The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-17, Page 3.4. • " . tox.x.sx,txtxx.-K4coxs:Kcfrwx.x•xx*.x.x.x.x.xxtx,exgewo.x.xe- 4 2 assIistm ed Advertising, . ... ,G,-..,,,, w,„,,,,„„ll . , ..,,,,„,ITIeltE '44,-.44444,7•44,4 • 4,11,014NT1,: Ditop twit3tYTHINQ rtUt utn• tine, Whirlwind ,sener, big re-' rellettler, *1:tolt:zing -"nrofli.s- Cr411:14:' 13rotherS, Niagara ra1l8, 0Marle,„ • ;WA-NT:ED: " MAX „IfOlt •:Atonte, Amite will ,be.' permanent it •1 1/411,4 at:1.32Wilistler. _For particulars ' I write nvieigh's,-I)ePt. M.L. 397-101- Montral, Canada. ArtivICI,ES IP011 S4tI-1•1 SPECTACLE FRAME'S, $1.5.0. PILE- ,•• scrIptions'ftRd. Speeial •low prices, ity mail. Schaefer Oplci1,1Q Yonge, Toronto. , • " 11110Ica AND 111AGAzDVES • , • rovrt FAVOURITE M.AGAZINES (ir- 1r Unflhing andfascinating_ 'enter- tainment, vital instrtic1len, -And' helP- ful insplraitlehat surprisingly le* • • price:4. SubserlOtions make excellent ' Ittii, .too• CoMplete Bet free cln re- • quest. 1), 'Scott'S'erviee, .7'0119nt0,. 10,.• • illetititrip.". • • • , •., • , . . . . • CA It 1,141all'El. t PPAINTERS' • 41ANI)1100K ••• FOR CARPENTERS,. ',hinters, liandynien, etc. Concrete, ' ItricklaYing,'Sawfilttig, Brazing, Sol - ;daring,' etc. 16c. 0, Eyearson,, 04 Oeuld St., Toronto, . _ . . V,1.4)TIIING1Ii*OR 8,411.111 GOOD USED • CI,OTHING. LowpsT ,prices. write ,for catalugue.„„ Youge Street riot hi ng, Ex c Flange," 1o3 y Onge SStreet,,Toronto. • - ' • X.:1)0Airroic4.4., • • ,.,..Stationaty •Engineers „it h.Waite cif tinie end money. to1sIt • " for f•satnination onless•Yoli 1110Pr9Per- ly tu roared. • • • • " • , • • . 11AKE SIPBE OF St 'CCESS ' • _ .Wri I e ' lw1. f Stall eatCry E ngi neer, Ontario. • . • 13()NE.CON111.:CTION. A NEW •METII- od• that , gives 'you natUral 'hearing . through the hones Of the head. The -1Potter I301e Conductionv tho' smallest mnail 19 ttpyllled to the hone behind the ear, notiPitigon nor lit the ear. • . • ?rho miracle pt the' age. \\Trite to H. ...Potter Company, 405 Ityrie , Toronto. Establishedr1117, DE 'I' •1.3E}.t.,07rt EN1AnumvioN.T, HAND •',,,,iered in oils, free with each* order. deVelaried iirritited",;'25c1,. re - tin -ti. 10" for .26r*. •ItayT.s photo Ser.... vice. StAtioti•,1,• Term:Ito. , . 1)EVELOPE1)., PiliNTE1).; , 1 free enlergenient • 21ic.Re-,printe• 10 : for: 213c.• P83ii: King E hoto-Craft. 1.,. • *Toronto'. • ' . . prticIt>3. PIXPERT W0.13K- IIQLL .'44,1th tre enlargenient 26c.:Treetirtna , ,Studloo,•••93 .Nitigare: Street. St. Cath, tinneti tint • " • • • ' •• • 013E.E.I-TW4) BEALITIPEL'ENLARGE, ments (one' colored). with 1'011 de- • • veloped, eight gloasY. ;fade -proof' prInts; 28c; highe•Ot 'quality. MaeltraY Films,.NV peg: , " • . tOIL BEVEL-01'El) AND l'ItiNT•DD" • -, • ;Free glossy 'enlargement' with • ,cNe'ry 1 'h9.tll 41'0,, flax. , 729, St'.. If 1. 11.4 Toronto„Onterio. , . •• FOR SALE' •, . „. , il t\1j 0.11 POWER MEAT ,ehoppers tInd bone gt unclers fu11,. guaranteed. A\ 3, DoeT.,4.1timpatry,,i1:8 Xing SL •; Toronto. .• • -' FOR -SAtE---=:-Icti ,ACTIF,,S IN VA ht . • C'ettnty. Leaelt...B:il. No. 2. 'Wyoming: ()uteri.). • • 1.011. SAr.t • - Lig iiN. • FEIVIA1:1", mink bred : to 'Steven end- ''IV1artin . males, '$33, John. NVatkins'on...,Strat- :, ford, ()Mario. • •1. VIllt 1'4.11 rttIvil , , ,. . -', MINE •it.A.1SINt; S•A ckn'Y *.•--• m:cg:taine"1110'. bcinic (On.' Fur. , i'. • Trade :13 x 31-' ' . • •”Allt (.300,.DS W.1(18,•• 'Nit 1,111V,, TitANSPOrtitATIO'NS, ' • 11I -ads ids; Cu Ms. a•nd all; types .40 flites,,t, . Aftlant-y •Ilair-Goolf-'471,8591.0 fei' ilius- trati'Al vatalogUe. ,.Tortinto ,Human • • ..1.1air StipPlY C.o... filfs Dathuret; 'Tema- • to. . , . . ',.. ' : fitif11/144 60aa: iff1)64ONTVI/N tlITMENS. TESTIFY • for and 8:1 herbal!' roue- .- ity;.