The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-14, Page 5• ;.1 fiNPAY►A' Pf f,i,G'':f $'!'N,; `' SNUNE 1�SCKNaW E ." Ra+ • • •I • WINGI. AM Show Starpl of '8 P., M r Ii iccept 40 r40:17'. Oetur, ilei Nicht:• ' wo. 5ha.,wp 1.45.• and 9:.45 P.. M..; 1 Thais. . Fr i, Sat ,; April SPECI`AV • w SPONSORED DY` FRIENDS IN. THE: (X901.1,1iN11;TY OF W11I,' STANLEY,, WTIOO WAS ''[7NFOIiT13l4ATE • IN=LOSING A ItAND ,. ST FAIR IN ,A THItES+HING . AGEIDIYNT LA , k, The St .Delene Beef- 'Ring starts next week • with meat available. Thursday, morning, April: 21st+ • The ,April meeting of the Wpme�'a Institute was held: at the, home!: of Mx s. Ewart McPlierson, • with a' good attendance. . The roll `eau was ;Xe- spoinded io,':by,the naming o a;. !'La boux ';say}rig dsyicefor housecleanitl8 tinge". The topic. fin "Garden#ng" prepared by Mrs.., Eafi1 •Gaunt, Mra.. Ed McQuilln, read the, sple d pay per. and;:x4s; •Pharis Mat a in-, tereipting • artielg on •'`Grandmo hers' Garden" Little " Helen .purnin • •`gave'. a recttatio`h . 4 dominating cone t- tee. coEnposed of •Mrs. Andrew .Gaunt; Mrs*' Balli ..and Mrs,; •Lorne Woods waa. appointed to bring in a' slate goft'i cers:; to be voted on at the, May =deet* ing,ti neh': was 'served,host esses, Mrs. Gordon. McPherson; Mrs„ Rintoul • and Mrs; D. C' McDonald. :The. regular •meeting, of the Y. was held with Isobel Miller's • side in charge Nor"maw=W�atheFkiead-r`��d�the scripture lesson: and • the Christian character 'on . John* Knox',was :given. by :.Vlieatherbe''ad. The topic. _ on_ -i "Problems. of Youth"' prepared • • by Mrs. Durnin Phillips,, was: read by' Isobel •Miller. Mrs. Ramage led an terestmg' diseussfon, Florence and- Margaret McPherson, . favored: With a duet,' f Plans .are being made: for a 'social evening under the, auspices .,of. the Y. •P.:Uk • and,. Sunday, 'School in the church next Monday 'evenuig. • . Mrs. 1.1 J, Thom and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell: Thompson of Lucknow, mo toed to Petexbaro,. on Thursday and spent a few .days with' Miss Helen Thom, who has been, seriously ill °at the" Nicholls: 1Iospitai where : she: ,is a,.;znein er' o fie nursing [staff. : Mr. Neely Todd was, , • home Stratford for the .week -end., S1Llh IEL4Ii11 f' ILEIAIiII,I'AICr K heli IWIMMINA0 Also. "CHARLEY CHASE COMEDY" • Mao "NEWS” ADMISSION--ADU:I:TS 35e, CHILDREN 20c. ":CARTOON"` Apra. JOE 'IIPENNER, f HARRIET HILLIARD, GENE RAYMOND' • PARKYAKARKUS ramou `LIFE:' EPARTY" GAY TUNES; GIMES; AND E.OiJR OF FILMDOM'S FUUNIEST • 'COMEDIANS, • IN •A' NEW LAUGH SENSATION: ,. • ' • ,. D KENNEDY COMEDY". I Also`, E .,GAR, .,, f'$ ICKEY MOUSE. CARTOON"' CSIEWE . The Y:. P....U. Met ;it •thehome,,;; of • Bestrice ,Treleaven on Monday oven • Be11a0n Shackleton in with , charge..' After the opening' hymn and r tin 'Ma , scripture lessonread by •John._, . •readings• were given •by Alan: Duman •and 'Beatrice.' Treleaven The tepiie wra ' ably3 ven by"'' Clifford" Crozier: ' • gi , and , .. 'diseursioa , followed. Then. hymn 2,gLr vas sung and all: repeated•.. the Mizpah .:benediction.' • • held at the. •home W. M. �S. was held , •. The' _ Mrs',Bert` Treleaven with agood of , . attendance 'The' study bock was given b . 'Mrs: Drennan, Mrs. •Shackleton, y .. ':Mrs;• Menary. Then Mrs. Turner gave talk*. on Christian' .' Stewardship. ncli=was served-and•=the-missionary. • r ENERAL' ..ADMISSION; :,. WISHING` TO • MAKE :DONATIONS: MAY; LEAVE, OTHER;$ : PAGE F1 ' 1937 D01:)04, LAAO`$,. 4AD100HEA'Zlt.and DEFROSTER 1931• WILI<XS 'Sl✓p4N, LIKE' NEW 19$8 "FORD CQ;ACHI , • 1929S.II{,1NE SEDA:NLER WAN- . ER1928 WIPPET'. COACH 193? DODGE, DELUXE COACII,, HEATER and DEFROSTER ,1935.RODGE..DEiU3iE• CQACI1, HE'AT.git and DEFItOSThR. 