HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-07, Page 8t. Q • Tva . s; �o ns. e Lines. n o e 1 esu _ nL .: ro 8 ke our •e ring foot-° � �• . "our chance to save mons on your g. Yadiea, here is Y �.. y' . � 4 , these` linesout at greatly mined • to clear_ deter r_y r' re e W . wear.' e a reducedrices.; A variety of styles, hi Mack,, Droaw, 'and Bine., .. ^ _ . a Y All heels in width from AA to C PECIAL THIRTY PAIR ONLY .;..Mems Work 'l3oof .'i sen noHi te Up - .per, with •'butside counter, ,leather rules and heels a ea •ta1u ymth •steel plate. i • e s, ' eft •U THIRTY PAIR,' of Men's retail Work Boots• ' with ponce' top h ill give •a max- ' shoethat h is ' s les lubber heels. Aa ° . x2.98' imu •amount of wear. While they last , OOT mat "• N..�3_ r i .. a WE STANDBEHIND EVERY PAIR at ev r.e �� 1l a d ee 1 ,StS Less TO DRESS UP FOR EASTER AT AMEN'S STORE HOFFMAN'SWEAR 0 ,._ S e Lead�'�lre East+ir`'ai�s�d¢ Ili �S : us" Stock; Is New:And.•Of Good Qiiality,°And 'Priced At A Saviag'.To You. WE'INVITE' ' E YOUR I NSPECTIBN • TIP ARE AGENTS'-11UR THE FAMOUS, TOP TAILORS WE . MAD> -TO=MEASURE ;:CLOTHING': n ffm n s Me s Stare Lucknow w; o a Cleaning, Pressing '-and Repairing . OBITUARY MRS. 'JAMES, K,`'EDG;AR„ ' The death of"Mrs, ,' James K. Edgar occurred in Bruce County, Hospital; Walkerton,' on Thursday , last. , 'The f:v he at• late uneral; service 'was held. 'her . h .. 'late , residence, Con. 10 Culross 'o Su res e, ....- ,., �, n n • .. da A rii '3rd, ' conducted , by Rev. Mr. • Knox . 'of: Salem United; Church. I termant,was in Tee swater. e,,.e eter ' Mrs.. Edgar,, who was in . her ' 35 th, year, "was 'formerly. Margaret May ,'Jewitt;- a daughter of the' rate Mr. and Mrs, James Jewitt of'this "vicin•- ity, Mrs. Edgarrs+other. '•died When, May was young, and for: a .:number Hari he • :Of. years,'until her,': •. m r iage, s, ant .and made her • home with her. ,, u oh • 'Purves uncl "�• Mr., and-„Mrs:J n Second ''Concession .. ' Mrs. 'Edgar's untimely death is, particularly sad, forbesides her hus- band, she leaves a 'family, of five youngchildren,including a .little ten .dayold-daughter.Th e -children ar. e Harold,. Grace, Marjorie Merle' and the little infant. • Surviving also is one, brother, Mr :Har y Jewitt _-of--Thedford.; MRS. ISABELLA STRACHAN:- -There-• assed--away in -.Toronto,, .or - 'March ':24th,. Mrs: Isabella Strachan' wife of the late Thos; Strachan, Gre.: Township,; Huron County; • NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS. er'of the Estatehj In the Matt of Jo ., i Morrison, lateof the Village of Luc k•• I• now in—theCount ' `.B ruce_' re t ined` fariner, deceased: Noticeis heirsY given er ua n t t o the�Stat, is in that behalf that all ; C itors and others having clainiF:". or demands ,against ainst the Estate of • the said Joh_, Morrison, who.died.'on or. , about tit..., Ninthday-of January A.D. ..1938 ar• • required • on o` ; before ` th i • q r. Se 'ond . c d t •:' .L of, April ril A.D. 1938 to:sena AP ,bYP 'prepaid:. ost or :,deliver, to the under -sig ,.ed executor of--'the-last.,-Will and. Testrment of the, said deceased their. nacres,, •descri� - addresses• and -• P, tions, the full • Particulars of:. their• , claims, a statement' ,of,. their accounts and the 'nature . of the •securities (if any).. held "by'them.