HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-04-07, Page 2••.
, .
•1 '
grit ri AK/ rard rer.4 var. r:ArA rsr., ir.„ lora d rAr: 4
' • •
Least Tiro lltriniltings Per Day.
Necessaryr Say 'Dentists
1:4-)Te.iy teeth a're one o the ,most
'attractive features of any face, and,
,erMPIete cleanliness. is the first step.
toward tOothsome heatzt,'Y. Though
y',.ir:teseth ,t,rziay • not •he `perfectly •
• Ornoerd-,-through ne 'fault ,uf
.eWn, they can still be artraetuYe and
kaVe4,Fniqpv tha„rro•Of thefFown'if
they spa;rkle Ath,health. and rleart.-,'
' There, are 10:!ent1Y Of good reas•ens
to give a little-the:ugh& and trouble
to YOnr Paola:1S. • .TheY sheid. rook
their be jar heaut,y's•'sake; •the7
Eb(u] trig and--.4.-fark'Tor
health's ;Sake; and they `should • be
'Clean for „your? hreath's sake, '
FiTe Minutes. Twice A Day
den,tist will tell Yip 'that
three ,tie five !ninnies tWl,te a ifaY--.
mot -ping And taight'-is the min' lamina
•Trinnt.i.er of: times yen' • slionld hrnah.
qytni.ti. teeth. A.15 -i3 5, h-i;Ood,i_dea
-brash them • after .every 'Meal if yo'c-
can possibly: arrange it.,
• should .db two things, :--cleante the
inner and ,onter :surfaces of the.
teeth to remove any Particles of f o'od
that ,may, bein the cretieas,--and
stimulate and 'massage the gums.
This last :Point is,one ,that the dental
• -profession lirrts. been stresaing parti-
(tingly of 'late, .„
. •
That old .botisehold,terned.,7, hicar,-:
halaate of 'soda, is won derfUl fvr,
'cleaning the teeth, and it wilt really
.you bave' nti•ipartieular... brand Of
.tooth Paste, .give it 'a try.
• , With : oen.stantl c,.are end p oper,
• food' you. earl' ,to a ripe did age '
end- never hive to go Eiloppiris' fr or
store teeth.
CHAPTER VII • reedy self* that she
lifeehataicallY Rea ea:ale an effort to
rise, but could' n4at manage ft.
',Must have hit on my bead*" be
mumbled 'thickly' and raised groping
fingers, Then he'sat uP. He knew now
that he had ti ot, fallen into a,pit.
slay*, are they? What's
r.etty, was sobbing wildly:" her hair
hung in a cascade about her should-
ero; SU, was elP-d nnly 1P-.12er 'night;
•;ter ,sjiga had , poured reviTe
• ,13;eside . the ot.f,en'do-iir to ,.(4e'hxill lay
the'.wreek•of a „Chalr.,;'t_Wo.of lit legs
were; splintered,broken off; real-
ized .ClEak17tiOrt'i; it was
•:that :had crashed down unan,his-blead.
'With an effort 'scranifiled:dizziiy
to ills feet., Water' Was triciiiing. into
and blinding .him; be brush,
'away. ' then.. '41steoiered..to • his'
great:.'WOrPri!... that it was itOt 'water
at all;.. but 'hinnd, his Corn..•hiood.,..gis
-bead '.felt twice, ita. '
funetiba\,clearly and hit
.Jlmbs refuSed• to 'ob,ey•him.• . . • .•
Betty's Voice' c.,ant: to him as iffroro.
a Tong ,distance;•' he was htni
sOnietiting,: trying' to nia.Z.shirri.' tioder-
stfleii- -thSt they *ey,.e..--;e!oEe in the
houe ,arid.- that their .,assailant had
fled; When: this becameplain to Per-
, . .
;long, he sat down.• . , •
. . •
' • Whar.kjad.'llappersect ,
- It was•sOnie'4:time ,beffire, the girl:Sete-
, .:43eeded..50,stanclaing-tiat flow o! blood
• wound, for She. was scarcely 1:•A Candi:
-tion-Io 'render heIp-to..anYbodyi• By
'the .time her 'tisk .WaS.,centpleted Ben
• .• had •Inatiaged, to get a. pretty clear .
Adea of „,*iia.,:c.:baci. ;happened, She had
• -..iSeen:aTf4ketAe4 '..atintid • and had
•rital#ed. that-siknek4=3,7H....
