HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-10, Page 84 • ;O'' ,�►►UIT BOY$' FIRST :LONG 'PANT Son's, WITH. EX A PA_.. TS...ES E.. 1. 3 5 .S 33TO37 SPCIAL , 1z W_ R. SHIRTS • DARK BLU...FLIGHT BLUE D SALT AND PEP ..._ PER •SHADES. ;SPECIAL MEDIUM WEIGHT RED BACK DENIM SPECIAL 7 SP 'b•'S FA NCA' .:-S - , FANCY PATT- WOOL MIXTURES, REINFORCED , PATT- ERNS: IspcIAL. ;". . , •. `I;IP TOP SAMPLES FOR MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS • CLEANING, PR S4SIN�G':and REPAIRING' ENS WEAR, LUCKNOW, • Let's. Talk It .`AII .•.Over BY• -'..L'.. much of what the socialist would give us; is still. theory A great, deal of it has been, tests n our"own and`othei•' countries, in thelornl of co-operation' o% in the socialization, of certain u dustries.. We can't always agree or the results of these'tests. •Ji.g11 Yoy think, then, that we ought' to analyse our "isms" very carefully,.: You think• we :certainly don't want communism nor do we want' fascism., And we aren't very, sure, most; of us,l just what is .meant by capitalism, or, by• socialism.' But I know we should.. all get busy and .become better in formed; ox these' things, - Jack,' Ou' • ideas r' n all such ues_, Cons come to: us in various ways•-•, as , a 'result' of reading,, -listening, and; thinking. Bat • we might think for' a, few minutes on , where : you and: i, av- :r . Av- erage, rs a our information. gen a ,> 'gPt ,,.. information; It seems to' me that'. the dailypaper;'. mostly the 01Ohe and •.Mail, is the'. ,most powerful; Magazines,: too , Jim;. Many, families don't. take 'a daily paper and - few read' magazine • l articles, Jack: And many claim that these are so pro-capitalistic•as to he doubt- ful sour es of unbiksed ' infor".mation ' But as another source we' have, church sermons., Jim: ' E cellent:. But a great many •don' ' �o church •a ' ' the. stilt'. the odd minister here and there gives ,little time' to trying to„build a more heavenly... earth. • , , ; : •, ' .Jack;' Then;” there's the,radio. Some • •'very,=fine-talks- if you can sift. them from theprograms of jazz and advert tieing : '• But, many 'farmers,' during these times, aren't running their ra- dioe, And many of.: those 'who' . do would rather • "Amos` and Andy". • and .1western songs: Jack; One of the 'finest sources. of t ga nd a is information is.. Lucknow's' public' Jim`' Here we are for another disrary-aibrary of .which any. district cussion,,'Jack. Have you thought:Of a could be proud, sub'ect? Ji • In` this series of ' fireside chats,• n a' :names are given in' full; cora- mon Christian names or. surnames. are used anonymously. They do not refer r tci•-•particular: individuals and any similarityi'nname :or charactsr is : purelyunintentional. The views„ex pressed ar thoseof the writer and Maynot, . necessaril , be shared •b' -the. editor. ---I. B. K. around Lucknow have'', .o seen Jack: No Jitn ',You , , been•too Busy.° , coining 'out of the 'with books. Jim. I ve bee readin ' of t - g library o n g he, Fas A few; just, And most•of the 'books cis to ' is r imng: in Montreal,-drillin g are- novels., : "•' regular a • inegos r .uniforms_ and; organizing Jack: Theydiscus these 'in Toronto. Prettyclos "home 'discuss . things e to but , history; .philosophy, ; economics . etc: do Yu .thunk it, means; much, Jack? although they dont call thein such); Jack: Oh! I think this. is- newspaper. when they visit,: when eY get to - talk talk ifprobably•.'badly exa$gerated. gether.:.,foxjvoodLcuttingin_lttle-disc: But; I , can. see :a greater,=;,development cession- '.ou s'•or in<literar- �societi • gi' es.