•duly verified by; affidavit. • And tape notice that • after such last mentioned date the Executor *ill proceed to ,distribute the; assets 'of the said de' eased' among P the ettiee. entitled thereto having regard .re Wonly td -the 'claim$, ' of .which ch she shall all then havenotice, a d thattnµ'said Execu-•. to wily' nota 1' r b liable for; ,the • said :assets or any, ..part'thereof : to .an:- person or'•persons.of whose" claims 'notice shall, not have been received hi • im . , h at the :time ime' of ,.such, distributon.' .• Dated od L ck ow Ontario this , 14th•.. . 'c°''" � day y of Mar h. A.D..1938. ... , George Lockhart, • i • R. R.5, Lucknow,tOnt ,. Execu or •-r T UCKNOW arxn L • , THUABDAI'';; AP 7rR ; 1938. 6O YEARS MARRIED Mr and Mrs, Eli]ah Drinkwalter of Coderich parents of Mr, Gordon Drinkwalter, formerly .gf Lucknow,. celebrated their sixtieth wedding an. niversary 'on Saturday., He is eighty one and) Mirssl Drinkwalter ...,Seventy- five Years of age rehale and hearty and -in full possession. ,of 'all'. their faculties: Mr. Drinkwalter' has sailed the';lakes all his life retiring 0 'nl : tWs- age, . 0 -ea r , Mr. and Mrs, Drinkwalter have had t' heir' cares; and' -deep soil ov�s,. Three of ":their -children died "i. ' infancy; . a son; Beat, was :drowned at Owen Sound in 191 'When .he' fell?from, • a boat; • another son, Arthur,, died etc Welland in •1919 from blood Poisoning;; nother Burne was:: awned.' win, ii r l i. Yd , his,wife"in take Erie i'. two ears ago. whenhis. Ship the•1 nd Mercha , . . P, •Sa nt, sank, . and a : daughter, . Mrs, Trum-' Pour teat week'. was %released ftom hospital, white she had, been seve ra l rron hs With s fractured shon der Tru uher e• Besides Mrs mpor t�,•• erar three sons:. and a daughter: . ,George Drinkwalter and•. Mrs. Fred! Watson, in''Goderich; Gordon' at Windsor ,anti, Lorne in Detroit. il_ _ __ -• -'Tl►eir�'" �`` chi die :and"` � "few' �buf 'five A. n, ,a , not all, the ;;twenty-three: grand- children, and twelve great-grandchild: ken: were -present =at -the -festive' -board in Saturday ; United Church Y. P. S.. .. The meeting: on Monday night opo, tined 'with, hymn '151,, followed by the 'L'ord's prayer repeated in unison. Jean ushell read the scripture lesson. with 'iymn 334 closing the devotionalper- 'od. • 'We: were then favored '.with 'a„ iiolin solo by 'Dr, .Little,, followed ,rith a reading' •by ••Ruby Casemore. and' an instrumental ;by Louise'. Greer., - - 'teresii i •LA '1�-;v-er_ :J•n�=�a�na•�-;n�.p-iew8s•�tthe'`- `aken by Mr,. McIntyre:: ,Hymn 258 Ind the repeating. of the Mizpah bene- diction ''brought;' the,: meeting 'to' a close.-Secy. at, the home•of Mrs. Jewitt last Thula,Thurs- day : evening. Mrs. Philip • Stewart was in the ` chair, and ' after the opening hymn, read,+ the scripture, lesson. ...The e Bilite stud ad taken by Gladys Mac-' Donald : and 'Mrs.:•HenrY Carter gave a.; reading. Arlene and ' Noreen •Jewitt gang a duet and the topic on, "Dr. Goforth"; which was prepared by Miss Pearl Henderson,, Was, read bY. Mrs.. . ` Fisher, The : was ' •meetin closed G g by singing a Hymn, -.and payer :..