HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-31, Page 2_
pE •
• Synopsis
... -
Ben .FUTteng, a 'young but practical
cil man.and.'driller from the ;Oenr,InYi-
vania 'field.. drifted irito the Texas oil
country,. broke and, leaking for Work.
Ffnalty.h; fet.ched' up at the Ourharn
home where floe , an
re•zeritly,Widowed by the the explosion of .a
prder.wagert, , and . her niece, pretty
Betty Ourtiarn.' ...PerbanS because
• of his ;inille„ Betty 'socks Some food ,
for Benand while fie eats he learns.
the aunt, in town on business, has. an
• oil man, Tiller .Maddox, sinking an oil •
welt for her. , A short.fi Inch bolt• .
worked loose .frcini the rigging and is
in the bottom of. the,well! Work has
errsuspen e :.--• Or •aysis'-`t crew
'fish"' for the liolt,inif operating funds'
away, . . Furlong•offers to
g• ive 'ahand, but
t3ettY insists and�verrutes Maddlestt•
Furlong fashions a tbal whieh'firings
uP theholt...'., On the'order of Bit-
ty'sattnt Furiong.'it given a
„ ,
Maddox shows his dislike for the new
hand, especially because Ben and Bet-
ty are so frircity. While the two are
,in town shopping one evening, Mad-
dox ca' .s upon the aunt, demanding,
she help his case with Petty or there
• will be no:well. ....".-NoW,,go on with -
the story.' '
'."Sof Thaf's why you're to gener-
• ous.. N'ow. you listen to tae. I would-
n't marry .Tiller Maddox, not for all
•..-tite.oil-in4exes.-not save
your life." \
-"Wait! -Don't make ..tP your Mind '
In a hurry, 1-71'm. going over to Coos,.
in Anna's -L-". •
' • ' •
• "When? What far?"
"Right afte.T.'"dlifffer, Viiii7fhink• it
overl while gone, 11rie. 1 feel •
like,yinf was my.• own kin: I want to,
do, right by 'yen and—
Rats'" said the
, The town 'fay hot and gasping',un-
_ .
der the sun. 'I'here.was no shade Out-,
of -doors, for ,nOthing grew ,in • the
•''slig_ets..___Mat,...ieven- g-rass- Its einder-
yards, its board w,Atle and:iron .roofs••
'radiatedwaves of boat: like those '
\ trom 7stove, •
.• Late in the afternotin Pen Purioxig
entered' the ,54liating7rink...:paid hie
...mission ad -
at the:taint:tit:0, and went
• • Tivag:.a place
• to sit•d6Wrt.otit;of .the• suM pt ,•••
• #0tif .of, the 'Whirling :throng, tiPon the
•' • floor figure; t Was Bens
frienil, the 4ePgin,eer'•of •tie kaddbit.,
.tig,"$e roiled up to the • henehr,where
Furlong sat amf,celisPsed upon
• 'WheW".. lea, hard *arkhavin'
good Orrie in this:. tOre,'.''',,te Panted.
alab : •
,orse 'got 'some PrtiktfPetts
• Le ,matter?:.. 'You .fired,„ tOoSi.”."•.
-104 ,ta Off for: the
day. tonrhara ''r.-r.Ought- us •
eagerly •
-•„ • ' •
. The ,engideer 'y !:l lisaid.;•"a,•grin •
spread,f,;ver,his.face, f'Sayi.VoeitnOW.,
•imrsi .'atarad • irfilat la;>f nitraglyter-
, 'intl.' Whin 'We;•left he ;Was. .
• in iheliruth like a intait The powder
wagon' carte took it on the
74POwder • wagon? What's,, a ' powder
wagon doing. ,there?"r Ben' inguiretf.. •
• . •
'• peadyAto Shoot .
, .
.`..*WhY; he.7':•airtis to shoot tbe. well.
He got a ',perniit:an'• the Stuff's on the
grounds,. ready for .
