HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-24, Page 6rti
x.M^.Nv �,., •K M4 e-�k4.`-'�Miy.MVan;aw, •va+mtis=�.
",jam.yiti••�ak'. WM«'1R� AY�F,"•
TFR' 1 •
.11en Furtongcame to t
he ,Southern
oil ••h 'elds looking for 'work` He was
•very dusty'And quite' hungry'wh n, at,
teat a ,he ••stopped, 3n . at tile•• • Durham•
This. .as a 'rathe•r lie a •=lookin
w ;tt.i.. g
d 1 place• than • the average Texas home-
ome•stead, ‘and ' lvhen he knocked at the
• kitchen. door a"girl appeared who was'
• very much bettur-looking than the.
average• -Texas homesteader She:•w'is,:
lir-Ma a "ver'pre:tY m t. r' --
Yr ,
' • '- She readily' fetched Ben -'a drink. et •
water,. and while he rested she'talked
' to him. That' was, no doubt, because'
of 'his' smile. He 'informed her that.
he' had been raised in the
Penns l-.
-vania fiel
ds ;And was, a geed, practical
,:pit man
.: w
There, being no
s to..:
• 'satin the kitoheiand, ch ti 'it
'while, she "cob
d ori
'for •him' andIn .the
codu rs' of�'their
conversation he learned that her.name
was:.Betty ,D"nr.•ham, that -heli •parents
`were dead, and that the farm belonged
her aunt, with khomrShe -had•lived
ever since she was 'a little girl, The.
aunt had.: gone: 'th Opportunity in^ the;
family flit ver,, - •
•"Funny. Yo. j"conkin' or'a trans
-=tlrillei' like nie-red yeti aunt-ewning
acreage like this," • Ben' remarked,
"Isn't 'this land' on : ?"'
the structut.e.
"Sure!; it's 'worth ; a • lot of money.
That well`, over yonder"—fork in, hand,
• Miss Durham indicated' a derrick not .
•-• far away—"belongs to:'us"
A `Fishing Job M
Vivra where . he sat.; lrurlong • could •
.see that the timbers -of the tower 'were •
still• -bright and-'unstain 'd • thus g Q adver•-
tieing g
g the h melancholy .-fact that • the. •
`well itself was: not a; producer, so he
'inquired: '
".W a ' wrong h . t s ng 'with 5t.? Dr
"Dry nothing! They're not. :do'wn
Yet.. They've got a •fishing job—been
at'•, It 'for a couple of weeks:"
"Gee!". � e ! .
Gee.. The visitor shook..his head.
"That's running somebody in, debt.'
"Whentkafirst oitallk commence
we'.d .ofbeen • glad' to'get• the' : farm ,
,•drilled en ost any.kind royalty;
,„,grit nobody..wouid=°`least,--it.W
they ,finally got ready, • Aunt Mary ..
Wanite'd: a bonus -two: ;bite 'an, .acre'— '
atnd she.iwouldn't'listen to Uncle .Joe's
arguments:. • By and bye'they. offered
!tire bits,. but 'by 'that., time she want-
ed a.'dallar Then the companies go$•
'together; of the ';!loom 'kind .of 'peter ed;_
out, or.'something, and it began to:
look as if Uncle Joe would :be ,lucky••,
to:niake=any-kiud of'a deal:.'; I•le`-finall-
laid• his ears b_ ack and leased, a small_ .
block_ ' Then• he'.up and got !tilled "•!•
"That.'s:.too..bad. ' . '
° "It was an accident.. A powder wag;'.
on let go. The speaker's face' grew
wistful,:. she stared out across'the aril
countryside for' a mo•Ment or two.
"Uncle: Joe loved Me.''but Aunt:
Mary's his secondwire, ,e'ro not •
really kinsfolks. If might just es •well
have been ''Maddox who' tot. killed
he;'was' as close to the' wagon;-' as' Un-'
Ere roe,- and yet lie ,wasn't touched..
Funny, •too, because he's. alwaysbeen
afraid of • the stuff and7,, hags a hunch
,he'll be blown lip.• 431 you.have_ 0 say
to himaias 'powder' •and=" •.
this'owew:,we`d. youllr aunt %epic to • pili down
"Maddox drilled the well on the :lot
We. ,, leased,: ,and.• after .Uncle :Joe 'was -•
• It throat Is 'sore..frans the told,
.-erish" and stir .3'"ASPilliN" tablets
glass Of water: &male kyles.
easel throat rawness and tore..:
no“ 'almost instantly.
