HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-17, Page 4" 0441111: Taal* 4.4••! • • fitttlfettilow* onNitstnto... 'BURS:DAY MARCH 17T1i., ,1938 • reedin FOR ITACrOtt, SIZE, 1:‘,ARGE, EGO AND LOT QV •THEM Baby Chicke 90% PuBeta Cockerels "WHITEJECLEORN,$.._;s"s • •• „ 'BARRED: ROCKS : 4. , „•, .10 . .7 NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS 9. IV- YOU HAVE• A GOOD' 'FLOCK OF YOUR OWN, WE WILL cum* xiATat 'mutt EGGS AT TWO CENT4, AN EGG. IN LOTS. OP 150OR MORE. • WE, CAN SUPPO. YOU WITH STARTED CHICKS AND _ . PlgsLETS AT RIGHT. PRICES. CALL AND 'SEE US AND a" OUR. NEW EQVIPNBNT: • * • olica :HONE. 08", Or 38W.-;„., 1 1 , A - •'OLIVET , Y: - The Young Peeple's meeting 'of vet was held' in the church on Wednes.J- day evening, 'March 9th. The *est ;dent, Jeaa,MeGuire, Was in the chair There were.24 members present. The meeting was, opened as usual: by, the , opening ceremony arid-thYmn 556 was sung, followed by, the Lord's prayer •.in unison. The'roll call was taken by iteeretary,-aTessiesMeCharles, who also read the minutest of oar last meeting, which were approved.'There yaa 'no AiscussNn.' far the evening.. . but amain' 735 :was, read,. in paison. • after .the• Misiness part of the, meet-. ing. 'Marino ' 490 Was sung and , -the , scripture leaaoii, .was taken by Body McOluirleas Ebner Avery.' then took 'charge of the first'topic, and gave, us .a-yery, in tea mg a Msgenzie follOwed ;With . another splendid and helpful :talk along. •sionary work. We were then; favored with a' -.very pleasing ,duet by Norine , . and Reta Walden' BYran 394 was sung and. followed bra •prayer by. Rev. .9. *NMaeltenzies which brought , our meeting to a close. The convener.fi the 'evening. was 'Ndine Walden and next weelc's. meeting will be our mis- sionary meeting with Mrs. 0. Brooks as.. convener and ;her group'. , • We are sorry to learn that Master 'McGuire N at home' this week from sool with' an appendicitis, it- ' Mr. .Georg Brooks; has been tinder the' weather. with ,ts severe colds. Master David .Barkivell •has'. had' a ‘tonsilitie 'attack: Mr. and Mrs: GaHaldenhY and tarn- ily, also Mr.: and". Mrs H; Bell from Kinlough, visited With Mr. and Mrs. IL I: McGuire on' Sunday.' „ Mrs. p. stewar,t is at Present sfek With: Phenmonia. , 'W. M. :S..Meeting ti r meeting'. Th.e. NYerP 1••*' Ter0.14Vr' Present. The sneeting.was opened by the use. of hymn 1.08, After 'the busi': nesa Part of the. Meeting' Kra. W. S Magnire gave: u a very • interesting '11"Papralecon4tioftni:71:13:1:inee;33a1Ws9asteuP7. Mras Alex MeTaVish'then teak ehargs Oft:4'ri.i thes'linct,r.PeetinntionfoPlitile,th4eseh d,07OtyitInnasl p , 'and 'chose hymn 160, and, repeated' it. This 'was followed by a Minutes silent 'PraYeTs to thillk*of Mir* .MiselOnarie,4 and eur missionary Work, Mrs. Melvin Coiling then led. in Prayer.. Mrd. Ale .afel'ayith _read us- fqw1Verses from the Beek Of Matthew., Our' neictsbyms sung wis 225: We Were next 'favored by a very good -Outing "Nine Kern- els'pf' Corn," by MiS: Orville ,EinlaY son. Nome Walden' Sang'a ver. Pleasing 801O-WhiPh. 'Was' eni9Yed. f b31. evaryane. gra.' M. McLeod taolc chge of 7f. .the study hoala '*Onr, closing' IrYnia' :was 170 and: the repeating of Mis- ;pah 'benediction 'bought our Mareb meeting to a. Cloae. Our convener fm today a: M's. Alex McTavish _her.,..helporsa•Mias.:,,Norizia Walden. Mrs, W. Colliag, Mrd. O. Finlayeen and gra, D., McLeod. Our: next meet- ing will be' in charge' of 'Mrs. O. Brooks. ;as convener„ .ands Mips,.eta. •Waldens Mrs. R -Black, Mrs. H. Yogars 'and Mrs: W. Lever helpers. ...,••11,14/4•!