The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-24, Page 2r ir • LIPTON'S 'itiii-evotd/ed TEA a Re-ye&diem. in, Riclutei3 'FREE! For Premium List ef Wni.A0IPTSarS6n' Bilveriplate write to Thow-J,. Lipton Ltd.', 4$ recint F.,. Tinos:to.. d THE LARGEST SELLING TEA • — RodLalisi •13C'HO‘ .•. . .0ilingfit•alkPl35!. yellow Wm! 4" 411°.. IN THE WORLD .04,07,4e....driradrAPW.0111!..0:49749;49:41.7.411r4, • tioriariaraz. REX BEACH Kat wisProu row witr*Aciairjit I Synopsis Ben Furlong, a young but practical .1Oil ',man and driller fi4n.n the Pennsyt• van a field •-drifted into •the 'Texas 'oil ' Country, broke and Intiking, for work-. Finally he fetched'. upat the, Durham yuliere , Uve ai. elderly, •aunt, recently widowed by the. explosion of. a , powder wagon, and her niece, pretty , . Durham. kcause of .11i smfle, Betty toelca -dome Tara, for ten and while he eats he learns , __.,..tbe_4annt.ALtown„,_on business, has an , wellfor her. ,-. A short 6 inch' :bolt Worked .,loOse,frorn the rigging ;art& is in the bottom of the 'Well; Work has been suspended .for.days as the crew• "fish". for the bolt and.Operatilig funds . dwindle away. • ; .Furlong offers #3,, give:o hand but Maddox objects. . • 'Betty insistsandOverrules Maddox so' Furlong fashions a• toot whiCh. brings .up,,tfie On the Order of Get- 7 ty'ii;'.unt, "Furlong is given ' a job. Maddox .shows his dislike for the new- hand,.';especialiy because Ben and Bet- ty, are so friendly.Whilethe twci are . in, .town ..shopping one :evening, Mad- dox; earn up�n the aunt; demariclin she I help his case With Betty.or there wilt be no Now' go :on;.1.4ith ' the Story... JJe Detector Test. Aids tlie—LOvelorn 'Reveals Complexes, Shows, All Things About .Thenuelyea That They lijoidn't 14tO.V.." . . . The -lie detector has one deineStie- . It Is now'an,assOeiateand asuccesa-,. ful Oneof advisersto the lovelorn Mid of. conaniting 1PsYC.hOlogists who, spepialize in Untangling farailY., troub- • s "I-411 try aga93.." , "ton 'better do moren try. I'll give you just one More chance. If she don't come acress, I. want you to go. visit your ' folks Saturday evenin', on" leave her here. Understand?" For a mement Mrs. Durham stared . „ , •at the , speaker, then she said;:. "Tiller Maddox, you're a'dirty dog!n • ."Say! I've took: all the back talk I Cali-Mnd-, for &Ie.dj. YOU helra" You do. like T;telt,your an' you needn't ' to gef.be.ek from your visit till; Mon, . Not until ben end Betty.had finished their shopping and .were •on their way . . , , , • .home did he tell her about the trouble ' he had had With. Maddox,that •morn- • "He let on .he was fooling, but of course fire' , inethe first ,chance ,.• be gets," . rurlong.. predicted.,:••• ,.!.01r,'Ileit! Why 'did yon do it?"' • "we were bound to tie into -each',. other sooner• 'Or ',later.. You can't ichoose aftime to get‘iighting; mad; itte, as much as you can do to pick good footing." " "Aunt Mary won't let him' fire She do,esn't triist'hiM ,any more .thari.,' ''-• , • '-•.• : '"Say! What • has he got on .her?" : • Something 'Queer....;i • .; The giri dld not look up frrn'her f'‘J,:-.1•''7.'"' • : CHAPTER :V. • ',driVing. She fetched i,deep. breath as!. iipid..yOn.dioP'that holt in he well?". she:. Palii love t� knetv._ 1:41rhany.bletd,.ht:.‘ttjOirIO: There's'. 'something queer about 11. "1 ain't sayln''did or II tJnele ,T.Oe was .a..elfeet, easy-going reineailier.,.;_if,.,...fliie.i.,Well'_„,ain't.La.preL • Man and 'elie,rodehire with.'tt.