HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 5•"-,`«:, ' 0 A • tyl rivisr.A.F; MAWR PM, X938 I SI TgE Livamply, mown!. • Lyceum Theatre NoiriGtiAm Show •Starta• At8, P.M., 'TburdsyFrida,, Saturday 1/iAlliCH .3-.,4. 5 JANET GAyNofri, RosEwr,..TAYLO Sittall'ilown -Girl, „ ,,„. 'rlie screen adoption of.'the reid 'Satureley Hie" Sing Post 'story, starring two of(' 'AIBO, • "NEWS". -Monday ii;tietidaY, Wednesday: .MA1(11.7.479 • JOHN. BOLES. ; . JACK .OAKIE . , .,.FigbtF.rY�irLdy A. g&70 •roiui*tic 'o.at'edy of ;crossed- and. denible- •..eresisd ,svieitIssarts. . Alla °BRIDAL GRIEFS"- '.. "DIJMBS' (Edgar. Kwedi4 ., -"RHYTHM. DV; A • NIGHT.:COURT4' , 111111111=11111Mil DISTEMPER, 1 1111(0110EN 111,11,16", bare Met their master ZEV.-;««made by the Mak« ere ,of Buckler', Mixture. , • Stricinneo..Lsioultry -rersretc.,. Vrhirisesse. •Th • ZEV mar sit Is positively • "sure fire relief for all. respiratory • diseases in horses, cattle, sheen, pigs, • .befiltry ••Vid dogs. It is amazing -how• ' Weackir it gets results in•the inost stub - bora cases. To fact,we-guatontee ZEV « garde. in. day or two what it took old.' fathioned remedies a month to do.. 'Pet • Osor See..Stock sae ZEV at , AT A. .8 'atiumis • IOAKG S I Lt . ; aimmommani ; Patterioe. Of I.;uckno,„!.. ispt Saturday with' bliss Reba Mar - Mr:; and /Ira. .T.' Tiffin: of White- : 'chili -eh, spent Sunda); with Mr.. and Mrs Wesley Tiffin. ' . . Mr. and 'Mts. V., „Emerson .speri! Sunday With Mr. and' Mrs. R. Stew • - •• • • ' • sari Mr. and Mts. Russel•Rithle of new Ripley spent . Sunday with Mr. and MrsRTiffin P 0 R' LOCALS DROP ExpiBrrioN oAmA TO; B11131110 7-3 A Visitort(•Pile Up 4 -Goal Lead in First Period Before Locals,' .Idle. For Ten - Days, Get Going , Pickno*'' el3CYs,' -eliminated -10 day p previous 'from the. .W.0«,1;1.3A,. teolc. on the Drumhe 'team ••in ;an exhibition' gaMe. 'here on PridaY night,' -when' the visitors ' wilked'.off , with 7 to win. The SePo,Ys show - red .the• effects of :their . laYoff and playedi very ineffective hockey dur- 'ing, the first,period When the, visitors; rammed home fOnt goa1 Withaut :reply. •" , . Eaeh tealh.ePered h: goal in. the 'second 'frame,: that,: saw the •locals _much. '..iinpreVed. and 'in the. third 'frame, they bottled «up. DrUmbo for the 'greater part of the period,, -scor- ing two goals,: but: brumbo .1;!roice away for a similar n'emher, •leaving .the. final. count McCormick :Sctired Lecknovei first goal; "Tobby"' Greer:Who. fifes „them from the left•side, but who has. been ,playing rightiving'all•seaSon; moved into .centre in the: third; period; and got .hiniself two gealS, second. One an assist by- ThoMpsou.: Drumbo, group. chaMpions in the Ontario Rural Ilbckey ,AsseciatiOn by ,virtue • of 8 straight -Wins- 7ere tossed out ,of the playoffs ,.for using an 'ineligible player. They are a big, heavy teain,' who play their position 'well and. use • the .