HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-10, Page 3• t
• * ;
-- •
Orrimentary, ,on, the
.1kfighliightg, ith0. k's Wed ,
. .. •
7.0r1P!‘, •
y Eliza et
'AVIATION HISTORY:. 1933, shoUld. as lifialltiadf Oi s It 1114 ''Ute:, .
'be a banner year ,fori aViation in Can . in the '000 is Ine're Often the gnlitY
Ada, if we read the signs aright: The party'- VON Lot tiwtiglit..there;.
Trans-CaUada Air -14ities. network:will' . • ' '• •
be Completedt weat o Moqtreal, to the Aig.tri.10AN UOI.JR: It I an.,aMus7,'
Pacific • Coast: ' ' Experimental 'mail ing 'game these •evening,to timein on
fllghts Over the Prairies arid Rockies the short-wave set to the -brOadeatits
...'are being Made this,month: Sehedules , in English that are .,corniag. Out of
tali for the 1 1GS mile f1ght front Rome, Rally; and ZeeSee, Germany;
tn.V441004i,!py, with stop i tit under tlie• guiSe ot. news annitnaries..;
" Regina and, Lethbridge, to be, Made. irk Ifroni• heax an A tfieripam
• 7 .,Itepre Ltn(t: 1.5,:;Ininutee. girt'S voice on the ''‘Areerictui Iloui
...Transatlantic ,Mail fright's by the giving:, the • news as MuSSolini Would:*
end, Of the, year- are,'•alse •centeinplated,' like you. to ,hear it and; interaret, t..rn (11I1 .
to 9. aniport: Mit'fiater• •The game.: IST1t ' so''.,arnuStnge,thoug 4-
,1•Jewe. ' • , , When you stop to Ilittrw e .-hemany'
While such develcipments. are talc- 'PeOPle theie. are in thp World tOdaY
, .
• ing'place in Canada, Imperial Airways Who are.being•forced by a rigid PreSS
; prontiseS in 'London England,. , this censorship to see events in, j.ust that
• •week; that new phinps,Pnt into ,serviCe diStorteetind untr tie light. • The same .
. the uct few inontits,•, by inid-!
• ' • '.. mile airti i.p frail London to Paris, iu
oxeCtly one Iioui'
n. treat Britain -...But An All. time Record' Was. $et In Canada In
• • 1937, More "than 360 Licenses Being Issued to Pilots'. "
—Total Flying Mileage 1,680,000,
'''—`"" • "
An all-time flying record. was'. estab-,
lig'hod by Canadian, "flying 'elkibs th
1037 a$ club activity contifItted On the
„ upswing, With .,Inot•e titan115.0 licensea.
lasued to ptlets: Many, of these pilots
• took positions Willi comfrierchil yia•
; tion companies, •;while others joined
the -Royal ;Air •Iforee in Gretti t'i 11 1111
This exodus ,of Canadian; •flying club
Pilots to the * negan several
years, ago; and.I continned.. M.
, , ,
ltoss,' exdoutive ve1 etary. of the. Can...,
adion Iflying Clubs Asseciati4,' c$ti„-
Mated there are, more than, 200 Cana-
dian pilots who obtained' lic.enses,
through Canadian flying ,',eltilfs iow
with life R.A.P; lie s,ittid. there was •no
spirit Which iS attempting .4; smother . preeenceiye'd ' pldn. in this' movement
• ,. • ,
.A. AV.,or4. dr..tuatel,p0.ril.7.•
tiyely recent origitt wbich is being
. used rnore' and niore frequeritlY in the'
newspapers, these days, is "sabotage". '
• ., Russian engineers are .arrested
_on,._•,eltarges of sphotage;. the blowing
ill) of, tlio Bi11'(factories 111,:klila22
;. laid to' (1() 21 •Jtalian workers;
1112111.2 (1211 fireS, in lo'rencli ships are•
ti 11.10 to sallo'ing,e; Akita: new apheta'g-
Tpg in llrit ant's: ROYal Air Force, comes
to light when. It 14:',d is c'oy er (Id: that,
two of; the newest type bontbing
. Planes .1nlye been;tan•niet;e4 ,with at
. the factory: ;, 'Sabotage" .conies'-frpm'•••
the. French. 'noun: f'sabot", (Wooden);
' .,Shoe, and 2111 122 used .wnen a:ye-
•"bellions •French, facterVeworlter' thi•ew.
