fig:•,.. Sltirftlg elasseS• forming 00
,.»tprII 3rd, Free literatlire.. il4t
' W,eSt, TOr0Iltd.
ACA11),(Nr 1141111-
• 'dressing, ' Government, ',iron:red, NVO
, train- You for ,itoard 11xamIn1 thin,
Free prosocetns, Otlt Moor ‘‘'est; To..
,r,onto.,- • '
Wit18, tfitifiES;tItANSPOItNIATIONS'.
RrOlds, Curls, -and .0.11 tYP'es. ortineSt
quality 'nair °odds. writt§ toe inns-
tritted eittaloktio. ItoretitO lTInhntl
1141t Sul5DIY Co, 528 nathuttt, l'Ortorp.
• • 1
'• ..411111)442.Allf.,'
• 111.:1•.:SLE.5'S BITTERS (1-IERBAL.,TON.. •
Isi). • Itenuives the Cause of stonmeh
troubleS by nuticlitrurifad pill
•,ingt, _It he hlobd. Mr. Thottols McGill,Ot
111 Earlscourt, Ave., Toronto, stiffer.%
.ed 'With ,stomach nicer. fOr .seVdti •
Yea ts,„.11(01 lest forte' pounds, , has re- •,
.'gatiied licirmal Weight, and .eitlitoYs
his; food, ea tft • Whatever lie -desires.-
kfloral.• will heal,-.S'eur ,bOdy. If it
Is- in .good condftion: S,enclfor tesei:',
inonials. Price $1,50'and
'itig•-•IICIdney :Powders.. $3.00,gize !nate
1I5Weeks, POSI paid. Mano f actuti,
:et's,- Mrs.. T. Vont:001p & Sons, 1•01,
j..0.,pfifle,y A ye:, .Toront0. Oat», Dept,
111•314ATOI,A I1F1»I»lV Es • STOMACH, ,
klillieN• and bladder atrObillea.
SP•nlpturifs: rains in'right side, tinder
shoulder» blades and acress hips, In-
dItomtion. gda, constipation., colic.
Vertnitta ot German dootor. Price $5.
Mrs, Geo, „S. T3ox • tai:ot, Sas-
Isatimn, •
5000 "'AMR )NT(IN evro;p1xti
• tor. (it, (intl.8..) PoWder, berbitl
531(11:) th 1 t'kittrileiS,...S..10; Tire •Weeltit,.
inivnth $3"." Awn$5,'
Irruggists, or J. MeltitY're, 1.1er'her..
,; 1St, .1:;drivoitton, Alberta, .Agents:
1lEc31i14 .AN•TXIITY,,,s, Olt, Ai A11.11%; tr
itactio' Operator. "EntoleY10elt PrO.$4
iieHa are the hetg,litest.'for yea i-1 Out
n1110(04' 'VITO it 1.0O,..,y041 foe WO 1)00tt•
t (.••"(irtilfiatiOtt. A, high
vercentfCgc Of.(Air • graduates, paS.S
their t•N;01)11101f011O.1, , .
11110ll,t,k,N7: 'rittY
)(Pr:lel/co Avdrk Is offeted in aviation,:
• the forivgte departineals Otliet•
land sorvico-t-L-marinci.adio also cel
tol; mon, •„ • -
Fol' complete information' Write, givlim.
ettil1(ttIO11, itbd
• !phoile Ilitiriber. le, Dent; C110,
'it A1410 ,O(')LtAl'ellt. 6/0 (IANA.VA.
.881' PAY. W,N Tonowro,
Here's brieto. deal With the In'atl;
whotellt3 fish Storiest '
He had leng Outstayed his.WeiCome.
At Nat the .11mA said.
; „Refit -,0.,Te11.rifel.how long was the
fish You caught the .other.day?"
Guist ,.-(holding„ hishands' wide •
apart) -77-- ',"Oh," Se lone" •
Host :7-- "Well, BO long, if you iea
ly (nust be, going."
would happenif this sChiapPt4ailt7,;;Iita;,.,
Captain "-Madam, the •iceberg
would go on its way just as -if nothing
had haPPened " •
PaSsenger -• "Oh, thank you, ,(P.,zp-
tain! I feel.so relieved!
