HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 2'
I •
OEAPTER'.11 • •
: Betty ..D,Lrham was: stariag at Fur'.
; long with aa,:appreherisiye pucker be-
tween herbrows. "Ain't that,oUr:leck,
for a little bitty oid: belt to Tilia',avOiy,
: thing?Can YOu' think of way—?"
thint.of ,waY that *mil
. . .,.• . .
:cost rnuch,to. try," • , • ,
'I deoi wantianY. strangers experl-
rnentin' around—"
Maddox began; but
• 'the'•giri exclaimed.: sliaenlyt• 7 •
' .voerhnenting for two
..,Weeks,' at !'a l,hundred • 'dollars, a day,,
yea?,. 'Let 4r.1
Farlotig• hare a go,at
•stecitted an :'eiaggelat.
ecl gesturo ot::,.ae'rrtileseence7-7,1.: g
• ..,yeu are, Betty! !.13iitit this feller lints
it Oa•thellitim;,..den"k blaine•mo.",- Then
• to :announced: yourself;:
• pardner: You heard the peas." „
When Furlong had .-fully
himself as to conditionshe.' leek: ,off :
Iti8e044,:and..'wentlo •WcOk.• Heihnew„.
of no .fieiling tool Se Clesign'ed•aa. te...
• 1)iek up an'object so small and as
:fora. be :Made One:. •Ile 'took a short
• ••leitgt„ii;.et,•:,steel:,•casiiigl:•ot„It_diaineiter.4
smaikenengh to slip, into.;:the Well, and
In one end ot thiiehe cut. teeth deVer,a)
• inehes long. it' was a labor': that, con-
sumed time:. he was still at it When
, ,reappeared at the 'ivelrabOut
dark..and adVised'him that his supper
. „ . ,
was Waiting. •:• •• •
, •, . • • • •
.Furliing's success. Ben wondered Whi•
.Another fact.he discovered •••-, 13elty''
and her aunt were not on the best' of
After sepper, by...the light, of a ease':
'.1ilie torch,. Furlong, resumed his work
the. while Maddox vaiply' tried, 'With
the new • device whieh. his, employer
had brought out from town to grapple.
that',olistinate piece ifif steel a fifth' of
a mile beneath Itis`leet:. But itwas
blind work, monotonous W.Ork, ditipir-
itiog work; time after time the elaMaY •
fishing took' was raised and lowered,
but its jawn refused to seize the trou'.
blesome bolt. It. Was .. a. job; aS hope,
Not :00-.0-4,0c.meront,
Mrs. Durbam:.had returned • from:.
.STi--e Wait a woman' of iltdeterin
•, :inale. age, Her eyes Were pale; .her.:
nose was hooked' 'like the beak of it
:hawk; were 'thin and set In
avaricious, lines. Immediately !milt-
meeting..Fiirlorig she Wanted to know
Whether, he • believed, his, experiment
wouid succeed," how he proposed to go
about it,. how long it Would take, and:
the like. Ben Was ,nonconunittal and
:he refused .to raise, her hopes. Before
.that the wornaii,stood
. • In -Smite sciel o1 dread Of •:TillerMad-
dox and that her teat ot•antagoniOng
'bintalnioSt ...equated her aniietY for ,
PPP ,Vitrra.a401.0g--4141:
-up apbnwlth .6 :pair jot .fire •tongs
tached :to a string • •
•• The engineer • Of • the rig watched
..fillevi..machintst, and him, the lat-
Fetioug's• wroOt, Nvith, the in
terest or A:
ter inquired :finallY;;. •••• ' '
How :.00rne: ;qr.; rztirham 'to.
get: killed?" ,
..."‘He was blowe'd up. :It was v4eti
-ready to ,put ,down .that Wellon the.
,northeast corner. Maddox was vorkint_
for the company thentrieVin' the rig -
'onta.,:the...grOund. A ,..powder wagon •
• came.'hy an' the driver' stopped to ktik
hie" way. ' .Ydn've .•seen •tbein, trueke-'= •
:eix Anindred odd ' quarts of iiitrogly,.
