The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-17, Page 7it Commentary on the " Highlights b6 the' Week's News By Elizab€#f Eedy SPRING HATS,• -'Pancake crowns' bumper brims, 'bon►)ets with- chin trapswi! lead in this Year,.. a patade of spring hats," the, fashion papers • ,tell ns And already we set) :oti.the' streets. of Ontario's small. , towns, ;large towns,, our style conscious •w.o- Menfolk strutting -about • with the latest tnilliber r confections atop t e P ir : l s' The "mP inial l h a o tser``r r etiriot belp but wish, h'o-ev.er, that More women h d ; chosen:;. '•styles-. to • suit, „i them, ithem, had:.•only realized.,th t:'thobse ehin-strap bonnets are mean" toe ;worn .by coy, sweet :young ' things As 'it is, there are altogether too many world( -looking, women peering out from under . unse,l 1phisticated moi,_' a t '.n�_rF .:' ms,�witn--rat .ethin;ls�t adr,Gy ' ,of Little Red Riding 'Hood's Grand - .mother —o— • •I NA, ..1t3 Cs .ME. ROMAN E�T:a ' � , �t year - it was the;:•Duke -,and- Duchess • Windsor' who, had` the ;world's tongues i g, I wagging—the love story of a century trio it seemed. This spi ing> it: is. Gaeta Garbo' and 'Leopold i' .Pold Stokows k , two -of the biggest nanieh in, the news, , who aro provkiding us with first-class. Vicarious rontan,ce. ' • As Lhe, c,wo cif the trther• two lovers; hoWeve r, their :f me ant' name would apl:`ear to starld in the "way of uninterrupted happiness, since the hounds ;of publicity .are forever ,on their, trail, • - ,• "'CANADA SHIRKS"— •r" W rtiiig-iii'tlie'. NeiF°-\ork';oinmentater in °:A' mei•i- ea o itica n S ob of •:: e s„ � i • u•neFitakos 'to ada, who, with the oyhet Pt it:ish Po minions, •he• ela'itns, is,not•'doing her, .duty This country; he:'seys,' expects; in the .event of war, to be defended by the;Biitisii Navy but •i. doing no - 'thing in the :meantime to' strcngthen that navy, is - "In s Britain,"' Jur •critic points • out;; ".every person on the, average; is pay ing • 45;,•a year for : the defence. sof . 'the lmpi,re. In the Iotitrn'ians, each • White pet son pays less• than. a tenth Of that ,sunt Why,'.'.the United States., is spending more hard cash: for the'd ce of the English-speak- ang w orlci •}�1u nding..Canada, than all t'Mtc Etnninions,, ten • times Lover " H•ird• Words, those.- But 'cold, bit-.. 'te^-'f- yrs neyerthcless,'' • -Fr • 1". (lift-iWf point--o-f -vie , the_ situatic a ,s•,rather- bad; since.: if we', continue to- depend on GreatB1:itaini_ for t!,eptotectierf of our'shores, We: dare not speak for oursolv,es•nor take independent action in` world affairs.. h •spite sof the.' Statute of Westinin-' .,stet, It 10.31), then, we-,-keep-en-hang ing to `:Britain's• apron strings; and,:'. altowl.ondofi to:.make.oar major de.. cisioits forus.: SHANSr' -;FALLS—With the virtual taking over last wee; of .China's..: 11 Shansi pro.1 ince by the Japanese, the Rising Sun armies` ai•e in position. for riv. . across the Yellow • wet into the '.heart of the Chinese Red territory,, the mysterious North Shensi 'area,, the country; with a:, "question-tnarkti" '• ' . fFe 'white peoplehave s ucceed' ". d 'i penetrating.. e n a:;' Ar as the Com, " muni5t,..strongholds lcs there. Inger at Snow in his ''Red Star .OverChina" tolls ,.t e, t toi' h `f ' o. a sojourn in this, stampings grou.q d. of the Chinese Red' r foi'ees, nr.csent1 photog•raRhs • of •I?e'o-. pre' and places never beforecau.g ht 'hy the cafner•a; describes visit a Y sit to the .capital,'of the "mobile Chinese zSc4N4e- "Sri the north eer trap poittoi The outcome of a •campaig i in thi.: territoryis unpredictable, since JZus; sia at an might y time. night coin@ to the`. hel f k t . !? .n._,_he ._.