HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-17, Page 8BOYS' FIRST LONGPANTS 1.25 'to 1 S'IZES.28. •TO 3Z. maims .. LL P NTE AEN S 0"VERA A • REGULAR • p. L 1•.CIA• • COVERALLS RK, ,BILUE' AND.A . D ' FOR BbYS. bR GIRLS ` LIGHT, _ . . ; , :rte YRS T 8 S]j BLUE. � AGES 2 O FCI , ,. MEN'S WINDBREAKERS BROWN SWEDE, CLOTH. S A I' .. ... • CI.EANING :PRESSING and REPAIRING ENSWEAR; L �CKN W` u a iIZ .k MRS' GEORGE;"•McROBERTS Funeral services. for Mrs, Georg McRoberts,, were held at her_late rest Bence, •,Concession 8i- West Wawan osh, on ;Monday, March 7th, by Rev • 11. M. Wright of St Helens. •Inter meet was' in Dungannon cemetery with the following neighbors acting :as pallbearers; .John Cameron; Ros Murray, Con. • Foran, Allan,- Durnin Earl Durnin and George Stuart. A .popular and ' highlyesteeme resident. of ,the." St. Helen's district Mrs. 'MeRobert's sudden . passingsad d that ommunity, Since. return. ' 'denec ing to :her :home lest spring,',afte almost six months as a patient"in • : Wingham. • Hospital, Mrs. McRobert had. enjoying enjoying :improved .health • •�shew Theda before her .death ....._ day feelingg quite we11, *hen stricken wit}` a brain hemhorrage, passing, away on the morning of Saturday,; March ;5th less y than twent'=1our 'hours'' after - " being -taken=ill her 52nd Year,. Mra. McRoberts was formerly . Minnie • Haines,. a,` Ban, • ghter of the late Mr. and.lVrs. 'Bober f Haines, of the ,.Division, Line, Eas! :__w Wawanosh, • where . she was born. _ 1 • Thirty years. ago , last ,June, sh• Married! Mr, George -McRoberts,, nar ing- to his farm home in• Wawanosi where : she has • "been highly ,regards • " '. as a :kind •'friend and neighbor '.an has been ,a 'valued member, of th St. 'Helen's Women's' Institute. Surviving .besides her husbandas i three sisters,,. Mrs. Edward Mcluillin St. Helens;”"Mrs. 'James: Snowden East Wawanosh, ' Mrs. ,Wellingtol' Nixon` •Lucknow and : one ' brother, f , 'Evan Haines, Sisk: r .NOTICE TO •CREDI'TORS 'ta of. In�the Matter of'the•.Es to ., Jahn Villa of Luck; Morrison,. lite Of tire ge ,`' now in the;, County..:of_Bruce;, retired se.. . fai�nier, ,decea,d. Notice is herebygiven pursuant' to the Statute. in ,that , behalf that all d s g Creditors ' an other ' havin " claims • or. demands against the Estate of :thc. ' !Mid.,:Bora Morrison, Who. . di .ed on , or about .'the Ninth. 40' ,of JanuaryA.D. • 1938, ,are: required on or before the Seconddayof ril-A.D A 1938; :to send ..P: by P ostprepaid,. or. deliver, to 'th e 'undersigned, executorof the last Will and Testament of the .said •'deceased,: their names 'addresses' and ..descrip.• tions, -th•efull , `articulars -of their: � 1' claims, a statementof, their accounts and the • nature of the securities (if. any) ,:held by them duly'' verified: by affidavit. • . And take,,; notice_ that';_,after. "a such last mentioned, date the Executor :will. Proceed ,to ;.• distribute the assets . of, the said deceased :among the parties entitled thereto, having regard ,only tithe 'claim's of: which ,she shall' then have notice,and that -the -Said -Exec t not be, liable�fora .', ,said or, will t : „ the s d assets or ;any . part thereof to: any; ,person or :.' persons of:' whose claims' notice shall not heve`beenrecee ived.by hiim a tmthe.time of saci i tri butfon Dated ' at uckri L ow Oiitai•io . this: 14th day,f AMarch '.I1..1938. eor ..Lockhart, "I' R. c h R. R. 5` '.ow uck L n Ont:; Executor,. ASFII4ELD ` Mr.' Peters and MAnnie Kirin - 'tyre Miss e r. received• word last week -of the death n Toron on Thursday, , MarCh, , m to ., Y, h loth, of their` brother,. Mr. A.' G. Mc- Intyre. Int e Mr. MacIntyre ' was,well known here,••having; been afrequent visitor his : old ..:'while . • live(1, vl t at i$ home..... ,, .he h ec'. M : Kincardine,` Ile. is survived by: his wife who :"before her mirrfage was Barbara BayneLaurier b ' of also y four daughtersandoneson 11' of s a ,. Toronto.