•P' 4 . . o en lesionarr °tie . , held their monthly meeting M tha church,'March 9th, Wednesday aftea.: noon The president Mrs .R 'Black was hi the chair • for the first, part of DONN.YEIr 00It . - --Miss Marjorie Campbell has Cam- .. stleted her training 'in Stratford Gen4 •• Hospital Visitiag -with her parenta Mr, and Mrs: Albert ,Campbell, . • ,"" ' Miss Ruth. Thompson of Winghain High Sehool wat hoine Over the weelc Mr.' and Mrs, J. C. Robiaton and ,entWdnesd • 'hop!, You Should Know' .p: oiciaNsoN Marie Of St. Thomas, • Some. more words; ought to be add- ed t� the -sign on the dcairof Mem- Whert PiCkinsau'it-Offieesinsthe fawn, Juill at St..Marys. The pre'sen't sign; make's net the, slightest mention that he is the ,Stone Town's foreMoat hap- ster and publicist../Whielf he is! . Mayor Dicicinson Was Sitting Othii deak paoranfly at the appointed hoe, When. the -reporter: called; IC Was, ti.; writer who Wes 'a weebit late,- 1.1'. had'taken time to finiSh•his Pie drink his ettffee, but, the mayor slcipp ed dess'ert' to. be at, hid office When its said he 'Would. Mr. • Dickinson like that.. You can depend ;en 'him.,, 'When it conies to being intervieweif Mayor bickinSon ':eyinees ranch greater desire. to talk ahOut SC. Maryt than abOut himself. Being assistant, sales Manager of orie of the *Stene Town's. 'progressive firms; his Sob is saelliagsthnjgasand he letsslitya op:*. Portunkty that Preaehts itself' to sep :St. 'Markt. And he's get .tomething there . • • A, Tom( Hard :To. Beat : "St. -Marys," he says, T"is.g t�wi 'you won't beat anywhere, and that takes in. a lot of territory. Anyway you look at its we've .got pretty substantial sort of town' here, at V a •gOad.place for''either residence se _induastrY;:'alid. we are fortunate; ir having:smile progressive; 'and -depend- able' industries:* Vitia due primgrily fr the: stability of these indastries that' St. Marys lacathered .the deprea- sion so mach better than the 'average town. Our Peak of 'dependent famil iet was 55 durnirt e winter of 1905: :36, bid during the nest whiter relief has been; almoat at a I Minima/is an,- easaspracticallyssaksaa .with their •sistet Mrs,.J. H Mills Mrs,* Christena Jefferson attended the funeral of her' ;brother-in-law Mr. Dunlae at Guelph: ' TAEB/I T.G HOPPITAlt • porninne Ceaaaf, agven-year- old daughter of Mr, and gra. William' -creaser, Con, fi, Ashfield, 'Was taken ao .Gortderich' liesPital, silftaring froui insulin ".shaelt". The little girl, who is a twin of Donald Ceasar has been aufferers'f rPra .diabetes : sinPe;Parria' )4•Pt fall, .4Pd it Ilea 1)een found Pee. ,essary ad ininiSter indulin , . . . • ' • I been 'able to find • suffi-clent, emote's' As a municipality. we have' dis • caatinued, constructive :work for 'ena, p oyment purposes on1y. due t .t indirect eatravagance • ef..saen:.a. pro grain. ...am 'Marys, in my . Mayo"a •Dickinson' '"went on, Ilea; one. of finest: retail: bnainese section's• In th- province You Can't go into' any toatr 'or •small city and ,fifid;.tave or':•thia Macke' "of Stores and.splace••• . as modern' and 4fresenta.13!e. as:We • hay( . . here.' Oar :.husineis 'houses are oper: ated, responSible. :Inerchants...and. they serve the town and rtiral.distrie", effectively, The people," Of the town, saga *Whole" are a' 'Substantial type of Citizen:and...evince a 'real iti- teresi in municipal , affairs and 'anY,- ,thing 'that' 'has t0 .do, atath the tewn": Welfare.. 