, craiy.if .he shoots that•Weil;", •
FritIong declared.. '.`1Vhat's he think -
Ing •
about?' ' • •
• • ".So I told hirn..,'1,...eave.iter alone ate,
shell: plow herself: 1.'SayS to hint. '
She's • Cough:in' now; •an' 1 bet aa.many,
weits bas been ruined by that: SO:14:::.
"I'm. going to dee Mrs.. ,Durham."
Ben rote, .but the'•other..explaitted: •
••i'she'si gone 'aviairlorer Sunday • to
Visit her , • '
"Vibe's...looking Out for lietti?''.
dunnp. Ililer, 1.• reckon" •.•
.FnrIong. frowned. Fpr • -:a while he,
listenedi-inattentiVely CO, his
ion, thea he ;rose .and left the
• Conditiona'all over the oil:ileitis as '•
he well knew, were unsettled, and .he
did • nOt. relish the, thonglit :of Betty out '
there' alone in that farmhouse; hut
even More. disturbing was the feet
.that* Maddox ' proposed to Shoat.' the
:Durhani well...What-ailed the Man?
-,'After ecnne; indecision •Ben • decided
to warn Betty. . It •was Ilene of • his
.business,,to-he sure, hut a word from :
-her inight.--indnee'-the :fitinesito-g-O-slOw,.:•-
..ly And perhaps:: save ,the/cOst. of . the
ifCritiiinal. to leave.
. • . . .
her iti ign.oranee Of. the:deka she.,ran:,
'ile•tried to. hire,,a' ear to run back .to.
thefairn. but What few Werefor:hire
. .
he..could..diiscoVer. a truck •that •Was::
later going in that difection' • •
, Darkened' Windows
considerably.,after dark .when
Furlong left OPpOrtunity;, he ,to
walk .: the...last 'threg. nines,to it ' was
at the tUrhatri,.homesteed. „
Evidently .BottY''Wat asleep; At any
`rate, , the „farralionie,' •wintIOWs.Livere_
'di -4i and BO. Wandered no*. he Caul&
"hest awaken her without ."..cauSing'
Viettors in the country at this
time of night, i•ere net common;
deoidedto. call sdftly from outside her.
-Wfalow, so he closed 'the gate quietry
'behind him. and made. his Way around
He palmed in surprise 'when, he heti.:
turned • the corner or the ,huilding, for
the..*itoteil door was open, A InOtnett,'
•tery panic Swent;•tiVer *him; then, he •
dr',- a breAth 'of •,relief,,fOr at that mo -
he heard .the
• •
• she ;cried;
P4. open ed his.•lIps to Speak re:asSlir...
):141Y, but the sound died<in •iiis'threat,
for ,in,side• Petty's room he hard a
'MOWS' Voir...e,. then, a star; a rribFernent.'
This was :followed by a erash; as If a ;
cliair had been Overtnrned; "Then': a-
',.Fu'rlong uttered a, shout; he leaped..
,farward....Seme 'Marauder had : entered
tb•e honee juSa ahead of;him Incred
.ible as' it hebad•at,•riVed..bare-'
I; in :time: '• •••
. , . •
. . Shrieks of Terror'.
Fiettyl", he yelled., "betlyi"
...made kik' the, addr, beyond: • ,
tb-ot cianior froth 'the girl's
ar1hilc,. 41;604; There
Werty.mriverm?.w.S, the sotthda,.of.
k•Strugale.,.. '• ••• ."' • •
' ;Furlong 'hadnever- been ini.eitle' the
frOti'*'• Part cse thIhenee but Its plan
•I.Vaa eirople and he wee guided bY
• those.ihrieks tf terier. .The dr ta
.Betty't rdOrp• was Clbsed, .13tit It Opened
when he...*ound•••••rieb..Hn gl.finDSK
the a,WinclaW.n'pncrOte
U1. n1 .;rd agafri4.14 ft fri4sv .tba•
qrse.f, Krie:<fa .6r4ttrifed",,,
bitn. • ' t
• b it.nel•v f3e.,iy•
Wag o'l ng Leie.ei 'La, Ler .1 a pard
fling 'water—I/4a,- hls Te It.