,boot In the. machinery to wreck it
.11QW moving to influenee 320 01410 011
this •Continent to accept the same •
biased outloolc',•, narrow view , of life'
and world riffaits., It will be disastrons
if -•tifilt spirit continues to •gain. ,hold;
• , ,
•'BALKANS. Ii0Wi The; small „na-
tions'. of Central.Europe feeling them,
selves 7.1'ett in the lurch by Grea.t•
alit, and: the Ileague: of Vations',are-
scrk(titbling (with, filo:. 4•Xeeption of
Anstriar Czechoslovakia). 'under the
"141 oteetiV0°, Of aertnallii: and:
ItalY,' the.neatest,,big !powers; ' LtiSt
week 'the • four .Rallian- ,entente . coun-
1:1es ((reece, ilitgoalavia,, Rumania
• and Turkey) bowed to TtalY •fkgreein•g
•tb.',recogniZe the Conquest. Of Ethiepia
,Ond Arita belligerent fight's to. the-•:,..
Spanish reb•els. • •• ' • '
•W ben it"s a.. case •,Of.- eyery man ..for
himSelf • anti, (102 11 fake. the
.we,conld hardly,. expeet the Sine Bal1
, A survey, made by the:association
last year show ed that mere than 150
Club•trained 'pilots and, air engineers
were :gainfully employed in' pommer-
clal .flYing., operations, „ and since, ihat
timothe intinber. lias Mereased!
21,000 Flying Hottra'.-
:The' association repOrted total tiniQ
fl•oWit hy,•the..ciubS• in', 1937- Was dose
, to. 21,000 hours, Which Is labout
000 miles; or approiimately. equivalent,
to 65'fliglit's aroun0'. tlie world at the•,
pqnatm:. Thisrepresented an increase
of.'21 per- lent. over 1936,. 52 per cent. '
:over 1035, end 100. Percent, over 1934,,
The:ITOI•onto' club headed: the ;•list
With 2,034 • lionrsflown by, ineMber 5,
'Winnipeg was .s4,60nd. with 1;878,
Alton third. with 1,558and Londcin
.fourth 1;305:.•• Ottawa' Members
fJo 1 170 bours,. and .Eilmenton
• ' •
.,t1ike7. Whe `...t!lirow a nitnikek .
,wrencliin the . -works'!,. . •
•'•Jil eutint ries •stich ltalv and, Ger- ;.•
1310,?1,17. ‘Ylterq • 2)011te117-71raVe,„no voice
'in' the, goveiliment, sabotage is fre-
,queniip` chosen aS a method Of 'pre-
. test, of :g'etting.-haek at :the- powers-,
:..titat lie; It is an attemPt:to, siew,'111)
•*'...systern winch •Altey ',believe., to have .
the •worst intere.sat4n
•• Poonie At heart. . , . , •
• erftwm.
•• •
'MAYORS THREAT.EN: A repres-;.
. .
jetation 'Of. :Ontario's mayors met last
week, in'Toronto"s to:tight:
tlie-aaneuficed Opposition of ,."Ion;',Nor-
mai • Rogers, Minister. Of... Labor,. to,,
erOased relief :pa'Ytneiits• front,the•
Deelared Mayor ,ir. It. •Cory, •of,
...'• "It 2in,'coinp• to; the 'point
where either y1U are going to have iebeflThn of the uneniptoyed,,or you
• are, going '115'..have .a rebelliOn .91 ..the
ratepayers-bectiue• they ,•, can't' „nay
: • ,* '
small ; taxpayer • indeed. is not
to bp:envied; in: these :days .01' heavy
relief expenditure.. ' It. comes .tio the
point -in some cases that -a 'man•••*illi
a,..tin.Y.::plece • of LproPerty.:_chae.:_tilielp:
,lteen his neitfidoor neig,lihor who' is al-
most as -well : Off. A, serious -situation, .
,andi-:the'Thitttrie.-maYors- are i'lght In
hecorhAng.: exere:se& About 1. • .•
' ' -77-7.7.77 • . •
• .
• • DIVO'ItGES ,An, I increase • of, -
in .uttiber of .01‘'01TOS grtInted'to
renf. .nrel" 1936 is, Shown.',
Cni1(pl 121
RoPples :during 1937, The
tehti . 1:0a ched, 1,870 aItogt,lilk,; 590, of
'..2V.Iti,C11 Were • tititen 0121 111 OtitaidO,..
. •
; Colnurbin. ran a' seeond',
•rOtthlyce s:cered the leWest, :43. '
. • .
. • ,Iitteresting s'thijs
11(1 111022 inust still be clii -112 0119 tance
' Sued •
.` •
nd Ai
• ,' '•
But . Land Forces, of.: Dictator
..States Outclass France, Britain
And. U.S. by 'Three to One
wApITINQT,On--,-The. three,ntior
..,-,dernocencles hold • by ikr. the
sea 1402', el and haVe, a slight ,
selygein air strength, hilt, are: badlY.,
.olitweiglred..by the land .armien 01 tbe-•0
..7aeeiet POWeri,..A.surVey revealed-. '
rhe combined nayies •of the'Vnited..
