HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-07, Page 6• je4 InSpeCt$,. the First Royal. Auto sr,,Arro.rvskr?s sa5Atz AlreP • • Egsscopt..1k FIN p' iNG-OURSELVE5 -IN • 'SERVICE --Mark 8:27.30 Golden Text. ---What doth it profit, . • :• • 'a man,: to gain the, whole world,. and •forfeit his life ? -Mark 8:88.. ' 'THE LESSON IN ITS " • ' Flace.-Near. dootroo far north, in-I:Palestine. uncierMennt" -. • gerinoiya few miles eastef, the city •of.Dari: .:•-• • . And Jesus went forthi,- end his into th.V. °of'. caesa- rea, .Plidippl. This, town "is t5,3 be ,,dis•-•, •..";tingtitshe'd.frernaesarei en, ' the• cos, the,Seet oktilo Romen govern-. , Ingot, where Falai •was inprisofled. .•.. . It was. situated:"atthe most eastern; - and chief of ,the." „ tWo,, " recpgriiied sourc.eS of the. .Jordait on '4. rocky . o miles east 'of Dan; 'the old frontier • city of Israel., ,And on the. way he „asked:his, disciples, saying unte,thein,- ". Who -do' alert say, that I am? .Jesus is net .• iiking • for. informaticiri'F,foi, . for he know' the • different 'opinions, of- Alen, What he wants s: to, have the disciples State thewreng,„L • opinions of •• Men :in order to.,. 'Set .4gainst' their'', their own.:right. Convic-: 'Hia.i Ident:ty- . 28. YAnd ' 'they •told•'....him,•^.., SaYing.; • . John the Baptist; and .'others, Elijah, :hot- Others,. One'of :the .prophets. John:' • Stood/Jet purity' of Character; Elijah • • for newer with God , -..and. the • pro- 4iheta 'for •prociaination of the truth. Christ stood •fer U filese..and for more. These :were 41i:gpecl, but net , good enough.. Fp*, ,dorielusions, are ...to be draWn..,••froin thiS'le,t'e.terneritof •es::,. ,inen „ere- .iscussing'',,! Christ;' „Men were, not ,,ahle to agree to who ,Chr:st.really',Was;-,all,tuen: ,'zigtee.d that, lie was 4 'groat.peraon, greatest:charaeters1; inest,,therr.. Werewrprigt7:-ts to . their ..Conehtsion;tegai.dinethe. identy.'of ", . . ; • Andhe, • Raked ..„,then,t,,i • But -whole' Y! ye that, ,I'-' Ain? Then.l.,emphasia '• here iS.,',..ertaitilytl'On",the;,,W.'ord , Th dis�ij1e had. been with Jesijs now:. fortwo year, , and if they'did: rot - by::: this. thite •;,•knoW.Whe'lle', was, the); •Wdold.- • Peter :ansWereth, . shith nater,.. hint,' 'Thou , art .'the • Christ. 'The, 3eiVialt *ries had been looking, fn the Iv1es. 's.la.li, the --Greek .",'Word fer,;."Messieli") 'prerhiled in the Old 7stiFit7 -•MesSieli we'uldeirel-apViat-ihewouid e „ their ••, 1 eSt • piopheLtheii perretf,7 prieSt,' their, ortinipefeat :and eternal Fetet ;Was, cenvincecl that Je-., :suetva,4 the, l'OrKg-looked-for and; that Conviction' has lieen'.(heifttith. Al; alltrue ..Christiansever. iSince., • 30 And he:Charged,'therthet:theY ' 'tell no min 'of The cile,-;• faith waq weak and theit., hnoWledge,•stnall;, the, Holy LSpitit .had ' firstth. ,conie t� .eaely:.theni'•abcitit esus..- ere:. ," gy cbu 't ypreplaian •• the. •Measiah, ' , . • . • St.:, And .he began, to • By c‘began),'' isnot meant, theth had neve r before spoken of., his sufferings, -or infimated • the' COmingcross, -but • that , new, and 'frroninow. o,n, • stroction .Was -:to 'he „precise ndde • failed.'";,' That•.the Son or inanl'inifst' saffkr, many.' things. Our redeniption, tieriveil limn Chr-ist's •Stifferirtga • and death,' .and .