. ,
"Honey, would •. you leve. me
.just as mach' yin( that 1 was
She i!you'aren't, are Yen?" '
• \ •1fe''.4 "No."
She "Or course I woad, ,darling."
Theaverage depth of the ocean hp -
low Sea level 18 12,540 feet...
young- •woMen....orgaiiiit wanted
,to" Make- a goOd„-impression on • the
'visiting :clergyman. .The'r•orgart was '
.pumped by the Venerable, sexton,, who.
:.oceaSionally,.gave.up, othe Job,: or else•
v ry. ,
:Mitch tP,t he'enagtip-or :the fait organ- '
• • , .• . • •• , . ,
;Ph:. this Very sVecial occasion,
Wrote a -note intended for the: sexton's
, , .
•eyes,, only ••in whisili :she said: "Ob-
lige. (naming .% by biowing
aWay till gis e you the 'signal to stdP,"
Miss Alkn."
: ',•••
ber,,'discoinfoil tos'e.e the
Sexton' take It up the raiaIe• and hand
iti to the visiting elergY_Man_foitwheni
.lie thought it was 'intended! •
• • .
Twentv.. yeari', exper,ence looking over' inyeSfrnellt 'portfoliosShOS- n§.,'ttlt 90%, of invest:
;tientlosses occu,r, ,the•
,Attempting to catch the short swings' of the market,.
• Znit Aetirig on "TIPS" from ilgraOge s0e3men.
• 3rd,‘, • MaliWt. gambling On: "Short" • • ,
4t4., Trying to pick lone or two "Low, priced w4niers.".
gth.• • Maintaining a precarious margin .position..
r ,
Over coricenating'm one , security or industry.
7th.; • Buying at the top regardlesi Of market pOsition.
8th,:•' Investigating AFTER investing.
• ' 901.. .Disie.;•sud for business cycles which control markets.
10,th. $ot keeping a balanced account at, any tirno•r.
AVOiCii110iltee pitralls is the service: we tender. We believe ,.Chif .ei;ery. Itivestar is entitled to
the fullest mfornaation .available. !iTHE MARKET 013SERVR'•', the. complete investmetit.P
Cotmsel.serVieei_ aids ou by_the „;:eliintriation-.of these _haztirdslo-huild a sound IDVestraent, port,
fo1kW1Ticb w11
yield a good income, and god capitalinctdaSe
Fill out the coupon • beloW:and start the wise way to invest:
'The Market Observer,
33 Baby Point -Rd., DAT F '
TOrOnt0. • .
(lentlemen;--PleaSe prepare ,for 'me your Inarket..coun.sel serVice "THE,M.A:Rli.ET,,01-3SF:RVERf' for period •
'specified. I agree to treat ail Your.•bulletins, reports,. opinions and ,adviees as, confidential,,uriderstandin
that while they are 'bfise.d on ifOrmation believedy yon, to be
nb, reliable, '3';•Siti do not. guarantee their
or assume any lianintr. I agree to*use the information at ply, risk. "
. •
Please‘ rervice me for,•oe..montlr. , $5.00- Regular,
Please: sem ice me for $ nionths:'•10.00 SPecial Offer.
Retrua, instructor to -a settled qr.
AN V.1.:•1?Elt.'TO EVETtY INVENTDit.
. List ofInvetitirinS and full,441f(crina-
•' •,,tion sent:free. The .11(1 Ms ny,
eg te'red,."--Patent.-.•.•A-t-torneys;- -213
• Brink St.: tort:twit: Carr '
What you /11.. . people.
.like you.. Pe rsona •etta w „il I give.
v.ou mgte„,,•„•-iescualtilan.e.es.
