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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-14, Page 4
t • 'I tka Loam rSa rwn!ts ,: THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH, 13381'' 'VIGOR,SIZE; LA} 4E EGGS A1i1D LOTS' OF THE1 , I3abY Jbicks'' 90% Pullets Cockerels OR S .,., .,•:'.• &: 17.0 1 .'WHITE LEGH N BARRED' ROCK,, :, , I4: r, • 6 • NEW HAMPSHIRE' D ., r • ...,.. . � '' SATISFACTION AND LIVABILITY GUARANTED, •., '.. IF YOU AVE GOOD `F..LOCw. OFYOWN, WE'• C11STolgI HATCH, YOUR EGGS AT , TWO••CENTS' AN EGG' IN' LOTS` O' 160 .O.R MO -E; <r WE, CAN SUPPLY YQU VIWITH STARTED, CHICKS AND '• PULLE�'PRICES.: •CALL ANISE•E VS: 'AND• OLIR-NEWEQUIP1iENT '• _ uncal HONE 38or38W WINGHAM, 'ONT.. A. tc TORONTO HAS ONE ; of the best live stock, markets in Cenada, excellent accommodation, free funning water everyday of_ the 'Year. t. - , ai ket scalee which are_teste l ev ery market morning $ and inspect: tet once each month. CONSIGN YOUR STOCK' to us.•Anil have it. soId'Len..the *Open ='Market, where buyers assemlde`"fromi :outside cities, towns and til- lages', wholesale butchers and buyers from'': the numerous • packing;. plants in this city,' also. buyers for they. U.S.A..and Great' Britain; Market- Prices, Have' Advanced °�• Export Trade Increasing.: FOR;`:d11ANY ;YEARS: we have beendoing thelargest live' 'stock commission business in . Canada, and have a staff of experienced salesmen for . any and all classes Of stock ;you may have' to offer. ur cheque ` a' able at par :in 'an chartered bank' in Ontario.: For Q, , c�9 s payable ,.. P Y, farther "'particulars write, wire or telephone' •Lyndhurst 1143-1144. • THE UNITED FAR R ',CO-OPER.:^CO.. LIMITED' LIVE' STOCK•' COMMISSION 'DEPT. I T RD$ - \ WEST . EST. TORONTO. UNION ON. STOCK YARDS- R t Y ZION ' Those engaged in, the maple iyri p' business report a good run Sunday and, ;Monday,, ;following the, snow and frost of last 'week.. _ Zion,friendsy extend best,: wishes: for a happy married' life to M. and Mrs. Jas. E. ,Gardner, Miss Elia Hunter of Toronto stent. the week -end. With: friends; at .Zion and Lucknow. The L. O. L. 1044 •Zion,will' be "at home" to : Zionco,.,mmiwtity on Wed- nesday, April 20th; Ladies please bring.. lunch.' ' {i Mr. Sid Gardner 'has received an appointment ".on , the 'Robert W. Pomeroy",''owned b the ,.oris Steam ship Co., Toronto;: as atchman' :tor the .coming ;: season. He: •expects, :to for lite i.v • rs, teaNe' �in � ,week r .xee R e ,, Quebec, where theboat' was laid up for the winter, •• AS.i`.IE 'O.