,terine In Square' ,can ii all set in felt
lieltU. to keep 'ern jrenr jarring.'
trillus.'been seared Oti.."'eMLbliit,•,them..
drivers ',pound tileir'wagens over these
rough roads likelt's so .much molasses
they got. Old ..ntian. Dprhatti ..Went..
across to the road and give him (IireC:;:
.tiona---he ;Stood. there • watchin':: • :the.
,-4fagon.,•-ae-it.-Areve,iin. ;The driver Wee '•
,trottin' his horses, in', when he cross-:
ed the railroad track it let go, . ;Jar.
set it 'Ott,,I. s'POse.,. Tiller says he paw:,
it all but hedont remember hearin' •
:a sound ortselia".• a shock of sort..
. . ,
All .he: Seen was a:big black:cloud, an"
he wasn't there. ,Tbe fence' was gone,
t...What happened:, to the driver?"
d'yOu reckon happened? 'All
the trace they .ever fouiid of himor,.
the: Outfit.- was part of a hoss's leg
,liengto' on a telegraph cross -arm about
a hundred yards :up. the grade. • There
was a hole thirty foot wide 'Where •
th, wagon • had. been and the railroad, ,
Iron was 'corkscrewed for a quarter of
.'e mile. They:lohrid ,quite a ,bit. etfMr:
"Durhane=ehough to ',hold a • funeral..
.4'Anci: Maddox -"Wasii't :-scratched!"'
•Ther---;:-.StUrre-Er`taltili •aels--.7-qtreer-L7ccr,
• . . ,
times!" • • , , •
aists Longer,
Skirts $hOrter
OW Feather Ilats. 10 F0.1114 of
White Hen or
Ducks' •
v.A..t-1,I$.&,-Lsinger.noists and. shorter
shirts are the striking'cbanges greet-
ing newly arrived. „stylists and bnYerii, •
viewing •the. latest :caliecLionA• in fore-
most garb; ' ' *
' ,The new feather hat& take the feria
' °Twilit° hen's: or black dualce with•red:
beaks2 and. 'tails. in the air. tetOu!s
new. cOlieetion, stresses the M.QYal.1 Aga
in form -hugging bodices extending bet,
:Jo* the hips. to meet short,. pleated
skirts ..just Cavering the knees. :
• Masculine Note .
' Many,: two-piece dresses and EMUS
.proliouneed masculine, note, in strictly
taitiped. three-quarter jackets for; day .
wear aid a similar:styling for evening
:ceats. •
• A-stkerig eontrastiog feminine mote --
'is, seen in *lingeriedetalls . for -suits
and dresses In jabots? ruffled
:veitees. lace -trimmed. cellars arid"-
. •
, Evening materials:are organdie silk
and dull crepes, stiff, Satin, tulle and
printed crepes. • : • :7. •
•It isn't very often wa get a request
for a' recipe. for 141dir Fingers nowa-
days. , The fashion for these . delight-
ful little bite o5.f Paatry,Aeeraa.tA have
Waned, Since OM coining • 'of, ready-
made biscuits. -But for the sake of
our.. inquirer and •Itir those of. you:
who. would like, to revive .., these tea,
dainties,,2we. are going to give. it:
When you • make batch, of Lady
Fingers, iserve tbeni for afternoon
-tea, Or With ica cream And be sure to
keep enough to make an Angel Char.:
tette Busse. That's such. a eand*
sounding desSert,—makes. one' think
.of,Paris and Vienna and restaurants,
..,famed the -world. over for their ex -
stump you because• you can make a
perfect Charlotte Russe right in your
own home. We are includIng 'that'
recipe' too. '
; ••• Lady Fingers .-
1/3 cup sifted cake, flenr.
; 231: eepwholegaaPkhP°0° 1111:1 tg' dssg.ca.11-: a: " Isugar.