Valuable social :and .busitiess
• contacts. liidividu,a1,.. confidential Co- •
• .,.operation in..easy ;lessons ',by.. mail:
• . Send -25 cents 'for introductory
:Heeand membership.. (Prompt' re-
fund if. disiatis,fied.) Canadian Charm
I Club, 681 Broadview., Ave., Teronte.•
, , , .
comfort, positive support With our
. adVanced method. No' 'elastic or
crel---,-straps ' or'Write --,Smith
'1,1anufacturirtg,"Co.; Dept.i21:9; Pres- ,
Pending. Klik is •a tried, and true
• remedy.. Safe•to, use and stire in ab-
tioh.' Knit. 'contains no harmful In-'.
gredients:.leaves clean, i spa skin;
is guaranteed to.'clo the work or your
rnonek bacle.$1-'Per
"„Postpaid --$1,• ;anywhere in Canada..
A. Adams, Fort Langley, B.C. Itefer-
etices Royal Bank. ' •
, 'retintribici.AWeetheart "With' Money.,
iveite::, Mary' Lee, 44570, Ilona., MIS-
: •sOuri.: • ' . • . •
. • •
ily. Inexpensi've home reinedycoar-.
anteed, Advise free:.
13b)c-1; WmalPeg. ' •
, •
MARRY .NVot,rbn yolti,_tAtzlIY, IP •
" • 'suited? Hundreds. to. choose" from.
,ISOme with: means. ManY . farmers! •
slaughters and, widows with propet•ty.,
. . ,
• Pa,rtiallars,13,00..• Confideittial. Cann•-
.„tlian • COrresperitlence'.Club,' jleix 128,:
Calpn l'.Y;Alta." •
. .
, TA I It PA 'SU -ZIPS FO-It•-olS A rm.
loRlit, PANTS. VALUED': AT . $4:00. -
- The:Greatest Bargain Offer in 'Can -
Oda.. We will Ship absoiutelV tree a
• bargain. • 1 at tilt:),
.„ottir:.-01.•Pwrits'• NV.1111 t ru r
nr ,cer
•'519.00 value. •;Taildred roiii•all, +wool
. botatrY Wo3•stecls,:,10, Steel Grey,, Bine,
. or prown:''fioncv -AdVance
• SPi'ing.Patternsi, Si ngle breasted mod-
- eta, -size tecked "30 • te, 46,
,ioffer,' orders, PrOhipt refund's
.1gUarenteedin. Pleithe gite-eliest; waist •
and leg ,,erisarementp, also .0611o111
;Wanted, ;Include this tid. and 45 Cents •
• fer postage. Crawfords Clothes,' Bok,...
395," :Montreal:. " • •
. '
-neW•hoot's ,at the .1a...val 4;'raining. Ste-
tiopy---.11.alt!," . •••„, • ' •••• ' ' .
But one f, them marched' on': ,
••••. 4eetuit .tnatruotor .--,--•:...,. See, liere,':
Jones, Wila ' :,d'ik you do, before., jeinirig. I.
Ile tiavY?".. . ', - • ' . . • ',
. Jenes -141 was a teamster ..eir.4.
, Recruit Instructor (next , time • he
gay.o the ' command) --, ‘.Squad haft,..
.1,Plies whoat" ''' • . ,
',•To the Man who has been,f °reed to
:Swim rivers, creeks look' small.
• '
Friend !'-1 •started in 'life ‘vitheut
a penny in•my pochet."., .
And I stkriecl 11,1.1:fs with -
To LI ' ••-•
• ,
The press roonf1i'111ooPhel lio is
full of,•years.'a1,(11punys, asked ns the
other' day wliy a. man ustt.ally makes
the...mcist'raeltet.,'.'when he is well oil -
Dogs:, FOY: -Rent,
. , .
