HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-10, Page 24 .1 • ever frouredriiro.: mArecterear4rm y REX BEACH drAiritr4r4OrArWile4".0:00' \ SynoPM.s • . Ben Furlong, a young but practical ell man and 'driller from the Pennsyl- vania field, drifted into the 'Texas oil country, broke and looking for work. Finaiiy he fetched ,up at the Durham home *here live an elderly aunt, shortly widowed by the explosion of a powder wagon, and her niece, pretty Betty Durham. . ,..Fierhans because, ,of his, Smile, Betty cooks some food . for Den and while he eats .he earns the, aunt, • in town on business, . has an oil, man; Tiller •Malltioi, sinking an oil w.elrfor her. . , A short 6'inch holt worked loOrie fromtherigging:and is In the bottom of the well. Work has :been suspended for days as the .cre s o an .so dwindle away, . . . Furlong' offers ttk • give a hand but Maddox, objects .. Betty Insists and overrules Maddox 50 Furlong:fashions a ,tool which. he has just lowered' Into the well, hoping to fish out the bolt:. . Now go .on. with the, story.'". ' • Pierti#0,00, Have • .Lowly'Origins 0,11antgre'0 Scents ' • Ensnared:: BY tiumb.4. Animal Substances''• ,Vliin a civet •ea.tgets frightened . or a whale beconiep Ill,: it's good noWs. .te., Jim'. pert em . e indueti.y, •'"' • 2 .. • . For. aCeerding• •I). .„ V. 'qeqpiertlirecter;:of 'Perri -pals • Weil, one. :of the largeSt, perfumery henees in• the Werld,' setretions,,rretn.lewlynel-' ".nlaise are the f`exatives". ;Or bases :.of all glamorous ,seentS:, • Beginnhiig:With'. one :af.the ilyeer a, chemist who weritS,' With .his nose more than. with- a pencil and pa, . per adds, among other things; syn- -thetic as well as pure flower: •odors.: If iill goes WO.P.; he gets • 4 ,pertnnae, WhichAs 'orountr. the term .with a-'peitect •Deifelele, ..Synthetic and Seal • .,, • Vont 'llediand„ Ss itzerland and:Ger- inany come the majority, of the 'syn- . • . . ire•eptteet in: n good per. "Come over te the house," She .said. fulTIA --.0":01e-P4re 'flower oktreets. 'But You Must, be, tired?.!.. ' . . • in the ,fielas 'eurroueding Grasse on '1 told you I waslucky," the yearg. : the. :Riviera, ' gt•ow entiost all r the man 'declared,, • !' 'world's Supply of dowers, for, • Pere 'Lucky, netbing. ,IrQu'Ire -get -sense, .odors. Experienced weaken ,.the • wasn't?.,1 wander' Maddox fresh 'Woo* :inte, Celina: at hard Pie never ,thought of it." •• • and•cow 'grease; leave them-there.,nn- • • •"• 'Greed s• • ill the % grease has absorbed ail cif the, Raft' stirred; •„impatiently isbn, et.: odor • ' Each Strongly' 'Scented. cake .As ' ., „ , claimed: '011. has too.. busy thinking • Abell 'washed ili•Lainnbol:: The, aleehOl,, . about Sotnettfing! Say,/ • We'.ve got 1 ii turn 4sorba. the •,eder, • , an 'extra reem;.init, Aunt Mary -soya.. Freezing Process it •wouldn't leek -light for you to sleep:, there. Don't that Make" you sick?" .."11Ow about the :barn?". • '• . .2 . • .iTitat'S 'What 'she. propOsed; Come • on., Well ..fix It. sontelteW,'"!.: ' It was "tierk.. the trail through ,the Betty knew it by heart; and where its: meanderings were, tindistingnishable , she %tee& :FUriorigr 'hand and, guided 1,1-erPTER III Euriong.himeelltila_ndled the rig dur- ing this ,operation, and even Maddox could find no fault with the way 4e did it. '''When, niter what seemed an interminable tlinp,. the wire' cable be-. 