Clover, Leaf DesigniFo Laura Wheeler Party Dress
': Oki whitest stiffly 10a -ten.
teaspoon vanilla. •
Sift flour once,' PleaSuret And sift
again three times. Combine whole:
egg; :egg yolks, and salt, and beat un-
til Wel; And' leinOn-colored. ' Feld An -
gar gradually :into egg..whites and
• eaintnne*beating
• fens again. Feld in egg yelk'
Ore and vanilla;. they) flour. Shape,
in _oblongs, 41/4 %, 111ehep on
moderate'aPedpaper ovi fln.bak3i7ilog deg.
,mioutes. • Makes 40 lady Angers.
• Anger Charlotte Russe'
package(4 'tablespootis.).: lemon:
•." :
° 1 • cup warm, water:
...Eash of salt,
cup powdered sugar.
,teaspoon almond : extract,
▪ !cnp heavy cream.,
":" ' 'Lady
• Dissolve jelly 'powder in warM Wa-
ter: Add salt and sugar. Chill up -
til cold and ,.,:syrupy. • ,Addalinorid
extract ahd cream: 1.31acein, bowl; of
cracked icc or ice .Water and '-betit-
with rotary egg beater, until. thick
„and fluffy' like Whipped cream. Turn
into ;mold' .lined with Lady Pingers.
Chili tintii firm. • Uninold. Serves 8,1
Fairy •Jam Torte
cups' sifted cake flour.
teaspoon part.
1 ciip .stigar:. •
6 ,eggs,, nobeaten,
tablespoons butter, Melted.
'2 tablespoons leipon juice.
• 'Grated, kind of 1 lemon..
• Apricot jam. ' •
Raspberry jam. •
Sift tyour .once, iriedstrieT•rid I salt
•: and sift again: 'Ad d,.:Inigar. to eggs
owL;_er_smaller bowl . of
hot Water (water Must, no . atm
bottom of fniking hoW1). and . beat
, with rotary, egg beater 12 minutes.-•
Avoid beating dolentIy.„ .Renlove ,
from '.over hot 'Water and continue
.beiting 10 minutes, far until 'Mixture'
is cool: Fold in flour mixture thor.
mighly, but gently., •, Fold in but- .
thin on, 2, large, shallow, ungreased
▪ pans 15...-k..;10.-inches,•„4Bake.,.ih_mod-
erate oven. (376'. geg; 12 'Minutes
• or , until done.: Invert _pens On rack,
for 1 'hour or until cold. Put layers
together with tart apricot Jam. 'Cut
in halfspread' on top. of One half
With tart raspberry' jam,, and adjust
,Other ',half On top, .making, a: four-.
layir Cake. Dust top with gonfectionz.
- ete-sugar. - • • -
Nitintp,N of all ages
thrive on •"CROWN
. They never tire of
eus flavorand it really is SO .'
good for. them—so give the •
children 4T,ROYM BRAND"'
'every &Y. . ; ' •
' Leading .;phYSiciatis pro.;
nonnce "CROWN BRAND"
niost satis-
factory carbohydrate to use
modifier' in the
feeding of tiny infanta and .
:as an enorgy.producing food
• •for grOoing chit ten. '
cAtetbA stARCN
"They,..f(ggored "Sonie!air Current -
was .responsible:-4,•Kind. •of a p'odsenct.:
,fcit'• Tiller, Wasn't It' .
to be 'killed?
• "New! ..To. 'get in With the Widder
Betty.: Lucky foe then); , too, that
he took, to lookin" Out or ern If • he
•inalies.:this well they'll' be iiitittin'in
toohe of them' Dallas MansiOnS with
. • . . ,
,marble bedsteads.'' • '
411e'll never ...Made 'a 'well
if he keen:a:di-OA:Ming •,/mtd.Waire in it,
In My :country 'a'dri1lr that. areles0
would, lose his • . ."
won"t loe his joh,qtite enf,
gineer assirted,,pOiltively, "Ale •den'',t
lose ,anytbing he gdea, after." . • ,
,Itt the .,'Cotirie of time rurlot4 fin
Islip& cutting the,7entl.. Of his -steel efts'•
,ing.,in'to •Saries, of .teeth e and the.se.