--riotitna coo, art hilt ts, neurit ,atotnaelt troubles, i•te• Tufo 'weeks,: • $1.50; one moitib .$3: t nitioths, $5.., • 1 auggItits, or J. C. McIntyre, HOW... 1st, 10dm oli ton. , A Ihe rta. •, Agents: Ly- nuifit•t„' Alen t relit.' ' • • No vsn•-ri ins • LYONS' 'TRADE-IN DEPT. " ' 478:Yon St. Every f0rti.i.19 in our storc ;perked (own for tiniel4 vIcarance. ;'1Ve must ;have flOoretetee, regardless :of, Oust, This is your opportunity to buy .elasa reconditioned furniture at r: frac,- Oen of the 1&ctu'al.•v:1111P. " • . sorpkotyli tip sipz,t-lii,lbs $13 .95.111.1.P4' to 1.1 ph t c,r-. ffd. itt 1601 41111.41 11 P1' mat- r,exersible spring en:4h, Thoreliglil' clean, $22.50 ""e ; cid' in a • gond repo material,- pllIow vow,' reversIble Marshall ensh- lons $32.00,.B.,_eatktirtq •In •Priglielt tapestry,' Reversible, '1,1a1k1na,11 entitoolo• Thorplighty ,(1cuned.,4 $42.50 Tkree., piece :Mile; upholster., ed ,rust ihade rf?pp met, figured. reyereible Mai•shall 0004/4N:hi. p,erfee•t eozytttnin... T§rrool.,, .• . onno: gOoroft.seI1t1Ards t. •' $22.50.L4rge.""iPis.rotror • completely •refiniShed, steel bed to rtiwieh. seglesa P-nd Pew, ,sett•!nriettrees. . $39004-p lee suite, dresser, full. • .• size bed., with sagkes's spring stid cfil tenter in 2 -tone $45. war-niit L.4110, large ,dresser,, •fullsize. bod wlth sagless•spring, large chiffonier. Completely refinished. $AQ,0015-piece • suite, large dr..epori •triple mirror vanity, full alga, bed,. With stiglesK•spring, and , double- -.door cilriffrobe. (1pmp1etely ref:Init.:lied.' • •• 1)I1VING 11Q41111. IIARGAINS $21.50. Solid 0111i, extension' table, • buffet And, 6 ivather• seat chairs, • „,_ . • • ' .12g, gn Eight Piece suite In rich •W • nuf' 41.41sh, TiattPt, extension • tante and 0 leather Pea t tt4ii $45.00. N)ft0 Piece wok •rnopi• ' . . • suite, buftet, ext.enSion table, ililtO cabitiet rind G. 1(ather seht_ehairs ••COropletelY, refiniShed, , • • nn Smart. nine' •plece ' state' in, •r*,•!•,•",`, 60k„ bu f‘et, square extension table, ;China c.abinet slid six,- • loether • tipholstered,•chair,s. Completely refinished: . • $89400 73eAutlful-•o1id oak - large -.buffet, ' elcised • froltt' chiria cabinet, sillier° extensinn, t4ble. ..anil fl leather!. Seat' 'and. '.back %chairs, •Complotely :re fi nisheci, • • 11ASENIE1VT SPECIA1,14 •• $14.95 4.nd tip. Radios. targe 11sS.0irt7 mon r,or: au makes. Ali guitr- anteed..1n "...good •workin Ordet• • , rftli porce- . "Ialn Gond •eonditien. .$6.95 n 'burer gas stoyea; elf .. ingoodemolitlern $5.95 ',and un. 'Verge •assertMent Seeti,o'nei bildhea.e24„ tl."•&`•!,`"`t pletely. refittishM1,-. ' ' All ,goacli... nre.:paynyElotelv 7,0,mm:10,114,a entl •ea,r,efullv ;pocked, foi.• Proton t shIninent. otr reCeiot of money- order, • and mild ,nroh,r • a ononcy-back. gaiiiran- te9 of 'OA rsprnif,:iu,,•• • •• •' : LY01‘r TRADB-114170EPT...i. T.orsint,9 • • V' 11.31t4 011T A T, • • LEARN. 'TRUE SIONTFIC,ANCE 4.)9 latent forces tn • your nature. Send • sterifped, addressed envefope.• Box 362, New Westminster, .13.C. • • , • . , ,QUIT TQBACC,C). 'easily, inexpensively.' ',tionie reme., oarapteed.‘. Ad-• +Testn ri vi.ee, free,. N KV.1 al. Peg: ' ARE 141.''P'11121,0•11)7.11.E1.,TEE, (OM- ? 11 th our • ad- vaileed meitiod, No•-•elcietic-pr under - straps or .eteel.. \Vilte., Smith, Menu, fal;turirrg-er). Dept. 219,, Preston :Ont. 'SAVE 1.10.E1', hi AKE . Annuls,. elt,st 'tubs:: cleaners in' .yoili• fi.fty finest' fCirnatlf4 604.2. WOodllt'ad. PDX '90. •Stratford, Oni. IF (1 W ANT AN APVECTIONAT • romantie sweetheart'. ivith,, money. • Wrilci,nali'v t•eo 445,,0 , • 14,...., . lt is "Ii.? 4o be a' 1PAt1e• 14.4b .erai:efig" what ,ou •lead:. . , •: The •felloW wire pulls orPthe 'oars' doesn't have.'time to rock the ;boat. Sorepne. 