-Chinese:..Conm. unsts: Nevertheless JaPun'• now proposes es .to' : ahead : make, 'go d an ake d ' . o;od.'hei� oft - re-' i' � to pealed. declaration that the real .ob- ject of the prhostilities . h o ,liti es is.to. Wille _ou.t:.fted- influences-..i'n.. North.: China... , T HE. ,WQR§T R ERS Adlles- sing delegates to the Ontario '� 34tor• • Ieague's.Annnal Conference,.,Ceolge A. Hodgson, chief examiner, of'driv- ers of o Onta:t', r , de dared last' week • that At. least 80• percent. of the car accidents• occurring in this province• were caused by drivers whose eXperi=. ence driioun'ted to five . year• In' other words, -it ;is the experienced da ve•is Who • ought te,• k•now better ' = r.e o , "Ii'ut the.1'md e" , •be:. said, "thee, col, our-hlind driver is safer their the Man who is not colour blind. , He. ean',tell you ,iminediatelg'that the :tole light is ted and; the bottom green. Our. dif, ferences •ai°e with. those who .have all their faculties.." ' • Appa,t entJ3 , then, the :mote a man- is aware of his defieiericies,,,the,rnorb alert and' careful he_ will be. —o.•— TEETER-TOTTER An Associated •Press, despatch reads. 'Poland •step^ ped into the diplomatic forefront :thus' week as a ".possible' balance betw.een,, Great Britain and France on one side. arid Germany and Italy 'on the other, • ari - pi opocled European 'agt eenients. Behind thisn'ews lies a multitude _of intei i,elated =facts; cha'ef of -•which are: following his ",convei'sations•'with•- Prime, Minister Chamberlain of.; Great Britain, �v}iieh hie; hopes 'to conclude. successfully, Premier,' , . Mussolini of. Italy is expected .to propose ,aft :ally ince of four great` power:. who. will.. run ';1 urope's ;affairrs..,.Francevotil;d be unenthusiastic'. about ,such a plan, unless Poland, her Ily,`.wereinvited,`. to .participate in he talks. Canadian Minister of 'Transport Predicts Trans -Canada Airlines' Ocean Service. Will Be, In Force Within a Year -21 Pilots ,Now ••Ready Trained, • Ocean 0.:Peiea:n, final( serviee''wiil lie in operation ott::the Traiis=Canada Airlines ,within •a. year, the. House of, Conine:MS, \uas informed last weelv•. b inist r „ i ,; T; Y 1V1 a of Frans ort C.. D, i-,oi+ e P o i' Per"Week •T a ' w, Trios .. em: 1 b- H.. a e th i•un ma o cc u t , ..s,...., d . ,.e alp,r t err that ;it. { 4u►te: -wi th ,the rearm. f possibility" that-, a regul'ar, air mail, :service across the.; tlantic .Ocean r' consisttni, 01: two, trips: each way :per. week, Will be in opeiati,on before:•the. end of the year; - arlrer ' ay -4,4h 1,t4?r• had secured, ,first reading for a bill, ,allowing rans-Canada Airlines •to pur•ehase a ;certain allotment of stock, in • the coni art. o eratin the,• ocean, n._, y ...p b e . serv_iee .n far tinder t •. c, as phovrded fat andel ..teams °of' an -agteunent with- Great Britain, , the ,Iris Tree 'State • and 'ti.svfeunl- 1n The2• Ti•ans•C n• a ada� nows - .. _.. ha,. ,..1 pi lots. The minister boasted that they are equal to, an `. i'' .. y n the u•or] ' .qd and are familiar with'i the:British tlslr systc.0 of'' i navg ation The,: i .. ;' se }•ie •from . Vancou.<<er to Winnipeg is aett''•'well . " n..g P y. coinPletied, ' he said, And the jump' fi ol'tr Montreal to the Maritimes will; be pushed ahead: as soon 'a4 .the .Weather. permits: in' -,the spring ; • Vancouver' to:Montreal tr r - The h a ts. Canada, 'Mi. i•Iown':sai,cl•,. w211 _have •a thorough service from ;Vanc&uv et•te-,Monirreal 'wi.th only 'one Par lSlRa 1 t fies.• Trade ae, Treaty • city:. , Catpa+de. • to Gni.n, Domin on ' Quotas'fiigtler on Several, , Product's O1" •A1'i. - :The Tc1'.anno;Csuudian. ",ii • t tIe tt .tt c ,e; i tattled.]ast week'lty.: the • 1•'rct C .t , tch�. C lariaber••of Deputies . le stip ; e�keh�i'on,'of •fire f,•03.,3 aid ,eOM- r : itni n + .