HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-03-03, Page 1v Igroci •A" YEAR- IN A.DVANC.W.4.9c,,. EXTRA TO 13 • ,44ci, 4 .• • • ..Tiffj.R5,1)*Y4 MARC11,4r4. taoo. Win;: .Fowler 1ity4,1cm$ & S1RtEO. Office Hours - 1,409 -8.09 P.M•; r7Sundays44.30-3.00' *Pr fly A6allitment 'Phone 86. • „ . • FOR RENT' ..-4-Roarned House ,arit •h,ath.---:-Mel. 9rt , FOB SATA,4T,p.4. eatinr,potatees. f Mary Jana' Dartow?p,:.Lucknaw. ' FOR-,SALE•Agedi 111:10orn Bull.' . Jolla A , Kntiough , • :FARO VQ,E.,',S. 0 acres, 9th Com., Ashfield. • kin Y.to 9',1•Olin • BlalcO;I'''R. 7, LacknOw:, • MRS. PETER McCALL', Wisliel to :advise 'the nubile .that she is the .reP- • resentative ef, the California, per- • fume 'Co. • Ordett 'taken at her:home each Saturday.. • • FARM FOR :RENT- 300, acres. - 110 /acres pleWed, Well „Watered' 1:1) own ,a's 'the. McIntyre farm, Lots 1 and P... Com 12. E. D: Ashfield. • A 1-,nlv- to Donald MacLean, R.. 8•-•Ltieic- 7phr.up Doncrannon 05r1.1, ' , FOR SALE -24 Brood YOtIc Sows. 8 carrying .their ,second litter due to ,.farrow between 1st :'ind lfith of •Meta; 6 ' to farrow in April.; .10 in J: Batton. ` SALE .OF HORSES -20 head fron 2 t�.8 yrs., all broken and quiet, Cook's • farm, N. II. of LOt 13; Con. LUcknow Ilintsdair, -IVIatch 1.7th . Terms, Cash Iuglis I Patterson' Prop.; Matt. Gaynor, •Auc. .FERTILIZERS After Match 15th, We will have in „ 5,iteek, here in ' our mate -room, all brands -�f' C. L and Einpire •Chatham fertilizer :for immediate de-, livery. For full • particulars see or :'phone either: john tic or •N.. E. -Bushell._ MacMillan. Family In BOmbed. ,Formosa City Rev. And, 'Mrs. Hugh ReSidepts Of Taihorku, Formosa, " Which.. CitY Waiii'f;tainhed BY Chin- , ese Planes Last Weelct-alissDor- thy '•DOuglaa And -MacMillan Childtelt At Present, In Tokio, loCal People.. residing in Por- i/lose, Japan, nritelf,' concern was felt upon reports' of the bombing of the island last_ ..weekr. by .0hinese.: . air - • .Rev,' and • Mrs, Presbyterian Missionaries . in • For- mosa. are, residents of TaihOlcu, the bombed city and Capital, of the island. No word has been received here -by his 'brothers • I Ross . and, George, Mac- Millan, since the • boinbiag.' The MaelVlillan children ' are • 'at ,present in Japan,, as Welt -as ' Mies • Dorothy' Douglas, daughter of, G. H. •Douglaaof ...Lualcnaw.•-Miss..-Dongla;s ia a teacher in the girls' icboal, at Tamsui, • Formosa, ' but •since . return- ing Mote tharia year 'ago rafter 'be= ing home ori 'furlough, she has ,been in Tokio, learning the Japanese guage. , This is 'necessary; since the tiling by the Japanese GeYernMent 'that .only the "JaPaitese, language cap •'be -used in school -eat -wae s om ing . was', . e: fit time in history „: that the Japanese Empire'.hasuffered an ,air raid. Eight _were reported, killed and twenty-nine injured., ' • Fort/lose , lies approximately 120 , miles east , of the aiiiith easterncoast' Of; Chine, :arid new ,planes-nsed .by•the • Chinese 'armY. made, it coMparatiVely eaSilY .aecessible..for . an , air raid, ation foi'-the ism/len/us attacks by. Japanese bombing Planes . upon' China; :FbimOsa ;was ceded to Japan by China in 1895, .as. resalt eftne Chinese,.== -Japanese wer.','A vast Mini= ber of its 5,590;000 population are ra- iii •ChinSse. OPENS STO4 TODAY • Heffman's Men's Wear Store opens ; today with a „tilde 'range -(4ne'iiir merchandipe. Mr.'Hoffman is featnr- ing ,opening day specials in 4 display advertisement elsewhere 'in this is-. sue. He IS' located in the. former .Tre- •leaVen peek Store,conducted for many years. by MrS..M.. A; 'Treleaven who has disposed.' 