HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-10, Page 7reee'4"444:0:.:4:4:.:,X0X.74Peeele747.4:4:0:4NMS:174:4:4:4744:474:4:0Yee:$.::,:0:0410:0:rs:SX44
' • o".4
• , A
4 Ckssified Aclveitising
A IpIll(1ti 1,1111 SA (;()ODS
• 81'.171CTAt.'1.1.1 $1„1i0.
merp1ions filled. iia 1)r1cee;
,•liy 3cliaefer.iiittical,1&Yol1141,
- Toronto. '
•, utioS dt..laii)•;riAt-Lvt.thif••..s
yt)Illt loAVt tviAt.i.kziN.F.Is -
ter ti fltg rind fascinating enter-
. ^tainnient, N•it at instillation, and help-
rti! inspiration' at. surprisingly low
ItTlees. Subscriptions make egeelient
• gifts, too.. Coundete free' On -
4010s tt I). Scott Service, l'eronto 10,'
• On.tarie.
0 lift s; ON
Fult. JRMiN(t-PitiANTABLE.
;less. 60e book now 25e. Fur, Parma'
Publisblitg Co., 31, Areadc, Utica, NY,
' 4:411.1"LINTE11Ia.. PAINTER'S
i1ANDHOQIC •FOB. .C11‘11')Nrk,11E,:,
l'aInterv, Ilandyrnisn; et. roncrete,.
Sawfiling, Brazing, Sol-
"41(1,ring. etc. 15e, .0, EYrtarSOn: 10.1
%.•••(;(01.1k1,,st.; ^ • '
. .
• .1,1•Rup.:101)11,11.ittl,LtIsF
, miER,s,RIJG
• • iptereti, ,••fully accredited, '1'ear
Niodel, X,General. Greenly's
Foreman, Palern-to, •Ont. • .
(11.0T1.11NG,, • LOWEST
••prieeS. Write for eatalOgue. Yonge
Streeetlothitig Exchange, 502 Yotige
Street. Teronto.
rf•r•G'1.7y-13FIS-1.1sAlls.E•Ft•• ,
. .
. .
/nestle and'Imported, 50 hea,f1 regis-
tered. breeding steel( no* 01 hand.
• 311 stallions, various ages. 90 3,oung
brood mares and fillies. • West Point
.Ifarm,, 11. C. bIeLau hll
Galt, Ontario: • •'
- -• 1)111A PT •
od that giVCR you •'natural hearing
' through the bones".ofthe •head. The.,
• potter Done Cdnducti•ont'the.tirnallest
made 14' tipplied to the •bone. behind
the erlr, nothing on nor in the ear.
The reiraele of the ng. Write to H.'
Patter L.:omPanY,• 905 Ityrie Building,
Toronto. Established 1917i
colored in oils. free...with' each order.
.•(lecoki•pod. find printed. .25e; re-.
'prititsi. 10 for .25c. :..111ity's Photo Sei•••7
and ;tit types of, finest
ttyalitY 11;sir •Goode; Write *for fljtj
.trated catalog -0e. Toronto Human
1-latr Suppty Co.,• 528 13a thsur,st, Toren-,
• 11A1.11)!IESSINII1 St:1101)1.S
MAI).A11.11,1',HUOSt)N • SCHOOL.; HAIR- :
dressing.lican'ty ' Cul Cure. \V rite
. for natnahlet.40,7, TorOnto,
. .
ing or Ilairdressitw, under New Mo-.
.ler •SyStern,' Free lnformatioo, Write
-'50Q" yoinge Strcet,• TOrOnto, ,
• 1)11AGAiiN.E.S,''' •
. .
tive., Wpmen's Storiesi, etc ,.."5‘.11ack
Numbers.25e, Postpaid. M. Mcintgonr-
ery,, Box 5'05. Sttt.tion
. .
. . . .
50tr0• 1, DMONTOateimi.EN,* TESTIFY
. .for (Itt-asid •ti.).•PoW.der,,lierbal reme-
' dy,,,,rheuniatism. arthritis; neuritis;
stomach. troubleS,, etc. , Two •week,,
11.50; one month $3; two months,•$5. :
Druggists, or,../., C. Mclntyre. Herbal -
let, Edmonton, .Alberta. Agents; Ly-•
itt.s. Mpntretil,,, • • • • ., .
Byer, kidney' and bladder .troubles.
,•Symptonisz Pains -in, right side, under.
shoulder blades and -across hips, In-
digestion, gas, 'constipation,
• Product of Oesmati doctor 'PrIlesa
• Mrs..Geo. S. Alma, Box 1073X, Sae-
kntooSask. -•
•PILES .013, 11E1V101311HOIDS. DON'T
• suffer needlessly.. our remedy "Davis,
• Pile Treattnent' . •help rid you.
of" the,. teyrthle dispomfort clf bleed-
ing, itelvinA•or protruding piles: Sent
postpaid in •plain wrapper: on receipt •
of $1.00 MPneY back' if not delighted
With results. -.Address, Davis •Pharrn-
• (teal Cornpany,;' 350 OaltWo-0(1 Avenue,
• Toronto.