>=. een n 1 i s. ,iv L,... Ala' a t, iot itn;lioliant •.concessions to"C4nada'aie-1argei'n uo 'tis for lead and b s sinc.iu'pigand bars.. ps.. '':1Jie add.ittonal. ,lluota, :in lead. 's r ex- pected to ''amount to, about $700,000 and' Incz.. to, about $200,006. ' • The t ••f p llow' "• 4 iu .. g� l t_ccr n niodities 'areto 'igen new -or' ac Ili ` t trona( foetal:• Cheese, toileto juice,' mowing machineselectrical' appataas, elastic fabtJcs-arid Manufactures o 1 s ,1' asbestos,, .New; `arrangements also . le we' made rado_' respecting admi iisti•ation Of:the i .. .t a ota on canned saliroit B u 1 ere s of- the re Fi�enett" mitit�nitrm tariff 1' ii ft )d . e alsobeen e,xtend'erl' to the' 'following. Canadian products': enetl' cotrd:e;nsecl milk," ex tiftcial' carbon- ate of magnesia, uranium oxide, tel- • l;urltim, lucaitdeNeent mantles, calf. Trains•,as anti alcohol g c stoves,. lamp and .-'as � , , b.lirriers and tiat'ts.' Length. of ,Life.• Biologist Able to Tell If Men Likely to Reach Old Age '..in average figuyes after he. is, .adu1t Johns HOpkins University'. • .I -Ie 'talked' CO the Xevr• York 14.ca71, tinnouncetnent •of: the for The,indieet are .biea,giCal measure - Merit's,' ranging ,finin. pitlap rete to • body Shane. They ShoW eifect'Who .two gr'oups of,White Men, 1 9,3 in each,. • •at'ages. ranging frOfri •20 to 60, art laVerage of -40,. They, were f011owed , bite group/. Wail long-lived; the oth,, er sheet -Jived:: The leng.lived Men stverageir.,26 apieeo 'More Allan These .long -live& 'men had- 06Wer ,Peerl•said,••Were quite small; aronrid ' four beata. a, 'Minute Bfit this diffeyence. was statistically ajg-,„ •The'dong.,lived. men had' :different, bided ,presstae, Wan ihort-livcd, 'Dr. POarl said he did not With at,thiS time to reveal 11'.6 blood riroAt)ro dif, ferences. The men Who liked tong averaged Sik pr? ds,•eacli; imiWithstandi .te all die men !rt breath, and ,smaller waists lit ,the , • it is not Otte, Dr, Pearl reported', that the ‘."absollitc". length•Of4litnnah life hat, lengthened, said, feWerilier,q0ne, allve 70: to. . day atirvh`e Until '00* Unin 40, Mid children). he gal& of:fish out:Of the Greet Lakes 'Annual. • the Detroit Free Freas, • • ',The putleok for it: serious that. ...Yepreaentati-yes 'fpf die, Vatted States and Cianadi,an,goveriiinents,,.aa•well. ;the. sfateS borderieg on ,. the ft'Oth! 3,500,000 16 leas: :than 500,606 tho. fete; in,. stare 'for the ?Great. 'assumption that. a the het is • 'with it, the destruction et. the .proilt.:'" hot the only courkry'' has new inveked.the whieb .1u6 to hi.", 'carried ',out 1)y .theatre inan- , cinetha 'With guarantee that his `tieW.:Will not be 6bs'eured. thi result. of spaye-time stiffly More ,tlitin 500 )ninei,.e haVe left the „. Mines of Wales to enter ' pro. reAstim. in the last three years. ton, , It Was.. the goVernments tention to leave Ordinary feeder. ser.„ vices to ,private enterprise. Tenders main cities .of Saskat,chewan, are be - yes genet:ally the e;overninerit's: intention,. the minitei. Said, tp ex-, tend aVietion,:..to all .part of 'Canada When' air Mail' warranted' it. • Will Snap. Ninnabersl! on 'Fast .." News In Brief Ru"s'so Japanese Tension TOITQ=A'vi orotis •Soviet` rotest •thistaeek iegiatered i•,enewed tensiop. Japan's troubled r elationa. \lath rthe; cow ---pro ,--"arms • the continued detention of,•i,«o Rus- sian steamships ,tri• northern -Japan ports, and of i Soviet; an•plati • in northeastern .l1aitchoul uo The Jap-', anese ,.came backwith charges, that Soviet au•tj of ities were "illegally. holding" 51Japanese: su'bject's in .Russian Sakhalin and nine Japanese vessels. , “Revdetion of forninle and details ti•eatnient are required.by the bill, -a ceor'din-g. ntster. Wee pi fig. pos!ite,i-s '6i:inquire into any 'type of "so-called' cure" are provided: ! rr ♦1 • • :11i4 WORLD- A'T. LARGE+' oft e' -.CANADA ." THE MPIRE t C A N A LJnn.