HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 3A
• • •
IA •
A4 -
, iis4oN, X. • spirits: TO manifest. A great newer,
SERVING WITH :WHAT WE HAVE greatenough to east out deirrons
• . •Marc. 6i.1710•Y' wQUId be one of the greatest: evict,:
Tng...,E$solsr • IN ITS sgrqNG: • ,011,e8 of the vpicioprozp": Of their
Time.—Winter,""' ' hstry arid the Pre-erninence of tne-
... • . , , „
events Of'. the :first • Lord in whose name Ple$r. wcre speak..
haif �f onr.lesSe4. Occurred in the in'g.•• ;• • • • •
,City Of Nazareth, where -Jesus liVed, 8. And hecharged them that they
until he began, his public ministry. ,,
should .take. iiothing for their jour -
The 7tvilve, disciples were •sent �ut aey, ave astaif only; no bread, 80
into Galilee • probably': lionl the city ,wallet no indney in their purse.'
of Capernaum' -• ' '
A d .h, I •• •• • • , • 9. 'Rat to go` ihod With sandals'.
. e Went 'oat 'from thence. -nd; hOi. pot not •rin 'two' coa' coats.
That :4' he went out 'r°113 CaPerna- Alla-Ahaeie direetionar are "triztt•
lina,,•where so- much of hii ;was _114rqship _dispipiesi,
carried on: '•And• he co -Meth -111th his but to, relieve :thein of Worry .re -
own country; and his disciples fol- g.arcling their bodily needs.
'lbw Mm. The 'Lord was regarded.
by the Galileand as a Nazarene;..his'' I -low To Bo A Guest'
hirth..a3:7)3ethhs-hem,:a7.f.-0-ii'atw ---40•,-And-he-sahl-nnta3heM,Where-
and the 'village•Where:his. faMily: sbev-er Ye enter into
ed (v,3) and where: he bad passed •abiile. till Ye depart ' tber.ice.
his youth -(Luke 4:16) might vell be house as not to be Pil°a°11 at hap -
called his tonntry, ; hazard, but bY'a.Careful selection.
2 And -when thc •sabbath. ..'..tHea_liVeinegenr•ht4ednet wtilethir.thehe°,fiac'er)e tiht7gewreerk
come, he began to teach in the syna-
gogue„ And. many hearing him were and not to change. their ledging un -
astonished. It is to their ere.* that necessarily. .jesaa took for. granted'
they Which
that there would always be found at
were 'listening, more • •
than, evei'Ir One does: who goes to 'alierY place at least °Tie' good "an
church. Whenza hati . this with a warm heart, who Would• wel,'
map. theSe things ? ' an , What: isthe come the'ines4engers of the Kingdom •
wisdom that is gtvon onto' this man, tri' his. houseand table, ,for the Pure •
nd what mean such mightworks
love of God' and of the truth
a ' •'
wrought; r4 his hands? "A change 11. And whatseever place shall not
had come•over Jesus, for which they receiveyou, and theyhear you not, '
could not account; the Workman had as ye go forth thence,, shake ;off the
.beeeme the. rabbi and the worker 'o'f dust that is. under • your feet' for 11,
miracles. Of hiS'.wisilom they :had testiineny unto them. The 'act'en
evidence in his discourse; But whence joiped isa'sYmbolic one meaning.that
?•ancl, what, wn D , : • •.•-' they did not even let the dust of the
.1 :.. The Village .Carpentek:. ;.places • virliere• these.. people :•• lived ad -
J not his the. Car•penter? • The here to the*, 1 e, that ther,relletine-
village.earpenter in our Lard's time od all iriterconise With•,„therm.I.,
held' therpo-di ion e-rned
3.• wen en 4 prea
rage blackainith. • Here is one of the ed that men 'should ropey ."Th;s is
•few places -Where the veil is remov- the Message that had come from. the
ed froth his early life.: ' He was !ins of 'John the Baptist (Mark 1:4),
Induced - by eamPbor, They Prove,
a Startlingly iffeeOve
• "
. Two treatments for the Mental ill-
ness called, 'schizophrenia, one by in,:
dlleingtePilePtiform,fits through dosed
Of a eanlPher preparation, the•ether
bYPI:edueing, a 'coma '• With insulin,
Were • described in the last issue, of
the British Medical Journal, Lancet.