•,fOrward: passing ,attacks to advantage.' Kenneth ,cain-i eion,a. local boy, ;•laekeil: geed on the • Drumbo defense, and into the bargain snared. a couple •of goals. • •Lucknow. Were, without the services. of Cordon, ,'IBill.11endersckand Bil1Jewttt In the latter ense bietre't Charlie ,Su is i ed.' for iU LiChnovi-,..L«e`Goal; • Tinlaysonr • De- fense Bei*. and Thompson; C. Jewitt centre.; Wings; MacDonald, 'Greer; . . „Alterdates7-3.. Fisher, centre; ,wings, 1VIeCernrick ,and Sotomoir; TreihaVen, ('-atrieron and, 'Harris. ' - . .1. ii„,03FAL IleckeY 'fans • got ;their :first Peek at ledies' hockey liere•on Monday in a' tussle between the Ripley' and Luckriovi girls, that ,preeceded the •• • . Juvenile game , . ' , Ripley scored .the lone :geal, Of the I • ^ • "genie -a -early' the -fitit• felled :and. sueeedec,1 preteeting their .rscani lead throughout. .The a took,- he engageinent qpite,seriOusty and their. .efforts, and .spills'• preVided..plenty of funt and,'-,exCitenient-for'-'the-Crowd:: • faicknow:-Goal, ,Louise •Greer;'..t(e.- fense, Mildred Ritchie, 111iiijorie:Hoff- maul Centre, Etta Belie, "Maebonald; .and. Audrey Ostrnpbeli; Alternates, •Lil.' Horne, Anna Finlayl: senjtelenLMabonald;-Kathleeri. • Ripley. -Goal, -Mary Smith; De- fense "Dorothy-'„ Matheson, "•Witnria 'Jean Henry; 1st line, Jean Makeed, Isobel White,• Neva Ferris; : Alter- nates, „lewd McLean, N::White, Mar- tha ,LRobertson, • Patrieik. 'Robertson, Helen 'Pollock -and jean MeLeod: '•• ..Referee-Shirl Bowers. •.; •• • ' * .:* • * •'• •• • • , I1TVENILES.LOOK:GOOD , . DEFEATING RIP1,EY 6! 2.. .e • sympathy of- this commtinity •,. hi' :tended to Mrs. 'George ll'arkneS: in the lose of her, 'brcither, 'Mr: Wrii • Caslick, who died Jest Monday the: honie•of his ° ion, ;Earl ..Casliefs -oi CIosLTITeTfuneral,, was.. held . Wednesdays t� ',Teesivater% cernet4,7i., Little Miss Eleanor Taylor spern the-weelvorid-Witlilier-fattCr;lir". Taylor in Luckno*., ••••• The World's Day of Pisiyer ,•held in ::.the •United :Church, White. church l 'All the neighboring 'ocietie have .been'; invited' to join • with then, . Will .you' as inialividuat•be one Mr < .Gordo n Ramsay of Godericii, . 14,6 Wis..' been trucking logs from Mr, Thos. ItOss'S bush,,Itist'week: suff- , ',red.* bruised. foot, When ,ss heavy skid fell on it, This will Iayhim up • for a tine. Ris many •friendsTrhete :hope for a, speedy recovery.' Mi. W. .1., Brown last week.: Stored OPPIY sof. ie... • . . , • KAIRSHIIA 'CLIJO M.1111.".1.11VG• . , . ' The president, Mrs. R. Middletchi, ..hostesa to theKairshea• Club at th ,Febriiary Meeting on 'Thursday lest;.A latter' of greeting from -Mrs: 'Anderson, Provincial presideht, , mei "feed and the program eominittee for • this year in submitting their 'report requests- each member toconsider the • following questions: ,•`(1)do.1, Want to belong to the ,Kairshea Club'? (2) Ain we justified in •taking time from eur borne.' duties 't�: get. •• to- gethr Are We getting ideas and in-forination •the ,sarne as we"did it kheolt (4) 'What .csin we study and talk,. about 'at our „meetings that • Will enable-- to live better Chris - tion livel Each • day? • ' A 'Paper on "Saint ,Valentine" Wes. read by. Miss 1)611 Ciri. and< the 011 .eall,',"Little' Things to. Gladdpn. Oth. ernejieespondi ed' to. Two very mpott: a pies Mere on the program (I) ; 'What tan I'''do this year toimPro1e my health and, happiness? (2) Should PArents try to influence them. , ehid- ren, Intheir itnfrriage plains? In ,t e absence of theleadets, who were • vented by icy toads 'from being pro! . sent: the questiOna :Were clAldliSsed fn formally, They will be presented again at the next Meeting ist'Aiddition to an Irish progrant'llie currents events prepared by. Miss. Mary' .liacLeb Were,enjoyed, abso music SOPPlied by 'Prater MacKinnon and 