teeth he then 'bent ,'Slightly,
This 'clOrte, be attichea the ice to
.a • leej and..,16Nvered. it into .the hobe
Even. tetty • Durham , and • her ' aunt
Mar ho Ificiked on groivieg
Silspense, Understood 10* hotti he .pit-
POsed• fa..pick !UP' 014t bolt go. had
ttp0d'those thPering teeth .:so that
tbey•i embled the 'Cuivieg .fingerS of
a hand, and his delicate' task waS ,to
drive thts e.asifig henre' /against • 'the
.4tee1.:hara boodvi of the efl ntit
. ei.asc d iuiil ie gob:rhea
.0011 .ovrii 0.0 obstacle, It wa's A :Ask
TO fli,1.0QNTINtj)
Vt'ur 11%11 Ivo, A tIg j ,N t,, * '.'f, li a',
what It ;s supn,,S0.,i). 11,1' 3,,bPr•x1u,e
Is te : as fl,, ,ntl, r I' 1ti•:t ew.ty. ,tiy 0,1
Pend It, ttit,,ngli illt Elysttnt 3 t tt alls„4sn
On It$ Job :W It ,s.,1 r to t, .Atsttl nowt' .,
, Tb 6 ,Ttt,t, ni'dotive itt roilInrit f,.* tile ,Ilv6t .
known t4 nhicatat tcii'z' 11.1N1'-intl. ,tht.th, In
knina, 4oStic iti 4st ,the y, ghtst use in; tonitt,P.
five ponettlene:'' 64y,t•4fAn• • th,To6. ,no tAd.0,-13,
'$ntIng',,, ol::O'r Ift4,21$Onoe in Alc1101;. Inott of tt,
erase, fie. 'ree.a l'Otilt$ te.ntnin A
nronortton 'etnefeet: b eteleh • witty ensritrit
*And .otriet inetilelneS„Ttlr 1,6 .01I1,1 'tint, 'harm,
las.: lint vont ltv,dt, iind 'tit:Ands itn,i utIver the
hint., F.,,t Atait At An (i400; raw,. ,a) ,
skoi4; doo iefitatt,
tleiejhino'k hockt,y
and 6 katitmorf-
ihing wieter
doGr biky Inexpen•
4%46 Bootiii�w. 't
Shjoviho Qoati•
It's easy to Crochet this frock of mercerized cotton.' It's. the same .clover '
, .
leaf pattern throughout except for the yoke in a: simple mesh. Pattern
1388 contains directions for making the dress in sizes 4 to 8 (all given in
one pattern); an illustration of it and of 'stitches used; material require- .
Send 20 cents_It_coins(stamps cannot be accepted) for thisii_sprii to .
Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. . Write plainly
British „Maidens
Bill to Be Discussed In F'arliament.
To Insure Good • Cooks and.
,No longer IT -Britt -St. -*MY tlie.
the butt of faAetiOits.: remarks: froM,
the: Other...side of the 'Atlantic'. '...COoli•••
Ing In England: is .about to become an
almost universal ,:accomplishment. •
'. Princess .Elizabeth has domestic
Seimiee on her 'curriptiluin, and
• re-
centiy Sent a. cake 'made and baked
by herself to 'a And '
eatery little „girl': in ,the United. King-
dom.' inay,. be. convened to leiniTto
.shop, c,obk, wash, sew' and. iron -as :she
is now'reade to studs, hevrtO retitLand
Writo.'A bilt.to be seriensly discuised
.parliament 'during this seasOn,pro-
vides ,for this, 'The reason behind: the:.
bill is that, a sliOrtage ,of gpo.d. cooks
in their Own homes is, insbifing;POrt.'
