HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-10, Page 649.• , ,...•••••••••••••or FREE! For, Prot -Mures List of • Wm- Rogers & son sirivroisto write to • Tao. J. Lipton 48; Froef8.. Toronto; ••••••••••••'•••••,•••••779,16.",••••••••••••••••••••••.9.9......."••••• ' • O*966694•42.1 • la.E.]• 66.,(14199.6 • •11961•1•1•4•.!..04, C50011 • • , not be brought back to God as: Jesus FEEDING THE flUNGRY---:.- " Mark' 6:30-44. . Golden text --- Give :ye them to eat: Mark '6:37: THE LEssN IN ITS STTI•11Q. Time. --April, A.D. 29. Place.--Bithsaida, on the shore Of Galilee 30,. And the apostles gather them- selves 'together • unto Jesus, . The 'first mission in which these apostles participated is recorded in a ,preced- ng 'art of this same Chapter Of Mark; which We have stUdied in an , e arlier lesson (vs. 7443): This iethe only place, inhis entire Gospel where Marie refere to the disciples of. Jesus as. "apostles." -"The title 'fits well in this connection, for the Twelve .are now returning from their first preabli.„ „ Christ alone could reveal him • They' would. not he repentent, of their sins 6... And, when the day.. was now .,far spent,. his disciples came unto I him, and said, The place is 'desert, and the day is new far -spent./ '36, , Send them away, that they may go into the coantry'and Villages round about, and buy theniterVes somewhat to eat, ...1h; their haste'ind eagerness to follow Jesus the Multitudehad neglected to bring ..• anything with , them, and in their absorption ,i,n-his teaching they had forgotten their ordinary wants. The disciple's. had' theiecompaseion..also for the people. 31. But he answered and said unte:' them; Give ye them to eat . We see hew ..jestis 'is trying to, lea41 his dis- ciples to think of his pow- Calls. Faulty. Diet Form Of 'Stitcide • Eminent Doctor Believes Average Man • Eats Twice as Much As Be Needs. -,The averae man, should he able' to live to at least 'SO Yeas of age, and - preppy diet •slitiald. 'bring about this lengthening of the life. 0,Paii„Dr. Vic. - tor (1, Heiser; United State a Public health. antliority and.. anther, said at 1VOntreal last week. , 'Ike.b.Ote inct'eaSed, th,e average. life span . already,' pt, Helaer- told repert.- ere,",,bitt. we ,have ihereased the aver, .,age only ,by ':onttifig 'OeWn infantile - and 'child Ihortalitr, We hair°, not ,ereaaed the tiettfak,s,p.ati of lire -..);ery much; The man of hetWeen' 35 ,and;40 today stands.' it as. nineli eliance of dying, as 1?e did ,100 Years 'ago."' • "Experlineriteci 'With •Rats ' • • .1Next‘.great task •of niedleal •Scielica, _stamp out the di$ease.. • : • -•. keep man from'committing .slow suicide, as, he dobs at pi•eSeht, • ea:id-the 4.1petor, adding that lie• in- „ tended televoto the remainder of, his •lifeto the, statly of diet. , Doctor „Heiser expanded to re- porters en the importance OfieL }J told how. Sir Robert •UpGarrisoitIn England fed 1,090 rats, a balanced diet fer two:years and ,ied similar ritiin.