� - p.. Y, .r of both, fascism and communism. • ' Jim, I d like to � think' they. :. do • '.But Y •'Lticknow, �: , eventually,l! ' ha ''.man .. Usually•at,s how .the "ri= • Jack: It's •. not 'unt`'i'hiiable. : ces of cattle' ,liaveraif"" Jim: Certainly we. don't' 'want' pith= dogs. Or. what they're feeding their' er. Can't we just ignore`„the • "lams” ? hogs now? • Why:this ''conflict. 'and. an' a ` why Jack:, 'I think . you're`'wron• Jim.. Y, a', Y. Y g, •L,VCKKNOW SI (LOCAL and:GENER, Mrs, B. Pearlman ' returned :hoin from; 'Toronto on• Monday* Mr:: W. ' J, Todd:was a T eek -end visitor in London, ' Mr. Edwin Smith•of Listowel spent the week -end, at his hone.; Kenneth. Cameron, of Pari spent the week-endwith his • parents,; .Mi'. and Mrs. R. J. Cameron., , « ; Mr. R. • Johnston, of ' S il• : o Sverwod, staff;, spent the week -end., with hi= brother in Toronto., , . Mrs. T. • If, Alton and, • Mrs. W,;,:C Andrew 'spent the week -end•, with rriends in. .London., • Mie ses,�Je . H ' . d ,: , ss,ae . e,.n erson• •and Helel�. MacDonald' spent. the week end u Toronto,, Mrs:,Wm:„MacLeod visited over•th; week -end in Toronto; with her ,daugh- ter Helene; • Mr. W , L. MacKenzie' visited' ; in. Toronto the end of the week with his son,': Dr. Grant MacKenzie. 'The pans skispent The week-enr' in Toronto,erP being „accompanied. home by Mr's Thompson' and Donald..' Miss Audrey `Horne • of :Toronto is ,spending -this week -at her home o. account of her mother's illness.” Rev'. and Mrs. S. •T. Tucker wer•; week -end • guests .of their daughter it Toronto --Mr. -Tucker retur in • n g Sai- urday, Mrs. Wilson Irwin of ' Ashfield re turned from .Wingham Hospital .last Thursday,. from improved: r• health, The March' meeting of the WA men's•, Institute will , be': held at th home of Mrs; Wm, Fisher, on Friday March .11th, at 2;30 o'clock Gran' mothers' Day. . 'ribute' To V.arY',h urclusen Editor Lucknow Sentinel, • Dear Sir, Your fine, respectful 'obituary,, of the late Miss Mary Murchison, was pain 'titularly. interesting -to., your: Detroit readers ' :who 'were acquainted with:p ;her • for so many years;' and held her; •. :high' esteem,. Her' death .records another break in the gradually Short ening line from her,last days 'to the fast fading days.; of the Isle, 0'Skye school,. which we, attended • in ' the early v ' x, y se.� entice, , when; Mr..William` Jackson wa the teacher, When, I heard Of her death, I, thought ,of, the 15th • Psalm-' d's" description Go of a Ati�en. of, , Zion, a Character acter : im os- l imp os, for. :• the • nat ral man and, only--' _.,u :, , &, , y possible if: a man is born again. Thenc i ;thought. how or why,; did she -to know the 'Lord? Was it:in'protrac- ted: meetings ' in, Hope Church ?-but,' D. • A. MacKenzie -.