0,00 greater pert of her stock , and. has discontinued lansineds. HONORED BY. FRIENDS ON • TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY • Mr, and 'Mrs.Bruce Gammie of •Elora,:Whose twentieth wedding ari- niyersarY was Feb 27th, wale Plea- santly surprised by "a riuMber .of their friends on Saturday evening. Un-: known to the Gammie household, the house Was al/preached and forsome minutes a • 'ininidture chlvari, was staged.. After this, the folks laugh- ingly trooped in with their cOwbells, drinna; etc. • Mr. •and , Mrs. Gammie were presented with a fruit ,basket of Royal Winton china by IvirS. R. L Thacker, as an address of, rollicking thymealwaa read by Mrs: .1.•. S.,Hall. The evening was spent in playing bingond „after a dainty limb was served, the;:visitors departed with the' wish ' "May. , twenty 'noire • years •come yout -Way; And .We'll all celebrate again that day". ". • '•RM' FOR SALE -Lt 5. .COn• 4 Kinloss, 100acres, geed clay loan Well drained, weltfenced and good wa, supply,' 15 acres fall wheat. • Firs Asa brick house. With furnace 'and „ th, large barn. ' and driving ' shad. in first•Class,tepair. Four' mile• :: froirc•-•Th-olifieW.:-Ite-fiSon. for -sal Mg. poor health. - Apply . to 'Robert .CALLING! ALL 'SALESMEN! Agents! WOUld you consider a_ clang: ' that would; reallyv-make money? Ne S'iles • Plan.. Sare---01 200-WaYanteed food; medicinal,' toilet preparations • Lower, prices."' Liberal commission. ' Extra dagh bonus.. Free gifts. if,• yo,17 have it car and a little Ca.sh and..want . to .sell , •.somethi ng that repeats the • Yeai•round in exclusive district, write to FAMILEX CO., 579: St..•Clement: • , St ;Mimtre:al. 7.T,NIDARs •Nsr.ANTE0 BY THE: • , • •1' ••••,LTOWNSHIP: OF AS1IFIELD, • . Tenders will be.; received • .bY ..the undersigned 'clerk • for. crushing .and hauling. .appiloXimatelY''•aeVen • .thinia, • ahdyyards • of •gravel. . A Marked .cheque f�r'10,'Per cent. of tenler, to%aecoin- .-n,, pany, tender., • 'Contractor to ,pay ' for •gravel: Lowest or any tender . not• :accepted. ..Tenders :to be .• Opened at' 2:: Pan,. Match 14th, : 1938.: • ; '.. Herbert Q. Curran,: -Read' Supt., •: Lachnew '7... ".."• •; ••• • , E. McDanagli,..:Cletic, LiicknoW 3. '.• ' NOTICE; OF , TENDEI, Tenders% belr tinderSigned, •up to the :,'Fitat claY;•. of • r•••• pUrchasc • of: a 'tWo :stotey; fraMe tdwellung anC•. • • • lot situate situate the West . side' of Stau- • ffer Streetin the 'Village'. of Luck- now,,being :Village lot no, 897., • ': • " ,The • lowest or any tender not • ' • essarily accepted.' • ., Joseph Agnew, •Lueltnow,..,diE" -FERTILIZER • • , laucknow ,Joint Club, *ill operate their .fertilizer mixing station this year tinder the same management as the three previous Yeats,, Club mein= hers' and those who join the clubs; •having their. materials Mixed ' here are assured of sowing a. .fertilizer • second to none offered them any - Where besides saving themselves ,dol - kis" • •• • • Prices czn materials" and mixing on application „to • ., • • John 'Jamieson, manager, lAlcknoiv, R. R. 3, 'Ph'one : Dungannon .684-1; Be early and 06 -Operate. FARMERS ATTENTION!7 GrosePs SPecially Cenipounded High • Graded ,,F,ertilizer ••,may secured Vcim el* age,niA thtenghont this distri from Milton'. Kilpatrick, • district salesmanE. It 7; LucknoW. 'Phone 77-14, Dungannon. Mr. Grose's, fertilizer plant is Situated•On ,Dnridas.