„ Spanlsh .dueer, you're 'blovied up, ••:aiiir it bit. She ifever.Would' havelet him take a-gbire to `produce till there's .a Mrs. • • Inc .in, :when ,inY•folks'died, only I did.: Tiller.tgaddoic.1O.see it and to get her all the .work, :Btit he .stre.'IOVed tibare! We bargained 'that. Mit, long When; the oll thfoiteinent Came • they . • rowed and fought.: for months.. When- ever he got an offer she. einithed, Iie was trying to.. give: the .farni away and: .t rea eire-trTte: .go ahmitthat. He stood "it..a s • long ' as be eould;.. (hen be up and announced.thati I'd been einre of a, daughtth710 him '•than !met a wife and heainiedi to give most of his ..nioney, to. me any- how.and then he made that lease with . the Planet people. That's. hew 111addex, genie. :I think she'd. have:poisoned.,me: .•if 411e , dared,,, colter What; uncle When.•;,he was ' 'supposed, of.; : course,, Atiori,thrcily, me out, hut She ; didn't. No, nee.. to do • it, I. suppose, , atintich as he . hadn't' left any writing. As a, Matter of fact. she was ,better • „to. 'Me; than. she'd •eyer :been: ' irhatrii Nvhat makes nieWonder.' sentetiines,---" :"WOnder. what?' .,.thhni•ssed;- ' "If he telt something.: Something:diet "nialseo her. Seared• of Meth:nes, she acts like its only because• Of him that she?.enice to me, don't 'know. whet -I'd :do if she Beni me away.. I "liateh't got .a. red' Cent. ',Ther.e.' isn't." a living : sol Ben .passed his arni 'aro Ind the.inin,'„ girlish.*.figureand t to .1111n. , be ,about. all for yolif" Ile klssed the„elieek next' te;'. hie and Bet- ty Preseedher • "Good ,thing „yen 'aren't' •tin' and .me less than a hundred' dol- lars” ' •ag�. Yes'an' I ain't afraid .of you ,goin.' , • • back on our. deat, :either. You ddn't •• ' • ' ; ; c a aa , bny,s..iSStetv guaranteed MINTON .,, • . RTA13LE ,YPEWRITER, with all 'essential features 1 FREE— CARRYING CASE' TOUCH TYPING INSTRUCTOR "I Remington Rand . Limited Toronto „ O 00 thrive' on "CROWN 'INHILDREIN of. all ages • BRAND' CORN: SYRUP... They never tire of •Itit ..1 cue gavot and It really is Ito • ' good for them --so give the ; , children VCROWN,BRAND4t • every day: j; Lestiing.. thistetans pro ; flounce 11..CROWN BRAND":. ; CORN SYRUP; a' Most ea ' factory carbehydra.te to Use as a Milk mOdifier in the feeding' of .tiny' infants and '05 an ener0 producing food '-for roi 1n Children. .1111i -.FAMOUS-- ENERtY , VOOD • the 1:IA6A ttARCII Nll'ANY United • ;0111.DN'T ..EAT COULDN'T ..SLEE No* Free of Bad Liver and Kidney Trouble and Feeling;Fine }fete's's Sitotitei Woman As felt terrible*,until • 'she found haw to 'get back • 'appetite, alieti ; soundly, and, secure . new health.. Mit. A. H • Montrea Writes, ihid • years of ;liver I " " • totatilad tad; frizzy. Iteadachei.- bowels .:YrIgfalal.i..10.iP014:*ilhiliid.neY...kgable too appetite -no sleep. Marty laxakires' g,al'e ame &Sanas. 1 tried Fniit4,tives and , toy health great)* inioto*Ni,” These famous fruit ;like, herb; and Ionic tablets cleanse and ttreagthelt the liver„.help stoinath;.kid- neyi, intestines. Trotil)lea go. Health must;. latireve. 25c. and SOc. All dritggista: 'siue No.. 13.'38 Ponts ; • Wily' to Remedy , . , ' Dr Wifliam M Marston ; 'ef New, York, Who ,originated the blood preeS, ure teat he. has used on. all Sorts, 'Of people from international spies to Dais - understood • hnsbatids, told about it tis week.. ' detector finds outthings 'about.' you t haiTO11-yourself,'d ti'rk irdW;"-' he geld, 'Tonally a session of ques- . • •tielIS and answers under' the instrur.. 