HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 6...•••4.d...•.•••••••••••••••••.'
61- .
COfrimentarY 0,0 the
HagMights of the Week's Ne‘sit • .
• IT 19 WRITTEN: lie: Meant!. What
• he,:sayei-does Herr 'Adolf Hitler. The
Fnehrer, told the World sevetafyaers,
nger when he wrote "Mein Kampf"...
• (My' Struggle), the Starr Ofhis life
and his amhitioap, for Germany, just
.;ivhat ho Planned to 40, with Europe
• btiga he get going. His February coup
Ii Austrla, to ahl intents and purposes:
aanaiting% that . state :.needn't have
-,startled-us-,--At was all written In the
. „ , . ,
• , honk'. Aeq, it we,. want AO know: What •
the 'book::
tehls us that too:
treipendeps.%,.'•#.ebanary :
sPeeCh• he Nazi-,
•„ tOreign: iiolthY,.','Obecke• with everything
that;; 4k 4-0 ,41.to.previousiy. said. .
%Hitler is nicely on his 'Way:: No,tii,
• Ing 'Pan 1607 stop A hie proposed drive
, . ,
-A 'against Czechoslovak a • the Balkans
, • .and the Ukraine, except strong pressl
• *-- • •,.•-dieriFirertgal'frora-kiwardet,y'lli=e4"(ireirFA
•• ..ocratic,r countries acting in concert.
. A glachriy outlook indeed, because
. the: last thing in, the weridthat can
he said et the IdemocraeieS is that '
, ,
they are Untied. in--prirpese.--- 7
• THE SHOW GOES ON: During the
,:•Franco-Brusiden war the people of
Fetid continued to flock to the thee-
- • .
• tres of . that . ,great • ,metropolis for
• .")....antirseniant,,f.Th.v.ontertotimpiit
.; busi-
n�s 'boomed *as inen and women did..
.utnieat to...forget, Or their' leis:
,ares.,hottr.s.•,the:: battle 'trent .and 'the:
•' h'9,r,r.Pr# fit conflict: •:,„,. • ,, •
• A/14,".dekvii,' Ifirciiigh. !Astor?' It has
.been the: sarne. The show has gene
•,:nfl, . *Ugh. tb..e enemy be haminering.
at, the. gates.,, , .‘•••
IliT,Madrict "theatres' .are pack=
• ed "O'VerAYI Wight .f Citizens of Spain's'•
• laPittit;";111Ving:Wherettlelitli may come
''•'; • "'” •ftdl in the,- iineviea." .* ' •
• .._1 ,.' ' 4 ' I. :!.., • ,',, ...., 'I' . i. ' •
'Ttg,SEA)Etqa: El0Dlr: ' .Dr':' 'Frederick-
:•••Ilitiiting,`' dieepierer ' of the; Indulin
. treatiiiiiii of .cliebetea'and 'chief at. the .
Banting:LInstit.de at.Toronto,:has• been-
' 'mined '••tod-head' •.4.-,C,onunittee .which
will :undertake, the Jah-of ':cOi.relatiag:
, ill MetliCal. 'research in Canada, tindof.
friaking:It::;44Y4fiabla:,' 'te, ,thede,-. eon-
' per,0_,.._Thet..c.dininittee;4aCting_tinder,..
"" sPiCee Of .the Oational• Research
, Conti it of Canada, will see to it that
44eures": for cancer.,,and; other- dread'
diseased- "undergo 'thorough ,inVestiga-
• tion.'e,,, !: • - .. : •
LENTEN SPIRIT: - :Doing :without
., eigarettea. for ,. Lent? 2 Candy ?,•••1.,G.uM ?.:
The .0i'itlintrier pally • Star, Went', the '
Peter Randall
. ,
rounds of the clergymen„ both
ohic and Protestant In that city, foaa4
all tohe agreed thatdenying. oneself'
• pleasures 'during Lent means only a
. partial ohsarvance.: Pt the, Lenten
: Toronto 'ministers • -expressed • very.,
similr views. , one: "T4orgi isa
-.definite place - tor the Lenten season
'in• -*Well, we. should seekaieeper Cen•
pee,ration of ot. lives." Againi....'„"Self-
jp- worthleas, 41nleas. "practised
as 'a djSdiplingry M'eastire '?.. • • • ,
., INDIA WARNS: : As well As .a.dom-
ostie. at:houae, Great Britain Is
'facing trouble•' the,.Mediterranean',...
