HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 2' • I • r ,;07-41,74070:0:0:070.**0.*,70740* OEAPTER'.11 • • : Betty ..D,Lrham was: stariag at Fur'. ; long with aa,:appreherisiye pucker be- tween herbrows. "Ain't that,oUr:leck, for a little bitty oid: belt to Tilia',avOiy, : thing?Can YOu' think of way—?" thint.of ,waY that *mil . . .,.• . . :cost rnuch,to. try," • , • , 'I deoi wantianY. strangers experl- rnentin' around—" Maddox began; but • 'the'•giri exclaimed.: sliaenlyt• 7 • ' .voerhnenting for two ..,Weeks,' at !'a l,hundred • 'dollars, a day,, yea?,. 'Let 4r.1 • Farlotig• hare a go,at •stecitted an :'eiaggelat. ecl gesturo ot::,.ae'rrtileseence7-7,1.: g • ..,yeu are, Betty! !.13iitit this feller lints it Oa•thellitim;,..den"k blaine•mo.",- Then • to :announced: yourself;: • pardner: You heard the peas." „ When Furlong had .-fully satlsfied- himself as to conditionshe.' leek: ,off : Iti8e044,:and..'wentlo •WcOk.• Heihnew„. of no .fieiling tool Se Clesign'ed•aa. te... • 1)iek up an'object so small and as eas- ly''4COVA1.4.-„44-4004-4-04:,44Ar-e. :fora. be :Made One:. •Ile 'took a short • ••leitgt„ii;.et,•:,steel:,•casiiigl:•ot„It_diaineiter.4 smaikenengh to slip, into.;:the Well, and In one end ot thiiehe cut. teeth deVer,a) • inehes long. it' was a labor': that, con- sumed time:. he was still at it When , ,reappeared at the 'ivelrabOut dark..and adVised'him that his supper . „ . , • was Waiting. •:• •• • , •, . • • • • REX BEACH .Furliing's success. Ben wondered Whi• .Another fact.he discovered •••-, 13elty'' and her aunt were not on the best' of .terraS. After sepper, by...the light, of a ease': '.1ilie torch,. Furlong, resumed his work the. while Maddox vaiply' tried, 'With the new • device whieh. his, employer had brought out from town to grapple. that',olistinate piece ifif steel a fifth' of a mile beneath Itis`leet:. But itwas blind work, monotonous W.Ork, ditipir- itiog work; time after time the elaMaY • fishing took' was raised and lowered, but its jawn refused to seize the trou'. blesome bolt. It. Was .. a. job; aS hope, Not :00-.0-4,0c.meront, Mrs. Durbam:.had returned • from:. .STi--e Wait a woman' of iltdeterin •, :inale. age, Her eyes Were pale; .her.: nose was hooked' 'like the beak of it :hawk; were 'thin and set In avaricious, lines. Immediately !milt- meeting..Fiirlorig she Wanted to know Whether, he • believed, his, experiment wouid succeed," how he proposed to go about it,. how long it Would take, and: the like. Ben Was ,nonconunittal and :he refused .to raise, her hopes. Before .that the wornaii,stood . • In -Smite sciel o1 dread Of •:TillerMad- dox and that her teat ot•antagoniOng 'bintalnioSt ...equated her aniietY for , PPP ,Vitrra.a401.0g--4141: -up apbnwlth .6 :pair jot .fire •tongs at- tached :to a string • • •• The engineer • Of • the rig watched ..fillevi..machintst, and him, the lat- ter Fetioug's• wroOt, Nvith, the in terest or A: t ter inquired :finallY;;. •••• ' ' How :.00rne: ;qr.; rztirham 'to. get: killed?" , ..."‘He was blowe'd up. :It was v4eti the,,,,iPlanet-4-company„*.as,gattint4 -ready to ,put ,down .that Wellon the. ,northeast corner. Maddox was vorkint_ for the company thentrieVin' the rig - 'onta.,:the...grOund. A ,..powder wagon • • came.'hy an' the driver' stopped to ktik hie" way. ' .Ydn've .