'pent; (its,sright name is sPhygorna'ne- meter).--showe what---.7-is.--wreng- and peints.. the way ,to a renietly." The way it works is: elinPle. 'rhe subject Is attaehed to the instrument. whlch records. a' jump in blood Press-.'. tire.,whenever a falsehood is told, and the examiner starts a line of question- ing abont. the 'problem to be solved. "tlsuaflyWithin a few .ntintites the • true Or false 'answers will uncover some. repression Or hidden' trait -fre- quently entirelyunknown to the sub- jeet-which is responsible .for the trouble." •. , • ', .• • . •Adjuste. Personality SOmetinies • doubting Women and men •Consult, the detector 46 .1.e6ii If they really are in 'love: and: should 'ma—rry7.•—et— n 'p . Sonality. adjustment cases anCoVers ,hidden egos and complexes..and paints., the way to their correction..... RELISKS,e: Cocktails,„ appetizers, and reliSbeS tothe Meal are is the frosting to the cake -the • 'imag-biatiNT, glamorous tui1sh that *ekes a meal an out- standing event rather than a retitine perfermartce. It ,is only in recent years that the custom of :starting the meal.' with A - cocktail hasgained such wide popu- larity. 'soiips:.used` to be the accept- ed WaY'oof Opening dinner but .the ease with which ...t* modern house- wife ean open' it .can Of tomato' juice: or fruit cosktair is k good reason for - the spread of this habit. Besides, we moderns eat leas and lighter foods. Soups 'tend to fill ;one. 'up too much to enjoy a. good '• dinner whereas an -apP.etiZer--just,r-sharpens---theappetite- and lends an elegant touch to the ,Teo hoUieVitis eS. are tii:'ene to serve the same cocktail over and over. iagain .so we are -giving ,a • variety of ideas,. for appetizers which will brighten your meals and show ,your originality. COCKTAILS May be made of plain or mixed fruit juices, -tart combinations of fruits and fruit' juices, a single tart fruit such as grapefruit, served alone or a mbiture of tart frnit and a fruit.,ice or sherbet . * ' TOprepare fruit, remove all .skirt and membrarie,.ent in Pieces of serv- ing size, and chill thoroughly. Serie ice cold in cocktaiP‘or sherbet glasses, carefully/arranged And garnished P.h . •with inint, a colored cherry, preserv- ed; ginger, ;bright jelly, or whole ben: ' Enterald ;Fruit Cup • package lime jelly poWder. 1 pint' Wenn water. . Laura Wheeler Crocheted Frock Is Made in Easy Meth • •ic5' 4:lc?: • 40,-.4.04.444.1'41'44.1.,r*e.4741,440,44 '1CROCHETED DRESS PATTERN 1:12 ' An inexpensive party frock in crochet with roses for.e. finishing touch. Pattern. 1720 contain s directions for making the dress in sizes: 4 to 8 (all in One pattern); an illustration of it andr of: Stitches; materials required. 'Send 29 cents in coins (stamps canna be accepted' for this pattern to • Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 78 West Adelaide St:, Toronto. Write plainly., Pattern Ntitriher Your Naine anal! Address. " - • • • H • . I liton.• behave. yourself, ',or% you'll' wreck ;this car, "• the girl .warned.him Maddox,: Carried . Out hl liitentlpn Fullong that the.'well ..was , dawn, and the next 'lnorning Ben broke. , the; ; news to • his sweetheart.. Betty was Ihdignant: She was for appeal- ing to her 'annt,..but' he reftleed to Per. mit •her..He promise'd. to lei her hear frora'hini. in a, dayor, so: • • . , Betty's face was flushed, her etee we're. stoning,' *hen -she, entered , the: :honae, after he was gone. She was surpriEed, tO find her aunt aVraiting., • • cattle over the Other night,' when yeti 'wee In town,"Mis Durham .began.' • , , "Did he? „ ‘1.1e 'talked about. yen. Tillers a' fine Man, trearie--•." 