Editorially, Lancet refers, to the
, treatments as "drainatie" and;"start-
ling.", '
Irthday Celebration
Dramatic ReiuILs
Colonel E. Philli,iblloY; Medical
superintendent of the Renehi Tndfan
•Mental lleSPital, describing the, cam-
phor metaled, said.i.t•is based on the
theory of Pi: Ladislaus voll'Meduna •
that there is a4oiological antagonism
.between schizophrenia and epilepsy.
Dr; D'hinjibhoy' rePorted, treating
12 cases -by .the twee metheds, Three
were .healed four were improved and
five Were left nnehanged. The in-
sulin treatment produced varying
states up to deep cerna. • • '
Tfr, Pulla4: Strecker, eolninent-
lig on thecaseS said a combination
of the two methods should be "at-
tempted .Wherever. suitable: He re-
commended their „alternative use in,
refractory. cases.: ••
Schizophrenia' is a type of psych-
osis characterised by:loss of Contaet
with the enyironinent, and by .disin-
tegratien, cif, the persona*. It in-
cludes dementia 'praecox And 'smile re-
lated terms of frisatity.
.• Not many arnong the crowds who
-watch the cheetah speeding in the
wake of a stuffed 'rabbit at 'about
this .animal was trained for Siert as
long ago as 865 B.C., by the Kings
of Persia, and that, centuries later, at
the zenith of .MOgul domination of
Hindustan', Erriperers, Used to keep
hundreds of cheetahs, just as hunts -
in the .Q1d; Country keeppacks
of hounds. •
The spoft. 'spread. to France vhere
the kings- Aisell elleotatff for 'hunting ,
deer ,as in India; and in the reign of,
, George III a, few were brought tO.,
. England. The Duke of •• Ciirnberland
tried .• the in:for• Stag -hunting in Wind -
her Forest;•but they were not lin Un-
qualified success, for they refused to.
:attack stags at hay; ;
.; %
Again we .intrOtInCe a new program , , : What, -POO .SWItio?' ,
to Canadian listeners—this :Pao en- We were spbaking,trr Biek *eripti:
'. titled. Barbaro. Brant, "Ilearctri over - gall,••,CKCIi Announcer,' Who, IS ,aliiii
' dFil.13Igendaye. and Wednesdays at. ... reporter •-for. fibownbga',1',..tba ninsi:
' 3:01' p,,in. 'Miss Brant eonducta. a fife , clap's! .raagapine, ::IElie tellsus that
teen minute gossip,periOd' in which "all - the reeent eoncert giVen by :Benny
thedo things deer to.'a•woman's heart Geochimain,Buffalo•re-Vealed to many
are'. discussed—food, •. clothed,. 'public' ; ligealities, what. a 4..oirgli Jrilo•pl,aying In
'events and et/. on. ,Listeners •ate •asked A .werld•fainotis band 'Is. The.lrurnpet,
to' write in letters,. :five of .which .are eri.Pin' the GnOdinan'.nrgagzatiott .all
drawn, To • the' senderdef these•five,'": had split' lips • from 'blowing .. their :
. a large' lin . of '.... Hershey's eltesolate, :'llo01/4,411, d, bleed „trit'klecl- down. many.
' syrup IS sent and to . all cottespenci, .• a 'sbirti trent. , • .
:Orits, 'a, "i'lSelpe book 18 Mailed:- Miss ' . • • • •*, , -.1":-,0r 74,.:.:•-•
Brant is about -five foot six, ' fairly : Here's one: to.i.' Abe' reelii.,c1S..„ Even
dark ' coniplexion, and has ..a..,splendid Paul Win, NBC's spelling rnaster.-WaS
Voice,. • ' ' ' ' • •• ' stumped.' on- this inquiry, ,The letter
*: '*" •, * • '*;• " reef,ived at NBC's Radio, City.; studios.
,s1X,. asked. Me the otber' day Why the
man :on the rune welled, Neiv York
. in 'different 'Ways. yirst it is .WEAF,
: NeW York, then .WJZ, New l'ork,"'
. .. .
....."Do Yeti' Feel, 4 Knock'tigi"
"Do iron:, Me'aii It" , .-. "Arid'HoW"
`INice, work if,''YOu can get it," ....
tliese'are a, few Plu•ases that have ,re-
'cently; caught th'e -publiC',0:.-, ,fancy.