'Financially, •St.: Marys is Ir sound. shape sink two dehentareiS . sues' two.-Years-hayp 'beer sold for attractive'figaress,... Brother Is 'miniater • , With St: 'Marys. so ;well taken' cart; of;. Mayor .Dickinten Consented. ther te talk. aliont himself 'for 'a few min titeass-Bern-anlaritherciHto wnshies jest seven miles from town, he is -a' ,ion' of the. late John ..Diekinsen. His intither;.,Mia, Edith Reed .is, a rests dent' of tuCkpoW.,--.He- has :one siatei Mrs. W.: 0: HaYnea of .Blanshard and his tin "brother; Rev.: C. 11."Dickin; SO*: resided in' ,Toronto. Maker Dickihdon, :attended S, S.' No: 1,, filanahard until FehrearytRof. 1912,:when he.came 'fa St. Marys, .1-10 'finished out his term in 4atrancetlaa." an entered the. St. Marys .Cellegiatss Institute: Fallowing , matriculation' lir -to.ok 'at liasiireas-scaV. lege :in :Stratford and 'then :"aettled dftWtoitaJU,kthtr.!LJizjnjflgth C,. Richardson ..01;i: Co Ltd.,' arianufaca: tureri of'dairy:' eipipMent "in' the 'Stone Taw,n April, 1917, ..he ikal .en with the' dame firm- ever since He hat .,been .assistant stales tam -lager .of :the company far the last. :three Makor. Dickinson • firat entered tie: mtinielpal arena edimeilor: fo thes-Etsat-Wardairr4'914. ;Corded an tieclatinatitin, .' • '. • was, net particularly anxious. ta enter,'" Mr. Diekirisoa 'recalled. "'Nat 'being .rey Ownsboss, I . knot, .how much tinie',civie 'work :might:ac- quire and 'that wad,. one, oh:Netter', 1 'entertained.,. Pressure Was brolightle bear on. me in the Meaatinie, however, and ,I agreed 'finally. to *sten In 10.55, 1VIisDtekiesors elected. by a celaination 4tOrn teat Ward and" in ,1936 lie faced , hia 'first' and only. •electiOn. 'when ,he tvaa re, turned' da Cottneiler-itt,large, Ins 1937 he Was chosen :ipayor by acclamation and this "year. is ranting' his second' term 'as chief, Magiettate, "again geela*Ation: ,•: . • .7 • ' •• "Serving Last Term' , .have never itegretted,:.cOni. iiia"tatirfer-e'eliirelIr-Maker son replied.:t'A a s-qUeatisira "Evers-. citizen, I think, &Wes akine years', at Service to 'bin inunicitiality. and art glad have had the experienCe have'tainedin the'lait gre Yeat: Cvie work' liaa' naturany„,taken :great ,.deal. •MY "thiie) SApebiallY since lod...t was chairman d. the Funncj Committee 'that yOar; last Ybal'i‘ I tbialeo Wita the btiSfesi yoar, ..Peyer ;put There Were yeiy taw free eyeitia. and frOM' the looks n o erest urs •'4'•• he Brewing Indusby has a selfish reason for, the • hope' that the idea of Control will 'supplant the idea * that law can make Men teMperate. .1 For excess and abuse are as much ,the enemies pf. our industry as they are the enemies of the law. If dependence is placed on restrictions, the pm -knee of Prohibition will be repeated. Restrictions from the out.lcle which refuse the indiVidual the right to exeroisd his own judgment provpke resist c gxcess and 'abuse by. the individual °can 'be urbe only by the exercise of his judgment , Thusithe fundamental principle of Control is that - the drinker, ,NOT the drink is the problem! . :So We ask, you, the Majority of the citizens .0 th1/41'S Province, to. join us i in making the system of Control work, bY,_yourselves obseOirig the' law and by your example encouraging othere to ObservetitV , • You, will ,agree far'fronVhelpillgr- temperance; harm is done by. those dry extremists- 'whose Method' Of ,approach .apd. propaganda, ignore funclamenitaLprinciples of human, nature. E' TOWARDS SAFER DRIVING Everyone abhors the drun.ken driver: He is a menace and all good citizens should help ,to • „ BUT the Ministr3r of Highway figures show that 98.6% of, all accidents' and (0), .97,4% of all fatalities were not classified as 'al , • • cawed' by drunken drivers. .