.strue'k latoP
a1x,x!d i°hA• rt 1lg hrn or y, the trac
,tf4r1 6f an laimat tboleigtsI ha1. been
Cto etntinu4)- ,
allIALL COPPEREquilon,
./;,t atrial. 6 tit:P•••;11rtitiOi, inaU;str,le,s
vf.oPdort this year, eight
three-qttatters teitm. c't ,c,t-italOgueft itt
tine latiguaget.have be'ell.$Arit., to .0
• _
Toronto Housewife, 88, Tells Of
Active Service With
The only wcimau.ongineer, to 'work •
for the Ca!tadjan. PeefflO TtailwaY,
Mary Ellen Isrilkinsan,„ of T&.
ratite; celebrated ..1a#T- ,Sfith birthday
last iiionth
Shebecame': a ..:ratiwaY •'engineer
. ,
when :elle and her thusharich Thomas,
Wilkingon, a P-P-13--.P6•41PIPY.ee'• IFE•re
pioneering ,a Cartier: and A,North Bay;
The railway' had jest :pushed its line
through there. A. ditisional Superin-
tendent cif the railway visited:Nerth
Bay while her thu.sband`Waa operating
the railway turn -table and when. he
atket who as fir!ng the engines and
keping the.PumPhouses. going he was,
surprised to hear:that Mrs.:_Wilkinion
was. Her name,' then...Was p1iTicrel-
t4e• POT roU.. ' • •
Turns to Needlework . •
• Mrs. Wilkinson'hasn't. handled the
, ,
throttle of --a-locomptive-7-for-7,-mear--
years but it still turning out. prize-
winning needlework. :She likes to re-
call that her husband,;Whn died some
years ago, was the engineer who drove
-the first locomotive from Pembroke to
'Cartier, The same engine.a few years
'ago, was 'ondi:Splay at the Canadian
National Exhibition.
, .
Soni PefOime Spking
What ,Vverd- informs •,the pear?
.What syllable Iiersuadss
The jonquils'•pointed Wades
To thrust against the
' Wakens in frosty light.
• Frost ushers. in the night,.
:In what 11164 suhtle way ,
. ,
Does the news reach .the root
Under the chillground? •
Some'sound • that is not ,sotind
Quickens -the alder shoot.
Sap tingles like:'therblee.d..
,Toneh, the bough, geld' in sleep,
A.rafeel the Fivrift,purse.leap:4",
Warm in the living Woad!
Henderson HAY,, in, The 2.,'N'iew
' Yorker: •
1 J..
, If ,Yon like. variety in rolls,' t4e fol,:
loWing recipe#,. will give yo.0 lain140 '
eeoPe for your tastes and those,of tile .
lapilli% These sweet rolls' are very AO '
iserts for the.family dinne.r. or tea.time,
,dir4aienttilytas.lOTrok:n:th.eania4aWng.:enapel:e,rn:i#u:', '
what it means: to go 'rolling along."
114. teaspoons n
1.4 teaspoon.salt •
cup eold.water
:Rasii,pco4i4eb.17:1 '3ga:sow-Rd:II
111 cup's sifted. cake flour
4 egg yolks ,
Sift (lour pace, lialle-a%:tii;, add" ..)--a'ii.ii'g
powder and sait, and 'tilt together 3,
Orgies: Add '2 tablespoons cold water to,.
egg yolkt and beat''With-rotary egg
-heater- uutil-Mixture- 'sfiffens;•-•----then-
add remaining wafer, 2•.tablespoons at
a time, alternately with ,sugar, ' l3eat
after each addition until thickened up
again. Continue beating and add flour
gradually. Turn into. PaE.9 A 13 inch -
*lined with greased paper. Sake'in-
maderate ,'aveii . (375 degrees ...F.':)' 15
.minutes, ,then increate heats alightly
(400 degrees i.) land hake 10 Minutes
longer:, Quickly cut off crisp edges of
cake Turn out on 'eloth,„ .sprinkled
With powdered sugar, fteinaVe paPer.