„, .her the,sone kind ei food as the pee - pie in hie •Nagli011 town. H. lallect the rats ailsi Made a pgat^tAgrteat eX44114.:' ORM ef.'eaeli. There wag; no, :sign. of: disease ,tir organic disorder la those fed the • baialleed diet: The others, who had eaten 'just What they want- ed," had 'all the diseases. to 'be fonod. in an7Average thOs14.01; derto shoulder ' agaihs.t diaease.,. Researeh studies Were made In such Separated localities as Tennessee and China ni ti acipg don the hook Wornt's origin,, found to have its seed beds in 1\lactras„ IndIa one of -.the-, world's greatest exporters. Of labor. Steps were being tekeli: at. Medias to, ing.tour, Ap ey ,ce . things, .Whatsoever theY hod done, and whatsoever they had taught: We have a similar .phrase about -telling' Jesus all things, 'though Under 'en- tirely different circuriistances, . in a preceding passage in this same Gos= .pel (5:38). It is utter foolishness, , when We :begin to talk:to. the Lord, to keep back anything fiTOm hiin, for • he knows all things They went over t1e:7things .they had said. • They tbld all to' the Lord from whom they 'had'.received—theil" .message' from they had derived their power, to , *hon.' alone :they. were „rsopolisatt-- nd-he saith unto them, Come• eourselves apart intoIt desert place, 'and rests a white., 'The -Words trans --1 • eci'deSert'place" means 'simply an .uninhabited; a lonely Place, a, place where he and his disciples could abide for time without being disturbed- ..Fer there.were Many coming and go- ing,and they haitko7leishre so much I cr-p ce-o on his wisdom and, in hs thoughtful care. But With a hint'as broad as this cOnthiend for them to furnish the food; they remain in the ,dark. And• they say' unto him, Shall we .go .and• , buy tWo' thousand shillingsr werth,of . • bread, arid '.giVe• them ‘...te :eat?. The.. • word here .tranSlated 'Shining" is .the .word: denoting,: which `WaS :the. .da3,r,a, wage, of, 7a laborer ;.in, Pales- tine at this time.' :Itwould be a-puth quit • beyond their 'means,, so . that : the questionistO•implythe:• ,'absurdity of the,.11_ --r- -51471-.ar Unto .them,u HOW many loaves have go and see. - ;And when they knew, they say, Five, and two fishes.•. The' loaves were bar... .'lpY..eakeS,.the food of the poor, like .a large,- flat pancake,' with a'more or • ..less. hard :crust'. The fish vvere: mere' relish, and' probably „pickled Or cooked., • 39. And 'he commanded them. that :thegreen grass':, ..'• • • • Small. Loaves and Fishe • 4$2, And . they' sat ,down in • ranks, . :hy. hundreds, and, 'by fifties. This , . . . separating of .a vast company nabsmall . , . „ . . groups arranged in rows was a liviaeprecaution: vaat..eSserh-- bible .waa-thtfs :,subdividedT.an‘.bro- keri, 'up Trito •manageable'''Portio4s; there mai.lesi, danger of ,tOniit'old -'confusion. „.. 1• '41. And he took ,the' Ave' loaves:. And, time two fishes: and looking up to heaven; be blessed. • , •••, , • `brake the loaves; ..and, 'he gave to •the diSeiples:tfiset before , them;..and. the two fiilieS :divided he :among them it11.-.'„, Always there were ..move -pieces to break' Off' the :bread grew in Jesus hands. • The 'bread was given to the •disciples to set be,.•„ - fore the People..., They :had the task ":;017 being the waiters at this miracu- •lons-nieal.,. ' „ . • . 42. And ,they all ate, and ikere . pd. . Undoubtedly . the" people were having 'eaten nothing all day. 'Whe the L never (lees when the Lord fed 'these' ;people, he 'gave • them.. all • that they , needed for 'the ,_complete.