_ „
• .100 -in; •I'i•lie) had .:tittered.' a....frightene.d•
tofee:1- groping hands.
71Pon her;,-.071Ind.Thersig-in the gras.1
• -Of; tape, tinsee' 'she ,retained
12.9 •Olear'"recollectiOn.of. ehYtlititg.•
after that.....the .test . bidetraa;
,.tighttnare. No until the :!rnfacreane.:.
-bed ',7001.ted Otit ,Of 'the hett. and iihe•
• *44.1 finallY" managed '-.46.1aaelabw,•to
' strike WaS. she ,m.a.de'.awara of
the es"ri for Then she
.'•-47,14,stittabled oyer gen 'and., had! realit,
Abet .it,*as, his voice .she had he!'41,-1.1••
.0.Iling.,10 her; .tliat it ivio „the sOttad,'
ofhiscorain,,.,Vaat Lad interruPted
/.1Is pflut:harf,'41drie a0••).,ad
•740.,.4.0.1.to bring ti.er .t.6.'hersegi
. tabir She threa,ened 4aairl'aband'ol
her aelf-contreil. ,.'• •
Pittiong chithed.• this • • by saying;
y •Ipj„..t4i4
t 14. your ••nttel:
.;;Prf;To her 1,rtidta, liteased
•-41ter ..,faahlej.n,.i-O'',.f'41 her
in..: the. ,kilii47:Wifth a ar.:o-xl,
•0004. '
. •
:Kar)!:rog 'VI kill 'Mad.i..?.,z.; ,
• Yr fir Z i:tettf rei at
wh s','eaking 'Angers ,Shet
, . .
...pf4ied-at-lie,iti5i4i.:•1;:. War; in' a-thiti;
"It wasn't .1.1a1do.x."
Hov 10 Yon,,knoWr
"($32; I„knoniyi It wasn't
you sOrer••The. *girl .Modded,
and Ben hewed hla thrObbingbead in
ids hands, ',I'm • glad," ,be groaned.'
:"ProTidence riaronglat
:tiacliz, It Ililin t haii,Pen that Yray.
once In a. thousandt1 1..).124S.Ar5.'er It
ic4,,r11,firirl him." '• . . •
• - • Waiting For The dawn •
lithAlae: .-nei the. " Wfit
liretched-;conditiou„,• The „rest: of the• .
• night they 'S.4t'.tc)ge,ther,.1,•,atching-the
..ciock,and •listening'.for tiossit.de 7re--
- . - . ,
tul of 'the maraude-,,waiting for the
day to"hr4ai. •
It ..ivaS shortly' after "th eY , )10. f10164-
•ed 'breakfast that":
prised. •IV.dispoTer OgnS
.nin*em.erat,. gOings-on• at the t:hat
.canied him .0, stare',:fixedV.tln[ to
:annon'nee, tncrelininusly;' .
"SeY,1 helieve Maddoi, is fiMn to
ahOot the :welp.!" ' •
• '5eity txk ber 'nlaee. -at .his..side:
."Why he :can't! fiel.•;.dassenti, :The
pc;w• der Men won't, be here • tilt...to:m.0r::
Reined for,
• tise
akiet..catic •Seem.s.of Cr lave for '16•4
-beth toYidst C°tee.* kmoily f4r t.bn.rzaato4
oldift tad 0thr.eile e=71U stwittut
U. ':x" J4'• **Owe slam* 14:14 irdata aitti•
• .a.ryyrattriatma of Oitifrel siks cf fist 1...e11.b
ko'".-orva,s0rOsse *14 iS evVied to the ght.
i,ibi'.0roso,t, Paint dv4dosi IlYkoxitt,
•fereanr, Pct for -t4. betir‘S, vs *Car 0
soicts defy ths.Oorts' 41. 'sfrAtre Kneed (Y.X
rt t.,4,44t1've tbe exoltr.:14,o; intre4iente
-rg.• mid 'n't ten* in
4:Jett, move• op ovive oat.