Spread with jam and roll. Wrap in a
cloth Until cool. `: '• ' . •••'
AVEnikin. Jelly Rolls.
% cup sifted cake flour
% teaspoon baking powder
teas' oon.salt
4:eggs . •
%.Cup siftedsugar
' 1 -teaspoon vanilla • •
:1'.'cup Red 'Outrrant lefly
Sift flour Oilee aMI, Measure. .1m..
bine hiking powder,' salt, and ef,rgs In.
bowl: Place over smaller bast. or hot
water and•beat .with rotary egg beater,
'Adding sugar gradually.until •the • Mix-
ture -beconies thick, and light -Colored.
•Remove hoivi. from -hot Water. Fold.in
!Iota- and Vanilla. Pour into two Pans,
174 x,10 inches, lind with, greased pa -
pr. and bake in hot 'oven (400 de.greeS
F.) 10 minutes. Quickly cut off crisp
Apphqie and Sunple Stitches Interpret Laura Wheeler Motifs
s, 4
,,,,,,,,.. • ,••• r,,,,,
. - . , , ' •
, . . .
In Springtnrie 'inood--applique and •eass embroidery efTectively decorates
'-i TionSehold linen's. ' Use .se,raps.for applique.' Pattern 1716 contains a trent-.
,fer pattern of 2. motifs 6%-x 1012 inches;•Z motifs '7% x 8 ihcheS; 4 motifs
"t 2 3/ inches. applique 'pattern pieces• material required. illUstratione
: of stitches; 'Color Schemes:
' . Send 20 Cents in coins (stamps Cannot be aecepted) for this Pattern to
Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 173 West Adelaide St.,Toronto. Write plainly
. Pattern Nitinber,-yOur Naine and Address. ' •••••••• ., • '
. .
edges ,of cake. Turn from pans , at
once onto -cloth covered with powder
ed sugar. Remove,paper. Cut each
'cake into six pieces of' equal size, and
spread with jelly and. roll. Wrap in '
cloth and cdol on rack..BefOre serving
decorate 'rails with rosettes .and bor.
'forced through' pasty ttihe...Mak s 12,
rolls. • • • '
Chocolate Roll:.
, E tablespoons sifted; cake flour
. 6 tablespoons ' breakfast 'cocoa. •:
•112 teasPoon baking powder ••
14 teaspoon Salt "
% cup Sifted, sugar ,
44' etggg‘liYo.lillicteas,''''hsetaifftel,l15'
lemon cart:mid %; • ••1 z' '
1 teaspoon TaIUJIa•
Sift flour once, measurei add encoa,
baking- powiltr, and..salt, and sift 'foge-
s Foster -parent Of .Baby Guinea:hens.
Deprived of her own' 'four, PuppieSi Buser, owned ' by k. to. 1;Maude Sullivan of Houston, TeX.; • his • adopted .'a. I
family. of :baby :guinea 'hene. • • ' '.' •
., . .
Psychologist Full Of . Praises
,FOiThelwotc4reer Woman
. . . .
Es In. Agreement : with- :the • Model*
Ideal—Says Many Men Msht
• °' _Better.,Be,DolOg-the ;
.• •
Housework ,
Pwomen's econornic ,eantributiOn...to
the • family' le tonew sro4 'pt.;
Grace' L,OuckS tllioter author and pep.,
'chologist, ip A patnnhilet on "?le
cational resties,":. recently • 'Pliblitihed:•;
by the. National Federation of Btitl-
'bets atfd IVOrrielfa" ClUbs'To carry]
ov:er th ideal that ''Woman's*.plaed IS
In thenorne,'.,Wheit,',she catinat now
function, 'in the, herne a 'She Ore did
may Make,:for.her a paraeltie, nrinPr.6.