-he, of. the . prodi gious memory -tells nib "Mary Mur-•' chison did. not attend there,;but did attend the Big Church, as well! as Jhe' Lucknow Church" Did :she answer the' r all under some: Godly miniser there; •• or. in 'the Sunday school, when Mr, Mathewson and, Mr. Archibald' were active ? . Possibly it was ,in her tender' years_ ing school, when..:_Mr;._.Jackson,-.:.: 'ad us• kneel daily in prayer, and',` ; nleaded at'the Throne of Grace, that .the: Holy Spirit would ,move the, hearts' of his pupils to,•accept Christ., as Saviour; ""while' the ' evil` - dais come not.'" ' I �• rhad•not talked with MUrchir. son but „a few times during the last''" "fty •years, although I frequently • in- quire(' about her and heard that she was almost..blind, In'' company :With young Andrew • 'Wilson, son of Dr,. Gerald A. Wilson; a•'Detroit-Bruce . Beach cottager, who was, driving me' around to see my old;Iiucknow friends ,about . two ears:' a • ;: e i ' cr ns on- an,- a "her home.' I wondered what .this' o n'- °a Y.u,.., daughters ,spent a': few days with 'h^' ,rit -'reared 'collegian Y g .n would th7 ��• of T>I parents, before moving`'.to .11arrist^•rhe interview I' antic. a P ted; but since 'where Mr. Johnston has taken a nn,';'' ';, I:new � nP« him to be a. Christian,`t'mat; ton with the Case: Co ,; +,',red ed not: Bruce; a.. handsome•'cohit* , • r* announcedcoming. min , wea WritingExami at'g As p n ions • proached:;thehouse: sa InI w ' em old•: New; York' Y. fri , • Dr.:. Grant' MacKenzie • o ,,,,, • end sitting;alona on the porch, and •h use• .s... , e�a-at.St-Michael's Hospital. raped'. to her "Do you know who .tliia: oto; left oii:Tue'sday for -New Y'o' . is Mary . slighthesita With• but Hon, she'asked,',';Is it:John Donald?" I was "surprised ' and delighted .that she recognized my voice, and that' her mind was so" clear, °tlio ish--'i'wha :to d explain to ,Andrew' on the side, .that She used •my' nickname. After ' s few TRU1$DAY, MARCH ZOT$,: 1936„ 4 : •�_, on 1� . days,-awa pr�nrsy. WE ARE' ONE .JUMP AHEAD.' OF THE ROBIN. ;• HE IS STILL ON HIS.' WAY NEW PRINTS•ast Colours;, the ver newest for Children r. Wear, . " e Yd, '19c .&,25c,. • wear, , ,houses; dresses: or+StXeet 3f� wide • NEW PRINT DRESSES-8ma t :le s. . W R _.......rt styles 8 Size.... 14.20, ,36-44, .$1.Q0: EW. 'CUI'AIN a CURTAIN NET -Sri rtai -• . l S rad ,. S c.•..m, cu•..,n #i!at:e�• i of 22" , colored e rm , i ewide,. I • Per d• .......Yard,;,,, .,,..,..;..,.;,...,.,15c MAK IS . TE. �U, >�T • Extra; q,uality 1Vlarquiaette, firmly woven .t :, gtv ood, service,. ;39" - 40"' .Yard,.. ; ... . TUSCAN NET ood 1 o in • • ... � ., , q„le , g,, make: ,very"' effective� windows,'. 38„ :Yard ,> " , R N rich •lookin 8', double bolder. Special ....39c ,`�'� , . , . , . , •...39c. • T SCAN• T• I - 1 a U, . , • ,. ,CUR ,A NS 2 /a:. and 2 fr yds: • long;::: • Pair a , . v ,.. ,' ... 89c; :5i#OQ . 1:25 � 1:50 1.95, $2.95: • •' L G E R „. Zv . INE ; bF H .. VY, U DERWEAR S ,EATERS ” .. DIt SS_. , W _ , , ....EiS•, ES GREATLY REDUCED. >S TO CREDITORS persons, having}claims;;against et. estates of John 'J.oyint; late,of the' mage of:gi ucknow the, County of who died orter . d ased,; ^race, Exp , •. �e. : ab the:`te thday of Decem- A'.OT silt. t 1� , lien ;A.D. '1937.• are notified to send' ,.�3 H:±. Cra:wfor ""'Win ham,"• On- .;.r d,. g > a: -; aria, 'on or before the twelfth .day of. ch.,A:D: -':193$ full=, particulars of. their ;claims •in' writing, verified. by statutory ' declaration.. •Immediately • 'after the said' twelfth: day of March, a•, the<.�assets�-of<;,the_s id,�deceased, Will.'. ..: . be ;distriqut ed , amongst :.the' parties entitled .thereto,: having regard only to`':the'claims' Of 'Which the executors Shall then !have notice. , ••' DATED Win ham his - D 'at g this ,twenty first. day ,of February• A.