No faintly need neglect even Minor
„ Hen, „id, what to do:' Take two .
of water: Then repeat, if necessary,' •••
paciage.',;Relief comes rapidly.
',The "Astirin"metluid of relieving
colds 1'31 e way many .doctors
rehef --- then if you are not Improved
promptly, you call the famili doctor.
ti "Aspirin" tablets; are made , in •
' Canada. "Aapirin" is the registered
trade-marlt e•f the Bayer Com an
Lamited, of Windspr, Ontario.
and •together she ;and • Furlong; went
across the valley' -to the well
Tiller, Maddolt, was' a swarthy mini
of -about thirty-five; his .eyes were,
hold and black and set close together;.
He ,greeted the 'Durham gill with an,
easy, familiarity, a suggestion of pro
•prietoi•ship that gave the visitor cause
' Lor' thought,' but towards Furlong ,he.
was, none too cordial and, when Betty
explained ,the reason for the latter .s.,
pt`e.tsence • Maddox-frawne'd., '
"Aliother•aise guy,' eh? Every rope,
n ten•mileslas been 0 tryin!
i i t
show.tts how'smart. he ts: '\Vhat`d' o •.,
.know, aboutfishut , strap r?"•
- ge
'!`Notam!?ei`len.conf,eSsed. "bet
I've had' sonic luck:"'' ,
"'Oh, I've "hadMent . of hick, ,.
self!" _Maddox asserted But I•neve>
had. any . good luck lett-in' .tranger's
nlonl{ey with my work. If; you jim up
the well, '1 take 'the; blame.
"I .won't Jim anything•"
miracle of•3ours?" i} she'•"
Impatiently , iss.rlam„'exclaimed,
".What's ,cite, difference: how much •lie
Charges'. if he 'can .do—•" . •
"I've been pard
r anycath
give. ou',".Futto ' delale"
• ably. I ,can't do• anytlring,•:but so far 1
don't even know what's wrong.• 'Do
Yonmind telling. me?'"" °
• . "W:e'veof a bolt in the 'hole,'':,
"A bolt?"r• •
!!Sure! A. shine!, steel • bolt, . ,It
• worked loose and • dropped' :out, of a ..
tool," .
"'That's' a ,new; core, Ben admitted,
"Why dlbn't you drill it/ont, pound it'
to •pieces?„ • • ..
•.• A Bit" of Exper.ime sting'
•• Maddox grinned.:: "That's 'what •we•
been tryin' .to do, .but • it's tempered
harder than the bit,•, .Xt dulls 'every tool
we' use and all we,'been: dein' for,•two
(Cast - 1 pas
!'How you goin" `to.'sidetrack a s1x-'';
inch bolt loose.'sin the;: bottom, of , 'a~
';hole?".'• •
!`you can •dt ive • it into -the •vtall.".
- "Ori, you: can; :call' ,you?• 'We're into
a stratter• of iron' Pyrites an". the rock's
dam' near as hard. as :the. bolt. It's •,t
'ninth'as eves•a.tasil wili'Cut •it •at,all.
'That :holt just shpts around in the,`..
dttoni ef-ti e-holes-like.'it was
Steel Sup, an', it's too small to grapple. •
•s'pose we could; get holt'' of it with
some • fancy kind of a Magnet if .we
Could „get' holt •of,:; some. fancy kind of
:a.•magnet.,that would get, holt of. it.
Again Maddox grinned. •
••:(1'o be Continued)
•hilie4; he Quit the -comPany,end „sort
a cress op every
of took charg0 ef...things ..for Aunt,.
lvori'V.e.gbit any more ond
and get there they're dane,'T Miss
.k.Se,s, bat .he learned Jittle. lie inferred,
howeVer, that the,,rOYalties, from,' the
-laY• in:"CoMplethig''the-ifeW welt Might
:When Ben had' ihtiihed •eating 'he
if tell .,Iiitn in," the. girl
with all essential features
Write -
Remington Rand Limited
R I �1
Man' does, not live :bY bread wore:
That is . to say, not 'liy .plain bread,
Quick breads: are 'a.' delightful; su'bsti
tute:for:bread' and: a welcotne change
in the diet They, are,• easy to snake
.and delicious:•;to eat,_ ;especially when
^:served hot,
11'ere ia• regipe_which will Serve
Be:, the: "bas'°s •for lu
y unusual • varia-
aria-toirs bf• she euielt bi•ead'•'tlYcine.
Baking lg Powd
er Bi rtiizs
cups: sifted. flour' '
"I ry !