ete..rtrs turttiii t.0 Pkfize.4"
t*11 3.e.4 we/. •A+4.7;t tr,t)t4.--$4 thir• du they
,c4ite it st•triai P.U,At4
Peat vil,2 tht.: ,t.e..icoitt
ti1 4
tr7i2altibr4tit tt.tx erc .44"41
Wit iorytAir;t10,:up,,y, Pez,t,'54.tle,..0•Af,, Dab*
WhitAr ttOst ad-f,T,ft+1.expj!,, V,1/21211.4••
' gig watt Ii",t5rkirt titit PriPiett •Utttial
geli.44%,y, tatit Y•Or!,, ttlette soY •
difnettuy,.e..-ttirie ...cto*dien
Aattries, i1. 1',auttet is.. gW.sea.t,
• •'"All the sante, hes dsoritething
queer, See these 'shiny-
ihingS.V • . '• • •• '••
o‘Tort couldnI. hire. Tiller' to 7tOucti7
nitrsiglycerine,,Ile's scared Of it2.Y, •.
: Ben:uttered hes
fifling these ;cartridges.:He. razy
• '7
oNhiter4 ' she, ShOOk 'her
head. al *on't. go neiii .the
Aunt Mary' sveU."
Stop Wlix, its ten ;I:o •
;One teli,Sear. the..rock, t,),Ig.; en -
:tire ob and:;•'....Datilned if 1 .dont
' to do •.• :that. • very
• thingf!....:
.Fttiotg: . started, !or , the„,.dpori:
When' 4.e.'0•shed"•:
Ma. peat 'her. she WM, TOge-, '
'71.1fier•-the'r a 4ro:sg. rthie-.t•tel*;a4'1'•':
took the path through the pieequite.
„Implore him not to interfere,' •
to 't4e. ••CaMp. they
met the. engineer hastening
the farmkirin'te.;.. and Ithe• latter. annotme- '
ed;.h•reatfilea.fiyi gone
, off his nut!: Ile's' :ping to, shoOt the
birriselt Too -Letter sta clear/'
d'O'shed" ••past ' the•:.
'and . ertierged' frarn thl'. shelter of the
.-.bushes.lit tithe' te•See
.• sWirig a. 19'4, C.;,..11ildri.ea1 t112 o'•ier; •the,:
weflinouthand guide,11.7into'the.open;',
• A • t'i.w "toanilat rope. had :been 'run
a b:otk .on the. -derrick,"" and • •
is .b.e. the'.charge;
B.::iied at hi.....;••he..waved "his',
der; 'thatj. let th r.t?thly .•
•,1•43.,O.t1Z)2 tist.a • '; ' ° •
'Tailetriy tip ited • don't 'go too
the eugineer b ted. "He
..P.r.r-eaci.' #an 'arid that•i1' roakin'
.gas. She' blows ,olf..etery •fet. infrintek.';
• Eetir 'See:elided tbts 141
frantic' tone ot-appe:.1.•A;st'
ken, 1h .krovs w,at ies doing: YOU
have got- n right..stoppin
.P.tst mike trotib1.e..".1 ' • •
`t. hone of r4.7 buiiiness," the lat.%
:ter awri.t lmpent3, "but 'there's
.st.irnething .0ooked 1,-4 jie.; Ceased his
.1speakir...g; 10,,ezed• Betty, end be.
*. Whirled- heraeound t. with. tfie. .Sharp
cOnsr.r,A,:td., Get i.,a.v/A " ••
' "* '
.• TbeY yp, i perhaps: a. hundred
• Yards frond the :Well,' butyuxwo.t.i.
'praCtited eye liad teen. some'thing 'that :
'..;.atie.d',:the' hair; tif/on
Itit: tope -froth whi. Was, •fu.s.'
teav:y thitir.ge.of FP, death
ro 1.61;g,eriiting *kr...ft:ally,. it Ir• longer
the end lief,' the
;t4s;'o4 Itw••,•s' 10'oins,
e 14
144 tritiat '
• fearrtti.•Yed
k.r.i t,itJ t'.•• rd • ' "Lt. tho
• was r; f.,r1 trip.
Peri olher. ' 'be rope ai.,:11*-1"ei:. r,tbere
heard f3,,.r.fy
.ect' 'if Lis mr.y,';y....rfi'Ofi41.P.. tfiereaf.'