: states, .Grgat
ol ship,,fa.re .inore 'than two and
times • sti•onger than the fleets 'of.
Stinain, derinanY' and 11-113' •
Two To One
021 completion.01 tlie .neyal,re-arr•
' Inameht 'programs of. these'lldi '•POw,
ern the ratio. .rtitighry;.• Will:Le tWo
. to.Atte faVer. Of, the dernocracice. ;.
combination efi the Fascist pow,
et's against the I:Ix:lied' St-ites alono;
hoWever, • Would find, the.' Atnerican..,
• ;fleet; lie l2IIy 41; e r•Wheinied • ,
, iti :the -air,; -the detitocracice, could
,• send, otit e.combined aerial. armada.
'it'pproximately 12,00,6
planes to beat off 0 thentetical.
' flertnan.Tapanese .60inbitiatiOn of
.11,*000;, airplanes.
It la .on the `grOtindWilit" the ,armieti
whiehtittist'cOngher and 1101(1.44nd and
bear flit..ntalar, brtint, Of any tN.f.tr
flutt tlie PaScist poweit: held an over.?
. • WheitnIng .SUperlortlY to 1110 preSent •
armiceof the dorits)&titic Cottntries:
" • Armies'. Ntore.. •
, This -ldvlfltage Is nearly •ti reg fo
'MM., It ia further enhanced by:the
faet 11141 •,,onq .of the pOWcre,. ..laPatt,•
is noW engaged, 'in a major, war,: ana
Italy has jttet fintshedp`titting its iiilli
wry machine through, eombat' service;
in' ronaiiering• lAlilopia and in giving.
.0111 to the InstitIont artily
,Tenart'sr,artny" (141)2 0201102 1,560,1)00.,
22, 110121110 have 1.-,000,000 tnati
011 liMR; 'con(Inelt,t., fighting ,lit
chrila. and ao.ting 18 0- butw 11 k In Mali
againat'phaanifo j.$0:riet intett,;.
Tel:tlitte-.-The,tretr 'under.112129 In )1a»
2211 2t 01401 og.,p,sribtatqd .111 O'ke'ettn
'of . 40000.. • , '•
. Half As Many Men
' at the .etnt of he Ethiepiatt
, 1111,200..,111e11 undef,
(2 flfl ill((1 lii tdd1ti�u, 111 Mr forc'e
porsetillet af,,,20tt19ll$ •01,the•IA41,2,60..
tlibt'e"2,11dttP1 front
fife rtlayveS, hew. these ,
12 110 hot* 0'01)101)(04Na Is net '•lcitOwn.
• • Vile (lerniatt, army ia enhaeittively
• ; •
'Rise of $66,304,779,,Shovirr For
Ten Months' Period •
, .
OTTAWATotril;.' national •reve-
• nue foi2 the first 10 IllOnt.1.1; Oft the
,ctirrent fiseal year.. ,amounted to
‘488,065,893, an increase. *ill $,664-..
304;776 eempared *withthe sante pe;."1,
ri:od; last year, iteCording to the
.'inonthly Statement ;of. the Comptroller%
:of the treeittry,.,
. • Total,. ordinary experiditureS for,:
the sante 1 1937:- to
,Tanuary 1, 1938.)-aniciunteci to $320,-
072,95i a decrease of $11,8•09,086 •
'Compared the".satne. Tarte& a,
yeai pgo.', But When cost of •relief
• for, drought and wnenip1oyment,,1
lief works; 'expo es in Goyernment7.
tn,Fe-apital- expen-
.di'tur is added . th total disburser.
'1)161r:for the petio '..mOttnted. to,
$414450,027, en • dreaSe 1$8,fi06,-
- , c ear,er •
, .`luyery • Source of.Tevenue showed ,
Aniticticatte and' the general total in- ,
• dicates that every. montit7 Finance
Ministel• ,Dunning is di -awing nearer'
f'the Possibility of a ha1al-I.-C.0cl budiet.•
while the report for•tbe 10.7nionth pe-
riod • Shoi,Vs. 4 surplus.. over .a11,,expen.
t1ittirdofb.$21,000.,00ff, this may, he '
Wiped out by 'the 'beaVY ,Special , •
, •
• I. • . ,
• poyht,0,1.es for various fOrtita �f
lief and the Canadian Natiorial "
vvtlj'A :dell* beforethe end ofthe
fiscal year; March 31.. •
• Heaviest Increase. in reViennes,
came in the excise and 11200010 tax•
branches Which wer`e $29;000,00() ana •
418,000,000 higher, 1.4espectively; Ex -
died had tic'cotinted for ;,1 50' 520 799
• 1 A
'fid. the 1.0 -month period anti Was the.
'greatest single Source of revenue.