• symp•athy rVe . extendYmPa Y to the baresve d family. ;.' NOTICE . To CREDITOR S IN THE ESTATE OF "'WILLIAM .: A.' TAYLOR,' deceased. ALL persons having claims, again: the' estate of William A.• Taylor. kite toro f the Township of Kinloss an; • the County .of 'Bruce; Farmer, deceas- ed;: who "died '.on” or about the 11th day of December, 1937, are • required. to'I send `particulars of'•same. 'to' Mrs. Archibald Patterson; Administratrix,,: Lueknow, Ont.; on or before the 21st day" df ,March, 1938, after which date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed• having- regard'' only to /claims ,of which: the Adminiatratrix- shell then have received notice .and, „ignoring alothers. DATED at ' Walkerton this • 23rd ;lay of February. 1938: OTTO ' E KLEIN, !Solicitor for. - the Administratrrx FERTILIZEI . Lucknow ,Joint Club will operate their . fertilizer mixing.:.., station ; this ear .under t sin* ., na men y • r the. me Ana ge t as, th` -hr r vi. rs - e -t the- a ious'- ea .Club mem-. P, y bers and. those ' who' join the.clubs, having-, their materials' mixed ' here are assured of sawng a fertilizer, seeond to one offered t hem .any - N% here, besides -saving themselves dot- !ars?, ol= lar,° , s Prices - materials: and 'mining :on � mg application • to, John �Jsimieaon, .m: an ageY ,. Luckn ow. R. R. -3.:..Pion Dungannon 68-r-1. Bearl te`• e d • FRED'. MA''II'IUE..• e daf of-Mrred ate n e, former 'resident 'of Lmelsno .ocenr recentl t , Stettler ' Alta, red y , a tthi a horn. .at ucknow. Mr, :: a e Wit L .M '10th 876 • and.Ontario• • on October 1. w nWe$ ' In 1903: -He filed on &' homestead, five miles .'.south-east, -of. Stettler townsite before, the town was . started,and he had to haul. his., supp g lies alon .`:.from the trail.'Stett-: and back again: :gy• ler to Lacombeman times. u i s e. '' ` his d t e on the home.. 'He' �t put n. . fro � ovember' 1ss stead°'each ear . m N . d worked, to, May '• 'trad'�.'' ;.1st, a n at his iiti town during the 'summer Months He worked at the • C:P:R. pat nt car. .h i another.. and, sister -66M 11.'1006. his d, .•0'4928 "- r Mother and•u 92 -out.f onr•`.Onta � .,P .. 1 8 • „ , LUCK IOW SErrige ++?.wr=.r•4 tw��.�w:Ns_wi a,y, ..,y..�x„w.r.,..,,m.., ,,-i{ ,-,.... „-..,,, THURSDAY' MARCH 17T14, 199S., t LOCAL and GENERAL Don't forget tar wear•. that bit '•o''. green today • 11. Mr.- W B, Anderson returned thin week from .a business trip to•''. the West. Reserve' 'Tuesday; March 29th,, fo' the ,Popular .play "Paying. the Fid- dler". id-dler".. Watch next week's Sentinel, for particular'sof a . free picture show and dance: on April lst.. • " J W ,Joynt, who was' accompanier-' by Mrs. •Joyrit,, has returned, from r': three•. weeks' bust ess' tri through • i1 . r P - , the Eastern • States.. • 'Mrs. A. C. Barrett and •Mr; Victo. Barrett , of London, were week -enc'• .it tie is at, : thehomeof ;the f ornter's Mrs, Ar :. Mr Wm. Mr. d � ' a parents,, strong. ,* CALL AND LOOK OYER our Nell. S tin at[t les The , are • a fine, range ofFabrics; something new in patterns and tailored' "strictly • up -to- sate.