.• „
71.+4 *:,t,Ift:!°•14 ePlire'herilf;r:44, had
•• issUe
riemetal,Q.er the old Oteek
Sent. 41014 gerCtilee nd the
vr,15•0! Sesotr14e57 it isgen.e17417"
believed :now that th ,ose'.goiden aPples.
wer'e r113" PripFes, the or4nzei of
Skigin ;which wee remine and =mer-
le/le. wOnder# to thegreeksi'at•
. tin? Prix ta.4 Te47..:PictuTesqPe' etor.r.
bow liercttlei was sent to ge;t: the gol
4en. 4Pples iiespt4eS hut
had to, ask:- the', : 'help o 4t he
mighty, tpOti Who held the heaM34 PTA :
1th.g. shotaideraf ..Ett Atlas '•Was. -pretty
*ell !tied UP wiglitiiPPOrting,;he
Tens so a bargain, was struck where-
by 'Hercules took• ,the -burden
A.7,1"41.5 went after'tbe prize;
• The -cesualtiess With Which they 1,6s-
i. thqe,e days., 5E4ern.S.:atah.tiri,a,.344, ro
'T.actre aLaez,ng ittan.' the. ca.sn.a4teSS.
..with which ;:we, obtatp, •oratizes today
•*qtati..hal,e. seemed •, to: ...the.:,(3.feeks.
from' inacb erv,ater diattuae,es then the
Greeks ever :Cont,eived. of. .esi..des .he
!twit frpm the '''Uniteid. Sjateg. `NchiCY
era.,44.*13:5,12ai';:teen (eating /Or 'many.
ears, 'We • ger beaatifni orages.1 from
Palestine and the Orient,:
Ear,f.t. 'atre :two desSerts,made with
heals of nulek-edOking tapioca cream.
..conabilaing eggs, Milk, tapioca ,and Or; •
anges .to :•mpue, a . wetieterfolly.' autrb
• tious, 'dish...Among. other food:yaluesi
orange S Oentain iron. Que-of the
0!,132e0te whieh•Milk lacksige:••altogeth-'
er' the halatite 15 Pei-fect.•
..Orange Tapioca Crean's..
1,3 cup
. •
4 entis milk, scalded ,
1 egg Yolk, slightly beaish '
1 egg white, stiffly .beg4en'
1' teaspoon orange or vanilla extirev.'
4 'oranges, sectiOns free from iner.7..-
k •
Gloves 'Crocheted In Two Pieces
Easily Made Says Laura Wheeler '
Add luiet-cookhng ,taPleca, sugar,
and salt tomilk, and 'cook i double
-or-nuttl-tapioca is
st,Irrung fre„quent/Y Tour .2411
vkicct of 1ac.ca tra•Ntti?''e OT'er egg
YOlka, airri-pg"T*OrOusi3'; Return to
dont4e-hoer and cook until 'thicken -
e4. ReMcre from fire; fold In' egg
white tia,a Pay:outing- Pla5:e few 'see -
tions Of Orange. in IJOI Ma. Of Ihs.ltild'
nal servfng 410es and Cover *iththe
taplocarnixture, Garnish withaddition-
al orange 'seCtiOna ahd' whippted, cream.
if'desired. Serres,•S„ . • ,
Chantilly Orange.,TaPioCa .•
4 ,tablegpones•Oniek-edeking tapioca,.
't'easpooni '
1;3 coPs bcJin. water'.;.•''
• •••••• sugar
„ cup oren,gesr41,te •
grated onauge
;VP ,eFe2im, w4iteped
10 Ve.ter, aid coOk,•14.double .bei1er:15
minntes, or tU tap:oca• is, .)..2eir, stir-
ring freotently. .Add ,sugar, orange
„and Large iid CcL FQId in
;- shrIfTst:I,w^ft:h113STf7: ee•Si:;:j
0nge •.
Suit9r Engages
Sorcerer's Ai
j.taknti 'Wooer •Atteitypts•
• •114 Gi4 Ay:.1A?git.• „
Vi-hict:-. Iris ...wooing and, wealth. failed -
o Make any impression, On -a ..?*.•,-,year-
od .g1 with when:1-.11e had 'falle.n.th
_love,. an, S2:-.Vear-old . Italian enlisted
ber.•101.e. • ',No be ba enlisted the aid
tr3.;:and End t'ne...sor7.
cerer.,... •
. • .
. The oldmilt ahd, the' ,ziri• met.' on
'Lcard a•Jirser.4rs':•*h:"ch he. -wai return-
.• . • •
1.14g)to J34 '1O2 ell Ca: He dell; in
1-4.e *.ith ,when she,. lett the
La t at.tiapies.'he.'',.:ft elsO„ Itesina:',
. .