-St;; West Toronto, ' and is..one of the most inedern, plants in Ontario which has has been, in Operation for senie , time. ' ''A• ny partictilar PrObleins that you 'have to'steal with, write "Grose • Fertilizer's. Ltd., West Toronto., . as Mr.,Grose has had twenty-five years' experience in the Maiiidacturing,,:of • 'Fertilizers. He else has, a fertilin tteatnient to combat wireworria which • cannot be secured from any Other °CoMPAnY, •' • r Wate,thenii at the feBOWing tuckno,W, Ripley and Clinton. • • Milton Kilpatrick, District Salesman, . • . . • • Former' Resident 'Paised A viiif - Mtn ilfoi Mra. :Daniel Itayea„-Wife Of Fainter Agent Here Passed Away In Her .,8lst Year • There , passed away , at her s'home, 547'13/41/lain iSt.,...East, Hamilton; after ..a. lengfihy illneSS boine AN,itli Christian fortitude, a ' former . resident of ; Fer- gus and Luckno.w. iWlhe person ,o Margaret.' Hastings . Little, 'With* of 'Daniel W.' IlaStea, in her 81$t :,Year, [Death tOok`• place on Thursday,' Feb-, ruary ipth, 1938. kr. 1-laYea.WaS a former Grand Trung RaiIWity Agent in. Luicknow flora 1889 :to 1009. • 2 ' Born ir Vergn's • in ,1857, ...daughter of William.. and EliSabeth Little,1 she recei41. her • early: education' . there.. . In :1876; • She loartied: Hayes, •ivliovvciS • 'station agent :on the 'Grand Trunk Railway After" being transferred to differenti,•stations" dur- ing. the following' years, (r.. and Mrs: 'Hayes and lainiiy returned 'to, Pergu.'s in 1900,,residing 'there for : seven :Tears. , . the, family. Mailed t� Guelph and later to 1,ondea and HaM.' ilton Mi 1-111iyes'lled. inHamiltonin 1933; "and Mrs. Hayes'• continued' • to !lye in that city until the. tiMe2,4,ke! death:: - • - • - A' Sad coincidence • Was the, death, on the :follotiriag, day, of het only sur.l. viving brother, H:HarVey nierly of Fergus; .and later residing in PoWers,,, Mich. ,:• • Surviving, are one .Feigii.S. W. Hayes 4af .Hanifiton; a daughter,Mr. DaVid K. Dik of Hamilton • and two'. sisters,, • besides' the 'brother afteadY mentioned, Mrs,. F. rt,„ Stewart ' in Vancouver and Miss; Agnes, Little of ilaraten, , • •• • •;There . waS•, a large'attepdanee at the funeral service held irk „her Ham- ilton home on Sattirclair morning, cOndueted • .by her „pastor, tor.. fsi. D. MacDonnld In the •afterneen, 'a large number • of relatiVes • ad. friend's gathered in Melville' Chapel .and Bishot: coridnOted the service, Prior to internient • !in BeisYcle: jceinetery, Fergtia; :Where 1VIi.,Iraies Was buried. :Card i0f:,Thanks - " The faihily of .the • late Win: Woods are, sincerely grateful to /elands and neighbors 'for rook kind acts and expressions .of sympathy during the illness and at the titne. Of the death of their 'father. • AUCION §ALE • Of Farin Steck herSCS: elm cattle, at *tot 8 Con: 0, 48hfie1d, on Tuesday, March 'itith„. at one b101c,., • 8dq. bilig fr 110t Mid\ td11YOrt Ceorge 'NONA Feep.' 'Matt. •••aaynor • Atie Left For New York Miss Betty MacKenzie! of Larigside, a student nurse .at Bruce County Hos-, vitarat--Willcert-Wleft 'oa • Satal---day for. New York, Where ahe •receive pant of:heitraining at 'Fordham ,HOs- pital in The • Bronx, with which the. Walketton,trairling school is affiliated. Miss ,MacXensie will speridseix months there :before returning t6 Walkerton complete her tliree-year 'term. ''• Die3 AURachester , The funeral' of. Mrs. . Phonies J. SteWatt.