„ductive existetiee'-fOrrnerly open to
amalt pr1vilege,t1 rainoriti adds Dr
'Tbere J a' reason to '• Stip-
POse that if warden:it contribrition, to
faMily suYPOrt it not, 'Made
,ferent candle:6Pa family life. 'Wilt'
therellY" be: jeOpardiied,. • ."raitily, lite
has also,heen Undertglog chan'gees
. •
• 1:
_ .......,
tit fl.at diatti yo.idtilra Eli'
;Ay pt,t„,bitt.ily,t.tt.iiio r,f pflirt-ttarvauf.A.
4r/t.titi.,tf) liefrVf,e Ch. P1107iFER r,!,.
741 vitt te.n.e tootf.eit rattsed nervt..-e, helo
to....tr,113t at..i eat•aell,titd totes 31
torlf4e6te AndAt-drutick, t4
• $160 aid 'rm. 67
Issue 14L'18
' the..•amount at tinie arid fOr what Par.',
POse-e. its members' are in the hoine: It.
iii qpite conceivable that ilie'fb.rnily es
• a Tii•O)-0 ol'initeretifing iia.dividtitila in'a-Y.
he retenstrneted. around ...central inter -
I.'. Sts .6tIler, th'in.produCtcre actirity: in
the „home.. . •• , .. . •-• •-,... •• '
Some Men 'Good packs ,
°The idea. that ,a man 't . 6g9.00not.
stand., the, effect, of .itia Wifer.a. working
'ontl..,tide 'the li'otife,•IS at onee•ousPeet:
Has be. neer been aware of her work,i
• ing in the•horne or. Is .1:ia 'Unwilling. to
'have his tontrOi of •hr .attivity :ding.
' intirriintshdt", ,J..'
:"It Is -true that. if:Wei:nen, work:aut
:•sitie tlze borne they canuot.esstline the
iviltde of the work Ititiftle as w•ell. ...,,
.great inan.Y men are by :native cniiow..•
,rnent• better suited to be cooks, then
women' and they Might Stay at home
mare Willingly If they ate theit:.,ow•ii,,".
rather thaa theit•'WiVeS' :coOking, • A
groat roanY.heitile ' ' Would be .iliore
tati',i,..ifully fura'. ed and inanrchild,.
reit V;ould• be : ore- Rocirningly•dres.
i.‘•d' if fathers : 'hstead •of .roOtbara .fied'
, made,: Select;s: ..S. :Of .,flithiture ' and rt
elOtheli, Att 4.`14,for.lfrie and octii6ur• IS
di via tial one, tviia thi,yugh• ,roen' til-,,cr
' litiye'..sto bn." to 661t• teiffil.::tha 1701a4
de)* tilfivla ' dra*14..aoc1a1 OtOd6a Oat%
• ...e.yeral klwitabd i/ititi •
.n Wek viJ1 he..giVert V;Kork in a:new
lactoty. aW,rea
COntert about t2(,) tains, of deal aday
Ibto,lamokSlesil,ust, keel),
:line and eJther productS;
.ousehold !lints
Von it'
If • w;ou keep • • our f rnt ure
• - . • • ..
.elean •and•••Shining, •don't meglect., to
'dust Carefull: each day. Avoiddast-
ing cloths of harshniaterials-di fab-
rics Which 'ravel or scatter lint.. If -•
yet find -A ,clatrip-orallett'onsteernore.,,
'effective' don't pour water or oil on
..pfdroiscuotislY;' see that the cloth
is etenly. saturated. DOn't., use a'
Stilled 'duster.; sivash Often, .since
viously a'griinY cloth would riot leave •
,a clean 4tirface Soft chamois'is line''
for use cn 78.66,d that' hasaTa ,high
For rernoing white, enets hem fur.
