HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-24, Page 8• i ;U4'KNOW-SENT t ,,. SLL LIFE OF r%\111.1. sari 1 i I i I. IIIIIIII� I II 3 III I ihnOii LIFE ASSURANCE NUITIES,ENQOWMENTS LOCALE AMEIIT HEAO.OFFIIE MONTREAL ST 1 . L -K C U NOW. CHILD tULEAIION 1.1M.LY PHOTECt,ON RIP E O . L Y N SED: OUT . NOTICE T . Ra le °Juniors assi ted by illALL, peisons hav g; claims 'against. e t• andthe state of•John.J nt1 to of the •.•d wit • Gorden 11f11e 'Luck e ..oY. ..a . how,, wiant- down• ba ttling"'on Monday . Village of'i.uenow in the County of night in the •seam -final- series for W:: Bi'Ace, Exporter: deceased, who. died .H:A. group honors .'The `' 1 ,. •on or i bout the;tenth, day ,Of Deeeni- . 1.I g ... Y won: the ., : P fixture ..5-3' from ob°,Thoni on's: berg A. 1., 1937; are' notified to send' Kincardine �ladst but were `one shoe to.. J. ,H:. Ciawfor W'n ha , Olt=:` t „ of tying the round: havingo t o t 'i • ' `u i i�io o ..' .: •.: ,.... 6. ,} tai. ,.n or before thehe•;twelfth. day,.of Kumeardine. 4. to,.1, 1- Match A;D.,, Y9 d8 fu'IT: anti .alar .o ' re . DRi le ::.seen -�. s. `slimed .,. doors- for the .battle, acid while::the their claims , in . writing; verihed • by :close ,checking and ganging by the statutory- declaration, Immediately,' • Ripley lads didn't. tend to produe a atter the said twelfth dayof March•. smooth display, f . , g, game the assets of the said •deceased will was packed full o ,•thrillgs' the ,. of:thrills ls nd..exclte- . • , .-.. • f e.:dro : of the'puck; t be distributed amongst the. parties mm the P Iau • .., Kincardine:now :meets Coder ch for' 1 entitled •thereto, having regard only, ther , .- I to the claims of -whi h` the 'executors .. G oup .title..: The Thompson: -cos . o , . - shed. boys,oil to a slowstart tie . shall then have notice o , . to d. Teeswater fer,'tlaard place then ,ousts DATED at Wingham this twen em :4 to, �.'. :. sudden -first dayof Fe • ar ...,•. 0 - ::...� 1 in a. death gamt+. bxu y, A. D...1938. • in:: Lucknow'.and' now, have disposed 4, •I0.CRA . p ..... � ,WFQRD; Wingham;•Ont.;� -of Ripley. Solicitor for the .Executors. 4 444 • TEURSUAT'A ,:T'EBR A141 24, '1938, ' rS Olive Treleaven -Died Suddenly Ini4ontreal (DUNGAIvNON NEWS) : A funeral service was held in, the United Church' on Tuesda3?~ afternoon at 3; 'pan, 'when,, friends° paid a. 'hist respect to a :Valued. former resident of : the; village, Mrs: ;Bert 'Treleaven, widow of the: late 10. -Bert Treleaven. ,and formerly Miss Olive. Norton. The :remaine arrived from Montreal, With. her nieces 'M,ss' Bennett. Mrs. Treleaven. Was past the , seventy mark ' and passed away very 'suddenly. last ,Saturday evening, from . ia heart' spell. She had resided, in ,,Montreal for the .past 'few years., She, s.r'well, remembered here by old friends and, at • one , time, 'was• organ- ist •and choiir' leader in the United Church, and: ta all -who knew her `she. proved- herself • to have sterling .guar ities .end 'much . talent. Rey. •,Mr., Pomeroy of the Nile Was in charge, of the -services. The .pallbearers•, were nephews:",.Messrs. Harvey" -•Tre leav ; Dr en, Cane: • ,Treleav n . •Luck<. .e.,, now S. J. Kil at is e _. , ..._ , .b _,.i. k. and Cecil Tre-' leaven and ;Bert,Treleaven, `Dungan- rion,,and Freeman Treleaven' of'Hain Ilton.' Interment was in Dungannon' cemetery., _• Mrs. Treleave mad . here- , n ,, a home in Lucknow for some time' before, `'go. ing' to.' ,Montreal.,.' . It• • would seem that. the saying ' ,, h� of trouble never come3- single, is g , quite true; when .we learned of ` the acci . dent which.ibefell' 'and" Bob.: d Conrad. Treleaven of. Toronto, lately. it was lust: about one year ago,,• their. father the Yate Fred; Treleaven, `figured ,in a car accident, which eventually caused his death and caused; . concussion to. Iiia son Conrad. Conrad made a re covery in a miraculous way and just; recently when driving.with hie youn- ger brother. Bob at night, vas meet ing a ' car withglaring lights, and blindly went head on;. into, a truck ing a, car with: glaring light's. ''They. the driver beneath, Making .the nec essary repairs. The. result was that. their car was demolished •nutting both. boys in the hospital,',' Bob with a bro ken collar' e: and. d'-withbad: cuts and :bruisbones.. Conrad •At the auction sale, of househo d' effects and 50 acre .farm 'last:' riday. to clear' the, E ' y estate of. -the late- Robt;7 Hamilton,. • Mr. :Frank Glenn . was the Purchaser • of the property. Mr. 