ago Bureau .Hires ein•'`Ont
For Every Purpose
1 A. dok-less.'persoo longing to 'Wal
a.' eanine.,, -thoroughbred afoog. .thO'
h.ottlevatds'ItheSe'spriOg day,s need no
bu one In Chicago it is .possible • to
rent...f-t".(log by the 'day;' „Weelf,'• or month
Many People 'cio, in fact, reports .Mrs
Michael \ en,motzek' Who, :With hel
husband ; -4, tins the Odd ;
-starte4:v.hen •ebtrilnere.kil 11110tp=
graPhers begaa. to use d,oi.models for
1.11611. pictures. •', , •
The Motzeks, de:Oared; 10 'l pply
the demand, .:To 1 hen,'050a1.' notice
abent, thElit kennela 11-tIi0 Classified
'telephone 7' direct -61;y, they. -added the
line ' do, models rented;''.1'and ()cited.
that :1\1r, • t"on Met„zek had -trained 50,
iredaieS -.10t-0rphan*. Annie. .or.,,the
.ratile. ...That was enough .• .,Requests
to-.•atrixe.' • •-•7•,'.
The business..develeped along. un-::
'SUSpected,lines,. A onian lonely du,r-
ing. her', huSband's absence .frotn ":the
city;'. hired. 4 dog for 'company). An
them family engaged •ti. Watelideg to
eep ani.eyoon t
.Srnall•'.0not !Moat. Popular
Another 'business man.rented;a• Ger-
Man shepherd dog,. fol.' a. party. •lic
Wanted to;:show.his: friends lmow well
he Could •handle- animals,he 'said, 110
'retnrned 'it .,the next day.
\N.' hat 'b1ee.d4.. ale 111 the ..ireateSt
demand ?'!,Mrs..\76n,Mptzed was nii•tcri...
Officer: (to midshipman in .railks)
"Sound •off ." , •••••• ' •''
Plebe ••1"Il1idshipmari Maelaush
fourth .
" are you late for,for-.
. Plebe "I squeezed Out too.tnuch•
:toothpasteand had a !herd time..get-
tineit back into the tithe, sir." '
"When i•yont neighbour goes. Wrong,
Yow•want the home newspaper to tell
all When you go Wrong, it 'OCOurs to
you.. that the people 'are 'Mit.cencerri.
ed about'your private affairs, and'that ,
• yOur ti Ouble has -no:news value,. --
'Atchison Olohe,' ••,
. ,
Lose May be blitul,-bilt the average
,Inothpr-ih-law, is an .eye opiner," •
A Five --Ton Pain
Ever bioken a tooth arid •eXperi- •
ericed the. agony of an exiios,ed;
, nerve?' dr -,-milder, but bad eflettb'
„tist,as he ge`xcavated',1, a tooth berere
,putting in.a '
Consider ; then, th--Case of1-44-13ey,"
Munich Zoo elephant, Who weighed
:More than'five tons and was elcihned:
to be...the• biggest elephant in Eu-
,rope.- In a fit'd temper he eharged
a tree and broke off .111S 'tusks, The
nerves we're eXposed, and his suffer-
ings drove hitt frantie. :They had to
sh ot him. , • ' •
It. Heck, director of the •Zoo,..did
the job with a riflci tut; he wasn't
inking any chances. In ease the fitst
shot;.failed and. trouble f011oeived,
•thachilie;gUit• was in. readiness.
• "IloY", was 26 'ftl' long front, trunk
to tail, s'tOod,.10 'ft» 6 ins.. high at the.'
ahotfldef; and haa: a girth, mensore- .-
ment..of 'Ph it. •
,"USED•CAltft r1111
• and pleasure... in Ono of otir &Irefully ,
• retibilditfoned Cars. Fully guarariteed
Iunder Ford Cornrictny p1811.65,:b.btl1s
" 'froin.u.s again. 14.1inn Motors, Limit- ,
eCI, Used (ht• Lot 890 St. •Clair Ave.
West.„.Torouto.;'• • .' • • • •
-WAN'I'14,1) • .
.W.A.N7'4,11)a-E,111,k1E115 ANT) A011TA
'10 01V Clifelts in rem' otVIC"loettlifY•
for- ti hatchery that .sells good "chielt8
at areaSsinttble PrIee. Liberal cem-
mission paid. For full detn i1 W.rite
" Electric 01-1101c 1Iatcher3',
,',1.1rnited, licrot No, •50, I3ad'en. "gat.' •
l'itO.TDGIIAI'll V
TO THE lioutg CorCitiALITY .