'Merle Mid. Remarks Were „ given by Vitt, ' D. L. ,MacEintion . and a. setial.tinle followed the cbose of 'the program. Th t116,004‘ be held•,,, A4, theiu i3k ;the hetne Of, AlliStat Fingliee "Y"•-• ti„by a adore ofill, •Yl. $: Pip Young-. YeePle's meeting • Of Olivet. was .held in them. church' 'on ,Wednesday evening;; February: 23r4, The president, Jean MeGulre Wes' IP the chair. There wdre' 23 members 'present. The meeting' was opened as usual by the opening ceremony and I hymn ;360_ was sung, followed by a 1payer by Ws* (Rev•Y MatKenzie, ;The roll -call was taken .1)Y,the secre- tary,-JessieMcCharles, alead the minutes of our •InSt, 'meeting, which, ;were approved. There. was no ch,scussion for"- the' ,eVening, but •psalm 744, was read in. unison, aftin', the business ;part of tke ; meeting, I'limn• '29,7 was sun and the.scriPture: lesson was taken by Sandi, McOharles Lilian' Osborne, then, tokily charge of gave ' as- a 'virY esting paper on "The Life of Shake - sneeze". Hymn 399 Was' sang and our meeting'. was bronght to. close by Prayer by Rev. Mr: MacKeneie. The. -convener for 'the evening was Norval .Stiewart and 'werC sorrY''' that owing to hint having. a ' severe cold, we missed our senior topic and • next week'S, meeting will be in charge of Mrs, W. J. Roulston , and • her group. There were fie gallre or con- tests. We are glad' that.Ift. Cooke Haul-. iltop its able to. be out again. • Nurse 'Isabel' Beaton has returned t:4 'the West after , \With friends and at her home here. ' • • Mrs' Wrn" Borden has returned to her home •in Stratford after ViSiting with her father, Mr., Johnston Roul- ,ston, also with brothers and 'rela- tives .in thi.s .vicinity. , • • , . Miss , Mae ' Barkvvell • entertained 'Some of ..her friends to a. birthday party:•last• 'flmrs&Y . evening. • .. . • Local Lads' Give Satirising Display Of Hockey. To Defeat • 'Ripley'Here On Monday Night': And . Win Gro.tip ' passed out to Cook -Whose Shot -was' stOPPed , by ,McCosit, but -L swe6peo, in to drive" home the re bound.. : ' • • . ' , , • ,• • LucknOw again dorphiated the play in the third period and settled the issue with a• pair Of goals Eedy, to Cook to Dahmer accOrinted . the first One. The 'second wa,s allowed neer the end, of. the period, :w en.. a Ripley plaYer 'threw, his. stick': as Dahmer was Skating, in' . on 7 the net after talcing. Eedy's pass:: While the second line didn't: figure in scoringhonors,„ they Checked effectively and are showing: marked improVement evei. thee,but. „ .'• MeKi lense, Ross, MacDonald, Lloyd Wylds; Centre, JOhnie Daliniet;, Wings, Jack Cook and Iryin-Eedyr'llterhatei,-.Er---- nest Baton;i Doug Aitchison, „Frank Eody; Buster Whitby, Allan Trelea- ven. , , .• RiPleyL-Gozil;• Kenneth •• Mecosh ; be - tense, M.,;Yemen, McLean. Bell ;• 1st line, G: P011ock; Donald' Finlayson, Mutra3r Pelloelc;• rtcl Pol- lock,..Kerineth:McKenSie; Billie ford-r-Aiternatea;,-Harvey--Wilson--El; , . , nier Wylds,,; jack toittle... •'.Referee-Eiffert Of RiPley. - < , Powassan, northern °B" Winners? 'played. in Satin On Wo4neSdny with the return game in liewassan oziFri- day , bong • Clarke is a member '• Of; the '1'0WD:siert team.