-- of • Rochester, - *be •passed avizar in,that :city , on Wednesday last .was held on.'Saturday. Mr.. Stewart a :brother of. the:late Mts.' Ches.". nut • of ;LucknoW. -FOrme1.ucknow-Dinggistt, Acquitted :.0f. Manslaughter .t. 6.;Arinatrong Freed •PolloWing Not OtdIti'Verd•iet .In'COrinectiOn 'With , • . . • The. Death Of A Toronto, Lady; Caused BY An Error In 'iComPoun& :int A Medicinal PresCription.. , • verdict Of not man- slaughter, was 'returned 'Friday terimon. b"an: Asaise, Court ,• jury which...had...been sitting •for three. daya ,hearing ,ilie•!case•OrrGT-Armstrong, New: Toronto dnuggist, ,and formerly Ltiekno,a,„ 'who Wits. placed. under 'arrest iifttr hi---deatliLiZTWOwomen from". potasSiiini. ci"Tanide ,,poisonirig Their• •oeoui-red, • lig: .411, ShOrt• time aPart,' re'sniting frOni ,an error' compounding a.,.. medicinal preSeription. •:• • •• • - Mr.;Justice • Geidfity and jury with manslaughter' 'arising direetli out of the death death of Mrs .• Helen :Heron. last October,, Who died .a short ,tinitafter taking medicine from. a .•bottle issued on a 'Prescrfnthin filled at ArM7 • atrong'S 'drugstore. , . ' '• • A' ,recommendation for the pre ec, tion 'of, the •publie• was Voiced by the ,fOreinari Of the jury aftez delivering :the, verdict to ;ails' Honor.. "We, the jury; recommend• "that bome litW, • made requiring, 'the. prOpe*.,:labeiling Of battles in' drug , stores, .afril that these be regularly inspected by' an officer of the laW. Vurther,...we.:recinn7 Mend that betties ,containing pfs�n be;niadp in a different .shape"' ° "Thank yon"„; said, • Mr.'. Justice Godfrey. 'I 'will .seethat your .reCain: mendati�n s seat' to: the 'proper au- thorities'. HiS 1.:,OrdShiP 'again thank- ed the, jury .0r the, care they had .taken:in thein, He then told Mr.. Armstrong; he was free te leaVe ourt. , • . 'Mr. Armstrong, who Was defended by R.'IT. Greer, X.C., totik the stand hnie1f,••an the only 'defence; Witness, During the hearing; Gibson, X.C.; • etoWn.' Contact; questioned Mr.. Armstrong ftarding Ms" partnership: .Vihile in Lueloiow,, As' he comnienedt1 his, next. 'question, Mt, Oreer. '3iireped Ito his feet in• Objactierir WWII, was auStithied by his loedshiP, • Oak, TIME SKATE Weather perinitting, an okl, I time • sk#te wiR 'be 'held •'this .• Thiiraday 'evening.(taight), in the • • • _L Comartinity Arena.., • . Efforts. have. been• made to . . • have an amplifying system . Stalled: and it IS 'eXPecfcci tIat this -;will reach here lfl time for installation to provide, puisic, for . alcate.Hot coffee will also be .served. with no , increase in. the adiniSsian prier fir:OM the 'regulak "-skating Irates Escape In Night. Attire, ,In101)7Zere: Weather *....from 'Blazing Horne Mrs, Roi Mcilnillin And Two. Child-, ten Awakened By' Crackling Flames Early. 'Monday Mornifig- -Young Daughter :Wanted To Go Back For 'Her Dog . • ' • , In their night attire, and hi a stila= sere temperature, Mi.S.r A.. H. Mc - and her two Children,: Jane, age 0 and. goy, age 14, escaped from theit blazing home in Toronto at 5.30 a.m. -ea n ay morning.• „. Mrs.• breQuillin is 'the wife 'ef, the. late Roy McQuilliri of 'this' Commun- ity, who was shot to death while 'per-. fOrrning: his duties, as 'al 'Member of the Toronto Police' toit.i,a. few years: Mrs. 1VIgQt04in was arousedbfbhe The:children also 7-11P're.--awakelitid4b'ekltr:i4e4s;aPfe4in ,and the three es4ped,..arilicirined, af- ter ;Mrs. McQuillifil•Iiiiii•••atoPped to telePhone,:the-Tita -04iartment, s; June ivi4h9d to Tetlif!'i'-,t0 the. burn- ing borne to 'resene het:Vet black arid tan English.tertie444,1iwas restrain- ed from doing at.,.1,41X4,-raothet,, The. little nal" ' WOO 1,Yweyer. until she. later leataed'tk''''•dog reseal/eel:alai), - The blase apparently started. in , the 'living teem. 