'Higher *gracIO: ririut.0 gilaranteedib3r
'latest ' developing process.' TI -IIS
or if yen prefer',,I6 prints. All for 25e,
'Free Film and Camera cp,npon, :
, titotioit picture itai
155 daihatins Si. •
OAYMAR, Fooeitiisi
• Clii.tadit 4110 Petwitality Choit het to
$,004 inaiiini,ftti.,
OHO tosiotlit 'kitty to ad.niftit
„ „
aimf teo:
Nt/tift today, Oislosi.n• • telf-AildreiitsIO
'stalkpecl enrolop*. and yhos,
•AddraiAttlymno :
14Asoft !IAD= 1.0.41110 •
14 iAttAISL IT. ToRotoro;cmoAok
Issne 1&--'38
• '"It all depends upon. the :14nrpaSe
for-whieh a PCI 03 wants a dog," she
"said .• Wolfhounds hre
.lar for fashion shows, debermans,for.';
the out-of-deorS„ and 'Creaf Danes are
popular, too•i •Oetiorally".speaking, peo-
ple that have 'small apartments want
little 4ogs,,wiliit ilt)c W it li.tbig hon
prefer large 'Ones." / - '•
Missec: by •Mies!
:„-T‘N.c• ;A1.1•t.ii1i3n• axenien '
101 the v. p,od-chei.mirig,' •
(\' t' 'ttt the,. annual agricultUl'al
'shoW' at. :%.1.1';'ry'ti ough ''‘'ikor'.n. but:
failed to n pe'»
al.vav-by m stake,,
Serics of bles
New eget4bles:
..For Canadians,
To Be Grown In Their Gardens—
Improvements In An kinda Of
• Seeds • Offered. By. Reputable
, New grains and fruits are not the)
r.only thing that have been 06e1.14)4Pg
the -attentipn-o,f -plant:breeders,
cent years, 114 vegetables there have
been "even -more, iMprovements, Scien-
tists have carried' out this work in -two
direetions;, first by the•introdnetion oC
Vegetables' unfarfilliar to most Cana- •
'Maris, and secondly, and probably wore
important' hy4 vast inaprovenwnt of
,those • varieties that-‘1)4ye, been grown .
ii this country, for ars. ' ' •
. I m pr iisyq . Varieties
. •'01, tbe":y egetalles• neyy: to Most C.a.n-
(ieW cone. ,shaped :headed. sort 'hat
. stays -freali• and -sWeet long after the
leaf sorts 1ie sliriveleti up: T1.11;:n
the Are% 13,'ussele Sprouts, •", broad*
cabbage,'" Chives:, endie egg 'plant,.
leek and 'Swiss cliard.. Furl. tleae.rip.'
Uons,411 be found • in an Cgy.diail
seed catalOgne., •
In regUlar rvagetables there 'has
been PP/Prevenient alld,oWn the line.
with the object of getting mote flaVor,
aueculence and longer seasdn, Corn ,•
is a typical •!example,.. At. one time, It.
.was only; possinle to get one ,variety. of
bantain. Cobs ore ,short and, the tkea-, • .
son,. Whited. Now there are offered
thre,e.'Or four 'different Bantam types,"
some extra late: ,,• , Cobs 'have been
lengthened;.kernels niade, bigger.- One
cam'enjey the finest nantam,corn for
,er-aas mintedd
,nt' A eek 'i
_ .
New baby I orn to. the • Flynn fani-: .
i1 in .Inclian.a,h:isi,been named 'Oak-.
ley: Ins elder • brothersare Otal,,
()die, Othie, 0v1e,-Orval„.0tM,S.0s,ear,'
'Oliver and •iOntelL., Mother's ncirne. is.
aegnlarlY lase t10
dav. is. oV, Weil by 11111o. ,"1<.aka-.`•
lis 13 a'
slaylan village.
