HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 8• tun LUCKNOW ;8ENT1N18L , h MARCH.:r th� . 3 n d I OR OU IN DAYS'.: OURSTOCK IS L: WE � ARE UFFERiNG' •SPECIAL. PRr CES F... ,..., QUA OPENING. G , ... , STOCK ALL J NEW,* OF GOOD:QUALITY ANDTHE LATEST STYLE,MODERATELYFRICEy;.IT°..IS . ITE' OUR )ESIRE TO STOCK MERCHANDISE SUIT YOUR 'E UIREMENTS. I .L S AND E T N :;- I 'I P A IN' G YO R 'INSPECTION'. SAND ' SIIGGErS O. ,S. OUIt„A M S. TO . , ,lEa . ,,.k, COME, ... AC. UAINTED. 'WE ;ARE LOCATED; IN "THE. ,FORMER TRELEAVEN BOOK ,STORE, : -, OVERA L L• PANTS NTS Here's Value,, medium wei ght, fled Back �..8C ,. Denim, Special..-..-. ... EC WEAR, :... SILK; SILK and WOOL Decidedly different • patt- erns at economy, 'Prices Regular Valueu• 75c S ecia1 50.�c -JUST A. RIVED R V ._ THE ,vrioST' CONSIGNMENT, OF , • TIP TOP'S ..NEW WOOLENS ',FOR , SPRING AND• SUMMER - ONLY' AT TIP TOP WILL :YOU SEE WKE.TH EN -I ;,., SU:CHL . ,'A�BRIES •` A ' GREAT VARIETY OF. :EXCL'U- SIVE NEW PATTERNS, WEAVES AND COLORS. WHY NOT COME IN TODAY AND LET US TAKE YOUR •PERSONAL MEASURE - RENT FOR THE BEST' .FITTING. • BEST LOOKING. SUIT OR ' COAT .YOU'VE EVER WORN '• ' ' , Hand -cut: and tailored to your ...Personal Measurements TIP TOP TAILORS. '"Always. Extra Value in Tip Top ,.Clothes'! 'WORK SHIRTS Big B .:Brand, good duality., Big' and roomy, .blue, • and nal/yr-Drink-Triple 779- . seams.:.Special ,.: C , MENS CAPS A. splendid choice of good •quality. Herringbones and. Pweedis in the newest Spring Shades,' QQ�, Reg. $1:00. Special V TOOKE'S' FANCY: SH TS ��. NEW NIFTY SPRING PATTERNS & SHADOW TONES,,TO:'SUIT TH:E.BEST DRESSED MAN. BILTMORE FELT HATS • IN- MAKING'OUR SELECTION OF HATS WE TOOK INTO••' CONsIDERATIoN :'THE ' YOUNG .' MAN'S : STYLES, AND THE MORE CONSERVATIVE. MAN ,WHO`'WISHES;..'•. - . STAPLE STYLES ,AND COLOUR.: PRICED AT. • '• • •- • - ,sPY' 4 •7s�7 • •; • 'OVERALLS .AND :,:WOR , ; •� PANTS. .• K OUR STOCK lip MOST COMPLETE:'•I'N'THESE LINES, PRICED AT 25 ..1.50 2...5 ' 98 c , $1. $ .: : I• . 1; 75 $2..00. $ 2 A 'GA'101ENT: OUR, BETTER LINES HAVE. SPECIAL, FEATURES,. AND 'THE BEST. FITT_ ' ING ; GARME,NT MAHE. YQU MUST _ TRY''TH ESE ON TO APPRECIATE. i ,Br :.. 25 ear ��Pa ce aces c r Socks ' S .y. WlE CAREY OTHER_LINES.OF PYJAMAS._ SACKS,;_, -HANDKERCHIEFS, ` _.SUSPENDERS, • UNDERWEAR, GARTERS, ODD TROUSERS AND ETC C • LEANING, PRESS:rNG•. aisd REPAIRING. ac ted n Thesformer_Tri av n Book Stor Luckno w Pays,; Tribute To • The Late ' E. S. Caswell ” As,'a boy in Lucknow attending,the old. Methodist; Church, I,' oftenheard. from my seniors : many fine refer-: ences to the Rev. Mr. Caswell and his family He• had been a pastor in n• Y years had the the communit before I, went to Lucknow in 1889. T never, honour of meeting any' of the family but I felt a personal interest in them .. ' •of • hat had -heard, a w bet us I .In, later years' I heard of E. S. aswell, the anthologist at ,Toronto 'and 'wondered; if he•'were connected nith:: that family. Then I read his !otters in ; the ;Lucknow Sentinel- in '1343 • and -on :various occasions since and j concluded from 'them. that E S. ''of:.Toronto. was, the Lucknow Caswell. Having read in your last issue of his, recent' death ',would like ;to express my regard for: `him; especially "in' con- nection ' on-n'ection' with • two 0 things, ; firstly the work he has. done for Canadian liter- ature, and 'secondly, the interest he o