'near be foot cfVe.su'vats,;he 'took,
lodgin far Irprii her holne„ '
04,4 ••,
flUiLDREN of ii gges,
thrivo on, CP, W N
They rtver tire of Its
• `ous fiavor.and it really is So
'good for them -so give the
children "CROWN BRAND",
everyday. ,
1 Leading phYslCiann pro-
. CORN SYRUP a ?post satis, v •
factory carbohydrate to use
as a milk modifier in the ,
• Seeding of tiny infants arid
• as o.n, energy producing food *.
- -for grtwing
CANADA auricle
0.mm:fir Orri.tett. .•
oster Parenthood
Worthwhile, Career
; Papeut",. ,
he tried to win 'her, at
entionsbilt•n ain. fit 'lagt,h* went
to a so -ere- ,Whd: Ovid The
!serte'rei.t7old hirn to buy A Magnificent
house:near the 3r1 a bonie, furnialt it..
' ,then wait. The 'old
Man thdso he .did not trJtCr,
• •71ie old man:Went:again to. 't,b4
:Cerer.. :"Be pat n -----1e
,fi'lloe,.tnpight. Ott beMe. aU,4 pre
are a Magnifieent,:sloper,. With 'chant-
. pagne end fiowers. and aweli
• ••!, • back.'Fcr ,t4pre Adhce
gaitir;the-viti.• in anfuo- ed. thesor
r ttrttons-.-and ,aga.n., disc
appointed; he. rettined-:•foi. Mere' ed.,
*Vice. be ...alas ;get
rne •pillg
,7the gfri •diti net '• . •
') •The da Y :be inintined
Bitt'When• the, police, Wet:t arrest .
e g reer„. t ey .oun he had,'
'Vanished ,numerons .valuablea
'belonging to '.'the old. man a•nd I25,0o0
Which he 'had .'heenipers:;i:4a•i-d to'hand
•nver to` the' magician,
A arnart 'finishing touch" -gloves- crocheted of •inexpensive. cotton! Rat- •
tern 1781 Contains:directions for making the gloves na ainall, medium, and
large size .(all in one Patteri) an innration, cif them and of stitches
materials required. • .• • .
Send 20.. centsp•in !coins (sternps earrnolbe accepted) for this patteni:to
:Wilson Needlecraft Dept..; 72, •Wast, Adelaide St., .Tororite. Write i3lairfb,,
Pattern Number, -Your Narzie and Address:
hest, i1 gourdd OrOe ,eaeZti gas
• ...• .
Alai! bee'n''re•le:aSed; '•far, down,. in •• the,
teat -dr,: atid' trowi-tik.e.hre•ath--forc-edLont•-•,-
of thfiltirtga.,',Of itottie'rtOrtnred giant; It
:r,6,te; 'prOpelling' the' Striontlily fitting
cartridge . Of. nitroglyeerine' ahead of
'It as a...pe' a h prOPell.ed bat'ofa pc
„ .
abooter. It w.p.s a plien,omenon by 136
:Means Unusual aa
its baiznee-Of fOrte,S as this onV in
'fiet,..itntier like. Conditions none but
:.naadmart. .cs'ould have 'ard to ,:sk
'3!ilaritiois. maneuver: • „
.ho la'tter had not ,Put .fitty, feet'ber.
hind .hti When vp cat of. the., .Welt:
nienth abet thegl ear:Ulna: tin , cylinder.
.Directiy above aid in It path hung .
th ini.Skive, • forty -Toot :afeet SUS-
pended friimfta ,wire:cabrih
.1((orleIntled next.Wielt) •
of Life .
Tired,' Putt; Heavy Morning,
1<ite0 •iO4 rrrietiesithri4divull
vest every ,rofniflg When tam wake up
reeliiig "rot/tit" your liver is out of c•rder.
YOur liter clear's the Moat of poi'sons0;
'separates the nourishing put of your foal
fromn,thev&mte. Sit.ppies, snits), tons:titles,
sleds --gives out bile, the hay's,
Iststitei helps dais*, kidneys and ta.t
ittitiiiik to wait properly, A mete 'hovel '
movement isn't enough. 'Fruit-t-tivesn'
,toade, from fruits' and berbi, Will strengthen .
and boild'usysitirti*eillenothing'ilse sr&
UM be imolai hor well too OE every
.ineen)AV Try'
Ca'talo on'ts,_
Thi Perfect -Wife
• .Heres'a. what the • perfect :Wife
ghtiuld not de according to ,
Ethel Du/es, eel -director of a child.
psychology- institute in ,London.