41.'auppo3e you thia • Atint ltrary'S ' eragy,,risking all her moneylike this," ;•she 'said..., • 4I sure dee" the man admitted. 'Thi; thing will- , ' I I - ea ' she's • taking. Suppose that. bolt had been sornething-elseisomething-40-couldn't_,_ get'hold of? There's a ,thousancl things , can happen to a :Welt!! "I know. ,:,But"She'aegreedy. .She, gen to- stream aip ,out .of the• depths alWaYsi wasj•''Tifier talked her. into It and wind itself 'smooth,' black lay,. • afterljtncle• Joe., died, and She 'Would - era .upon the druni; the two •ircimen n't listen to. 4nel' - pressed in upon the derrick floor, - "It's a lot safer to let the big corn.; oat of the well-mouth,',finally slid panies do the drilling,,and be:satisfied tbe .00.111.,K` tool; it. Stnived; hung ,mo- .with a ,royalty,”tlonless • - • s• with the leliver end' at: the "Some people, cant; be satisfied," , level 'of, their jeyes. .'• The, teeth:liad _the giri said, imietIV. Then after been bent'inward;4ammed together by A moment. °Uncle" Joe :never- intended the 'blows from above: Inside the hes- to leave the Whole fern to her. They ' ket :thus formed and tightly 'bitten didn't hiteh very Well; He said he‘I'ves between-twe' of-- those -prongs -was- a battered six Inch piece:or steel. • When Furlong had 'finished: washing - up he found )3etty Durham waiting for him. • '.4, , . . I ..o „aai • c a a buys aneW ,guaranteed REMING'TON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with all eiiential leatures • • FREE— CARRYING CASE 1.14rTIRIOe—et:jminFig:1::i7N'Ranic11:4S.LTilMji• 6.terdQR „ , .Totento • CflLLDRJN of all ages thriVe 011 "CROWN ' CORN $Y1tUP. They never rife of its, della; • , one flavor and it really is so •• good for ..them -so give the: Children ."CROWN BHANIr eery day. ••••‘. • • Leading pliySicianS,.• Oro.' ‘, r)enna ?'CROWN -BRAND' •CO.g?I'SYRUP 4A'10C-RilWJ • ctory _gprhollynrate , to -use Tiilk Modifier in the, feeding:,of, tiny' infants sand eil energy -Diyndticing.fpod • • Vr,:groWiing IrHg. FAMOUS • ENERGY FOOD a, CANAt5A StAricil .going to )eave part of It to ine, but --1 jguess lie never got around to It. Jit 'bet ;Mint Mary's .Sorri :by' this. tinne :that she •listened there's' is • man)! tlungs a;•driller can ,dsto a. Well" •• uwjiat .,kind of h• mali. Men are all .• alike, „aren't; they -when they've got. • . reason to be? • . • ..She .;hetter7fire guess she cant, .or dessent . . FannY, rig', talking this! -Way to you and not knowing you only:. a few,. hciuris.•. Id better niinilte•MY 'Own Here We ere, You waft,whileI • get a • " • • They arriYed at. the,.heuse; and:. the • „girl left her, conipenion",'outside. She reapPeared in a, OW • ininntes with ,piiinterire'and a • couple of Pitteltvvoric coniforters.„ ',TheSo 'latter she Surren., Id; Ben, Ineivied'the wait'iO the • •• • A Strange'. Feeling • • Like Moat' farina in the oii.,Countr.y, . this one had hncn all6Wed , and :.1V1 th the, exCeptiete,ef , Spine* ' • chieltens . and it /0W...dispirited cattle' there Was no live 'stock :lett upon ',:•it,„,z• '' There i1 rei:6ained, however,- -eld'redder ,.• it wale dusty :end, Meat)", but ' Miltable ..enntigh for, a.15,ed,,, and: , Furlong anneuilded, that hewas dee• lighted With -theses Weeping ,arrange,. raentS. He set. the.,lentern .dowti and Walked to :the doer. With 'Betty; There •• he Said • . • • • , Ypirrve been mighty elike 1e•111q.:1 :wish. that fishing' lob had been herd . "'Why . • . • ..'411, would haVe'..takeri longer." , The • girls facewas• nted. as she titniled . 