-;:siattifaction of "t„..,i,n a higher and 'loftier way the, .I.;77flsatisfieS us "with the. bi•ead heaven."' • : '13. -And: took up broken Pie- ' Cep, 'twelve basketfalS, and also. Of. the fishes, 41: And they thEtt ate the . loavea were fiVe thonsand men, •A' - in rding, to jahn's reciii4 of this Mir-. acle;, it Was the 'Lard himself who , ,Conniantled the disciples to pick up :the fraktnents, that hothihg be lest. This Which remained' Tier. must have'. inulletiselY. exceeded . in, bulk and (Inantity the original Stock ; so that We have here nvisible-syinhet of that love which exhatits not itself' bylov- 'innv hut ,Oftet.: all its Otttgelngii anon others,. abidea' itaelf far rkher than it, 'would }11IN' done hut for these, Ti Debs MOcjel'Spr6g Hai Styli . . ............ . . 32:, And they went. awatf • in.'the . .'bOat to a desert .place inert. The ;place, no doubt, was pear .pethsaida * ..(Ltike. 9:10). This Was .6: rest Which : the :disciples had. very•Tichly'ettineds. , . They had flung .theriiipives4eart.:and sent into; their', work,. ahct, now stlie3r2 ;were theroughlyi.raady, fel...vacation: The rest to, Which::: they were,. invited , —mas:a re -sl- of intirtial intercourse: He. • ' would not go then to the rest of sob-. tude,'Init,to that, of -sweet and happy 'fellowship. , "Conic ye apart, and reit awhile." • . ,' The' Vire Thousand... . . , , ' 33: And the people saw them go- ing, arid many knew them, and they, .. :ran, together there 'on foot, from all , -/.• :the:cities, and otitkvent , them. " This ;•*-Was the time of .the passover, and , ,the roads „netniallY-Weie-44111-0-peo.- .'iile..„ .A, :great' multitude IfUrried. ',around: the nortP side Of the la4e1,'! crossing the •Jordan,RiVer; to:find the ..LOrd,,' The prefix in the verb, "ran", . means ,that they all ran together. in' . . . a. body. The ,cro•-41' ,grew, ,AS they .'PaeSed one tom'after another on the . 'populous shore. ' , . . : . 34. Alva hes6ame forl,h,and -saw. a great multitude, anzi he had compas- sion on thorn. the; English_ *Ord .,".corriPassion"-ruans "to suffer Vl ltill% It' man's „Pity „fowards: hose .who are, t1 in trouble, who.are.s ering,, Who ere. 'un'fort,unate, who an'in peed. ' Be- cause thf..,yi were as sh ep natliaving. a fihePheP. • See a So' gall. l):8(I. Seep arc, in ' themselves, helpless ereatures; they cannot defend,theni- selves against. ravenous". beasts that . prowl 'ahout;. thilY" de not ,seem to 'have sense eitoith 'to find pasture and water themselves. , It . is ,,, the shepherd wh6 gnides, them, who pro- teets them; who delivers. theM... Our, Lord saw ;all these people as withea • •any true sPirittral guide. • Somehow Man, never Ands his•Way babk to God h'imselty, `ita eVery, heathen, religion ProVes,veven 'y:i4eil.pblest And great.' , est of 'them, .. ' , 1,ord Jesus came ' as the Shepherd of the sheep, to 'lead , , them to Ged,to feed ' them with . bread Which cometh ,down trom'hea- ' to' dol t.ilt ...Hen theiElinS, pzotbct then') ,frorn the evil one, .7*. ' World ' ' Of Teaching ' ' ' Arid • he' began to teach' them. many things. ..At once the I.ord iesUs, be- ' gins his sheiy.herdilw Wak by. tnstyuc-,. • link theta. people to. 'viln40 hIs heart • WAS AO:. powertuIV tIrawn,,'Tfidy eetild' , -a n ord does something he LISTEN. ,7 CANADA -I938 IMPERIAL TOBACCOS INSPIRING PROGRAM •••• ' EVERY PRIDAY NIGHT On a National Coast to Coast Network • VI ;Eileen Herrick, left, wears a now.verston of'a Gay Nineties creation,..while Henrietta Colgate models an 'up-to.date: adaptation of a sombrei'o at a .charity.style shoW in New York:" - rriving At Sydney For Australian Fete ••• • Arouri d The Dial RADIO MBATI4INERS- OF:rfig WBEK • By FRANK: DgNNIE , ' rho thee Lae. Whose greun picture heads 'our' business this week are Blame Alatlie, violinist Bert l?earl, Gangster No. 14 and Bob rarhoh,. Oung- , , ster NO. 2. gessrs. Mathe,'Pearl and Farnon are the chief ineinhers of the . . . Happy. Gang, hea0 over the National Network Of the 013C daily' at 1..00 P.Ini. ' . . . , ' . , , .While we are on -the subject of Bert 'Pearl. we must say -.0..