'A. chesterfield: and ; curtains !Wake:. ablaze 'arid the whole • room :burst into !lathes as Mrs. Mc- Quillin ''oPeneci` the door. ' • • FireMen, who eStifimated damage , at 81500; .prevented the . outbreak' from 'spreading • :through . the entire •- liOuse..'The blaze didn't' reach the. kit- chen, but the heat was so intense that • , everything • in it was.: blisteredand Warped, Mri." McQuillin• stated..:Cause PARAt4YSIS: PATXENT RETURNS 1PKY:)M' LQNP.91N. HOSPITAT, lgisS! Bainin,•• • 19 -year-old' yotingi, lady df the Crewe distriat, who was afflicted with:Infantile par- alysis, during .the fli epidemic, has been .discliarged from Vietoria: pital, London.;.whete she has been receiving, treatment, for, the P,ast five months. Mies Durnin ia at present a .guest at. the home :ef 'Mies Rebecca 'WOods'of Lucknow The young ,lady' whoa_e .1Ower were. _paralysed- is making •encouraging, progress and is alble to walk -with. the 04. 'of., leg 'braes .A-As 'MOTOR gisHAF. , • RUPURNING FROM FUNERAL An • auto accident on the highwa,Y near Mitchell forced Conttoller Free- man v. Treleaven to •MiSs a .ineeting of Hamilton Council, •the' first from Which , he has been absent: in many • , " hurrying:inane' DOM the. frifierill of Mrs. Olive' 'Treleaven at Dungan - so that .he wouId• not be late for the council ,Meeting, Controller. Tre-: leaven struck an 16' patch On the big,hway and his cat Skidded hit) a deep ditch. Forte/lately, ;neither the controller nor any of. his passengers 'were injured. kik4IENOW-41IBtfrf . If you. bike to • sing you will not -Want, to 1n4s the Gospel Song Service • of . the Bible Institate 'every, Friday. • evening at. 7 o'clock sharp: 'Ilia 'Fri- day evening; ,Rev. E. M. Loney,I3ihle' • Doctrine 'teacher will 'haye charg e,,of hoh classes for the adults If you have any • Bible difficultiea 'feel free to brine; them-Tand-haireffithem---diV• • . ciissed. in. clasS., We have ' been encour- aged by a new interest manifested tinning the High Sebool students and hope:• that, this •interest' will .grow. Classes at 7.39 'and 845, -pan. Bring Your Bible and a friend. • , • 'MONDAY- •-•-: • A -fire alarin-waS4Urned---iii,-.1ate Monday 'night for a ehirriney., fire at Johastele,s 'restaurant. At the , time of the alarrri, the -Are ras,heing wat- eheci eleseV by Mr. "Johnston: and other • helpers and was not regarded as 'particularly ItovireVet the flaines were noticed,someone On •the street and the siren was im- mediately blown,. ,catising an unnec essay rth un with the reels • of the fita was iinknown:• - 0 BITUAR Y • NvitpAN- WOODS' • ,A 'long fe closed at Stinset. • . on 'Saturday, Febrnarr19th, in .thepei son Of Wm. Woods, .adding another nanie, to the list ..of Old 1St. Helens*. residents; who ,have, passed away' r- cently. • • • .• in the County Of Siractre' near. ,CoOkstown aid. came With his :parents, the late 'Mr.' and Robert Woods., to St., Reiens, When a boy thirteen years Of .age. 'He'" has lived . in this: district since that time,:yiitli; the' exception Of thrat years spatif •Stanley' Townshia, near BrUcefield, ' Fiftyrs ago last '•'-oefeber; he • married Isabella Barbour,' who deceased him sixteen years age. :Last .August be • celebtated his 89th ,birth- • Ite 'Was a man : of tugged :PhYsic Until five; years figO -*lien he was 'Striekeri .:witli, paralysis of hie , legs and since that: timOhad to use a• wheel chair: , Although unable', to walk, he bore his cioss cheerfully ,and Still enjoyed life- until two months' ago; When a. more serious eonditjcn developed and confined him'. to 'bed. . The funeral ',was' • held", ,froin "St. Helens' -ChnrCh which he attended:as long as health permitted,. on' February 22nd. The service ',Was' conducted by Rev..H: M. Wright, who paid' a fine ttibinie to the life . of, the deceased, Mrs.. E. Ride. gang a solo • ."The Old Rugged Oros". The servicewai lar- gely .attended. Inter/Pent Was 'Made' in Greenhill •Ceinetery. The: _pallbeciters-were-Plio-pephi*s; Lon/6 :1:i,Voods.