• ' This advertisement is' inserted by the; • nciastly in the IntereSt Of a beitsr ariderttaridiitg orthe 16rts of, teny3 eranee tocat optiopt. • 44 •OLD AGE PENSIONS *AND •NOTBERS' AILI;;OWANCES. BOARD HOLDS ORGANIZATION .MEETING • ----a- The meeting . ofthe:. newly termed Bruce Cannti Old Aged Pep- sion and:Mothers'. Allowances toad waa held in .,.the County Buildirigs 'Walkerton, on '1 Saturciar., afteration, March 12th, with all members pre sent:The Board consists' Of fiVe hersof whem three are appointees, or the Provincial Government: Ex Reeve John D. McLeod .of', Kincardine, Ex - Warden Gitecirs-Kastiner---arWititons and ,Mte. "Ds a, McDonald' of ...Huron.: and lReeve two: areR0 appointees bt. ntheef °E°11netr4dY-: .slie and Mrs, L Slikeniaker of -Paisley. • The • County Clerk, 'Mr.. David For- rester, of. Paisley, is Secretary of. the Mrs. McDonald as. -Convener of Ule meeting . presided aaid • officers 'were • ,alected as, fellows. *Chairman, 'Mr. ISTOtta; • -ITNe .Chairman, McLeod.' Assistant.. Secretary Mrs Shoemaker The Board Will meet monthly on the first' Tuesday Of each* 'month at Walkerton to pass on the applicatIons received_ and their. Tectimmenclations 'il171 oli.:0.4;t4taor*.f4,44edn.atle:Cdtehci.esiCoani.riArtaussaiop lineations for, Old :Age Pensions and' gathers", Allowances are: tesbe• made, in» e rat 1T1 finge-7. e lark the municipality, in Which -the appli- , rant. resides and the necessary fom Whea completed; are: forwarded' to the Cotirity Clerk' wile ,will • present Wein for ' the cansiderathia: of. the :Board , at Its'next 'meeting..., ' 037 there were 132 application, for: 014 Age l'ensian& arid 43 appals cations, fur M'others'. Aliewances re ceived in theCountyof Bruce, and as the 'yearly 'number is, not likely to, de_ ,erease the Consideration of thaappli- rations and investigating the 'finan- 'cial' standing of the applicants Will eatail agieat' deal, of work.portun- ;tatevley,,,h•aaldl .tahekinmgeriip7cbperosrioohfe.ethI•cr ipl3opttrisr,l 'service, and,mill. doubt.. -.be -...able -to- fulfill their duties. in. an , efficient and satisfactory . manner.; • , • , A..141.40. Week: At";. farliaM.ent Eriday—The 'CaliservatiYe• caitel.'- eilea•is, here today and while Orgrais, isation is priderstood, to be. fife 'maiP 'Pee'utPati;nas'°f the' meetin.g,thet: Ibn:hIttte. Pf, he -Subject ef 'greateSa intereat-to gener*41 public.; The Rouse sat mils hours today, PIA "of 'eonsi4eatiQn for -the COnterenee,. Little of iqterest took place. The Prime Miniater telt' 'of leastIPP.4ttqy, io/ifve jsatipgaantees:beiii4t011..e,i3gleic,Iti,z1111, Cdlambia: Estlrnates in conaecthf With tie Radio Department causer'. some disepation arid the :Nfinister Serted. his Department was, dhv . , , . • .eery effOrt toward mak:trig all". radt, bigger,'!brighter and, better its; ever'' way. Cpmpl'aints were :heard- as-' ta. the 'Method ,of callectingaair 'net leeting=the licences. invself.i'pro: • , posed .that this,. Werk Shduld •la'.1 don: ha'the municipal .asses.sers .ati 1 fee: it could, in this way, be e;peditietrl, retriPed:aPrreo2Ogv:Ocili%lide---;714---i°9-t--41TistlahYot-71aic,l-- ways. in .cates where the owner could not afford ,ta: P.4Y: ' rittid.eirolindC,a:w.:4gET dhi3aeeyn.art!etYtg.2711:oot'lioli tof ti. etship of the 'Conservative' Party, ow ing to. a heart Coadtioa. The: Order of' business .ia ,the -House •rhen the , Prime Minister evade express 'an behalf of the .House, arid. in. his Own 'inimitable Wa•y; the gen eral regret that' Mr: Bennett a•a, lea:ving hip Poit. 