•D., 19 8. J H:'':Ci A,FO'RD;"Wrngham ,Grit:; A;i�licitor.'for the Executors. O3°i IT N CE T CREDITORS"' ` .� O . THE ESTATE • IN E SAT 'WILLIAM; ,E OF A. TAYLOR, ''deceased.. •ag aALL:p,isonshaVing claims stthe e, ate' ofTaylor, m' - William A. Ta lor late to of "t. Township of I{i"nloes th e,. o . C_ un..; ofd -Bruce; Farmer; deceas- • ed,•who.. liedonor about•'t hhe11th' day of T ^cember, 1937, are required to .send u'ticulars• of ,same t ' •Mrs. .r. hibaki_. r o . A c Patterson,: • Adii•iin►stratrix„ "Lucknow, +Ont., on .or before'' the. 21st day,of, Al.rch, 1938, after after: which date' -the 'asset::, ofthei e 'said d ceased will: be distrix ;+tedhaving: regard only to' ' claims ''of which theAdministr ati•ix ,.' shall': then. �', have received i ed notice and ignoring 611' others. DATED D • .atWa r 1 ke tan . ,kine.• 23rd . day of Feo>~usi•y..1938,. can'tviie stay out of it? •:` • The farmers and -townspeople 'around where he :will write advance ; exam inatioris,int ^^•ey9; eaF . nose and :throat "post 'graduate work in whch"h i.e. e' ci 1'z' n s . p g• Chos "Kin: en ng of •Carnival. :friend : . A . ii� esti At n haFridayl n W a m greetings ,and uestionin s. Y q. ,g Two Bruce. • ';county : liigli• . .school' students; chosen b he... N Yt fellow- .r, ils' ,•will this Mont!' P P visit •Ottawa wher• the • will. where Y be guests of W. R. • Tomlinson. M' for , ; Bruce and' : T ,PB e: Mrs ant- Tinson:: W'iar it h .HT C'O ttrla g .S of i,� beinc••- ~--represented"-by •Robert ` Mc • M .s. r•• a to ,,who in addition to hay- '. ing a fine schoolastic record, is `one. of the, school's ,outstanil ing' athletes:' ' Dorot � Irwin inof Ki ar by I w K nc ,dine• Hi h School.the a o' g•, is, e see rad s�tu,-'••',' dent who "-Will ake 'the .i l .m e trip • to' Canada's. ca pital under he o A u e t. travellin • . c' o ars i Plan i g h l , hip pl n uugurated a Year a 6 Y.. r go'by Mr: 1 �:n,i•inso n b•cth ` tude � � w r' � n e chosen,'''.' ba,cat--k'r•'` "their--felfio` ^- ,,e._n- ,"- �- ;IS .lie• fai.Qt4a�& th�.y will:• 5: . ,XI 'of liatinent P visit ['Pints ' of his-•.. ._�.during'h - #,. t c� :or#• . t Jac:: pun:whole .economi 'system here are doing'some' hard thinkinvRexford Ostrander, n an el oral ,• lakemost' eo ein their sunset days, ieeared ed.to that • •i ot ei (andand We arou ':Luckno .• are've No •.enou h erha i but they're do- costume as' King Winter, 'was chosen • e went, away: back •to, our: earliest. had .been blind` for 'eight:yeaas 'befa.. . .. rad ,. w.g ,,I? p . .. Y .- ,. , in orae. t: onlya:. atte _ school: • a : much . a - of_ _,_.g spine: }; s ,,in.. - r of Stepp . King .of the Carnival at the ace. earn , days and talked • about our . , . • 't � , .. . a•P.l'tit) is. built.on. a faun ing ,...,. , . • :King .. � .>: <._ ... , _ :. � _. ,: .., _ .:our .death, that the ,roan ie d.._ n i o. -school u s to s ea • •o :bha Self edu- iyal in .'ates th which8' P, P k tWin' ham ;Fridaynigh!. rXa . sir. auccesse' . dation tle:capitalist'i3roup say . , n ,Wingham, ,.. on. � f' .. , s• and; promises .of sci�pture��•arid psatliiis� cat' their cation. '•.' f i ur o , 'Rexford ri' Was table a a 1 es 'of' 'nc or is sound 'but ::re uirea :'so Fust- :• ' ' `• ' � � " •:' s p ze a ata le l mp: HcP their a li s cast in' sand: had memorized " youth 9 me �) i . stn. Y.: t . were ,a g'i'e'at.t meet -a foundation•:which'th Social- Jim: After: all, o can. blame :us won military = or. of thos • . . e. s, , ,., , ,Y u . , t a m t ry set at the 'Luckno�a mentioned. !in Josh:. 