HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-17, Page 2t 'a • FamousPortrait Brought To Life At Fair LESSON'XII. KEEPING THE 'BODY STRONG, ;(A Personal Aspect• of Temperance)" . Mark 6:53-56; dudg. 13:12.14;, •I" Cor; 3;16,17;"Rom. 12:1, 2 Golden Text. ---Now, therefore be ,vvare, I pray thee, and drink'no'nwine nor strong drink, andeat not any • unclean `thing:. Judg, 130. THE•LESSON IN ITS: SETTING'. Time.• --The events. ;recorded. ••1;)Y. Marl: took- place in April, A.D. 29. • The • birth , of ''Samson ";occurred ,near • • B.C.• a201,-; Paul -wrote his epistle. to, the Corinthians aboutA.D. p, and. his' epistle. • to the `Romans' within, ..,P t a' year or, two of .that. time. • Place; ---The events in:Mark• oceur- red on the plain of Geiinesaret.. Sam- son was:. born.' in :torah, a village about twenty miles in a straight line; west of Jerusalem Corinth was. one of-7the grew"" cities of • southern t� Greece, and. -Rome was,1of course, the capital of the world. • ` 53, And when they had crossed over.:. It was. 'in returning from -the eastern side •of .the Sea of Galilee. • that Christ and:: his: disciples were overtaken by a storm' which 'is de- scribed in. the preceding seven verses. , : They. came to , the land' unto Gennes aret. This.: is a semi -elliptical plain on the western 'shore , of the Sea of Galilee; about three Miles. Tong and. something more than a mile wide.,' a- ',place • of unusual fertility, and beauty. : And. moored to the 'shore, i.e.,' they anchored to the shore of Gennesaret..' 54. And when ;they were come out of :the boat, straightway' the, people knew him:'.• Healing . Sick Bodies;, Au l° ran rro n, a.ori, that whole region, and began to; carry. about' on; thea >beds, those that were • sick, where' they heard , he was:. 'What is made • emphatic in 'this pas ;sage is not the people's faith, so much. as their' need..., :.56. And wvhei•esoever 'hel entered; 'into villages,' or into. Cities or' into. • the: country, they laid the i -` Y s k rn the.' market -places. And •.besought :that, they might touch •if it were but the border of his garmen l: ' and. as many' as touched' -him • Were Made Whole. See also, Mark •5:27;. Acts 5: '16; 19:11,12., The garment was the. outer robe, the tallith worn over the tunic At each '`corner was a tassel" with a, thread or • ribbon of blue:; There was ire virtue in•.the,.garment'"" of. . Christ itself; and.hundreds could' touch the garment, without . ,faith, and receive ,'no blessing : 'whatever.' Christ `simply honored the ' •faith of 'these people by healing them` when they -manifested such; faith by eager- ly':attempting to-pordenear hini that, they might but ,touch his •..garm•'enit t e• border of • Instruelos. forDit (Judges:• 'Chapter '13) _12 :And Macoak said, ;Now let thy.. words come, to pass what shall _ Xie ordering of -the -Rodd, an'd-6vv-' Shill. we. do unto. him?, ':I3. And the . ' angel• of Jehovah said unto Manoah; Of all that:.I. Paid unto . the . woman Jet her beware ;, 3,4 She may not eat:. of'anythin. that •cometh 'of the vine, neither lether d ink 'Wine, or strong drink, nor eat,any'unclean thing; all that'f commanded her let,her' oh,' serve. ' 'In, the • earlier part:, Of ;this chapter.. weare:told that'.an angel of the Lord, had appeared to the :wife of .Mar.oah; 'announcing ,that..: she would" have a son who should to _ God; • As in the ancient Jewish tem• plea, in its inmost recess, the Sheki- nah, or glory of God, lwas constant- ly ,present, .and conferredon the'. building its awe-inspiring power, and gendered any profanation of it a di= rept offense to..God, sodoes the Holy ••Spirit, dwell in the cnYrch,, and.the profanation'. of this temple by false doctrine is sacrilege. ' A Living ,Sacrifice. . ' 1;<I bese.eeh yott therefore, bretit-. •ren, by"they' mercies of God Through out preceding chapters of Romans the,. mercies of God .have been, enfolded These mercies,include Godis love' for men, his grace toward men, the send • ing 'of his Son, whe • is . the very righteousness of God, to men, .that men might be justified in •God's. sight, the death whick_.. „ fsi died as a propitiation for our sins, the new life Which we have in Jesus Christ,. the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the access that is ours to the Father in prayer, our sonship' and co -heirship.-. with' Christ„' our present sanctifica- tion, our, future glorification, and all. the hope, of the life to sonre,'.'togeth- er with a consciousness that every- thing .works Together, for good. to those that love God, from:' whose' love nothing will eyer be able to separate us; ;these 'are the, mercies' of: .Goal' which' should:. prove the' motive power of our life',. •God's mercy comes -first and our •consecration afterwards,.. never vice versa. Toresent. This is a term a'ssociated•wit gifts for the •;temple This,action. is purely Volun- tary. Your• :bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable td God ' Sacrifices in the Old 'Testament were ,'resent' ea o . these, sacri ces Our ,•body''is.to be. a living'satiifice, Lei ; 'utterly.• d, 'devote God.rn : . y to ;the life...Which is' lived,, :in ' these; bodies; :Which is .your spiritual 'service. It- is •to • be noted that in the ;margin pf the • Revises}., Version The word here translated "spiritual" is:said to.mean,::• literally, ",:belonging to the :reason." Consecration is intellectual as con-. trasted with the uninfeligentoffering • of •thesaninial in the :Jewish sacra-• The faniousaintinof Mail . ,, . p • • �' sine, ltecamicir is brought.to-;life- af. the British Industries Fair •in London, England, with Iris l eolie, at tat,..posing as the noted French charmer. ' ' - ild's. Intek 1' Scientist Says. IQ Not Fixed= - It, May Go .Up'"Or Down - Whole Concept of Intelligence •Must Be Reformulated: • • The IQ—sligrt for inttelligence quo- tient i s • measured by standardized tests—is variable ' elemen ' ,a 'iii •the 'composition of a. human' being, It• was pointed''• gut in` a recent paper by Beth L, Wellman of 'the Iowa Child Welfare Research station.• at • Iowa. City It 'was wince th,e opinion of most.. psychologists that the'' IQ was fixed. that forinstance, a :child•:who ,above,it and Vice versa., It •isn't' so, Prof:' Wellnian 'insists,. far "`tliere • is now.no escape from the feet that children's. IQ have possibilities of change over• practically, the ,;.whole range from -genius • to, ;feebteniinded tress " linworldlr-Attitude vironment Safe Driver Must. Have Road, ' Sense Importance '• of a Driver' ; 'Ability- . � y to. Judge Correctly and to Be . Prepared' •For the' Unexpeted. ,has' often been remarked that no ,driver of . a motor vehicle can be' 'considered to be a safedriver unless. and .until be has acquired a high 'or- der of road sense, writes ii corresp .ondent in,: the. • GlasgewHler ald.. But Slip Rack•To.Mor'.on.'Style Her paper, was >illustrateil• with charts showing' increases .in' genius. •levels by`children, once :avei•age�in'IQ •nnd others decreases frrom average,to; feeblemindedness; , •"Thus; 'she said, our whole Concept of intelligence •must be reformulated~~ • "The demonstration of " these changes," • she; explained, "feces us to.abandon•,the idea of;an'inilate'un- 2. And be not fashioned to. this. world,; In: verse 1, we have,• as it • •were,, the positive aspect of conse-'. cr ation, .• positive in this' verse ' we' have,. `as it`wei.e,'the negative aspeet._T}e:. word; here :,translated "fashioned means•\ outward : conformation We are 'not, then, .to conform totle- world. in its''worldlitiess, either in our . life, or our, con, .ersation, or ' Our pleasures But e:.„ye- :-transformed-- by the renewing 'of ; you:r mind: The word :; here •:translated • "transformed", is the very word used in:the account. Of the transfiguration.aof our Lord (Matt: ' 17:2 ). Here it has •a ' far deeper' significance than •the pieced `,ing word "fashioned," and refers'; to' what-whieh''is-essential afki ;real, .the •very inner part,of one's being, To be - a new creature in:Christ is, to have it new mind. That ye may prove • _what' is (rood an&acceptable ndper feet will of God. The result of this purification is • to ma -e the ,intellect, 'which: is' the' seat•i f moral judgment, trite ,and. exact in ;judging -:all spirit \cal and .moral questions. To prove Means. to prove an:d .approve; to •test:• :and, attest : By daily'consecration prove that God's will is good and ac- :• cep'table,..anti perfect., Youngest Soldier roSter, right, stand's inspection 'in GlosiroW, Seetlariti, prior 'Co Sailing for service in China: ' PiSt Changeable intelligence and .te-enteil . • -,,Race Intellectually, Undernourished . -FurtheP, she .added that "a funeL that there Is a bielogiear baeis for be, but ohs.eryes, that the. , be to enviroranentiEcenditions. changes have fer.;reaching iinpliCa- benefitiartYThe Child and to soeiety. OsticarreS-7.neyer7 ' een;easy to •answer• is: "What IS road sense?" _ The most direct' reply I haveheard, the simplest definition, is that road. sense is •theability to put' two • and two together and :to use:.the total' as the key to- the 'solution `.of .a 'road • problem'4, *Butt' such a definition', tells nothing, even,, though it has some unlerlyiig truth. For myself,1 would venture to define road sense a?.•the ability,of', a driver ,to judge' correctly; bye ex-. • ther: than' )3,7 direct evidence, when'. 'danger threateui,'. and' how it can be 'tiVoided,:or when and•Where there is dariger desPite its seeming to ex= 1.6144 aperiene ••ifene hive other People who have b'een niaterista . only a few, Months. E).cperience-, hoWever, ePsei4ial. element;.. bot equallY; if not Mere,' iniPpitant is realise :that ' When such -and -:such a. tion representing.either a' danger or .U,neannY Foresight, :driver EoSsessing road SenOe often surprise his passengers (eien drivers). by his seemingly .undanny Pond's' "Ask Another" ptoyrani presents a new game to radio liaten?,. ers. on. Fridays 10 to 10.30 p,m., over CFRB. • '•The new 'gag is known as: What HaVe I Got. .A rather' hazy.• desccription trf' things`is given:'by some member of "tie cast, and 'i't's up to the audience to guess what is. meant. For Example; 1 have two;•'p'arallel linescrossinganother two • parallel line's,' and a bunch 'of x4. and o's • what, have I got?• . •Obviously (7) a game of X's and ti's. If -any of, our, readers have any such stuff to offer, —just address it to Pond's, •CFRB Toro nto • The regular e lar g business of, asking questions will still, continue. Tune Chasers We had an enquiry as., ,to 'the whereabouts of the Tune. ,Chasers, those pixillated menof melody, gags' and Birds; Bert Pearl," Bob Fnon. and Rai Purdy. The time has been• changed to 6.00 to 6.15 p m. over CFRB, Sundays, -•and the . boys.are still very much at . it. The. Dr: Hagen Show, • True ' •'.or False, originated last week in the studiosof. CF.RB;, Toronto; Two teams were picked,, men on. one side' and six women on the other.• All- partiicipants Were from the University• of Toronto—boys from 'Engineering and • girls•,.from Household Science. The questions asked :were of .general interest. and had ta'be answered 4b)'r (either true or false.. The , teams are ag1, Hagen' conducted a program oi,•tr:uck: drivers: against a'• team .%of' chor us 'girls: .• The time-9.30~to 10,00 Wed nesdays Whorl No Hisses? 'Many strange things .happen; 'aur- r.o*-nd RADIO HEADL!NER$ QF THE: WEK By FRANK DENN1$- • Mali -ling -.moments, However,• one little error'escatied him . hilari- ous situation": and the word . haye, been. "Pitnations" Stan no, ticed it, hot it Wes too..late to tell the , annOuneer, .,During, the PrOgr.a'ra thought Stan waS hissing ale; anitchul: ..-cer, but the recording shOwed, that 'everything Ikea perfect and the word • Charlie Hannigan is.sitting on our questiOning-swe had the audacity to ; ask him if he ever took violin les7• Was on the tresk incltiding the ink- well ant Charlie caMe flying At us, Apparently Ibere *ea 'a time when Charlie ',could, Play IieBussy.'cortniosi- musician to play old ,tinie Any- way,. 'you:, can, hear, Charlie' and his MOotalLeers every-Menday at 8.0Q The radie prograni "The Shadow" Sponiored by. the• producers 'Of "blue eoal" and heard every ,Wedig`adY • evening over Station crmj, is 'frank, ly Of, the "thriller" type.' But is -.the • entire cait.and'IrodUetion 'is •of Shadeiv.'' Was. reaTiffly. honored With the annual Filet. Radio AWard-,ene. of airdeires moat caVeted. honors.,.. Pat'sdant-ineratrasse men werkilig on. found the bbriel 6f a mammoth' be- •lieVed to_have-lived 35,000 year's ago. 'Plan to UncoVer Asia Minor Cit3v American Savants Will' Dig to. Find the 2,000 -Year -Old Ruins Of Ancierit Van. 11We-74n-a of -ditch diggers an-, nentieedlast Week they would dig in.; to Aiia ,Minor, in the. hope Of ,finaing rietv „information `on .the Bible 'Story Will,. be dug this 'Slimmer • into the 2,000-year,old, ruins ,of ancieht Of. BroWn's departrneilt of Biblical' literature, and,.orie of theoeaders, of.. the. .expeclition, and 'his ass"aiatei looked for "discoveries ..as • irimertant as any `hi Asia Minor to date. inellid; ing those of the recent Hittite. digs," "If'a• sufficient number.ef ancient rtitings cari he found," he •• said, ".translatioris may be. os.sible which giVe • the histsq of the king: dem and- reveal the now sketchy story pf international jealousy, con; dirt and 'cortquest that marked ;the Opening. ee .i"enturics of the first 'mil - 1,y the peoillo• of: Valitk the pi:ofe:lsor historical Li:lel:grew-id ,of the 'PIA' 'Pestament'S !look *of Cienc4is as well' • Once "A Trade deittre, t eitra van the arlrliC, about '000 1`1.C. Tinge e;intit mounds (telt; cm'or the rttin4 outside the moderrt (..ty of 'can.. • Inexperiendea mothrista,". While de While (hiving carefully, cultiyate" the habit...of watching 'other:. road users and ;things seen'on or 'near the road; , ',and making Mental note of:What they are prene to 'de or omit te in.vari- initiatiye and as a yeshlt of ..What. ...other. people 'front • 'or...to either side of -them de or fail te do. .' Deal Island--lighthous&-itt mania, .957 $eet above, sea leyel aiitr inobahlY the highest in the_world, a beam of 1,009;000 candlepower in power acetylene ' ' Makes London Visit Lon," for a conference to dia, .isfta to the Plitglisli Capital*. Fifty yeara will 'be required tO chart the Coast ef. Labrador,' aCeard- • The Regent of, Hungary; Admiral NiCholas yen Ilorthy (left) and President 'gnats liosiciki of Pi:dead, Chat together as' they participated recently in ' a hunt held in Yoh-, liorthy s honor, near Worsts* Poland. • Truth Out Yoi;i7.Char4cte:t! EV LAWRENCE HIBBERT, anada Imports Soutiliern Bees Honey Producers Are Getting Them In PaCkages ilooeybeea are, imported -in' :comb - .ed States by the 1101, PrOqsVra the northern sows and ,,Can4a, Tee reeeei)O, tor this' are, that in the south lti the' SPriug 4lId• can. 0.0' pack- • , this, many .beekeepers follow , the arm:sated- ot,killing all their bees la the' fali of ,the year 'and' rTplaeing theta, :.",. 'with .package the, Package bees will give: better.% • la gathered during the .iiiotitha; of "July 'and August,' but Where '.the • , . flow :Starts about. the Middle of Jane -.•..ahd ceases, during July, the reteree 'are Mitch ,smaller, often being little • • Package bees may be :obtained ia ;Sizes 'ranging from one to five. pounds :300 'nonnds of Surplus. hooey. s.nridee • , Very favourable„ conditions,. The :aver, .co• rding to c, p, GeoderhaM, Dontinlei ,Attialist; package ,bees pink be order- ed. early ia .order -ta secure 'then'''. at the, proper. tune. Whenortlehing, one should 'state definitely Hie number 4oa .rowhags is to ,be accompanied bY a package shOuld arrive during th4-41-at, ing during,..tha ,early Pnrt at May maY Explore a f Guinea Will Survey and Map Last:Sector af Unknown Territory ' • to: explore the laet sector of -On-. ..,kaciwn New Guinea will begin ehort- The. expedition 'Will surirey aacvniap about...200o: seinar,e* mites of hitherto: ;80 pertera. t.he area to be 'expfOred, toward the 1:thteit berder,,and north lo,„ *cause itativeii, cif the ,Pegion are, 'trit.vA there, The .offieial Party. food, Injected :11sti Are': Mack of Pk* iMethOct rested- slim' chanceS of surVival last 'Once , before; sev'en years ',,ago, tried Abe treateient-4,asked him 'for pernlia- 'BY HIS WRITING! , . "whist an impracticable ea! __Is na ,tain ii,iSeritnination when 'they fall in love, • even.; thetigh tney be -quite Seek certain qualities in the men they: „10„Ve They believe. that their sweet- hearts ceine up tO the Standard they have set,uP in their own 'The, ,rriere fact thht a girl -falls in love Ithat,• in her opinion, he has. Certain haracteristics she feels her • man. fliere is the •"itigger in the Wood- pile!" ' Love is' so blinding "an expe- 'rience, blended as. iVi§. of physical, tractions, 'that it ,ernporarily bor dlOadS 011'S faculties judgment. '&ow, handwriting tells the ii•orST 'of the cbaracter.of a Writer, If you take the writing,. of a girl and lay it beside the writing of her bey you. halYe a coMplete' picture of both thele 'Characters, 1:he dispositions lib:th are shown clearly,,"like an AerePlan'a caught in the beams .of searchlight--1-not the things Which bitt .1he unvarnished truths, shorn 'Mabee' .has &aka theiti 'inattei for Joan had tWe She- Ilked thorn both irnmenselY;. and Was in a: he, will :Weave tortitons.. paths; straig,htforward; More.. of ig „plodder, o home life.. and 'yet !net, averSe X had • 'a:.letterl 'Hein }Mr,. telling the, , hoW .happy she arid. her lursbantl. I had it secret preference f•dr'' the. ether mom' ',How lueky it waS rot- Me that; took.yetir. adviee, for OW'. man' ..1;;vhjooQd hds-tuetTott out bad. Readers are invited le send 'sped- , mons op their Onea writing, as 14,011 aa that of their friendi,' ivoceiliearts or relatives, for an unbiased analy,, sit* iiersenally Rropared .by Mr, bort. , Enclose 10c for' EACE1 octi, ose with stamped addressed envel- ope lot Lakoence Room 421, 73. West AcI,Otiiii,St;; Toi-onto, Ont. Replies will be ferWarded as iiiitch,:y as possible atoll. to 'try ;the inetb0d,i ' :,"4tilfee:n to .f7ciniese: r.i4t1t,ett, ij,0-,cetv. h.. t.fgh q. -Trot ,inge:Cothes:••ROdio•litlye the red -bleed 'cOrptiocles..mik ,own ho said rosultelf. itlidd directly 30 tile growth. :,'. ' To Determine Correct Dosalie Ternilf eq.," tir. while aft*. to' theta, 7 h.10) anti kit in no Wai. rx.ilated•