•by Mrs Jas.` Little:` "` • l ` Mrs::-- Strachan was born`' . on , the. south Half of lot no. 19, on the 13th concession of West' Wawanosh; ti on IhterApril' 2nd=• 1871„being the 'eldest dau-. of the late Mr. and Mrs. , Wm., g MacDonald. In 1905 she' was,'' united in marriage 'with:'Thos.. Strachan, who • passed away in 1914, after which she, . aisle I h��:ha.�•� sie made het ' .her'home She :le yes •to : mourn. the' loos; of a' loving ,oth er two . sons and. one 'daughter, Cameron of London; Dr. Fraser of Chicago . and 'Margaret, . wife` of Dr:” Lloyd Grosse; Toronto,•'. a11.'�of ••whom..were home for the fun PROMINENT RK t .MINENT. HURON FARMER ILLED IN FALL IN BARN: threeb'i o era): Also two sisters and b. thers;' Mrs D W, ; . Rae,,' Wroxeter; Mrs, Joseph Shaw, Morris ' William,. Fordwich., "Fraser,; Paswigin, Sask... 'and, Duncan of B,russels,' from whose' :home :the funeral .was 'held 'on'Sat- Y urda• , with : interments:..' in •Brussels; ,. cemetery; Rev. Mr.•'Mahoiiey of Brus_, selsl Milted Church, of which the ' de-. cleaning bee ceased was a'member , conducted t'h 'F g Ye ra ed . at.a. grain` . —., services. •_ . .. ..._ ._ at'. the farm, of John'tolling, Wednes- day. 'morning of list .week, ;cast :a :l over the'entire-. township - ,of Boom P , Huron when it'was learned that Jos- e li Black had met .his death in an, accidental' fall:-. .r '„ • With • .his son`)iioes, he: .had gone to' Relatives .were • present from '.St.. Helens, ,Clinton, Brantford, Ali ordwich, Blueand. v l : Wroxeter e.a JAMES MacKENZIE E James :MacKenzie, successful:, far - the Colling barn to: clean grain. ' Work mer' and, highly esteemed' resident of was progressing. -favorably. Shortly, Ashfield; near Port =Albert, died• Thur- . nd- ' 'hi home inhi`54th beton moon Mi. Black picked a.ha ails : night•at s me s ful of: grain and went''toward' :a 'bern:'year, following, a' heart attack. =cuff window tb eiian�ine pit'. ered two weeks ago. ' He ;failed tonotice an oPe n trap a P door andstepped into apace. Down he hurtled 12. feet to the shard floor below. ' His son and other : workers rushed to his aid but nothing could I f e. fractured' ' done. ` the11 h had he In fell . d his •. ,., skullbadly: bad .. y. a -: R'• `nls'so :Ripley n Dr.,D. ..Fi, y,n of. P Y swere the `emer enc call` andsped d 8 cYP to the Colling farm. •A second call brought '' N iell-::McLennan' . ambulance b g s to remove Mr. Black to Kincardine move 1i without • ,h . General, Hos .tai •but .he died• -wit out P regaining. consciousness before - he could be ..placed in, the; ambulance. After 'a preliminary. •. investigation it was decided no, ,was seecc Mr.: Black -.had ` been. aiifelongre= , sident .of thetownhh •f ip o ,Huron and 1a orb w'11`.andfa.o a I ao 0 was, e x known m st Y ,f its• people., He Was an• ardent mem- , CLOCAL and• GENERAL) Arthur - Andrew of Kapuskasing-iR spendin g his-hohdayB at; the home:.of his parents. • bile's ,Verna Steward, atudnt nurse at Goderic s a ltl e t a H n 8u d h .,Y at her home here. Mrs•.: J. M. Greer. received ,rd of w4. a e de th o ' h �cl f n e D:' W er n Bret- C/ 1 a Violin Saute ewi e t h n Mr. Mike -Hogan, who spent. the. ' int r :i oris Fl . i a, returned to his home: in Ashfield 's few days azo. "Dr. 