.Egypt, Paleatine,. the Far East. .And•
now a. civil -disobedience ! Caimpaign
threatens in Indian. „•, •
Suhhas Chandra ..f:leSe, -radical , Na-
tionalist, opened the 51st session of
'*"•th'r Indian-Eceigress'-party-lastA-week7-
• .
took over from'. Gandhi the.ilight.for
Indian' independence, . "Our goal," de,
: elated, Mr.*. Bose, •'14ii, .an independent •
Intlia ,and; in My. "View, the, goal can,
-•-he'attained only 'through a "federal ire,'
pnblie wherein the provinces, and
states will be willing partners,"
, •Attacking the fndian federation ;ha
•contirmetr: "We have to fight thesfed-
eration by legitiinate, peaceful
means, but In the. 'last resort,: we,' may
'have to turn toniass civih tlisobedr:
lende." ' • .
.SET: .• Did, you •
know' that in tile: Past Acouple - of. years, •
or even rtionthe; there: has ,grown.iip
in England a set of ProGerreiiii
tocrats Who exert, a :tremendous In-
fluence on British policies?, : Headed:
by Lady 'Neap' ;Astor,' the • clique,
important :government
sA--- e r -wee
end.. conferences at the gorgeous -As-
tor estate,' th§ :fiankn.
of • the', river Thames .above Windsor.'
Plans -at • ferrahlated at -these week-
end -parties,. so, far-reaching in their -
consequences that the. set had ',COMO'
to be:. known as :Britain's • Second
Foreign Office.".:The London 'ITimee,7,,
owned by the;;Aetors; Itad several oth-
er • powerful neWipapera.,in GrCat
den" 'set.: ' ..'•, , •' •
• • ,Lord Halifax,• who immediately. on
Anthony' .:Eden's : resignation
.•frem. the.. Foreign.' Secretaryship. was •
mentioned as successor Is One o •
the 'set's leading Hghts. He adinires,..
Ilither,..wants triendehip, .wIth • 'Ger.
rean:y, and :revere extending financial -
eredits: to the Relch..• • ' • • .
Blaine Britain:and France
BARCELONA: -The• Spanish Gov-
. einnterit this week bitterly blamed
, the, "Hands ',off " Spain". ,policy apon
. Pored ..bY.,;Great., and France A
• for :the 'evacuation of Teruel by the
drive of ' the Republican
reopS could not overcome the •accu-
mulation of • German ,and Italian 'war.
inat,eilalHemPloyed--br ,the • insurg-
ents,* they, declared, "profiting by
. the advantaged asinited;thenr•hrongh,,
the policy of neir intervention, which
.can now inseribe. aMong its victories
theeVacuatien Of '
, •
Credits For Italy
•• LONDON. -The Daily Herald said
: this week that it "learns that .the
Beard .Of Trade secretly negotiate()
an agreement -Aivh,erenn-der-ItalY•will
recei%0 , dabstantial.,eredit froni,
• Br-44in:-. •
'41 -The ItalinRs-are-in-4.7ericlow-Wait7--
ing. to sign,?". the newspaper continu-
'-ed. : "The credit., Will net .be in the .
farm Of, a, loan but a guarantee back-
: ed- by .an export 'credit indemnifying'
, ,Britilih exporters from any .possible
•••-"TOSSei-affer substantially
]tahian.purchases of.. British goods;
• "In the first instanc'e the• -guarantee -
...Will Cover credits totalling £5;000,-
090 to £l0,000,000 -(S25,000,000 to •
$50,0,00;000).: • •
.;-111obi1ize Opposition
VIEN.INIA..-Leaders qf. AUtrih'S 7
eutlaWect SOcielist.inoVement met list
, weekend at BratislaVaacrossthe
CZeehosio.vekiltn'border and rdielved .
to etipp,o'rt Chancellor Kurt' Schuseli-
• nige against the Nazis. •
. .Next Nazi- Ambiticn
believed two of'
, their pThain ambitions would be :real,
ixed.by the ,titne. Chancellor Hifi-6r
Mussolini in Rem& early •MiXt
•'1VlaY,,-,•repotts an authoritative des-
• , 'patch': They,,are:
• 1... That " Siideten
• Cernians ' in Cechioalovakia,will 1,6.v• b.;
been .Completely, Nazi fied and Will lie.