•seen •tbein, trueke-'= • :eix Anindred odd ' quarts of iiitrogly,. ,terine In Square' ,can ii all set in felt lieltU. to keep 'ern jrenr jarring.' trillus.'been seared Oti.."'eMLbliit,•,them.. • drivers ',pound tileir'wagens over these rough roads likelt's so .much molasses they got. Old ..ntian. Dprhatti ..Went.. across to the road and give him (IireC:;: .tiona---he ;Stood. there • watchin':: • :the. ,-4fagon.,•-ae-it.-Areve,iin. ;The driver Wee '• ,trottin' his horses, in', when he cross-: ed the railroad track it let go, . ;Jar. set it 'Ott,,I. s'POse.,. Tiller says he paw:, it all but hedont remember hearin' • :a sound ortselia".• a shock of sort.. . . , All .he: Seen was a:big black:cloud, an" 4-hen-40--..lpekedt•-forrold--.-Inen-Derham he wasn't there. ,Tbe fence' was gone, t...What happened:, to the driver?" d'yOu reckon happened? 'All the trace they .ever fouiid of himor,. the: Outfit.- was part of a hoss's leg ,liengto' on a telegraph cross -arm about a hundred yards :up. the grade. • There was a hole thirty foot wide 'Where • th, wagon • had. been and the railroad, , Iron was 'corkscrewed for a quarter of .'e mile. They:lohrid ,quite a ,bit. etfMr: "Durhane=ehough to ',hold a • funeral.. .4'Anci: Maddox -"Wasii't :-scratched!"' •Ther---;:-.StUrre-Er`taltili •aels--.7-qtreer-L7ccr, • . . , times!" • • , , • aists Longer, Skirts $hOrter OW Feather Ilats. 10 F0.1114 of White Hen or Ducks' • v.A..t-1,I$.&,-Lsinger.noists and. shorter shirts are the striking'cbanges greet- ing newly arrived. „stylists and bnYerii, • viewing •the. latest :caliecLionA• in fore- most garb; ' ' * ' ,The new feather hat& take the feria ' °Twilit° hen's: or black dualce with•red: beaks2 and. 'tails. in the air. tetOu!s new. cOlieetion, stresses the M.QYal.1 Aga in form -hugging bodices extending bet, :Jo* the hips. to meet short,. pleated skirts ..just Cavering the knees. : • Masculine Note . ' Many,: two-piece dresses and EMUS .proliouneed masculine, note, in strictly taitiped. three-quarter jackets for; day . wear aid a similar:styling for evening :ceats. • • A-stkerig eontrastiog feminine mote -- 'is, seen in *lingeriedetalls . for -suits and dresses In jabots? ruffled :veitees. lace -trimmed. cellars arid"- . • , Evening materials:are organdie silk and dull crepes, stiff, Satin, tulle and printed crepes. • : • :7. • , •It isn't very often wa get a request for a' recipe. for 141dir Fingers nowa- days. , The fashion for these . delight- ful little bite o5.f Paatry,Aeeraa.tA have Waned, Since OM coining • 'of, ready- made biscuits. -But for the sake of our.. inquirer and •Itir those of. you: who. would like, to revive .., these tea, dainties,,2we. are going to give. it: When you • make batch, of Lady Fingers, iserve tbeni for afternoon -tea, Or With ica cream And be sure to keep enough to make an Angel Char.: tette Busse. That's such. a eand* sounding desSert,—makes. one' think .of,Paris and Vienna and restaurants, ..,famed the -world. over for their ex - stump you because• you can make a perfect Charlotte Russe right in your own home. We are includIng 'that' recipe' too. ' ; ••• Lady Fingers .