V V'
1101•414 I)EVE1OPED AND Pititsf.Ttim„
• 25e. 'Free • glossy, enthrgenient 'With
' 'Moto Se1vice,13ux
o, • 729.. Sint 011 11 Toronto,:Orititrio:
'•ARTICLES • Etta:. s..tj.E •
• 4.` . EEAT,111.taltS
' :WANTED -1 01,.N,ISENG (101.DD•N SEAL
• • ..potiltr$7, • goose :and •-duelt • feathers,
• • ..ta tis faction guaranteed.... W. Heller,'
147 Harrison •St., .Toront0..•
014 -4* -.-**In
• .Cow Voy'..Doll,, Paper Hat, JJall'oon,
Dancing Monkey, Blow Out apd Horn,
• all •for • 50e 'Postpaid, Circular free,
• ' King •St. East,
.Torontcl." • • '" • •••:'•
PIONTE15, • r
free-ent4tgement 25e. • Re-pritits-10c-
• for 25c. •Photo -Craft. 183% King .13.,
1•11113E4, 1,1X11,3114P, NVORK,..1101.1.
• ••witts'250e ehlargoinctit 25e.: Tre,vanna
•' 911 •Niagaric'Street.•St. Ciith-
. • 'a
Ol'11t1fl lQLiIatENT • "
F111E-PROOF SAPEK $50 . AND 13P,
Cash ReP.Isters Credit- SYsteiniL.C.6-0117-77
ter.Chedt: 13oolcs. ,Settd posteard for
•fo AteCaslse
•tems • mile •turn);
ROY' 1....ICS10$:',, itEtits'ettittEp AVroft-,
ney., •I nforma Owl • regarcling •'Inven-
• tiori ,T'atents.; DraWing4; • Registra-
tions; • Sale.,- .1detIfe, Ottawa.
,--E11.1t1 -T\V()I1b3„A GTIF I.EN rut
• mel) 18 (0110'.Coltires1). ..I Ivithe 1-031 de -
visioned.. eight glossy, toile -proof •
• -Print8e: liigh-est-ouRillt-YH-lifirchrtry •.•
• Fi)nis, Winn•ipeg. . •
, ,
Is T E*Ts .
• ,*
4 •
• Saleapap' Krutchni
Keeps"Ori His Toe's"
"1 am a commercial traveller,"
writes a correspondent, faritl due to
elldle'S-fraVelling by train and auto-
. , .
mobile .- V. find that 1 bedome cOnsti-
pated if I. do not keep myself iern-
ally clean. • lirusehen •is" the
mly thing ,that will do this effectiVe-y.
. ly and not lriterfere 'with. my • wells,
I talw a large dose •of • l(ruschen
, 'every Saturday night and onSunday,
when J have no work' to de, the 'Salts
'at on rne,.Q. week.idays take a
•small dost.Ort r1s.ing It'iS necessary
that I be ••"on. my' toes' all. through
•the"day, and this is the only. way that
it possibly can be done:.”-V.L.
-• Kroselien Salts is an excellent re-
cipe -fpr ,maintaining •a condition of
internal •cleanlineas..• The •,niiinereus,
salts thXi Uschen•stirnithite •your • in-
ternaForgans o.striplathi. regular 'ac-
tion. Your .iside•ip.thus; kept clear
,of those' •Impurities Whfch, when al,
lowed "to accunnilate; lower the. whole
tone of the systetn,
• AN "pb7pEit TO: .1Ny1N'T()R..
1.1st of titi,eittiotts and, full internist-
• tion sisett .ft•ce.,1111 "Ramsay Compariv.
".• flank St,. (11114 t(sa c^risi • ' , •
1'111 NI' N NI:11;NT t \\Es A'1."
• .hotne tat any stirfaeo,.clotii 1;f111121.,...
: Without skill or (la rlirdift.h.•,,Lcs4 than •,
• ecat 08 'h Miracle 1;:ntr, Kit ototifilete
• witli instriicitons ,r' 159, eriotai ,L$1.
3. e.. viniA 111A; •5. (74,1clirno•nd: Past. :re-
ron 0.
'10110110 JONIA itt;Eiti 1,I•X'r • ‘v I TI1 'EVERY.'
.25c order... non flint dcvelpped :Ind 8
prints, 25e. Iti:drints 3e ca(h: Erlf-tht-'
ling••Studi.o. 29, Itickin(47,(1 P,t.;To-
rontri. . ••. ,
• :
10tEr1iriT )1/ 1•••• i• riNVT•AnCiliPtT
• Off) a r ?1,11 b 1)0 . 011 n e f911iF
'guaranteed. a. J. Veer t.:ornpany,, 158 •
King St, W.., :Teroato.
-• ;NAI'll ri A L. DE A 1,1--1110 A C.(40. MID11;
' ,metliuna or' strong. 5 lbs. $1.00. post-,
Piiid.' •Yos,cph:lIu(vatlI, Ainherstblirg,
. Onto rib, . •
. .
' •EOtt At'k1014: IN •I.A1tirrroN'
• .c.401iy.. Apply, N: Deaoh, 11:R; '
• W.yon3Liiii•o' On ti rio,' , .• ' ' '
. .
; • inttgaZ,1 110' I OC, book oatal.bg free. Ptir
Ttlide .1(nitTnal... Box 3•11'Iorrinto. On .
:GROW s:'; )1A -WOOD! .EDBANS,INe-
• len)stingi Prolitabk •ErPe literaturN
frii,s A nirli411.; 117111711•771.11.a tt . ,
•'Volborne: D'rrt rio„. •,• _ •'
• .11ATcHE1tY" •
7311',AY '11013:3-13BE1.5.0141,011„."S .A/1E
' "hardy,,fast-grioing bird, Hybrid vi.
• •go-urT''Pt..tttct-s's•:ry,---e-trrky--ususrtd,--Jnalc.,a-
• hea.vy layers of exira large eggii. See
cata.legme. 13risy-tlatehery, 130 JObir
St.',North, 1Istrni1tett, Ontario. •
345 13RAY WHJTE l',EGlionN
lets laid 127 eggs Per day' in Septeni,
• -1.1er, 2317 -h)-Oet aber:-and- 245 --
Per day Noyemher Jor.Mr.