' Hero's:anew one. concocted -by corned-.
tali Henry 13urhig on,a recent Cheer-
up•".inierica, hroadcast over: N.B.C.
when .he questioned the sanity of oth-
er members of the Burbig: Lafting
Stock ,Company. It's ---"Do You :feel a
knocking on the back of year head?"
• • When' Dogs. Do.*Saric • •
A dog,'S., bark, may be worse than
his bite—but it can also be a big 'fac-
..tor in the 81100eas Of a'radio PreEraril.'
, .
For instande:. In the Sunday evening.
IfiOadcast of "Hoteic .Dogs' heard
'Over- .0131. it -1:30• - the -harking -
of a deg figutes largely onevery.broad.•
east:. A couple of weeks,. Ago after
the prOgrain.wai off the .air, the:phone
'. rang:- A volOe said have a little
.het On in ca.trtiome as -to Whet1ei,7 'it
,LJ, real' dog en your. Program 'to-
' nightAs 'a reply the nian•ln•the'
'studio brought .the 'Wail!' to:. the
,4phOne; syhere the. "dog-obilged...by
harking-Land'we ;Imagine ' that the
,Man at the .other end or: the line is.
still 'puzzled as to 'hew the bet should
be. settled. POr bis inferMation, the
bark Was faked by Stan Francis;H;who,
not so'long ago fooled 'yriiirs truly
-..With a lirin's roar when.,•the'. script
'called' for a: trip thrOu'gh: ,a
brought tip' to'the.'trAtte, of a' Village . and had • been proclaimed by , Christ
carperiter,:...i,HeWerked with .Joseph '. hiroself.:•.(ark 1:15). Repentance
in buildini and. rePairing bd,Etts., for • isnot only leCognizing-Orie'q.sins and
...the4alCe,..liti•'-iilkieg-flirlatlire,-far-tili„, ..beirig-4,:til-y-sorrir,....,t'kg41m$,Iia, bet, a.e.ti.,•It .
'eireag9gne;.•alld; aeeercling tg Eti 'ear"' ' ' ally turning4rOnf ,them: ., . , .... , .,._
t"tin?"$11.. 4i,1••8114Piee Plei” "'A.:fit': '• ' --' 13. Arid. they• cast out ;many,. de- '
yoked for •ejcen.. ''., .-."... • .. '2
nioni,• .and anointedwith oil;Many
• 'The On Of"Mary, ,and 'brother of • that were Sick; and healed them.
JerneS,'Iand!Jcis'es; and Judas, and •Si. l'
mon? and Thoiro lioation of 'oil:Wad:ter psY-
not hi
i s sisters here ' • ,-P § . •
with lisl • A.4.-5they.Were Offended in etiological •porprises, an aid in induc-
;hips, • '1 he people to recognize a ing ,foih la. the 'patients The sick
prophet, tiro •alvirays' his kindred and persnid to 'whom. the • Oil was sup.
Iii:3 i ount, men. , "Far-itWay Itirds . i1110' by the . i`P`iatles' though Qille•7'
have rue feathers:" Men ..-resent :it ..had applied Oil to them repeatedly,:,
as a.111 d2,(if. Slight' on themselves that were made to perceive that now the
•the other, who- waSorieLottheM hilt heralds . of •Jesus :were- taking -.them :
yedterdaY,-- -should be SO ...far 'L above. " la:•.-"ilancliHthese.--. merl7-.Whci; like.' their :
theiji to,day. ., ... • Master; had. healed so manY,
. .
. .
, '.The elders or. ;Nazareth had seen
Jesus 'grONY 1111,:and• to 'them He weuld..
be--."„the-,-earperiterls sen" still . It is
easy to blame them, but it is better to.
learn the warning: in their .words,:.
ina: .totake'care" thatwe are. not '
bliad....t.O_Aegiearttean:essenger: Of God
. •-se. we have. been :blessed ,..