Dr, 'Dukes, .1a a. speech on• "The
Successful ••• isted.. 'these
t'don'ts" for a **Man who wants to
make' a good job, of marriage :•-• Such
a woman, She.. said, ...trill not:
Diner her, htisband,.
on chaniirig
other's,/ . . 0
!Criticize .•hint •. of 1
Itet1ite:t4 be friend*. with his
friend!, ,
Try to show. 4iiin 'Off: "
kak'•hfin a. 4ushion dirtier or an
additional aertintItiist, '
, ,
'611 conitarit thtattaining girt
'the".'hous'e," ad out of it when he iii
tired and, wartta his ,
tiesi4 so his 'ixbirisip.ni. 'qualities
YN-CrtLithiataiLhaitilnie •tO
het „tiltdral, 'arid a6eial
Whilrhe his .ben 'hard' at:Work,. ,.
Bti.h r,o'othet
• 'Elves; . • •
' Get. into: debt. 1 . • •* •• •••
Neg1er,t4 hitnWhile*ihe runs. after
"higher • - • 2'
'Refuse tk, have •qhildren if.he Wants
therti and the it no 'fneal're:siv,T.•
'Why she 'phouldnOt: •
terShihe .Wries .Ot tieutp-.
• ffe.iikriegets, to ly.idte lutisetviett.,
. I
Cook ,ConthIned..
Aervite cotitairi Many, KitChn
: Tips That Result •11n '
• -Sniart Serving ,.
: •
. • .
;Mai: yworn e; e have to •pay -the role,
of. hoitess and ermk -at the sairie din•7•
They, reali,ze• the neceSsity for
ser'eing mea.is et4Ataikt.
bhbi-g up- and 45). -An ".,f-re...rri the d:n-
--.1-ier--.irtil'ettertFie. kitcihen tat 'is ,
• hoste17.s.: • • I) 'L B, Mar,sh Suggeiti
wavA to serve.
)effitisient:y ar..d e'at. doWn 2T.1ths
•t• pOri frSave'frninstt,h ns..ck.e.;
., ,
ha,,ve. tomato cr •1x'ujt juice r the
fist ;.tourse,-" she says,. ii$ave :steps
by, serving it 4titli .the main uourse.
'Then; when 'Comes 'to' vegetables;
choose twd that you' can. coMbine
4ne 'tervir..g dit,11 or arrange side by.
' ',...Serve one •vegetable on,
thelteat Platter When you can. Or
mike 'a part; of, a' homey
,,rtiain dish in a 'casserole;',.
Also, siuggsts'• Miss ...Marsh, share,
:•heriors. with the host in 'serving
erything from 'the table In ,this
*at you'll, save rranY kitchen' trips.
And:,allkays dine. with 4 Small thhle.
- orlea `0,.ag,on, On' hand. 1:se it to•.•
s„e'r've from, or for t'e'v,e,-t• ,thrne,
water: pat -her., •• • •
• IN • "
' 4
Rote Prod ur...ed in Hgaz;ia 4si •
Pirmanent; 'Attaciniterit Often. DeL
•'..crOlopil. 'from* :Relationship'. ;
• : Us::: cf...cargera Open to persons
past 40. inchicielos,ter paren't,
Council SOcial .‘A.gericies. The
comtntrte.g,. eh • n
rnovtment to acquaint
with. the opporttinities, of thii'career,
titei ease pe„.,..spris•Whe had folin, d
'•,'When ilrey tOok. Under -Privileged. cbil,
drer.x.' h. card, not. Only cash re-
; score for talkentf. home-hie:king:
muherat:on",: bit ',•useiniriess and
•- Tri:d ' It
.4 e .0ea,tort
Ptsrrnanent attac Ments .often •tiel
-veep f..oni the .fater-inother
,tienship,' :said . FO.chnian, the
• Chairman Of the dorrimittee :and
perintendent ,of the fidstier home
parrirent of , Jewish Children's.
,Bnreau.. • :"..
ra.r, „Att a tztler,: represent- •
the •Citicago' Orphari.,.Asylurn, �n
• the. Committee; ,related a ca'ae ••••fri
paint, that: Of, a, f'9er inother„ now.
deciaied, who 'built_A;monninett. for
herself in' the re?r:e.7•177 iince ;of those
, . ,
whom shedefri ..:_en.dd„._„....,T,his....z.n.ntan. .