•Christ is •*)iriPelled. tOSoffer• and 'tO.die only because hei:- .detettnined :(beceuselie haves us) . e_redeem. us froni sixi, and give, ,us eternal life. Anil,. be 'rejected, . The • .. verb here,'" ,translated,, ; "rejected": . , , tneans to reject affer',Submittirig to ,rejected• by 'tie' .::.1csan authority than the .Sanhedrin, ' • Vie higlieSejudieiel 'and•religiout: an, • . thority, Of: the itatiOn, the elders and:the Chief ,priest, endtheseribla. The theee classes together constit t- • thO:'San b edri ft r suprente .cotanCil of the.••lews. And, be,killed, ein1 af tet three '';,(le•Ys -risp 1-lere•ard at leastff ere n,t, definite..predic-, tion S 'which. ne.,. Man could•ntake • eori-. corning hireself..e:itept ;With superb& . "at, n 1 notJot1ge, " Peter' Rebultqs Him.' • , And be sPalie the saying open-. ly.'And-Peter took him, .eficl,""hegan to rebuke htth The'l.rehson why, Pd.,: ter..began. to .rebuke nut Lord was , 'the t -,„he could •• not "conceive of erre . Who was the Christ, of .60a soffering 'Violent 'death ot lhe hands of Such hs these Whotri"jes:uS had . designete'd to be; his.stt�yr • 33. Eat* he turning about... Jesus, iv he turned, choght sight of tii,e 'rest ' ;Of the l'Welve,, wliV• were probelily 'rhitiching the Scene With intpilest, 0.na Peter's' Views., A publicreproof Was' therefete neces-.' sarY,. And seeing' his diseiples; ro bilked -Peter, and stlitit,;Get thee - hind me', Satan, -.J.eSits.nses-tO 'Voter • • -',---4-'4,---the--ve.ry-WOrds--he.-..SPoke-L-to,-,,Sethil • •In the 'WilileirfeSSof temptation, for . Lhe apostle was' 14)ripting hiS.MaSter Wrth the Seine teatiptetiort,. ,•Petei • .Proposes Messialiship witholit Stiffer- . , Ing and'death, .3esus does net Mean': that Peter' is really, Satanic hild prayed, but i'bat in urging Christ to frOnt ,detith, he is thhing,,, - e04.4polioty; thepart of the tempter affdsidinwith-man6-!--not---with. God. For thou mindest not the things' of God, kut the things of men. Teter was setting his love Or his Master iri opposition to _God's love for his Son toldf2P his sonS.- • , True Val‘t,ei , 34: ; And , he -called: unto 'him 'the MUltitude with his distiples, and said -111-4; „them, If any man would. come, ' after me, let hint deriY hirnaelf; Christ • had jast.:spolcen; to the disciples • about his gross,„and ma* he,., tells • thein that there is else, one, for. each of them, j they are , true, A' disciple v.tho, denies himself must give{ up selfzw,orship and self, --W41. gd , :must love cod with all his poWers and hiS"aeighbor as hirnseif; egainst' these eiaiine -his own interests must P SeL...14‘A.MLItatqAtit,h_ .14-1714: nie Th&s is the extreme '.