„ Roberta/id job!) bur- nin, Albeit Gdninaie, Elwood Rarbour all 'of thili district and Clarence gar•.• bour of Orangeville:: ' ' Be leaVeS to ineorn a family. of" •.throq 'sons and three .datighterS,, Harry., Elnier arid Atilbld of W, , • Wirilbsli; (Mary) 'Mrs. 'Martin 'of. E. Witwanosh„ (Etta); 141.4, 01: Irtmiti and (Emma). *JR, ct, Muttiu Of Huron ¶Thwnhfparid a. iutnber .ot grand - 'children, , Relief Costs Increaset," During Past Month Bills Passed On Taeaday Tetal 447.79 • But 'Include January And Decem, ber Accounts -Liability: Insurance :To Be Renewed -Chartered •Ac-. count Auditor Appointed , Tliettrairir t. _meeting, of' the Village Council was IA..' on .,,Tneaday'..:with Reeve E. Bushell presiding, and all ..merill/ers-present, except Coun- . • • cillor Paterson, who was absent due to ,illnes. . • ' . . Relief 'accounts presented totalled. 44749,cenSiclerable,_inCrease ever - the pmontk;7131:Ifs--Wlifeli total hi - chided, January' andDecember bills FOur househelds are now receiving municipal , aStistanee, recent, ereas of two. • f;I;r• :11119.4 • re- garding a grant for the PIpp Band, • .„ The matter was laid laid lover on ,the • ie- questot .Reeve , Bushell. Until :all mem- bets 'wete present , ; •. :$,,E,: Robertson ,and 9, Smith raited-... on • Connell reatiesting agreemerit .N.."ith the Board on behalf of 'the.. Agricultural Society, regard - in g the uae of the • Cdmiiiiinity The Saciety was 'granted free use of. the 'huilcling.,for their. Fail Fair 'and •Spririg Show if- deSireci„:••,''' ' • 'It , was, decide0 t enew'' the'. • ity' insurance. on refida , and 'Streets at. .0 preminin not exceeding $i0o 00 Reeve Bushell, did not favor renew., itig• thii, Ill H. Agilew was.. instructed • tO •ttirke-.!-riedepsatyateps4e:-Collect,-=pellr tai Still otitatandifig,... • . • , venetian blind at a Cost Of $1; is to repfuce,..the ,Municipal Oilke opibeantst; 7a. g' 1141: ahini eaW68,' ot'dfnu'S7du arlai.on;d: oti tt6h1 le 6: window ,otan. eannal Preniluni. $1,2,63, 'WO candelled, , ChitrIe T. ears, chartered •accotin. tant df • ton -don, was engiieti at a leo of ;$03,66t audit the nitinielpal school .and library boeks. • , LuiknOvi.' TO Lanes Hydro Extension Discussed . " .• (ZION ,NEWS)' • •• . • - .Tneeght was held .bere on Fri day evening....e to consider. -their exteIt sion of. the. hydra • electric servief from LticitrioNii'•to anesand adj'• cent points: The proposed route wa, south:frein Lacimeceto the 1,2th "tl?en "west. to Zion-sehael,.aerass •S; R ' !No. 9' t� .Haekett's town froui there wet to Lanes. It "was:Pointed out that this 'pteposal, IVOR' brinv hydro to to the door of almost doubl- the ntiniber of, farmers, as compared with,.a •rei4a via 'Belfast ,t6- 'Lanes.; Prospeets appear to be quite favOr. able for the Carrying' out of this: pro• p.osalras. there.' ars '4' aninher, of 13J.-•�'.. spective auhscribers interested: , IVIisses Vesta 'Tabb and 'Jen: Ritchie, E.N.,, Of. Goder•iCli, spent par!' of last. week with the latter's 'parents. NI% and :MI's. WM, Ritchie, • .,- , , .Mr,•• Harvey rtifehie ret,urned • on Monday; 'after a: 'week's. .