�i E-dttn .,. ct 5 'ecies.. The 11 4.. l Y.i.e..u' Y Toronto .iscon- r :• ci actin a course to •u.i•e �, care bitrshing and there will'be'a Tittle nal id - s eculat err P as; t( Wh re ,the c y rad folk nowadu S y J ,. . a cio: blits�•h;--1 e tezrllcrou 'h lite('. • Humanitarian n Fee: ngs We .;ay "amen"•tq the indignati of .,7'avisteek p.eo le. •directed' :to P wa r .tt htanc un river ver killed� ,who; a vire,-ha; r• terrier puppy in' P Lpy that villa;:e: The ii e• n .il. neither a, u k ler sloe ed down In ;an attempt 'to, miss, the wee.do nor g,. to make amends after. r fie •• • u -ening. over1t.'�_.Gon tcast_tlus. incident with one in• Dubuqu t e, Iowa,, 'where' 1:, men worl,ed,Ifor•ten:days: to a ecue a sinal( terrier from a .' fox. hole.--S:ti�atfor d Beacon -Herald.. Away From Strangulation • M odcrn machinery, enable dfewer pcbhle .to produce more on the • faring. 'J`his has inevitably'been' re- flected. Vetted. o'r t., lie' villages. But there is growing 'realization .that urbanize- tion 'caliche' carried' to lilt^'L' •`t•.strangles .• o fat, The city ngles itself, Every_ where we .see suburban deyelopineilts gas nien .try' td escape' from 'the hi''h. fists aiid;crow•de i;.S' �, , l.. .. tlQets'•Of the'Glty; i ndestrv.it said to lie :foll itg the. time.pathway.: • �'i ` Hydro sand ra^� e many, 'o • fine: 111 'THE EMPIRE Australian , Foreign Policy • Aust a l S list c i" . a olve-. around'.tN o d:'trctent cent e the Pa �ifia and�k the i i' cz: t. $_ h om 'on- s C nr .. we , . �• : wealth . t �a of inr. i s .Out „eogiraphicarl,, o i€ron l? •.and our. s ecoirome welfare 'inevitably, mean a regional ]neoccu- Dation With the Pacific: ]n many n a i1Y; re- . Fpects we . shaire ai'allel. in per t os,s • with ,the nited States, and 'rant of I iiize,� 1 m, : �:.:�:..;; P .... S r •f+-�:rr;era 11 policy must be' the' :dei e1 raiment' o.f Au tr•aiia.n-Anier•ican fried hlds.,i p. and co-operation:. We desire toplace of:r trade and other, relations with Japan ,on a satisfactory looting. We .acognize. her ;economic•• difficulties but, on the other; •hand;: we"•cannot ..remain blind, tp, the Japanese' aag res - :ion which. has aroused even India to .strength'n her, defences, and an y potential. th eat to' out . count re"= `' t s yp. minds.us that Vie can onl find's fe .Y• a ty h i;ta • t coas=oeration Sit G:ai'nd .lo. eat 'Britai ltien juspour interests a Y.- s -are . itteluctablyr bound u"; with the I•:niphe.—Sydney' •Herald. • can . Japan 'Last: Out advantages ...citY:0 It: will, be interesting' td See ;what succeeding ,years contribute :to - the 'paehlein;,-LonflOh Free Bres.s. • down Western ---,and, fer that matter, itt P'eople; challenges* :net only comparison- but Serions;.stu'dy, the Rtissien ;Standard Of ,e 'Shibboleth which Might.. -well :We Min !Wes in' 'Canada :Might be revised With'be:., no ti everybeily in', the.: Demin —hut. tile Scientists • Who. :are, linoste' net'l.op'portuiiity.:to:give'the long, that the. 'amere,'• would be • Installed . ' spine. time ago: to .temuat,hig• itWay law • his researches:, . • Said,...ia expected to pierce the bright. eat headlight.raYS and'elock the Speed •.Feete. Said. that he plenned. to Place the equinnient-,in three or fenr.:,tars: ,..The 'camera ,wcitild be. set un eidse: :arid ;could ,photograph' .ilireag• h'. 'the the windshield, getting the. • licenS.e Plate of It' car hi ',front 'or Of Vehiele coming' in ::the OPposhe ..quered•territory north, of ;the YelloW-. River.,:lepatrese meanwhile ' bombarded , strategic eities. on :the Moat of the•reported. Chinese Suc- eesSeS :Were. along the':Hotian7Honeh were, held up by, the Ifibacl;•riVet. :The Chinese. •also a :Chinese: driVe against in Southeaste ern Shentling,' killing 500 japanese. • • a Ye 'to he planted • in County ',Durham laSt, Weektooksome herd knocks hut 'failine of 'Richert' Whitney. it Co.i. 