'Thos. Culbert is recovering nicely from pneumonia. Miss;: Doris Smith was engaged as nurse: daring his illness; ;, A., Pleas ant ,afternoon was, Spent• last Fridays : after.noon :at the homeo ofMrs.-David SErrin on'•who servedher' 7Oth birthday, also, Miss who, _ Blaek, her gra€ndaughter . was 18 the same days Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ? of Goderich and Miss Iris:al'Rivett-ofBlack the : villa e g ,were there. to visit also. Many happy returns,of the day to both of. them. '; The servic • service e at the 'United Church, Sunday of Mrs. was in charge s. (Ker;) T..,:R. Turner, in the 'ai% 4 e ane'. of Mr. Turner, .who has been ill the past few weeks. In the evening lantern slides, were :shown oni d of the'dried out area in Southern Saskatchewan. It was• announced that h t With the con- tinued pro ress.. of Mr. Turner's - th : hesal ougg w Id . be with his congregation next Sunday for the ,services.. Alaatrated--Oldsmobile • "t3ixeddi►-wish rRri'nrk .001 martest Styli. eatures Oldsmobile for tile'; A'l/'the; Newest .: ail d Today's :Top' 4100: ONLY OIrDSMOBILq%ves you t1 dish andiistinction of the' 1938 Style Leader.' On1y OLDSIVIOBI1;E provides all the up -to -the -minute -fine -car features, such ••as the, new Safety.'Instrument Unitwith Safety. Dash And only OLDSMOBILE.among the low-priced ears, ._..:...: gives you such: lively spirited,,..perforsnance, Prove these facts forryourself l Make your owncomparzsoins Then'. drive this'great new car •that:has Everything I You can own an Oldsmobile on; °low monthly :payments • through the ' General Motors Instalment P1an . and wherever' yo Y travel in Canada, You'll find • coon- venient'Oldsmobile :service. PRICED' , • FROM • . • tercel. s o f:SS ,, j ud •'wUh I Delivered at factory, Oshawa Ont. Ginn taxes, license and freight,addi- tiggol Convenient terms arranged through the General' Motors Instalineilt'Platn, r-crd�;110 lip..models'alio'arailabl. • • ••A -68F.. • I, • 1: • LCAL anal GENERAL • Mr. and, Mrs Wilson Woods'' qf.' Dundas were week -end guests of ,and ,Mrs •'amen R. Hackett. •Mrs: Ja mea., Webrter Lucknot(r; . spent' the weekend inKincardine t►itii. her..daughter, Mrs; Eddie, Johngton and Mr. Johnston.'• 'Visa Mary Maicpherson, who at tended her' cousin Misa ;%Mary.. chisoni during her' last illness, retgrn- ed, to -London On Tuesday.,.,, r MissE mnia McDonagh wha re - cantly underwent! an appendicitis op- . eration in London;_ ia convalescing at the home .of her parents at Zion:•' Miss Edith' tint " S i h and. 'Mr., J, Fensham •of Trento, spent the, week end with. the ,_ormer's' parents. 'Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Smith. , ' Reserve • March '4th.-. for a novelty dance, . under auspices ; of Jewel Re- bekah 'Lodge in the L,lacknow' Town Door .Prizes, etc.: McCartne ya Wm. ' 1GIo •s rrison. of Minnea oh d ,. s, an Mr. k Hartfor, .... f Toronto. visited Y .w with the former's, uncle . and ted aunt, 'Mr. - and . Mrs. James: Forster, also Mr. and Mrs. James illi Mc un over weekrend. q @ the AFTER MARCH, „ 1ST. heli • i your old' coal' oil lamp or-lanterng and. we mill, allow you $2:00 on.: a new ew •Cole Man,.lamp•-or lantern, This. 'offer i good for a limited ti Me only.-Wbi: MURDIE, & SON. JUST ARRIVED—Oura l r ge rano of Spring Samples, all New Patterns,: Look over our new fabrics when you are buying a Suit .or Top Coat. Tail- ored strictly up-to-date. TEMPLE CLARKE, ' Merchant Tailor. •• ' A1�NOUNGING-.-Pearllgan's have just received a shipment 'of, spring dresses in newest flowered silks and smartest ;styles Sizes ranging from 14 to .5q.' Priced exceeding* :'low; only, $2.95 BAKING' SALE this Saturday afternoon, February 26th, , at ;Belle Robertson's .Millinery ESho., under auspices of - Mrs. Fisher's rou ' ;. �of Tea - - e �• ' Ira • Among the judges oat an ice 'carni,. val in Listowel last'.week, were Miss Mona 'Mitchell and Edwin, Smith, ; both .of Luehnow and; who are teach ing in Listowel Mona is on the High School , Staff,' and Edwin public, .school' principal.