'ins 'Probably told • you 'that h masseuse lives. Oft :.the at Of the land. •: • • It t he,hisIzes dishes for $5 S;week '‘ that is sei•itude. If she 00004 for nOthing that s reinance.• • • ' Wasted oppertunitiers' are 'uStiaIly. f,criind an a beilett tlie park ot haoging:arourid a•peol room: A fest/ may' )i,_?gin. attp TPfe but moreple begin- at, the bottom -and stick there. • '• • Instead of; more people' per square niile, the werld..needs more square people per Mile., • , • About all you can saY.for mindiog. your neighbor's •business is -that you. .neyer run out 'of something to do: • 1VIeybe we • Oo get shortweight for Our iheney but the uoceribas a Ring . wait'foi it. • . We'i,e tried •everYthing,, even going to bed early,, but ideas don't seem to come any easier. • '1 , • how'd you ,like to be so homely, that, Whatever:yob did, peo- ple ..,w,ouldriX,talk ,,abopt yeti? CereMonies may differ but :tine pohtenessiS the; same the world; Over. Coed salesmanship is "sellinf,goeda Wiljeh 11'en't' comelokek to ,custom- ers that, Will.. •* . , • One thing about '' a radio Speaker,. he steps when his time is up, not al ' vyays.. true , of: Isome • aEter-ilinn.er speakers. •• : •„ , Today 4 no different frain'the day : on which ytm .began •yotir record. week. ,.•' • • Over , the macho 7We' hear glastical , . jazzical ,mosie And jackassical - 1- • IVithe easiest thing in the worl • fol uS .to, raise the the •deVil with our „ children .for:_ralsing4the devil we ,tiSed to raise Oufselves 1Vheli..1N,e Were ,ehilch•ein • QtrP T013Ac (*(), SNUF:1•1, DRINKING,: ettsllY litea,:-P41.14-sivel-y-r-711,rxtrie; renrearc-c-7 ' Utiarepteed. Adylce. free. I1ox 1, Winnipeg. 6. „ 1.,I)Ulp,,I1V, paUf.TILY • " " .No movineobject can reverSe its urse withent:.coining to si complete .stop-7.-auch•-as ...al bullet • meeting a cannonball: • , • • • , Lei .riie,:hut ;do it -Ty work, 'from day • to ' ',•,• • ' • I 16,1d • lytorst, " at the desk. r In roaring • Markei-place cir traflqUlI rdorn, : Lei me find 'it in My heart to 'Say When vagrant ivishea beckon me 1 • ‘, • • 1' my Work; my 'blessing, ,not inv dooni ' • 1: ' Of all Who, live, 'I am the one •ISIP /3REN.ItIN4:1 COUNTS: 'NAZAIRE 11E1)1-• . QUebee, writes:, ?Barred Reck Saecial -Mating • pullets.-eent,,, rrioneed to • lay at 4 • months' and ' dnys. Laying' 02'•per .cetit •October ' graded nearly All-A:lar,ge,':,•• for:eOpy 'et Tweddle:Chicalogite.: ',•• and. let.onn.chstorners 1."Pli'Allefr. results' Ulth TwerldleChicics„; The' Tweddle• Chick ' 1303 10, Vergits, Ontario. •'-• EiVSTER cittGKILsr, „ Vow Boy. ball, Pager Ilat, llallontl, • Int m_ling_l\lonkay_..../3-low,-0 frud-11ern- 71 for:Fdic 'postpaid. Circular free. Robert; 238,' king" SC. ,East, •• Terence. • •-•• ()prict,) 1,;(1vrt*111 • ‘101 It PI -1,1/04)1 SA VMS, $50' AND ' pfim1-1 leegisters, Credit Systems, 00titi- ter 'Allied( BoOks. Send postcard for 1.1 I ustra t ,.(e)oers.• „,iticrasiccy S30= • ' term. 1..tinited Galt Ontario • • AN 0171,11tb.' TO ••L'VEllY iNVENTOR. • . 1j ISI of .InVentiOns, and (till itnforma-,,' • •tlen sent ;free. The ItaniSAX-Cortipany, ItegiSierett ',Pa.teirt • Attorno.s, Abink.L4 0tta 0 044414:#4AR, Adv1siti•00 111A01‘.1 '0/061iint, itiri4„ • Garectiti.trid.einiiiiiINIA'Gori'fiteui 44104 06 'fflifro'llW -otter 111notiOAtithO0Aciritibfil ,..,MASOmit at COLD itmtpy • :and it w,iitibk tioi :oiity. . ' Wot. axle), *n41.1140..4 addiiiitdi • itskoeci eteeliake end your tial...bite: A2lieii-Raymar, ,, ‘• • • stAteit itteittatt.tiMittW teiieirre, tAitatia PI -find re, 'Inralffil,d0 're- medy , f o r ituataiitced ,c .