.,_..teas oot bakm ,. o: 'd t--._-
- F ..ls ;b p 1� ..e,
'f teaspoon salt, • -'
•4 tablespeons'butteii or other short-
eui n'
cull milk (about):
�.�StfGfl:crus:=once-measur akin g - \74-•-•
powder and salt, and siftagain:: Cut, '
iii s•ii •rt.
o e rn'n .
g. Add milk gradually,
stirring until 'soft dough is formed,
Turn .out imp ediately on „slightly`,
i ts,.
Nothing buthhe fineh4 and tea m rc e
s t 1
8 , t!n. 6 R..
u and
are .used in baQiiig Christie 'e.;.lirac rip,, a d
' infinite care i01 taken that they reach you crisp,'
a'nd' fresh'.,•, What. better Quality ualii • uaraptee
Y 8.
- • eouldo'i ,k for tha•u t0,aek for
,qlonretl 'beard ;end. knead 30�seconds;
.or enough to shape., Roll 14inc
'thick and cut with figured.2-inch ,bis,
cute: cutter. Bake on ungreased bak-
Ing sheet in hot oven, (450.: dOgrOS
to irk ,aliinutesakes ' • -
,... .. M 1G: • itis
Here at•e. some .of the -vat rations .of
this basic, recipe• which clever cooks.
can' Use to make, -really• professional
;looking quick''bteads
aeitia •e' Ro 1•
18 'sausages
1 recipe baking,powder biscuits
Ran -broil sausages ...until. •' well
browned: • Prepare ,'biscuit dough:.as
directed and •roll 1=8 ;inch `thick:. Out
in : 2- n •
World's Chanipion Who. Defeated._
Her at' the Gante Declares
.Whigkera and lines . of 'wisdom
*.ays, went with the popular concep•
chess 'Playere Until
• at- TWickenhant,,-;gngland, and
:,'he defeated. lief, he:. said..efterwards
xnent fair; girls .of nationalitiei
teak; to, game as . easily es. itiOati,
She liket••• the compaly" Of : grown:
.you have -to play .at
Parties' ere „sillY.": doein't
catch cord -amfbairS to haVe
child; Said pyecoaity
era began plaYing ,.children,'T
Chess,' Music • and : mathematics' are .
tee .of the Amelia Earliart Foun lt-
The Fit'st Lady said, she :was "'<et`y.
happy to accept the offer ,I crags, •,
she •feels',that• the women of A tieri!c t
should not allow the fainbus, flier's
"memory to ,fade
"where's •. s. Christie°
iscurt :tor Qve,.ry'teste" .
"L. think: that her: life and 'Work;.,
both in s(rcial, servicer!' and as a' flier
• should remain' g an inspiration.. to 'the •
younger .generation • of women today ,
;dud to those who.', will follow us," she..
said. '
The'' ,Foundation plans to: rause
funds to award scholarships for'oin-
engin' sOciolOgY,. lecture and'possibly °`
for. founding; .chairs: in'c`dlle es on •so
c a • s faire .subjects
Broaden Scope, Of ;Award;
The, first• meeting- of the national •
sponsors,. committed will ;be ''held .at
the 'White Tlouse late this • month 'or;
early in March, the First Lady . said,
.She told hot press oonference,tlrat
she had urged the committee to.bt'oa'd=..
en the scope of` the award so as to
include, many` subiects. Miss : >✓at�•'
-'h-t`8'-perstinality.;--hes • uoidlitiilc•'i,tind
and her epirit:of :'adyenttn e_ all con-
tributed to,;'her: cls xin and 'influence,•
she said. • . '• '
• • Mrs = Roeser elt',-•reiterated her belief
• iny'equal rights for -piofeesional'Wan-
en and other •"b -rain workers" -•and &n
"protective" legislation for ><omen in
industry ,
balff Piece. (mono i4•osotre v••04.01'
• square.' dough -,Overt;.SausageS„
..phich edges 'together, and. Shape, •iit
roll,. leaVing-endd,'"oPen.. Place qn
gteased : baking.. sheet; 'hake , het'
you an' elab'orate th;S
Prepare dotigh 'for: •baking7powder,'
sheet,..,.. 1.8 'inch. thick.' ;Brush with'
%• inCit,telices arid pito:a:on:greased,
bakisg..she.sc„,,,,:Bake•lhlipt 71445
'.Yon. Want ,•sonlething reallY,,tasty
'fend different 'to accOMPtinY, a -.salad,
tables.ptiOns, raspberry att..,
together • to'...ferin ring and .place
'baking sheet 'tovered with 'greased
Combine ,,auger,, 'milk. 'and. JaM fer
• gather 'butter arid, sugaii.. end atiread
on dough:; :roll s.tia for jelly. roll and
tataespoons. bkoivn sugar, .-1117(1
veld:" „stititikle. nut meate • Over toll.