always � took :in 'Lucknow w ev en after the lapse of half a century. .I can - understand his often thinking of "the -Sepoy Village"_.for,.in,,., myown .case I think. of Lucknow oftener, than I' do of,any other .town; although it'will be forty years in March,since L..I left it.. and although, , like:Mr. .Caswell, . I cannot claim it.;as.'ny. birth; place ,He_ 'lived much closed • to it than :.I .do :ant!' could: visit' it oftener. His interest ' in it is. shown by a number of article,, from the Sentinel which,' 'have in my "Lucknow scrap. hook7 very infor- mative articles,: replete. with;.; his is information. . I. think it' would he :a great thing if. former Lucknpwites living . in all parts of the world would send in, sim- ilar' letters. Many: of, them would, no doubt,• furnish interesting :.reading Those of .them who are now growing old, should consider it as a sort of. 'duty to give,' the information they have. and which possibly •no' one else has, to . the. editor of the Sentinel who, more than anybody else, is and should be ..the recorder of the. village's his- tory and its 'unofficial archivist. In some' years +:more, .when:. the. villa e its celeb ating-•iits-cen ,inial;-it--nr,g be .a very fine, thing' `to ._gather this data together ' and reprint' it in a pamphlet, Or a special edition; of the Sentinel..-, Some •author might even arise who',would' want' to publish a full sized book about the village and letters :such as those, sent in by E. S. Caswell and., his,,brother • Nat Caswell would be invaluable to, him; • Again, I want to say regarding Mr-Gaswell-suanthology. called `"Can-- adian Singers 'and . their Songs";' that every Canadian:; who .loves_ his ,Country everyone who 'had.: any 'pride in: the. fello literary work'' of his. wcountry, men, ,and every .his : 'who is • a Collectorof "Canadiana" should: have a copy of this. book. It meant a lot• of wont'. in the 'compilation; for every poem in it is- printed:' in . faiinile of the , handwriting of,; the : iuthor and every one, is illustrated by the auth- or's picture. I am; glad the Sentinel has • a 'copy. _: andepe .the Lnckno n publicWillhave one P library wi also So in;memory'.of`.Mr. Caswell, who. though living ,away 'from" Lucknove for half a century, has in :his. interest. • (LOCAL andGENERAL REBEKAH DANCE' You areinvited to sti Novelty dance in the Lt cknow Towle 'Hall, Friday,' Mar;eh 4th, . under :auspices of .newel: Rebekah ' Lodge, Door ,prizes, etc; Music by' McCartney's. Band Dancing' at 9, p,m, Ad'miasion,. Mrs„ L. C, Thompson and Donald • are; spending this: week In Toronto: Mrs. J. W. Gaherty of Chicago is visiting with MisskS. Purvis at Holy- rood. • Shrove Tuesday was marked by the Guild of', St: Peter's Church, , who ho served 'a tastyand Patronized "Daffodil . StuPPer" ; in the ., Tgwn Hall, . AFT1'' .MARCH ST ' bring, in your oldE1coal. oil lamp 1or;:lantern and we will ,allow you $2.00 : on 'a new Coleman , lamp or. lantern. This offer is good forr, a, ;limitedtted time 0 1 , - WM. MURDIE & SON. .