—TEMPLE CLARKE, Merchant Tlor Week -end visitors at. - Mr. -and Mrs. R. • Ritchie's; were., Mr;. and Mrs.' J G. Ritchie and 'Bobby of Mitchell, Mi and Mrs:;' A,,,J, Wilson, Lucknow; Mr Cecil Gardner 'of Zion; Mr. - Charlie MacLean, Mr Gordon RitchieCiar; ence and. tor*. , '.'Those `.'attending the' ',funeral. ' of John Dunkie at. -`Guelph were Mr. and Ws. Donald MacDonald ,Mr, Colir. • MacDonald, Mr Bill Rintoul„ ,'• •Mrs Duncan MacDonald; . George, ' Peter and Donalda• and Mrs. John Jefferson 'harlie and Pete' df,. St. Augustine. • . jr renewing his Sentinel,:, , Ton, ry- of- the -.Bank- of-Mentreai stag St: 'Kelowna; .'B.C.; : states 'that.. he likesthat. part °of the West 'verb•. much, arid why °not,`if'you like.: a mit winter • for 'da " Tom •hasn't found to to it necessary to 'get out the :winter R coat. ' Spring doesn't offic ra11Y arrive' ve ' un•. but weather . condition,: til: next week,; li urin have •.been• quite springlike d g,,,the_ plait several days, Robins. and. ground- hogs are repot .d and sap is` runnirih `nit •old ,Man' Winter is :not likely t<: a et,; ;. ".m 'e i .ve. in so Basil and . Y yet g . 'give , .Y.. tr 'a final blow` before.: he succumbs the' assault of :Old Sol, who israpidly warm ing P. . u . • Metthie•was busy, en' his' farm,' whet^ - :he -went into mixed'' farming and;poui, try raising.: • Since 1928 he had lived - in Stettle'. and -worked •-at ,his -trade.- ' He leaves: one sister, Mrs. Ida• Rin toul - of . IStettler, , and, one ' brother • Will'Matthie.:of'-Port. au Prince, Haiti West Indies. • vc-1: "'ME'ETIN:G Meeting "ofthe:•;Wo- The March m g Wo- men's held'.at the home. r' a' ivitli �f_Mrs Wm: F'is'her,��i, Friday an' attendance -of 36 ladies. After the �N opening _exercises, the motto. •We;are. never too ,old to: learn", was.taken.; .by Mrs..' Horace Aitchison. Letters of.. thanks were received' from sick mem hers who had been remembered -witi. an :eo-o Y Pe'!'a ' • fiowef.s; fruit, etc. '. .; . ; • , The :topic' "If .•1 Were Twenty -One. NOTICE OF TENDER •Again", was , taken by • Mrs.. W. G Tenders •wnh ,be- received by, the Andrew and "What; I' Would Like -10 undersigned ned . up to the First day of Possesa Sixty", by Mrs. R. L. • -April, A:DA, 1938,for the purchase Treleaven.Mrs. A. 'rPattierson and of a two storey,•, frame dwelling and. Mrs:..H Treleaven - gave. • readings: lot situate on'the .West side if Stan- .` sto ice' . r search wa dealt`t . • Hi , r, 1 e s with by, ter. Street, in the' Village of•Luck- .Miss H. Webster. Gwen "•Stewart sang, now, •being. Village lot. no. 307. ' a' ,solo.* The highest'. or 'any ,tender not -nes- ' It was ' grandmothers' • d • w„ day and a, essarily accepted. .corsage of. flowers was presented each: For 'further.. particulars, 'apply., to of the grandmothers, who•.Iater join- •'Joseph Agnew, .; Lucknow, Ont. ed in community singing. •TUTE' L IN STI . ,' II3 E L CKN B U OW Just seven .'mere weeks until a?i close of . the .Bible: I"nstitute,, or .just seven -more nights' of 'systematic Bible `study xrieluding" such blessed', • truths -as' "The Times `of the Gentiles "What, of the ,• ."The? •Second; Coming of ',Christ", "The Resurrec tion of the • Dead"; "The Battle ` of Armageddon" and 'the Doctrine of nd, the Holy S Piri, f Th ri Rev..' 