(gardless Of J1iv, tlits .,geveritss; 1,...io4g1.1) of' vour horso. has aro eti Item' this 41080; 13$ ,•()0, 'as; ;Orar(); $1'8te. • .0t0eei Wird, •Quebec. . „ C111 C.KS BARRED' ROCK'S AND, \Viilte ,b'f.eedere .blcue,d-1 teSted ' end inder ,,,,Government • nt'Ov :I 1,-;• I • 3. • A d.,..1.gb • t • thrtari-,cr•-•Thil-LE. • . , . , 'STARTV;1) aye • to. .a Wcelts old, Inunediate 'deliverY" long. as this. tasiS, frit; • priees. Pray ,1•In te !Ivry, 120 John Itamilton, Ontario. - • • '1'1I,ENT 0.14141- IttlVEN Flo!, rtit.i el( tast• beComing a '114Y-WOrd. and . :titoultird for SuP.6rior ('0 1(8 'Mnong• POtirfry mitule0 1)1161)10,'boMulso they • oillelity,..tura• feed-. -ntrd Iftbor Into , • "Profits". Iteadv now, ..Tr.ent ;Mee,' 'trio Itatcberv, Trenton Ont.• - E0111.1114TENT...; EIGH • QUA.- • Iffy' at IOW cost'. Mede cantidW for Catutdian.A. It for nt11-.11eW Cala- ' • "lotue. • , Model' Ite,outatorstd„ 1!36 •. st••• Toronto... BETTER 11 A I:1Y: ,F I tOht • (Mit', large Leghorns. Wonderful winter :layeerr of'111g, White r,ggs, AVrite tor ' • 410$c1 intiv,.0 • re Oil oglie,• • Slia nOok • Peilltry, Patin, Aylmer,. (Mterio.'.,.` 1'O 19130 h1111 YrATE 1q,*11.-1 '1V1e% , will hav(, tI IjtnJfed number or otIfIrnicks.in whist' breed., avail:tido 'for last minute ortiors during' 'next wO e'kh,;•• Vi st , comc, flfmt Reo.ved.- Bray lfaiotiery, 110,,iohit 8f.,' North, :• i ;nu (It o ii/o• 1:1', 21;e4c on, outipts 19 up., \Venni you , like t'hielrs that 'weigh 1'4' to 2 5 ))0 hundred more than the, 'Govern- tnolit .Stantle•rd weight? Writo Y,1".fl •. tc,11:4 ritiflon 1%10(1; 1,..1(0t? .`111c,1," 6l1, 1' d 11 fll. co.:l)in rT.S J., 111.0:51 0611.0 Os for tielit*ory..luritig fling hiarell 2). \''l (/11" prie, ' Ord; Bloc, 411,t11rto. ••• • Nv 11 A1111 roxt.ra.corker-l• w l7((11i( 10/' ch, Iten,; ' Is:111Y. ' Nt. 1,1 (4',4 It A 3,•1'I1l.1) ,fro 'lax it fad- 1,,4..•••••• . AT 1ATI` ;)"or 1',1N :110/r '4:'III4e1N$1;• Itiverolite,('1;(t. l;v.; 100 1),,(r cent 5109)5e 'Is nil -will rt litArrn, rtiP•en In ;the,' first ;Three' it,ce s, 11 : tdi- ten' Ye31,1"41 itsplitnx, 1'5( ('3\' yrato of ;"41,1r-cl, 7 Iv(' 1111and rlri 'et lierlebo,1" thit•1104 that nwo $,Y41 1.011),9'„,11et1Il1i1. Peri otherivise 'Hitt that 1.tri (In' 1101 .110!:41111t-4 td: ittat,i.. (11(4.111 160 per cont. S,i.tol*• for 'a. atter 11:41‘..V:•is,-..te and 044 )2 ttyls, ; W is, T1Opi4, Otlteriq- , • lia•rreili, A.:ottani "itint• .ttowtolt blift 4toiede isvoties; Visscx t;08.. , titih'oir 133 and 15'inclA01. /49111', ;A • work ,can,.lieSt 'be clone right wav." •'• • hen shalt I see It. not too great, nor .sznap, it my spirit :and' to 'prove my Then 'sta°11;1TtIrs;cliee. rf.til••g. reet.the Ja baring hours,i' • '• • And. cheerful turn,. the. long, , shadow's fall At e;yentide, to play told).ose ad. rest,• • • 13ceatise -1, krufw f or me My work befit. ---Henry VanDyke. ram' the .• . . €1,11111. here front the grave, atid 1 • want to be heard' immediately b&,• cause' I Want to get, back,” s.a41,, man; in' earth=soiled clothes, to ;the , 'judge at • a 61:nail Iluogarkan Can't. He was .4, gral7e-digge .• ' The lifebeatmon tngland Saved 623 lives last, year.' •' TANNING ExPEnt 01;i 1/1,1•it8 01 . tiartices, "lace and reber,, Beet, AW -01,' tUrs, Free liet aticl &age, tki • Son's, Iterritteni, Ontario'. ' • • t NIALAtir11411 -.4) tote& • • 6tAtti0 • fitittionaii011 I•t.,P41105t. WUCileSi TOT • *.PRID•Gt•11,!