'Betty broke Out irritably t mbon't let's' start that all 'over' again." "Oh, .yotir head's..full .Of '1. imPPosel ,tuf.whatis•he. got? Nothing, Net seven a ;Soh. Now..tine'r-Iiitits; to 'Marry Yeti ,and --You ;better do it" '."`Ynti :know very wet) 111 do nOthing Of the serf," • • . , "Maybe yeti weit't and maybe' Yon LISTE CANADA -19 IMPERIAI rOBAcco s INSPIRING PROGRAM ERY FRIDAY 'NIGHT. On a National Coast to Coast. Network • -2 cups ,mixed fruit., diced 'aril OM:: 1");-sscsiviejeI1.' powder in wnvm water. pe. Pc"ur.in 0.1'11110w pan. Chill' until firm; Cut into 24 -inch eubesp Com- bine. iVitit fruit. Pilo. into sherbet glasses, adding a small 'afficlini of fruit juice to each serving. Serves Olive Relish ,Package lime jelly powder warm water 34,cup Sinegar ., VI teaspoon salt .• • % enp •stuffed CUR...sweet pickles; 'sliced• Dissolve jelly powder in warm Water, • , . - Add vinegar and 'salt. bin. Wheif slightly thickened., fold in 'olives. and pickles. Turn into individual molds, ' filling them IA full. Chill until Uninold' on 'crisp lettuce: Serve as ' molds,• , 'Egg Appetiier hard -cook -cd eggs 1 -tablespoon ancbeV.Y paste teaspoon - Worcestershire. lance , Dash of paprika . 1 tablespoon Parsley; finely chop- . 6 'slicesbread; ctit •in1,34-in,Ch elices La clip. Russian Dressing. , . ,Cut hard-doeked *eggs in halves, lengthwise, and remote yollis. Blend yolks, anchovy paste, seasenings, and ' parsley re, sinooth'. paste. Refill whites and chill: Cut bread with "3.: inch round „cutter.. Toast • Itin one side only. Spread:with butter. Cut out centres with 11/4Anch; cutter. and place chilled egg in each circle so that .it sets fintly.‘• Pour On Russian. 'Dressing. Garnish with water cress: Serves 6": „. Win." Mrs. Durham's lipsset tlient-;-: 'servee in lines of, inflexibility. 241,1 ou got ,a •snitch .:()P• sense you Will. ,D'•You.. --want-rto-be7poor all .yofir like or ,d'Yon 'sant to be Tien?" .. "I,' telt ou'1 Wonql..;'I 'Wen:1'17.. de, ,elared the girt ."The hig,. black ; itea0Y ;brute • ' • ‘' • .14.OW ..ddn't f1y. off the. il'atcile 'tilt .I'm been pretty good' ta',. e • earned . my keep eVer,:Siece. earee, 1;tau'd hae Paid.•mor'e • for a. hired; 'girl than it coat."' ', • • Gratitude!There's,, . ,„. , '9W. }IWO UD and let Inc. finish... We aline 'fight 'like this, .Yont Uncle Joe eared a •lot :for you and --.-and .1. want . , to resPeet,hia Wishei.' When that Well'. 'Corriea in • this, fainn'll be . Worth dont know whatAnybo, my hearts seton seeing :You: get a geed .home • and have,:eerYthing:. cHow'd you like: to in efine house in bailee': '.",What alls yon? Are .-you losing .your mlhd4 Atmt• Mary?” ."A:ttd Yea 'Can have 'em if you Mar- ti Tiller,' • Marry Furlotig,•,atid., you'll , i3Pend your.life Crier a oriole istOVe.7. ' '"HOW -tan .Tiller give the thingsli thnt?". ; ,.; .1'11 giVe 'eft, to. After a tnenient 'Betty ihcitfired„. tu riouSly,.qtow intich will 'yOtt. give?" If Was litre,' Dtirliani`e time to htt 1.4th, her ,WOrds came with an effort; "I don't know.:•;.