'ip; dignified tnembees of the HOuSe of
. . • • . •
• 'cOniniena to ,•deastie effort, • •
. •
Parliamentary . interest t, , Las not
stopped there.' They haVe Mapped, out
, ,
the co9ite of those young wnpien *Ito
want to take ,Ifp, houseworkes a paid
career.. Three classes of .certificate,
are... tbs. be granted • for •profi.eielity..in,
domestic sPienee-and .should the hold. •
ers .go ;into .service they -are Dahl
aeocirding ,to
Ctrtss"C'';:o o'west type 'of, diplania
is to he given to girls :of icheol.le.avieg
;ate vho have- taken their DreliiiiiiiarY•.••
domestic Seiehee, course •during their
Years, ' at s thoOl, f1iyone employing
at•a*nainimurri salary ;oi $4,50..per
rtom, botd 1iindi,..:and,-„,
health and nbelpploy.reetitAostirtinee;
wou'l'd . ,be"etke& ie. tO•nsent to their ,
taIting flirther, training'. at the tillieS
'set 'Asid.e.,,in the •Schhols, for',ClasseS
-far t`13:" certificate, the anbJeCta tvOttla
' iticinde; Personal hyglehe'.and
sIal, extreiSeS.;‘,:deoltitig end
eery -
thing -14tod to it; ,ilciuSeIVerk; titre-
'a,ty .work; laundry tt.nrit,,idedleitori
(ninnding,, drias:tattlang: and to en)t
VrAtitet htiote'*itet1 (endit'te tap te7,
basl :clietetite•attd catr1ng. "
arl flows.
All the Answers
Marithne Prodigy Refuses To Be
Stumped By Mozj Abstruse
Questions Flung a Her In New
, In 0. quick, piping yoicA, Jean .Kath7
'leen. Demers, 34-e-ar-old715-rodigy of-
••Traeadie, N.S., rattled off wisecracks
and randoto . facts from an appar-
ently inexhaustible fund of knowl-
edge at IsteW York last:week.
Given Fast Releief
Take, 2
• PAspirin". •-Ceo/r-,„.76 a
lets with a hill
glass of rilert"
• Crush"Aspirin"' ,
Toblets in.1/3 gloss.
• of•Woter--gargle'.
•twice every, few a
'Tile speed ,with which "Aspirin"'
.tabletsact in relieving t liedistressing•
s-yniptchiis-bleOlds and acdompany-
.g...stItthertletatirnesunt ei rly s s ma pi ni ea n g
pleasant:This is all you do. Crush
and dissolve three "Aspirin" tablets
in •one-third glass' of water.: 'rhea
gargle With this mixture twice; hold- •
• .ing your head well beat:,
This medicinal gargle will act
alinoSt like aa local anesthetic on the
sore, .irritated:. membrane of Your
• throat. Pain eases proMptly; ear/pees '
. •: .is relieved., • - .
„ es "Aspirin" tablets are made in.
. :Canada: "Aspirin" is the registered
• trade -Mark of the Bayer Company,
Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look
, •
for the name Bayer:in the •form Of
it crosS on every tablet: • ,
and Get
enc omen
Gain, Victory
Added. 'Civil' Rights :Include,
'Obedience to 1..10444
riennh. celei)i4ed last
woo; 4.49 great Ylg.tOrs 600049449f
the cause g
womefl's rights when the -
,r.,04:AdoOtosi. a p1,11, co Ting 40011
aptciv.11 0040; ell married
1.511toocu:11ii:t11,1114as. nire4711;lc, 41,e1:01)(7,30,0:4, toTfy
the . ,Senate. dOep: ;tilt!" establish ' full
Pes. -it...neverthelepk reg,Istere.-22.:P0414
.q.14a/it.Y.'' rig.14.0.'228: between Ole' OP*
adVance,..in thle, direction in a Country
whcre the
thoibglit io*,E9vMet9en't, ;44717 ePe4411;Irg4:'41-!:;
porn. tfilp..ri,01.41,-statusthan In • any.
other great .elyilized. stiation':. As. one
French nawsPaper reinarked.: "The,:
passage of this bilb by Parliament la
a.::sert.„or 10144,04-1401,ot 'July, for :t!to, '
..Freheleiw,amenv 'since 'it•-"Marha,tlieW, •
saceesefull":itorriiing -.9f.sthe::xtfitarionit-
lanti-feniinist,..Bastille,! the 'COde,
• Context,-
tbons o[ ntIr ..11Mnafl in: regard to'.
peaceful ..Revoltttlen • • • v
. . • • . , "
The 14w, in effect,' 'brings. 'alteut
' peaceful but. veritable re,yeltition• in
tho relation between the • 'sexes .