-last year. See catalogue,. 13i•sy Hatch-
ery, 130 Jeitin St, 'North:, litirrillton
Ontario. • ' . • .• •
MR. L. M, •ralaed.everY one of his 800'
Bray White 1Nryilndotter, • la.st . year.
IIis •"b.ockerel's iiVerfiged 4 to .434 lbs.
t . 127: W,Vekt.:p1(1. '.Feeour: catalogue.
• BrriY Ha.tritierY, 1307'011) t,-:..I.NtirtA
• Idarnitton,.Ontarlo, •
ten' Phir,.to test. yotir SatiSfae-
'.7tIon or -money' •refunded. ;Glass 05;e4,
. $4.00 eneh, •aftSortroept ent. Acelir- •
. -ate Optleal 1?ept h 67 Susse?r,. To4.
. tig Highwa
valuation. A strong •evival of the
• whole: area is indicated,
.„,avourahle diamond drilling ,re,
sults have heen obtained on •Pie
....,Qhe,riiirtis property Of.LartiOt Like
and • on .1.12e Lacoma property of
Tavernier Township, Quebec.. In-
• tensive ilia'rnond,drilling 't.i.lecom-
ingi more and Vlore ther method
.of ,preparation for, imppilant
developnient •
'As a•restilt of ontstanding
Ond drilling indications, lirst '.011
Hardrock and then on the adjoin-
ing:Macleod Cockshutt property in
tanx LAP Caolp of W.PSterp
Ontario,, pnrket valuations •of- the
shares of these companies tiave in-
creased in aggrewate value approx-
imately ten •million dollars, Other
companies in the area Werd also
beneficialty. .affectedin' maricet
The brie and froom se,p •only The
dimpleerfri% a few abort, Months •they
ointed When .they disco v,er .
so many. frelt ea, on each et s
'Teacher ---- "What•is the mune of a
United States 7"., •'
PuPil - al' -7r
'readier "Correct.'" •
worker a 'are �t two etasse's -
filo • • 0 do •their best worktoday'
and' forget abottt. it:, and those'. Who:
pionse to do their ".best tornor-
roW••-!--•• and forget *about it, • • •
She (gushingly) ' -• '714: yOu ;love
trfe when mil 916.?"
• -Te 'Los'e you?> '1 . EhalIidellie
yolf. I shall. worSliip the ground under
yOur.little feef.'I ern -
you are.not.gOing to .loolt and act.like
yotir mother', are your,
. .
• atioo Sotiventr Stamps.% GO .dif ferent,
• •Sholw I rig •NN'ho and t ies.a1.1 „about,
EXPEBT 'TANNING OF HIDES ]'0'Rhabitess.. lace and robs. 13ear: deer
furs. Pre°. list and tn.Town'e ••& .
Son*. Merritton. Ontariti.,
'•WAN.rt.,;(-)•' Pori. itAwi,la•ata •
. .
Routes. of 800 farnilies.' Sales way. up
this • yettr, htlst ler should
•' site rt.carning $30 v'ek l 9 rIdincrea
• . rapidly.' Write. today. Itawleigh's,
• MI, 014'. 1%)or:(•it
li W-014.11• vpt.1 MARRY:AP
neht,,iog a ad WidoWs .wi propert y.
rt vs,: 1•0.2. runildentIttL: Gana - ;
rrusitontii.,twe Club. Dex. '128.,
' rr, A I ' •
J.EAtlN Tit S I GNI FreANCE. Or'
letellr-;forees in your fixture. •
stamped, addressed envelepe.' Box
352.- Nt,W We tnnnter 13 C.
111,11N 1.111.k 11.1
'Ht./GE:SAE:E. 0.F
: tWery (4(l('umuli; .
sanitarily 'treated in' TOronto's•
Olt,g,ott" used' 141' 111111.)1,.• Itlft Pkvt, Spec lel,
ten 'a i Yeti, to thalt orderP.,• .
•.(-, (..•c; I I 0, ttl
' all ,117;i:+1;p:.,. •. : •
1.-d., 8 , drotylnial- •8'ewl'irs÷ 107'
••"1•"" 111,0, . pc'tfitttbp.. •
C Ill j),1 dti 0 • IV I lit 11 (• • ..
rfna trest.,c1:.• • ,
• 11.0 ea binett,,, p'crfect..ahape.,
ix‘P• -,poreelatit ton
• '7.455 3. and !9°"St0ves•is,-.'
, 4. '4 pond!tii.bn. •.,'• •'
•14.00 .1ir.eftk.)n
rast it.0,i)
"Si I
• I t',.etiP, c0111P101,0, . flit! mlot; nor- •
e.et, iteVeral kolors. • •eonniel.
• ..