--mehbe A Vatter Ii teres.. • • • • "Iitirnplii." The . exploitation wag.. one Of teeth. ' ' • • °Tifere',A.tr.A.tittale for Mehho. If it's a:. real: lylg wet rd do better, YOU ---you've gqt, to do it, Betty "; the' 'MOW diStractibil, ‘qf VIA , don t he'll ruin „VvierYtiting; said' • e46i, p;k4t.; welt do&l.e66,16 16 * -06 farni ain't Werth" • ,(r tantintied), • Russian Dressing. 1.*,tubjespoon chili sauce • ' .1/1 teaspoon .paprika ; 14 'teaspoon vinegar , tablesPoon pliniente;: finely chop- • , ctip.Aayonnaise coinbiiie • ingredients' and blend. Makes cuP. dressing. • Hot Mayonnaise 'Puffs. .1 clip -mayonnaise , 1 egg White,stiffly beaten : Canape craekers:, • • 'Fold' mayonnaise, into egg White gently but thoroughly. pile on , crack-,'• ers'and toast under broiler .1 Minute Or until; delicately browned and puff- ed. Arrange On platter. • . - , Canapes Cut stile bread in 14 -inch • slices. 'Shape With cutter in squares, elre,les, -strips,, triangles, crescents, ;or any 'de- sired Shapes:. Toast or •saute on one ;side and ..sP,read: toasted side With highly seasoned mixtnies, such as finely minced sardines andlemOn. juice,..choppea:parsiek in 1,natter, ,ca- viar and minced • onion, : olives and cheese; etc. Garnish each canape :with border (chopped hard -cooked egg, cream. cheese, .chopped parsley,' minced .olives, or--other-sititable-tnix= tures): • Decorate centres ..with: gar- nishes, such a pindento stars,green pepper cut in fancy shapes;.sprigS of anchovy, grated: cheese, mayonnaise, , sliced olives, Or rtienry.s...slices of tomate'. • 'Serve on indi- vidual plates as first course of din- ner, Or pass on tray for •buffet" enp- Household Hints ''rhe best ',Method of cleaningfab-. ric iam1)shades:.-44-to--brusit-with-h- soft.brush until all the dust has:been removed. Parehnient Shades- Can be wiped clean with a soft cloth. tive and .tis:eful and add.: a., modern • Recessed . mirrored shelves A'21 • small 'dining room are ;both deeora- tuAelhulmitnim, 'thoughit is -affected by. acids and. alkali's, is . easily clean- ed with 'with 'fine -.steel wool. •' It . heats quickly, holds the heat, wears well, Is , light anti not ton expensive. • :One. of the -quickest, simplest and best-enjbyed firstebilred appetizers it halved .granefruit ov Garnish .centra with maraschino or ,mint cherry. • • , .Ever, tried combining peanut but- . ter with mashed bananas for li.'sand- with' filling? The childreni-and the grown -Ups* ,beg, for more. ' Give spinach an air of' elegdr1ce and piquanty. Of flaVer by 'serv;ng..it with Hollkidaise Sallee, And don't forget • the garnish '.' of hard-boiled • egg slices,. • Cotton picking is the most cotly Operation cotton produation. . ' . . 111 2 W.0.1,1"-.., ..',041.,t0,11OF - ••4 Take 2 "4611.•,., .tablets as4 0 Oriels Stull '1040 waist:Repeat treat.: ment In 2. hPliti! • • A ,-- , • -• Z..*tf Is.ore. rm.* the Cold: crush • tablets'in ghiss of water,'Garglis twice. TMacaseethroatraw- Piess arid soreness, aimed Instantly. No fainily'need neglect even mial headucolds. • Here is what.'to do: Talte two !`Aspirin" tablets when you 'feel a Old 'coming on -with a, full glass of 'water. Then' repeat, if necessary,. accordhigto directions in each pack. age. Belief comes rapidly, ' The "Aspirin" method of reliev- ing colds is the way manydoctors • approve. You take "Aspirin" for; rehef --then if you are iaot improved promptly, you call t he family doctor. 