• • to Oeirnany what , the free city of
• Danzig and. the 4u,strian '.republic
'ne•W: are ' •1 - „
2.Tht Gethmny WilI haVe regain-
• ed het colonies, - •
Foreign Policy Change Likely ' •
Pritne Minister Neville
Charnherialies 'virtual 'Abandonment
of the league' of Nations in the'Brit-
_istrifouse of ' Commons hit§ caused
rano. to Consider a new course of
foreign ifolicy, including a _closer nl-
' hence. with Soviet Russia.
For United Front
WASHINGTON. -Secretary of In-
terior Harold L Ickes in an unpre-
cedented broadcast to Great Britain,
appealed sfor 'strengthening Of the
world democratic front to beat' down.
the 'threat of fascism and commuw•
at all icosts." • .••
_ •
plea; which, was rebroadcast
' throughout the British P. -Linke,. Was
. regarded especially significant • 'in
view of the Governmental crisis in
,London and Prime Minister Neville
-Cluirriberlain'a hope 'for a four -power
alliance involving'. Britain; France, '
:Gerinany and Italy.
I •Spectacular Fire
'TIMMINS.-The Mostspectacular
fire in the -history of the town, threat-
• ening at orie stage to Wipeout an en-
tire -crown -to -Wu business .black, last
•• week' destroyedthe Sem Bijeovetskr •
department stare with a loss of half
75-Friillion dollam,„ and caused injuries..
to. a dozen spectators when two plate-
glass windows. blew, °award' With ter-
rific . The most badly -injure •
by glass 'and: flainps,was 'Maurice pAl.
Covetsky, brother of:. the proprietor.
• Denounce ,Fascots ,
OTTXWA.,-"Rentesentatives of the
four *politicalparties in the Tionie of
..Commons last week denounced the
aims of the. Fascist . *moitinent.. in
Canada:, • • - '
The a,nmiuncernerit ' from. Montreal •
that the "Fascists intended to entest
eleetions in ' Federal.. eonstituencies.
immediately .040 the *question of
the legaritvot •such actiOn;
• Walking Qn'Eggs •
PIZATIA.HThe COyerninent onfi
catcd i number -of Czechcialevakian
nOwspapers this Week 'because :they'
printed artieles 'criticizing Adak „Hit- '
ler's Beiclistag 'speech.' • '
The ,actiOn WaS • taken to indicate
that the Government desires to Maiii-
tain the tamest reserve in the preS,
e,tit situation and esPecially Wants to
avoid' any' fi:ietion With Germany., • •••
Fropt"„ nieVement" in IdelenTs
1,011--year-o1d, Parflarnerit, the Alth-'•
' ingE is gaining•greund, z. • •
, reeling in favor of a union ttmong
the' three Cortimutlist deputies in the
Oiling', the 'world% 'oldest legisla-
• tint,' and the eight ociSi • Democrats
again has developed. The project.
Wit 'first iiretight, up IR protracted
discuisious after,lest June's elections,
0 00 Chinese
10,000,000 Have Fled Home S In
. Areas Occupied by' Japanese—
Horrible Atrocities Seen.
.0"AU appalling picture of Mass, Mis-
ery is given in; figures released . at
Phine, last week, by the
Central .Emergency Relief Commie-
•sion, the official organization for en -
Ordination of War relief .work.•
The commission estimates that
1C;000?000 fled from their homes in.
areas occupied • by the Japanese and
made their ilaY into Interior
ces, where 5,000,000 are destitnte
,and near, starvation., They are cared
for by Offidittr•br privatecharitable
'organizations.: •
.,-Refugcee ijardiddiNg .
Most of.these refugees are -housed
:in ' temperary-,.,ShAcks„ ,dehipidated
,.buildings and • roofed compounds.