*ora or two' for Ills -svom-k on ..the ,Dr, :Jackson Show ReeehtlY this show cele,• i• hinted :its 'first semi-final • in which Eddie, i&Ilea;" Donald. Stutrys', ,Tony .Sotti,' Dorothy • Price and May Joyce barticipated:' The „..mailswaa se. heavy that the is was not decided .upon until an hear before tnat nanye had to Ice ,annotinced, to radio. listeners': 'At that, Eddie 'Allen won by, exactly one Close .:tenond :Was Donald.' Stubbs. Eddie sings antrfi aye e dordeom SeVeral of his relatives Play ,. • . •„.. , .. • . .in name bands In Donald. Stubbs .hailS. fient. an played • his. harinenica •Well...enotigh.16,-ruu. „a race,:to. photegraphie.finish., Eddie Allen qualifies for a.place it thOfitialti.:„. . Each person 'that appear$,;en.t.his pro. ,s -grain is ::Paid. A.:regular , professional. fee-po. if 'you :WOW.; like. an audition :..j.itat'd,roridiLeard Or • letterae.._Dr. shin', (FRB, ,Toilinte':'We tinderstand , that n'oy§l_ty. acts are More, thanj)_irelf.. : come.' ,AiihreakS may be heard on ,Ert: • • days. CPRI3;" 8: 30 Pni. • 'tett !earl,. .rioy.:Lpekqey: And ;hie. 16 -piece band Maurice "boddingto:n and a new •array. of., talent, each ','Weelc:' A 'fine . variety • Kiddie . Guests.. • We happened ,to tune In to the. Coin ..manity..Sing••Progitani-broadeitst,Sun--, days .at 9:00 „P.M. ever- , The 'program' turhed ...out, to 'be, Southern L.Nigly.L.4antL...wasquite...44tAelty.... Se • we JitiPped vthe prograni' super-., „ "Mo" Onsenfeld,I. and find out jtist What's hp. •••WewerP,• inforrned that by die tinie you receive .:„.this.: panel.; ,the: prOgrain to be broad ;cast, Will. het 104dergerten., Week: Kiddie iinithers sung and the ptr.ograin ,'.feethre: Kiddie; 'Gtiestp,. It. eeeins, that listeners. will. he 'taken'. baek ' to, ,,..the ; Red -1.-4chonlliptise-Where•-they•-hadi."'Yriud kny. their heels and • no 'shoes.. on ...their' .feet" We ' were 'asked ...td inviteall Our readers to again: visit the "Swim - wing hole" and. get that Green .Ap pie Sto*aeh;ache.".., The .plotutte con tallied herein:is that of Vincent Boyd —the schbolmastem in charge of Muile • Indidentally,. Vince •playi a, plank) Selo about the middle of. the Program, that a:treat to 'Haien to Also Also, kirt, the pro 'gram will be Principal Stan krancle,, The U.S.S. Memphis passes under the budge at Sydney, Australia, as she arrives to take ,port in the celebration commeniorating,,,the hundred and. fiftieth anniVersary of the founding of •AnStralia. our Handwriting' The, barit-.---Y-our Character! By LAWRENCE HIBBERT (Psychologist, CharacterAnalystLecturer) • '.(Ed.' Note: Intense interest is be:. 'Ing.A5swn in our new ,seriel of' Odell,. of which this, is the third): • .AN OPEN LETTER-1:0-Ass-Pc,OffgR!.-- ' Whehl blipped, my mail the 'other "barbing, a. letterdrifted out onto my desk. I am'ansWethig it, in the, form Of an open.letter, begane 'it is, think, of interest to Many Of rify readers. ' ,1 -here is the letter: ' "Dear' Sir-4Art, a fair in Atlantic • City I got. a handw,riting analy- sis.