• • Br:jce,„,Iohnaton,-<4year-old<:son .of Dr. and MTs W. V . , Johnston, Who> has been quite ill; was taken: to' Sick Children's : Hospital, Toronto on Sun day for treatment ; Bruce' will be con=' fined. to they hospital for "an eiatended period, it• is expected, and his mother' is remaining in the ITC . T- REDITORS :' --ECHOES OF THE -CARNIVAL But -for -v ou--and: 'I-Im- a uite-afraid - N(5'� , CE O -C .... S Y ' 4 and-'••affection-•••-a1-wa s --been a ublic ' : Y }-P h ' M' THURSDAY, ' 31* 1938 Fridayaf and , Saturday/ March & '5 Friday -end Saturday; 'March '11 & 1Z. CELEBRATE ::WithUs�r-Our > 6th ,ANNIVERSAR,Y , AFTER:6 YEARS.SUGCESSFUL BUSINESS DEALINGS, WE' .ARE ,CELEBHI RATING THIS; BIRTHDAY IN WCH WE •IN. TEND TO SIFLOW YOU.,OUR SINCERE:THANKS AND AP - ';PRECIA'r.ION FOR YOU• - • . �.. R MANY KINDNESSES. AND CON I IDENCES ESPECIALLY U i N' T PRE ION • : D:.. � � G HE .DE. SS, YEARS. THA You, N%iS O .. U. WHO; HAVE SO LIBERALLY:GIVEN US' YOUR,:.PATRONAGE., .'TIIEREh1ORE -WE A R E GIVING T $ESE GIFTS;: W 1I� 1.06, :•'.:. . • :` :c. .:.1 •I, ..:i .EACH; I'U1tCH�15E: OF S :HANDKERCHIEF WILL BE GIVE FREE 1T ' 1 ' $ . BOX 'OF. LINEN HANDKERCIiIEFS' WILL BE•3,00: GIVAEN FREE' m leton Turning cold, and' storing on 'Sun- day, the 'mercury dropped to an' official three below early Monday morning and: continued cold during. the day :.' 'Tuesday the temperature shot back'up above the freezing point and rain 'followed on' .Wednesday,', later turning to 'snow, flurries::. IN ADDITION ` TO• our ' regular, stock' of .11/ten's and : Boys' ready: 'made : Suits, we are now taking the agency for Varsity Brand Made-to- ;MeasuCloth re .es You 'may now: upr or=m sui :: o,i--s.re withYour mune, assura ce of ualitY and;'::satisfaction.. These made -to measure suits are priced• to suit ev- , eryone,. from *$19.50 up. Call in ' and: :see our •samples. -B: PEARLMAN. Presbyterian Y : W ti The monthly meeting' of the' Y W. A. .was . held at .the ,home ' of Mrs. (Dr.) Little, with a goodattendance. Mrs., Philip. Stewart, wasin the' chair, and read :'the 'scripture lesson after the.; ..opening hymn. .The..secretary's• report included two letters of thanks from sick .members, who were sent. flowers .Tile, Bibie. study was taken b • 'Miss:Pearle-Heade o f llo. fed Y sn, owed by: a piano- solo`: by Miss _Peggy Mac= Donald; the topic on "Missions" by Mrs. C..IL, MacDonald : and a read= 7-7 BUT�BUIT-�••�AT I •ASSURED OF CHOICE •.t,IUALITY CUTS .FROM SELECTED `YOUNG CATTLE ing' by Mrs.. McCall. After the closing; • the estat., .of John Joynt:•late of the Village •t> ` Lucknow in the County: of Bruce, L;:sporter,; deceased, who died 'on' or, about the: tenth day of Deceni - her, . ,A.D. 1937. are notified to send to �'J, Il Crawford, Win ham,:,..:An-- a. f ' fi ''tw �fth . tario - on be or .e d , or,, ete,, Y of March, cl A D.,.1938. full , particulars of their claiin.'' ' Verified sin writing, xfled .byY statutory... ,.declaration. Immediately . after the said • twelfth day of ',March,' the assets of the said deceased,• will' be° distributed :,amongst' the partied, entitled thereto, having regard only to. the claims of which.'. the executors • ere. The p `. rov. inci a l`.i: s e c' r .e tar, y 's b '..riey.f A b y dro :reference:cam •at.`the end of an address, defending the government''s , proposed compulsorymilk' pasteuriz- ation measure,. befog theOntario .• . Concentrated, Milk Prodaers' sociataon aridthe 'Ontario Whole Milk producers' League.He spoke ins the 'absence'•of PremierHepburn; ' whohad suffered a ''retrrence of bronchial`trouble. Mr. -Nixon promised.regulations -u der tie-com uleorY_nilk_PasSeiriz- ation measure,'to be introduced :at this legislaturesession,."vcuid not be unduly onerous and plenty: of time would be allowed in which they can, he' carried out? He"added,"No undu •exPense will be inilosed Qnanvshall then have notice. • ilATEDat Wingham, this twenty-- first ,.' first day of February, A. 1938. H: CRAWFORD; Wingham, Ont. ''Solicitor for the Executors. b �AA:.rJ, c.Th. 