=/ •phaSP of the selfenial whiCh Jesus has just commanded. . • Let him deny hinfself and carry Out that self-denial even to-deat1l:7: • ' 35: For whosoever wmalci, save his life shall loieit;.and Whosoever shall- l�se his life for niy salte-and the - gospel's, shall save it -rhe solemn words are used 13Y 'our, Lord. on font. separate ,eecasions Matt. .10:19; Luke 1733:: John 12 :25,, " and here. In • the firstelause; the Weird- "life" means the' bodily life, and in the' sec - 'end the .trite'life of the, shirk. Our Lotd's statement 'here Means that when a man deliberately .sets out to keep. hts life to save his life,' to .pre- serVe his • life, • no ..inatter ' at v,,,dtat cost,: he, is- going to loseit, for he has failed to identify himself With, anything „that abides:, and when: a ,•-•111-.45•E',.:',the7s1-ea esus an 'This gospel, is willing tO`give. u "Vety-'• -thing, ...even his life, he has therelt saved hiS :life, for he belongs , Christ; and, in Chris* he :hag eter-' , • . , 38.'For what doth it :rofif to gain the Whole "world, and foifeit hls life? •, The *bele world, wifeUput% in on cale,-,ielighter• than a' fed- ther -When the soul is in the other ' scale. -The. material :and transient On the one :hand, and the spiritual• ' and eternal on, the :ether hand, are .'utterly=differen va u s anc can never be chosen together. • • , „.• •Losing.One's• Life ; , ,• 88., Por whosoever shall be asharri ed of -me and cif my:: words in] this adultdrOus and sinful..,generetion, the- 'SOn of *-lieri • Shall'. be'''•ashamed of , , • hiin„ When -.1ie .Cometh. -in the glory • of his Father- !vitt': the holy 'Spirit., 41\7ow Jest's C,briSt said there • were-. men: in 1,1ie, age who were ashamed " of " , bim and his woecls-,- Wify.1 vid- ently .because both be, hiniself, and • as to reveal by contrast their fail-: his teaching, set them in such light . Ure. Again, they we're 'ashamed to ' follow Min' because in his life and fr teaching • he: attacked their prejud- 'ces We May ko: further 'still -nd-----t-dy-,--that ;men were asliarn- 'eft, . and„ are . •aehatred of 'Jesus, hecause. he cilia .2th_... definite, - and, positive change : of life. If we areashatped of ilm,says the'Patient, 'gentle, tender; beautiful, strerfgSon of God, there is."4 day coming when • he will be -ashamed of us, ashamed of tis because we, asharned .of Will pave chosen. the Othwey •that leads to destruction . ef character; .4tind therefore to destriletion of life; 55 7: • BroUghtout of the Palmier, factory When King ,Georgp, :recently toured the Birmingham industrial district, the horse7power chain drive 1899 model built for King, Alward VII performed remarkably WeIrv,511e,nais_Majes,___2.. 77tetnelc a Sinn .arounetherblock. .Lord SWinton is seen sittniglaehind the King, who 'apparently derkdd much • pleasure from riding in his grandfather's aufornobile, the first, ever built for a monarelf.' ' , • 7 Increase ental , . I?uinantarzs Learn Etzgli.sh- k.ctrigizage 'So noPalar,thas.the English langu- agebeeoine in l3ucharest• that special : ;Schools itre bng .organized to cope; . with the -thousands who wish, to' learn; Contrary to the general �pini�p on the Continent, -Rumanians say . English is ,an. easy 1anguage:0i rims, „ ter.:. 3utthey •Are'netably• 'adept at learning" foreign languages., •Ono re:ason for4hc,-boorn: in .Eng- -.fish studY.Ariset fro•iwthe films, Cine-. • ine-goers, forin'ellarge proportiOn of the pupils, Others4re studying,Eng; lish 'because it is. beiog; ns,ed more and moro. in bilSineSp, • diplomatic society abroad. , , • , • Granite' is bile of the oldest pi: Our ' ;reeks; •and rriarty,%th6r rocks' have , taken their materials fialin, it.; • S. THIS Y 014R, 1311?THDAY? by A. R. WEIR 'What th Star For'eteli %for These :Born on April. 