-- • .It vas, so utterly Ibus. that,I have no f tirthy faith iii the idea. enjoy your ticlea ininiensely but pleaSedbi*,,„ try.to etinvInce !no that there any &nth 'in it,, •,itr's too fi'i- fetched ' • :I worider whether Myinerodulons. correspondent would hiisitate to Spit .a clecter,' if hp were ,sick,'' or $tigniatlie the whole nfedical'trater, nitv Merely bacause' e • • . 416 had been takeii.irn by a inendaci-. ous vendor at a,market,fair, imd had bought, a bottle of "Colored water4. - Or 1,4 he like ihe spelmie' of old, who . scoffed at the itica that any ru'rther land. Itty. beybnd time 1101.1,),011.7' I 'am 00g„going' ,t'0 wc*,ary 111.? tia. of,s with 'technical reasons 'to :justify. the claim that hhandwriting does.r.e. • veal character,i7,:Ila it is a c'onercto ,fact that the impulse, to: Wri<e.,tionNg either fro'm Y'otir Mind your,hearls, In both ''cases, The dIrroting',In* is Ipontrolled,by. the 'brain, frem which ; :flow fite thought ,WaVe$ that .tnoti'' „vete the hand in writing. .' . . .Character.,readifig from ,liandWrit, '. ing is no Magic., wand that, in the '. 'nimble hand of, a magician: Will welds:. . . .MiraPles, .T.liere is no'sleight-ofhand „ ahOtit it, It will. not .produce .rabbits.' ,out, of a' hat, 'nor wilt"it transmute .dreis into .'gold.'.• ' • . .It'..carino:t, of itselkeyercoinesYour .:Weit.k. tendeheiei, Or Cultivate the fa.`..';' tent talent that you May haVe. That ' ' .1s. for you to accomplish ' - What a. chataCter-.reading Will _at, , ' for yen is to reveal„;the inexorable `. truth .„abont ,or innermost Clia.i•ae. , .: teristics; and p,ropensities.f, It is a . signpost that ;pointa . the road ' you should take :toWingilS the .,heights Of , self-accompliShinent: '... ...' ' • . That is exactly What .t.i itantlWriting.' analysis thieS. . It not ,ohly adds to . your .knowlodke of yOurself, hot *it asSayttehe'• charaCterS. of '. others, 'in- ' whent yeti ,. are interested., at. ,their tri'40 i'Orthk:' . . • . ' Wetila.;*Otillk. tO•lerrt.the &nth ,ahout...,..et-ehaiatter4„:-Atitl.--.0001al,s-•- srOu', haVe ' ti•lehltit;• keiativett , or a sWeellieart w.iiiise t•etti character” you would tate'. to ktidti 1 ' Be f:tairik ill . ctating. your prOlilesitt,i.4 Send speCi- Mena of the handwriting You 'wick analysed,- and- enclose.; rtic for 'each spatiiiia'il (,coiii: Or °postal, note 'pre- ..farici).' 1,74icIoAo with stamped ad- dresscd Snvelniite.:te: t.si.vrenc.e. iiib..., ' liari, Room 414w 13 . West :Adelaide Teronto,,Colitu. . • ' ' ' , , . er••• • . and "Naughty Boy." Mattrige Rapkiii. Listeners Will be liaPnY' to -learn -that this is. Orie 'SchoolhouSe they attended WIlete "exam were held.. • a , • Jean flex Stage and Screen:vet- . em au, ..stai•ring'..,lh the'. COS. draphatic Iseideei Chriatien,. will mark the 25th ,atiniVersarY • of his .ar, ival in .Holly.wood. with: .a gala .pro, • gram, bioadeaSt.oVer..••.a • hatitailvide . .Columbia Network,...•Thuraday,March' 10,. 30 to 11.00 .idari`P.iekftird, ,EdWard,:G. ;Robin:nip, 'Edward Arirold, Hemny King, Robert IciontgemerY, ty- rOne VoWer .johm. in the ..c,elehra-.„ • 1.Eatikip'.'gl!atfir're:F.:4:1'oPle:griy. at ..night ''a process.", ssays s Jones, : Stewart,' blue Peal': Heating Expert?, it is one 'which many 'do . not un. 'der tand,' and •throagliAmprope.r..„meth- .7eds .they ..lost both ronifOrt and fuel." .M?"