- 1/3 cup sifted cake, flenr. • ; 231: eepwholegaaPkhP°0° 1111:1 tg' dssg.ca.11-: a: " Isugar. Clover, Leaf DesigniFo Laura Wheeler Party Dress ': Oki whitest stiffly 10a -ten. teaspoon vanilla. • - Sift flour once,' PleaSuret And sift again three times. Combine whole: egg; :egg yolks, and salt, and beat un- til Wel; And' leinOn-colored. ' Feld An - gar gradually :into egg..whites and • eaintnne*beating • fens again. Feld in egg yelk' Ore and vanilla;. they) flour. Shape, in _oblongs, 41/4 %, 111ehep on in moderate'aPedpaper ovi fln.bak3i7ilog deg. Bakel.2 ,mioutes. • Makes 40 lady Angers. • Anger Charlotte Russe' package(4 'tablespootis.).: lemon: •." : ° 1 • cup warm, water: ...Eash of salt, cup powdered sugar. ,teaspoon almond : extract, ▪ !cnp heavy cream., ":" ' 'Lady • Dissolve jelly 'powder in warM Wa- ter: Add salt and sugar. Chill up - til cold and ,.,:syrupy. • ,Addalinorid extract ahd cream: 1.31acein, bowl; of cracked icc or ice .Water and '-betit- with rotary egg beater, until. thick „and fluffy' like Whipped cream. Turn into ;mold' .lined with Lady Pingers. Chili tintii firm. • Uninold. Serves 8,1 Fairy •Jam Torte cups' sifted cake flour. teaspoon part. 1 ciip .stigar:. • 6 ,eggs,, nobeaten, tablespoons butter, Melted. '2 tablespoons leipon juice. • 'Grated, kind of 1 lemon.. • Apricot jam. ' • Raspberry jam. • Sift tyour .once, iriedstrieT•rid I salt •: and sift again: 'Ad d,.:Inigar. to eggs owL;_er_smaller bowl . of hot Water (water Must, no . atm bottom of fniking hoW1). and . beat , with rotary, egg beater 12 minutes.-• Avoid beating dolentIy.„ .Renlove , from '.over hot 'Water and continue .beiting 10 minutes, far until 'Mixture' is cool: Fold in flour mixture thor. mighly, but gently., •, Fold in but- . thin on, 2, large, shallow, ungreased ▪ pans 15...-k..;10.-inches,•„4Bake.,.ih_mod- erate oven. (376'. geg; 12 'Minutes • or , until done.: Invert _pens On rack, for 1 'hour or until cold. Put layers together with tart apricot Jam. 'Cut in halfspread' on top. of One half With tart raspberry' jam,, and adjust ,Other ',half On top, .making, a: four-. layir Cake. Dust top with gonfectionz. - ete-sugar. - • • - ,4271" Nitintp,N of all ages thrive on •"CROWN . BRAND" CORN . They never tire of eus flavorand it really is SO .' good for. them—so give the • children 4T,ROYM BRAND"' 'every &Y. . ; ' • ' Leading .;phYSiciatis pro.; nonnce "CROWN BRAND" :'CORN,-SYRUP,a niost satis- factory carbohydrate to use modifier' in the feeding of tiny infanta and . :as an enorgy.producing food • •for grOoing chit ten. ' THE'cAmoo ENERGY FOOD' cAtetbA stARCN COMPANY Unified .114A1(E YOUR LIVER Pieodtiee "They,..f(ggored "Sonie!air Current - -_, was .responsible:-4,•Kind. •of a p'odsenct.: ,fcit'• Tiller, Wasn't It' . to be 'killed? • "New! ..To. 