—' .v4tend&c','140/1tHOKit IM toAboto otst4Aa,101. • do KIN( a ,andsliaking • Has r)rawbac .0Tiginsted As An 'Act . to Bind ' Contrats, Net, gaN,takicT, ,Aland.shaking, onCe n peptle,..geAtAlr,O.. -431 a'gri.einernt; Peace or frieudpitip, continues in modern mes IlereleP nature consequences - 'as ttle tstiir- rpg Of 1:`;'eW 4,erseY Tepent/Y • diSeovei• .ed, when ;the 'ePrernoilY ra-J8(1. blister 'on los,•rtglit band., yr.e$i4pro.,5 at' their levees have often .suffeyed .Museular lameness •fropt,talting'. this • salute, says the New At. un Official reception, To Camilla the Duke Of Wiedear, then, Prince, felt •a •a. ho•rie,,• erhek...finder the o'erleaiy handclasp •a colvpuilt.11,- P rt Of. Ancient Perettleil5i , Tbe'cbsto.m of Itandshaking..did.not Y.O.riginate ita 'a salutation, but • PS an . aet, binding a eimtrtte.. The, grasping of hands • was port of the ancient Hindu •,.,marriage CerettiOnY, It passed: into maorierly courtegY in 'Rome. • Giving ..the right 17.17drieT•ifillte71;31b10 (GPI, 1,1;9); spread Ahroughtnit Ohristenticuo• and had et)Me usual as ft: eabittipji li the Eur - ape of the Middle Ages, . • . • V,itemling,,the rightor sword, tiod • synibelize'd an unarmed aPprai.cli thirciugh 13yzantintri the enstain reach:- , (*.the' 4081,em conommittas;.Wbere it; Was adopted as it legal formality, but there the .Joining o hands,,Meant the., pressing dr thundia,logether. • Slime, African :tribes substituted • the. hand, eiasp;:,•ter 'their- habit Of -showing,' de- fenselessness' disargthit litiCOvering • in deference to a sutler- , irer. • • • ' • knalisti Shake Least Tus the, handaba.ke Was at no 1) er- fod hitherto likely to give distress,: but to,196 a ,'reasstn•ing, ingratiating ' greeting.• •heiivY grip •begarf. as.. a " 1n0i•el or 'ken clunisy*atteinpt . to. ern- tV,•en J.Itht, is •Ctinsider, id:. loss •o.f..a.n•orcipal than the :greeting ctistorns ,of. certain' aboriginCii. enibraces • •of.: -/,t estrallan., bladks, the.•• naie rubblogs of i)OlYnesians„ 'EsitirooS and. Laplanders: The 'Japan- ese ebetaansees gennilections,.ac- companied ' .1$ suPposell to have derived from ,the•CPWer.ing or. the ' crouching 'attitudea.f humillty In the ancient *est. ••••••, •';, "- AtnijniMiedern,•/UrOPeans•the•-Eng- lish are Aaid•L'yd'filial$0. hands less 'fre, ilfiently :than Others; the :French de :shake' haucl$ ii,Pon Meeting and depart - Ing; , and the Gerinani ',rep eatedlY,••• on'. the. slightest oeCasiO.n:.••,. Cave.Man's Words Still Used Today Profesor'Says 'Mir -sties Are More. • .fig'oratie•NOW- *Figurs,ef spteeh whiseh mere an integra,t Part of.the etivenuin:s.; Siny-k sple language .noW'eeculty a •proMilient place In •niodern' .y0enhillttry;• ',Re- • ..cording to Wi11iai IIawley Davis, Pro-: fessor.„of 7-6err'4.34117PrIss,•11°;I'cior r [ : 'the Cate; Men used Slick figures of speech .:as t • 'back-biting,” • .. "back,scratching.,": • "skinning •••all, •"gtal-htiLttls „VresSieits; ta;tise today, • • ExlsteheeVery.' Real Then ' Dasis said that: e'.(lAtence• On, the '.eaye ,man level 'was itfl1 ,Very rear to the average - riersort• T 1110 eave Man, • explained,, a ''beite,-. of contention," an. ...".6ye..for alt eye"• and 4„(cut•thr oat 0001 - petit 1100" ••nteant'. incite thrin..they do' Jo, as; '•We etur Atilt ue 4aC1t' free - 1Y•;', "Li.,Itt;rallyitt: hc •141.1(1, "the as man 'Wielded.. a bit; -$.0 untu 11 cid,' ‘Icept an eat. to the grollnd;! f0111.10..A. 'hied In-. ihe 1111 Id worth •two..• .an.1141.1ttistr1110 ird's., with 0110 stone.' \V;IteretiA '1110V 'the's& ixDreS- "ly • • • .• • , . • sions •Pre Used •figurative • ' • 'Derived From Horses 179 .9,1•ti. ((Similar way '0111- Dloy 1) number flf figarea iron borseti•.: These Include 'raring to 1i- Js and 'ttlite the 'hit teeth': . ''ffiaese 11,1tist 1).4- inereasi,ngly; vnge to :the., gen•erations "groWing • 0',..sittce -livitoirdhlteir 'lave • diSplac,ed hotSeS.. •We., May..exP,eet 111( 71) to he •tiSed less; and leSS .1teesuseleW.cr' people :find •that theY convey ...thought ei,fectively'4, ";. ' .• 'PREPARATIONS • -Tn few tither things' does .a 'little "ireliminary planning yield 'such. tan.... gible returniaas in gardening.. 