8, 9,,,,. ,10, 11, 12, • 13 arid- filth ••'' You ere intensely affiliation§ anti 'position of, honour it. the •World; You are likely to go abroad and nuti,not remain one piece for any:length of tiii**:-Pottee.:afid quiet - 41084 are need84avy 'to you. A dis- appointment is' 'shown in love mite:, ter S but`ydn,should overcome some financial :difflpitiltY end :haVe:', clear sailing. • • s • • „. Governor-general.Befers Strain Of MOdero" Life And, Its Result ational ConurlitteelOr Mental Hfiienee, • .. •, ",rthec strain which tiodern life' puts :sonil. Jniricl is so 'heaVy that there'll 'alarming•inereasa hi the nuniber,. ei,...people,• who are •-iuffering from Mental :disabilities, an Lord' TWeeds- raulr, Governor-General, speakinght 1VIontreal„ atthe. 20th annual meeting , of the Canadian National' Committee; for Mental Hygiene, praised the ea& • catiVe 'Work' . that is • being. done by :this -organization,: outlining also the: prineipat tasks it Must, undertake to. • combat the strain,: and 'aicl in the proper .trainirigof YOutb,..1fdr'the struggle •of life. • • , • ,• , :r "Onejs forced t� the onelpsion,' said the speaker, "the( there is that . . in.our ,inedern, life which:puts a, far, , heeVier stiain �n the Mind -.thaii`any,' thing der .kneW."•' "What l:Is the cause?" Lotd• • 'continued. tit "Many .Chit'SeS,' I think. Pertly the:terrible ,tclerangement of • the .War; • the. effeCIS of ,which ere by no Means -ex- . hausted:: ' Partly the imsettlenient 'of Abe :world Which infuses . in. Certain ternperanients A perpettial: rierVons , fear. .Partly the SaCt that the scien- - speeded up and elaboratied„,and that jointer', riattire has not Yet fully,adj• justed'itself to. ,.jt. 'Partly the dg-, cline Of religion', which 'gave o - , thers Shield against the buff of ,fate." •.; •• ' These,conditions are,mommorkto all ;the World,,, but in Canada We ,have , -,,causes---extreines'of Weather, Which. put ,a strain on -the nervoos.,syhtern„ violent .ecenentic upsii and '•downe,•the loneliness which af- flicts' people in .the Wildi far froth. ridighboiS.. It ia a Probleni • ..• • • . ff To TenniS Wari. 'California tennisi'attivr Saila front, New -York ahead :of 00' :Wighiman . .squad, to polish , on play, , abrbad, , The' 'others • • • ..4* Will eail, in May. " ' • ee ichons More Science o Combat Crime Royal Canadian Mounted police • AreNery. Up...to-Date In ' Their Methods ' •;- Aidedby modern scientific , and , dian Mounted ,Polcce plarl7u,0121eiv0 ,ea.;1113aigil under VigorOus new lead- ershir to combat crinie in Canad4. A rscience laboratory is heingi'de- • •', ' which touches eyery vljiecl nation: and Canada assuredly is pot -tine . . ior 1 m o. 1 in , is ,ontinion.".. ':and more hospital beds for the . :mentally 'afflieted than fee-all,pther'• ' types of illness Rat together...Thirty • '.thousend. people are being, ,treated'' at ..tbie.rnoment in Mental hosnigiti4 at an'fi•lhitia.1 cost of Mere than ten dl1ais Out Of/. every ;Ow, dred, children 110,W, in ••jourschools fonr, under :present Conditions; are - 'doomed' 46 suffer from• mental aiir merits. , :There ean'ke no denial, about ." the, urgeney. ofthe pr.pblem. : 'Interpret kealth• In Wide,• 'Snse • . . ' •• ."We are ' begintang • tei interpret. 