I-Aare/try spirits Of
:en piece Of flannel 'with spirit's of '
camphor/ rub spot aria follow"inute.
diately by rubbing with soft cloth
with (A relish •w:.ith A
silk peilishing,
TO; .awkward to clean bratliWerd
attaehed :„,to a11 EtkrfaceS,, hat tr'y I
this method and avoid: :soiling paik
.Or waroaper: (Lit 4 Piece cif eard-:,
• b4fel 'ir,ifi:,orterpng or it, for.arr.4,-
ment to be:.• r;i:Afxhori leaving •gool
sized ffra , ell. round, 'ria;
: otb *1;1• then! ;:attlt.ioat
• . • •.•
. A Jd al' p a4,41' nikes
eating' bulIt.up ••`1,.00k-.
SbelVen Ole.14at.i•ileined giatt.doare'd
bookcases Mayhr ir,oderni/ed tak-,
41.,s..tlear.%t, , the
'woo(1work • and eithei . paint; trg,
faltU: tit"the.
(1:6)111Attleg Fhol.4ing more t)ratii lone*
third, 'of a girl's back may he ban
• ea Itt 'Fokiej Japan.
, 1
:ther, three tiinet.,Feld sngar gradually
into egg hies Fold in egg 11)110 and
Vanilla.. Feld: in flour. gradually...Pour,
into pa.n, 1,5 x; iirtied With
sed Paper and bake 'hot °Veil
(.itici;degrees..) 13 Minutes. QuiCkly.
cut off eilip edges of Cake. Turn from
on o7- coVe
;powdered sugar. 'Reinoye paper. Then:
.spread Seven, .Minute Frosting' over
Ca,ke and ioll.-3,Vrap in, cloth 'until:if
Seven Minute Frosting'
,..,2 egg whites:unbeiten
cap sager •;• •
.5 tablesPoenaiWafer
• 1.14 .teaaPoene sYrnii?
1,teaappon vaxiltia . "'' •
. put. egg, w-hites,, 'sitar, Water and
Corn •kyritp: Irito',UpPer part of double
boiler.:Seat with rOtary egg.teater•Un-
ti) -thoroughly inixed..Place over ra.•
water. beat' Constantly
With:rotary eggbeater', and cook te7',
yen :a;
minutes, or, tint& frosting will
stand peaks. Red -love froni fire; add
•And beat tintil.thickt enough :to
• ,..Pin,Wheel Biscuits
• 2 eups. sifted cake flour ".. , •
• teaspoons'heking powder ,
teaspoon •salt -
'4 tahl4spoone butteether.-slhorten--
:.2-3 clip rnfllc 1• •: • • •
4Ltble.b.i.)66ns hatt'er., :crearited, • •
cupbrown sugar
,cupPecan Meats, Chopped
' •
. •
: •Si tt flour once, Measure, add..halting:
PoWder .and, Salt. and sifragain. •Cnt
In aliortining.'Add7inifit gi'athia1i'i-
= •
soft dough- is formed. /Roll 14:ineh
:thick' on 'Slightly floured board, Spread
-With. creamed ,butter;„•',8Prinkle•
brown sugar and nuts: Roll as for'jel,
ly roll and cat in 1.:•inch•Pleces. PlaCe.
, in 'eeased. Muffin t ans 'cut sides up:
"Bake ln..inoderate oven, (275 degrees
F) 20 minutes. Makes 12 -biscuits. • ,
a.shion Flashes
,Taffeta linings .,are crisp and peat.
for bath woven:and „knitted spbrts.
*. •.• • '.7-70-÷
.G4y. 'laid taffeta is 'uqed to (level.;
op .an evening gown With bodice caS•:.