• Mrs. John N. MacKen ie of Ripley is spending the week at the; home:' of her son, .Mr,, Henry Ma Kenzie.' Mrs—R--Martin, -01-- ipley-•is--the guest of her' sister, Mrs D. •A Mae Lean. , • Mr:l'. Burris of `Lucknow spent- few .days'. with his sister; Mrs. A. Ritchie Quite a number of .school children are suffering; from' whooping•'cough The imminent of the Lord's ,supper will be observed in the Presbyterian Church on Easter Sunaay, .with the usual preparatory `services. The 'Kintail • Women's Institute bell their; •April . meeting • at the ,President's home. 'It ,took the form t of a 'potluck: supper, :after.`, which the,"meetinB was held."rver"`interestin e Y � p . meeting was a. report given by. MOS gl ,Emily Brown of the rug making elas •she.,attended in Dungannon. Report Of High School" ;Midwinter. Ex m • Alton; Dorothy Campbell; Eileen Campbell, .Ina Campbell, Islay Finlayson, Anna Forster, Jean ':: Henderson, Jessie •,Toynt, George M'acCrostie, Hugh ,w._ MacDonald:' MacGregor, Robt MacKinnon, • Donald Maci‘ood,. Leonard 5' Miller,Gordon.. .Morrison; .Melvin Doris Russell, ; : Coyle Thompson, �H rol, r :. Twaniley, Hilda Weatherhead, •Norma Wainwright Fred ' •4 dl SILEI:I PRICED F'R'O M Paintger {faster-Bitarr►ess Goy pe) Master De Luxe Models from $892. Deliv. ` . . ered at factory. Oshawa; .Ontario. Gov ernment' tax;: freight and license extra, •.'; Convenient terms arranged through the °` General Motors instalment Plan. EUR { -f ':,17443*.:. 43 UST•to opens 'e doors a d look inside p h n l•z:' 'i' ta, yea i th t yon'll beMore. •�.J e e cortin- a:. Y fortable'in ,a Chevrol.et.Here .is extra • room•in.eea . nior'e�restful• cushioning 6„ finer u holster fl tr .. Ty y .•.. at, unobs ructed ;floors plus mangy little •conveniences and,luicuries> seldom foiind in a ear 'Of '•' lowest Price. p Now step in ,and'relax to;the solid coin- 'fo' of -C ' evol t ' e r e s as = ai ` • . rt li tY'ride:. Test . .Y 1; 8 'the Fisher No- ])raft Ventilation; so; eas .,... Y . to' ad just to: every passeng er's' P 8 .g,. Notice: the��{{uietntss and freedom from vibration, ae.hieved by newiAll'-Silent "onstructioL 1. xperience the comfort' � p . ung.. • sete::.r peace of mind that•.comes.;from knowin ii• Chevrolet protects you Witha solid,:a steel body 'structure •.. roof, sides' and .... floor: welded intory+one safe, rigid unit—,• with 'Safety lass'; iii a er window. ' '. En"oythis ride today.Learn,to ha" 3Y, Q,w t,. a 'difference Chevrolet's' *Kn e -Action , L., - carglide makes to ourcomfort.'We have , •. Y a car readyforyou.' !On Master De Luxe,Modelt> '• C-1588'_ PERFECTED GENUINE ROOMIER VALVE- FISHER NEW HYDRAULIC KNEE- ALL -SILENT IN -HEAD NO -DRAFT TIPTOE-MATIC BRAKIES ACTION* ALL -STEEL BODIES ENGINE VENTILATION CLUTCH TUNE BEVERLEY BAXTER, M.P....Transatlantic Broadcast from London, England .., !1 �I `0! Every Tuesday Evening e y e ay ening Over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network. F• 43: 63 1 74 50 Sf' ifs 3 b 40• T 83 .62! • 66 58. 