'health -iVitIO•sensa-,-.,--health 'Of the', mind aS Well as 'cit the body. lee'are •coining•te,realize More and more the • intricate "conneetibri hetilveen' • and mitid,„ that physical ' well,being is nothing unless it • is accompanied •,by .rnent,a1".vvell-being5 and' that.,the,.. ;latter is the mere Vital , -since it is the more• fundamental: • "A,.....vatiety of Wholesoine irrterests Must be'.stirifulatec123i children to ' forestall 'the' deVeleprnent;', 'pf healthy :pneS. • This 'Might 'mean a greet 4aving, to .the, 'nation. Of valu- able' brains, is well as rnOre, material • econotty. • . ,Southpaws_Work Uyider Handicap • Because:0,1e World Appears to Be rrooked for Right44o1d0 , PeoPle , 41lnitely4 a figh-lianded ' world, :writes 'Anti Rutherford in ibe , ••Stratford IleaCOn4lereldi Nehedy • much -attention; ot course, day that '.right 'atilt: 'decides' to go On • A holiday and • let the deft' arni take :the ,share of the Work: Then is ibm. the 'resolution to spend a 4ttio itiore,"tinie. tiaintni, that left arro',..:. In the 'morning the trouble The • Cottitt scratches.; 'The. 'briish,snerlai Even 'toothlartigh ,ob- jects • to: Starting its :fob' from:lite' op- posite. side "of the. meuth..1 , , , • ' That'..dOffee. dual ' ' Then there's the . Coffee. kcup at breakfast. Niee',". pleasaint. atm, . paniori:of,a, hundred fronts. Brit 'right. - ..handed' hours. It tefusee. Vo-opdrate •When the ..sugar is stitied.' Its handle laterfere's ;wh.en,;,:the apbon into••• the eaileet. , • •• • . The s•lalt !,vorSe. ,:The drain -board is on. the . wrong. Side entirely.' and rhtsing,pan;are tined, uP.:a,wkviard-. The:dish Jowel, isconetitationalIsi, opphsed •to changing its.tacnie of oper- ation "••• ' A.ras"of hope co.mes trent:the .tele;,.. Thane.: It 'isn't q bad„ receiver fitting: ,nlcoly int,o left hand: as. Avon]. • •when a triesdage • Intis.t be written down; even. the telePhotio: joins, the •right,haxitt ranks Ind rebel's.• .• • As. for. typewriter; notebook,' Pen 'and Penchi, they top are adapted for .afty.thing but ieft,handed serviee; All, the asefol letters Of -the alphabet seem , • to.rnoVe-oir.er .i0:::tha.right: Side of, the,.., ,typeWriter. Tho ShadoW-* Of a. hand.. lens on the 'notelaciolc•Sieritdd the Posite diteCtion, , • ' fairlto .SOUtliphWS, ',Whefideti be done abotit It la another .onestiiiii for ;the; i'League Of Nations Le PutZie °lit; , • . • MaY'flies spend from an'e tOOwed, yaait as watar eiaWlii 14 • to di . -after the first night as adult• s, XpprottImately 01,000, 1rt, Wells have been drilled In :Tio ed'StateS. •, • - veloped at Regina .under direction of , Pr. Maurice Powers, • one of the • moat:eminent . criminologists on the • Continent. ' This will ''iiroNide cen- tre fer R.C.M.P. scientific efforts tb .fight • murderers, • counterfeiteri, thieve 3 and sonagglers in the fashier} of the renowned 'United States Fed- eral Agents -7 --the C -men. It I is, the, latest advanee in the draniatie his:. ' tory Of the Peluinion'l most