95 'cd Outill's, %Val luatt. fltliSh, ell '
51(101 -mi.hei hods, 1Vay •sagless
st• ).ringfi. ' br{k .1.10%* •
0.1)(0 Sults.; :gen-
...Au' 4-'4'1110o, 101.c:ri(h Ja Nitro rd' co"vs, g,
• •Mat•shall .otishions••••;:i Print). • • ,
• 29,00 3-1'(05'0: (•tel•f10.1d '1•1611,e. In
, , cOver. •ilsoll •• lesa
. 11(44)'• orie • Year: rovcrNi.liFe • 1%141'81101
i.uShioros• ---- • „ .,•.,
,45.(10 3.11'ieeel'heslerfield
•-•y, ineihat r, •Iva
• tint, •1\11hrelift 11 sari wis threat:1)91U, re-
• • V.ersible • 0 ushions, • lilie nety, really •
.195/1 -pir et, rad •oal,: mnt;
, ••‘••1 8.1titi.," In (fol nil Six
i •
• ca'silY, inexPenakiely. Hofne reme-.
dles, Testimonitils. Guaran.teed.
vicek• , free. 13o 1; WintlIPeg.
for• t,•-petsitii,e. s.upport 's*f.th °Urad-
vanced method. No ehistic under7
straps or steel. Write, Smith ;Mainfacturing Co.; Dept. 219, Preston, Ont.
'•• '1.*10,1ii::.ruilif.alitiNto •
25c •=1,• DE4DTIF1,31.• 4AND7PAINtEb
„entargenientswith le'Very,,, eight
t Faicers • Nieto i1hfi0her8; 151
'• 113.borbroolt.'winnipe•g: Man. .
•1Aii V ANI) WC)) VA
,k11).1.1,1121EN'I' '
JERSEY (HANTS •.(IVIIP.14k1 df• LA('K.),
111.y,1110(Itll lloeki 1 White or 13arred),
• tridian !tanner Ducklings. •Catalogue..
• Efriell Poultry learnt, l'rineetOn, Ont.
-777.71.7",-WriTfir-L-Fgiho ig-•"
eVeti.•11(tri•ed.. !Welts,.
teSted; 1004.,titi•iyaf.. 1301) Xlinhor,
•ley, .136x.VW, 1118S0X,' •
CHICKS .13A13111,113, ROCKS,' AND
NVItito .1.eirliorns.:• Ali ,.brelders
• tested and underGoVertribent Ab-
. 1. 1,1. • Arila,gb.„;StypetSville,•••
Oirtfirlo. ▪ •• '
TiticINT••• ^41141 •,,I11,1VEN111..1', • C11 11-11:14
• tire. i.t beftbIningYit Bit)' -Word• tiOd
Standard for Superior :Chicks anlong
•.• poultry minded ,peolsle, heelitis'e they
. ' turn,' -feed
• ,lll'rdfits". lteady now.-, Trent. Elec-
.• trle Hatchery, Tbenton• , 'Ont.. • ••
-P0111011.5( EQU1 1.41 ENT-, 1-1 1011 • QUAT,'
" Callticht ,for
t7anatitami, •Weite. 'for Our eat a-
lone: • m'oaci Inettbators Ltd.,: 190.
• 'ThverOit., Toronto..
ItlaT'rElt,11A13V,, (3111clis 1011()M 4,3111t.
'•• in i•ge . i.cgliorns, Won:eel' f tit winter ,
, layers of big. White 'eggs.; .
C,'"14110/4110, .8114(111001(
l'ottitcy Earni,',Ayliner, Ontario. ,
he _will encounter at great heights.,
Kerr trains at night,.after finish-
ing his work which takeS him allover
The Transvaal. • He carries -With him a
Special electrical Machine with. which •
•hela .able to.expe 'the air from his
room and create a rarefied" atmos-
phere, : •••••, .
Hepulls on his.,1:1372-suit, dap ;ail
gloves. and places, a special oxygen
aPparatiis in pesition before -expelling.
Penguin in .Zoo •
•.l's1,011) and Moe await an event 'next
montli_that will Make history, the
firsrhatching Of a penguin in a 'Zoo'
• ticitement4ran high at the Wash.
ingten Zoological Park, when' attend-.
anti.; reported •lgilially has•laid ah egg"
•the first peagiup egg ever raid at the
..That •was ',three, we,eles age Molly ,
aro,, ht9e beganbuilding a nest. When:
thelast, straw lied bee,n Put in place
Molly sat ,oii the' nest and -Moe Went,
Over. in 'a 'dinner 'Tire bleu-
bation period IS believed to 'heuheiu•t.
thirty days:. •:. •. • "
'• The prespective...maink.and. •:papa
take •ttirits sitting•on the egk„.11.e.
sits in tio egghalf. ,of. the' time,
anc•betng.i considerate husband,
aelIeL01ka lhe 111 ht Tfift Vhn MK' is
, Man. tooharshly because he fiirts•with Mt:Wig. the o 101 stag(
a •waitreas." • • • • '
tts• ''Whynot?" • •.
exico s Full
Of-. Fine Galine'-
..... , . . . ,
, . . . . .
Animals' There Just ,Ail Ferocious.
' '• As In Africa . .. ,
, The man. wile goes' off to AP•ita to
hunt big game and cure 'c broken.
Iteart.hlay, be .oVerieoking a ettei 'bet
. near' home --Juan •Zinaer is ,:here. to
. try.te prove 1••
• ZinSer, 'ehief • el; the Mexietin•Gaino
. , . .... • „ . •
Service.brotight.Aiis entlitislasm- and:,
his faits to the, ,third:'Ner tis .Ainerie•air •
renferenee at'• '
.Elephant'S.In Africa?.+MeXico
• t apirk.whic, ,are .rarer
,geiou The only begird In tapir',
factOs-,:that a'fleeing
mal might run 'oer:Yoni.the
'herd of •tapirri, tliaorganized,. ,MetiCan
revolittionary'arMy .otice., iiitamped;'.
ug thiongh. the :Tbek. .sfaliO• •
abont. tour feet t e alit -Miffs"
• . •
.and • Weigh 11000 neuritis: •
. • Africa • has 'lions; ,hat., Mexico .haa
otig-arwynaller but-luat
Africa hae leOparde... .Mexico' counters
With•the Offer of:jaguars', •Mexleo rilse
:has,..Peogries; ahont the. size...ofsxall
•pige and taueli More, .dairgereita '. to
hunters. and 'ocelots 'Which are apart -
'Meat -sited leopards.,
a ••
"Well,: he...May he poly
playing for larger'Steas,"
t'EAb.IT OR NOT!., • •."