'get in With the Widder Betty.: Lucky foe then); , too, that , he took, to lookin" Out or ern If • he •inalies.:this well they'll' be iiitittin'in toohe of them' Dallas MansiOnS with . • . . , ,marble bedsteads.'' • ' 411e'll never ...Made 'a 'well if he keen:a:di-OA:Ming •,/mtd.Waire in it, In My :country 'a'dri1lr that. areles0 would, lose his • . ." won"t loe his joh,qtite enf, gineer assirted,,pOiltively, "Ale •den'',t lose ,anytbing he gdea, after." . • , ,Itt the .,'Cotirie of time rurlot4 fin Islip& cutting the,7entl.. Of his -steel efts'• ,ing.,in'to •Saries, of .teeth e and the.se. teeth he then 'bent ,'Slightly, This 'clOrte, be attichea the ice to .a • leej and..,16Nvered. it into .the hobe Even. tetty • Durham , and • her ' aunt Mar ho Ificiked on groivieg Silspense, Understood 10* hotti he .pit- POsed• fa..pick !UP' 014t bolt go. had ttp0d'those thPering teeth .:so that tbey•i embled the 'Cuivieg .fingerS of a hand, and his delicate' task waS ,to drive thts e.asifig henre' /against • 'the .4tee1.:hara boodvi of the efl ntit . ei.asc d iuiil ie gob:rhea .0011 .ovrii 0.0 obstacle, It wa's A :Ask it. TO fli,1.0QNTINtj) Vt'ur 11%11 Ivo, A tIg j ,N t,, * '.'f, li a', what It ;s supn,,S0.,i). 11,1' 3,,bPr•x1u,e Is te : as fl,, ,ntl, r I' 1ti•:t ew.ty. ,tiy 0,1 Pend It, ttit,,ngli illt Elysttnt 3 t tt alls„4sn On It$ Job :W It ,s.,1 r to t, .Atsttl nowt' ., , Tb 6 ,Ttt,t, ni'dotive itt roilInrit f,.* tile ,Ilv6t . known t4 nhicatat tcii'z' 11.1N1'-intl. ,tht.th, In knina, 4oStic iti 4st ,the y, ghtst use in; tonitt,P. five ponettlene:'' 64y,t•4fAn• • th,To6. ,no tAd.0,-13, '$ntIng',,, ol::O'r Ift4,21$Onoe in Alc1101;. Inott of tt, ,. erase, fie. 'ree.a l'Otilt$ te.ntnin A Of 'COrtAIA nronortton 'etnefeet: b eteleh • witty ensritrit *And .otriet inetilelneS„Ttlr 1,6 .01I1,1 'tint, 'harm, las.: lint vont ltv,dt, iind 'tit:Ands itn,i utIver the hint., F.,,t Atait At An (i400; raw,. ,a) , - folivAd.Ac skoi4; doo iefitatt, tleiejhino'k hockt,y and 6 katitmorf- ihing wieter onl- doGr biky Inexpen• 4%46 Bootiii�w. 't Shjoviho Qoati• . HIP:S CROCHETED DRESS !!"!, PATTERN 138 _ It's easy to Crochet this frock of mercerized cotton.' It's. the same .clover ' , . leaf pattern throughout except for the yoke in a: simple mesh. Pattern 1388 contains directions for making the dress in sizes 4 to 8 (all given in one pattern); an illustration of it and of 'stitches used; material require- . Send 20 cents_It_coins(stamps cannot be accepted) for thisii_sprii to . Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. . Write plainly PATTERN. NUMBER your NAME and ADDRESS. , - •'. • British „Maidens BeWill'Taught Sciences Bill to Be Discussed In F'arliament. To Insure Good • Cooks and. Housekeepers ,No longer IT -Britt -St. -*MY tlie. the butt of faAetiOits.: remarks: froM, the: Other...side of the 'Atlantic'. '...COoli••• Ing In England: is .about to become an almost universal ,:accomplishment. • '. Princess .Elizabeth has domestic Seimiee on her 'curriptiluin, and • re- centiy Sent a. cake 'made and baked by herself to 'a And ' eatery little „girl': in ,the United. King- dom.' inay,. be. convened to leiniTto .shop, c,obk, wash, sew' and. iron -as :she is now'reade to studs, hevrtO retitLand Writo.'A bilt.to be seriensly discuised .parliament 'during this seasOn,pro- vides ,for this, 'The reason behind: the:. bill is that, a sliOrtage ,of gpo.d. cooks in their Own homes is, insbifing;POrt.' 