'She Ayesthe prettiest girl li ladevi t. known an! tio 'reit • a, gictt liking, a; gieet eymPathi for, herd': Tlie el 0611 Of her ivarm hand as, she - During' the Lenten SeittOn it is the, Custom in many homes to serv fish at least.twice,a Week. Such a14'ence to the 'spirit, Of the season need not mean a privation noweVa. Fish Oen be aNWry:delicioug phange` in the diet and there. are many ways' o,f serving 'it. Nov is the, time to try new valle.. :pops ,your old fish dishes and seine new, ones which' we .are giving here. We have 'given the recipe for "Cess orqle of Selnion in these edlumns be. fro but -many of you ,may not ,haVe • lfki!,e4 it go '3Ve are including it. , • • 'Casserole. of Salmon 2 .tablespoons ouick-cooking tapioca 1/4 teaSpoon selt Dash Of pepper -"A:W-4n n'an,a1M argil -eke , . cup celery, .01„cee tablespoeU onien;;chopped. cUp mulk' : • • • • ' •butter tablespeon •melted , , to:8.tinhalted baking p,oWder bis- ceits, rolled 1/4 jnch thick., • Combine ingredients in Order given, Turn into -greased Casserole; 'bake ' hot oven (425 degree F.) 'gr?.. Minutes, stirring .mixture tw'i,ce; during;hrst 10 minutes of baking Place biScuits on tep, :of sairrien mixture after' it has. baked 10 minutes; return . to even,. bake 12. to 15 minetes longer to ,bake hiscuite. ,Serve,g, 4. ' , Finnan. liaddie 'Delmonicd, .114 .Peands ,• finnan haddie • ' .2 :tablespOons , butter , , • :.,11/2 fah:100'9one flour 1/4: teaspoon sale 11/2 cans light Cream 'or- tap. mtlk Dash' a 63;otie,e.. • ,--s-ro leg - • 3.. egg Yolits;• slightly. beaten., • -14avencieris the' -Only .blessciin.-,•not::. treated in, this 'fitshien. It's :'put..irt huge „vets, literally. treMped On .uptjli. the oil Is pressed out . • 'Next to the; last stei)in the.•Malpfig' Of orritine is the ,freezirig. recess.. _out .18Tdegrees ow zeto a e, giveshaCh What It haS,ahaerbed..What it rettirris is , fltered ref clai 1t Into large sterage, tariks: goes the ,berftithe,, to. r,Inain': there .for ,Severalmenthsi-; efter. Whielt It is bottled packed, snip.. • ped .;7-4".routid" and perfect• : . , • ... •... to measure 11/2 cups. 'Prepare sauce by reciting butter in top of double boiler, A.ild flour and stir Lo.a smooth paste Add cream and seasonings and , , coek until thickened, stirring genatent. Tour small amount of sauce.:ov,er: egg yolks, Stirring vigorOus6,, .Return to double boiler,place over hat w4ter and Cook 1 minute lenger, Add finneli beadle to sauce. Serve on toast; gar- • nish, with fiersley. Perms 6. 2 .VVAY: IR EL!EF' FOR THIE MISERY OF 13tilteti 1-10aibutto • 1 slice .(1' pound) 11:41Thni, •i inch,' lhiek • 1, Cup inilk• '• , pea peen; Cup: dim 'seft, bread ,Centalia Dash': or 'Salt, •- • Dash of pepPar • • .2.. tablespoons': melted, butter • 'Dash of .Paprika • • , •:place halibut In • shallow 'pans, pour. .en milk; add Salt, and lot .stand .15 ,:to 20/ minutes, 'turning <>age. Combine; antr.Lpezper,' Add butter, :liissing ,eruinhs; lightly, to. niix Remove.fish from milk,. Sprinitle.liglit: If With salt • and P.epper. and covet.' .with St; .erinnbs, .Prittini thein lnto fish.., :Ogee et umli-side do 1) ' in evently With' remaining erumba, ' sprinkle 'with paprika, and beke In het., °VOA „ (450 degrees .F.) 15 minutes,. or •'-unt.11' Cripubs, are brOwp arid fish 'is cooked.. Serves 4. . 