'As there is, lib ,State..tax in hol-
land, costs of raffle' .programs are.
for by voluntayy, subAriptions.'
1113, taxing private tice the '
Sjoyernine.nt of Panama . Will' have
power to . tontfirol the Celititlitis-iie
'market; ,`
Cceritoslovalia's trade With other
,i.otintries is the greatest in five Vara.,
, ,
estimated,at. G50%00'0 with',160,0.04,.In
citIdIng lIl anti-aircraft ,fer 00 of • 40,-)
000 in tlie SaDer,dle airtbree, '" •
„ AO:Mat thid• array, of 11,3S
twilled MMII, 010 tithed ,StateS,. Britaltt
i•trid, France ,haVe it taiiibittedlotal
t e
Government. Menibeisliip fees aver-
age. •10• a person, a. year. „lima in-
•Structien, (OS.aii hour.:•en :,tho.'•;aVerr
age 'are.:412,..,d,tial,:. $10: student solo and:
$":„.M.1Vaiteed Oi1y licensed. in,
StruetorS.':Jind i1l engineerS. are !ein-
ployed.br the.clubs; and all ,.equiPment •
18 certified,•.hy: 'the ,.00.verirritent.' as to.,
tkirworthinesS,.• ••
-News In Brief
Army ,Increased. :. •
."3,4„Ap,411): Spain
aiafted. 'youths of lit..And'rneti of .30
neesn6 ktOihisee t' '
_Ahlis:„Week.•• to. tncrea it s frOin
an, estimated ; '05t4099 te, *a. possible,
780,000; •
.GOVerninentCorriei it
,PAItIS.---,Tbe. sliding wage. scale
,---p,roVision,of -the .:1-a,bo.r.-,rode.---Sfas,-7re•
• re-
adopted :by, %the C'h'Setipte,last
week : and .it1i:Sri.eedY apprOyal: Of •
the 'other ai.'ticles .the cede. Was: •Sent
baok to tbe •Chaniber,fer actiew.pit
Senate ;changes. ' ••• .• • " • '
.,.The.,Senate -vote.Was. 15,4;82...:
--amend Wenid ,haye.--teiten--
. the Iorceottt •of the "wage
"seale.,..proviSiort,' was., defeated: . ?re-
melt.... • . _
after having threatened to .resign if .
the provigiiiiis.wed. not readopted.
\ •
Excellent training Frour;rn
"Qui. club -flying plan is •preVed,
*110 ntosf usieful, and eeonoinical'.piap
.for pilot training in the 'world," Alt%
. Ross .said. l• We '#etieve, beWeN•er,,,
'that; program 51101411.1 1e 1.at4nched
to:train:4i -least---10i0•00-tnere---pilots in
, • ,
Canada.; I; ..'whlt,Id,rproride, 1:e1e2 ve •
for •rnilitary Intrposes:. heside:S„ prov,id-
lug Et SSilltill'US to general flYing inter-
est. •At• present there are about .1,200
.-pilots holding a,ctive licensfes and
about •809,- others, whose •lleetises hai;.e
, lapsed." '
inerals :Top
igiing :Crap
Prcdt-.eticn Last :Year :rot.1,,3 Ten •
• IVIil1!pri-,11‘,.:NoW.fpundlancl,.... •
mineral; prospects are ievealb(1 111 017
tvleased here that sho.Wet1
:•nroduCtion In 1937vliaiT Sm•passed the
•$.10,000;000 Mark,• -for the first time' in
. .
the inst•ory of .tlie 7..
•'Antieutteentent fiNthe vaitte
ibinet'als iNewfon dlazid:, !totaled
0.0,559;732' wesadcomPartied noties
•tliat revealed the fact this repreient-
ed 'double the yalue, O.f. the ilodfisliery,
'long recognized as the teland'e•leading.
indastrYi • ; ;
Continued Expansion .Seen;
Isredicfing' centinued expansion of
mining in.Notvfoundland, _it was•;re-,:
t‘.• d that :11b mineral`....prb-
tietrioni.4frol.151 4 - 1-ok
cOPPer -raised:at :Tilt Ceve,.•the. onlY •:•
•:-,,,opeyiratit,ig mine 'in: . the Country, . , itt."that.',
. .. . ,,
. , • , .• . • • .
' • Lead-zine-gold:•popper• orefrem Iltr.,
• chana and ii-enore at Rell ,Island •pc -
%counted, ,for $10,O00,000 of the total.:
predtictierr last' year,' •and'.stnall Opera- :
' "tiOne 'for lintest,ene and fluorspar were
:cari•ied on' at,. Agnatii,tind, jinn:flier-.
•rnouili.'and,,st'...LaWrence.• ' s ' • ' •
Only 41/le'' Reniaini
In. v:tey of 'the' Nienioeller, trial, and
" the. recent, :Nazi: :purge„ one, remarks.
tlkat 'when F. iisoi Bill resigned it was
und Gott; but, with :I -litter new it
is. only Spectator.