• Visit ' with _ Varna friends,' ' • • • 'Igro . and „gIVIro.. 'Alfred Ritchie Laurier Visited on' Tuesday •: evening with gr. ,ahci Mrs., Ernest .Gardner. „ , IVIr. and Mrs.;•Jas. :McKay :pf:Pais7 ley, spent. a day ,recently with arid Mrs. 'Ralph iXon,: and :lair. -.and Mrs. Wesley, Ritchie. • ; -.717B. is weel,d then.' meet,: ing •at. the hgnie • Of. Mr.. and Wesley Ritchie. . Mr.: end' Afig..140he McDOriagb and farairy of Belfast; were ,SuridaY 'vis: itots with .Mr. and Mrs, F..AnderiOn. , Mr Eldon Bradley returned te:his heine at Laurier, after' 'spending- 0 cauple. :of weeks 'with Mr, and Mrs.- Geonntar. •• Shower And Banquet • .featOre Week At St.,.Helens (vr. HELENS NEWS) r. The being of Mr! and Mrs.:Wallace gathering on Wednesday eveningon: the occasion of a, handkerchiefistiov.:- er, arranged''hy the nieMbeia of the 10,4dieraft. Club 'and their lea- :.:MrsTt:IVIcKetrzie ',Web .;-'in hono of Miss Lattrilie Miller;•I.aurine; Whe haSbeeriiiiSiStant leader, of the Club; leaves,.next to enter .the•.Strat- ford,',General Hospital as a stud en purse. '..LittleTaYlor,' eitessed as a., nurse .and: holding a hite, pal asol:•from: wlife-Iig• the par:: eels Containing many 'lovely:handker-• Chiefs; 'Was';'draWn .. into the.: living room by, little Billy:;'Webb,•-on his ex- i>reaS Waggeri.The,:giftS, were.' opened.:1 and the aCcemPanYing • 'verses' were. .read by ...Laurine who ':..the gath,: complete surpriSe.• Af- ter •slie'ha'd .expressed 'her, app.reeiti7 ;tie/I ..to .• thel . A•eyeral ' intere.sting: Contests .were. enjoYed. The'retriainder 'Of the aVeriingwas' sp•en.t, in. 'dancing ha, e, marl b :nil Uold The,"anntial bancipetundet •the the Y. F. T.T. ras held 'in: .the .basement of the: united churr.h. • on Friday:, oveaitio. with' over 100 in :at- teadarice„ The .roani.was 'prettily • dee=. orated with Streamers Of. "pink • and &eery. the hand, •fila'dte, cards and-othercbilationcarryina-; out the ,Sania,•.741-nilitT cdier 'scheme: • After :'all hairPartakelt ; Of. the,b'oun- tiful ..Supper :aadprogram' of toasts and, 'speechea inteieperseti , with .rea- dings •and.:•muSieei nurnbes t,yereen, joYed;',.,.with ..Aev. H. M. weight .(as,. master 'of •cerem'onies„. He proiiOsed ,the. tat • t� Our King 'and 'Country :Which Was responded to Ii ; by. , th.e 'singing �f"God Se:aL.c thc King' 'and tt 'to "Th oung :PeoPle in the Church". proP'oscd• ,Lorne • Wood's -Was' respomied, to by, etyler 'Ramage; that :to' the. Ladies' given: by Earl Darnin in .the AbsOnce of ..Obrdon Miller, ‘waS responded by ' Readings'. 'Wer.e givetC,bY MissObilOieve ,Watt, White'elitir6h and bY &WR nnd solos. by 'Mrs:, Rice .and Me. 'Mochiqe., Mi.: Milan :Moore, :brought greetin§ trout•.the: The Speaker.: WO Rev:. :Geoige,....WY.,,= lie of .1Ieratillet, .WhOtold many,: . Jhjs. in the vet, ended with an aPPeat Ao.. the 'ionng • ...peoPle for their 'Stip:port' iit'the present tiission.- ary • need, ii interesting', .fAitiire'' ives the • .prosentatiatt a. Iv, y;Juld.:Ao'iLyli:,• 1416id•to, LeUrine'.Milier, who g.c;oi...4.• in 'ttainhie in. 8tratt6rd., itosPitm- tiekt Week, -AA addeesi• allPro(la-* tion ahd goo d ykktici,::. by. Stanley Todd •••Otid. pre sthi tail on.' was, niad b biak WeAtlicrhcad,. • At.' tee teauritie luid*zpressed ,iier thanks SIX *TEENS' 'OLD , INFANT . • DIED 'WINGIIAM WEDNESDAY . Mr.. &•• Mrs. Theinaa M. Ferguson, have the syMpathy of rienda in the , ,death of their ;infant son, Williata Allen, • aged eh( The lztUe bey died in .WitIgham On Wednesday last Of acute 'indigeation ' F11.0:';br ue as Qtf6.130:11/11:5, in ti.te41; ,whva e:oi hd. grandparents, 11 d.. ,. mn. :T. ibmh 60 n im atahi dyel: Conducted the service.' Two ladies of • the- Salvp,.tion Army,. ,Winglicim, •ren- ' lered, a duet. Four young bays, War.. ren, and Cleric Zinn and Reggie; and ,Ihninie Ferguson, were Pallbearers, • Interthe rWas, in Dungannon cern- eterk.'