." Stewart,. , whose .talks o,h• .home heating are. a regular feature:.bri-the' .,Very.Popular ''Sliado'W'`. program over :...cp'48...,egh•Wedneaday, is Offering., free: .eVerYHbrotisehotder copy of - the. lio.tik.:01rirat .Aid. to Better Heat- . itig,"4-a. vole me full of practical advice on hoW'io gett he utmoit -verde reor every. dollar spent :for feel:. Anit 'send your Inapt& and addrei,. thine coal', 217 Bay • Street and a'.. took of this book wil he jromply mailed to .• • 'eT : PaYing ,Annued.Xisit . Paying annual visit to ybgland, Mrs, GloTia Vanderbilt, motkr o Mtich” fought over, heiress littleiGorIa, ddrbilto bangs onto hat As she gees astnire hit sSouthampton, ' IS Till BIRTHDAY? . BY A. 12., WEIR ; . .• „ . • • VV11,1,the,,, StarsjoreteP.' :for Those Et.ornMarh '12;'13i. i4,. 1C, , . • . 16, 1" and :18 If you were born' an atiy of the ' days mentioned ' aboVei.. Marriage is imptant to You. 'You' need a part:. net who is. gtrong". both physiCally and? Mentally otherWise you are inclined to drift. You are' generous and good natui•ed and. at all Unica hospitable; There are times, •htivitever,.. when you. .hre • gloomy .and.despondent=as ,a •.'..inatter of ;fact you rather enjoy your 'personal .gltiorn. Forget it„=„1-it only. hinders. you -and [keep§ ' you '.back.. ,About the Middle of the .yesitr there'. should bean itnprOveinent in yotir. financial 'position 'probably through ' seine ' irnpOrtantr neWs, from ,a Jong clutancc You q1�utd also%receive 'Setae assistance :relatiVes. Mauve or...lavender . isyour. lucky" &nor. Tons of Gum : • . • ' The. dimwit:1g „gum trit&e. found • 1087. ft' good year. kkports 'of join - tong raW. 'Material of chewing, guni—froin IgattiPa to the tniled 811.0;6. Were, Mord than 4,600 toy6,• vhitted itt 'nearly Vi500,,. 000i . Says Overweight Is Increasing, GOrdon Grant. DO.1.10.05, reg.T: Pteir%_Evvationrg Less, Growing Pirutlitsrel:Pg. Fat!, The optle,oh4or those, who„wake up '04c4 .41.91100g and ,ejantliie the neck.!., line 'to, see if theyNliOve ..any more chins, is .ii black ohe;.accorditig to the ' :pictiire painted by' Gordon Grant at a meeting of the Life Underwritere Association hold ill the NOi•toh-PalPrOrk petrOit, last :week. . There'a one 'angle to the fillitpitioN .,liow7eYerethat.'s votiaOling to the and. that's that '05 per cent; of the Ip. -„f•.: crease. in 'weight IS •sliewh hY the fairy. , seN,, ',Whom often diet . ........... , mg but oxinge juice and' , unehhiek the strength, .tib' :Baths and Massageit' wohlt,;•lirMw down the waistline, What: • , might do seere,tlY hOhbons.,all' day. to keep(' the trick is a *coniPlele res. .. • , V ion to the Ow days NV ileif ,i indpa 1,vould. rather walk that bitch up the , old grey,: mare for a ride of a. couple... of blecki, whei•he ii id shovel : eeitt .and spilt7iKood'id keop front ,free4irigi:' .e,Jio'the to .. ;elenu oti her knees' and worked her ..:fitigers. to the liene slaying 'over, a: hot , • stoic and minding a 'houseful of kids! Change In Mode of Living • .. .' In ;other words-,' the great -increase , • in Atte girth of the WOW • is held '010 . by Dr:. Grant ,to the pliange. 'in thei mode-of:living, les not the- food that does it,. for Men used to eat more thant, thei db they. eat,noW that lielps.'„....to• shock. the. fearful' eye eaTCh-tinie-li-Set OfTSCaleS--are.