410' "Aspirin" tablets are made in • Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trademark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look • , for the name Bayer in the form of. , a cross on every tablet. • Die..m.and and Get ROFIflIII MADE cAltSRA• asipck :Is: Back in Home:Favor Upholstery Materials ; Range From -Satin to Leather; For • Cloth .Approved; • • The old-feshioned.haSsOck is..goinin: back into' the •Iforhe furnishing' pbc Inre;: and ISalienable in •niany .differ - 's • ent shapes. In'th.e bedroamJitaplaCed. at the foot Of the bed and ''.usually, Htoyered With the ,seme' colored Mater- ial .as the ;spreads -.Or-•firaPeriei,--.Iti- . May have 'rows . and rOws of fringe bangingto the floor. Some tire Up. holstered in satin: Materials and oat- ers in leather.. They are very gonyen ,• lent and satisfactory; for gime lboms too,‘ and for other informal rooms wherei...the--fantilyE-,-usually,i,gathers. • Foi inodern 'interiorsthe hassocks get tarker 46a farger--;-.evenfourfeet in diaineter. and Placed in a corner.of.. h 'living roam., Where ; the coyering rnight be cloth.reoerribling,leopardi - tiger, bear or angora.. . Shod& Iron Along' Thread Of GoOds. Ironing clothes iS poindthneS. quite ; a problem, but When the best methad. is understOed,everything' heeolnes iTehil'eieri sl,Pie.is'll. ;Old ..alway-"-'s-he-inoVeT ' along the threads• of the Material, ;either '.lentthWise , or trossWise,, •;Clothei, except 'Pongee, should be mroned damp'• ' • '', . ' Sheets are usually' folded hi half., 'table linen is. ,folded in half and- agarit in fourths, 'TheSe folds should be. changed occasionally:. Y OU -R ..K.1 DitElf;S? POR the relief O Minor kidney, 'irtegularities! .Therce's A-nuric Tablets have been found' very' 'heneli; 'dal,. The action of this, stimulant dm- ' . „ retie in nnshing the . k Id n eYs,,dduting - nod relieving• ' irritation 'has' given relief to men and woitien in every part of (antpla, Read what Mrs. C. 'Wilson, 612 Park'. St., Niagara 'Falls, Ont., said': "My kidneys didn't lupe. : ',ticih 'properly And my rest'tvii often dii• turhed at night.- Dr.. Pierce's A-nuric was the medicine that helped me. I certainly had a trying :tirrie of it before I used: !Ji•nutio' but since 1 hAve 'stArte(t. to take , • these' tatilets 1 haVC improved beyond enk expectations" . • nny Of your druggist now, tablets 65c. ' e. Why Pedestals ,For Womenfolk? Britieh Educationist Says It's So r. They Can't Come Down and Compete With. Mail..., direCtor of trieeiitgepeq• nubile relatfons at the „Unclog ;Pt V4"06ajigh,,,tartqct,,,' • smiletbingwhen: he 'gave;a7rnnteren,Ce. of womenhis idea ot, mere, man* rettc, . • ,030 or.r9r; piAelagr.;Wealell po a pedestal, Tletey tl.t1:110.SUIvA'itnomalalillY,i).vhoet •staul4.3 0 iily1.beeozne andi10176b9iml le.peeittle; 11 11.) 011031e.. to*. step own Emotlonal Dumntles. .•40Hear; hear," game the 'epentaiteeus ,Cherneof apprOv,t4;:from the audience . • •aid seyeral.prominent:representatives . organizatiene 'added 'thew ....unsidatteteo,,rieor. 66pore, 0614put omen on pedeta1s . k"ii:7P1441":iaiet. of the National -tlnien. nf 'Women „ Teachers,. "Roth rich , and poor ,men like to keep 'their women ..tonr Separ- ate fram ,the Worliing Worldas dum, '• misupon1chtohan00their, emotions," k • • • . • . The Workingmen, she ,said,..iiited :to. have, a . wife whoin he felt was his In ferior. The •yeason Waa , because he • was .,kel?t,'.rigitily. in. his place by bla • , own boss that When he got home ,‘rorti, work he wanted to have:softieOne be In turn could hoss, wealthy man on *the' othor,.end of the. scale .