'Held On 38 Charges were laid list. Week 'after, hours .Of. • 'lice. chief,. after • ▪ BellabOustan Park. Gla.Sgow; May. -3 and visit...poor .districts ;in Glasgow' •the following dav, it • Was Officially' .announced. this week. • i3ONDON7.--,-GTeat is 'bolder .bid :for .intei•national 1Conetirrerfily with: the .uPbuilding• ofr,"the.Rdyal Air Porce; the 'Govern-, Meet impOunced last week it Will giye Nfeekti'es are.to be taken within .the Air •Iiiiirlistry to strengthen the or.'. ,ganization dealing with civil aViat'e Ntt U. S. S. Memiihis, Pays Visit' to Shigaliore teentieg through johore Strait, • basA Canada.in Invents Insulating than brainary''S'ilk is. reYeelOd **silk•of such high insulatinglyalad can be needed produce, the Same. am,. pant of ifisnial ion: The .fihe wires tied.. :Acfept•ditig.:to hia.:•prec:est. Alio. silk, The drY,'ste.am :at aaeniperaterenf 226' .tibti as aft inar feting Wrapping, , •. erman Autos $?ffili inroads In the. British. nitre- tifttomobi les were litripOrteti .1411; • anhs'idy„..abrinan trucks 'and ell,. Attlee, t,"eylon and .• other. l,lritisit,1),01 r, ih.e. lir lin e'..pitrpoSe of, the' Cie,rinalt way. no: Attoat dying A Plane At 36,000 Feet, • French Bombing Pilot$: Make,. Daily khig+liits:. In uli • Stratosphere rigtForfelnyc+rt hthoenI 6 n,U4Q•p*fioloot, le�al yrle•Taircnh- ' their efiieer say • we be the nor•nial cruising altitude for bornbers in "the Equipped, wlth 1I ht •masks and o:cy gen .tanits,• Rhe. Fren.clr ''high fliers" make .daily ,((grits is ' fine su strato, , autiairc x af t ,gurners 'li bi yl ooki. ng fox iePr1e,tieP1einarlofn ti• r'foat(ot'trrdeis,� , ,Y w}eu • _._. Nezct Cruisin g r Altit ud'e Ethand ' 1ttc}, fer a;n: y .... underaPtrr... fare ' i , ° 7 ,o at f OW it r r ?..0 ich teGr'ntly,;' 'that in' case' h t,,, a of ostillticy 'botnbiu plat. „ ��,, a , •I a les NOW fly, aboa e 3'3,000. fee ,, feet -la normal operirtions, . • Pi cin. •illi ;*.,i, . a • • 1. 1. r ,r,t li neLes is t .t 1 s s e '� ti whrt.:c r•' the genei'a'1 staff of,the air.; t,�lte, ate-,;st o el}sit 'teach French __bombing plane pilots te. fly -at that height and if, 1*rance had the: equipment to take them .there, . he an 'mi istr immediately R Y e ately -let it be- known .that "=almost all" .('reach• bombing b g ianes• coalcruise' P .. d at 'that. altitude and std ed tha . ren t t.I',r ch Pilots had been "f] 'fir e yr g regularly": around. r the �• X6,000=foot,- mark fo►�, more:. than a:• year.. . 'Used s d t �O' en T ?c . ___. Tanks. Q . y9 11 ,, One of , the main schools foie •hi ti• flig g. n 'Aloft; •' .., y b P s is at Isti�es,, west of:Nar- seilJ es, tr�het a military pilots ,with standardia d• a'in -, u' Q 1' . Y equipment • indke:, daily bops. One of the pilots said i "At 3'6000teetv o et Marseilles your can'see Corsica and Moat Blanc; "It`s a great life, The'bomber,pilots have grown so `•accustomed to the atak S s , slid oxygen .tanks that they f •el: to •t ` e e ..,. s „without,thetn wti'en they°take • SoUth Africa Has. Vast .Flealth -other ..similar benefits to .the„.p'eoPle., ie,,the. annual report of the Depart -..„4„ *atiOnal .Health Insurance' • recently'redemniended bv• the depart-' Weald make an .enerincius' Merit ' in the. cpbblie- hearth „Of $Outh big 'dependants ,Of ,either'.,••ex or..all 'race's Who 'aye ;reSident-Tin Abe ayea„ .is. eXplained.thet the funds.,re. gulled; for the provitiOn'and Istration of these ,lienefits 'will be de- from.contribtitions by: the., oy- .. People in.thepronartien of. anProxi, • • • ost And Found The Vatidan 'Seers in the Brit I:ondon, •