. For best g'Pas'S' seed:mnat be
soWti.niAfie•obot. Weather: This tneans',•,;
actording..to tlie.experts,) that all tko..
lawasin» V Iltit 01% must. be made
.• wellbefeiqe,'•the first'of June» At Ceis,
_time :there ' IS Usually 1)10)11'»' 01» mbiStt '
nre -nfl nig1it aie cool. SiteCess lies
in' tie • selection Of the highest '43'Pe'
of Seed. 'There. are 011 MOO of qtrali-::
ties: Offered, but the %best'. blends.. Lor
Perinittient:•reinItS,prOYe• least eXpen•
Si ve.,311 ,Clanada: there-ave.:laws govern.;
inggrassr seed hut- these .lity,76 been .de-
signed •010.y.to .prOeet :the inexperiek••
Troin” g'..ett'ingatot of Weed'fieeda..
inaterul of grata. • ' ".• ••
With netv; the ...spade ,',WorliZ,
Should bedone: aS val»Ty 11S 9SSI Witt;
maial.hing„ is '16 'get thq grpuivl•
rO•ol. Aftcr digging 01. -plowing; the .
cl"l• *lib 11 ON d t
group., s iou , e 0 .1. t t1» ttr
a fes' days, at least, and.then'levollOd •
again, ti thcre 15 time, k(radyis,able •
• to i»epoflt.HUS 111'000.5S SeverM
The top soll should then he rattpd fine -
.130 on a windteog•,day. the grass SOW11.•
at it 11.60.nt. rate' 6000 flierOS'a and datill
...011dt3 161101111v.i$C1•ThiO, doubhe sow1i1g!
,111181.11'6 eVen, distribaii,01).
ering, the gardener is advised to take-.
One'way only antben fir&
ivIth heavy ,rellerTrrattlidlYrrTlit"
Mat' euttIng Of 'the , gitss Is :alade;'
When .abOUt three inoheit‘hlgit',Pahfl ; It
•Sitetild be (lend With a Very , 'Sharp
. inower,, Pi‘oquent• toffing• When the
'''K'rottnd;•ia 4$ittfti regular ,M0Wirtga, .atia
'Otilitlat .aPpiieatron o!:' good lawn
fertilizer is adVittablee ,, • +'
liIVen, With .8, ety gard'e11,..
there,:iffa big advantage , ha Ing- A
few; •vetenniat fiMvett. With those
4 • . •
there. is ;something (9 imild the rest
0:11(fitlier0 it; 10S.S.
:likely',,to be long plunk periods \t beu
there .is no bloom aVailable, About a
dozen alliereot li1d w tif Make a fan
ifotindation,. Here is it fait selection,: •
I)ep1min1uin !lardy Cpi I'. in
1,15111017y116c1:s • PO*
Y'tteca' •• .Columbine
'Seed ..eatirlogges RIlt Out.' by 1 Ti
.1A1'.ge firnis'.contain ,010011,313re..tha11 a
inere 11)ent1011..91: the many'flowers'aud
ipeAry inipor cant potni-d-on-nt--,-rtr.no
01», p11111101, 1 ('4it 11c0 'orlacic o l'e•'
013111-11•00",:l0„••fr10theiglif,..e.c)lor, 44 143(1
of blooming,. ;Ind o'
,Ibo snit•abli.ltY • of 'the flower Auit : cut-
ting pitriiesie. Al.1 .ortliose fEcInts
•slietilit• he ta,1<on.into colistdoration 113
plltflfl1),1 8. 10 11 p,,,arden,‘ onty nith
,Sticli•'itiloWtedge can ti,.conwebInSIV0'.
and Proteeleal Velici,tue be worked put.