1.fI:, comfort to her in:;her inn ••mit . h'cr is-sa. _: .. ll tf , ._.. - ._ . , _ .._ is y is fundamentally unsound -and or-�bemg- most -interested ~in-_ cattle- -carnival wrath- thrs-' costume: A�drew,�was •gu•eatly. amused . 'With •the saidh � • ex eri;ence. • s much ` h er p wa rnu h thE, Must be- so; changed and modified as prices'••and hog feeding. We've' ot.`to: , to little resemble its farmer belt Coldest Night • . ' Fascism, ,roughly' . speaking, is ;: ex- treme capitalism -capitalism made ;sian-br and-)-is=an-attempt,;'rou gh1Y taworkby orre. Communism (Rus- sPea ing.:to Put extremesociallam into: Practise :force -Jim• esshButwhat makes -:You- tim'in ik stw'c can't escape dividing into camps ac- cording to our beliefs": � Jack: rankIY 1am : = P x Capitalism isn't ';working: Those who las ri t smp on a sky -rocketing g, Y g stock marks • tpointed ,,,to •the. fears of the. "radicals" , et.a rud . jolt' i' fall, g ,e7 tths, Even ''a ., move back to the 'average times isn't being .supported. Nor has unemployment been. solved. Nor bud- gets balanced. ' ',In a few' instances 'book' balanc es have been attained ned but at ' what cost. Why t al k' ' of improvei'nent in, terms. : of .balanced government" ; bud a " g is ,and company, 'dividends, ifthe s he Luckn w ' o f , arms.. and ' 'Storekeepers and.factory ,work - E. KLEIN, K.C., ers are becoming Year by .year 'more Even from a dollars and•cents stand -•to realize that '.But it's late. 'Ja +Solicitor: for ;the: Administratrix, impoverished. But, on the other had .,. point, if""we recognize no other- (God More' o this .again., I' make, a livinge' It's 'our business. Jack, It's• our: business, that's true. But isn't`fascism:and. communism our busine too ss ev 'fro "'.a ossa• ' • en m d rs an cente-standpoint,-You-willhave no= til d`bY the papers' that hatthis yyear .. w' 'e areplanning;(note th ."we") tobuild two.:new_,:subma .mss':an `dozensof ew fast bombers.a who' will a for 'theta in the money we get from. Our 'hogs and ,cattle,` are doing this to rotec� P ,t us from 'fascis m.:or cam m 'nism nazis mor 'something else and we : are still, ' Paying' fp' the tragedy1914-18nd o p of. most' of us, even, those of, us who lost much. more than just m one y over that, haven't' spent two hoursin 'trying to analyse- just why happened and •where the'blame: really "la y Y,•W.e pro- hably accepted what the,,history honk 'told us (a, very had source of infor_ ) decided i , decided that• it was all the German's' fault`„and that' was ' that! incidents we•recalled:-some `th'at: 'I• had for o � V. g flea' and others she • ".. `f _ , e 'had. o The'w ' cath always a 'o r iss met ing• • .b •gotten; of our r ` simple :amu' se e e' ” inn PI an ' is towrite, aswell as: talk ,about. .we social custoiis.., ". leftofftelling,you about its changm^• But•' soon.`:e .a. -ways=,.-s=�-1as -•�V� fines a We c me to what vitas y t $, d y----wliile•••�•it--w�.• , raining. Rain changed to snow durriee that. afternoon as the.temperature; starte • d o con ' to` dr .nein - t its '. P, g. ward .trend down - doting 'the night `to reach ' , . g . ac anoflrcial:low of 7.. below''for the.sea-' son's coldest • night. Local thermom eters' recorded h re d t e tem erature'�as•'lo,� P as ` 15' below Thursday night. the temp er abu' again • p. re ga.n dropped to '4 be - (1.1, low and since • the `: • has generally n, g sly: re- •mained •moderately. cold with `bright Y.. sunny' days:. ' forbid) wed better get t down studying ;a little of :'w. Jimknow'r . I, .'you're right Jack World affairs nowada s y , has. 