hot 'Oren' (425 ilegreo: 't,y 15' MinitteS:
, then decreaSe heat to Moderate. 050
degree's F.4 and heke•15: Minntes long-
rOlid die'. baked' la a" einallet
Pen; tan terti than '4 tabletipoons 'Opt,
�Ve�d�n . ���l or
:Grout .. Plinnin 'Pleasant"
Rooms ' .F0 'Weddings : Like
Ones In Funeral, Homes. °
George R. Bart Who. has _married
Tote 4:han 5,000 couples in• the iast •
three yeas', announced. last•.weelt at,
• St. Charles, ' Mo,,., that he and : eight.
St: Louis bu'sinessmen wer•e • incorpoi
ating as the George R. Haft Marriage;
:Parlors to , provide • suinptuotis 'Bur-..
roundipgs 'for weddings: •
"Why shouldii'i :people Who :Want tri
get married i e. the. benefit of :pleas-,"
1 nti-I-Ia Fever°' '
Mask. ffective
Electricity Used to Ease. Suffering
Of Those Subject to
An+ anti hay fever mask that pi .
a�eiits the entrance, of pout t into the;.
p zinc 'mouth by means of electric, r
uilY c,l.ai•ged• planes wail recently an.'' ..
pounced by Dr, Joseph 13, Biederman,
• Cincinnati physicliln.
The• mask was completed after five
years of -extensive research, :Dr; Ille-
ilerntan contends t )t„ .tests:•• op 0.4a ..
. patients:'showed!• the cdevice stopped
99,41 to .100 ,Per cer};t,l• of .the=h !;ellen
' resit m>
n 1e se ive
acht f
from r l
e. g
neez n n
' h cause t 1 S i -.g
byanes t, at
'gasping, a, •
; peculiar to, liay fewer; asth-
Ve 1' and 'similar 'complaints.
rita,'t'.os,e fe -.,
The,insk•isf not helpful 'in cases- -
the "distur e is "caused,
where_ b'ant
eerta.in foods,` brit , Bieder• i* -
lieves the anajority of hay feveran casesbe- ;'.
,are caused through: inhalation, ' •
The 'dei•ice "'fits snugly • over the
m'otutii and nose-: .It :consists'- chiefly
of prs and t•wo wirr'een@,,;
"fine'ts :,Yaper tfilteT'ely'"dflt eta" aasd�thees'c=utiT"4:.
positively. charred.. It tnaltes,' use, 'of
the fact' that each pollen grain, dust
'panicle,.and-°mold unit in the air is'
ei�thei positively _ or• negatively charged,,,-
With. ,ele6tricity, ,and that.. r x
•.charged,substances repel each other
' and oppositely charged • substances at-
A ,Positive. pollen grain ,for -exam- •
pl;i?, wottld- be repelled' by; t11e ,poli*-=:•
. tively charged screen.; Negative pol,
len grains would • be repelled—,by the'
negative screen„. ,
mall '1Ac,
. li ,' a
Cnt�rent is Stipp ed by entail,
after of idaw: app era e
u•.ewn.th mask to be to hay
N �a t is
ferer stiffer' i•s• vliat insulin is to, did=
a }_,
te'tics " fir;Biederman: said; "It 'is
made for 'the. person • ,who is unable,
...afford. annual. treks to non:
to u . , pollen,,
• f a't a countr.io '' • aailief -' •
sections-, o h y l
she said.' '• '4,jW,fien ,'•a person dies „hie
taken to a ,beautiftilly
ntdartaking.Parlor. 1' tell people
they are •teentitlect te the•senne alert.. of
sOrromidingS when they .are mairied,"!.
Louisiana :his 'announced. the disk -
Friendship .With.
May Be Achieved In Various
Leis On Bei —
mory Honored
• Vounaation to Award Scholarships
Service "
nounced laSt..Week, that she' 'has Ada
man' ot di national "mentors comtnit.
• Another fetninitte hie'
Shattered. It was int,eresting while •it,,
:stop thinking. ot. men ad aelf, confident;
Atilt Satisfied; and-,tin-c-Oneerned, Wriths
tureg, as terrified Pt ne
'Mein the 'attempt to `exCliente •InOnoY •
for youth and .attractiVetesS, ;
: look Icio best tind'ai.leung as lie ;pan..