. PLEASE SAVE THE CARTON'S •. As g • contestant. in 'the BoYal Yeast Cake Contest, with the hOper that I 'may be fartunate in 'securing a. prize . . 'for a' year at Normal I would ap- lpthrea.ctlawteouhladviantglue:esrts ponfy.-1-tiloyY-altuyietaiosnt- save the carton fronts :for me, and if convenient to leave'them at any 'grocery store' in Lucicnow. 'If cartons. are sent.' by • mail; :1 will remit the postage..• Mark. Carter,. • co Peter T. carter, Second 'Con. , After a long illness, of sOine four. years 'Benjamin, .J. ' Anderson, passed• ° away in the General Hospital at *in.!: ,riiPeg on :'February' 6th. Mr. Ander,. Soft' was in :hi's', 85th year, ' Mrs. An- • Verson,'21debereaVed, wiclow,••residas at Stonewall,. Man. , •• ; • • wow . . Mr. and Mrs, Rert I!„eecrand fatn ily ' of :•Whitechurch, . moved their household effects effects to Listowel this Nveek-arid have taken up ',residence On • York, .street. Before leasing Wlnte- chul'ch the ladies Of the Women's In- stituta a. linen tablecloth. -Listowel Banner.;; 1. • • 'MOr`iiTER 024914 GRolvN L-OCAL GREENHOUSEI • , On display at The Sentinel' COCO 4, a .' inonster leniOn, Measuring teii inches in circumference,:' grown • in 1, Ltick!nowit • Solomon's GreenhOUSa.,!:: The lemon tree on which it grew, is about 2% feet high and has grcivirp• fiom a seed planted by Clarence Murdierl while in I.,istowel a few years. aio. • . • , . , • : It, has taken the lemon some *Ine lilOntlitS or -more to'. develop, the having • blossomed early last suMmer.. Abotft eight blesaoina' appeared' then, • but -the fruit dropped Off ;in the early • Stages of growth; with the exception of the' one; which.,deVeloPed to a :re-. marable size: • .• TO 9BsElOrt DAY �P ORAYER • The World's Day' of Prayer Wfil 'held on Friday, Mareb 4th, .at.,3 p.m., in 'the United ChurcheWoraeik:Of• all ciiieienon;ehili(itiotiellsk /Lee n(iteaytugraiiiric;;;:rr. Will .you be One of .them? ' .The offer- ing goes to the Interdenominational Committee. . • - ,- -,7-717•NNOW••••: YOU,R*7 BIBI;Er --Palyse teachers deny the Deity of ,Jesus 'Christ. They eXplaia away th o MiraCles.: They.ridicule the; Virgin' ,i3irth. They deni the .hodily resurrection of r our Lord..•TO them Heaven and Hell are states Of niind instead of places, Know Your Bibles. Scofield Bibles With'One Year'sBible Course for $2,50 and .$3.28 it THE CHRISTIAN" BOOK .SHOP, Card Of 'Thanks '• Miss O. Purvis wishes to: especial.. l' thank. the Holyrood Weinen'S 'In- stitute, as well as „other friends: and neighbors, • for their Y thoughtfulness and kindness' during . her recent 111- bass. • Card Of Thanks • Mr., and Mrs. Thoniaa Ferguson •and family, wish, tp express . sineere thanks ti) neighbors neighbors for • "the:r kind - nese nifitat son. — • • • A4, jomed: in 14 s ngin$• Will 'ye no eonie baCic again?" 'The ,pleasant gather- ing was brouthf to.,:at close by, sing-. ing "BleSt, he the . tie that binds",. , :Mts. England of ,LuelCrieW Atfas'.'a! :ViOtoil' last :vveeit nrkli her daughter;, MN, Swan., The 'W.Orld's bay �f PrtiYer/Will be observeil At the home of Mrs, OrordOic Viiday afterrioen ..2,80,