- • tr • Bob .7s,hampsoli's Kincardine kida L. ate.,:the, aprprise.team Of the Junior group: Having' battled, their 'way to the, finals with' Graiej'ich, ,•thei won the first game in Kincardine 6-4 and were nosed' out in Goderich on Mon- day 2' to 1. The third and deciding It Mel( LiicknOw .Inverides (15 and un4er) to.dish pp ;One of the smart- est displays of 'hoekeY, .Seen in 'the' 'village this_seaSon, The first, line of, pahiner„.. Cook and ..Eedy Were reaiii clicliin,g„Mith-ss Passing. attack 'that gave Upwatda to 100' fans sexnething to ..niervel at. •' • Their team -play *as, ie. everyi_in,: ,starice-respOnsible for ' the six goa they nettod..„t„,?:giVe thein a 6-2 '.yie• tory over the Ripley Rednreennd tho' roPnd., by G to 6. Ripley •I'won the first •gaine 4 te: ,,On, their. honie ,ice Ofl Thirraclay, Luelsnow ,are .now' group „eiminpions,.and will '.meet Kincardine in, the ienif finals for the Bruce Coun- ty Tuvenile Championship Playing a tYpe bf.,hockey that ani ased the .fins, thelocal' ran -in three• :gOals • .in the; first Period, ,While Reid Mcitirn tnitied aside eVery Ripley threat, Withina Minute, •'in the periedithey seated ti,vice, Jack Cook and Johnie DaliMer carried the Play in With Dahnier firing and Irvin „ . Eecli gathering up ,the', rebound. for the first goal.',Eedy repeated: in'lea than ti.-minnte': on a pass frorn flah Met. 'For the third joal,. Co�k ,thr-• tied., the Puck:inland fired wide of the 'net: Ernest *Button scoopeirit Obt' of the cOtrier o bakiner in front of the pet,. who ,niede ,..no*ini,Stalce. • , • . Ripley,' tarried- it On in thTe setond 'Petted; Outplaying:the locals and tied • the ronid: teiiipd.rarily. the .11.0then's •Arst 'goal thine st,,, thetw'o. • mark, 'Vetere tilor. nrind ended, itAleko- game was- llilled-lin-7tuc nesday night, but we.Ole press be- fore the outcome is known, * * , .13'#isley Cardivals Ottistecli Port El- gin 3 to -r --in- Walkerton •Wed -i riesday, night' in the third game 01 the group ChaiiipienshiP aeries.'•Eich had won tlieithOniegai0 by. one go. 1- • "•* ••*- * •* • ••. • • • , : It must "haVe been..."a sweet tory -for :.• Paieley, ..fOr-: fudging' .by itess Maelfelitie's,'sPert column in, the:. Paisley: ' Advocate; . these_ ,iwn tows • probably tak the .:eake for :bitter', rivalry. ' '• ,*. ,* * Paisley; pulled a' fast one irsz ranging the :playoffs.? They wanted . a leSt AWO'-out:Of-three •series,_ but cohfldentally 'expected • Pert Elgin Would' OPPOSe. this 11 it ' Wes ' nugges-. 'ted.' 8o thei asked for liconelandl home.. goa1S4O.-;oeuzit,'. 'aeries! As, P •restilt•Pott, Elgin held out. for. three artieS; took it' to. the,' League • • •• «. • Exe- cutive and paisley' "relnetantly" ae- cepted the ExectitiVersrganie aeries decision, • • • • • . • :*':• • ,, • AndIt meant grant.). honors .tor the'Cards,, beeatie Port Won the ilrst ,&thtio; and the ,return at Paisley Sat!' .the seetetied' nt full time GOils:to &Milt would Anive. ghe thoLake , Smelt the, group. • ; ‘#, ; . *, By abodro ef.,6•4;" titj lfiteliett oi 1'116.140 iight tiloET. '.t0e. :Ph600if., , . • • Mrs, NI.,• 'ThidleY of Lucknow. spent ith .4%114. Mfs.' George Mr liurrY Bell is ,cerlAreCt to th9 1 ig ouSe lftlet nasty had the: saf/ wi iteo .working at, Woeci.« , . • ' • . Mr? end:, jacic: .Wraith • little son were2:,,Slindai: vsj..rsat Mr. ;• : • giss gay. Boyle visited- over the: :RFie:hh,a-re.4stu:! h 4.11:4 rs. Orland' rridaY being the Women's: Day of Prayer, the ,Missionary Societies : of the Focal' churches meet in -the Presbyterian ,church.