•The aterage Man, is five'
feet iiinehes in:, height: Tbe 'aVerage
7.-ivernam:5 i.„ -feet -3 --in
•pourids; .• • ' •
.• .
lenlin,r 4:en1 elinli`s in norfeet ;Ovine, '
•58141(010,tl1'1m 0-p1:00(• ttedrininr.sail,.,
11:151 l'ili•
,4. r!•h.if,forilti,t, :nd 1 11N111
'e..1Noi m11 od11114V i'n.14eVt,f•e.-
• 1ross.. )"tely 111 90114 ed,
• 'cvAA.1iltlittri 5-j 1' :-01411 svtlliit
.• 101.. rtilba : pribinoi. ' 0N:1;1;81,01T ..•tat)1..
1, ,P,
,. 14);11hOs IrpitiOr toro 9 1):s 14)1 P.0.!-.0 . Ti! -,\V •
, 01, t360., 0.0n.111101 .6.1;0 Vi 11t)f1'11.1,(1.
' AO 00 •P't;li "i." Vi',51i711f 04111410;1 '1 >th iffg.,
101,1Hori (1,t510.• (411111 ;•,o'btt i't Lo)1t1 Pi'N',
091 ,
1iit',•n 1•01•11161).1.il r.: o ; 1111!'rt, 'In w t,''r•c,f.
(5l( 11111041 .
.861:10 8111' 9/ \* 0(411r .r,,,,..(6
.,1,1, 0
r., ,..1,...,,,
•' /it P•frot.1.--'-.21:i''oip y lan,,,,'1. 12)11)11:11ti-e, .
...., Write fol' (VII' ,11'1,0 .,,,i I tlo,T rti tort ;•:', To -
• tall•11:6 onf mv• find ro-P(in•fi',,(i/ora d 1 )1111f,,, •
Ore,• find 1.01.1nItet1:8 of, gins rl'i•e,,,AVi.tli
9111 oh 8, 0.f.,, ,, '
•;•;“,10 1-101;o., f 1•1111815,
'• Teade. DbPalitnerit
418 Yoz%ge. Street- Totontii
k .(11t)NV AND
(Ass. 'Worth, ("Plirl(011e•towit,
• Ivriirs•: "120 Deghorn pullets
. arriVed in first. class condi( len, raised'
313: 1'i1100 lnyina G0+;!," --Sond'• for
• logiic. !Ind ler bur otititunierftt ell,
71)44' Yesults I Is
' 'hicks, • Tweddle ' Hatcheries
m t od, .90
• Can -13e Forged
WE ("A''SAVE \'()I•t DOI,- '
tars per handroti tut your, Chicks;
11(14' (*11 1(614 1t• ti)e, :I t/tiVe•rttruoti
• proVtrtt f145m 1)1 °oaf ' breeders.
flAr....c,(Wiloirtio sod iiricclisi
,1,11F1,51•11i ('),:ilt,1( lift toilet sr, '11a(1-'
• 011,. •e)tIttl '
. •
Adytitt pt• •k Pr'oblitA '
itri'suclo 88,5 Pi,4nael.1), Chart hne tt:V
eintz1n1 bria
•ellet Is thadi tiet:!$, '
MA$01,St,-,41 tctb.
• 'ark. avaiikit, or a 1:Airl 4188 obi/.
Witte today,fttcloir,9 a se0.addr.)00,
stanwed inticIppe and Vour
Ad' .'4.,,,-.1111-vinsir,
ktimbies town°
"...• 1., , •
Man-ls DemonStration mpresses
. .
'Court aiid. Brings About His
Acquittal *.
'away ':ether perignias.„ • ,
Canada, Is Using
Her'Own Tobacco:
"Irnports= :Decline ExPorIS•
• The four-year-old boy; perched. on •
'his 'father's' knee. in 'the crowded.hus„
looked hard.al the stout, :gaudily drei- •
sed woman as'alie buatied'in..aml
eil herself into:the only Seat left. .
Little ,Bay ;(loudly) • 4.1vIother.;.
' • .
• Mother ”.flush; My .a.ear,:weitnow,,
•• * '
••• • ;Little •BOy...-(1.tiblting,ple-4).-. "'kat
•.'•iriether, y,ou•p„iii,paid te.Dad,'f What on
:earth; is this Object' coniliig jta," '. • •'
—Sociaitsf--Tather ' :
ineari...0yAilaying-truant;"what Makes;
you Stay ,away' fromClitiollr. •: •, •••.
'SO ,•••••• "clogs hatred, father.'" s'
••• THE iilt•gT ittky
n '
'quit held' YOrir head. up 'like a man• .
There'.s. 'really :nothing,. Wrong • ,,Ailth
.1701i 11 'get your break, it can't•he long"
gip!: the' 1,/lue;
Jf yo-nlioep an, the- heat you ean.;
.:'Thereelteally nothing wrong_ :with
• ellOYI)ON, •-••t+ A ritrin" who
• .,•.. ,
PrOVed fingerprints C0fild be ,DrodUced
• • .• .
on an, artiCle'Whicli, hag. ,not b66.-9*
''10lielled by the: fingers tha t :Made them
„ .