'Made foster motherhood a .voCation.•
In Sno*drifts
• • 'Yet., 27 years or Ipore, winter and
sun:liner, Oren •Young of
hhS, been -taking.'a
fifteen-rnippte walk, barefoot: daily.
.And ,in. l.all that ti.the he .never.:ha
been ila day: • '
• " ApP ; t s,torna.t oe S and 'huritaris'
r,eed, Young eif•Plains. ‘''Put ,apr.
pies in a•hct room .without -fresh air
and they i ot.rai).i•diy:, • GtVe ihem7alr.'
and- they, keep good for along tme"'
Oe pf• :Young's 7 •stunts',,''
BO'itet:steit epaZes' visitors: 't6 the
.4 -own is ,7holchrig the .sriov. off his
front ,ctalk while " ti.arefoo!;cd.' and?
efe.7;ie•ti Only In light Shirt and: trou.•
"Of„co:trse, I:wear an overcoat and,
preteet: myself :froth - the.. cold ike,
Other :folks, btit not during trly',fif-
•.'teen:rninute daily,. airhtg,ciff,
.Young adds. •• '
'Young,, 6,0 ye'ars, 010; be, tieves One»
reason he Values fresh .air SO highly
is that ke_ipent 'the coat
mines' where fresh air -just .'doesn't
If ro.i 1,,,,,rtyl-v.ti',' 0,t,t, c, -.Ker'. tsti f.41iss la '
iiti,r4t./3.-t...1,e'illierkftl•XE. A .iii*
3, ' . i.4.",JYA,..;t1I.1034 . .17,44 ft:ott 'aa.Y.'. t1.3f.helfr
. eoy p,„,,,-4.; y4)1#4.1 i..,t-r,-..., itr.prove, pi...1
..1e4k;t, 1S.itolbut.it,eii'Ltt,i 3' . 1 • ttr'ti,.ett , -h t dr.ri• ttiiAtdO'.
„, •
• / A
' G II A Y
01111:7 9::
Vane -hall
i levied lakes ,
' eean4 Viten co
taltir,Command. .
• '• ant or La Carpo
it..:;)! , G4gra:iyolitneceknat:79-eviaoode$,,,,
A , -glued:: TROUT:
4' 'axla xsorthert pike. '
' 701 darapa--,excellont
Write for folder, :
itc-dot' '.IS'6` ' i•
' t:','H. wHtEtEti,
..isri 2.14,-.1),it, irrr.
• ..<1 P!, A " _
04ern Cloth
Made .of Glass.
.01.;iiip of Coraid ritigitY. and UtiL
ita NOW Boinr4 '
" , Antelus,„ for the lateat 4in4
oolo of •' • •• •
$ Qv 64 UInts
rthitoi ( 4rlitly �t • their Ne Warki
"sVliolly • 'new IIil 10 yaluable.,
le roar tt.'(!ho). um] os 'fabrics'
' tiro rlbhottse....for electrie..
fer air.fitters
(.011,1111,011ing units; or "'intinattiaifii
torilm, wmiring ..UPParel,
WoliPaper, : curtains, .iEtblg,'
byfam I liar teatile '
1.,/t 111 (3
• Won't Elreali V.Vhen propped .•
th('5„ n(4. Irmo cloth is.. drOppeci •
,..`0„111:. hotithroiiic,11. will.,just Crunipl.p
up; 11.4e u.rtlinitry cloth. Ni;tny desigius ,‘•
. -Nun Ltt worictql lute it; it Will wear a
and it ctin .r,0•8vashed with
..s.oap and
' The' lusfrons quiillty of glasit„cloth .
'lM1stui e pi 00!,
throprn Its fire
zolt.1.11.0 toekes 1 .4esirah1e
drilPerles, tablecleths. in 'restatiranta; • .
Femal•katile .Permanence
• ., . .
.1Iut 2z1dutl 1 I ipplieatiei,ns', make
4ilircu3 1,Ia i. true., large indostry...".%
1feet:insulation in' •fitves,' refriger. . • '
ittOrs, zind aI1s already •• conatimes..