They are enduring terrible=hardshipe:
The 5,000;006 Others have been able
to support themselVei or find accOrn-
"'iodations. with relatives or friends:
- --Alitliehtio-ateUriaMes• of '-ilmost"
unbelievable Atrocities, • perpetrated
by Japanese Soldiers at Wusih„ Wu-,
'hn, Nanking, Tsining,- 'Taiyuan ,and
,Other cities are ai1ing the..effoAS Of,
the Publicity Ministry to inform the
Chinese in the AirioccuPleil areas ,of
thelprrors of Japanese priquest.-
Victims Buraed *Mite ,
:The niinistry is now' iriapping-
newcainpaign more thoroughly • to
. spread • knowledge of Taiieh ineidents
as the burning alive of roped groups
of Chinese soldier- claptives, after their
'•clothing had been saturated • with
gasoline and ihe killing by slow tor-
ture of husbands and male relatives.
of assaulted women,
. It is exnectdd the ieftigees from
aread• of future Japanese' occupations
wilt r6ach;--celossal ponortionsam-
.ountin_ t• I '
fj ' 41
cientist Lists
SimPlicitt and Plainness Keynote
of Sugoesbons Fin -Satisfied Lim-
ing—His Panacea Called the
"Goal of Social PfOrt- '
.. Placing himself in ,the, posit.lea Of "a
scientific trUptee. for the hingen.' spe-
cies, : Who Is Making A:ro,agh. bill
.,opeeitientiope,'deplreble ;forsatis-
faction of Man," Del Thorn -
•...dike, director 'of, the 14040:deter Ede,'
Cationale.Researeli• . at . Teachers': 'Coll-
ege t". Ne.W •Yorict has pi'epared a hist
of 36 • provisiOnd -for '44,4 good life." In-,.
'Making 'public his :panacea, ' Which' W.'
'the gee), Of:Sea:10i effort," : Dr.,
*Tlabriulike eninhasiZed that '"Iite May.
'be and siinplc et,14 still provide
all Of there:" .• A ..,
• Ond.esirable Wants,
Fie declared' that , "all could be at-
eniirses:, carketeriee; ,elotbee: ',Other
than ono sUnpl national costume,
pallrean 'cars, and. beauty 'parlOrs,',. and'.
even or Automobiles, bath -tubs,
t'lc and'.racklo sets; desirable as
they are. Many-luXuries,' he • added,
•'"satisty .only undesirable: wants *Which
havebeen created by the environ-
ment, Often by •conimercialized forces, •
and Which' do no .good that •is• not ,
done:- ninch better- by. tar • 'simpler
,• • • "
. •
• What We , . .
The provisionsineltided• the tolloW.: •
• •.•1„..Maintenance Of the'jnner causes
Or the •7joy of living: at or 6.100 their
present 'average: . • .
2. t
whien sty.
oird..wlrn .h.ting.ry;:, and; drink
3. A diet that is Physiplegically
, •
ro, cc on againat' pain causing
animals. -
• '5:- Protection 'against • .disease -caus-
ing organisins.
2 62 Protection or insurance ,...against
aecidentid and •disasters, as
,floods; earthquakes, 'wars :for.' which
:the 'pensOnin question Is not respon.
7. Protection -I:against extreme
fears,- and strains.-
• ' /3,SoMei'' room or place.,:twhernrlia
can •resOindiaturbed,:protected .from.
the •• elements ...or ::from,-, 'Uncongenial'
' .
9.. .E.n.JOYable: bodily :activity, etpec7
: Ially when, young. ,. •-• •
• 10: .'Enjoyable mental 'activity,
cluding esthetic pleasures.: • , • • .
• :it., Opportunity 'for human society, •
1.2.:1.4:ip.pcirtunity„,for-tourtship, love
and life: Mate- .;
arid will give welfare agencieS, a bur-
den lor, which it is realized their re-
sources" are .distressingly inadeqUate:
Canada's Overseas
Critics Rebuked
British T� Quarters.fereSaid to Object
ri.ge ;on kmoris
LONDON, •Eng, -Sir T. Hewitt
Skinner, :president /of ;thitc?"Canadian._
•Chamberi of Commerce. in . Great: Brit.,
ain,.relniked "certain quarters in the
United Kingdom" who imPly. that' a
large proportion of Canadian goods
entering the British market are nat.
of •:•Canadian l- origin- becanae-,-they,-.are
the prodnet of capital invested in the
Deminionby; other,. countries.
Jn his presidential •.address -at_ the
annual meeting, of the Chamber Sir
Hewitt declared: • ' ,•. _
', 7
Whispering 'Injurious •
."It is certainly not • conducive to
goodwill and 'good fellowship 'for .a
continual whispering campaign to be
directed against ., industrial Canada
and the chamber takes a veryseri-
ous view of the •attitude adopted." '
Sir 'Hewitt admitted that certain
goods enter the. British market froml
Canada which, in the view of United.