'The 'House Warmly applauded and, 'Mr.- Bennett. made ,8 suitable aCknowledgement, thttificing the Prime Minister and, the Member, for 'their expressions of kindness ars' goodwill.' ;It was a moving' oceas!on The medicol profession in 'the Mous( had its. annual bicker ,today, 'Oe of things it is not.' going to' he .much --differenV,this, year." • It hag always' been 'an unwritten law -in SC Maryaahat 'a mayor of .the town shi,aild not :serve 'more 'than' :t years in •office, and Masi -or Dickinson Will adhere to•the principle: ss--"'Ne'="mayorssirt--thestovirea :history has 'served 'a - third • term,"' he said "and'. I' Will not change 'it.. Next year 1, should have more time to devote. to P1Y-faniily for alahange. Poithe i -a--. two or' three years rriy arifelells me t. have beenThente Only -long eneagli: to cat arid sleep." • Mayor' Diekinstin. 'has many: friends in alt. Maris. Who feel .that he bas ci fattire cut out for him if in. ;should .enter public life, but-se.far in his 58 years he has not considered pol- .ities 'oseritnisly", !ter has he been- r -,tt.rongsparty-manz•Thrdesire to entr: either nroairicial 'or Federal ptililielift" has neVers caught, Un to him'. Asked pointedly 'if he Would consider a pub= career later an if the opportunity presented "ittelt,. he Said:4"1...weuldn't., say.'I'll. have to cross my bridged _as co -Me to ,them." : • AiaArite;at!'s.ctitmhurc6hunt.of 'Worker, tesrit,etiii-e devotes hit laiiineet and civic work: Mayer ;Dickinson has' never .,eyaded sairy-ef-Isitr-churelisaiutieraurd tpoitTh`r his spare hinuia are 'given to" Marys,. United; Church., Secietark ,the Official Board of' the church., ,at present; be was. acti. for Many years in Young People's Mark. He N a formers president of the St. Maiaa': Young Peeples sSociety and* in, 1923' was predident' of, the Young Association 'of the 'Stratford Preshy- tery, He'was eeeretary:Of .the Sunday School for ,severtti terms and; served for five' years as,...genera, superinten- dent Of 'the School.' Married in 1628,,io Miss Gertritdr. Bro-wn, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs,, J: :W. Brown. of .St, Marys, Mr: and lafrs, 'Dickinson are the prou&parent of two ' daughters; ,Muriel, aged 'la, and. Donnas two. Mr,' Dickinson; alsc; hat always een .au..,actige-worker-ht ifiC7c1-Mich. 'She Oianist ia :the Sunday Sehool l'et a number of Yeart an served On the execatisie the Young Peonteit 'Society and -the ,Exeeiaior Auxiliary.' MO: is the fm - 'Mediate pest preaideat, of. the, 'Queen "Alexander WOrnen'd Institute .und hap' been a, very tietilie trienther of this orgainSationeinte it Was learned eight yOra 'Aga: Rt. Plekinsoti ; 'Seth% AIM tot senie Yeats!' th Marys. Haase aini Schtiol dub. ' Ocaeon.flerald. U • ...Proseotation. , (Continued •From Page 'COY1Prorl. MacDonald' reading theiels, lewing-addreis; . • ' • We have gathered* here tohight to'' do honer, to: tar,P, Plamberts .atir 41394 to.. retire,. • after -Nag, xears, of faithful :Seraleera , They are George Smith, wbp; 'been; a member for twenty-Sivateara and Bill Davisora Ni7114- haa been: 4 member tor,thirty-tw'o' years•; Either Perliod, is.. a ',Twig • time to ..serve, any cause te' ensistent and cepacientious. argusifer,-. 