• Underwent ,Operation: Mrs. Wilson Irwin of Belfast, last Thursday underwent an operation for ppendieitis; in=Winghatm; ospi , "- and is getting. along: as well as can be expected: :'Vtrs:.Irwin is a,, of • Mrs. •Higgins and=- Mrs -: EIiizabeth' Anderson of town. BRIDES-TO-BE, or brides whose marriage takes place between Jan- "l;at, 1938 and June' 30, ;1938, may win, one of ' many valuable 'prizes amount- ing to . n00:, offered- by~the 1 3tidal- Wreath . Co. In 25 words: or less tell why You want perfect diamonds in your "engagement ring No obhga- tions. . Enter.. "your " name: at Wni Schniid!s Jewellery Store, Lucknew. New Bread Trailer Ii I L Eedy. Dungannon baker; '°' 66 has the ;newest- in novelty, trailers: l�) It is for' bread delivery purposes, •and resembles a miniature ...cabin trailer, with a: single miniature • wheel about' r caa tall 1'5 inches in ;diameter, tire and all. 1. • It is attached to'the.. trailer in the form',of a big . caster; The trailer is' :quite light ann_d' iR attached--to-the lea P. f ih s car. It has urc • ► 11 erWOO I alrIgS Pa the . TOPP. YC RI"EorT:our CREAM IF' BYO ARE* U ARlv; NOR:. A PATRON,.. WE;;S LICIT' YOUR PATRONAGE, OUR SERVICE WILL ,'PLEASE . YOU. START TODAY—SEND Y, OUR CREAM � E M A ND EGGS TO Q �1rD L ..._. lbw , OD. DAIRIE Luc' ;now Branch- ' h P 4 a Q k) .Business- n. e s- ` • s A non, t�ncem . , ant.,. WE'.WISH .• . TO ANNOUNCE TIiAT.ONMAlt H n C 3RD, WE. WILL' OPEN A MEN'S WEAR. STORE 'IN LUCKNO 'i IN' • THE . TRELEAVEN LOOK ;STORE. I .: • WE, WILL CARRY -A FUI<L STOCK ,OF MEN'S', FURN- ISHINGS, ' FEAT. 11IN - I7 . G TIP TOP TAILORS. „L`LQTHES TOOKE SROS., SIiIRTS:, ANO NECKWEAR. AND, BILT- MORE:>HATS: ETC;,,ETC:- WATCH FOR OUR OPENING AD .NEXT WEEK. offman s Mens Wear; TELEPHONE •TALIKS 111 THE WATSON FAMILY bumper o ' . r a `capacity:..,. of.probably 150' loaves of bread. Christian Reading Roola i Opens This Saturday Evening The' Christian :Reading Room hi the back part of the Christian Book Shop -Will be ;open to the' public every Sat- urday evening from 7:30 to 9.30 lima.' All are invited to come and enjoy the reading of the Christian . magazine+: • and books placed upon the . tables. ' ' Card Of Thanks II Mr. 'Donald. MacDonald' wishes to:. express :sincere . thanks to friends and' neighbors • for their kindness 'and sympathy during the ' illness .and ' at.. •the time of the 'death of ,fits; cousin, Miss Mary Murchison. Card Of 'Thanks • Mrs. :Isaac',Andrew and family- 'siricerel ' aid. ineighborsy grateful � to"' friends '-and. �%/1///�/i %//,.% !�i//% , -, for the many, kind act ' s s and .., : expressions of sympathy during. ng the• • a rih,e•r than. lax W1ien-Donnie_Watson'e-•father greeted him over the telephone from..' 500 miles away, Donriieywasimpressed no> -end --$e couldn't''. • resist' boasting a bit to Ma next-door neigh= boar and playmate. Whenever you're called, out of town, ado as Bob Watson does telephone 'home. ',It -:brings peace; of .mind at a'trifing' costs Reductioits in telephone tate:-local and longe. distance in• 1935, '36 and" 37 have ejected I sailings to, telephone', suers in Ontario and uebec..-d/ : steady-one•-milliot irdsilara , yeari . illness,' and. at -the time :Of the,'death of Mr. Andrew. Card Of ankh , The' widow and family of Henry.;Haldenb the late ,y Wish -AO tti'eir; Y 10 oily Rayon :Bedspreads, 'extra .large,' 100x80 •inches Worth $2,95, Reduced to ,$1.69 5 dol. English Cambric Pillow Slip's, 42x36 • Regular, 39c, For 2&c g0 Yards 81, 'in Unbleached Neavy Cotton :S eel ng Ncw 49c. 1000 yds. Odds -& Ends, maki wonderful -Quilt ' Linings, • 30c to • 3 - 9c Goods, . For 19c many friends . for their. kindness and sympathy in', their ,'bereavement • :it► . the•loss'of husbad and father. a . wish � ; They. to express ' ' P.ress thei r :inters . ; •' thanks to those . who sent floral, tri - .;butes; ----H-- • • :t.