„• • • The: regular meeting. of the, BOY,' rood Wornen's :iistitute will be iheld on Thursilay'afternoon _at, the home ofMr. Arthur Graham. MI.•Sil Mary: McLean IS assisting with the ivdric it the Linklatet home, ICingardine. HOLYROOD Mr., and Mrs..Harvey,'ACkert, Clar- , enee and Donald spent Sunday 'at Mr. Ernest Ackere's. • Joirriie Smith .and Mr.' and Mrs: • Buss. spent Monday evening at Mr. Thos. Harris'. ' Mr. Alvin Graham Spent the week-; end,.in Tara: ' ' , ..• • „ Master'Lorne.Eidie spent the:.week 'end -With -hiS:bri-410-,7:Morlie. CPIbert. Mr and Nit.; ceakai, paid Mr.. and. Mrs,. Coirigan were recent visitors, at -Jas. Baker's. ' • , - Miss Katherine Robertson was, a r,etent viSiter Mrs Allister , :Mrs.:Ga.rhertY of 'Chicago, , ing With hei aunt IVIiss Susie Purvi 'Miss Vain/3 - himie after, attending 'a course Of four Weeks ",on -44111-arkethi-re-• omenia e..-7,Prodifets' - in •RipIey.,.- , „Mrs:. Almer, 41cert attended a birthdaY party'. at ' Mr, and Mrs., Ralph Elliott's, -Tuesday,' in honor :Of. mether, ST.,,AIE LENS • (Intended far last Week). This-cornnmilitY'Hill. was the scene Of pl,ett.sant *altering •i,under.the auspices of the Womeles institute an Friday ^evening: :Mrs. Wallace Miller. presided c*r "the,' Pregkern which was • cOMposed • of =lacer. nrimbers giiitar and Month •organ and -also solos by Mr. Alex 'Hackett, Readings by Mrs. Bannister and' Mon,' gan-',Of; sok -,by Mrs. E. W. , ee r .Ge02!ge 'Stuart, nod: by. Messrs Ed, and Evan McQuillin.,Mpsie for: the dance that • followe,d WEIS Provided2hY„.Mr._; :George -Stuart,: Brothers with 'Mrs. Stuart; .arid :Mr.- Rice as - accompanists :and. bi" the Taylor Or -ehestrar- - • The :regular- •meeting of . the, .P. U. was held 'on''SundaY 'evening7 This: was the firstnieeting•of the new contest of which Mrs, E. W. Rice gird Miss, Ispbel. ',Miller are: captains and the latter. Side.was in 'Charge. Dor:- j2thyLMille r__,JealLtheLScripturc,lesson. and -Ars. W. A. Miller. the Bible char- acter . en: "Jsihn the Baptist". :The topic was 'taken by Mr Lorne Woad's. on '•"The Life of the' Mind"' fromthe tii'Y book, The. New Church -faces. ,a ' Now . World.” Mr.- George .Stuart favOured with' a- violin number. ' • • • Mrs, MoMbray and her ion' of Ski-* orth • were: recent _visitors. with Mr. and 'Mrs. .Colin „McDonald. • ,. Mrs. R. J. Woods' and -Mr.:•and Mrs. WilsOn.WOods of .Dundas spent a 'day here 'last Week. • , . • • The, March --meeting Of the" Wein. 'en's Institute •, be held - the • home ,of Mrs.. A. 'Anderson on Thuri- „dity'Mareh 3rd: at 2.30. Roll call- °An' Trish Saying” "Ireland" in oharge of Mrs. . Andrew,' Gatini., Host- e_sses- ;Mts. ..MCKen;ie•Webb, 'Mts. _Jarnee-44yoris.--- •. ' Mrs. Joseph England of , Lueknow• • spent ',a few ,days recently with her; darighter' Mrs. ,John. Swan; hYMHit rFFX14, • Following ,S stroke,, Elrner Tiffin passed away at the family -res6 dence, Alice Street, early, 'ThursdaY morning, Fe.brharY 1-Qth. Early last AUgnst: :Mrs' T' auff.red.,. stroke at their 'farm on. the .tOtn von. • Of TurabbrrY, Due to, her' conditien .the moved ' WinghaM early gilii1:4/6'negeinbst'ir:Seharegtab17*ehaer:dabt9e 1)4 dddaelnlY: 'tlYbehnedvearIllnegthyrwsreilt:''llesyrab•p°124.sti,i6t4e141Ci was in her 5$,th• year. Mrs.' Tiffin was: born in; Wingham the daughter Of the lite Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cameron, later of Culross and Kinloss. •Wheh she Wits. a .13E1E11, child the family Moved to the 4th Concession Of Chlress, later to 'Kin-, After [Attending school :at Lang- side, ?Sea!linuter7de=2L-:ii."ItegraV's dilugast-- Mg.. in 1889, Twenty years, ago- she was married .to. her now bereft hos:, band, Ely!mer„. Tiffin.. 