'iA•b L dtiIee. rcsea�bns A dmi nis tra i-x ' NOTICETO CREDITORS IN THESTATE OF' WILLIAM L 'ALLpersons having claims, agsin- st the'-ettate• of WilliamA. Taylor, lateof'the' Township 'of Kinloss in theConnty, of ;Bruce,' Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on 'or, about the'.13 h day of December, 1937 are required: ,to send particulars of 19.37, are Mrs Lucknow,Ont, on orbefore • the 21st, • - `- rs:--Yoveri offered -prayer •If we broke;: our bones and fell: . lila. spirited ' citizen of the village, sT pa, P an,d ,a.nd ,o m sympathy m r his relatives and personal friends. _ WILL FARADAY • . ffer path t Fourfat young hogs were cold as ace logs United`ChurchY‘. P. S. IlYinn446. and therepeating ofAnd toldeach other, it wasn'tnice. . We'd soon befillipg;some fine•"halSald:'one,Iwasnever in Midi astatadogs. a . . g` ',. e . : : •: .`' . _ • . ` • ' , srnce'the.. daY .I ''w.is, 'suck, in theSaid number r three=...,Thetruth y- . , the Lord's'prayer ope,rred the meet=• Angdaradegrriegaattebigdog.was near . Youve stated . _,��_, cidOver the ice withgrace-and char., inS on Mondaynight, with the serif, t ButI wonder'firofh�risantLJuaeN'eera thought offer•armi.ture1as"son.bebeing by Muriel f lk .. • I- •tah ro. u . ' , .m y •re ht--My-heart--;was -going -.to- Perhaps�m-this-•modernage. anddate.And.-let I've heard Solomon Hymn 156 *as then sung S" de Y That being's v Said nu �g . ts e tuber .two Twos a awful quite g rY . 1'. -rid... •. - .., The program- consisted of a solo by... never in. . suchplight.P, • ai• b 'th "h hePigin 'Mot pen yyOld ed And all'' crowd!Y. that , I'm ..mad mad.. . x.. -. . thrbu h.' Heard the- talk with -a Wistful. sigh, g That' everypigshould . learn to skate „ l t d, ,Say .:.,,• /the minute read' .and, d the ' roll 1 called. ova ` then'� you And Peas � v A n human � in ' 'lis ' e e .'..da a I le o c oss the acherou too night, t r s e s ht e t g - h'•reah was ev a • li` Need, never:, eat su'ch'•humble pie" . Arid even'the best of s ates'won't: do.;Fred Wainviright'and the to is"What There must be wings. on, the soul 'to, science . says s of Alcohol",was very Yry fly ably taken by Mr, Tucker. A' couple'' And •nothing but thatcan, oil •' by. Now 'I' think you ' will never of contests were theenjoyed with Yhogs needgo ;hymn 145 andthe MizPp ah'benedic- Ior`the rest of your livesto any show •tion. closing';the • Meeting, g; So run away to your nice straw beds ; - But what i leftfor a ho to o v And though felt; with her .child- . s..: g d ,„ • -They .say • we• are stubborn, Oh 'Fie! • rens rage . If I wasn't so' mad, I'd like 'to cry. If, a human `being should creek. a bone Pr break a • •tooth . he'd ' iv . • tooth,dive , one groan ' Anddoct 1 and dentists.' would 'fly to aid,,. day of March, 1938, •after ;which 'date: e. assets : of�'•the said deceased will. be distributed .having , regard only to claims 'of. which . theAdministratri i x shall then •':have -received notice and ignoring• all ` others. ' ' DATED at'•;'Walkerton W on .this 23rd day: of'. February,,: 1938. OT -T,0 E.