,With Clede' Companionship with hini,
'4: And Jestrs, said onto them, •A''
'prophet 15 hot -without honor, save in,,....
his own .ceuntry;Und among his OWn. '
kin, and ;in his Own' house. . pHOW
true it is that berne and one's .hetrie'
town ' Are the hardest .placeiCiii 'which
to, witness' The Nazarenes' did net
see .fioir a, ,.carpenter -could be .a "lito-
lih'00. But why not? , Ili§ net one's .
surroundings 'which ,. determine ' :his:
Character, ' but .one's self;
• • . NO: Mighty Work •
5. An4 he 'could there do no Mighty
Work, save that he laid hi handa-upe, ;
on :a few sick ,folk, and healed them.' •
Semis, required faith. for the perform.;
Ance, 'of his ..mitaclesi• and :that. was
WarithrOigre.; nay, 'there' Was A posi-
tive disbeicf,nd mere .doubt.'.' Here
the ; genuine -finbelief :Of the. Illation •
reachedits dlinnait:I
'6.' And he marvelled becatise. of
their."„uribelief....... And, he went round"
about:: the. villages teriChing..That
whiCh'amitzed .eur .,Lerd.:•WaS the ut-
ter ' u.nreaserifiblerleas of theae, 'peo-
ple, 'The one thing .that was keep-.
irig:theni. froin,receivirig- Christ as a.
prophet Come fi:om,pod wasthat they
had de1;00in their on .minds 'that,
the •;man Who once was la carpenter
in'thc. rnidst, of , them, c,ciiild • not,.
dOinehowi.. be. also a great 'teacher,
and a; Worker of miracle:I: IV. '• ' ''
7'... ,A7id . be..calleth unto whiin the
tWelVe,..and began to send them terth '
by two •and two..., Though :Jeans has '
been re.lettedttt, Naiaretii, arid: only,
A few therd•Were, Saved by his ininis,
.try, yet 'he;is:not.,at all disdotiraged;'
he seilds••rilit ' his .diselples on shinier.
'Work, itriewitig,thel'e is no othet hope'
or m'dit. Withis gespel,- Thetwelve
iipoStles.' ha d ‘, ha en preViotisly
broliglit-logetlicr"- 0..is ,:a.1 hand Of • clist
ciplest. Mere:, more they were
devoting All Of t Mir" time, tO..,service •
AiiiIter -ilie7-1Niastdr:s '---directien.----Iri-."-
'these mission.slourneys 'of, tbe newly
chosen 4timsties we :see 110W 'w0'1i it .
'5ilite'41 the. objects in VieW that they
slieititi fto in pat/rs, / A 'Mail by :Idni-
Self has -many, dangerThe Pres-
ence tit• his .eoltdiigue 'Wouldk recall
him to 1, tine •pasition 0nd:remind
'him tlial..liS Wasnot. iibout 'hii3Olivii *
work briti his Mater's. And: he .gatie
.the'in• ' authoritY over ilia • ntioleali .
Marqueet,. .I,Burmese girl,
rides An elephant:. around Marble
Arch, lzr London, England, :on her
birthday,- The- girl- performa-this:
ceremony every yea?' as..,a. token of
good uc . •
. .
What , the Stars Foretell for ,Thole
' -Born on March 4, ..4,•6,.t. 8;
' • 9, 10 'and 11
: •
' If., You. were born on any list-
, ,
fish:. is the SyMbol of ;this zo-
diac period; These, born under Pis-
ces, have. :strong, changeable emoti-
ons.. • They are restless and often
moody:, They can do. a number of
things Well and have iv eidtivite con-
centration .or they would flit:Ire/la,
one occupation to arrOer. yeti.
were 'horn under thiS•iign .k.n.*- are
now entering a favorable perill.KIL7the
years 1939 and1946.will be speaially„,
-favorable for you Guard'., against
being despondent and -gloornythe,
7-Wer1d is what' yoni—nake '
untying Joe Savoldi Live* Up to His Name
. •
Follovvipg' the eiamPle set by his nickname, "Jumping Joe".Savoldi'lliei'thieugh t air in an effort to dump his
OpPonerit,_ Charles Rigoult,,sometimes-called.'-the-Strong-Maii-Of---Frarree,4-durin ,
Joe woh, after an hour's struggle. • ' • .
They Plan to Make Money For the Canoe
1rortiP'e. f Chitleie entertainer§ are: l'''`tUrtly 'to. tour Atvirica te‘raisc. filfids
Or :thb ir1080
Rumors hold that in...the' very.near
:future'ent-df7toWners,will• have in Op..
• Jackson show,. ."Aitbreaks," ...heard
over CHRB, FrfdaYs at 8:30 P.M. We
•repeat, ihat all who apPear on this
'program aie. paid, a. regular protede.ion-
ni. fee, ,and it they are :seieeted, Win- •
. .