1.11olded.' Rani:elfin of Whitefish lablespOons qtrick-ceeking. tapioca' HI* teaspoon salt. `.24 teaspoOri -White pe,pper 'Dash ,of 'Cayenne. a 'Cups.. cocketl. whitefish, flaked :. 2 tableSPOons melted,'Infttef• :.1 tablespoon parsley, ellcpbed " • .:1`4..cup.,:buttera7erninha.... ,4 Corobine dry :•ingtedienta fish,•,htitr. • RELIEVESTFIROAT PMN.--RAWNES , .ENTERS 1317)DY •• !TtIROUGN 00MAC1tANB • itSTESTIt4ES . ..TO EASE PAIN' , The speed Withwhihb"AsPirin"tilhiets net in relieVing the distressing 'symp- tom of colds and eccompattying saro threat is ut•terly'ainazing the treatiriene is 'siMple and 'pleasant. This, , is all you do.. Crush and dissolve three • ”Aspirm''' tablets inoneethird glass of *water.. Then gargle with this' mixture , , • twice, holding yolk bead Well. back. • inedicinel gargle will act nitwit • like a local anesthetic on the sore, irri- • tated membrane Of your throat. Pain eases proMptly;•rawness•rs relieved. • You will say'it is remarkable. And • the feW.• cents it costs effecti a' big saving ov:pr expensive' "throat gargles" and strong medicines. • rs "Aspirin tablets aro'. made in Can-. "Aspiria'?•is.the registeredtrade- • mark of theDayerCbinpany,Linaited, " of Windsor, Ont Legit fir the mune 'Eltryer in tlie for of it cross on everir UC$1QSSCfWIfldSOr al/I,: est resse For Second -consecutive Year, She Is the Choic;T: of Paris Dreis. akers As WPrld's, Style Lead. . er. tP1101110Y f°,rtlh4e.'aiibl:P.St7'iftl%sa4ttesd. ditV;e1s1; '. • TPOitgrioirf0" st:fitahrgr.,14140410::... 4 be CIIQS4,, W119-4) 411i1P animous choke 'for ,•head"of sa liat et tea internationally ,know n SeclaUtOS,' Nvito 'we're ,clIos'ep not, ,for beauty, hut for' .:lafo ,and indiriridn'ailtY,, .Tha ranilshig's were:I ' • •: •• 1, The bureheS,4 Of. WIMISOr;. 2,, The • a9, Du,ehess go liemPes;:llst: 0, 7,v :Begum,s:m01:11.1,,,,:aeognyat 134,inald'Oellowes; gat,. itz ones§ Eugene litothaehilti.;: 7, 1Wrs. • Rogers Illeleent; .0ounte5s Ilarbera Khan;-, 4, Barenne ,14.en Vierlenger , IVIounthetten..... , " • Bands e.tesrflu.Goinfeolv‘dh:•;i:ri.:idsb.oarriecp1(d:eireylbni,::t.,.et:,ti. _ the farewell,' reception • for American • Ambassador. William; a. ,Beilitt, tri'. a • -simple white erepe,-seuere necked and. barelydeollete g n Jt barely:skint, . pied:the floor iwith straight :panelled The di o:ss 'Was, triUt.tned' only two bands of gold embroide,ry, Started at the waistliqn .tlOwn .in...e.curve -Over her 'bibs. ..The'Othee"aeit.,Dressed'i ' Begum Aga. Khan, the former :French milliner,,•who• wes :married • the " weijth Indian • prince, .mpVeS up•• from -sixth plate ',she as ie Contle'd• last' year,' in, thh.d.. place, 'chief..., 1ecuuSei..9t th jeiIs whIelt,'"*t 'eif • , hey elOtheS., '••••. • The lion,: Mrs.••:kegirield • Is .particulariy famous: the N:::01'l4. for lier „epttrts elethes,.. Bareness Elngetie: de Rothschild • , 6 slices touSt. '• • „ . ‘Vaslt finivtn haddie,- seek in .0.01'd train, witlzho 'hie:water; •aad *calk slowly untll ten- Drafir; 'separate' into large'.flakast,1 NERVOUS? ot:. young' grits - growing itit'o • Worienho,ed, for wader' in middle. ,tho "changq,' or • tinik who suacr front lteadaelfc; lateksehe ;sari .neeteus. • at.e; ri.lsocinte • with ,r(listurbsneeS, • Dr. Tierce's Paverite .Prp;cte,tioh. isa tenable vceetiible To:14 P.,41(1„4 AtittNVIY estb..fiactr, frlt- Tire1. rt4 nIvif yny.ay,r,,,rA ,tC.M01 tf,) he utikartia,.t.4 Ildr, 610:r 1 hatt. WO De, P,Ieree's V.avertie PreAtripOba a thorr whilo atit, ettife inerossel sea 1.