'pines from the group .of racri who"
'., Make, Other Men •beautifitl
specialista• and 'Such.," TheY . tattled '111..
.roUndfilgutta ',and the. gisilttisioning
truth-is..that.,:Mr. -Man; spenda elan*
as:anic in. a. -year on.- beauty. Els the'
If We Must face•.you. 'with ,the,
,nres, they are pi...q.5.:for:the-aVorage'
"keeping is jilet.,:a colter...Up for
his': need of thereasentance'tifFit woin
new 360-tein railway ge at Acton,
Waa rolled intti place by 60
kidney ittegu-
your itSt do not'
overleek it: Poe th6-
relief Of ',Miner.
bey- ireculatities
tic ' Tablets have •
beneficial. The ae•••
of this fitatith,
big atid; old relieving irritation 1MS given
• ••4'' eller te men 'find' *Oaten . every ,rart of
baek awl limbs ached, Aicallat'llieS Were
soon btatight edict." Buy ‘at: drug, isfore.
lit UP
Feel Full of Life. -:NO -More -
. Tired, Dull,' Heavy 'Mornings
Keen vain:liver
greet every Morning.. 'When. you, wake up
feeling ".retten" your liver is out of order:. .
Your liver clears blond of poilens
separates, the nourtshkif your 'kid'
from the waste. Supplies.energytomulTdes,
thiuesand glamh:-giies out bile, the body's
lexative, helps 'stomach, kidneys .sact.in,:
!mikes to work :properly. A Mere
mide Irani fruits and herbi, will strengthen: •
and build up yeur liver like riothieg else will.
Morning. Try yruit-a-tives. All, dpiggish.
*yr: onljnel...: that
Aeldislikenlinkine' enemy rilnillys on the
ing, you, f eel a statibing;gri aping pain ilia knee or'
tolerate thia.growing torture for Mini her day.:
Chid effective wnyjaLeemb.at*.urie:Acitl-is
water and takeit'eversi Morning. It it as f Yon'
set un a fairy sentinel to guard and proted you...
Uric Acid cannot -form Within the body when.
Ftmnon "Salt. is taken. regularly; because. its..•
•, many' remedial ngretlients,-stic•h as • Sodium,
Potassinni, Lithium, etc. -Afford odequate•oro-
'warpath! Pains'. Seiatica,, Lumbago, ete,‘-,to
faitious 'British remedy, Workt with Nature be-
, rause it is a conibination of Natural Salta Of the
-Earth. Try the effedeof one large 7p package -i
Within a Week, you'll wonder where.ybur Rhett.
nuitic Pains :nave gone to: Get PYnnon Salt. .
difficulty getting supplies;awrite: Laurentian •
your Pots, Pans 6.
dairy Equipment.
Cali. qrlendly7. tents. 'w ith Mt
• bird fey. several years', • lit. hes lee ned:
Ito ignore ite.:as , he seeks' the,nectar;
Made sweet:we ;prepare:1er 'him', lie
• lets its. :pravidelifs:nestitig'
The„, hu.miner's • bill. 'its,' Sharp
Hanithinghird,s, once ',they' ..reitlize,„
ygi Want to,..belrientle, Will :Meet' yen .
'hinniningbird test hy. the light • On
every year-tevidently„ by. ',itiel.11UM-
iningbird---by-offeiltsg-it'ffnectari."' Use?
-place a ti,ny bottle tit; Vial alitest..filled
make 'a eonfinotienHthey., Wilt eat: :
even. •cOnid..,ta prefer your, offering to..
Ince-ease Likel
uebec Health Bureau Official
,Analyzes Figures
tn families of •thefPrevince of
are otrenger than they were three pi'
'four. years, nger,' but"lhey ar6 still t81!
',fron't What. they. were in 1920, figuretf.'"'
plier.ef Quebec Provincial Heath: tut7
Year ,fignrea. are net •yet
• that 19,36,• With f8 .Sets df triplets; 'set
a retard WItyeli Wad. not broken the
. held ten.yeaWbut.1630 and 163Q, with
and 1932, :Witii;onlY 7 tete'
1`.1kIthig: the 'population. ar ?,760,000,
Once for every 28;961'
'tics of Seven porgolis 1.6.6 ,ahd:
19U, 1920 the _Average *as one
rii•iplet. birth fer The
tecord low tignre of •Eseven seta in the'
. year '1031: and 1932 Was a rate Of'
Tivin,6 were horn •'at the. rate Of ',Orin
Set tti eVerY,42.9' 1930;
my 401 faraillcit 'in 1936; and eildrY
tho in 10 years