World„'s WqrSt Threat ,
This is the really most dangerotte
condition hi the 1', 011(1 today-4•nam,ely,
that 'the neeple• inled br dictators de
not get eititr•r truth' or cominon setise
from their, 1ewsInipe1 1:-.4•Ottav,f1 Jour-
- ,
.The 'Disappearing Salinon
Nopio 021 tia! Pacific enaSt are At
, last. getting .an MIErWer E,X) that old
-"question,--“ Where do the 7saltncra
it seems .thait they go ,into,,e floating.
Jap (11011.. salnion *cannery, --4-Torento
Rural; Fire-Prection . •.
Aii Englisij inventor, lia;:rirodeced
a•:',I11 e14111'• ;extinguish
era, • a; inotin. PINna,.•seettopel ladder
1041 !gas:. ",b'onibS". eapable of. auffocat,
„ing flames, This ,inay u,ltimatc•ly pro -
:vide 4 stdution 10 the • problem •of:
"r•,ttral. fire.:-pretpetiOn.-,71.1.'oodstoek •Sen-.
• tineHteview.;•
Financially Ahle,AO Driv6,
i.., so-ellis to .1,e' a. reasonable princi-
ple that no, one sheuld be allowed -to•
t;le • V-or•tfniMY's
tMleSe • he is. a..„ financial position;
• ,threuglt.'inSitytince or other 22 2SO 'tb.:.•
meet: reaionable claims etre account...0i,
• laity" damage his nnichirie may do;
eitiiei ftlirengir, his ',Own ettrelessfiese
or inthfforence Or,' thronglf
deficiency...of:hie ear;.--;•• Windsor :Star.,
• Naval Race Continues •
• LO:DON:-,=-B•ritiili., and Anterican
naVal experts were , reportedreliahly.
this. week to have completed plans.
for building. battleships 'exceeding,
.40,•000. buC,-to,be awaiting final.
:decisione • o'f,. 'their •goveritnients, be-.
'fore carrying out teebilieal ',teats for
actual •ednstruction.:
LRaid on Valencia
; • FrAheo- pqn4t
tiet an raiders Made twe
attacks oVer the weelt-endl on, Valen- I
ci't and enVirons, and inflicted heavy
damage on •the ,towri Of Gandia, 40
1111109 'ter-thezietttli-;,- - • •• -
Five rebeb•planes dropped several
. bombs near the port' of 'Valencia and
fiearbii.l.taill:le6.. • '
• •
• Will Go To Air Conference,
.OTTAWA,Canada Will 10i in a
neW"inerif-Ernpire 'Air Tr•tilapOrtktioll
dOnterenee next ponth, when
delegatien' Will' be 'despatehetl'
to • lrelAnd to cOnsult 'With , overseaS
authorities there!'
• If They Stood. Together:
• Seeretar' • Ickes ,of
beentelling the world that•the denvod.:
• Taciep must !stand together. They all
The new. deVelepment In Empire' plow it. But the trouble is that large
air service •was revealed by Transport
Minister Ilow,e 'as the. Houed:of Corn.,
,moria 'gave thud reading ,to a bill to
enable ..-Trans-Ganada 'Air Lines 1;1m-
;te1- to become 'an- int'egral part ,of.
the.cainpany which will' •eventually
contrOL Lmpite 'flying.
-GermanyThreatens -•.:
• tie•• field, Marshal,' Ilerniari
• GOerine, last week -end 'rattled ..the
• sabre, ,as- he• warned the Leich.s. air
levee was •,eady to proteet •the
9,00;000. Gernaans„011 tint ..bOraers"
Highlights ,of his address; ,
1 'Warning' hOdialte treat:the 'Su-
. •
deten Gernians in'CzeehasIOVakia as
Hitler' thlnks, they-Slio'irtd he treated.
2, '-'fYitrning ,Seliuschnigg .to
, .
AuStrian, NaZis .the liberty ,Of ad -
tion demands 'f or • them'.
-3:t!a Chautempsttibn1
courage czechosiovakia ten Mitch by;
•as:. One seiiii-offiCial'e'qnnrnentator put:
it; i'elinging to t".he dectlineS of
neVa, and adhering, to: military netts
with:Other powet•s,:!' •
Fascist Inspiration Dies,
,;GARRQNE flIVIERA, 1.taly,-
Gabriele u'Annunzro, Italy's.. great
warrior-peet, SymbOl. of Italianna-
tionalisni and President of the. Aca-...