' ily draped at the • fre.nt and 'ent •lotr
atthe back: ...The u11 kiit/. makes a
:point oftfullness.at thehack, :and -the
royal l'elvet girdle repeats • one...of:the
.-c.olors . •
• Nary blue taffeta, woven in flow,:
.er pattern, is chosen for "a very ikitie•'
skirted gown with brief Sleeves.' •
• ••
• Rows. and •rows of. 'narrow net
, , .
raffles ttart at the highCollar and.
fornt'thegilet*of neiv 'navy
blue dress suit, 'reminiscent' Of the
• 17th Century•' costunies, of Versail-
les,. The satf4 net ytiffiee trim, the
sleeves 'end border' the, !jacket. .
•;}1x-t1eWie-dttaid-eXpnrtly re,o4rilifirv-
atetf With the new fuli.Skirt lints 6.611I
sinart for spring and early summer.
. , .
wo,:q.5:\v .b,,
,- 0,:ad„
li,,,bit, who .fy,r.
'pelt id And. nausda,,
can be litiptd. 13y
• tileuse. of .. Pe.'
,1-1<•ree'a•'..' Favorite '
,• PfolthiPtIed, Read'
), 't,vie,i. ;rrq • j W' '
•• . • Flar,acao, l(i'.
4; .••.e.. Tortr,f4 :taltf:19tefore illet tail; 1
M ray Tt.1,,6 '%!iti. „C. 4f.tit,p4,114 Io o.of 1>ack;
' 14,1 rd'.; .44 47 IC :kr,;!' .Vilio; .f weex r 55•1i1,1 )
lArrity,ifrep Li I, 1 Ifq.iC filly bt,ttle of Di. ,
1'iett6't :bete; atAttActiptina tw. a foolo
; :arid taft•itayot Mitnulatett toy oottitt, ft•
'iiisit0I'r4), l'it;ti titel.gth hilii: 'teemed to;love •
• the ta..* rift+. it. A 'tkedittrt .tor *Gat
•.o)siil.stt,Y,," , • • . • . , . • ; •
.,ney,a year loday, Ne, '
410,:liblett Stk. ,11,.iittriti,..svio.4'llsa,
. .,
, .
EuPeirlt Finck Out In. Hollywood ,
Claudette • Colbert 'Most, ;:••
Consistently.: G1rtf4144i
Aliamoor begAniat* thirty
• lie, declares
hrulity caller. Pointing to, ifollywo
stario:techtliques,.iiini tells in MCCaII..
rOr. Apr11, iiow :hey find tlInil.ght:M4,
'•of sod 'Make-uP,
ow you have any doubts. that the.
age, of .grellteiit poiaorial,. • attractiS
twos roi. a woman has Moved up s
past your,eYe over'the H�
Woe. atar'in t.iie. 'Movies wOuId,
Wog over'twedtkfive years of age
.'itntrthey stilt don't, of• course: But,
liony.wood D icrowsei up„ Etteept
.i•ockelly in the, previ,.. firinattient'i
Shirley Teniple. Soojalienieor
ia burbin,:mest of the great' serel
Atari') at'efo. ihair thirties or apprntke
. 'lag 'thitty:. And 'the;movle goer Is aLIo
nwater'itheit exPerlence .and i a.. htufi*I•
„ledgo.; :of -
:Made then). eVen "snore
• they wee° a few yearsago,- .
Personality Quietly Blooming
at, Hipp -.-..partieularlY Joan *
• w •-7,--"liays'experlin'ented,
kinds' o
Carel°, Lombard, '; though sufficiently ,
gorgeous to look•at, have•added mh
to their ..eharm. by developing 'a .katit
seinie•Of edmedy;,' something which li
often the mature' Wonian's :most eV', ,••
tractive quality. Of, them ell Ciandette
'Colbert, hat,, I think,tarried:hex:self
lnto the most Consistently , glamour
girt •:..Perhapa.beeause she liaa 'never'
tisecl,olivtotts tricks like :erratic. eye-
brows,' heavily Made -tin lips, .orlAn •
traordiaary ,hal:rdress:ip• put herself
,•acrois. Hers isa.personality that has
quietly; bloomed,- front ;innate' good•
- .taste and.'alot'orintel)ige;nee.
•• .4:Far eiti tour:
talked,' to her I got .