71 74 .72 57 28, ^ 60 44 19 60. --IIL LOUGH;- _ • Mra 140/I ,Eckonewiller and • Miss Kathleen 'Graham *pent, 'the week- end, with, iMr., and Mrs. M. Johnbtone, Listowel ,Mrs, Arthur Graham.,,'' who has' not been enjoying good.,. health .lately,; visited hist week with Mrs. ' I.1&cold Thompson. ' • , Mrs. F. Stanley of Kincardine, ; is, at ; present. with Mra. France. Mise) Muriel • McFarlan of • Kincar- here. Mrs, Piereon of Bruce was 140,41 visitor with her niece, 'Wire, . Bert McLean. Mr. Sam ;Hodgins; visited--pn Sun- day .,with his, sister, Mrs.' Jas., France.. A Good Friday service will be held; in the Presbyterian Church,.son +'rt-• lay evening.at '8 o'clock. This 'will; be, the het..meeting' o#' the ClySir Y ciet for 'this seasons Mise: Mary McLean of Kincardine: spent; the week -end with her parents - dine agent the meek -end `et her home Mr.. and Mrs. Robt MCLean. 41: 47 54 : H 81 ` 67 20-4-60--45 60—'fib. 83. .. 00 , 50 , St 40 25 F FORM IV 'Upper. ux " •'Aitchison, 'lliylmer'• 'Alton, Dorothy '611''61 0 ,,41 28 ' 31 • 03:.=2'.. tti '56 48: Alton, .Ferre • Andrew, :.Caesar,, Madeline ; .,62. 55 64 43 • 44 • 8T; 48 67'' GO Campbell, Islay 64 47 Carruthers, Kathleen' .`. . Carte Collyer, Jane' 51 37 Cook, Eliza Finlayson, •Anna Forster, Jean •44; 38 51,' 40 . 65' 46 67 48 43 '61 80 51. _54 30 Gilmore, Helen $0 46 54' .30 45 'Graham, ' Dorothy '• • L' Hamilton, Helen 'Henderson, Jessie •Jewitt,' .Wm Joynt,', George'" 59 '' 53 ,. :,' 31 63 '.MacCrostie,: Thigh 35 32, MacDonald, Etta :B: 50 48. 50. 37 MacDonald,. Jack . .. ..62 55; MacDonald, Marian - 66.. '61 64; 66 MacGregor, Robt :___��...:: a 65 66 61 55 ` '',43 35 ' 57 63 36 : 0" 69 ` 44. 42 ,`00 , 63 44 .�• Maclntosh, Kathleen,` MacIntosh, Robt.. MacLean, Lilian • MacMillan, Bruce • " 46 McLeod, : J,aek 43'' Miller; Gordon 61' 71 Morrison, Melvin 40 43•: 53 Nelso ..Jeans • 45 Paters n, Muriel ..W . ,,, 42. , ,: 44. ' 40 44 84 87 86, Pearl' an, Moriria, 61; :42 :61 55 87, 45 ',87, 57 '84 Pinel, Wray 64 Richa ' s, Raymond . 63 ' ' 86 Ritchi , Doris' ; 51. 70. Russe l Coyle . 69 , `69 . ' 'Steward;�Zyl -5p .. • .: Struthers, Mary 20 30 ' ` Tivamley,:' Hilda 69 • ; Wainwright, 'Fred 44:. 46 31 29 :Weatherhead,, Norma, MES AGE' TO MEN WHO WANT,.CLOTHES' a, TIN ION' . AT 'REASONABLE PRICES, 3TYLE:, :AND DIS �. ... , TAILOREDIN':.ANY • STLYE' .AND TO TOUR : INDIVIDUAL MEASUREMENT. . ... SAMPLES IF YOU WISH, TO' SEE MX SAMPLES _HOME ,QR ELSEWHERE'' • FROM THREE LEADING TORONTO FIRMS, 'PHONE 028•r-21; WINGHAM,.OR' ,WRITE .TO 1111( ADDRESS.:'. .AND. B•: UCH _: LL.._ .E..M_ - -' YOUR- PATRONAGE W.I._ _ _APPRECIATED,._.�..._.c. I'LL NOT BE SATISFIED' UNTIL':YOU: ARE. . artet': • Ee 1, LUCKNOW. .,Alton Ferns•' Camel eU, Audrey ... b4 Campbell, Eileen Campbell, Grace »b• 7 • 48 ::. ' 37 '; 53 '59. ' 50 • w. 68 52'.. 