'They -.farmed near. Langsida' until they. moved, into, Wine**. seven years . ago. 'Three. yeers ago they again took up. farm. ing the 10th 'Con.. of Turnberry, returning to Wingliam:Dec. Ist,, last • Left to Mourn: her passing besides: her husband, page two sons, William Alexandet, 'aged 18 'years; and 'John; • Elymer, aged 14 years. She fs also survived' by two brothers -and one sister, . Alex of Xmloss; Miles of Toi,vp and Mrs: Ben (Annie) FOS-, ter Of ,Detroit ;: Mich; One. daughter,_ Mary joanni Predeceased her s:87 yeara ; The funeral service was held at the family residence, Alice. Street,,,, on Saturday' afternoon and was condt16- ted 'bk Rev. J: F. Anderson, pastor of Winghain 'United , - -The pallbearers, wereher'three cou, sins, . Milas Cameron, Miles Moir, an MacKinnon and three neighbors, Thos. ;WM'. Cninpbell and Wesley Walters. - • Intennint was :•made. Wingharn •Winscharn. Advance Tirnes •• • I ; • r • liones, dad -wants, to , borzow . • • rAox rms UN)), •TRIP RAIL TRAVI froil MARC, 2t GAI INDSOR-, Orit.. DETROIT,' ..44kh., . and. return , 'EctuallY kW Ares froM all adjacent' C. N. lc swims. -ASk fOr 'handbill and' ComPlete inforinatiOn :'Agent,s:-:' N CREWE^ Mr. Alden; Hasty,' of Saltford,(.Was henie for' the w k d ee ;en . . 1Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred -Drennan, spent."Fsiday with LucknoW.and f ion friend. ' 7 ll/fr:RiglY GiiWleYWee-sPent7the' Past few Menths at Mr: •Crozier's, left Friday . -morning' for Fergus, where he intends to get 'work near, • his home, • ' • ' and, 'Mrs.., Geo.: Emmons 6rf Sarnia, spent •a Pleasant Week -end with their ion Lorne and Mrs. Em - f" - mons. .:•• •. Mr. and Mrs. Bert TreleaVerv and f y were Sun y visitors with their. daughter, Mrs. Vernon: Hunter and Mr. Hunter. • The Y. P. U. met at Abe home bf in g' is to ba'held- at the home of Au! drey "Cengram .on Monday evening. • .."Irael:,:h4boeMel3ne!frnforrioenip ear,6114past,hd Gomonth, a, 6h:in e: rwpiPrme!harei gladthey are beth much, imprcived an& able •to get around. Bernice is , spending sometime with her consini, , Miss'-Rebecca^-WOodsrIt N:ref-Mtic=' • Mr. and Matt, Shackleton via- ited Mr. and -Mrs.. Jesse Gray;. God- oriclf on.EridaY, Wa'are glad--t.o., re, :' port Mr. and Mrs. Gray are ardor. • ing good • health ilthousrla both wall advanced in:Yeers.. . • Miss'. Andrei, •Congrain Spent last Week et h_er'henze.On the .44z. : Mr: and Mrs. Iaelz Curran ,Ind •children spent Sunday' at Mr. and, . Mrs.. Herb Curran'i!,..Mafelcing. *13: Sam Shervfiod callesion:•1). BensOn. Shackleton on, Monday ev- gainlinn friends during the *ilek, • ening, Aru,drey ,Congrain taking ' the social given Y the 'Junior charge After ,the ne,Votional period. Institute in 'Dunganno • on Tueeday Mr . John in gave it e topic, ^evening, Mr, Ronald Storms held the "What Science sayi. •of lucky. ticket, *Mak' Won :fet him•• which. Was veryinteresting and Well ,beentif uilt. '• " All right sonny, "said Mr Jones , p f reaching for:his' coat. You run .along home; I'll bring it' over. • ' 41-Tre711:-HY'rriir .arid-trie; , r. And 