•likes to use. his Wife as a substitute .for the beauty. he 141UU1le1f Is not able., to •create, ;So. he tnres ...her. into dtminty .upon which to hang diamonds; and beautiful elbthes." ' • - , •••.. ,„ Chivalry Old -Fashioned, . Miss b. A. goiwinorthe AsSociar tion,'of WoMert .Clerki. and •Segretar, tes, .described.as • "nonsease hnd. • old- fashioned talk of • ,chivalry in. indlis.4 'try. The • chief underlying aiin,'she de- clared, Was to ,keep • women aWay froat . the various fields of eroPlOY-ntent. • . . - • ,• Prairies Dream - Girl Athletic. Feminine. Ideal In Those Three Provinces Is Lithe; Dashing ; • ; ' An "ineffable western air," a dash-, ing,... rether, gallant quality, diStI11. .• guishes' the prairie dream girl. from , . • . her 'sisters on.either side. • • ,spOrtsworilen and. a •1ady,",.1 is the phrase ...Harry" •Steel',.• veteran,eaniera-. ' man f XVirinineg, used te, the -type Of beauty most re septet:ire,: Of 'Manitoba, Saskatchew n and Al- ,beita- •FOr'20Yeare'Steel h s been 'clicking his „shutters debutante, brides and ' ... • • . • girl .,athletes of all ,sizeSi..shapes • and 'der varied conditions Of lighting., •• hues,, Studying: their linearnenut pa., • Most Often a Brunette —Bob Reck a$Vinnipeg-aitist -picki- ap where Steel leaves -off when.. he ; • ihapsodles i!You. can see .her riding • • In the foothille. outskde Calgary, Snow ' '• shoeing near Winnipeg, or eVen going about her will*on a Saskatcliewoo . 'farm," • ireTk sq.linirs-ope eye: and . gives . ditnensioris . and; Oiler details. "She ' • . . • 'Is," he, enitl,;' ye 'brunette, 'about fire • feet fotir inehee, tall.... She is • , still gui- IS1Ln dp pea taric,e,Lwith the sOfteurses_,..s; of approaching wOmanhotx1;,apPearing - in a lithe, athletic- figure,". -• Deanna :•Durbin ' Younger. ; Reek points ' to beanha'Purtiiri;, the .. yoting :film . star from Winnineg, isa representative of Western beautyat; its best; Deanna,. he: tays, .is yOtinger than.. the ideal. • • • , • Another girl . who tarried the 'etaii, • ' dai4- of P1 airie. pulchritude into,tie wood the Saskatoon Lily :;mbet bele' tiful athlete' at. the Ameterdent Olym Mes 10years ago.. tier lithe. grace•and ToVeliriess stirred the hearts of than& ands AV ho'.,sp,w her:, ., .• . Child Continualiyi Writes .Backwarcic, „ With Leff Hand7-ten, 13e geed- , In 'Mirror . ; ..`• Ten-Yearlold Agnes ,Sinasac, Ok; Windshr,,is just about the. tops *hot it .COmes to writing. It'S:thore; natu- ral for her to write' backwards her left hand than normally 'with:Ina right -,-and she .does both: - , '"Agnes' sight is 'perfectly 711eryfal• and she . doton't see things in., re.. Verse," • her mother said "but. her , niirron-wr)tint • isactuallv sihootitor , and inore„ntatan'e 'then stimight writ- ing with her right harid,., • . ."W ilOn't think anything f it. AgnoS Was keen.to ;learn when ,she ,weS. a baby and we 0.•tau0li4..„ her ho W to iite., 'She: .1i1W aVe M ok witli her 1e,f*:k.1 and 1;11.cit,, Wards and the wrifki)1.1. to be lira • UJ). to. a ,inirror, to be dd 11041 ; ithool teacher taught Write. ;with ber;,),Igbt band, , thb 'optometric ancl toUld not be hingeil b,y • ateoNling; to. P. II. Atoll tgomelf Wintlior -optometrit.; • , ." • "As- lar 6s;1 titi ;Make out 'thiS; fl case' for a' psychologist". he 'said 'The dondItion 'Which ...iittOtg backward :writing is. hictitar,to ol Way of thinking, and to; her it hattits$ thing"