fAmous , Police erganilatien. IJItra;Vielet Rey.. • Colonel Wood, formerly heed of the Criminal Investigation Elraneh, • and, now }lief of the "Motinties",., points with pride te such scientifie• instruments,as the ultraviolet -.ray • lamp, the Coriparison microacepe.and the, spectpgraph, used by the force in ciimiiial inyestigatibn. • The *re -violet' ray lamp is rap.i•-:. "idly---becOmiog Mereesingii; import- antjor scientifie 'detgaiRn o crime: With it, stains op clothing or :walls • earl' pe examined, Which are inviSilald.' to the naked 'eye, The coinparisOns microscope enables coinnUils911''S,' "Of bullets, cartridge cases, seals, sten-iris • and fabrics to be made with the or- iginal, •whild • the spectrograph is an instrument -used 'for detection. of Counterfeit, Coins, , The 'n-bw-COMmissiorier, •precas s, the airplane will hate an increasing, ly - important • place in the develop- ment of ,the. fetce, which.nOw,polices . the three Prairie-PrOvinces, the Mari, times, the Northwesten.cl-y-oktin ter- ritories. • . • ' ' !,`,,,,Atxtesent,,,pur_air" C'entrated on the lastCoast and used .fpr observation purposes hi Spotting '.'rum -runners, but we hope to have a pane Operating- in the Northwest. TerritorieS soon. and e'ventually one on the. E.'aeific,COast to Watch for nar- cotic smuyglers• as•tbe 1!iners dente in frem the Orient, 'thitY..that hits been "performed by the • Rbyal ,Canadian Air Force," he said'. ' Printer Can't Read • , , . -P.g.: , . , • ' 49,41", paper has field jOb five ,y,ears, though . he., cannot „read , or . write.: He, „Fecognizes. the 'letters. by their shape:1 , " ' ,• • 1 Fai1yThatTuied To Turtle Tinting A Thrivirg __Incluctry—Lanily Dec.. • Prated RePtiles "Live For , Many Years TUrtle,painting has become rnora'.: • than Plat a fad in 1,914isiana.Ithas • grown into an indipicry, One fttlniii Iknil.M410,tates. ..of goomo tOrtles annually and ships hiita, Nditheto novelty stores: The f411141Y of V..C.: ThibOdea0:.itt Schriever, La., is,tyPieal those Vvho.„ have,'3aken to turtle painting as PP.Stince and' source ef 1:evenue. , Caught in $eason , ',.rhe,qhibodeauX 'tinnily started -ttiftles :and', decorating their - the1h X! collelate raincoats thres - •-years hge,•Tbey turned the' shed int their, be'ck „yard into a tuitle it, Oent0 and started ,shipping thegau • dily Painted little'. reptiles to curio 'stores. all over the country. " The tattle painting season'etart$". when eiwions of turties• hatched- in tb.e sAitnips' herrin to swirl.; around itndciirn1 cin,loqs and- overland. They • boyi, Wishing tb earn:pcacket 'money . , and sold phinters. • Permanent Coating • The, Thibodeaux family • has ,evolv- ed a. system of painfing the turtle - which 1a.st ifl1efnte1y, The,.turtle..' • is „net alloisied to go ricer water.fer , three 'days, then' givenrIwty -coats ot-', bright paint; then a deSign.q painted • On the shell and a coat ' �f shellac fol.; , Tho-tottle is then F,10,elced in wet moss. in an individual boar and shipped. • ••'' • ; ••. The painters explained.. -that ' the.; ' 'years if cared for :•-• properly; and never grow in Captiv-, ity. 'They Are ?caught When'scareely larger': than ' a.thover• 4.611ar , and re- • • hiain "that *size no Matter how ivell: ' fed, ,•:.