-.Prance,. for by it French women, no"
tenger OWe' obedience' to their -IOUs.• : .,
bands, ',The Word,yeb,edience".is•hencee
forth..stricken. out of the marriage eer-
..•Vicein, all •Civil 'weddings Performed
by Freacb, Mayers. 13ut :the 'new 'law
goes. mueli fur.tlier thaii this,,.deriferr. '
Ing, . as ftdoes,. nurneroim civil libert
ties' on .French • wives hitherto denied. „
them 'ita ef,ro. •telt:in'mat,.ny •
fields of Freecit'llfe.. More ,:under. the
dispensation' a ;French wire 'may. now':
Sigh ,:and receive cheques,. testify.th •
court, execute a Wall,,aet. as guardtan,,
inake a:legacy and sign a ',Contract so
long as she -Is acting, for herself':
ever; even .under !the newly enacted
reforina a Freneh wife cannot.,engage
in businesS without the:consent of her
• ';:• • •-•
"Head of the_Farrilly” • , _
.The ',almost • complete silence 'oh-
.:seried by. the French press in regard
to , the passage'of this.. revolUtiOnary,
bill indicates,that.,Frenchinen
are try -
Ing' keep, their wives to ignorance
Of,. their newlY-gained rights. The
ee, iS 'tetal . save for on popular
•' Orange Sponge, Cake
124 cups -sifted .dake'•flour.,
1 teaspoon baking powder.
2:14_,Jeaspoon salt: •
1 cup sugar.•—
•.2 eggs and 1. egg yolk..
24 Cup' orange juice
1 ;tablespoon grated orange rind.
cup 'Water.
ing Powder, and salt, and sift tegetht
thkee- times: Add 1 CO Sugarto.
eggs. and boat with rotary egg beater
, until Smooth: Bake in greased, Hour -
ed pan, 8x8x2 7 inches,.: in Moderate,'
"Just ask ine, anything you like,"
She said, "They -call Me the Walking
• book of, knowledge."' . •
. :She :knew all the...answers,' ., With
• an air of boredom,....,aSthouglj.jowo-.
tient for Something hard, ihe.replied
glibly that Paramariboii the Capital"
Dutch .thai..Lake
gan isthe fifth largest lake in .,the •
World With an. area ,of 22,460 square
tlitt the buffer State,.betiveen
.RuSsia 'and China , is 'Mongolia; ; and;
. that the Suez Canal ,as °Poled ,irrssi,
1869 and built i,bsi ench' engi-
•need named Ferdinand de.LetgAps...
•:Walking Encyclopedia
spelle4 :with a shiall.`d' and
a capital Ishe Advised .gl:Avely, for
the benefit of ,neWsiten.
• . .
She knew that WOCdrowWilson
, .
drew : up the Nine,POWet4. Treaty, that
the I-Atiteci States betight•AIa.ska from
Russia itt 186I --:-"for *. $7,206,000,"!
she'added gratuitetiSland that the
longest river in China Is' the Yangtsei'
Blushing Blonde
„ .
r;a•Wers •"
brunettes and iedhiads, hate been
tested 'in ,`Kekt,..:Yefk' by speetrOL
phetomotel. an nstittiment .NV i
inea'surea cIbt1i.•1
:the gitis weFe told a Joke and the''
'tpeetrometer .reebilded their_rcat:,
tions: The blonde's' latish Was the
' Issu_e No.
a ist es— Paris—afterneen newspaper, which: • '
The w'nistlinglanguage :spo-
keel by a SeCtion. Of the, population :
of pomera, one of the Canary' Is-
lands. In a remote part, of the ,is- ;
laod the people of the villages com-
municate. With one another' by•whist-
. ling . across the deep ravines which
separate them.