Wittadifiritiod bargrary h9re„
' Datid Pearep7.30,-sitg.ge8led;llial•fin,„
g' eipri,91.9 found 011 tbottle and
titled 115 hl had been Pat there by'
tonieone else, lle demonstrated,,,Prty:
diteing t .sbiall inirrOr• and,A 'pd .of
•plaststibeittnee, Fle pressed the. pad
against it 'prison' bilker's.' ilager, then
against the aptie:imd,
'On the mirror.' , •,'' •
"Thai.," said 'Vetire;;.'is. noon,.
print of Oda' •ofticer„and hlsfingei haS,
not tOttchedthi hArrer,"'IJO11(14(1 Ild'
ebtild:Placq the 4111X111re bit ,11.'glOVC
• 'And obtain the fingerprints of anybody'
by shaking'. haridS with them.
A, pellet): exPert declared forged • fin-
: gerprints deacribed the a000857(1
,cbitid be detOtedhut the 'jury decided
001 -Mini I tat, • ;
Rub ghat,
Get the riew large econi
orny, size -Also avail.
able in sinaller„ regular
sue, • • 0
• It costa a.Idttpijvc these,dayS,
More than it did ,Of yore, . ;'•
• when, Yon .coine-'10
Isn't •it• Werth. a Whole lot 'more
015e.11 WOnian klin"othing'tb.'t111,"110,-
about anti she • will he happy.
Plans -Par tichute-. .
Leap -
From Six-1111iles Up
• •JOI-IANNES13'RG.t;V1l1ia.rri lc
coniniercial traveller Of,
••Traitsvaal,' • who holds , the
• • Entrilre record f er-a paraelitfto deS
.• 01f -with, ,a .jiinip of 22,80.5 feet,
• prepayingfii'. an tittelnp1.51/1
• 013 the Worid's record of , blare than
„ ,
. •, • •
Fte ia'iintlergoing a rigerous course
of,training tolireptire iiiinSelf 'for, the
bittercold and •rateficti',,ntryiespliere
. • . . ' .
jjr.• N. ,T,eleon,:A i'culture De
p'artment expert, Jost: Week'. told. ;a
•confei J1Q o 'tb'acet-,o'efrieiati•iii the'.
•dePartnient, that 'canada"S most im•
poftint, tobacco market dornest:ie•
and that 85 .per' colt. 'o the ctoli in
thi S coUntKrJt..parketOgl• at home,.."
chief of •the tobaCCO,
'division: of the:, department's '.experi-••
mental fdiW baneh,4estimated the-
• .
0;37 creli wag. worth $17,000',009:and
'-eontraated iCWith that ;of a deeadc
before ;$,vhitili had '.!i: ''fattrra.'valtie-: 'Of •
. . _
• When. yo,u "roll -your -own" witty
'Ogdens Fine Cut, you'reheaded,.
straight down the highwayto happier
smoking.• It's top-notch'cigarette to-
laacce-rrolls 'em the woy yoe want
'ern--co61, rai Id; anct Mellow from the
:first Puff to the last.: Why "truck'. with
anything•lessSatisfying than qgden's?
!You ug ht to vse the best 9a pers(toot• r7
antegler,".oz Vogue.'.
l's•1 • ,
Cut •
Pl,sig •
• 'much greater attendance; • at. this
year'.s show, he:said, '
• • ,;•.."Beacon Light": to Canada .
• Sir 'William •Mulock,lorrner Chief
Justice • of Ontario, in addressing the
. lancheen,recalled. happeningp. of
ty years .ago When the O.N.E.. open,
;.ed ,for• the. first time. ' The original
idea Wasthat, of the founder of The
Globe., Hon, George Brown, Who owfl.
f arm. mear'.,13.rantford; "Sine
•that;time the: show ha' exPanded •and
•is new- unparalleled: •The
ada . he ad-
. 71...percent,oncstic
said that 15 pi cent of the ,
••, nation's tobaCco • crep • IS • exported,
• chiefly to the JInited, 1iflgd4fl1,. mid
tht with further, jrnproyeinentl',in
••:-.ratairi-t-y-;:and-LaSS.u.r...-4.aceL.O.f4aup.p11, ,esi7 •
pertp'sould.:he inereaaedt
•- 3,n recent year,. he•.'etiatinueti, h.
•einisiderahle:TirellireT has, 'ben noted
• in C.7.ariadian tise of imported. leaf....!In.
the debacle • f "Ito.•said.
• Canada's imports of "tobacco
Chned front 18,500,000 ;pounds to, • .,-
5o0,000; because thiniestie
••ttti.ers- r.e(•00,11i2eti. the ii11,1)1•01e•-•'^i, tit in.
' the home-grown leaf,' duer..‘„ely' t�
pf the' tobacco 1:- ft, ••
f'itnadian-made cif..rat's*:11OW cOni111',n
71.7 per cent: donieIi It'af;
Son said. while de.X.y.i
,`per cent.' and :'sfr,:eiltiJ •t•Ii)fiaeco,-8,5!",
o7.2ej. For. 1938.
;tic, ligriettlfaral. Show. This. Year
Hon. ,M, ineWan, &lade Minis-
ter of Agriculttire, predicted in Tov-
ont,o last, wceli at the lutigheen „• t:if
the Canadian Natiortat.E'xhit)ition As-
• sociation, that ..the 1938, •Ag,ri'eultare
re7S1)ow W(1Uld. be the bet on; record.
4 Ile pointed•Out that the. attendance
• last year •wasconside:ablY 61.4 down
by he infantile paralysis v,Pidernle..