• pielted up strength. mid hetter evrry 'way. "Favorite Xreierietion, esty p10011, 11 sri 0,,xtellent tow ter: ' urtiegise., • New tiseutabe: -50'e, It.op',&• uie-Whee/er-Applique:-Quilt ThaCs-tun 1:9 Do ot • (7"""•••••.,e.,. .GRANDMOTHER'S FAVORITE. PATTERN, 1677 • . greased' renieltins :or • tusterd cups. Cover with.Crinnbs,'..Bake In Moderate. . oven (350 degrees ,F.) .35- iignutee, Un-' ' moid, i t1esred. Garnlsh with :pars- ', ley, . Serve, With or witheut-:Pirnento SaneS. Serve 6. Any• left -over • wbite- inented..fish may e substituted for whitefish ih..tpe'.,re. ueh • as •hall--, ek,c,coct4 or base. • • When You .Start thisquilt yetelI find good reatOn for its being "Grand - •,m'other's invourite:" • An opportunity to use those 'fascinating scrapse---easy patches to mit, and apply --a quii,t that will win prizes! .Use the patches on other' accessories,' too. Pattern 1677 •Centairia accurate Patternpieces'; diagram .o,f• block. Which aervei,as„ a guide for placing the patches and sug- gests ceritrastirig.materials;,'cbtiaplete, plait* instructions for Cutting, semi- • , ing, and finishing ' Yardage chart.; 'diagrain of :guilt to. !min: arrange 'hisecita.. , for:single and 'double bed size, • • • ' ' Send 20 'Cents in coins' (stamps cannot be accepted) far this pattern' . to Wilson ,Needlecraft Dept.,' 73' West' Adelaide St., Tp.ratito. ..Write plainly' 'Pattern Number, your Name :and Address. •••• . . •• . • him along the dark tial had affected , him in an,unaccountable' manner, and, now it affected him agairt. In the vine Way when,.she laid it in his, A sue, dell fecklesSifers'-orydiVlielitht17.11inr.-: .and before he knew' What he was doe ing he had beat forWard and itiSSed her. •• ; • The girl ymIs startled, but she did net recoil. Curiously she .inquired: 'Why did yott'do. that?"' • , ' "17 don't iifiqige. I-71 couldn't help it • I guess, I didn't intend to but•-•". Ben *floundered ; he felt his, fate:burn- ing .11ot1Y. ' '.' • tiled. that gad. shipped 4.'ve kineWtil him a long, time, .1iiis's Duihqm shook lier head,. atiner-' 'ently, mere perplexed at her op lack of resentment than tjllsd at Fur• ; long's boldness.: *just like you pretty. svell..,". • • — wiair oi wotild-.did, • I-ththit: yetere • „. • , getfy •turned ,to gO., m�-. ditt latei ,. she; . Cnlled bitk , thrOigfi• ••'. the .globin, "I'll eall • yeti:vvhen" break.: *feat u feaiiy," , • ••• ,. • • • • riirtorig Was not eitegeilier ur pi iseti •When, em the folldwing "I was piithi1WAS eeting Itomottbrwhni kind of virnior apart atay Hooka hat it, 125 mile', of AI" till. flondorvous of ohampiona and novicOa. BONGIVO nOw. 4 ••• 3 la.: b.l.e.firn'es..nhtutst .teSr°1",c'e * . . ,tatileSponns fleur exit) milk " Dit'it4OapaswhitePOonspepperalt pimiento, forced thrlingli •• tidbit 'butter in saucepan; Add flour , 'gradually, ' stirring, :•constantly, and. teriittnue .Ceolthik and stirring _until thickened.'Seasou •with „pelt...and. pep-. ' per: Add pimiento. Makes 1.14. cups saireet, ' # • • ...• , . On orders,. • and the jteolt 00 pains ,to hiS.,,dislike far tho'ne.