1936. DODGE:°1)E•LUX.E. SERAN, BEATER and DEFROSTER:. 1982 CHIVY. DELUXE SEDAn',•LIKF, NEAP• 1,332, DESOTA 'SEDAN, GOOD, SHAPE. 1, 929 .,PLYMOUTH COACH 1931 GRAHAM' SEDAN' 1932:,�2TON„D0.AGE. TUCK, STAKE RACK ; • DODGE AND DESOTA SALES 00DE1tiCH, UNT 'PHONE 695,• quilt was g4i lted for the hospital, at, Hearst. • • Mr: John : Menery , returned home' after spending a•.pleas eant: two weeks Mrs :''Wm. h Crozier spent a; few:, vis t ;with friends at Hamilton and .her parents, Mr. and Mrs,'' days' with, ell .are ringing. St Catharines. Campbell . near Donnybrook.' Wedding bells g Wm. C p = d mg - visited • an , W .ra °frth ur n om a • M '. d .1VI •` Herb C h`ld 1VI Mary •Cook• PARAMOUNT • UNGANNON ' 'nd Mrs. Jas . A. McArthur,`.of Dir.:i Renfrew, Ont., and ' Mr.' ,and Mrs: Geo. W. ,Collins' .of; Chatsworth, avis 'r ort 'and': dough' .ted Istel wi h� thea a. n i s. is s a ren: r. i d c n , h . a i. Art ur. roan Mc u ' c A. '1 D e 1 ru , rvs e s B da evening with,? : ital was a recent visitor 'tst' ter, Mr.- an am s' en Sun Y ham Hos tr t ' u P ex i "t S n $ p Guelph I Dilvfnimsgaloodeivsmivazis l,N ITE oc-Re f rom as their son •:Jack and.. Mics. Garratt: friends at . ,Several Farmers on -'the 6th cooter- day.. Miss :Bernice is. remaining': for her home here. h . ha"ve their mil and Zion, Jake 'Hunter. and ._Y . and:.Mrs..Isaac'1tn'sign were, re- Sion ; of -: West _Wawanos• t - undo . with some time. Mr, farm homes wired. for :electricity and yn,S Y • family of, ,spe cent. •'visitors. 'With. in '$rotor, Malloek • ' Mrs. John Emmerton of':Klnlough, others :have 'signed up to also: bare, d Mias A ' Jack an ass : fines �. s ent' last week with` her'. rusts+ .Mrs. dine.. i' Emmons s ent Friday. at .Roy N., , „ • Martha attended• the -this convenience as soon es; available; ..Mrs. • p , • Mr Fred, M ° � ..Nile. `Victor 'Whitley; Clinton last Miss Miss : lViinnie. Dickson, R N, of the Garvin s, near , ... . , ., - - ' � ' s roan horse shpw at C a_. • n •.i : Crozier and. Clifford•. and •Mr. Dm11.French of.Warnock spent Spring' g into •. las,._ Codiss • :hospital kstaff, spent the . wh. , ' ands �atternoon at Raymtand•; Fxnni- ,Thursday ,, `Mart n-'. �Paa� t ..Clinton= -Sunday is ,'Mrs:old. we with:her, her. parents, Mr, and, Mr;:::-Freddf:th, Mrs,, A. Purvis, 111x. • and ek end. -wi • ' th spring' .show at ..,Clion on goo'sSr.ded e R she* . and lapilli",and Mr. `and' •Mrs.: Mrs; Dclison� Sr ' Thugsay,.`.. .. fl h barn t;let Rou'lston• from' Luckno�w� ;`were reagin, Much 's mp ma-----�^r— e w o th and anxiety is ex Mr. and . Mors: 'Joe;. Freeman and • • A .smart - .,. � J to .the. on, hurl since •, he . ons i1r6n th M><•. and. Mrs, A hug. ressed• these ays m regax s, children:'were,'guests of Mr and Mis.:a woman•.pin anything •; , visitors ..,with *,erious�-illness oft th:61d ... , ....,..Gook - lie vasa bob Lor-ne-•Emmons=on �Sdnday.: • � • � , Ln the ; discussions. 'provoked by these one point comes , up so often- artielee,. o . that' it 'deserves an article: to itself :. •' , t• r'The b'ewers" " ;" vve are. told,: • "in their own interest should no • t support beverage rooms!'' The reasons given for this amazing,." te� a1n 'are a: follows: • , • , . "Pry sentiment in this prey - is, ! •much, morh• concerned what g goes o rioh COL1YaC Much, home. scandalized. attack other vttcir d to s of a c rto de 1s adv with hgoes on. in 'public than ,Whatn in private., If there licensed ,hotels," say r�rere � 'cense 4 x „ :ars "you'd sell just .these Ill , y wou�l d drink ole, .mut but people ail,'. • oul n t.. it at ,t�tremists v� d .. . 