'ip; dignified tnembees of the HOuSe of . . • • . • • 'cOniniena to ,•deastie effort, • • . • Parliamentary . interest t, , Las not stopped there.' They haVe Mapped, out , , the co9ite of those young wnpien *Ito want to take ,Ifp, houseworkes a paid career.. Three classes of .certificate, are... tbs. be granted • for •profi.eielity..in, domestic sPienee-and .should the hold. • ers .go ;into .service they -are Dahl aeocirding ,to Ctrtss"C'';:o o'west type 'of, diplania is to he given to girls :of icheol.le.avieg ;ate vho have- taken their DreliiiiiiiarY•.•• domestic Seiehee, course •during their Years, ' at s thoOl, f1iyone employing at•a*nainimurri salary ;oi $4,50..per rtom, botd 1iindi,..:and,-„, health and nbelpploy.reetitAostirtinee; wou'l'd . ,be"etke& ie. tO•nsent to their , taIting flirther, training'. at the tillieS 'set 'Asid.e.,,in the •Schhols, for',ClasseS -far t`13:" certificate, the anbJeCta tvOttla ' iticinde; Personal hyglehe'.and sIal, extreiSeS.;‘,:deoltitig end eery - thing -14tod to it; ,ilciuSeIVerk; titre- 'a,ty .work; laundry tt.nrit,,idedleitori (ninnding,, drias:tattlang: and to en)t VrAtitet htiote'*itet1 (endit'te tap te7, basl :clietetite•attd catr1ng. " , arl flows. All the Answers Marithne Prodigy Refuses To Be Stumped By Mozj Abstruse Questions Flung a Her In New York. , In 0. quick, piping yoicA, Jean .Kath7 'leen. Demers, 34-e-ar-old715-rodigy of- ••Traeadie, N.S., rattled off wisecracks and randoto . facts from an appar- ently inexhaustible fund of knowl- edge at IsteW York last:week. • Given Fast Releief Take, 2 • PAspirin". •-Ceo/r-,„.76 a lets with a hill glass of rilert" • • Crush"Aspirin"' , Toblets in.1/3 gloss. • of•Woter--gargle'. •twice every, few a hours , 'Tile speed ,with which "Aspirin"' .tabletsact in relieving t liedistressing• s-yniptchiis-bleOlds and acdompany- .g...stItthertletatirnesunt ei rly s s ma pi ni ea n g ad pleasant:This is all you do. Crush and dissolve three "Aspirin" tablets in •one-third glass' of water.: 'rhea gargle With this mixture twice; hold- • • .ing your head well beat:, This medicinal gargle will act alinoSt like aa local anesthetic on the sore, .irritated:. membrane of Your • throat. Pain eases proMptly; ear/pees ' , . •: .is relieved., • - . „ es "Aspirin" tablets are made in. . :Canada: "Aspirin" is the registered • trade -Mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look , • for the name Bayer:in the •form Of it crosS on every tablet: • , eina and Get AspMADE IN CANADA enc omen Gain, Victory Added. 'Civil' Rights :Include, .• 'Obedience to 1..10444 riennh. celei)i4ed last woo; 4.49 great Ylg.tOrs 600049449f the cause g ..ort womefl's rights when the - ;: ,r.,04:AdoOtosi. a p1,11, co Ting 40011 aptciv.11 0040; ell married 1.511toocu:11ii:t11,1114as. nire4711;lc, 41,e1:01)(7,30,0:4, toTfy the . ,Senate. dOep: ;tilt!" establish ' full Pes. -it...neverthelepk reg,Istere.-22.:P0414 .q.14a/it.Y.'' rig.14.0.'228: between Ole' OP* adVance,..in thle, direction in a Country whcre the thoibglit io*,E9vMet9en't, ;44717 ePe4411;Irg4:'41-!:; porn. tfilp..ri,01.41,-statusthan In • any. other great .elyilized. stiation':. As. one French nawsPaper reinarked.: "The,: passage of this bilb by Parliament la a.::sert.„or 10144,04-1401,ot 'July, for :t!to, ' ..Freheleiw,amenv 'since 'it•-"Marha,tlieW, • saceesefull":itorriiing -.9f.sthe::xtfitarionit- lanti-feniinist,..Bastille,! the 'COde, Na- • Context,- tbons o[ ntIr ..11Mnafl in: regard to'. • peaceful ..Revoltttlen • • • v , . . • • . , " The 14w, in effect,' 'brings. 