*:' hand; nevertheless,.nen accepted the Pref. :fer. ' Aside: .fropt the feet' that, he heed - ham was neW sn'fficient to • •mike il ,most aity-eaetilee *pith thI1e' • . ' In •the • dayS thereafter he..tried„ to, ,fathom : the:1)00111er reratitinship'eXist- ing between Medtlex and the two Wo - Men :big he' did not .succeed very , well.' q'he driller, it. as evidenty had- hdart: set, upon Betty, and 10 his atternpt.to win iter. Mrs. Iaurham Whs ••neliertheleiS for . genie nti- • ,known iOnsOO •,the ant' disliked .,1-tind. distrested the •Man, About all that'. • Den" could make Sure df was ' the fact that in fionne Manner hot readilyap;' parent kir oil • vfell ,,,Nyad uSed •by Mncidoxam a ,Weapetl: that: lifonie- •'hoW it had beconie the stake In a Vireo -cornered game. • •(T bO.,entitirilted) • .. , co:You:F.4:UL sgAigGisfi7 Maybe ted;more • bi1.17 e A 1 . spiRIN9. . ...,DE IN CANADA louses an In_ urge ors irts • Tani and .Celetv' Sotiffle . . . 4'4 ;:tablei3oitins quick cooking tap- . . • 114, teaspoons salt . . teaspoon pepper . . 1' eihi."eelery finelY'ent • '. .• .••• 2 eups yolks,. beaten' Midi'. thitelt notI • • .. '2; e'eg whitesstiffly'.beaten , •Cerebinedry..., ingredients,' ecilery, ' and milk in .tOP: of double botier. Place over rapidly boiling Water, bring to 'sealding'Poiti.:(alloW,„ 3 to 5' nillintes), Ctiolt:''15..niiitutes.,.. stirring .,frequently. .Add 'fish • arid eig yclks. Feld inegg. witlies.': -Ternir4O gyeased baking, dish. Place. in, Pan of'hOt,water; • beite : iII•Moderate'oven .(356.dog1e(s •F:). '60. ritintiteS.ServeS SVIn • yell', fll yoe' Ifaveret n ftleeil .ln the .wr,'Id Id li fo Is not. worth , ri.q1• (:pot-thiik2).44.-444.4eiiirrfe 1Y61.1ri liver 18 get ting ,yeu tio'wn. Don't •fullft4 It. 0 'Mriko ,yn., liver behave., • rrn leo! •Ttiblet8 will •ao net .direetly on.the 11 vCir timulatieg the livers production 'et 'elle. ("Om- priiiitg n goeclitt ,btr.nd of otturn '•"tives, q'anet 'Tablets itietude. rt small ttetortion ot c4ion161,'• 'probably the most c tteetWo livor stinitilent knewn. In .day or two your liver 11 nt Woilt 'again as Welt, asetror 'ttnd tO1 friends. with thd Wide; Wide wood, Alt druggistelitteer Tanoi tablets. See,' r.(C) • . Howlers Prize Etrirra Picked, From Earthr. • ' • irration Pipers , • In 'the 'United States, people are al- ways_puLto.deathihy..elocufion— 'what is the, Seviet? The Soviet le • what the middle classes 'call their" „napkin. ,,,, • • What is an ePistle? The wife 91 an apostle. . • Chivalry is the attitude of a matt to, a -.Strange wenten.• ' • The liver .Is: an infernal orOtn. • 4 In India, a.'intin in one cask cajun:4 inarry a woman in another cask, . h IRIS WHO HAVE BOY FRIENDS QuicirEasy Way to Get Charm" ; NEW YORK.-t--AsSembling blouses and skirts' has beim' simplified rit' one of the miti4OWn" Fifth Avenue shops. Here .they have beautifully tailored' . . rayon .blou-sei, which match skirts hi such colors as beige; read, Yellow,: - black, navy or green. .They do' the same ,i -ort :of thing in flannel,' • in • shirts anitskirts, and"in Salina elbt,h,, ,a.rayon and cotton mixture, they car- ry' out :the sable 'tailfered..'combinit-: tions. ; 'These, ere icleal .for ',casual town4wear-Under-,re.efers, and for countryi--evpir • -for , active spoils; such as golf.. , .34.ant tailored shirt, done with long • sleeies .and beck yokes, are, alienable . . • in. White, .black, navy Or pastels.; Separate Pleated skirts' give .a cos- -'etutireloolt--to-printed- she er-blouses---- iee 'When--; thesleevesare' short 'Arad, puffed, or long and full with tight - ' wrists.. , osters "fry. , . trian monetain