-4n;_otherNvorde It s.oith_yoir-whi1e.-
to appear' on, this .shOw. Write for an
audition to . JacksOn,CFRB To
• `
"There are very len", prodnats;" days
James Stewart, the noted Heating Ex
pert, '!the altri of whose' producers is
to sell t'h, consumer, • not as 'muefi as
poSsIble, but as little, But•one et these
is 'blue. Cool'." Mr; Stewart, -..whose;
rreast:nsts Mysteries
Clouds FOiin, Out of Nothing
Haman- 1:160Y „'Sts,p(1..
Heights; ' •
of the• diffietlitiO and.
• mys-
tciies et..i,tratespliere flight .vere ro••
vegled .recently ,by tne ecimminder
Of..tie • ltalian i-tratorphere,
school. .0iie of the tyste^?..s
• permedco-
c,oncis twhieh formed lut of '
: nothing 1 eland ' aeroplanes flying,at,
greatdiitudes.. gad,: •StratosPhere
• 1;ilets 1-,atil'ebseried" this Cloudform-
ing, hut na.one coull explain wh.re .
it C:thie fr‘Om.. Or "Whit eauded,' it.'
• '1.. cLI for .Freeiproof Oil ,
Apart .4rein digtcult techni-ul
. ^
stratespliere !planes Ihe; :inc and •
r. prepellers n'eecleci; and the necessity '
for •s•1''oirthat Would. not •-•frebie
• . , • .
."there.are many"difficulties still to be••
solved in connection with the hunian
The lungs. bleed circulation,
and the digestive system undergo tre-
mendous strain in 'altitudes of more
Than .18,090 feet, and according to ,
this expt the humeri body could
never, become acclimatised • to. Strato-
sphere flying. .
. -FUgl...COnSuMPtion Tremendous
Another grave menace is ice for-. _.
matiOn, net only on the wings arid
hotly:of- the ?plane, '.1rut in the con-
trols. Until. some systtin is devised
to. :counteract ' this completely, high
altitude flying Will remain a very per-
ilous venture. ' ' •
•consurription 'toe' is tremen-
dous, and futuristic dreams about
1,091).-miles-an-ho,ur. fiighti in the ' .
stratosphere must remain dreams un- •:
til sOMe new and Mere -efficient form
of energy is discovered.. .
Ontario Faces
Aar features 'of "The •Pro,
grans over' CFRS; ' Wednesday even-
--ingsT-Werit-Tor7t-O---enc-ilain NI that, .by
meand, Of. the 'blue coal System. 'of
,free Tdviee by trained 'service Men
thousands of householders had been.
.shown how, through Minor changes in
their system of • handling drafts ..and
free:service is available. to; aiklindy, •
on request to any - .blue coal' dealer
. in 'your vicinity.,
t •
Agnes .Maciihreil Tells of Tests In
Grey and Bruce Counties ,
Spesking; On the siibject of "Health
Education" at the first annual meet-
ing of, the Walkerton branch, Victor-
ian, Order. of Nurdes Agnes ' .
n onnahon
(Furnisltedby Ontario Depak-
menf'of.Agriculture.i '
• Pripcirially throngli ,lieavy exports
Of '4essed poultk to the united King
dorn and large shipment i 'of .live pout-
. •try, chiefly from Ontario to ,nearby
• United' 'States markets, 'the,,:ponitry
market, In ,1937,.shoived, a &linnet un,
Tot..a,i Milk. production ,irf_Canada, has
shown' a steady increase for the Past,
nine., yearsturing •the liVe-yeat:pei
iod 192 36 mllk prodtiction.increased
from apprexiniately 151900,000,000 lbs.
in 1932 to '18,760,000,00.0 lbs .ing1.938,
and a further advance of apPleximate.,
)y200 -Million lbs. 'is , indicated,' Me I
1937; • .
' ••. if,ERTILIZEctO. ''•
• -The...Eettilisets 'Act, re'qUires''defin,L..
ltd guaratite,eS: by Venders of the plant-.
food content' of then. ,fertiliserS,that
Is; nitrogen, phosphoric acid ikba.
ash. these .plaift food sub-
stances must b� Ili an available.: fOrni.