•• Kingdom .manufacturers, are compe-
such gooda would Otherwise be im-
ported from • her. countries, and
Sulphur Compoun
'Destroys Virus
ewlY-Diacavered Chemical Is
First In History of Medicine
to Accomplish This
• Discovery
the theoun
history•of Medicine effeetiVeintreat-
ing a virus; disease, Was announced
last week in Science. . .
• Flu and infentilexparalysis are ex-
amples Pf.,:human •viruses, ;The new
.Cliemieal enters distemper, an,oanimal
virus, and ""cracks • the iee". for the
first time for the himuin field.- •••
Human Possibilities Yetr Indefio0o
The announcenient was made byA.'
R. Doehez, the man Whofound. the
Slantez. • Their Workwas dime at the
College Of Physicians and 'Surgeons
On a. National:
• 1;4.40 Coast Network
and the Presbyterian Hospital, New;
York City.
The new.drug is sodium. shlfanilYl•
, it, is a- distant chemical
'relative of sulfanilamide, the new
"wender medicine"' in ,...the germ dis-
ease world. It bus cured distemper
' in:dogs •cats .arich 'ferrets 'almost 100:
1 perceTh iee:ati humana.aro
ie., s iab 1. el, ipe roefd Tni leeWy
are not ruled out by anythingIfound
in the experiments to date.
Ins•ured for $300;600;a stamp. cot -
lection was provided a .police escort•
' when It arrived in London recently:
'there: id no 'reasonwhy, theyshould
not come from Canada, he maintain-,
•• Objections Useless
if British customs and txcise. offic-
ers accepted. Canadian goods as;'qUali-
fled for Imperial preference in gel:
cordance With'. the, requirennerits,. of
law, nO:useful purpose could be serV.
ed in alleging-thatthervirere-notTlie-
sal ,
Jblcomiths had their chance when -
tobacco was reported to be cheaper
than cabbage in Czechoslovakia.
370,000 Worth of Smiles Here
Impertinent Question
, , .
. A California lady who"shot her' bus -
band . is unable to' give a,. reason for
her e'ct: It never occurred to her that .
somebody Might ask. -Brandon Sun: •
1.4nderS.. Are Losers •
Montreal, Man Will. have, to Pay
ten • thousand dollars 'becanse. of an
accident caused- ny' another .man who
Ira, borrowed his car.' This lending
business, whether of:'• books, garden': ,
tools, advice, or autos, has:neVer.been
it paying •game -Brantford Expositor.'
Divided We Fall
:•There is more than a grain of trith.
In the observation hjr•-the Detroit Free .
Press than 4.ritter-a-ahert-20 -years; .
the 'allied powers that. 'defeated Ger-.
Many find themselves on the defensive
becanse :they 'did not stanktegether-
in neace as they did: in warr-,:Strat-,
ford,i BeaCon-Herald:
Foot -Note '
According to a Cleveland shoe deal-
er, women's feet during' the 'past ten
Years • have •increased- .hy two and a
,half sizes. • it remains to be seen if the •
:ladies are, growing larger , me,
treinities Or if their new demand for
-Lfreedem-Lineludes-Insiatence Car'-inore
rOom for :the feet. -Teronto Telegrra.
Prison System Needs Reform
Sit Samuel Hoare; Britain's Heine
:Secretary, has a Bill In preparation
which he hopes and expects wihl reVo-
. . . • • .
, .
• ardeli*A'S stire viniThrs in the famous Toronto Derby,":ttese three. 'pots' eti were in court and heard'
'thetrielvei doeribed es'gentline' Claimants along with,ohe 'Other: Two other women stililiopo to participate in
the 'split; but gotlittle comfort from the bench. .The Millar estate 18 said to arnetint• to about $000,000. now,
Ond•„if tett „split it they will gqt $125,000 'each,' Left to tight are Mrs. Antile.-Staithr Mrs. Lucy Tiellech, :and
. Mrs, Kathleen Nagle,. The fourth likelypartidipant K.rs,Mrs, Kathleen Nagle, The fourth likely .participant, gts,
• ' Isabel Maclean.. did; 'hat'1.13tear . , •
, ,
lutioniie prison ;life in that country.