'halt:kit:ma • nye that there Will be a
• • .11 •
VIIEt r-)17.RS • TELL „HOW..
• ,, • NA'rUlt,AL°
MINER'AL 1110514•IA'T.',E5
litpri.i.es 1,1 1,59 guriirt -of
FOP f;t111' details Wli•to Pept.
Mineral Colloids (Canada) Ltd.
137 West Wellington St., Toronto
• , rct.t.ttiz rratttd tri A Mindte
l'•trl (11191115 8(1,.14( 51 er815511,1,:t1ritea,
1 inpf ro.d c1;}), esi.r*" '
NI(' 1 t ntt v‘i,I.nr,, (it ••••,;,,-..
412„1 a, ,;"0. 0, O. PilE130OPTION, to et, .'1"taJ
Fttollat the'118111, , IcItt. 101,1. tte:11*
t 1,115(8414 . i•,1 :'tt ,
11111.;5, A 1i1,1 11,1 1,7(111: 17 1i» (1
. raz;c901•:o4., 16
!Stltd l 1— 3$
i.kNEO THElit
F7Atli ENS ;
""• Nay-,
, • Plus Smill1.4isnthlY Fe.
' in These Live Fields.: •
' cottinterolar itadieyOpeectinr.
, 1WirelosrOpeiatoi). ,
tioth del -de -WIT idi-ve and offer'niaii,li opnor-'' .•
tunitieal'We'ara informed a shortage of
• operators .is developing. abroad. This
field is not overerowded; nst are • other
• branches of-Itadio.. •• ' •
, .
Resident training at this college is now '
.new offer you a special, plan whereby
• • non payment may be made after cora,'
Olefin)) of course.. •
This IS Your chanceta citirilit&:forbovera-
:neat CertificateiiiIRMOoPERAIING.
• (lEr''-eliesi) and to pave •the Way fc4' .
fa nil.,•antetnent; •
Study Cpurse,1.1;also4Vitiatate
4.tnii,pin1s must: he ,niec'hameithi; and
er,:bq inclined, with two years high -
bct wten17 and9Oyears of age. .
•,---r-,-Witir:TCDAY fo 6u'jt-particu4;ts • '4,tiA
• '
• 063. tiViY .6140 TORONTO '
�odLuck C
Every Country 'ffaa•.Its ''Supersti.
of Good For-
tune In One. IVIOY'.40 541.4incl
AA il. 'An EvPrnOP
, .
•N'aon, 'on is rofling atope, the.
SuPeratlitoiiS of the w0r,h1 7417 arIt'to
Corhplicatel .iiCe--:tor superstitions are
•Oii80111/111g, pa1zi13Iiini-1..1•111d Often, con-
tradictory,' Say's -Pearson's, .Wee.k.1,..Y.
Malty people • dislike ta Fee„a Spider
in '..the' Meriting; Ana the Fronah have
(Neu turned solderS luta ,a, st.•:rt: of '
eteeropthe ri fItt?' ;riu'irning.,' •
• §pider•in the evening,,
110,peful. Tn. eaning.
In it.a1;, ,co,r.a. and' sharp metal
1,..Atairist...E.Vil,Eie".. • •
eharpas are worp* as •a, proteetion..; •
against the 1;291 Nye,. It is evettle41:,••:',•
visable te help. tbe with a. fdr;. •
• tive esture, of two lingers poiated;
. towa ds the evil -eyed • otie:---unobtru,
•Sive' , .•of course,' for fear Of. getting',
4 !';,.'l 144,01 eXe.
ven Jew, ,most •seepticat pf peck
..SoMe Wouid.never •put. ashoe on the!
'left opt flrSt, -nor keep even slightly• !
:crackedchina in, the hOUSe, ••
.the robin. redreast is_semetiniesbe-
lieved to be a herald of death. 14 ,
'Sin,' woodpecker mastots are supposed
to ,bring prosperity,. Though'. lesS suol
erstitious than other nation's, Spanclin-
• avians never, forget to put a:Platter
of sweet rice outsIde their dor on .. -
the ReCa,pi'. in order. to • secure a:.
The•IriSh' of 'eourse are 'very -Sup-
erstitiouS 'and never •,forget to .
IO:ciod: Luck to' the When7h11tte1.
g Churned,. so that .the creaniL' •
riOt be too' long turning. into:Mit.; '17'
'STOP , THEM. SCFitikrilli40 I.
. .11•you. worry -with that nocet taut feeling in
'your a On.)tiinli-tako 1'LIO9FEBI2E-.1.k few
Aity. ' itt•Os..etteti trint`•• .
' tt7P8C1,75 `tliOrsd raggcd et Year
,nripeiite. build tip your:strength. ;At druggis14,:.
.spfi, sloe' and. E-1. 90, • _.•• • . 68
LI'OSFE NE'itiF ChtAl .
. . .
hat to do for your
eards Have
oine,Queer', Use
'Mneror of Bavaria Stuffed
rtiattress With His Soldiers'
' Beards
,a clean-shaven. ',pee
beards a sign of Inourri.,,"
ing; and the man' who,*Cduldn't grow%
a beard wore 'a T;a4st. "'1•-•••
tniring, •the fourteenth..„
bearded ..faeee• beeame.sO. faShienable.
,• in :$,paia thai 'inanY' roan • b,Might:Seta.
false beardsof Vat:Ions 'shapea . •
colerp7-Lto be ..wern. to ..matoh,..; their,
"-clOthes, and-7-nulods:
'Lpurs 1, Emperor ot Bai•aria, had a
.hiattresS Stuffeci:With. the :beards cit.'.