'E. . is Friday event g I Laney, Bible : Doctrine teachervr`ixi, have, charge of the two ;adult classes renin o' ILyour :faith. neetls_strangt .. g .... ifyou havenotassuran e of sal` '. . the c vation or knowledge of sins; forgive:. Yon t o will not' want to miss the bless•'. ing of, this, he ur •. The- regular .classe: for High, School students at 7.30 am: 8.15 p.m'.. •Song .and Prayer servicea '7 •', O'clock 'sharp :Blease' invite n friend. • 'The Junior Bible Classes will meet,' .tea �_.. ft"r "schoo�° everY • 1~�d "".afternoon aY South: Kinloss, Y:, P. An, .unusually interesting; meeting was ;field by „`the Young People of South ':Kinloss on Friday evening, when Miss Dean MacLeod, condueted us through the Palate: Beautiful.=his consisted of a,brief survey • pf the -Bible from , Genesis to Revelations Entering the Vestibule of the Pall ace' we heard of'.'the Creation and e' the Fall ' from'Grace. Front the' Vestibule we entered the Law courts, Pwhich. were illustrated by4the Ten :Comman• dments.: The Picture Gallery_ consisted,: of ten rooms in, which were picture -1,. of famous . people such as' Nehemiah. David, Ruth, etc. and many famous battles I "the Philosopher's Chamber ..... we• learned of . Job's:- great; belie in the, sovereignty of God. . T he Mu si c Room ..was illustrated bY the Boys' quartette, Who • O TiouMy soul, Bless God •the' ' Lord.. As we entente the Business . 09ice, we saw. over th door the Motto "Righteousness exal- teth but'reproach a nation . sin is. . a r._. .,. P oto any. Peop ,_.In. the Research ? Pertinent we', found that' the .conch signs reached were .All . is Vanity" All that was worth while was to Fec-; God and keep' .His commandments? the Conservatory we:'saw..many bead= tiful pictures••of'.the, •Church, teles of 'Sharon beloved.. of God. There wet seventeen, rooms . in the Observatory - in which we saw. people such' as :Isa iah, `Zephaniah, •Micah,: etc.,; all' pro phesying about the coming of ,Christ, Between /the old and new part of th' Palace: was a Court Yard during which we saw''pictures of the Jewish people undergoing.; many ; changes Entering the New part • of the' Pal=' ace,'' we sew four ;portraits of Christ `' e ing; (2) Christ theas(1)WorkerChris, (t3)thChrist the 'Man and. (4) :Christ,.; the • Son ,of God In'.'the k gem of -the. l'Ioly�Spiri't vire Si>oi1 pictures of the Holy Spirit: working through men. There were. twenty-one Correspondence , Rooins, in which we inet: such ea . men gr t as Paul, Peter. John James,. etc;' The •,last room ;wa.. ' the.. , Throne Roc* With ' its Gallene. ,. and Judgement Hall, the quar- tette .uar- tette san ‘.0'.Word•of God Incarnate' • Theneetin 'nex t ` .a i g sunder the 'lea= dershf of Mi' Hackett's Y. P. Sr The• weekly 1 • t'" e Meeting was.hel ' ed- Y g d.VY. nesday, March 9ti , in the school; remit H inn 261 was'sung" folio b Ywe r g, d e Y peating the Lord's prayer in unison Hymn 94: was Sung. The minutes were -then-read-and adopted: The business was:• con ',cted announcing dl? , the.' losers • .r Cothes ice; : •.HEADLIGHT, OVERALLS '& .,'PANTS' FOIL. SETTER 'WEAR..' f. -F. - T . .. 4SK: THE •.MAN. WHO' • WEARS;; 1HE1V?. • ,. . MEN'S OVERALLS, PANT5;;'BOYS' .. , Famous.•-: Brand: ..: OVERALLS . , f:•. ....;� ....'.. ..: , .. . , 98e. &' U '. P »,0 R:SH,IRT --. Na vy Mid Blue I.0 0 . •. SPECIAL MILITARY '.COTTON . FL -p ri le • ANNEL 'SHIRTS.. Stitched full 'eat The ideal shirt for summer,. cooler than cot - .ton: Sizes 14V2 -'17':Special ` — SMOCKS-lta�lg an "S1eeXe, co gfoitali.e .over sweaere `o. .sand ing 'at arm holes -Heavy Duck ... ,, , :.:. $1;95 S OCKS-Win.