Jireetion.of .MetidulansnesS, :Of thing!'
chosen Care; ('t clothes
thati. were ...Very, SimPle but
ly-tut, • They are :a :background for her..5
Somebody :once, described her ,as.
ing 4alvraya,beititiiiillY;epignee,:aeat:
as a sipper,' .0,1-'s wants to forget all,
.abotif,:h-er Appearance .so that •
evershe Is she can Concentrate on the
Isaving of a:.geod Hine, she is on,.•..
-the ser,,on doing .the :job: Though she. .
isn't. fanatic 'about' .she never puts.
make-up.onIn Ifher nose
. • , . . •
-She lets ft.:shihe and will ' Wait
. . . • ,
till •She.gets," to a :Private tires's:Pig
rod* to pile& PoWd'er,'''TligaLtule,. of '
,forgettitig.,ybak:aPpearance.'is' an old
.ritle'!of cha im, but•Claudette coi.pert .
la A staitlnlv Successfal •example Of
' how -•goi5t1'an1 ho* woz!kable:d Jule ,if •
ow To Develop
- Matter. of Careful •Study of Inos-
vidual Requiretnenta
;There Is something in the air,these
days. that infra in every ,up and, deini
*ennui a- desire .for something new.th
wear. 'If ,Only that.'saine, all- carried a,'
magic , elixir tht w�uid, ei,eate style
•ConisciousnesS as isell as clothes 'con- '
•scionsness! •• '•, • . , .
The term. "style Conseimis'. Ainbo&. •
ies that elusive quitlity'Which draws ' •
...the Margin between well•dressed.and,'
• stiinning; Y01,‘ 110 niatter how stylieh!
. An. ensemble, May.,. be, 1! It is not suited
to fhe:wearer'S: on. individuality, 'its
' beatify, is lost:.To understand, one's;
()Wit most flattering'type oflitea,i•Ables
eking .for... which. is 'Oinnik,,
:.striVe. befOre beginning 'that all '.111:17
port ant ••i L.3f41enLSpXitig • .c-lothes.
Pefore.-ou;•OOnsicier Clothes
:A , few Preliminary i ules i itt g af
.long'Way't(iWititti paring. 'ilie''reatr: to
teal atile conseimisness. A 'beiotning.
COiffure;lan'd.....n tti 'ictis e Make,nn.. are,
Athena the first, stefie, .befere elothes•
.retnitaiderettat. all .,Thon....re.ust:q01- •
iew a i...4refUl StudY, of one's best col_
to •
one's particular' Complexion; one must. •
decide what style, ,of collars are most
beemiiing. Whether a tailored: bat or
.a. more femlhlne nioriel Will he the.
witest° ehelee';` tthe -length it Which:"
her•skirt should hang to give th most
graceful synimetrY ot silhohette.
••• •GbOti Posture Essential
, if •fyilihflefiefelo,f;aiiet; theaene of the ieilest i)C
StYlifig but there Is just one there 'tent
.eseential to thio ,sueneeS: 'of ;any :(13-
,tunrib: • it Is itoubtftil if atty.,*oman
could erer.liacensidered ,truly. at yie
without ,firSt .(leVelartIng A •r.:.:..,
• .. .
Correct Posttil'e Round shoulders, boa-
'Iow 'chests' And Sagging , knees V.,an'
never lend a 'It's nd to ,SillartneSs, and •
ineless tite• head Iq carrfed torre,cliv
fitili:6cils6Enitieltfaillfiliti;.ei'll.le‘ "1'41 L'
ids 19 •
A Man of iS to marry: a' girl
ip it Prozce, l;:tisterti Poland.
The grOOM has: 156 children', "••, .
Children and gicat-grantichilifreitaipt
lilt are ,,expetted t ittelid his 61.ta
, Ken 'of 16 hationtt and wOMeii of
'1.'eonipeted in* the worhi pink pong
•thttrnament 4hdon. ,