37 44 39 51. 41 ' Carruthers, Kathleen a 1 70 65 'Cowan; ;Marion ....,--,,.......-...,...64 65:, 73 • 42 51 54 •' 68 Crozier, Lorena ......:».64 :66 76 ;54 52• Culbert, Gerald .»..w.....: 68 77 72 90 92', 83 ;92. Curran,: Bertram - .._,•.,....::•.,•k42 34> 50 • Dahmer, 'Arnetta 6162 ; ;67 73 I,Finlayson, Donald ::;_, 61' ' 6958. $ 8 •69 Fisher,.. Mary '' 1...., Greer, Louise - -.•=---.• 02 76 "78. 87. ; a Hoffman, Marjorie 56 ;20 51`' 16 . Hunter,: Jimmie .:-.,:_. X47 55 Hunter,; Rena Jamieson, Isobelle Jewitt,' William• I 'MacGregor, .(Gordon ..,........,--..02 08, Maclntosh, Robert. ,•:-,.-....._•......;.,. 72 MacLennan, Bruce ...STM..- ,• 62 ' 40 46' 34 • MacLeod„ Grace _• ..—...........,............62 ..66, 66 52 • MacLeod; Murde�tiy. 66- 62 55 ,MacMillan,_' Bruce ..._.;-•: r' 52 2261 , 7 McKinnon, : Grace 58; 75- 85 - 73 ; 76 62 40 M•t,Nall Cliffordr-»»..•. _ »64 69' 46 69 60.51; Mcerall, R. 60 •. Nelson; Jean 5; a 42 37 39 '55 61 =6 71 SS 63. `.A -R Lison, Aylmer T 14 Alton, Ferne ' X55 " • 55 , 48 Andrew, •;Ellen 66 ".;• 68 ; 58 " .Campbell, Eilleen• .' , :,,r.51 61• • : , Carruthers, 'Kathleen _:..»_ .60• . 51 Carter, Mary , °68 6s. Collyer, ` June 46 1 Cook,,' Eliza 60 '. 76 60.: Curran, ; Bertram S 46 Daimler, Arnetta 63' ' 44 Finlayson,' Do Lisle .. 6?. 36 Fisher, Mary ,... »._._.81 .60 Forster, 'Jean FORM III Middle:' :Gilmore,' Helen ' ' ...61 50 Graham,; Dorothy Greer,; Louise ... 61': 41 Henderson, ,Jessie', `.'. 50 Hunter, 'Rena , ' 47 '36' ; 50:4• • Jamieson, Isabelle• ' "' 57 `33 • 18• Jewitt, . Wm. ' . MacCrostie,'-••Marie 6' 65 ' 52� 7 9` ,4 Macho ,: . ,rad ...... • . 73 60• '46'''60 MacGre dryn .... ,, g Robert:»<,.�'' .: ,46'• •Macintosh, eathleen b8 Macintosh,.'Robt..w - 64` ,`12. •48 MacKenzie, •John K. • • . - ..». :X67 •:14 aft. ,79 Macl innon, Donald' ....47 57. ✓'' 'MacLean, Lilian ::, .- .61i 65 27 .• 38' McGuire, Gordon .._ a : a a . ia ' MacGregor,. °Gordon '.: H.. MacMillan Bruce • • 14 49, 52':': 50 63 ,44 ,57`•66. 88 42 ' 52 52 46 57 41 54 76 ' 52, -50 ea a1 ' 56 63,, ' 65' 67 39 50. 37 • , 57 11 ,46 29'' •McLeod; Jack ._..,,» 60 67 AfOrris'on,Melvin ».» » - -» w ». 48 58 Nelson,` Nen a . » .. . »: , _»63 87 28 • - 32 Paterson, 'Muriel ; . ,» .. ». -. 64, . r....• 66 P oras*, Gladys -»w.._ : . 67 66 8g',4e 22. 62 44 u Richards,. Raymond .,»- . � a 47' 27 Ritchie, Dories » r.:. » » r. ».. d 68 59 Rivett,• Elliott .» »� .•69, :Salkeld; Margaret76 4� 69 40' • 6 Eli. 80' 61I . 77 Steward, Zyida �. » , . N�:w 41 28' 47 33 Stewart, 13essio„ ,: � » >w-.�, . ,,=. ,77 88' 73 '14 77 "44 "59 78 7 'f t diets, Mary »•..: ,..., . .. �: • 37', .. '9: 36 ;47' 7 ,••em'ley, • >;lva w:�. a. w» .d6 73 .9; •`41 '94 14.. ,83 16 Twarnle >f ' Hilda * • � >19 14 "• $0. 