'It js' possible to censtruct a bouse-without-: a blue print, though the jeh iIL usu- ally: be.. regretted, t.carclens; fog, can. be created in this fashion but the yesbits areapt to be ConfUSed tth ., the natural.. conglomeration of weeds, • tin cans and abandoned ,motor cam , Which litter up: the, usual VsiCant 'lot A little' planning is most 'eeential and it •will 'enhanCe the ints,prest: in the • 11‘;bh3,'pztstime gar ,ening ti fled, its i'vellr is ,add .N;ery ma,terially to its 'real value. Na*,. Whilethe earth is still dormant,Or at .,lease, too wet or too Old to iodulgo in any but the hardiest kind ot plant= • ing, IS the' thne. to begin ,these. plans:. All' that is xeceitsary IS, a pencil and ,PaPer„'h,seed Oataleglie, apd'possibli • a Goeirninent: bulletry, or . two. • - , . SHR1. IP3 'Pt . goy the:pen-Martel-A sort .of garden,: ing; Oat ;Using perennial flOWers,'shrtilis,,trees; grass and 'ether, things that grow for. Years„ soine ' liminery planningis absolutely es- Se*ntiet: True, meg-Canadian garden: authorities adochte ifiN;,•Ma' plant- ing for .the average home .surround- ings, but 'even 10 'simple inforrnalitY• soine previotim-nOtiorr of t stilta. is desirable. Otherwise, there, are going to be, tiriy,:shrub'S.hidden• by large" Ories,_ grass "is,...•going to be :toe- ; shaded in' One quitter and :deliCato, IloWeri :burnt' Up. in another: .•r- rirthe .veoetable .patcb; it IK A Sp] eneliti" idea;.so ' the horticulturists State, th plot,..the.*hole patch i'o'ugh- ly to' •and then lay out the..,1:OWS' , • se that tall -Coro,: staked. tomatoes arid • • :similar thing S -have plenty,. .of rooni• 'acts:414.-mA get-inoi!e-LtliSn, to 24....1nehes. between the.roWs.• •1 • , NUTISEWP STOCK ' • ; Earik • sPritig, s g.nciiaUv cOnsid.- k.,ered4-he7rno-st oitarattrable season • fer Planting'. nursery tocks., ':Vrider th 'latter' heading cornea a 4i,te VarietY .of plants': including iaSe ":buSlics, Shrtibs, fruit luu1 Ornamental ttieeS,'• 1•P4onnial flower plants, •,Vinea, :reap - herd bushes, 'p ti strawb'eli"; ;Plants and a;host of other permanent' 'tbihgs. : • ' • • In [purchasing such ' aU• thoiltieg ''e1n1il1asI2C the, 1rr,1e411hi100, •e-4' .-116,h'•20to-crk'I',,i,111:,8 rel -r: - able: Cartattlfin': stitti.ce, • ntiots qM1 , „ stems . should 1)e. ad and if th,e,re .11 roly t, tI g•roytIrj, a.s; ill the CPse Of si..f..til;r• ei••cl treks • fl 106. shoal& be, et..lelett:i e.1 1U gre.eit buds,1 , • • Shootityg-Star's,Tail 41'he reason . Why 45 sheetingstir appearsto havea t,j,kil o'utting behind is 'that an image remains, in oUr eyes for 'abentoi si2tieenth of:a see,ornl., Since the •Sailing trieteorite (s(r�z1- ly Called "sheet -ilia* stal'") •jh Meting Vetv quiqk1, it• has- catered (Mite It disbnice ,Ibefor6 than sixteenth of ' , . `second haS' passed; 80 there apPears to he a. tail. It is the saI11e. phone- ittenes that mai(eS '1'110 81/01003 et a Whirling ;wheel look solid; and' it is ilo the .basis for the apparent Ooh - (7?) uous action qn the movie screen on whielt hlx.feen pictures are 'Wild1". evet'y sceerid, • ' • • ORSIltS 9ND.0111ift tAtistb 1il511110001,0 SIOPPEU'(l11itU 34,4 QUICKLY , 'Crusade Bringsil. Back Blushing Beauty:Expert Sayi Leek of Blood In faces la Malczng Girls ,Fad'e •• The Coinmon bluth, PraelitallY carded sororitY.:sisters ered Freud and found that the. ybole businesa. was ,11,1St' an inferiority; corn:. ip .goipg to.