.:for plant' use. There.' are Marty; kinds
..ot, fertilisers on the market. today, all
of which .are AOpendahle, used eel:"
' cording to kindandplant food. Con;",
t,ent'.ori the one hand, ,and- soil _and •
droP;reonireinenti. on' the Other. •VIVeify..,
buyer of. feitilisers'should study these
factors carefully because the, preper.
application of them Meansse', ranch: in
obtaining hest reatiitS„'''-, •
The recommendations of the
clal Fertiliser CoiineitS are; '•a safe.
.guide 111 this and may .he ob-
tained "frOM. the., Department of 'Agri:.
cultuie for theAit'ovitte08,
..,..,,CAi4A.PIAN,'.ECIOS'....TO" BRITAIN.
Canadian, ', winter:produced
•.eggs 'will Soon he :making their' debut
on the breakfast .tablesof the, perinle,
in Great drat Shipment of
:.such, eggs left MOtitreal oh% jitinthry-,
tiiitt 'totalled fifty'. eorrifgated. paper
boNesceaelt hok'centalaing.15 dbz-
int* idttal cartons, the eggs. _belag '
Grade A large•Nevbi•befete have tho.
eggs - heeii. exported "front .Catiaila lii
Oriedezen 'Cartons. on ;J1iimarY11.. s
carlond of fresh eggs PsekOti,,liy.,,Win-,.
(101(1 35-dezehsase's jec.t: koutikuli and
. was loaired in The 78;S: Hesvorbrae at
Jelin N.13,..en ..latittrit•y 12 Eng-
land, Th!
,tblinneyt ',Was Collected.'
front 15 farrilers• c OOpe ti\ 0 (gg''and
poultry associations in 'Otte:hes and: in
Eastorn Ontarie; also frotii ,seinc ,
Wheledaters„ it is-
shipments will foUow fterti 'other
' fereat•peints`la Ontaro.•
yteesi.::15oin.inion Department oC Agt,l,
.etiltiir,e,:Who,.,WAS ear -Matted With, the
,rihipiiienta state that
. _
. •Itet• will net: :get ..any :fresher L eggac
from any .Etiropehn 'country. than the
eggs -in -the -two Teeent slilptaeats-
Thele is he• says: an opportunityin
..ttte Bi itisit mai ket for Canadian in
tez p1 oduced eggs*, such ship
ments can ,be made prefitably„.:. the;
'Can iantrialoducier-4.-will4i.eirefit ' • '
: Agricultural 1eader§-44-40.arradk.have
heed* increasingly iyerried in recent '
• Yearsover soil 'depletion arid:while tbe.,
• . - • „
,condition. in ''''Cntari.O. are • not -neatly
as grave as In some parts Of the 'Can-
adian • West;„ it is tentritrin knowledge
that nlany Ontario.'farMa •have" been
ntined Until' there is but little fertility
remaining. Th Ontario Department of
'Agriculture' IS 'fully alive to 't401,.dhri;
. ger With the result that the'• Depart:
ment• thtongh-the 0.A.C., is un_er a c4,
HingtAti,enlarged Program. of 'paSearati
and demonstration work for , 1.938 id
soil fertility,
' Is-tris.c0ssing•the sftiiation. Dr. G. T.
Christie; .1:Yea:Went 'of. the o.A.,cr of.
Guelph, points tut that atitiiy, 'Ontario.
soda have been faroied mote' than 100
years, Some have .beeri.Wisely handled• '
and ngly pro
have beconle increasidoc,
, , ,s , .
Afire', But on the.: -..other- hand,. Many
have been 'thoroughly :mined: solis
have beecirhe poor, .hard to Work; and.
give :IOW 'oyieldia# ertips.
"Oa 'cititer .farrhs,' While :geed prOe-
'flee 1as beep followed, 'fertility: has,
beeorap..,,iintialanted," says.
- DrCliiis-
tie. ,One or more 'elernentS'-haVe been .
reduced in aVailable• quantities..lt niny
150 pliosiiltate„, .1cotasit, Or nitrogen.; In
,intrny: baseslit .has., been finind, t be
1301i6111 manganeaSor .inagtiOslina..' It. is
'through recO4ni,t,itio :of ..theso.',.preble•nts.'
'•it hat AlC1 -hag tintlertakka • an exteti;•
sire reSen,rh vrograrri, t•
• ..l'aSttire: out
tawa nnd 0 AC. ('hetnistry tent,: have,.
iirou Western 'and Eastern 'Ont.:
arto...Pollowing• up these, surveys, thc
fields „aro •ferillised'and Cattle And;
,shoop are. tided to 'died: the'..jtesulia.'