'Wilfred Drennan and" Milleisapbanhg :beeltseeddicwtioiti;l:'iTll'hor'6.13neetttin nig et,ebt'!1•11c,,,Thithildrehn4viewcte'd,grioneStiluoesf,daMyr: and 316,' BRUCE ASSOCIATION HELD : ANNUAL .DINNEWAND±HAPIP , 'A lge.repres.entatiOn Of, members of the Bruce Conitty asshciation gath- ered att theannual, dinner lathe ban- quet • hall of the • Felt Garry••hotel,' Winnipeg; last. Wednesday evening., The president, •Mr.: L. •.L. • Porter „pre- sided sind,..weleomed :the guests, Monsignor:T. W. Morton was the guest speaker, chbosing the subject of "Humor" for his ;brief' address. , Quoting from ;Hotitee .in his. 'opening remarks, „Mpir..: **ton' said: "It is , a' sweet thing to'play the feel irr the • right- lie congrattilated the members Of -the-association for 'Seek- ing tp relipviv the tension of the times WhiCb we live: by enecuraging lighter amuSements ana friendly con- verse, Unless ,we havesense tO, seP- erate ourselves fOrai thrie from the perpetual' strain -from the disquiet- Mg- news stbroad,--it' Will do us harm; Seated At. the. head table wer 'the ;Op hiterval, cabaret uurabers Ward' given by May Saunders, the Ruthert,' ford Sisters and. ,IOSOPhine Wilitekr .he said. . President, M L t Porter; . signor T. W, MOrton, Rev; J. L. Innis' and Mta.•,Mclimie, Mr. and Mr W,•:, G.' Perteingt011, Mrs. W. Marshall,„ „Mrs- • ,Charles: Hanley; Mts.,' 3. A. Wil. son,. Mrs.. Elizabeth Clark; •Mr, Morrison,' Messi6; E. W. Turner, F, ICIoePfer and ...Iaines Scott. The deoiatiqns were tasters of -American, „teautY reaes Offeet. .With silVer candelabra hblding green light ,ecl' 'Candies, 'Intertwined ,British flags ident'o .forZned, backgrottrid ,behind, thn ptes, , Following dinner, a drinee Wes held • in the •Crystal beltroorrt, to *bleb. allanY additional gneata• en me Durini abib,IWOn the, first. the ,in, Mitchell - • , ; t0 I ex 'Bah here and south of the-line,--we-have had to learn by bitter experience that an unenforceable law is worse , . . then no law et all. Literally, worse than no law at all, as reasonable pl,ep . who remember the a.buses a prohibition, will agree. Adroit -prohibition Propaganda. leaves the, impression tbat Ontario ,)s the exception n its abandonment of 'prohibition and adoption of Control As a matter of fact, the Liquor Control Act of Ontario as its counterpart -in VaiiWs foW,14-:Crfe7"at-Britain; all the British Doniinions, the United States,, Scan7 dinavia, ',South America anctin. six of the nine Provinces of Canada. -- As a further fact; the Control Acts of Ontario and the 'four Western Provinces are more restrictive than those Of Great Britain, the United' States, etc, a • , - Its purpose' is to attain, progressively, a greater acceptance for true temperance through control —in the belief that external control exerted by the Government vvill ultimately induce a greater individual control and discipline -by which, alone, temperance can be attained. • •1 t THE -I: • I • I I • OP!NION'PF A" LIFE -!.9,145 . . TEETOTALER,. • in the attempt to: blind about total fibstinehce through prehibition, an evil even, greater than intemperance.. 'ultedl--,nim'ely, ti4tion-ivide diaregard for , , . D. Roc:limps:taxa, Ja. ....... • .^ • Thisadvettisemeni is Inserted by tlie arewipit 'industry in :the ihkrest of a better public anderstandino ofeertain atpeets,of the P,'Oblerni�f ilIi1Perahbe And local option,