• reV,IVed'.:in. an •'effort to ,keep Aniericio•WOMen from becoraing a race of • gargoyles.' A crusade to olest "the :•lalusli as nriounce ast ; week' ,111iss :Grace Donoilties. • • ,• Chi- - Cage redhead; wha..described • hergelf. ..a '2".Professor and without." • :• They've Forgotten. )'Iow 'lliSS::Doncilmesaid that the ticinble • with American girls is that!most of. them have • forgetten how :to • blush. Jile,reStilt is that :the r never. get any , Wood in their' face,' their. fades 'and they'tecome•Ugly "•••:' " • • • • . .; sbe,As fornitng nstional esse- elation ,of.."blush • • of: . the month" ' • clubs:'tile Only 1 tviticli. . . Tha 1;ft.:11. • • •Tery Gen' dci offlIushZnk le:kIie.'4:•Doli'ohue-Wili ',distribute mem- ,' hetsll:p cards to' her blushcliz ha and.: ,•-is:;:preParing n '1 ist ' of,-110-eguidesf o • ,b1OShing, ',..kraong the. Sleg-ans will he 'Vow. are .YoUr vasocon.strietora to- day?" -and; vtre ajt old-fashioned glind.":' • The taso-e,on- strictor, MiSts 'Donohue explained. is -the nervetlia-Cenibles ,PersonS ',rcr 'blush and blushing good for "the glancli.." • • - . . ',• ' • • ...; • To the besi blUsbers Miss-Denohue , •ts .considering awarding as prizes pic- tures of Sonja J -I enie, IliVes ' ,-.4-110-1.tqfaif:+lte ./preattliiihei's Of our • tittle:" •• •• • - • • Buffalo Coffers.. • HeiPs, to Pay For Upifeep of v‘r•ott Buffalo PAek, Peace River Dititrict In 19,07 the Government , pU0114"it h sntaiI herd, ..of 110r410$. • froni the Flatheab Indian 11cP.q.i'v4tion. in. the 1,'nit41.State and plact tbern 'in the . Park, n•e41' .d- rn(inton: inere4a0A rsp- 4111.1. two ycas haer sone were removed% fo the gr'eat -Wood Buffalo "P.4rfc• on the P4ce Bav,cr. By 1.920 4,11fli4e ')1P;TnEicTed..1,590,. The EN'S' Jgpa•fiericl:.,‘Nent thElf; ,..1.11::).9ZU.1);C;i.3 of thct great }?easts' •were,... sent north in ''',,speetali .tyains and 'huge,.barges. - "• A. Ton of 40,ef,Aitie0 1494t,iy kthere •Iiie.pje4:•khari• 12,000,• ' buffaloes in Wood :131.ttra1o" Park, and, . the .014 ..b.u)4. are enot.r0O4ts? OlaggY. .If?easta A7,7eighing, a; ton apiece. 740. • year .A0 fewer tingt, 2;000 Nkii• to. be • itiriletl---0P----krtize•qtai • tom, ••entlfg. overatocked; Anci• more than h eand tons of fine beef: has been -sold., by the park authorities. for 'a sum • which goes ha to pay the' . the rangers. • Suggest Basic, Cheese Price OntatiO. OrOdocera. 'Seek Law to ' Estabbsh;ritinitnoin PETE:11.130R61101,1•-,tegIslation to. „ . „provide a ,miriimum priee for .• cheese was • advocated -here In a reSo.luiion, 'adopted at the 'ePenirtg of the fifth:''' annual -cofirention Of Ontario Plteete ' Prodtreers''Assoe,iatiom, '• „ Th'e. resolution' waS' recoirim ended in - ,'the 're ort , 7t • , • , pulp .e 9.f , garry, Cdunir, ,rt, • •%‘••••*-s supported on the•flOor, by 'several' 'dielegcbten, some of win*. presented • detailed State; . 1116103,ot operations ' • ' ti ont SC Lithcastei ;jsr;',}?apl*.u6nr''t. ' (showed ; • ...a,:labOr return:of. ofili• 5:24, cents anhout ilonneir9371;1 .1 I k. ;t‘'a'fisi;•:;;;ci• Wanted The • ;The proposal . far •a fixed:Mini:mut/1, , • *a.S:' endorsed .enatilnious•lY, Its pres •-entation .evOlied••••cbilsideraide dlscus Ysiondelegates from the.eattern. coun ties • telling .. of sons leaving.. belie. to w:orit. in Can, 112fact.tfries at wages exi.e.eding the, inconie oftheir fatliers.. -W.arning to thecheese induatrY' that inore•-drast1c steps must :be talcen to dthes1-17!•;'ea:ti:•1:1;egi.1-1;S:rall7Vsa•v..ilft's9f eta.hp.erenissielkd • A.. i Of• rinelf; orestA... ..delit of the:asapciatiop,. in oPerting•the.:'. eonvetttien.„W"bith Vegan dir'i1•familiar • • • n te ...0„-oeneure-,-Of.7.--nrillt producers' • . , who .. persist': in harnlitring, the ,Indus- • :•,111-1•br' oar elWafess Iii7f1111711-and1ing • ' , in • ,conterninatiOn.'•• 'is'translated intO ,8gOonsi:gra4a;.; %.,clieese t ith consequent bea'y'y losses,' • whe.n'•the year's 'work '10•'.reVieWed. . . ' . • . 1 • • • Arran Orient With Canadian To Build Airplanes ported t • tuos,o VEA 4 $IOdc th.it essitp it42i.jito • KEEP CLEAN INSIDE! illee the ' way» it Ftlar;fft o I ;, • " ' -i 4. , • t, . ta, -s ma in.ide 6e:11m-0...lighting shlp•badaeteil for *deliverk ,• : ,, - zr:hset,....t: it,ihduigt el,,,,t•ii,,itt -,,t • ,,,ut.,,t,,,,,,,,;.44.k ,ra„.:114,,,,f,r_tr,,. ...611,411,1,. tp, the Pally, Air.,ColTs 1.1} the end oi. • 11.,..,,,,,T().?