• -•• • . t Comedian Arrives In Neiv York From Coast 'Drawing: allegedly dulcet' ones from that constant Companion, his Jack :Benny,, radio' comedianrarrivei in New York for a brief Visit. will return- to Hollywood quite soon. • . • ,Hal, Kemp's .orcliestre with solOtte': •liditxthe pray 'and,ROb, , the new Time T6' Shine mitsiael overthed. E. S.' rietwork,TriestlaYs Tite.,h,rea.d.Oasts will feature the 'POpik. lar KeMp;:'etyle: Of ;cleatedthythins and personalized -arrangements ef new and , old songs -by ,Allen aft iss Sexy:Dowell, rotund,. entitle SaxoplionT .ist,,and riddle Ctisby, trombonist will boon ,hand With a •liagftd Of instru- mental ltiCks to. pi.,esent,,eath week. Keinn'S bi1 st coninleted • In the.'filin .1tailio city Itevels,, • -NEW SET-UP ' .• 13e'nny: Pollack and .:,'his oroliestra. .with the' gtamoretis. I'ettle. opeegee"- . .. .. . thole will replete,. jirinsie .Grier's' ale On.the,Joe"Penner broadcasts oyer ' C. 13, g',..liOrinet, will be.aas ted Oft the an 1) ptegtemlaY "able east of • ; terS and. stooges Including Martha .. entworth as his mother, Dlek Ryan ea the bat - ler, Roy. , AtWell'whose tthigite get a att. twisted 'round tils :eyeteeth and , hi3 can't, see What hes :atiying ,atid (lay Seabrook, as Penner'S. 8 titebellh. Gene. Anstin tenor: will ,,sliatti.. Songa " With 1,eegee aa'Sla, , " ' , • •• • . • ' . ..:..1.:‘,... . kee. soiitri, • ,• t1i4. gfOn 'wife rose to fame. via radio, stako'and 'Sdreett entered a now field Ott April 1tit,whon 5139 •rivide her ,do,btlt as an a it OVOP C 11. 4 4439 to 3i4;ti Sito Is itioW heard .ovorii-littinday; Wddh'6.1,,tdOY..41t4 Pridoy,. terititinp as ttiseprefo ir1r•orimn. , • left Ott 1ii 11.11.nixte.ty *114 progratir. routt eDia RADIO ,HEADLINERS • OFTHE WEEK By FRANK DENNIS ' . NOLLYWopa HOTEL; Prank Parket; 'one Of radio's -top • ranking1enera hes lust been Aigned, to'm.i'c. the Hollywood Hotel program. 1;1'0166,e •�f letrY ,GOOPer. This Is" lar.J. 4er!S first Series :tif programs ,since hist November: billing the past •sev. • `etal anoriths,. he his •beop on pi•actic- • any every important:m.00am- as the attest star, and :has :-been Ottidying for,. the opera, flowevor on the lIollyWood • 1-Ititel program • No in , song, classiCat and 'ponder Songs, • .... • . No Progtrant torchii7ire oii .1418.. NOrt.it Arni itii eetifineitt h.15 tVer. won the -sante *kind of elitilfialastle fol- lowing as Atitt ,Alit Adventures of :Inn, bile Allen-. The, linable thareeter of hiinself,' the Sidendid nielthOod . of. Speed ilohertSeit, the really thril• pag. nature 'of eaCh.ebisede• and the complete absence of anything horrible or sh,00kinglieVe each liellt'il"to Wake, 'altittnie Alien. it hOnsehold'ivord.Qen • trine' flyttig„10aSoits bUi oVvtlio • diatellatittad t� members of Allen Flying: Clubti,,' t•Callfiforination • abotit'•eviation, instraetions awl tisalat.' • arit0 "in. building meriol. planea'„. ' all • 7theSe. giVe. the Childr'en real and b1e'spare tinie occulted. oit,-arid liaVe , •Wen Jiinfrile Alien , 'the , endorsement Parefit.teatber •associatrouS, Wet. forn.organNatiOns and ,ttfkicatioital 31ine1t,faw, .1110"1.41.apy .111a.