'a nd Mra J. ' Kaini an `son.' M d Denton o f' Winnipeg; *ere reeint ;vis- ;tors t t he• home of .Mrs. iii. Mullin. The sacrament of the 'Lord's Supper will' beadnnistered in tlye " sited, Churc ,:h! un. a. n , 3 d ., y moral g, • April: 19th. I' 9 The Inter: Harvester• Co.ttlo ' t C ailed a car load o . e Deering tractors at Lgcknow Iasi" :week, • Mrs.. A. E.. main has returned to .Arthur'' -after spending -the-: Past -month 'at the home of• her daughter, Jack Campbell.' - ' Carman -Merritt -of =: alyth has^been: engaged to assist in. Wesley Huston's Barber shop, 'arid: commenced hit dn.: ties' an. Monday. ' Presbyterian. Y. W. A.•' The' Y. ,' W. A. held : their meetin P aMs'tr. Ma.GcK,,..M. ,en.'.`z. io e ... was a:s b. v ,o•'. r• n' in A, •.,. s' he -e - field,son of- lateMr:' andkis: Donald MacKenzie Rid, lived 'for a time in theWest. After the war he returned to his nativetownship.:.He was amember 'of Port Albert United Church and took an active interest in its affairs•also of the Morningstar. Lodge, A.F. �.•A.M., Carlo*, bring; a Surviving arehis wife, formerly Miss Mabel ivaid 'of Port 'Albert, and. : fourchildren, Florence, graduate, nurse :Of Kitchener; Ethel, teacher at Mrs . Mc Mahon -:returned 'home af- ter r spending •the winter ' in ' Tarento, accompanied by:Miss . Mae of. Toronto, who, spent the week -end With her mother . here:•, Remember•. PEARLIWAN'S:• have a complete range of : new spring' Dres- sses:and, Coats • in,the • late t etYles,,.. an= .a'so• a "'in a racetsaoiie5 to go• with your ;spring outfit The' April' 'meeting of • the• Women's' Instiltkite Will,he held at the home, Of .Mrs, Charles' , Steward on r Friday,' April: 15th, at 2.30., 'Roll ea11, paying fees, election of. offices., •' ,S)PECIAL PRICE on' Ladies' nish: Tailored l made-to-measue :Suite and.Top coati-48.5oand` ' , Call' p Up. , and see samples and latest style fash-, ion plate TEMPLE' CLARRE,. ;Mer- chant Tailor;' '• STE. CAN BE. BOUGHT, .T TEMPLETONS U ,.,•to -M LITE'LADIES P IN., , DRESSES FOR' Oit:. • SCARFSThe. new., Pals )ng the" World Scarfs. Ronson and Fanc rf': Y Stu a 'RI : P N ' $ G: HOS ER Co s er .Biu h in Blaaa 'Ble a :�' Vega., I Y W PP , _ , ... tf ,. g blond, Su�rtnf... O:W R ,_ o - PIS , . E, S AND: FRU1T.. f r your- New• Suit.. or I�repe,. ' • G OVES—Ms=. Mayer Glo,,es 'for stile; , • ", M " EN S': SRIRT ' a 1 I -- �. r ' S' arid 1•«S,- o s th'��'Matteis., w d P Y •BOYS, :,SHIRTg- neat • cheeks;, sizes ,YO U W/ILL '•PO REGRET G i T L Y _ IF YOU�: NOTVISIT Enos � :OUR: STORE R : EASTER FOR, ASTE E .. m leton 166th BA1TTALIOl`i • REUNION QF • WINDSOR RESIDENTS :Memories of stirring ' days. ; ot yes teryears • were vivdly :revived when, Wednesday's mail' contained a • letter addressed) to "Lieut" J. C. McDonald. It was penned, by Eddie, Davis, form-( erlY of Southampton, now a ,resident of.; Windsor' Former members of the 160th Battalionw ho live in, Windsor, recently held; a' get-to=geher' and dinner; and Ed=!tells us all about it in his letter "which' so thoroughly' covers all the details, that we ' reproduce it. herewi h Has :Pleural .Pneumonia Mr. Engem, Mirt' of Ri• leec g e yn p Y, s retary••:Hron-' uce •Liberal of'the ur i3ni y e :Association.': hiss been critical) ill' y. with pleural pneumonic. - On, Monday, evening, he` showed hid -first signs: of i rovement sincei ' HObYROOD improvement hie' Gond floe came' grave, :and barringco Mica- g? , mp er- : ti ons' Eu enc,s recoveryconfident- y expected) Mr. and Mrs, 'Wesle ..Pollock- Gu" ne and. Mari s 'en cSundaMrs. Y, e P t` y at 1 . Abner Ackert,s. Miss:GertrudeHamilton ofClifford spent. li week -end h her . r est t o e d a tints P p Mr. a. n r i ; M and .M s. Andrew. H m lion. a' , • •Mr t:. • acDon i spent: undo . Rob M d Sunday y --------ti: bf -••-J. E.-urn�bull s : i�rrderwn He Was accom : anied `-home` .b' 'Mrs. P Y MacDonald, •Florence and :-Jack .who spent a few da s the : past' week with P Y P• (her parents. Miss .Eileen a en past M s Val d, sP t the- eek 'with•'friends at;',Molesworth. v111P , Miss Lillian- .Doyle of :Iangside, spent the ,week—end' with her.sister, ,: Mi nn MarieCorri ' an: ie g ry. l4I . ur e acLeod ' 'port: - r� M ' ol: ke of � borne`' was 'a1 recen visitor a 1 Mr: t L,. James Valid. s. MissAnne 'Colwell 'spent ent th , p e week endWith: ., .ler aunt, •Mrs; Wm; Bushell, • �1 ToSpend Summer ulaM fir A t Vancouvers Mi sion' Field l¢ DougMacDonald, o aid, • .vin "' • finished h >� , g is first. year: at Knox College, tn xTor- ,. wont .is_s endin a s-wcel� t�the-born - of his .parents, Reit. and Mrs. C. H. 1acDona Idbefore{ leaving on ;Mon- a' d yfor.a Mission Field near ..Van-, couver': where he will spend they com- ing'.'summer • Mrs 'Margaret E. Dudlf .Luck.. nowreceived •word Asst. Saturday 'noon, of the death of. her ;uncle,. 'Mr. Samuel Richard' `HaldenbY S .of lvan Y ' Valley, Algoma, • Ont., in ' hie 89th year. .He ;had' been in failing health. for the .past 7 or 8 years. He was home, eight years ago, When his :bro- thel . Matthew Haldenby: vas: seriously 'He died, at'the 'home of_:his'.son_o 0 the ;homestead. hprdvich;a'MarjorieandRoderick,at home; Four brothers and a sister also survive, 'John, ex-reeveof A hfeld, and DanielMacKenzie, 4tli•concession of.Ashfeld; Alexand Di. 'Hector Me - Ke n zie British s h Columbia; Miss. Mary _MacKenzie ;_•. ,Wise.Grace MacKenzie, 'Toronto. Ripley. .'.•• . Miss Antta McSwa,n of Tiverton was 'a recent..: avisitor . • , t ;Ma• Jac a Watt's. - W,• �. Mr: •Robt. 'Ellfo"tt of:'Teeswater was. a recent • visitor: at „Mt. Richard, El-, Nott s. - •,• -. Mr: and Mrs: Jack Watts and tam= B.ri: lam - ,F4i of the 7niteR. Ch:urch and a good• The ftiner al was held on Saturday ily spe nt Sunday :.with 'friends at neiuriborand friendender .Masonic,'auspices' erton, Anne:; "Come' in and see sur new b aby. , •.Teacher;'••-Tha - :'dear,' nk you, but I'll wait until: your mother is better.”. Annie: • You'needot be afrai d .tea- cher, it isn't catching" 2253 Turner. Road, 'Windsor Ont. 'March' 28th,1938. Lieut.' J. C. McDonald ' ..Editor ChesleyEnterprise: Dear. Sir.- It is with much pleasure that I wish.' hr u to td •convey to: you; and. ,t o gh you. our old comrades in arms of the 160th. Bruce • Battalion, a brief . message from the. 