•,,,,I., e le To -1...r, .1..lit li• coNspr-•':-th`r•-,;`'Fat---7- ' ' - • 7 ' '!t.i(1 tVrinde'`.:V.I.: r 3 (rt 0(1(1:' '2'51,1. if,i:' td't,'',!..'g,''.: bol(fp.-- ehnt 'Itl....nrmigbl.pit te".Qirits:eirill: S'Qtirli:ebsa'torr'.1.I'nitl-le‘4:1 'u11:4441o., 1-,00, 1 of.:, rtroottln, N.1'., , WIUTV roll • F11.11:1•7 Yreittidl'a1,1 ' tt ,,'.:1i<t•''.,Y....1;!sl.d 'f',';';'; L'IiultTri.ifi'l1.11. • All'Irni,YieNnj,telbots(.1tlYa*';itMNovAerenli'.. .1)8)‘‘;4111‘ii;gXi.0.11f14 :,1.61t11 1101 elit$S. (Tat of the (orris to SO•), . '• • , ., • . • . , • :1' . tTtl.flk•I C1tlickal., quarters . t11)18ii ' week..1.110 ,:..Ae'ite.ap. Govern:, ment,' 'had emliplefed" arraliti.etnepte.'. for n:n "1111pO'latit" ayiation cOnipanY to .bttiltt airnianes. here. faotory to Assemble. Military ,and •eommereial „ships will be established ' ,........_4„,4,1 . s.aurce a -sat , tc-•tt-.40` • • • miss! fic•Ips 01113in:tie' the -.lett-over • '• • ' allest , , .• . Stbifiro`i.tvin CO 1XS; Tne name „of the :edmpanY , . . • • was %tot ditulged. but WaS said ' to . . kaad• Colds: ..121e.st 'Minarcrit :be. olatieing to use, the faeitities 'of:, (2,N, ---thrtt "?e1 it-11ti,n1 fitetarv At the 13albd:. ; • Ono • in ilitarY . . ; est InInati 3I medieet iiiattaT,' '14110 obSer yeti his twentiet:h birthday last. le 'ilearingthe end of his pile- noMenal growth,' aeCtirding o ", Pity- SiCiatUr. Measttretnents revealed Wad - lour is a feet -81/-ItielleS.--,-.1,1111:••--1:Itit' st- IgOs 4cii pounds, ileco,rds examined birliWiiirthdaY • s6„Isted the yoatIt's - rate st groVin in Ire last four years • hair diM4ifsbed inch each 3 -ear. 14e grew' oily one and 'elle•half. -lathes lost year,. Between the ages. Of • 6 and 1.2,110 averaged from feyr,10.:ffve: hiehes of growth twit Year, ' ' •"A tsro.ti.i . ,„ • •A Itttntirtd , fit wt;tnett, b0,11 ttriti• i:no it Int y5t'.1e 1131 1.Y.oit (aft 11410 all ',•Stitxp.Vithte •"(gt• by o, i;ietnett'- 110i-11)61er, 'Ont. • • andhate it- Chest Glide to!Fe-Ttiiiult: • 41. sub well .loto effected ;parts. Real relief 11. quickli I REUNiON0 . BRITISH PAMILIES We ere prepared to aclvartce passage nrency(L1ItholHlrl- or ofh`r eharge;s) to Eritisli•people desiring to bring out to Canada -their:. - tviveai£4lI1%lioa, r‘elhtiVes01 •' • ' ,r1AVA. .4400,1'cir kicirtienhirs fe rie•orest ii5e4ctindAii) agen or 10 • BRITISH DOMINIONS 'EMIGRAT(ON' SOCIETY tectl(shect 188.2) 217 Bay. Street Oteadi4140°4\ti-titliUtit°41anAgit,) , 4•04-•,4 These .thoPs., .*Iitch have .' tur1)e4 Olt ',5:e•Vera1, not yory.satistactorS,'ships, wilt be:. enlarged and 'mcitzlernized, lhe .:;officitil sources atid. put under the direetten sef,;.(`'Atitulfan eicperts., „i, , It was. said the Qovornment get 50 per eent,,of the protlt on sales. 'of :Airplanes to ethe‘K $.touth 711341j'e0- tt•st.'4triet'i00n :no t 1,onst„ Obtaltrink Shltis for the. ' and itir .cbmincreittl aviaiion terre,st,i)ittling' M'' 10 Wag SO 10 In have tenfatiVe 01t31 1tii191'.:(10' pla11,4is. COhlinbla 54118. list 'r!zit 1011 intereated, Happy . •!At&t" :thki1it: f hat t 'teen re'.•ilia,rryillg. for lialirifile'pJto hut .0r6 they? 're 8131101'0 (1 ''theY are, Pr; 11:.••Vauglittit.'Profe.s. sot Pf 8ocitil,,F,Olict at 41:05t411. 84toct ed. 'en 11 spe.c.iar Ouart witidt iici•soli to tp:et,,,tr.., ft' partner t• v1it4 aspit;oi1ti1i4;$ chrimse lilt • cluirt iti C0fl1150113d$.1..f 15 ntbt11b01' siKti 'As t'ititatity ft'At: Conjugal. Alrvetlen, reritbrnti et e.i .•14.1d point'sarly'-awstateilier tv.m.11., U. a repple"in leVe agree ih 7 per 0001. 010 .at6. considered fit intiteS and With tirdinii. ary look stonJd reinath to*Atted,-••• '4 1 • ,••••'; • ., '..i.:, •