'rhec 0flinn1s ,Aro bb:iag ,Ted,li 41(.0)00 cr.
.i.%tions., this winter sPeeitil atten-
tion to Mineral ieds, ll'hotke .•eoeri;
nientS,Jire.•iiiider way at ..Ailsa.Creig,.
0016-1'. 1)0114,.i •
As -bort of this iivork in five
'special .eXperinient eittricd
'but itt Ox.fOrthCoon.ty 'ft‘ group ,ot
farmors..Tile' XgrieultOtal..110;pres;
entatiVO: .t.fron, mt. 0o444•oi•Ation.
witb, ow ablated I.Avediock 111anch •
and,O.A.C, 1is stiPpitH Miner/GS 40).
the'dattide,'ona. IfirS _Made An aestivate
test of sit milk Itodne64;and
in‘Jelio'eSe. faStories:,11eStills indicate
.larger tothrita of Milk, and the •Ieointi-,,
Lion .Of 'the 'unituals has beenltrintOV•.•
pd gott,011:y:, • •
Phail, M.P.,- advised -those -pre:Sent.- ••
to "keep well by keeping active" .
"Canada" stated the speaker, "has
been spending Millions of dollars on ,
immigrants as well as more than
30•0;000,;000 On sickness. •while ' we
Were letting:: Mothers Oui the'•ehild7',
reit they bear die', for lack of pre- .
.natal Care: Environment ha Much
to de with.Our 'health and we should
, .not be to-o:Coriacious of ',it tob. healthy
' 4
"It is particularly necessary that
rural -petiole should have health' ser-
' vice," 'declared . Miss •McPhail .: She
advocated the establishment of health •::
clinies througliont .the country, thus'. •
' ..setting up a preventive '.'Work which'•
, 'wouldsave people Much : ineriey,. as, '•
.Well at much sufteringand misery..•
TTMiWMPhajL relliterho* ,people,
rif Grey and .Bruee eorinties areliving
in an iodine deficient area and ,there-
, fore there' was much goitre president.- .
"I hae ,urgd a survey of the
counties .by health authorities and . •
not Until after repeated; demands was
I 'able to get ,one which.revealed,that
out of 180 examined, 19hadenlarged
glands': HeWever, upon securing, the :
results of. a private Survey Made by. a
specialist of goitreit was found in .•
, one of the:TownShips in this area 50:
Pe'r cent; were effected with goitre,"•
Scientists Time
Trairels' At 10,000 Miles Pee.See=
• end, Tests ,Reveal. •
,Measurement of the speed .of
at 10,600..miles.a,secOrid, Wad te,, •
.ported to,:the American Institute of ••
Electrical Engineerri...nieetirig at Pitts-
.• burg •:last •week I.by • Kati B. 'Meta -ch..
_ .
. The Speed ini,at: tithed 'at the. Einipite
. State 3ufldjii In" the heart :of -.New,:
.1.6tk City: This worlds tallest build-',.
ingis struck,. oftener, than , 'any: ether .
IrneWit.place'On earth, Mr. hi'dtachron'
said. It act3. like: a needle 'tel. dra*.
electricity,•":, '
•••• " • "
Camera Settled it
•.• A; .niotibn, piettite Carriers; on toP Of
, a skyscraper lett. mile. frothe
EnipireState; has caught every hash,
for.:'tnrce Years. It. is • part. Of a light-
ning laboraterY, directed by M. Me-tr
EiteltrOn', for • tire • General tteettle.
1rbe cunlerasottled 5 foug ,Obuiro-
iltile,:iftSputO was about WIrleh
lightning brati.olles1 up ' �r:
,tioNrb. liiptuvos showed boo dire6! '
tho (fi1oC,t16)1 dt•1116 Original afrok.".'
.• This 'Origiinti siroke•holant scen by
1hi,..101:rubb• rt, is a'serlOs
:0311aped •finsites, onch about '200 foiit,
• long.. Theae, one after 1110 other .S&.01'.a,
it path .or tho
filatit!.stroke of firo.• Each tailed' Pro.._;,.
esetli. a lit (1"#...fart:hot the
' ftli.e,"'". • '.. , • . •
PearinCeil is 98.3 per cent.,,ditst. •
ible; more ,so.' than an$, othet oil, .