'tom to sit' our ' doorsteps. on awn do steps. �,We • ' Lucknow must coli*; more: and Ino most in, our hearts=. -our ownn ace place in the shortened life line 'and what' pro-. isio .v n we'had `nade.,.!' when he_'great_ waters •overflowe ." We talkedof God's .Graceand The' Cross. and the Blood: bought mercy seat, of the constraint ra to "come to the' "banqueting'. house , With its banner :of • love," ,,for or ' the heart. is ..so hardand the e soul•,sci slo'tli- ful. • . • Why wer' e wemade to hear i s voice, .And ie nt er'whle there is rem, While ibhousands' make• a wretched: choices ez; same, ,"What Psalms do :..You, like ' t'o, meditate on",• , asked:: m e ,• I ed I like^t;o. of 'the First 'Psalm ,"•: she. ,said, "" God'. description;` of the.'•Godl 'and•'th , u Y e n �'edl • and '. their• fruits: The ' i• y n tee, e eated ',, together. et?ler, it erne. .. rat noth» P,,g e c f vor't a' ie andc ' a s id I .h a �� e ns�e el• ►i c ,, . , Iwill lift': up mine eyes .:unto t,x shills" _Psal bo. it a out ,the cover`' ant -Keeping 'God' Who neither • ' o e slunt- hers''nor sleeps, -so we .rej .ted: thi one together as;;"we repeated day Y school lessons nearly' sixty ears ag•o. Y ,c, Then we spoke of.'•Psalms. 51,'.91, 103 and 'finally of Isaiah 55:L. 5 L God's challenge .to the:'a es-t`h > per. • _.g c Iii petuation of the moral miracle of the ne birth bh a the result -(the •. s mu �i s) of the •mess nu, _a of e , the;Ga g s el,--•• I» A 'stead of the thorn' shad n I come up:thr World aliaifs And rather starve than ha;n: come., tree, flyand'instead. n sad'•• of the briar. 'T Was a same. l� b lie. me , ov tha e is yea e P dth feast n ' , Which 'sweetly • s eetly brae ht tis' 'iii • re g JIM to refused k to e i In a>ir•a n:: „ art ing time having come, e ,,... nb Andrew . from _Mzs. • Smrtli: • k: 'Else we• had.' still And perished ' i P' t` bi.. a l._com s .the e u iri rtl .. ; •. , P Y e free, and_2; hall ,6e,to . 's o thea Lord for eanome for - a� everlasting, n sign that,shall not _be' Cut cut 'off. • suggestedd:'that' the old' school :mates e their; '.eters. 'taken together; g , 'which h e; we did, d, We t enbade each otli= ef, shat:Proved, our last earthly fare=. . ell. • t , "And :' r .s 1 hal :'a . ..come to pass that at y e ening: time; � it' shall` hi -light." ..,J'• D. MURRAY.U • PLAN 1939 REUNION Te swat , . ,. , e . a ei Chamber' `of �• ,Commerce i uite..act' s rye. at re• q sen •ith •lit-� A t ix e teres,' s-oi •-that'. villa• e -rind -=at -=a ; en- � n thusiastic: meeting ;las '. : ' g n t week, •among - the matters t rs discus e ' s d .Was • :on Old r. lis.. s li;euition 3,and-the-.de' is'' c ion --each r ed to h9 d` such a_celebrati i `' on nAu ll Aug. r Aug - Wife breakfast :. Could' _ ) I have a little 'mon :'fo".'` ey r shopping . today • • clear? , l`i- uslian d. Certainly, ins . Y Would" you Y .rethei have an old ?. five or, anew one - Wife, .A new ,one, 'of e, course.• ;Ilucband Here's the Here'sone-a n .' d $4' ,to .the *ood, • b. II . b ub, Whet hA a . Y, t are ' we:_.having-for---- •-•• dinner? ,, ' Wife: Sp ife..SP ong cake, dear. Iia on- gedjthe .eggs from :Mrs'Jones thee. flour from: Mrs.'Brown and the •mil • k. u:.iSEi.sa '3x1ik'R: Y' •. Y