'bo s'ne livin in Windsor. Y �, g When• two or three of • us have met: together we ,have often . talked .over the idea of,_having a' general reunion of all the. boys: in, .town. So' a little over two weeks ago, addresses • Were k y •r chec ed in the City Di ectory and notices were sent out'-.advisin ,of a 'diene' ' o'• heldt r t he at°th� Hotel' Bell'vu bee Fridayevenin 'at 7 ani. Match...25th. g P- �We had about twenty three possible. names onth ` listand c nsi ern' n mer a ,, o d i 'possible 'reyiou' •en a e e to • ' hi ft p , le p s g ,g m nt, , s i .. work' etc. ;felt that the resultant ttendance of eighteen 'fwas splendid. • Captain J. C. Little proposed a tea thefol art to King,,o lowed' by .one to' the ninety and:nine of:�the' Battalion boyswho didnot Come . .b�: There, err - eom 9 ir- e no a7iits re min the p .g g dinner.'`'ol .' sce • but . d nes .and incidents relegated- it : to second, place, "Big 'Steve" of :tile' Bugle 'Band had.us all roaring 'when:'. related his he e wil' :mating d Y schemes. to prevent going on' the "hon. cy • .patrol during• seven:days C. B. when' Sergeant-Major,:Watt' e•s , was'. as determined that he should. , After _the festivities were coneluded vie • formed chairs around 'the 'room with" a genial fire :crackling)'' on the hearth.':' In view' of the ;happy.'results of the present .gathering it was dead:, ed. to •'form an :'.Execu,tve who would be• res onsi'ble .�.�P_-�___...: for such recti ` __ rrences: ILovat '' Hendry,' •'Chairman, Alex.; Kennedy; president; Edwin:: G, ,Davis sec: treas.•.C:''J. Stephenson 'and Judd '.' .. ,Aitchison,' It'was decided to hold' an other.'inns. Octo 'er'•a 'dinner .b and to make.. E ,YOUR CREDIT. PERFECT DIAMOND Bridal Wre ath Special . Value. Beautiful . Hand -Carved Setting .r S4♦♦h . JEWELLER ''& 'WATCHMAKER grhaveeach one side of the ou andL S �P i •from, the, , t relate his 'experiences f e. ,ime. �th"-up � the •Battalion t0-' of. e p of the: •resent.: t was a happy thought• P f. and went ,over well. Twenty -years etched U have, passed and. it h •a•s o i... . a•::. re' .'Lour h iriit c an • 'ail a butn faces. d v d • hait dim , those�da s :soldiereto :never ewe d r.Y •a v lace ' ' tfi f mo ' ether -in: fas n-- st-, mgof scenes war. h r s were•' imm Martin ': T ore p @ tint . J y, ' f ,. Cargill;. A. J..Laf city; ,Chesley ,,'Judd:'•'., • Aitchiso He worth' Tom: ' MacDo pn aid .'Lueknow; • JackSmith, Mildmay; , m W. S arrow,paisley; Bert ert Bell, J. L., JarrellKincardine.'Jac Clazi ,•, Port El i Clarence D. Stop enaon,' • ` .' . Tara ;'C• p a t J.• C. • Little,.Lova y . C. t Hendry. dao' Done 'ill B l n Tee water Ale* n-• • ' nedy, , Ed. Fields', ' Edwin' G. Davis, Soeth a. 'to ;. Robert' S tit m nr Hunter, •' . Wiarton;; Herb. Woods, ' Walkerton. erton. May IsuSgest:that youask.the ,.. Other h a er' .of the Count t � lease• • •• papere y ° p -• Sincerely yours, Edwin G. Davis. th'i8 'a combined • one with :the boys Young Man -I'd go through froM Detroit t thing; • dear,.ar,. for you! • Swe et .YOung ' `The business was soonfinished and Thingrine..Let's start en Yoilr bank it was suggested that we start on: one account.. eahstocks a Etc,.,, P -r New repos, Cretones, urt in (1V"aateria►l,i'i ea (isit-The= a eens,,•E•roa cloths hintz Etc. ov-elty - Goods Depart itents ••W . 4`- 1.= Luck Y , ■,one