'alteut ' peaceful but. veritable re,yeltition• in tho relation between the • 'sexes . -.Prance,. for by it French women, no" tenger OWe' obedience' to their -IOUs.• : ., bands, ',The Word,yeb,edience".is•hencee forth..stricken. out of the marriage eer- ..•Vicein, all •Civil 'weddings Performed by Freacb, Mayers. 13ut :the 'new 'law goes. mueli fur.tlier thaii this,,.deriferr. ' Ing, . as ftdoes,. nurneroim civil libert ties' on .French • wives hitherto denied. „ them 'ita ef,ro. •telt:in'mat,.ny • fields of Freecit'llfe.. More ,:under. the dispensation' a ;French wire 'may. now': Sigh ,:and receive cheques,. testify.th • court, execute a Wall,,aet. as guardtan,, inake a:legacy and sign a ',Contract so long as she -Is acting, for herself': ever; even .under !the newly enacted reforina a Freneh wife cannot.,engage in businesS without the:consent of her • ';:• • •-• "Head of the_Farrilly” • , _ .The ',almost • complete silence 'oh- .:seried by. the French press in regard to , the passage'of this.. revolUtiOnary, bill indicates,that.,Frenchinen are try - Ing' keep, their wives to ignorance Of,. their newlY-gained rights. The ee, iS 'tetal . save for on popular •' Orange Sponge, Cake 124 cups -sifted .dake'•flour., 1 teaspoon baking powder. 2:14_,Jeaspoon salt: • 1 cup sugar.•— •.2 eggs and 1. egg yolk.. 24 Cup' orange juice 1 ;tablespoon grated orange rind. cup 'Water. S'ift-,,flottr-Oncernieature, ing Powder, and salt, and sift tegetht thkee- times: Add 1 CO Sugarto. eggs. and boat with rotary egg beater , until Smooth: Bake in greased, Hour - ed pan, 8x8x2 7 inches,.: in Moderate,' "Just ask ine, anything you like," She said, "They -call Me the Walking • book of, knowledge."' . • . :She :knew all the...answers,' ., With • an air of boredom,....,aSthouglj.jowo-. tient for Something hard, ihe.replied glibly that Paramariboii the Capital" Dutch .thai..Lake Michi- gan isthe fifth largest lake in .,the • World With an. area ,of 22,460 square tlitt the buffer State,.betiveen .RuSsia 'and China , is 'Mongolia; ; and; . that the Suez Canal ,as °Poled ,irrssi, 1869 and built i,bsi ench' engi- •need named Ferdinand de.LetgAps... •:Walking Encyclopedia spelle4 :with a shiall.`d' and a capital Ishe Advised .gl:Avely, for „ the benefit of ,neWsiten. • . . She knew that WOCdrowWilson , . drew : up the Nine,POWet4. Treaty, that the I-Atiteci States betight•AIa.ska from Russia itt 186I --:-"for *. $7,206,000,"! she'added gratuitetiSland that the longest river in China Is' the Yangtsei' Blushing Blonde „ . r;a•Wers •" brunettes and iedhiads, hate been tested 'in ,`Kekt,..:Yefk' by speetrOL phetomotel. an nstittiment .NV i inea'surea cIbt1i.