'particularly 'sO Ui aa' organisation where the dutNs, elay.be as ardaeus aaa iraPPrat,Ver..,a_a ; '.:het;s of° a Fireman' Botij of .theee, men halm', assisted apaatly, niaintaining-„tbe, prestige • the, Company ha's • always enjaked : •beth f Oi its woyls along Are pr4c0/Qa:,.`11111':fQr its readines4: to'. tea!'hold Of, any. necessarY or wuthwhile ' communityesaleaVour, regret the decision, of these :4: u1C1),:totivoirom ant C.oissassairy. As . • . CeinP4PY. ' With • Sincere, •Best Wishes. On Behalf of , 'The LuweknoEire Company • R. J. •Mitore; Chief: '.R. T. Douglas, Secretary. 14 reply; G.'Smith, Said he had. beeri- asked Wlw he Was quitting. His ' 'reply. Was "The, old* Grey Mare, ain't' Whitt shp used to he.”. 'He reviewed some :Of the entatanclingaeceMplisha ments ..of the ?ire Co. "iii past years, well as •*a few thins . Which ad. Snot been so .suecessful. In ex- esaing 'his' regrets,. at.. retiring he ee. itg y veiced his; abaiiki--: er t e gilt, :Stating he Wortld; cherish ta the. taid of his lite his reecaleetiOns of the • , E'tre Company., ; . In. fitting' Manner, T. J. Davison,, ;treasurer 'of' the organization, also • • exprodsedhis thanks, in adding tci the remark's 'made by Mr. , The .eaening Was ,a decided •sucCess end. jolly, friendly • get together that -ceased 'the Chief to- • 'rernarkno' come backagain" , ' a mark tic our 'appreciation we Iliac a them;_to accept these gifts, trusting that' in the years ik ceine; thy will pleasant associations during your lerseritai-• of 'service - o s anembers • of 'the Lucknow Fire Meivor: precipitated' the rely, this tittle . . Apparently: the views this yaar are 8 divOrgent stst,eVer, The 'Minister, Hon Power'., is .agaiast 10 for ,a ber of; reasons, financial arid 'other . wise. He Cited the. feet that :the .11;lett ical.Association. of Capaaa, apposed it in their 'brief to the Rowtell( am misSion although they apprO'e. , Health Insuraace. The 'Minister. how _ . ever,' admitted the 'need'.for ;bettel general '-medliFTal-Ucllities. larlY in outlying raral areas: It is encouraging to note that th• tciRbr Government's balance sheet' is a.0t. oss aa: 00(4000 to the geed, after :al month Ts" of the fiscal yearThera Dou- increase-of $33'00009 ins:ret.iernt ()VP ' Mr. 4110 lvtts: '71,V,m.' Alton and: . has been ay!. iIas• spent the week -end; with Mr..,.". the, same period 'last; year: al:th6u0, there- has :also -been: inceeased .exPeti, diture,: mainly -ari. soldiers'. pensiotrt 'Old :age pensions' and relief. • ' :and Mrs.: Thoinpdori last week. • ,; and • Mrs. ',Wraith ands Gertie, ''spent Sunday' Of last *Week With and MI'S: *Hoyvard Whyteek. yr_..... and: ,.Mrs.Chas.-L-Knight;'-aid tore .tigii, a whack iti. the Gaveramenl T.01:0140, anent Sunday with Mr and Mr:' .• Blackmore, . the Social Ciaall 1••41\41:irs,..7wril.,i_tpli•o• . fid 'lass- 'yfaexonzie.., . .. • spenda couple' of days With ,kts; D'ay's.' brother, .L. MacKenzie: Leader,• ' moved a 'vote Of nOn-cdnil 'donee an account. of: the' fa i I tire of Oa present achnirtietration toabel ish pas ortr.--11-On. ?hal in .