Thin •glas'e thread and:ta,pe„. NvOini
, -around. electric' wires,: Mean :.resist-
deriee to . effects tO inoiState,
:tot, and attacks of insetitS. Thep:mean
'..alse 'remarkable. 'Pernianettee •• •• ,
All of which lookS AS if -.4 new
iic 'great 'beauty . and :utility .,had.'1.
been 'diseeVered, for home,,,,ethee and •,'
.iriduslry. And that.' is exa•cly' hat
has occurred.:
Wome.n Make et
Travelers.Tham en
• •
.More ,Appreciative,of Service an
Less Trout& '
•:•tvotneu • ate 'better t re yellers. than •
. •
men, A. ei.ardinen,,..asSistant general'
-„:.pasteiager Jatanager the'..Canadian'•,,
'• Nationiti. Railwayer---teld-lentreal, • •
Wenten's club ,'IaStireek, .Tliey .knaw•
their. oWn While' melt ..wondet%
'where to know and • start
. , . •
Marketing,, :They 'like bargain 'ex.eur-'•
• pions.. When it . conies to farally.,Va'ca-.
..tions, they make:Ate:dec!i�-n in 75
-4t6H8-0 nee:cent. Of.the"... 4..•• :
''They are not.:so hard :Ito.' please".
.Mr. Gardiner Said gratefullY: :”They
-ariitotte.,intev. est -ed. -hr. -what- goes 011
around theni,..ther,efore;. they get more ,
,.ont.."-ef travel. Thep tiois;*6.4actly What
they want., 'and,. knoWnig.the diffictiltY '. • •
Of •SerVice,. they 'more fully. ,aPPrecial...':..
What; IS .done for them.".... '
Knuw, How. To. Peck,
• .With a 'grater,•iapnreciatiO4•;Cf:lieatt-,
ity the fact.thafAhey „arehappieSt
only when surroikded beaufv•and ••
place h high•Value on Cleanliness, wp-7, •
'Men ,nmeh. Mere than men, he' said,,,
, . ,
...help' th0. railways. make; their, to.rvi,:e
attractiye. • ••• . -
1.4dettorally,...the shOw their'
tritv.eL.'senSo. .2106411g .
baggage. Evn
...a complete •i•ard.robajs light,
and. .
;bags,: as. agaitiat the. huge and- 'cum,
belisonie fiiilfddrifteittS
dencie..tite..goo,iijudginent Of ilia
. . • . .„ • . • • . • ..
, •„., .• .• •
Xe a class,weihiep scheat-te.i<•hr;rs
are the " railways' hest :patron's. 711%
• Gardiner...polfited' out, with .,iittries' a:
:•goott'Sd.Cond.,..Wiithen leave things on
:tritind,:. just •ris niet do, he ,tiaid,
not so many, Weitneit, travel-
areinAlte....majority; trlicY •Selt.loin
forget their eoMpnete though, '
, . . . .
' Theldie.tiotir
. it. is not lost,•: this .tiie of -to14s1
. , hands ... ,, •'...- . ,.... '.
Between .‘i:i,:14':d::,..;6P.:d..P,t:.::iglgi:s;:.:F0Whiletie:ovIr.:sb0dY:.; .
‘'''h•e.' )inierixd,:pands:,,
grows t.i7i..,e,•of,cgoverM
Sloughailadll,sittaiis;rilienioranli.un,i"tia.. cl.s•• •
: L111
k,.s thatbi\tti.:wg,:bri8ottsh st,,,,,,,,,,...7.7_77.i0rolyle;`,,10::
,:',: ‘ ,
.1....,,All4 1.6.11,,g_ditlisttriaviolttifk, ed :ilt.,,o,,et.i..S .:0-...att:7-!... "
•', With. frittagni;ls.Iat.Ces...:Of ..far`43.. MI. Y.'"t"4 nPt1
., .Someititita. tip" stairways of trenten-'
' '' * doila..'hefglit... . '. ,
;T. -thrill) Where great :inen.,s, ditinna ,
kft ill%Zy 'Mark. ' '.. • .; .... .• ,
• S8Ilittintea..I.,Irift to songs of cteliglit '‘,
Or range the., 'future's plthWayti,,glad' '
. , . . ,. .
.. • ; and • ileet.
... 'While twilight thus leafis,• li' thd.: • ,
•,,, • :, tiletillir- ditritv
1- 1i4V0 heen•b!;:1.en•Itteon iiiiiet toot•;-