•1 :the gitis weFe told a Joke and the'' 'tpeetrometer .reebilded their_rcat:, tions: The blonde's' latish Was the ' Issu_e No. a ist es— Paris—afterneen newspaper, which: • ' • The w'nistlinglanguage :spo- keel by a SeCtion. Of the, population : of pomera, one of the Canary' Is- lands. In a remote part, of the ,is- ; laod the people of the villages com- municate. With one another' by•whist- Wh . ling . across the deep ravines which separate them. Tile,whistling language is Centuries. Old iiiid-lie,predUced without use of, thepeople that they can,: send 'mid Understand • the • inest intricate 'messages and can Make themselves.' heard 'four • miles away: $1,000 -a -Year Meuse: Minnie,. singing meuse? earned $1,000 during her' first year, as a performer over •—the -radia -in Chicago, oven. (350' deg; -F.)30 Minutes, or Until done: Remove - from, CO and invert pan 'until cake is Cold •f; •PACI.,<A6ES 16; POUCHES • ..1/2411:111•1 .'`" 76c 1 • pleYedup the stciry. on its trent page unden4hbs,Somewhat sour, twocot Umn- headline: "Madame,. you don,t owe your husband obedience any bong. er but your Inisbarad r,entains the head of, the faMilY.". • Mere., Man,. Discusses Question of Makeup - Says There's a Subtle Distinction Between' Being '"Stared At" • And "Looked- At" • Tillie or threeveeka',a_go' at the,' golf Club, writes Adrian Hall in the LoodOn'. Daily Mail, 1 • overheard a •nian' say ,scotAftillY: 4•ICitratl-lteavensi-jint look at—that gui',Roitge, and lipstick.. and fed - nails complete.;, 'Why.- on. earth' :doeS .she cone on to a.'golf 'Course like And someone else sa4 with. a quiet chuckle: -"Well, anyway, she plays a • rattling. good • . Fresh and Healthy Tficri a third voiee joined in with: ,."011-, • , all right, just hasn't niucli sense about make-up,-. that's all. Jones (that was me) :ought, to., Intro, duce: her to his wife. She is A , clew, „ er :*Onian,, if you like, -alwayS loolo fresh, and. healthy out in the •:open: and yet in rt the- e'Vening..mariages to e7herself.,•eomPletely."- . • - , Well, I can tell yott; I positively . glOwed. with , pride. :•--0f,,ColirSe;.• I, had ..:vaguely noticed this .abOut 'Celia' be fore but now I came 'to think bOut The elder .geribratjOrl says diSda'irt- -ftilIyiLf!Mem hate -n -girt_ to,',..put,all_.. : , that. :Stuff on her face," and a hit- Of '.nteri join in that. ehatu,s. ' . ' But do they hateit ieally?, 1 ' Personalty, I'd.. hate 'my, wife to , be '. ,Stafed 'at,- but ,I:like• her to be loelc:- . cd ht! That's tt'subtle distinetiofi, •if you like. .' 'Ilitt,. interpreted, it, nearts% • that i,would,not.Iike tal See her ,with , 'scarlot lips and hails,. dyed ,or blet.ielt:, Od. hair, .and paintedon eyebrows.. k. ' '.' "Womaa, of the World" '''. What I flo-like•is„,to.see Celia loole-: •• ing like a "Wetnan of the world" -- as' tlioUgir -she had no Make-up on at all Yet With her cOmplexioil lOOking • . , 0 , . too 'good to be true to nature. , ' :I • like tlie smoothness of powdered•skin, , ,-.--and tIelliiitelY,:" and A.'littlo. defintit..- . 1, sr,O.1 nitilititel'i,isott:srtfiteleliec:0::.,1'..tp 61 it.: .1 O.'s% called , , 4 l'Ircenfoss that Ijia'Ve•two 'Wcalt.; l.:..8:Ir'‘.411:i1°:v.irri,''bl(°(:.(s'a.:..e')t-ilc°:i;C'iIkl-1fe°t1Y:i:}t1i+t1sotieaIbi1iaite,..;tlinL it. sinttte straggling end (most •Wo- w('n: .84111 f 6 ,tiailieve , this,. 11,0.,i,),., . 011 (1 ey('ll . more I, like- Perfectly loipt :hands', . . .A,.., 1)0Tit0cOSts building con-- struel i on Atitt!1ia rn 1938 it ex. peetid4tO at leest ,enual that of last, ' year,' Iluilding censtrnction in ' big titles is font' times it great as "the 'depth Of the depression hi 1032.