-l1ts4dainleNedt-ii •
help to keep ihe young out of;,prisoni
to prthege the. persistent Offender from,
hlieself; to develop reformative Mau:, •
ences :in. prison life, It will' be ,
esting, not only in Britain but in Can-
ada:as well, to see lust, whht 'Sir Sam-
uel hap •in.mind and to watch the • pro:
gress,of 'fits Bill. For the penal system
,Canada, all will agree, is sorely in
need of reform. ,At preset* the system
here seems to he making new Crirain-
nli9natea-ii of -reforming .the old. ,--:-
COrnwall Standard -Freeholder.°
• .
Just bow. serious the glorification
of. Modern:athletes-had beeonie in its;
Ulu -mate effects, is still a speculation.
But it is, the goal, unfortunately, Of
to many of the lounger people who
enjoy:sport hut are likely to become
discouraged: at grelack of outstanding
•ability.' The widest poshible tartielpa-
:Hen for the greatest number possible'
,w.otild be a more laudable aim; The
siprofessional athlete mikes- his own
choice of a career; And no. one, Coulil •
quarrel .:wifh'it. But If ihe. trend con-
tinues of bolstering the lafluence, anrl.
itabortance of the Spectator is againat,
the participant, . it will not be ••. tot,'
healthy a one for sport gOerally: -
Hamilton Spectator., '
g, h tFeonrin gw
eirr: SOnth Val* Provides
' gets to Hold, Them, Doily
A clause providing : for the 4ingot,;t -
speed-44gOY.eraOrs" on "road hoge".• •,
cars !e Part of an anlencliAlii, to the
' Motor Trafile Bill, passed 14 the NO
.'South Wales legislativa Assembly.
The 1.19w/ 1)ill introduces a speed
limit of 30 an hour in
• up", areas. In other streets the dri-
ver 'Will be guilty of .an offence if, he
exceeds ,50 miles an hour 'unless, be- •
on prove that his speesj.,,,was not: • ,
datigLerQUS. ' 't •
'Governors" (Jn Carburetors
Regulationsin ethe new, hill. riermit-•7-
magistrates to. order thp .fixing of
"toveraers". to the. carburetors: of
cars to prevent "the exceeding Of the - •
speed- hand by motorists, who have .
'13Pn q9,1:1Victed of Offences normally
entailing disqualification froni
a; lieense. The use Of "pc; Vern -
ors" will only be introduced, it is
• stated, if -they are founcl :to be ef
feetive. '
License Disqualification •
The bill provides that a personwho
drives under; the-influence.-otliquor , -7
or 'a a • drug,' Or who fails to stop
' after an accident, will be li1le to .
'a- fine not exCeeding $106 ($400) • ort
12-inonthP' imprisonment or hoth. A.
driver conviCted of •any such offence.
or ot driving, furiously or reckless- •
ly or in, a manner dangerous to 'the•
•publie, On his first cenviction will be
.'6disqual1fied train herding a licence
for 12, 'months or longer, and ,for
second , offence within five years dis-
qualified •for,, three years or longer. r
Regulatiens are to, be -introduced
to compel cars to stop before enter-
ing a main road from "Side streets. •
-704- FIO-o-d ;Control, POI4cy..
The preblein • of freed 'control IS net
• Wieldy an 'engineering Probletn, it can
be :solved only: by co operation , and.
"concerted act1ox by. two factots-efl-
. gineeringi and fbrestation. . For years,
the :people. of .Ontatie*.seem to , have
been doing .their.beet to turn. the face.
pf the land into something of the na-
ture. of a concrete pavement. They
have „beedircutting..away the forest$7,.
W.at *Eta' left Of tliem-and draining
:swamps; tike sole object seems to have
been to get rld of the water. :And now
at long last -they have had „warning
forty years ago -they '' are: • idewly '
t,ahviolagkentniun::t •,,tboe, (,,t
...,, don
EngineeringWork will be needed,
as forestation is a long distance
fro,' and , exceptional:. Weather' 'condi-
.' tions.are liable to anise flooda'at any'
time; but the tilittnate. solationof the
-proldeni: hles Iti holding the Water. In
the land -which can he :done' only by
.:providing the COii'er given by forest;
and swamp ' • • .
It Is to be hened' the Ontario' gpv•
...ernMent Will,socin,'"see.the light" and
embark On an •aggreirsive policy •et.re
.We're leratiOnar And Supine''
Altthe peabeful forces. -of the World
beve 'acted 'es it they 'were, utterly Im
Potent te.,'etop One eation,•not a verY.