palate, She has a. bean.' tifut collection,'pt.' diarnend jewelry and sets off her ' BtattiOqiletpd ' beatity Nvith;d =••bimik and sbaeS. of . • . • green,yarying .frorn the palest din -rand . to the deepest 'limiter green.' ' Lady Louis Mountbatten is eonsitl- ered..the best-dreseed Englith Wonian; , . „_,Gels who don't attract boy friends wander, Whi. :Beautiful, pitied features are net the reason.', Cleopatra and famous weitien. Were often, net Hoe nice skin, Plenty of animatieri,,an Watch Out kr your Ogete„..7.-' you'll be surprised tow popular you are. be many'gins have poor corliplexitnis -no theirfigure- slipping, and don't realize l'ake-"Pruitli.tives"-and-youlLsoort-bO-2., amaze& he* ditierenC and hovi attractive Noti'Ve become. lt purifies *call' Maid, " makes the akin pares work, gets rid of Waste and poisons, gives jqiii new energy, prevents ,flabby tissuo from (mining: 'Fruit-a-tiveir"t • , gives you new Charm: 25e.; 50e. s TABLET—' Issue No, 1 • • • RAIF LIY.TINS 70' leLosing Favor In American HOme? ut Hand. • Apple Is pisapiiating • Repeatedly apple pie has peen. a& •,claimed as thebest, the most .stable, :the most.:..delleions. 'of 'tile's: u.n.til7ene" • • Wonid :•Say'lltat:It8 ..rePutatien. as .fritimied Upon t r belt': The re•tire seme. itatiaties,..earnii4ed by R 'M Ituhei .'Washington Stete-, college. „and, - Printed in Food industries...that. raise ,the question Whether .:AtrieriCans. a're,.. • as loyal .ta..,atip.le,pie as ;they Pretend' to :be. • 14 the "fiveeed.ar • Pe'ribil,. 19111,23, the PCI ' citfille' consumption of. aPPIen as segenty-two.,Tounds.'in .the • sevee-year,. period, 192945; „the •per 'Capita itIptien of ,ap.ples,f.was... cinly. six" pounds ; ,.first" period :the. per ., • capita conatiniption.,01• apples . nearly three limes as:great :as 01 Ii .• ci ff nitS''''"in the Secend period the thtt of apples , •:"The decline ,tn, ,the. popularity of tho apple ..daes• not necessarilYmean the deellue of the apple pie," the Nw Ypk bun holdS, •suggesting, that the ...e4ting 'apple, ...Windy testes the b'est on , winteles,:niglit before.nn open fire has' :probably bCcn the. chief. victim; of .:'ne'w habits," tIoW, pienY. fa,rnilies now beire e barrel, or two of, apple's In the . ''. cold cellar On.' now ',many, family .• Ttab1es-Alees-a4bOw1--tOf ' opPlesstand as in inviting reminder to take a' bed - Writ, Snack Probably the apple pie, ' ,10 alt its' varieties 'etlindo• as "firm tte- ,thty as a symbol of and a support for :Amerierin ...theracter:.- as - eVer'. it -did., Is the hand' 'apple 'Whose iiiisePpeare' • ..ante froze the' Allier' can seenIs pro,: sitged by the °Minolta 'stetistics." • • . • Peace Night" arches Ilingland" and the wieds are still;' t. .„ .Yasmine, arid heneYshckle...steep ,the Softly the stilit• that. tit:e: all "tilt.opeN ” fler 'dark with itidianey „ That shadowed Meen:nOW, waxing- in ' the •, • , Strs not a •11'iiin9r itt hpi tranquil scas;• • • Mysterious ',.1eco has lulled her tteit4 • to rest, : • 'Deep etet. , as • theirs) • 136nbattv. he'r• •• ' ..chnvellYar Ifees, •• • , Secure; serene; dti ow tlic.'higlite litovk's theeat;c "„ • - The go 15' luw- thUntler ,- dtvr, •• . • , • Theansztt4411, ptilsing;111 'her stricicon 54dc • • , • All • ie.nt ,Poace, ' itattf4 •• Thiget • " ' , • Pot this: hrr oyrt best *tit brfght t.14'w§l'•ol1da Were, with lAeodY Sw•aat. • . , 'Walter . .t)poititot. .r" •