• 1, „ . • • „
. with W'aftri"%vtii,tt;lhou tub la
plinty,o/ ,Mittirtri (MO
fig yOu'll fdoi, 4effi.4 f
Canaries Detect
In COM MitIesSafet?Firit:.e4811
' .Urged By Engineer.: •
,•• Two canaries krpt by Bill'Cunliffe,'•
,safety first engineer of Nova Scotia
'Steel and Coni Conmany's, mines on
the north side of -Sydney harbor,.pla.y
an •important part in the proteetion • .• •
Of life' undergrotind..-: '• „
The tu'o hirds are taken ,into the
.collieries by the:Captain.of
gerinen crew, and if,there is gas p,res- •
ent' in the seetions;Of the' mine:viSit,'
ed, they beeofne:iinconscions.
-gineer in Princes and Florence mines
; as. *eel.), safety first...ea-
'for Moi e than -8$ years now, and the
telt•dy.,,:dee-rease-Tin, the number': , of
fafal and Mincir accidents in the tWo'
,e0.11,ieries'.over tb.ii,P,ertod•Stands
tt.:i h tile to the- ,excellent work, he has
Should Learn First
I3trilt2thriest-11 ain-notbirreate:-two
rst aid' stations, :an.'
auXiliatv .first-aid eat and 'a fully
equipped Moter.anibulance.." Cunliffe
has int,ciested more than 290 employ-.
ees. Of . ,Princes .colliery in claSies
where the' principles of safety iirat
-;-are taught. •Abent. 1•00H(rtiners,frorri-.--
Florence attend a' similar class, • ;
;'Sphipol :children tOday are taught
•Ftenclr,' 1,atirt, • algebra, gtometty,'
physics and other roatters,'."... says
Cunliffe. •••"1".et they are not given an
opportunity to 'learn 'the -firstz-
cipleS of Safety-iirst .werk•-e• work
'which sooner or late; practically eV -
;01'Y Ple1S011 in Nova Seot'R. 'will; have
to face sornetinie in the near f,ture,"•
rass Sown .1n
Form .OLSheet
Ls:New. lionFor Lawns this'
–pring • • •
• . can new be '
, the form .of sheet$ of tvtpet hik tra-,
-.as a 'resultv.Of an ,
VentiotP, of Mr. IV artley,..a,• Fellow '
of the 'IZoy,ai 'Hortiouititrat •SooletY,' '
,.aya Ftql.s7 ,frorn Lond•eili, Eng.; in
the Christian 'Science MonitPr., The
seed, is supplied in 1.8 -.different fohsc:
tures. Suitablefor the ,variouS, soils
in, which it is "intended to soW,, and
IS 113001 O7 fn- sbec ts- ,of , soft :*
s 1110 napor,
poe»» Hdd np to 1110, liaht the ,
- seed'setin be . sena in ybwi; abiint
11)1107cit.i-li1ha rf 11 hie') apart., •
Mea:sure Three Feet By TWO,
Tho 3 Ottl(d t O 131 "011 13 le; 1<1
;arid tlw 'iturra,q, W1'11 fine •
soil; the sz.i-J,hcotMeri.obring throe '
fett ,are 'spread ovor It
and tr.t•it.• and .*Iimier )varnt
coot:it:on.; the, ,.•;,ed ihlgei•rminate•
in i'yoni:Feycii to t,ci clays. 4
Ar410311.r,thLrldVntr..,VIRO:t t1 1110(1 for
this .•melli6t1 » inakintr a '111\th ',awe
that the. 'sted [1101) 0,1, protect
61, f1,0n1 1.ef,:‘3e 'germirin'tfon•;
tht. hint of'secii art, so„spaced flutt
;every ite'Ociling'•1,:cs suilicic•nt space to
. ae.veittp,f,ts root P.n(i top )1 4V5 the
and ettrv4d. eiges, rcoand titiwor bed$
for. iiistaut 0, t511:11C, ('t1 to &Mud'',
• from: tho',1,-heets,With scissors',
than. In mintfte,s is rctmired
tor the ai•t.rage; 11 »t ,Progerit aye
the!judgo. 1110.1116110ft ahti '1 osi
donee -It'itness, ;an attorneY for' tl,IC
piaintiffland fret/net:iffy for ibo
d0P6ritiai'ti, it court ciork arid",scvme:•;,,
tritieS a bailiff: