HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-17, Page 1X 82.00 A YEAR- ..IN ADVANCE -60c EXTRA4'O= • FARM FOR .R'ENT _ Apply t Peter McKilinnon, R. 6, Lucknow, LOST :...`Ring; of • keys, liberal., re Ward, .Leave at Sentinel Office. , . ;FOR ,SALE -192 Chev.• Car;- good" condition.—Lapra .Archer, Lucknow ,FOR SALE— '`Yellow Blossom. sweet clover, Government tested. ndrew, ,Gaunt, R. 1, Lucknow;; .._' Housekeeper 1st. good; farm home, 2; • adults. Apply at Sentinel Office. FOR SALEAn "Ideal” incubator 250 egg capacity.,' Good as new. •Foil particulars • apply at the Sentine' Office., pa , 1 -W t NTED= o op rat iV e equipped• '100 -acre farm, duties'to corn. r' 1st—married a r, enc • A st m ed m n e Aprjl 1 • p '' , fez ferred, Apply at !Sentinel ce: AUCTION SALE of farmn • imple ments and equipment, in 'Lucknow, ' Saturday, March .19th at 2 o'clock. Matt: Gaynor, Auc: POTATOES: , FOR . SALE- Ir'isj• ". Cobblers and. N w Warba, ,both fro' . tea Warba, weeks earlier - , cer iih ed seed. d. 2r r than' cobblers; also other later var. ietiei.4-Hari : Hackett, Dungaiina; o iy: 11. • , • FOR SALE. -100 'acre farm, situat ed . in. West Wawanosh' on a 'provin cial. road- four utilesfrom town.. Good ' buildings, soil,water and.. fences ' About five • ac g ,es bush. ush., b lc:: ... Reasons - r s ' ,just , : _so 2 t , `close_estate.- rite. ox -1256; , uc now enti e AUCTION ' SALE—of •• farm "stocic l:.' ents` Can. 2' and'• im em at.' 'Lot 4, C • l?, Bruce Tarp., Monday, March 21st, at • 1: 30 6 •m�on thscredit.--Wm• Stro ud 4 Pron.:; a Ynor,c • Davie' Stroud Manager. AUCTION SALEof , farm stock im dements and a uantit ' of: house `:. 1old; effects"at N "H I:ot 6,, Con.. 8 Jt; Ashfield, Friday,' March '25th t o'clock. ' ` bills.terme .1 e Seefor ms John °TBlake" Prop Well Hen d'erson, Auc.. • CLEARING far m: UCTION•: SALE — stock ant im lements,at tor 25,.Con. 6; West. Wawanosh, one mih ion* of St.. Augustine, at 1 o'clock :,:Thur day, .,March' -..24th See bills.. •Frank I,eddy,. Props; Matt. .Gaynor• CLF'A1tING AUCTI-OI SALT . of :farm stock, ;implemen'ts and . house-. '.hold : efit'ects at Lot 18, Con. 5,' Huron :Township; 'on, Wednesday, :March; 23. See' bills for terms- and list.—Harry J. 'Fs nell, Prop ;Well;.' Henderson • • r. east of GraVel Rd.; on Menday; Mereh 21st., ,,See: bills, for Bat and terms „ 'FARM FOE .SALE--:-Istorth half of of Ashfield,- frame- dwelling, plaster „ clad, ,good frame' barn on stone foun- dation, stabling. Underneath; also shed, .-.4.:vater supply; spring rwell, Known as the .Kirk.farm, . "For fiirther particulars Apply to AUCTION SALE of 26:Work Hor- Con. 6; West Wawanosh, 2 mile: March 31st, at one o!elocic. Marea gm< Geldings, Cycles -ahd Perclierons.hie two well'matched general :purribsir . teams, 8 • months' credit. Sale uncleil cover if Weather unfavorable.• ' of -!Vest Wavinnenh • :the UriOeraigned until 12 n'cleck noon, front. the tOWriship crusher Per. pad' as registered by approved speed - A, niarked .cheque tor $56.66....mUst Lowest .ot Any tender 'net necea- TENDERS , WANTED: TOWns.'" of,, West Wainno-idt Sealed tenders will 'he received by • the undersigned up to 12 o'cloCk noon Tuesday, Aprip 5th, to OPerate the " ToWnShip 'crushing plant bY the cubic yard. 'Contrivetor to sypply men and ,power,- 0e,, corporation Will , furnish • oil and repair partS ter the crusher. A inarked cheque for ;50.00 , Must RecOMPany the tender, Lowest or any" tender'', net neces, Lnclatow .13, Cie • t•, • }, • °`�►Y,; MARC th, 1938' Se r , rk• Pre a s Ma entatlan H ht nth, 5 4 .'Victory Pair Of Rapid Fire Goals "-By Jack rr' '•isba Gave Locals, .VictoryWith. r Six Minutes: Left =`. Hockey, . Club, - Ma - r se to o oke P e n tion To B .Thom' `- b. son Who Wits In Uniform",For Tw,; Periods _. e"for two weeks, I,uckisow Sc • peva' returned tol the 'ice lanes Pr Monday night, setting a fast • ace . tc; pace win a 5 'to 4 decision in a crow(" pleasing sixty minutes of hockey -"Crowd" is hardly the \void,. for .gat, receipts total ed, only sone twenty dol. lars. Its the first time -thisseason the fans have let the .-team.down, ver badly, and recollections:..of their •di play in the. Drumbo exhibitie nti li rnaY have beena factor. Tri any even' . those who 'missed : Monday's game, Missed one :of ,the best. 'g ames' of.• the season, tat saw.the.' ;Sego • s clicking. with speed -and:' -passing plays in tire' la .. st two periods; After,,:a Irather. listr less start. - It ' ':ho o ' •' was . n r night: tog'. The, locii'• Club took this opportunity, to present Bobhorn son • son . ,., b P , of Mr and '.Mrs: D. M. Thom on, and'•young.. PS. , a . ma.: ot.whom this village is `Pboud with military in recognition of " _ g his services:: as coach' early hi' the season 'Bo .referee b edthe firstperiod and was. ia. uniform. forthe next two, :getting' , to vie ' ry The pros`entatipn"'was: made:a'`•t.the _. start of the :second P , eriPd by We :9. Huston, . 'resident of the Club with. Harold Greer. making ,the following presentation address , over: . th • -loud a .system': e d s eaker stem': "Your Speaker Y ,attention. please The Lucknow .Hockey ; Club now takes pleasure in. presenting.' Bob. Thompson, with a military set''_in re. cognition gf itis:.services as: coach at the;• beginning Of the .'season. We IIP -11„ take .. this opportunity ,of congi•atulat; ing •hinioi the successof :his Junior (Continued on 'Page • 5) , 0 MR: AND GEORGE,SWAN CELEBRATE,'.52NDANNIVERSARY 'Former Ashfield Csuple Now- Of Rip-:. ley;: Honored:. On This ;Memorable Wedding; Anniversary: 'Occasion at 'the home Of kr: and Mrs. Sainue Sian Of Ripley; on Friday, .Mareli ;1 when, Mr., end Mrs. •George Swan; Sr,; VERNA STEWARD HONOIIED Al H, .RAT ,.: I N G HE. E :� TT M S • .A..�N PPPPPP. ,.. A Perna Left On Wednesday To .Enter: Goderieb, ' Hospital Asp, Student Nurse—Guest At Manse Gathered.Thursday Where Friends•, I'or $4.11. ' prise Shower Miss Peggy MacDonald; entertainer' Misses Stella and , Verna Steward to 'delightful:l d. ,d' a.inner. ''Thur de of PPPon.v �.. ....., ,Y last week in honour of'Miss . Vein Who left on. Wednesday of this week to enter 'the urs s'• training school. at •Alxandra Marine Hospital, God erich::: ,. , MARLING . LIST ;CORRECT ED' .• This week• we are using a re vised seri m a.ilii�g list., Many changer have been made, and subscribers' are asked to note their label date to 'determine, if ' r.d e= credit has been given." ,In ..case ' of error' leas nog 'please' e o r this Office 1' , . @.. ,at once:: 'The e esti S 2. i;. ,.. C n ,.. 9. m a ads $2.50 -in the: United, States.. If o Yu are in arrearso ...,: ;prompt PaY- ment would be .appreciated.: I' • L u cknow'� Juveal s •- e. Ar . E b i ss Ma Doald . had artanged B ruEe Cou t Cha m rtitli. 'gurpr he paryorthe Which a'numb rof friends e•nrina theiear . ; WonIn Kin' cardine 1—• 0 Last Wed - and Verna was presented with man .• nesday;.Night To Take Round .7. To lovelyand.useful ' g An en'o soli. Time was spent at playing R Ping games after which a dainty lunch'was serve' KNOW YOU K. .W s. That according pr •• 4 g to prophecy the 01 Roman Empire is to be revived? Did you know, that Eng and, d r England' n France are pert of the• � l' PO d. R man ,Em ? ire Now . is ,the time to pre are for tin; prepate certain days- ahead. Know your Bible Helps` on " the Prophh€ietic Books • of h • .ARENA CHUB ;STAGING ' : BIO, EVENT: TONIGHT Dance, Bingo and Door -Prize, Dray Toe Feature St. 'Patrick's Dance Tonight (ThursdaY) Lucknow A ena Club- is igon arim a' St. Patrick's ,-dance in the Town Hall,' . tonight ' (Thursday) :Features of the;, even n'g will b.. B•i ` o � starE'n `.• 'ei loc. � mit, .ng , ..: i g at ght .a c k ,the usual' good', prizes, and a', doo) PrizePrize. draw for 'nine valuableprize w._., . a which ace on display in the' windo\„ at H:uston's Barber Shop, Three:draws•:w'ill 'be',,made at ten n..:.and�t�el�o_c1o�k,_,vtith�thinec� ;lucky ,tickets drawn each time,, Firs' rite in each draw' is ,a ladies'over p W ,,. rite 'bag. • ' 1—Bring. • First Cham iionsliip;. MatKenzies.•• five -.piece orchestry Without A 'Trophy,.,To' N. ew Arena. will furnish. music for : old and •nev. ti n lo room d? cmg. Free -c „ak seri• vice; General admission 25c; „ E" Lucknew• Juveniles .marked' the: first. season's .;operation ,of the ..new arena b •bu :in a ,championship.te this 'hockey, Minded' village. The lads^ are Bruce County J uven- ile Champions, by virtue of two . straight wins fiom I�i eardine.They coastedalong toa6:---1;'-Win�a'. . t home,.. and la St .Wednesday atKincardine nosed out the Lakesiders. -0 to win 1_ Daniel aria` Revelation by A. •C.. the round 7 to >•; -, .._ .. 1. • • ;• , Gaebelein' for 1..0.:=T Oanize ,�forthe first time tti5TIAN• BOOKSHOP. season, the 'chalniiiVIShiP 9f the :to o n leeks Official' 'e recognition a e itio •f {fin n iti�� .the or iii R erste l- • e Mr Fraser Paterson r. ..F a5 r I?ason has received :the sad news of the: •death",of his sister, ' Mrs.. A, W. Prior: formerly. Annie Paterson, .'of :..Port • Alberni.. 'C The' funeral wa held 'Iasi e u s e d Fri- day,: ri- da :'Beside herhusband,one a .Y s (laugh, t er survives; eke _ :`Hoc e CliubTRexr • yReviews Successful Season ale=Elect OHrcers 'At• Meetin Thurs. g day Financial •:Report Received = Showing. Surplus , Of .45 On Sea; $ . 83. son's Operations—i�Club: . Declines 'AssumingRes nsibility Fen n1- Po y r.0 stan in • e ' ? - f. Oth er ea -sons •.d .,g D bts O O h S... • With a view to'•'propeily finishing off a' successful•' hockey se,,ason,_:: he loca `clu ' called a eetin : for last f $ Thursday evening in the •Community t,00m •,of . the:' Arena,:'and wlhich'' wad `" , well 'attended. ' With' Wes. Hn usto: president_ n Ashfield, now= of Ripley, celebrate thetr fifty-second wedding 'enniter The happy.couple are enioAng good ftealtli—and enjoyed the evening ,V,Ith friends and Peighliors who, called ; 'them. They 'also received ,cards of. Aniong their guests 'were ,Mr. and Mrs; Geo: SWan, jr., arid family of. LlicknOw, anddeughter Mary of Rip, leY, besides friends,'''ana neighbors. who called to congratulate. thorn. The evening was. spent in games ,and dainty lunch was served. We an bin in Wishing thein more years:of happy married " ted and certified ',correct, by E.' H. AgneW' and Clerk 'Finleysori•weye were' •-relelecteil president and seciv.. tary-treagurer ..resynictively for the with twe more inembers'tO he named ler" will. be presented inl the TeWn opnieeTsuoesfdathye,..March 29th, tinder aus- Of the 'United HILL -BILLIES AT ST. HELENS music:for An entertainment and dance Unger. 'the :eirspiees 'of the.; W9Men'S Institute ori Wednesday. evening next March 23rd, at 8:30 Sharp, AdiiiisSiori l'ATRICK'S.* NIGHT AT ZION A St. •Petrick,'s social and , dance Will he heI4 :in the Orange' Hall at. Zion 'on Friday, ;March 18th, et 8.30 rservedi,'Adinistion 2.5e. and 10P. VETERANS ATTENTION TheSdaY, March 22nd"-nt A.15 P:111.. Browne; Seek. AtIcTION OArett•-•44 farm stock Lot 31, COM :kifflosfi,. on Friday; Ontatanding hockey, accounts, dat- ing back es far '4g 1929, were, rircsen. ted 'te 'the amount of some. $12.00. • was , stated 'that there Were .probahly Other outstanding . aectitints of it paying those preSented.: HoWeVer he :feeling of the meeting was.,that o raise funds' to'. Wipe ' out all out - tending sporting debts, end to whiCh The SUramarY ..of receints ReCeipts Net: Dance redeipts- 1 bo • 'Stick's gl 14 Sweaters 4 equipment :4, . ;444 At pa Oranges.'_glini ::•26 -bo Arena rent (God, Playeff): 26 .00 Travelling ExPenies • ,97 68 protest Guarantee' '15 13 Repaid proteat donor:a 18 MiScellancous, 84 TOttil eklieinlittires 31.6 51 :Balance. On hiti:la =tea-tr-oPi*Y. `° =.. . • The •lone • • on .Wedn sda� came goal, Y K•ear 't iecl o se of ` t h. first , Periodr` od• . with, incardinee shorthanded` Doug Card r' d OfT. Thanks right wingo ,beaneek rid e for . Aitchison sent 'a fast shot in''from the w ,': • i ehearned , oa . by•,Babe:„1r Geo e McRobeits wishes '• . e t i ..roll ng the �ight.boardsonthasecond sbieneen•••playing a' ste.adY garewihno''haas-•tthheOaUinr mfloafnriy`efnidcsts.a•n0fsthkYnnde'niogehsoarsnad.fhoxoi; l- ioaned their Cara an :for'� thnu"m=pressionsosm , Bo▪ thteams staged"a scrappy battle raI;tributes atthe timeof with thesJori£YTopenalties. going�Irs. MeRobert's deal: • . , . LAST .MEMBER `OF LATE JOHN •. . F.'ANDREW • AN EW FAMILY PASSE;',',.; Word has been received here of the death •of As. s. S. J. Kilpatrick, 'whicl' occurred,.at Brockville. on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Kilwas' born' an :Concession• 12: Ashfield :year': 12,:Ashfield, 77 Y ago; She f'rmerl Ruth Andrew'. b was P . )' • . An. ew .sister 'of the late Isaac Andrew.' whose' death occurred' less than a mop: O. r month' a Mrs. Kilpatrick. ��:' h was h g p k, t 0 t of" "the .late ohne ;:'Andre As'hfiel I � w',. c pioneers • , • to:, Kincardine. d ne But when. Lucknow was: Short hmided Kincardilie gave McKini v. a 'busy time -to •protect his shutout,'al-• thou a gh '.on the nights. play.' •Clark '• Finlayson!s lads' were''better and .:• • smoother than the 'Kincardine: squad.. 'Committees' Appointed__ Cook and Irwin ' drew :penalties ' rn Prize hist=To Arrange A Compe- the, opening found, while the second •�' titian. For "Local'; Institutes : Aird period sauv Kincardine' twice ;II handed,•• and" in.'the .3rd; draw another Ladies'.'-Organizations—Seek. Long= Pair • With Cook 'doing time for. the er Tenn "Free 'Use. Of 'Community JQcals Hall L;ucknow— • •al Reid . Gt2. , •Reid aVlcRini•. Def:. •Ross.MaeDonaid :Lloyd; Wylds; centre :Jack Dat niei,,',wing•s,J. Cook,:and Eedy, alternates; Buster . Whitby;' Ernest •: Buttoni.'Doug_. Aitchison, F. Eedy. • 1£ineardine Gaal, Lockridge• def, Irwin anal. Sehiliotl�,.:centre,Flynn; wings, Marcus,. Linklatei•; al.terriates ,Waite ithcad; . Ca11; Miller,' ' 'ilstn: j eferee=-E1 ood Solomon; . Agricultural �.� i Sot et Y Plans or P.lShow a. was kindly .Serit .to the Sentinel be reineinbered: to ' his .friends in this Livey, Diseepion At. Annual Meet-. ring' Friday•Criticism Voiced At Marking -Time Policy. With' NO Provisien Made For Depreciation Or. UpkeeP Of Lines • the anInilal meeting, of the -.43der.. ural. eleplione Co., WaS „held at the head ,office at' pun,gamion . on. After . the mifiute,S, of 'the' an- "ectors'• and Andiiors'• reports were. 'received; a, lively discuesion followed Company had been 'managed. • ' Much 'criticisM. Was voiced claiming the farnier .dieeetois Were Merely. Merking tiMe land that they had not ProVided a fund for' depreciation -.of' the system, and .the apkeep of • the Oent.0.Six: neW directors were elected. lathes MeWhitiney, Jog, A. IVIallOugh James, fla64;e1t, '3.,inthiSholin,' 'Sort year :foc :Upkeep and with :41. vipir mith an. altn. to make it One of ..g40 04 best systons Ontario. • NOWS, • -,n-ienCed .activities .in ',preparation', fOr Meeting held the ToWri:liall on the'Presidenc $: obertsOn. There Was aa attendance of twenty7five, -were -.representativesTof the Lueknow and St. r.Helens Weinen's; Institutes and: or the ,Isaranicitint and ,Kairshea busineSs. of `the Meeting was JreviSe% the :irarions. classes' of, the Prize list. The' iMpertance., of this Work heing done promptly; as welt. was:, stressed, with a., ykew te- having ,the., hands ;of : eiphibit-ers Viartin and ,Russell "Middleton were. 'apPointed a, corninittee :George, KennedY gave :interestiiig,•r, ports on the, meetings of th.e Associetkin. in Toronto,' ,at 'which they were Ideal, rePreSentativea. Agnew, reporiea that With 'a .view to:obtaining free use of the Cominun had been ;granted this for A term of' five 'years by '''.the Village Council.: .MINISTER'S' WIPE PINCH'. HITS ' 'When nmst„aergymen are :taken. ,LuPply but `.such is not the ease ai, hem confined to his, hoine iTire gh' illness •servieeS. have been taken hv. hes Wiifei *ha aCeording. tr.). parish - Jotters, .htis.delivered iforeettil and spicing A0/1110118, 'YOutig. ,is fluent. sneaker and in all- partinents of the •ehorthes, in 'Which Present 1W0• .Retina -: `emIr.bers 0 , : , �,- CCo. �I f e C Handsome Wrist Watches Presenter , To; G: H. Smith And Win:, Davison • V teran. Members;•Qf Th Ir i ads At A • Banquet Staged In Thei Ho o`••. Frda 'Night • • r sal' intere a A banquet' of unu u , . st )l enjoyment, arranged by .the Luekno-a Fire ,Company,: was held in the Town Hall, on Friday'evening, with•upward; to 'fort. i • attendance. Y men, n Shortly after 7:30, the ' gatheri was led -to' the 6,anquel b P er:s' LorneMacDonald and leaven. Catering was done ..by Peter's'im ' GAM and a su tuo' to p. us, .. key", dinner: -with all•, th "-atta rents was served. Tables e w. neatly '• laid and: the Council 'Chain]) 'attractively deco. eted• for the;;occasi Y. .r , Prime' purpose of the banquet, wi Fire Chief R:":;T." Moore, its 'leadii promoter, was' to recognize ..faith. service of• two retiring members the Brigade, George '•H. Smith a Win, Davison . which was material done' b presenting tine• - each wi , y, P . , g' iii handsom wrist.' a c h . e r s w t hes. Bill ha t nr pi •• re, St' r• cli , • e -- o:. ti: i, fu 0' n; 1;,.. ti.' 'been, a, Memberofthe . n. Corn a fog P Y 32 Yeats' and Geor 'e ,,:for 26 ears. Y g •y Win.:.1Vlurd e; •Piesided, d'uri'ng ,:thc evening'and. in i • ..o penin 'remark eine his n g. .opening g', ` 6 bat, ique, and''. historic in 'that it , was`-th first time the Fire; Cor an .4d -eve spent any money on themselyes, whi for' - ars' .• they have .bee hel in 1�? Y n help in as well- 'as. •.undertakin an su � or. in numerous :municipal .irh PP k.R R, provements:.. . lc i' An informal toas list was roe ose>• t P P including':''The King", "The Village" • "The Fire •Company".and..:"•The Lad les" and.;" The New:'Me" ber' inter:: .. ; b" s er ed with :'inusica u enamu.. n P i'ng. stories and'i•eminiseiices as;d coin-, munity singing,,'led' by'`Cameron Geddes:. Violin.` duets;. were. renderree' by.'Dr, Wrrl: Fowler and Dr, :Jame:. Little, with ,Dr. Wm. " Connell'.at the • Connell.' of the burning of the Cair .sivicily„ the dilastrouS fire, and:. the mademiacy.. of the •,fire protection at syas a' Christmas -..Tree 'parade ;of • Those' present at the banquet in; ended the Village.,Coun4i1',.and of the "'Old Brigade", nierribers pt.' the present, 9ompank 'arid; invited. guests assisting, in' 'the .prograin.. .present, 'brought ...expressions ; Speakers and. :those called on, fol.,: j.''Aloore;.MemberS of the "Old Itieliiird.rimpbell Them ps.Ory 'Dr, E. ,L, ,Treleaven, David Milne and Douglas, secretor,y, of „the Con -Tarty. ; The presentatoin, of the watches WaS made by 'Chief Moore,: with the i7vi?'"It'(Cm'onetillinbue:•O " ,'TWAS DUNGANNON NIGHT AT ARENA HERE .FRIDAY ItArena, wason Friaft gannay,whon nen•thigehtP at the `'' rivilegtes• . og the evenin we°re .turned Over to 11,4,Ia us - L. Eedy, ardent sport entitle, `astn ro of r, • f. •, that ad. m e tb :kparty ;:was •-arraned with program of races. Lug ir'eh wead. serveda' and the.night a' huge sueca ss •w t h• • many in attendance. Unfortunatel' . it was not knOwn generally that the evening was 'open, • to ;anyone -;or more Lucknow people, would ve ' have been in attendance. A -� The,.L .eels f theevening vere. used to' defray expenses in . connec. tion with Dun annon soP n air rink,nk .which has provided an •appreciated 5 _recreational , .an i$ -t e means of developing ,-soine promisingYoun " hockey ;,players in that '., eomnunity, Changeable' .weather 'conditions.have ;affected its usefulnessthis season • ' however. 'WOLF 'SHOT 'T ATAMBERLEY . .F Q, AMBERLET': ' olfthat—^— �b • w had'a `rowlin ' rA...en P !' exeunt'. '; t e. Amb e he m rl „ gommun� e y Y: . eb •e am tooold. las • ' a. b c . twee n ..trotted • Within k d rig r h easy t into.ran g' Of, the -• gun ' of Charles':Lorenz, Amberle • • black mith • st'oo in- his o - . s , as':•he d h,s d or "• • •As' a result the';rnarauder was Aro e, ' on a first s o en • r.'. , re 'z will have a' chance to claim a �bount On the animal; that nieasur•ed `•52 in= ches'and'weighed 65 ounds."'' ' The'o ini ' o i ono 1 else ' nim ods '• that• . P f i wolves, `' a ,e , which have been ' increasing • numbers umbers in 'this. vicirit � are not y', pure bred' is borne out b.' a state.: merit.. of the De artmen 'o . Game .P.. t,f Gme''�.. Fisheries; who:Point `` F s, v' P:P,i t out there are no' ,.••• pure bred, wolves in Southern Ontario. • : • This -observation -Was- made -in- -con= nection with the $15.00 bounty paid Dan Rose' for ,the wolf he killed at. : Marta, This animal was 41-nostly.elog' but this 'type a Wolf dog is corisid.' ered as dangerous as the genuine an- .- 11114:and bo,unties will continue .to be , Paid upon' exaMination"'Of-7.the Pelt by the De,Partmerit.. At the 'present'. time; 'a , pair of:, wolves aye claimed to be loCate in seen different times; but aS,Yet they havAvaded coining Within rifle range huntere' who are after • PRESENT: MISS p•vvAw. broeos;keri..9tialtdisenio.af a mheondcleseintoy, t4iabol: Helen Swan, brid&elect, 'Whose mar- riage , to George Poticiat of, .Clinton takes place..shortly; Miss Swan was family' later:. rnoVed. to ,Clinton and two!..yeard.ago Miss 8wan ',accepted pnblic CommisirOn at 'Sed- ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP; • Three &availing tenders were re ecived Ashfield Council, and at their' troth* 0» Monday.,the contrad:', was ati-htded tci Joseph • Kerr •,01 Winghatt, l'he contract' calls for '7000' Yarclt .cif crushed 'gravel at .59C a yard, including' gr•avel, delivered .Ashfield and.- resident of -Kincardine. fer-B-la f. Airy, died. at home in Toronto last' Thnreday. 4cIntYre 1.vient to Kincardine aS :a. -0! the,' Yeers .that foliPWed .he serVed as divialon .conrt clerk' and justi"Ce. Of :the' pekeei In 1923 ;Mk., McIntyre eonteet. 'ed the -riOing 'of, broes for the 'Con- servatives in the provincial election. 7, He; 'was an ardent boWler and. aCtfve.„ 'Yeats, ago he moved teTerente., Sur.- , Mackenzie. ihr:Mrs. .ochalsh !brother -and sister. imucHTER 'OF LATE REV. MOSS kit Evelyn, "Asephin,e :MacDonald, be, Wife of William. ,Mechonald,, veteran, editor' of the .Chesley -Ente*. • prise, ahd eldest,'.daughttir.ef_the late Ont., passed •AWAN,‘ At 'ullesley •MaeDonaIO waS born in ,,the town of -Goderich .anO ;hi her father ,was a Meth.odist 'minister 'she: had lived. 'in Bartotiville, Granicni, Mil- verton:,, 'LiieknoiV, Dundalk, elteeley and at other appeintthenta wherg.her,.; father terVed the Chnrch. She; 'id. Mary*sr Collegiate Institute, College, St Thontas and D.6milte.::pol, She leaves besides her husband, A family of .two sons and tWo (laugh! as reqtilred to any point in' the TOWO. .$'n) at ,heine,.. Mrs. D, It, loinlaysOri 2 OentS a yard over l'ant..it ar„ Priee,l'.1tdrs,, Mrs. .8..C. Stanley, (Daisy) at - quoted in the other t enders were tipleyi' 'qrs., P. C. po.boil (Lin) of, god ‘ into" •da'a a 'stiii . Thor average Winnipeg and Mfra„ L; .N.„ Whitley