58` 81 63 63 44. 48 63 54 68 61..: • 50 71. 91 '84 '92 70.'79 63� 48' 46 60 ^ 72 36 25• 88 70 30; .46 %'37: 55 r:46 57. jib • 65 •` 61 71 54 85 70 6b:-66_ :`• 557- -.A-Raison, 6 `66 Paterson, Dean 58 .68 4 `encase; G la d y Pinnell, Wra Richards, Raymond .--. 'Ritchie,Eldon:• . ;51 1' Rivett,' Elliott • ` 59 55, 76` 52 Sandy,. Jean< 52 38 .: 69' 57 58 Solomon, Murvin x»52 :.74 69 70' . • Aitchison, Aylmer . Al1in,.,::Carolyn, 80 77 .270826'. 72 62' Alton, Clayton . - 18 •' 3,8 • 8 .62 .43 4 •53 59' 55 45 Alton; Ferre 66 Campbell, Audrey 5a Campbell, -Grace, .» ,. ._.. ,.,; 53 Carruthers, Kathleen - Cook, ,Jack . •: _ 30. . 34 28"x -- 50.. 53 81 . ' 48 05; , Creon, Luella ,� , , _. ,�.. » 46 `;43. 21 68' 62' 34 36 46 •',30 .” Crosier, Lorena • . . ' • .86' ' . 58. 68 •' 'Curran:. Bertram '' 61 .Fisher, Mary ;.Gardner, Kathleen' .„ _ ....; .„24' "40 18 69. 64.' 60 ,40 •41• ' 31. ;Gibson,: Kathleen .. ». ...•47'. 57'` 47 51• 64,6• 40' •49' 40 41 '. Greer, (Louise' Irvin, Willa .„ ... ; » _ ».. .. 3?' 30 14. :-62.„10...64 ' '-47 29 38 • ' ` . :Jewitt, Norah .� 5 .,.. • �,; ...._._.». :..:....6 ,•69 .6?' S8. 89 , 54 64 .;8ii. 60 :• ' . , - . Jewitt . ;William •Johnston ' .D .......•..:._...............:._ » r..... ' s►b . • e, oral '. _ „,:� .,.»„14 39 3 .48 46 .33 4.81 9 °MacGregor, :Gordon .:..»».. :»» ._. - 34.' . •, '.• MacKinnon, Angus .. 38' ';52 ,53 51 '42• .56 48,,. 41 MacKinnon Grace • • MacLennan, Bruce- . w..- ... 64 6 g3 MacLeod, Grace . » ..,;: �: 85 60 69 MacLeod, Murdean ». • cKini,, Reid ,»»».„». »» -»• �..... 62 •66 40'. 52' 76 58 72 84. 61 McLeod, •Jac>t-:....» w- '� McNeal, Ray- Ray -» .,w, . • .... � �, 6 59' ' 46 36 50`"• "8.4 � ., 88 . Morrison, Lincoln «.». 25 • 22'.22 '17 29 21 »» ,.»...., w. 6, 39 • 2” . :Nieholeon, Margaret :.- w „ .,. 64 70 '60 X65, 74 611.'.67 -.62 66: `' • Paterson, Dean : » .» »w.: :. /5:. 66 ' 41 Phillips; Archie ,� ` » W 46. 50 7'',. 48 44 48 , 77 '63 40' Ritchie'' Eldon 46 50 80'” 63• 68' 47 65 66 'r83 • Reid. Lorna »�: »» u»» 8 56 70 • 37 66 -62 •Salkeld, 'Mai* :» » : r 1.. 25 . 73 70 63 'Solomon Murvin .. • �62 73 69' 68 69'. 82` � 42 . Steward, Gordon �... 81 ».....�.�,» �.: • N , ab a1i• ab 41 ab 40 44` ab 56 Taylor, Evelyn », „µ ,, ,..," - 61 66 42 61•• 70' 68 ''70 43 66• Thompson, Willard -. � ,,, ; „ ,- 6g : '76 62- `64 /6:10' • 71 56, 50 Treleaven, Allan .., p r. wr wp w.-. r a �,,,:a:.,.,44 62 3 54 0 70 73 69 .23 Twainicv •�e t + 66 60 6 16. 2 F Gy n+ Ut 5, •.XtiiYi h.NtiipN4 YY,:gi4 YNb•i"1'rii61• � 6�/ 1V • �� '�4. 65 '67' 87 tYylds Lloyd �»� «•»» v . °.... . •.. 32 43 7^ 52 ' °I;4' 48 46 '62'. 87 x , 43 65... 73 • 74 74 66 • 67 :60 ;, 72 '62 73 60' 44 60 • 66', 50 51 • `.46 81: ',.. 73 43.', 89 •, 71 75 78; 50, 3 r.6.6 z• ,