11 'd •.switch be sc zed They'd • , . soaxebdcl: els • their k to y . ,. • ,' win Industry: T�,. * • ctlre itself to spar, I8 invited e s ' y'nical minority . feeling Sake things easier for 'Xl order itself,: it ` ised to deprave: the'poarer • • • an of his,' liberty, while the rich man m still• .drink comfortably at:homer •' can rive the. Worse, '1t is advised, to dr break the:' law For working -mean ; : to a that• again would be the`incvitable result'', of closing the beverage rooms!°.' Under no circuulstances will the .t ` B&ewiing.,' industry take 'that kind a£ advice We, support the beverage room because the'1 ritish nations have proven out-in4the-open' control the best way! tlo9000000000004,0o0als"1 0001 sa$aa0A 0 • 44 aPEAltING a& a riran who does not indulge* : c4 in any alcoholic beverage, it is my. .:,� • considered • ' o inion•that the reaults'iti all P . a civilized countries in which Prohibition c has been tried, have: altogether failed to, p come up tattle smallest 'expectation of e, , what it Was expecte4,, to aecomplish: c o ~ y* It'a't)`ici', xt r esitlted in it crop of boot- oo • leggere, hijackers, and enorinbus (tidn o titres of poisoiio'ue ligtlors; which,catted a • the death of, thousands, It not only a . caused a thorough disrespect t for :the r ve �c the ..lied o • • P'rphibition';law but at4;ac � Y.;, 0 of our British system .of ft;undation , ▪ resp ect for law and order.,, o . •� G>fii:"Bs��is-t�e,112`dyor o� �''vri`1'-1"ope • ",Y • This adOertrsentent Its in.tertect &' the;' fl,ewing I'> ustry rn the inteiost of a bets2r'' tablao olid standing•of OePtaif,aspecta the ptbblems of tempera anti local :opti baby 'girl ,of :Mr.'.and Mrs.. Warner Andrews. It' is 'hard to ; ,ascertain what the' trouble is and an 'X•ray at 'London will,• be , found •,necessary. Miss. 'Winnie McClure, 'R.N., has;'!been :in 'attendance- the, past week. • os.::c an shows .signs of; spring; : and. is replacing • the board: fence in' front .of bis.'farnl 'by a brand new : iiron one. Mrs.''. =B. '3. Crawford is' welcomed back into our midst after enjoying. the, winter with friends :at: Detroit: On .her 'return; she was accompanied , • by' her ;grandchildren; Mr; '.and • Mrs. Robert MacMillen; ' Detroit, who re-. turned the same day. Mrs. Thos. Mc Whinney resumes 'her, position' •• as lady . coinpamion' to': Mrs Crawford. • MrS,--Burton-^•Rossi! has. returned= :after. spendinng a week', orlon E17' gin ' azid 'Owen Sound Several 'from this vicinity. 'attended :the `horse.:show'• at Clinton last Thus., day,. Mrs. go'' .. MaeK reti�'ie,`'. Lochalsh,. Y and, ,.Mrs. Alice Robb,' •Auburn,• ed Sunday• with Mr,: ` and Mrs. W ,J• 'Rabb: On the:"6th concession of. `W' Wawanosh. • • Mr. ''and (Mrs. Bruce McArthur ,Were - recent visitor`s of :the letter's yr brother, Mr. and 'Mrs, Geo: L Collins of .'Woodstock• . • Mr, :David. Glenn.'shows very little: signs of improvem.ent,, we re.,gorr , to say. Mrs*. W, R. Andrew' is :assist- ing :Nirs.. Glenn With the care. • • Mr. Graham' McNee • has been en .gaged• to make; some alterations to the home, Of '.Mr: .and'.Mrs 'Robert Davidson, with the aim "to• niako 'the honte a two-fatnily • residenoe, with -Mr. '.and Mrs. •Allan heed as the other, occupants. V . ..:hard'' "Tv�amfe , with a jlfii; , R,ic ,. • .. y . • , hearty, cold and a heart' condition, has "sen; in bed'r tor 'Pt few days under the dotter's ^,'care; bnii : is, unfelt improved end, recovering ';nicely. ; • douse cleaning' is the ';Order of e, da and•• -friend .husband-has--to-watch. his ;step --to keep; off the wet ,paint and. 