.derny of ttalY;'dietl unexpectedly last ,
• week in his Xilla
• caused his --
death. He woad 'have been 15, -on
March 12: 'D'Amnitiid.wns•the sym-
bol of the ,nationalist'Areatp of Fas-
cism, and the inspirtition.,of 1>iuqso-
ittf,44 is said, ,. •
and/ possibly. ecintrolling infltiduCes 10
each; of, thein O1 e. net yet' .con', iinced.
that the time *has cetile 'for.' them' to
'stand'', 'anywhere.- 'They ..could ,have'
.'pped , :Japan, .withent thing a shot; .
Making••e'. "Stapd" 'remit 01';'.1‘lanr
•Iiikve;... stepped • pef many, b3'rti4king.-a•.
'i.,stattd". the',Iiliine,•And negotiating
,a just ,a12e1s-,02 cie,r1Y. reKiSion of_theLY,,er,•;,
•••9,P,c,0 thev had preittge., ilbugli to•
white -at 81 . •\Vllethej'Tt11e3 IIalt
• „today; is doubtful. Whether they -will •
have onsante black tomorrow is net.
. . . •-• .
Star. •• < •
'Canada's,Lost , .
• The" o4tjolial.•• Viaien-s•Of
' peljey-of
abundance .121 Canadian homes:,hits
be.eif„se.',comple.tely, forgotten,',,the•ooy't.
ernment i$ 110 longer, gOneerned ,With
tho' ille ctilitidion lislliiig
villages to buy. Canadian 'apples,- Al-
mostthe 011112 concern 9f partYpoli-.
tics•ls. With the exporting Intine'0."10.
the Bmitisli oe some Other' distant
k't 'The,,Copservetive,•,;‘•tsion '9f ,net
tional .policy ,Inisz been lost tern,
• pietelw as the .1.,ther51• vision. or .fre0-
t ,
trade. There IS 'no ionger any real':dif;
••••feyetice liefween, the, parties, -•as, tlite
:Min,istei• of. La botir7s• achnissien 'about.
the key'2.place of the; pretective
Wointi cr. -•-stf9ti,1„;lit''' POTTY -
•politics•. the Liberals Woultrlead.Along.
the",path,of freer •liatie:."the Coiterytt-
es, n.intittlitith-tre'h-t '0,4-11v:the, na.,
, tionat poliey, Ie.. See that the Qattadiap.'
• people -.Int ye. 1)21101;11111g power in the .
hotuf tnarltRt to militant , economic .
,st..c.ttrit Y.,. straight: Party PelitiiS. lure
(0112(3 22) mean nol4I0g_0119,r12 'than the,
sham . fight liel•teett 1 yeedleOttin and
v (II ed e(•‘'..-7()ttetwn• izen;
•.Defend ' 'Back ,to Niiigara"e'•
TORONTO. -Denying sharply that
any secret- deal had been made with
the Quebec Power compan' \Tr, •
mier • Hepburn, hcfore the Legisla-
ture, defended. the ;reversal Of his
"back' to•:Niagara".fpoWer policy last
week by placing re4ionsibilitY direct-
, lyjuilon the .'King Government
71-1E pi PI RE
Universal Vigilance ' .
, ,.$a, long as, two' people .aie,e; killed
ye' challenge 'of the : roaa
011 gg).,,;.L.,gUh.. roads almoet everYrday ,of
the .
casualties ,:remitin$ Jimanswere,d,„ ;At
he • saIpe JJine de0air.,:of turt1lei...ef'7••
forts .toedue,e- the, casualty l'igt not
..1,Ustified,. These ifinet .ao.nrititte,:-tti lie
,-...,•••04ainf411°11.1112(eg: toliloi7111.51111111;1!,etnui4it,Itiz•.tei
arti:sti,PpOsed o.mirol, :a p01012-
1 11?)' 'lqt if a I 'weapon ;- )C 111 TIS),
i go ,ett, e y only, ir
Ahoy, go warily; and cycliStS,e„ven if
they are travelling on •the
tracks, theyprofess to dislike, !Mist
retneinber.,,,the „.dangers .bf• unateadY.
,--a-nkl--eareleSs• riding: The preceSs' Of
• reducing -the' fearsaine total of, dead
:. anti injur,ed • eannot , in the nature of.
' thingsbe .....citber than stow; but it
cJittld, akeelerated if •,courtesy,
•.sideration and watelifulness were ., So
sti•ictly oly,t3erved as to. possess the
nnalitY of • instinct,Oltisgow
. •
• ja13#nl,s Weakneses, • .
The "latish Empire ,and 'tile 'United
StateS, Cembinett take :half. Of .Japan.o.
, 141
silk export is 'eel -teemed., the 'United ;
•,.States takes per cent,..of,11,. this
being the: Only ..,Talimiese- export .notl'
' dependent On ifnnortecl supplies &yaw
• ,. . • . • .