• breaker stile.'Special • a of : the attendance , contest, who an� holding a 'program and social .'even. ing' on ,Friday, March 18th: The Mis• sionary convener, Blake ' Alton the. took ,the chair; Violet. Twamley gi v a paper on•-''Faaorite Hymns". • Scril:p ture',lesson was read by Elsie Vint, Miss Lenore :MacDonaldgave the topic. Rev.; Patton gave.. a short tali.. The, 'meeting" closed ~with, hymn 24 ; 'lid zpah benedic o ` .. Presbyterian nGuild •The,' meeting.' Monday eveningw'9 in charge of the LiteraryCommitter Hymn: 48""was sung' •arid the, scripture lesson read by „ Helen''MacDonald, Di• Johnston:: gave, a very intereting topic. on; "People": ':H Hymn' 650' was` P Ysung.. followed bY a violin solo by. tle.,.Lifeof the: Musicran Handel" andel" was read 'byDangles Aitchison,4 uartette• :was sung ` b • Chin: 9Y Sam Llo yYd'' Stewart, Jim Purvis and .1Z ss Paterson and :Bud. Orsang.,a solo : Miss Yourex : gave an .interesting 'talk on several poets and ymn Mr. MacGilli • solo: T. y sang a• so he closing h ► vvas •538 and the:meeting closed" by' repeating theP .:.Miz `ah benediction: .. BORN •ALTO N—To Mr `and Mrs. Bert Alton, in. `'Walkerton. Hospital, Feb..: 23rd, a . son:. MacGILLIVRAY=-To Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart 1Vlacf;)ill vary, Ashfield, 'Naar "• 6th; :a'• daughter: 1 %ugha fit Par,. 11 pital,''on •Tuesday,'March $,thto.Mr. 1 nd'. 'Mrs. • 'Ronald :Rae, a 'daughter:. AITCFIISON-^In Win ham 'Gener- al Hos pital . nn' Friday •; March'1' t p ..,; Y: 'to Mr: and Mrs e Atte sonArchie' " �hi � , West Wawanosh • WOODS -At Hamilton on ' ' Satur-; da March 12th ' to Dr. . end t Yr Mrs.• ` Alvin Woods,, ds d, titer— r Mia.- Ann: The dollar ,that accomplishes things is,.the 'one t hat keeps ee p s moving +�� r • dollar that, is kept out of circ ,.n is ' only a.; Piece of pper.Pcop Opt something like that, too.. You have to •, keep, -on-the -move « if you'want=to rank uphi higherf gh r in use ulness than the dead dollar: l „an Wal k ITh constabl noticed • a m walk- Ling- along :with one foot Vin; he; gutta. a nd one 'on the curb -What's ". u '� hesai ' are you drunk. . P. d,,:, Y Ani 1? asked the object of his • at;; tention: It .certainly. looks like Well, . thank , heaven 'for that! 1 thought1;}was late•nt s. LADIES' ;.COAT Thus year's coats are Merey feminine&flatteiing. ••.'FOR" BE UTIFUI:-NEW,E=: D TAILS; ribbon trimmins 'tri unto uiltin' ':vertically tucked backs, or' 'variously'tucked' `sleeves•, g, P q: g.Y. , FOR' LAVISH, LOVELY: COLORS. muted tweeds; b`rihiant fleeces, precious ; pale neutrals or. dressy''blacks;gnd navies,• , LADIES�IiESSE3SHE;NEWSP-}SING-DRTSSES-•-ARE N.,-IINL -NEW M_ATERIAL_ Sr' : S WITH BOLERO AND' SASei�, 'O.Eti. W -'EAT ITI PL 15 SWING SKIRTS :, 'delightful o r c lou s. in a hu .varlet stThese are.sashed SPECIAL—New Crepe Dresses.' ,ge y of rtes Mid' be-flowereddresses'•'separate.bolerodresses :and many, other fashionable, styles, 2.95 All 'sizes for 'onl .d:,.._...,--- PURSES— `In delightful styles and in. the new IIOSE�-'Sring IIose bySu irsilk innew,:leath r Y,Spring P e r, eLeatherf g thuine Zapon '• `in colours � of grey, an shades'and 'in , service � very tete chiffon •o •e g h Bon r. green,' blue and leather tan. Crepes.; ..MEN MEN'S ANDSUITS= New Topcoats in fancy ;tweeds s and smart styles • ens Suitsin fine worsteds, new checked or plaided patterns , and 'in all spring styles. . ALSO -SAhPLES, -pOR —VARSITY- BRAND ..TAILORED- TOM✓ASURECLOTHES.' • MEN'S HATS—SMART STYLES FOR SPRING, NEW COLC,'URS AND FANCY• BANDS.• Where •Style and Economy Meet , 'PHONE •; 85 LUC1NOW, NST •