"sej.diers In his' fatber'S reginient; .
' Men with thick: beards Weir • out • •
th0ir.c011ars %Mare 'quickly.' than. , men; '; •
-7Witli a'pormal,-groWttla-
• Meat men • shav.e when the hair en .
their. .chins it abont144th of,• an inch.
long. :At this rate,, anlan removes 71 •
• yardS sof heard betWeen the eget or
20 and, • • •.;• •• •
Wiii; Thera • • s'•
iPeter•_'. the 'Great,. -• imPreesed by
-irenehiens.torns which:included bearit•
less,ifaces, li or r Wed .soperstitions_RusL
,partriareirs. hy making them cut • •
• oft their longbeards, which they be.
lieVeti.elititibt1411eni to Salvation.Sfter
TheY preserVecl' the •beardS.and.
,..1,•tad them hitried imder Pilloa 114
thol.r.c.offinsi, • ,
The uSe.,,of lit'iartl.,•to solemnize'.
int pertant., pledges 411tS,.: ciectirred .tre-
• (1116141y ,111 ,bistpryt Threo.hairs ti 010.
a 'Ittpg'S 'heard; „tuolte'd :into
.wax,..were supposed' to -Confer finality, •
to' a doom:eat: .1..ikeiviSe, a heard 'tv.R8•'
on s id e v fraOraisee
and InelloY waS ratsea .anti contraetS ,
NVVI'L.q •.1)011,110...175 it...*
„ • •. •
•_. There contel a' time (Oen, every ltheilthati• d•
•Fiiiierer Myst o hitos§lf :." t Wonder if I am
, Put (be tight 1)'(1110' 5' everYwhere
'08vd.1t51erl tta1115,th...0s 3 hOt .citlettatt Iatel).` and
decide() tiinttist (is* had cositd.fer• a clialige.
changed over tei Itynnon
('OJ1)blflfl(i0l? qf Natural &ars of tile Intih.
e week! A new .011)
lobk,On 17(0-11 ttcW 604112 (114(1 aa0i0hei84.. And
s61.1(11i" the'ewe-
. (181 010111811 t hat rinsc.t..c /1,9,158 51180 of the
11017.17111; Owl (110 Ole 11(t)'
t‘f Rbetit.ttatie 0t•i811,8,, ittythciv,'
1(1)1101) ',SOU :tr.viampleto tetnthiy, "For it.
• indades Sodium, l'e-,t;Isierit,' 1.1thitne, •012,
the. blitiefal %IRS Itect•A4'.1.ry te pleat ottt. 01t.:11-
. Matt,: 05199,, it 18 110 0411142y.,
O res.( MEM.. Tint ,:tittibit'ti:d etTect ol 1111 the in,
greditnts 10 311I41108• 0:5)1 1/ so benoikbri
• Itheincarie nano schloar ,
• nO tong AA tire daiiy,plose of .1,'sntron Salt 'is •
tktir Fyiinnti,1,,,a1r. the proven tiolIsO retat.rdy..
51)1 the On fig you med. Vole)) never -
know anta.1.N•css. 1ric,1 it:, large .n,telthrt,
et riga' dtagalst 'S. if vim 0,5•0 otty
gen:10.04004,n. write: Lagetlitiaa
01. cAtrlittl StkfiguntitaL • 11'
1191 it.
Inni.b.ai),..c. ro-„.
o..,,,'6,.=...,1! o:" 1
Letii 09, .,'•I'tt,
--,•s..-rfiptintI •
• j
'' ,r'et.rmIlio., or
,„•„, teas..4if .44, r•hiAil.• .iii,a,• ,,,,,,,rity
ir 4,t,n;..n1)r. 1.4 two' , :vont. hotz-,e, lin-
alf.ft 1 iql 1 1)1891 ling tlt,r (Ise? "
nail $1.00. t'l), •10.tig, Girera, Sk.,..
' olber, ,L,Sval,‘, (.111456r. • ,
United $tates
Will Be Involved
Detnand For Colonies "
—Peril Pointed Out by Sir
Josiah Stamp, •World-Faine,d
Ole ;Tos•iati •,Stalarp, directorof
pred.irtet1. inst•Weele.
at, .Los Angeles that 0 h4:tflitedStateS.
:19112i7 •inVelvt•ti, 1.11, trio' erainotte
chain. of .e8'ent1-1 in le9i;O•p4,.' which „bei,',
.with Pe:,
• Wand .4,1r. 'Germany's,
dentatid .is no sitnple
151•5r.1 'erf entaii. •
5.s" ;shl ii' jOSijili Ili 0,0 ititerV;•,•;'it:
.1:.`..1'0•1•.y n01(011611141'; •sEgaeri I he 0;ron.1$7..
mast entistiltt4
Ili( se lands (Image .
"Thili. 100. countries -that'
der- 0110..titi;‘,. 0)i051111 0(1 .01011,101 11.1"."110, '
rt. 51I111T14t4.1,..,.., • 0.,,v ti 05i4' 39 0411 )10
riVW• '1)0 • VOI,VC11, What.
‘' (7)11,1 to a
thzit 't
san‘st'iUted •the.
• "s•,t, tatlY , P51,0'
1,1. 50504', t.t.otit
Ats,,,v1t.a..(.14 vow,.
.•"=Ittaral.,i'.y.. 1 itifiltitt;ly 121nV4' 5(3.
TZ -lit 111911. 011(1 ivo0$.:. of the
••lastt. twenly-fiVq•,, 011,8