* a masterly ;.'seeeph discpssin monetary reform ill geno•al: Osid .11a Social Credit policy inapartieblarsstr pointed Out that -this policy was can- danientally .'uneotind and' • would (!i• :tainly, lead 'to wild inflation. He sta tot'• that the Social 'Creditors were never willing to get dawn to collerete, rote, edies:„Theia Platform was founded ail incorrect diagnosis of oilr.fihancial state. and 'prescribed .a Core which might,' in 'the last analysis, ,ho wol'.s than .the dise/aSe, remiraled, of -a very khi iroiwb'ei» who once' eri-. icized the. independent 'group by • sass, arigthat' the extent•-blatheb, attitifie towards, -"Saving , the :Ceantry" sva • ,planning to make e .plan". ' A shor.itlime spent sliSnussin, ' qismissais. In most,, cases' these,. war of temporarY offi'citila 'who:wore. th • . farce *hire,. employed butted -hot vol. iticians when once their seasons1; era ployinent was ceier, Nothing niza•-lie.ri A Div;orde, Rotorm Bill Was 'nitre"). -.duced into -the Senate, by Senator 3 Keeps; thahead' of the IYiterca t•"'oni Mittee. The Senator, JitioPses,•to.:4de eXisting ''''greanda" ihertian cruelty; and insanjtys 11;14; is "alonv the lineS',ofsBritish, reform, but very uacertaiii if :this Bill „a ill eyet pais the Senate as it is highly con tenuous,"-' • • Wedneddity--Today!' the, qttestitto 0 :the "autonony" Of the 'Prey:Mee; Ara •• to the fore:. What 'would, the loather: of•COnfederation think of :oar presieri's State?.„We! have 'certainly' trona , beyond' their Wildest'dreanis : time the B.N.A. ACt Was jitawn iii It would look, from a Survey Of t.b'e .brierd presented' so ' far:to the Rowel' Commission on ,boiniaion-f,tor.inebc. ReiatiOng, th4.:with 'the: Provinsais_i.l.s. ,sais,.. of awalarsa;-dliss: Ts% mint,Mt Icing . d)flo explained' Tr6- but stasats, ssisp' is, my in Oth ,plio,-per,buth)8, • ditituile .had nothing' ivother. ,cogoa. n imy t clow with the * Governinent's piper but the PrOViespolicy llepburs had the lune, floweret, NnYin ba:P.libeeitt:ior6n :Matr. . ' ' •1111)1?)).tlit'atTo toreeliclip.°68itt •orythings in'16.7e'r,ueb7 •to be , ..Nothing in :the Prifrie Minister's . PPer piiesent With ;UR, todrQ. the Senate; intiaiduced by tlat natal the bill 10"I'e to 'int”' t1hper6 *ion' Leadet,ilion At that N.f;'" wilt 56 ''Prtie v6rYhOoted 6i*11/118"t° . rbtOdyouwldoti•aeildriiii,18. thirihs,:h that iit/gu8t tho ,Oppogfilon,' of which, iriare • • fairs. E. Hodgin§ and Shirley spent the seek end With 'Mr.. ThOe.. Mac- l)onald: ood cutting • and quilting ::bees! • 'seems to be the Order of the day. - understand 'your • husband' is ' somethings of an' after-dinner speaker "Y.ean, Answered Mrs, Lorkinis.. AWhat Charlie' is' liable to a say, after :dinner 'is the,' reason .we. (ain't keep ;:a cook." * . • amalgamatioiC That would require Borne thinking. about. Thucsday-aThe Prime Minister, to-.' day introduced.Some of 'the -most im- portant: legislation of the, Se'sdion, in the, Bill regarding 'the . exporting of power. This Bill ,would give Parlia- • meet: power ..te pass 'on all expert, 4P - plications 'and, Mr. 'King intimatedi, might eventually lead to the Creation • of . Utilities Commission 'to the proposed Tralipport 'C__o_nanisssion which'is tci renlaae: the Board Railway dom,nlissiiihera •,!Mr.i King -.painted Out :the, argil - Merits sea:, against the Bit. agaiitat, wass the qaestion. of, parting with natartil reatiardes;Lenergy which 1.).rice parted with. Would tieVer:return, antis perhans Shot Id be used, fdr, the USA; of alOinestic industry, the passia of',. war' in Which:: the', United.',. ,States was" ialrolved, but' hot CI:Made, . when obi'. experted poWer Would be u.sye.d a industry mr ti e.4*.(tin' another eitpcapital etioitteni In poWet development fit .Canada` comes,' trent the United States' any- ldoeaincrease hl aseeth6 revenue ri better-hotC faVtlie Criaadi • oston- ' Ott, at ilakt. •