Tile,whistling language is Centuries.
Old iiiid-lie,predUced without use of,
thepeople that
they can,: send 'mid Understand • the
• inest intricate 'messages and can
Make themselves.' heard 'four • miles
$1,000 -a -Year Meuse: Minnie,.
singing meuse? earned $1,000 during
her' first year, as a performer over
•—the -radia -in Chicago,
oven. (350' deg; -F.)30 Minutes, or
Until done: Remove - from, CO and
invert pan 'until cake is Cold
•PACI.,<A6ES 16;
• ..1/2411:111•1 .'`" 76c
• pleYedup the stciry. on its trent page
unden4hbs,Somewhat sour, twocot
Umn- headline: "Madame,. you don,t
owe your husband obedience any bong.
er but your Inisbarad r,entains the head
of, the faMilY.". •
Mere., Man,. Discusses
Question of Makeup
- Says There's a Subtle Distinction
Between' Being '"Stared At"
• And "Looked- At"
• Tillie or threeveeka',a_go' at the,'
golf Club, writes Adrian Hall in the
LoodOn'. Daily Mail, 1 • overheard a
•nian' say ,scotAftillY:
4•ICitratl-lteavensi-jint look at—that
gui',Roitge, and lipstick.. and fed -
nails complete.;, 'Why.- on. earth' :doeS
.she cone on to a.'golf 'Course like
And someone else sa4 with. a quiet
chuckle: -"Well, anyway, she plays a
• rattling. good •
. Fresh and Healthy
Tficri a third voiee joined in with:
,."011-, • , all right, just hasn't
niucli sense about make-up,-. that's all.
Jones (that was me) :ought, to., Intro,
duce: her to his wife. She is A , clew, „
er :*Onian,, if you like, -alwayS loolo
fresh, and. healthy out in the •:open:
and yet in rt the- e'Vening..mariages to
e7herself.,•eomPletely."- . • -
, Well, I can tell yott; I positively .
glOwed. with , pride. :•--0f,,ColirSe;.• I, had
..:vaguely noticed this .abOut 'Celia' be
fore but now I came 'to think bOut
The elder .geribratjOrl says diSda'irt-
-ftilIyiLf!Mem hate -n -girt_ to,',..put,all_.. :
, that. :Stuff on her face," and a hit- Of
'.nteri join in that. ehatu,s. ' .
' But do they hateit ieally?, 1
' Personalty, I'd.. hate 'my, wife to , be '.
,Stafed 'at,- but ,I:like• her to be loelc:- .
cd ht! That's tt'subtle distinetiofi, •if
you like. .' 'Ilitt,. interpreted, it, nearts%
• that i,would,not.Iike tal See her ,with ,
'scarlot lips and hails,. dyed ,or blet.ielt:,
Od. hair, .and paintedon eyebrows.. k. '
'.' "Womaa, of the World" '''.
What I flo-like•is„,to.see Celia loole-: ••
ing like a "Wetnan of the world" --
as' tlioUgir -she had no Make-up on at
all Yet With her cOmplexioil lOOking •
. , 0 , .
too 'good to be true to nature. , ' :I
• like tlie smoothness of powdered•skin, ,
,-.--and tIelliiitelY,:" and A.'littlo. defintit..-
. 1, sr,O.1 nitilititel'i,isott:srtfiteleliec:0::.,1'..tp 61 it.: .1 O.'s% called , ,
4 l'Ircenfoss that Ijia'Ve•two 'Wcalt.;
it. sinttte straggling end (most •Wo-
w('n: .84111 f 6 ,tiailieve , this,. 11,0.,i,),., . 011 (1
ey('ll . more I, like- Perfectly loipt
:hands', . .
1)0Tit0cOSts building con--
struel i on Atitt!1ia rn 1938 it ex.
peetid4tO at leest ,enual that of last,
' year,' Iluilding censtrnction in '
big titles is font' times it great as
"the 'depth Of the depression hi 1032.