Strong one at that...,,Oiir 'own case is
We instruct thellritiSli
taryebiliftander,at Tientsin, With 700
Men. 'behind hint,' to • reieet the Jan,
anese 'fiernatid to ' enter the .Britidh.
Coneeisien, there.- No npeelit the'.eer:
thirf-rialc. that it-"mbans, Wee' if..3ADAa'.
tries, '‘Vd•,.tnake ft Plain that we Will
defend.' I-I.ong Kong, a pesition We do
wet retude., ta• adopt although that
equalty they rnean War4.• Yet we Wili •
'not ...iv:operate With, si timidier Of oth-
•or powerful eettritrioe' • in imposing.
SairetiOns 11*.d1l)81 jitiM110.
we knoW .1apan'WOuld rtvo to
call the wer..Off if tie,' wore ini•posed..-
We Will net. eXeilange gttriitotjf.
tooluol '46Si:stalle0 'Vvitli.;etii•er.
flitI0nt, tflduthj the ridic et Joeii .(10'
'tiding to attaelt.,..half. the. world. *•ia,
inanifeatly les q' than the.ridk. that she
vIflettaek a stogie Wien,. Other nit,
Head areeqUally.'40(itional and, iip
14 midon. Daily tteraltt
With Bugler
Army 'Generals: tJnable. tb Find
Mechanical 'Gadget to.
Replace Him
Science may be 'changing the Ways
of war,: but the 'IL'. S. army admits
Aheres-one military institution 'here •
to stay ,for a long; long!'time-the •
Generals never ,have -figured', out a •
mechanical gadget . to take the: wind,
out of the bugler's Claim tb fain
As•a result, the army is fuss a ut
:its buglers'. Just any fellow,i•Who
a music,A1 urge can't become one.; He
• must •go to school from, four months.. ,
to a year and •then keen practicing;
"Thila LiP,1ileeded •
' Legends ,about *buglers. are count-
less, and many of the teeters have
. become ferrous:- -- '
Sergesine W. T, :Thigairne, who
wrote the bugling bible4=4The Army
Bugle"-hintthat buglers are born
not made
' The ideal ,type, he says, IS a fellow
with; thin lipd and even teeth Who has
certain amount of lung power
,,,:,33t1thAargeLlips,,ire adds "labor -under
great difficulty. '
Central Ontario
Highway Mooted
Proposal .Is To Develop Highway
, Between Sarnia and ,Ottawa
Several ..Western : Ontarici
paiiti�s . are considering' a Proposal:.
that the Oretarie', Government deVelop •
a Central Ontario .highWay••frpti Aar::
. hit( to Ottawa to shorten the road dis- „
• elide saritirhat, ' '
--Hon near larger cities along the pres-
ent . . • I
ThisPrepoialis Separate 'entirely'
from the One originating in the Board
Of Trade at Stratford this Year for
:short-eut route to : Bartle from the
Michigan .herder points through that
city, Arthr rind?: Orangeville.- ''• •
-• • To shorten Distitiee -
Sarnia'a Chainber'ef Commerce has.
been:APprOacheci with:a .View tosUp,
the: inove." • '
• The ,route Proposed' for the central
Ontario 'highway to Ottawas through:
London,. St. Marys, Elginfjel,Mitch
Crangeville..-: and ',Peterherotigh,
Under' .this proposed' xnute ''however •
the. highway from Blginiteld• through .
and. Pain:lei-sten
Weald, be .quite a detour froni n direct
route..through ,Strattord to Arthii':
jva,n. The Teirib4
:Deaths Revetiled.
Age-melloWed Hata of ,victims be4
headed by. Tfaii. the Terrible,"s execti..
tionera in the, Vali tenturi heett
found in SeViet Russia..
Professor „Vcseldvslty,krePOri g en
research • into the " lists, ••erlid they
Would . Prove valUablein showing the-
iroubles of tho',poried; names of
,the Victinis weide ,,preSorVeci:hy
's,tcik where -masseS Were :said fors
thorn ,On otderA.
'•A, 'Irian fti 13Otiloktlef Prance, hi y,f
birth dertifieete itia fire and an,.
•plied, for now On(C., Which wasduiy
„issued, but-kw:vas otheially reg1P-1
teie&Tfaft a "female",and. now 'he
ca't'ket Married 'Wimother: birth ,
tealfleate is issued. •