•tnre, he .seen,, iS dependent en'
the American silk market. Japan
, vita•IlY dependent,:.011 imports 01 011
,from. the 'Cuited: States; and the. Putelt
•East ifidies,.:atid of. :iron:, and. scrap
, :trent India, Malaya ; and AuStralia.,
Amongst °titer fliings;7:= .1apaTs. 'coal
cOhkuniption is only- A fifth,. 61 Great.'
Britain's and her 'heavy, industrYis
not :developed ,Propertionate to her
ustrr., weahneas, for,
?.Japan 111 War Is her .pennitive system
Of land The .pioductiv-it),
• •
per acre is bi-W: but the productivity
';Per. marr.'i,s • :exceedinglY jow. The
transferof,:large_puMbers' of; men to
the fighting forces and or woniento
the munition factories is, bound to ,
Ca flse;a: sleep tali fii production at the ,.
• very. tiMe When tens 02 „thousands, et_
:scildi'ors hare to be prOvided.•with,
More .subS'iantial diet thae• they eilst7;
• .
ed 'en as peasants:-:--Ileng Ecng,'NeN,Vs... •
Clothes ProVe
Of •Canadian TOurist Visiting the
• Unite St tes
• 1304's Organs,
Motion Picture Films Shown •For ' •
Diagnostic Pprooses and StudY
May Develop New. Technique
. ,
of Piagne!is. •
• Ilow the movements .of,•,the organa',
and joints 4f:the huinnti bocly'catt b.-
recor,d61 on mition *titre films for,
diagnestie purposes and :4 atly • W.ati
'demonstrated last 'week , at, 'the,
cnce forum of the,New Yorl; .
trice' Society.. . •
• • ,15-r: W11iai JI,"Steward,",l'ilirei,tor •
of the • DepOrtment': iffladi1ogy in••
Lenox Hill i-lr'pita.k,alld 1J.I. Francis
wlio dei.:Olope.(1 the t'•c•ehr.rique,b'y'
cor.ductA the demciv,stration,
technique makes pcissible' 1,123
ceinpflati,on of a_ film i.,•ecOrci, of Pati-
-ents, showing •the :Pert orrnan,Ce , of
their arg, • • .
• ean be•uSed to teach *medical students •
:exactlY •what hoinkes, for eNample,
."A motion picture record of the .•
',bel-dvior of the ag•afts can be §tudie&--
at leisure indefinitely without danger
of excessive . exposure, of the patient '
qr exanliner," • •Dr. ,Stewart • said.
'."These. motion 'picture, filins eaube .
. ,
• Shinned to diSta%places • f or consul-,
tation and Opinio, 'en the condition
a the patient at the present- time or
at tin.'tinte in his PreviOns history.
With further experimentation and
imp:roltenient,, the, scope of ,the 'meth-
od will be broadened and it probably.;
will became an In-I:portent division of .•
• Fluoroscopic
Itwe.-physiti.ani sheWed Mott n
tetures o the •tot'e '
nr,to toning organs;•both •diseaSed and .
'normal', They Said that.iri the: i4king...
of the filme,a,Patient was! exPesed to ,
an X-ray beafiri...Whi611 threw An :
age of his organs on a fluoroscopic'.
A.,iearnera fitted with n 0:eel-.
'al finder and an tmuSuallY fast•lenS
the.'iniageS ,onthe'Screen,:Sheet.:
• lead;,covered , the camerabox to: pre -1
vent, the scattered:. radi•tion r.'
• reae nng the fi ", •. •
, special film :put. on. 'the. tarket:„
a month. -ago, Which -is • tbt ee • titnes-As .
last as 'former A:teflon-picture flints,. • •
N,fass tisedin the carneras Dr. SteiVait
• and Dr. .G.hiselin, said., They repeffed...-'
-that thesensitiveness . of, the film
.niade possible the satisfactory-filinin•
of almost any Part of 'the. botlY, ,Ustt• .
ten 'eecon,ds toobtain a. good l'shots!'•
(Ion an. 'organ, such, as .the-' heart; In • '
, .
motion. • ' _
opulation: .
•Birth Rate Higher Byitish,
Migr:arits,,Sought.-By 'Corn-
I./can's Luck Qn his way honte
front Aincricl irt the Germati liner
Hamburg the Dean of lExater; Eng;
. land, attended a ship's Cositnne- fete. •'
1IR had no 'fa,ntittriess; 10 Pc wotT
his dean's evening dress—breeches,
silk stecliings, and .S‘'itrIet ilactor"s
,• 'e•ivon lirst prize.