-. encoun- tered. Bat the groat' •Ificrea.se is, not in the mon...Whose. wOrk' is Physical as .prech is .With the ..ihan. whose. , ,work• is:mostly= Mental.. " , Aud now ter. the important .part---.. 1 -how can the balloontyPe of 'shape he. 'avoided V.,: 'As waY,.:.aceording..to„,... the. doctor, is ' net to atop exercising after. you've Paased 20, to stop eating,' fats. Exercise for one already 'grown' -.fat is :Usitally. 'suddeii.;.tihil.: ?violent. and ' ,en s Ross in,, tifici do:abbe:11S are • boimnh.it 1$, r.ecominernied. that, atter a long lapse ..yeu'Ve 114d e 11 nice to ,bnild an abdominal corptira- tiott.'that stnri in .waikiiig .ju,St• .sanntering, along the . sidewalk' , but •ti: brialt walk of'.ahatit'sik ,blocks, building,. u.P. to.. 'abbot miles per day,., This is abnot .heaCtiiing. you. ..ganAo .after the •stiintitch has,' middens': . . . • ly- littachod itself to ' 1 Linnet efing Under tifiaM47River Boring Has Begun ,BeKeath Bed .In London, England--L.To Cost— .$01f7R,5i0v0er:00Foro.m, Bank V) Bank A • • • ..,•Some„...90 'feet lielleath the bed cif -2' the ,River Thaines -, in Eqgyaio, 100 .•Workmen ,.grailually tunnelling • bank to „ • / Bet tag has it list begun on .the"pft-%• :discussed ..Dartford,Pby Thantei • , ;..Ionnei; to provide the only riv.er orosa:. ' • ing for. .m.ntor'' cars ulting the .ii ipile • 'stretch: between the estua and the ElaCkwall Tunnel.: • • , . pangs...Will Meet It •has -taken ,more. than -it year's preilmfitary.7,WOric to ...reach:the `prea... „Lesitt Stage.: Avinedsy_ith hydraulic. rajas-. having' a ea'PaCiti of 1000. pOunds per square ineh„; gangs are; slowly. •Push -F:- • lug their. way ,lind.er the river'from beitli•thie 'Kent 'and Easier, •banks. The... .tWo exneei,ies smeet in Septein b...e-Ar.;,the:MOMenti 'the EctSei k.41:ii Is **en ahead of its counterpart in Kent, On ylehte..1 'is ex ..side, 'workers, have as nly. 'hiql to "deal' with real Thames , mod,. which naturally : ... . the hard..ehalk of the Kent ,.bank. • Statistics of 'We...project. indicate' its size .A naaiter „of .million tons'.or • earth. are to. be.,...exsaVated.7,frOm' tits' tittinel and toted. raise the level of the,aPproaelt reads and .to Make fleet" 7 banka. Mere than 40,000 ',tons pf..ea4t. 7 •irdn are' to 'lie used ity• the constrtio;; tion .of ,the. main tunnel and :••eafs riageWays. 20, feet AO' Pedestrians, Cyclists Barred:. , It has heeu announced that nodes. ..triand 'and ,cyclistq. are to he barred r!fromr.the' tunnel: 'This .has ' led to the ..beliebthat a second tunnel is c„onsid- - ered; 'add that oheway: traffic will ,eventitally be. in cyclists he - 'Mg banned Mini the se.e.onci,,tim net ,is built This "View 'is lit Seine measure hacked up by the action of. the Min-. • ialry o:r Transport ..plahning dual, Carriageways' 'for. the .apProaeli onis.(stNs.hicif th,eapial• Width le.,to' be '104 „ • ri.aicpe$ , , Receive a ShOOk „ Ste'aling elee.tricitY is an bld.Mexi- - can,.. a d hcrl; the :Guyernz.- ment is 'going to stek it: new' bill.::eetit to 1.:Iilliex.sioan don.. gregg•'Provi'cleg„ for 'fines tiOd prisett. ' , " The Me4enn Ligit mid!, Powet Ornpany estiMated that theft current' itritoinitod 250 kilowatt hours, „anntui1l.y—ah6it.'4, quarter or 1.bo YOarlY P170(1134hlil- . So .fhtviat this theft Of. elens::., beconid in MexiCo. that 'thett. `e6Mpany ,annOupeow they can aCeent. 110 neW tulerniat:e le- gislation t0.4t0p-,the thefts has been provitiod,