•', (Mid' Alion eitiffloyed• is.a MeSsenger • boy et t an .airpet t.„ lS(,tlthl)1os 0 it It tiOt to )1014 :airTitiOr with ' a big- Shiptnent �t :;auvranty, U you „would like to 104. 1tit What happens — I IS- , ten' to CR& 'otti\v.r, 45' fo' 6:90 p.m, Or .(1•II, 0•,,6:00 to 011.0111,. • • , • , Dictaitoi, , uthleEs tioure 'fae.,strong men of Poland is 'Field- .- ..Marshal INdz-Smigly Soya the TorL, onto Star': He , is the inSpector-Q;en, • Orel' of the Polish :army. •The • • • Mier is; SlaWoj Sicladowski,. tind' th• e pre:sident.,iS l'griade'Moseicki.. •, .; ,• He' Is Government.. • ' Wit en F.,1:1 i b e.c ant e: p tent • two: yea ts. ;age he said, , sorneNvhat' Ivovernmeriti wll role P.o7, • •• land. as dictd by : General • . •,- • fld-thigly i$' 53.1e,c'opsor•Of i.Pilstidsla,:,-thc. late 'dictator, . latig „assoc;ated -as • reVolatiMitiry At .the tlae7 Great .;11.tiar.: . . . he, fraught' on the:side of 'Cierntenyagain the cz-ij ' • . • .,. ' Later, hp fought the...Gartan arid --A-iistrian-frarnfit-e-aT o'ecopation . "In 1919 he drove :Russian troops, out of • Latyie,.., In the fll,advised• war upon'. the .Scw.iet. bijnion in 1.90,,When the . Russian.;, reached the gihes Of Aar:. sewi•RydzSiniglysuddenly turned • .theAdbles. :with French aid, ' 4 Of, Humble 'Birth . or is a man of humble birthand dspited: to .be.'n' portrait 'PainterHis faMily name is :Icydz . • and , Means' "mushreOrii.-" • -Smigly is .7. ..the..,false••parne''.:-,iffat "he- use0 as ,revolutionary,..,books and, : 'fornierly lived, in s plainly furnished ..-antirtrnent.," Ile. Was: credited- With being' pre...French, but that was be- fore -Gerniany• "showed .the mailed In ,..early life Rydz-Sreigly :was a liberal who wanted social reforms ,and.was opposed to .chauvinistic pre-: • grains.- He was friendly. towartla Jews 'and • Ukrainians:. . He is a changed • Man today: Power ham, gene , to his . • ' head and in his desire 't� , Promote • the interes:ts �f Poland . he ha* de-' veloped onStrupulotis and ruthless:, tendencies. , • • 1 illions Is ,nal to Billion • • Canada Follews the 0.S.. and , ' • System of Numbering • • „ 'IOW According to standard illetioner1e3 it may be a •-,thoitaand. Iniiilonsor, 'a' That 'denena§:On" the titiage• of • 4the ao'lltitry 111 WhiCh One, the United '.htingdoin and; Geonatiy, it iS a , , -1'eancei_ainl: •. 'Unite& SthteS. thOusand hililfotis.- Canada fol1ow the. AntetiCen" usage,' and, althe&gli titara . on ',that nOto,t. In this. countity. a, billibit IS ,e thotonitil The . Demi len. ,departnient of,fitiariee ' Mies the 1,,O00ofigures fee A • beeaulte,sitelt Usage Is "universal on dile eontindat.",; said' Dr: thd deputY stollicker. 'tor the. Sante i 85ttii the pehimisp" ottiomt..of SteObties deos Statistical Purpose- ' 01i ,00o,000,00r to • tipod. jiy Paf- liamoito and by everybody,, througiti out the 'counrry," Said Dr. It. II'," 00446, Dominion tntfstfcaij '!DefinitiOn of t ig not „a outtimlooi teftttot..; tot tlb Iti.o not itinitoritilea, ut the, office practice. Is- to 11Witta• 00.60:tat . nii11loji s ladleating a }Allen. WiLh. . et' that is tight tirWtOtig.T cen't,,paY, In atati§thial .woek .We ,t15e. Orditiari Immenclattird, '•• , ;A•, • A