Oanada.,.$0;303,056.' Werth- •ef ••detiabie
goods 1112(102 the 1100 'exemptien clause
111 the 'CtiStOins 'tariff during the: ten
'11)o1itlisi1!,crr1i74mil1 Pt' 1927,, to-lnkt J
91 the. Natiener*IteV.enhe. Departnient
• ,reperted ...Goods ,,froin the
tpited.' States , werexahted,., at $5,03,-,,,
,veitte,d. '0,2,974,184 was
..the p2 ii2cip0 item in tlie,.seVeh twit-
Anottities. fiStpd; ,ipeluding one for niis-•
, .rellaneotts a1tIc1 and of this. $2,-
, •611.793..represented clething' filom the
United States, . Second. Was ftn•iiitin•e
•ft110.1tousehold applianecs, With
1o9('01121 ng—fl All "cOuittries,. and ,
flitm 'tile: Lin itetl;Atalei:..aielle.
,toots • and Shoefl, lirooklit. Were val.
:the .Vniled States.: while .radibe•total
led • .$5 3.4.83k w Itli $'5'3;29:3• front. thel...
;United., States.- The ether. two : listed ,
3.Items 21010 automobfl€ 0000sOpi 109 to
2>11.0(1• Strites,• ,automobile: tires
Atiti' tubes totalling
.140 front Alte 1.7hit.ed Siates,
„ .
Ausiraliti; 'has just .ft'eed .02 Per
-• cent. Of AS- 2111(20>1.' ti •from 10
• I1.ritt4tne22-,Voisits o.( wpodlands'
tOtalline'3`,D00,000 acres,' Will .keep
twelVe surveyore busy frlr two years.
air•PZ, **444k 444 44t4 k• •
With thadvent (f,e "12.1`.10i• 1,11W; tI O1)el4 Okh'111onta, 0 tWelliY-foot sirenin` .lortily quiet- hat h'
''een 8‘.;,'01i'ett t ) ntilortiql ov„
mitt on,t,.er.lfa bed iiitiok.fortw,a Spitiklake'eompietely vov er area •111,11f 211110 12
, •
`. Floods Swell twenity-foot Creek to Veritable 'Lake in Spring Thaw
'''''•••'• •
• .
tion beglinto, therease;.rapidiy. af
ter skVere
preSsiOn; At SePtember • 30'1... last tha'
•population was 6S45 398 an :tiwi,e0
Or -,',3,4,046 in tbe.:,firit 'nine.. months ot
(The .bortlinion Rnreatl, Of StatiSticst.
estimate ...•of • Canacle:s pOPulattoa lit
1937 was 11,1'20,000,• The •('enens 'of. ' ',
14'1 cOun,teo 10,370,706);
,11 Atistral,la'e '•present _rate ihr
O•ease is niaintaitied; the •Popillatioa
8211 pa;s the' 7 000 000-inark'•ahouf the :
mldd4o-of 1940 Tire-go‘e,i,ioalejOrppee.!
.1towete'r,"„that a 'rise. in; birtfi • rite
Ie -
00l the '
'develOp -r' !raising , the popttlatiott : to
...tyneoarie.. than '7 .000
000 in lOSs than two
. t
. .
• FewerHave :Emigrated
• Not 'only...hag tbe birIli rate risen
, hnt-the loss of population .through IIII.
,gration has itetreased;
fOr the first nIhe thitpdta Of
.t,IlerS,. Was.' a , net loes oi population
...tlirotlgit,rnigt•at ion' of ?561..per50118.' Por ,. •
the 001 period of '1930.tho
• Popillatibit less throitgli`
165 iie.r..s.nns
ENeess.of •birtbs ever deaths :for the
first, ihree-cittarters .46;2.1
petsens.- 'Por he corresponning.periodi
of 1930 the natural 'increase 'was 38,•
101 pirsohs.
, .VINoria,ahdSauh'AuStral.ia Are ilia,.
only "StateS 111 the Conimenweailli in
wohtefi entnumbey, hien:
With Hounds
4,11t,11114 lo ritelionnds`', has Proven.,
protirable fop Robert, 1.. 1 tll0kshank$„•
11 f ' S.asliatc4tv1411, 15 miles
seutliweSt o askat'ffn: who nt-
niarketer,,tt.''J roy,ote 'pelts takn
1.1212 11)0)1112 po> io(I.
a- pad:: '61- '
orossing English, greyhound:It, , with
Irish volfhounds and. a 'right., trt)c.k,
vaintlfle 121 going 60 10 70,,1121109 On
Iihaf:. '1`6 21og 0 tat:elt, tt 'Coy -eta
readily, , • . • • ”.
. 'Present.' 0o1 6t,i.'slca21 2111 :1130111. 40.
IkI 2,,222 b,1111 f est c't•It'ltdn their' ati4„
cestortAt of 20 [$ Mr„
bolitives. The average opY.'
'ato, ht.!. es 111tO4 (Nth ruh' 1214111.21 45
110 21
. •