••.KLEIN, K;C., sSolici for for the Administratirix, She had the: wisdom that. comes with age,.;,. She toldl them "Your . fears were 'ov errated And never .bother your foolish • heap, So thKinloss Y. ' P. S. �Theres one big fact you haven t About those skatee- nd noore fail' ' 1 stated. . ' To see that the curl in 'in This tail'. The 'regular rirreeting of the South Had o resent in to stare id. ,Y , u the ;p a of m d ,.. � Kinloss ' Y P. ;S. was held Friday You'd' find, in the crowd ;assembled . , there horse: 41 Years 'Did ,. • ' night in•the_basement• of ihe;+church;. The topic f..'..i , Full many"a: one that felt for :your. I• Polly ,a'4iorse owned,by. Waltei. pc or. the evening was "-the - a " -_...0 g anization-a _ And"`f61ks`�t}lat�taik-your. language --1, rruthea�s-ofnear-QVrnghanr,--cele rg „ nd.•Gove�rnmeni of. ,too. brated" her..41st birthday: last week•' our Church". The first'part was: to l'ot of 01 k s f k who d take . , : rice , .. , .. • • ., enb Re .. Mr.,; .Carruthers ,has, owned, the faith- , y v , G. ,Young. Mr. Young:, be-, To venture - out Oft that , eld of ice. . .,.. : .. 'fi Like one of the Pickwicks wh& could= ful old steed: for -Al. Years. gen by asking the question, ., "What is: by" meanta'.' Church". n ska --C u ..Thipa To learn u.h a , " s caught -they d heli If , he is generous . to us he is . a swered by A ,church- •rs a Company . � • • ,, great' guy if, he is enerous to oth- sof . God's believing" -- - 1 g Peoplo on earth:• -But how they-.envy-the,folks who tie • . . .;. _ , .. . . • • Meant Win i " f ere, he us. an •,easy .mark and a •sap; ': He ,then explained .what is meant : gs on the r. eek • and swiftly fly by WHILE IT: LASTS auerkraut,• S, lbs., 25c e Ifr hest Cash -Paces fo Hides and Skins Y 8 - . tE .Butcher HES Y. 'PHONE 41,' LUCKNOW • 3a-"Presb erian•=- rch" -The- ' art-HYDRO-TOBECOME AVAILABLE -"Presbyterian:-Church", Ghu P IE taken' by the esston • Pr sb tery ' « �' y � a Y. . TO 2 SUBSCRIBERS A' MILE' Synod ' and • Assembly in the' govern Ing of the church was explained in'a. veryinterestingmanner.' Weare look. ing.fo'-'nward_to fu. r the r_tallk s on these sub s• e subjectsA apery MissD.Mac- Leod .on.-the acLeod.on-thesecond 'part of the topic , Th•e Responsibilities. of a Crot 'Member"; was •enjoyed by all.This showed uswerY.clearlY, the Part', we, as church membersshould-take-•the life .:.of tir Church and- con niunitY, The next meeting is ,Under • the lead ership of Miss D.MacLeo ..Th topic "The Bible asa Picture Gallery"•. , UnitedChvr h 'Evening. Au Auxiliary .(Intended For La t ...ek; (..Id el st'.V�e ).,. The regular monthly Meeting of Evening.: Auxiliary' was 'held .-cin 'Wednesday • at the home of.Mrs. H. Algin. The chair , was .occupied .by' N. McCallum and the: ,usual opening w exercises ere' followed by a 'reading ,by Eva Greer Community singing j wa • enjoyed' .after 'which' the: topic 1sPi .• from, -the. -Stud --'Bodk wa- i- -=by Y s ven - Y g Miss I. Murdie. in eetin ,was closed with' a hYmn and tha repeating, Of ef ,NhizP ah Benediction: The Maroh meeting.h will. -be eld:t athe tonne me Of Mrs. 1: C. •:MclClab'with •Mrs,• K. Murdie• and Mrs. L C Thom .son •mu Provincial. rovincial: Secretary Nixon o, n fore- cast ore c st in' 'a address recentlythat "as. •_= i�evemics-permit'-th Ontar-•overri meahoped to revisethe . resent `three: subscribets.a mile". -provision : folrural hydro.servi e. Theovgrn_ , absorb the extra costand servicei would be available w es there were only twosubscrib- . responsible' for she program. • • one. .