'hen• it' conies• to .:beating:, t ruga, well; l guess he's beat Mrs. Iris' 'Rivett `gave 'a oard ,party trr g1•tt of her young friends last :rriday night., They , reported an en • ,by ble "ev'eniitg* •• Mt•..Aln ‘McOuoid left for the west :tt' the end of the week, after reoeivulg• a telegram stating the too - 'Oen dearth :.of lila brother,. Mr. .,tack METAL ROOFING. Dry, rotted', shingles catch, fire like kindling! •: But with Coi4ncil Standard ,Titilsp roofing you needn't worry about 'flying 'embers or aparke.'• Itis• good for" a lifet ins and ie sold gran i9 Wicked by a reliable firm with'' a,' background of years of aervice'to:agriculture.. Ask your'.; banker, Tite-Lap roofing comes ialerge,sheets ; . that are easily'bendled.• • Fireproof,' weather! proof -does not crack, bulge, shrink or curl. They may, be put on right over, your old roof. Send ridge . and rafter;measurenents for free cost estimate: ?ted 'ISCiu�IpiiShNi. ' Waled P,s*on.Ont. • STATITE Lad=Red Nails • with. Screw Shook Take tentimes more force to withdraw•thm eta•ndard barbed roof' ing naila.Beat .roofing Canon. the market.. Slanufafctur rs of `lbs, _ famous Pr.ston.t • ..Truss Barns, Tito -Lop bade1leiabo Irootiw andJams: Moninol asd Tomato. way Poultry . Ewuipme4it. • a Te,l.ephOfle �CA'L Neighbours could have •saved this ..barn. But _ _•-tey_di rot-latove-rabout• •the -Bre --='-there- .was no 'telephone to; call thern. No farmer should be without Cl telephone. One single fire:weuld pay;: ten 'ears` telephone coat for a whole county. ' Ever/ farmer should 'con, ,.: • '.sides at least the saietx. pf his borne, family tete home batiish'es Isola-•.: and chattels. Tire P .'tion, calls aid whenever needed.' ..� FOR FARM TELEPHONE SERVICE. passed aWa' y• in his, Sleep', tie was in his 1.8th. year and' leaves to mourns. his Niter formerly Sarali . Finnigan Arid three sons and ''two daughters, borne,,arid I#ertat home; and* 'Well• .., ' in ton'� ' married, , drying in iSnnii ier Berry,. fi . Mrs. Hazel Elliis, Peace Rider erre''` district ' -anis Mrs...Vera a * * .. 1ViiA F E$ I l `G •,rs. EL1doti Tcvaniley °soil M� ,and M ...' athanl, were' recent. vit.: it of � Cb , �itim y' • itors at the' .hoihe' of Mt. -and Mi ,' 'George Twantley; • • , Miss• W•inilifred Bloke., spent , pati Patterson' n in • .With 11Tr. and .Mrs,. `GVit=:. 1 the third of last week it h A d -eldastt.vas-- ci a. 'The .. . eld•• •fJircuit;. W.1�'i�. S, will,: . * . rad' not, returned' after, • 'f'be .Ashfi Mr: •Me6iut�td ,. , _ ... a i aster Thanicofi� ' .• o•. . if bears, .hold. their~ ann+t 1 U •. - ears a o. Its wife , . - n ,1 8 �. . t 8 av Y le t to g t v Monday e <.. on d g x M _ tit erin , ltieeting. rie„� �' douH,le. bereavement, having .lost �. � , ' ch'ui�ch. There will ' be a• death her `brother, San•► Milligan, � at Hackett s • .y , ,l. Me, . h' previouso ! sp Bial program with i v. C , about t into tthe sorrowingrelatives.extend 1p Wald of • L•uckiioiv as guest • speaket'' ' sympathy,r: M r, ',Ruset: 'Phillips 'of, St', ldelena,:. , *i . the' hone bf lift. said Mt•. Geo: 'Hodge:1A making: the net -scut Sunday. at, • essary repltirs .to hip mill • dam after P Pthe' " sr ' 2 ft -of . the Annie broke awey,• , . t` , Mrs, Herman. , hi . p said •• i a' o . The choltpittg Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Anderson couple of weeks ,� , , � . , ,. ,: a'� vvtth: lair.. ; L •'y fir' bb St. E'eteiii' :M„ oaask, Another. 'son, rno , ' fired:.-•_ .._,„..-,.. 1 ill tl the Gve . waz ' * - r u • G +den visited on Saul d goes ori with the aid°of a tractor slip. o Nte$uoin, ty guitinterberry; .flask,, Who '.plotttenting: very well, fork the time,. and Mit. Haivey •.v • +' •r'