HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-24, Page 2,-41R 4,4 • 1 Commentary .9n. the • hiiihs of the 'Week's Nem, •e• .;•'`I`TELPINO HAND: ManY Of. the heavyMreltill 'snellti tired' bY;SPaatall insurgent sOldierainfo_. T-40Yaltst ranks' the' past few weeks did not .explode. ' TheY 'did no damage, 'killed no Cele,. hecaeae, they had eeen filled ,Witir saw- •,clust by Munition; Workers in the Ger-, , map: factoriee ,where:they were Made,' • Not being, alloWell ender the Nazi re- • giale to say a *Ord: or perform any • act of symPat.hy. tewerds the 'Spanish • Loyalists,these factory,' werftera felted' anjeciirect hut marVelltnISIY• effective • Way to .6.14)their :fellowmen in another • „country. • RAY OF I-lOI'E: An all-time, record for moisture during the month of.Feb- raary has beep, 'achieved, on the Re- ' gina plains,.The heavy snowfall did. • it. The dry' .southwest areas of Sas., katchewae, the •Past week .Were blank- eted In. a welcome coat of White in Spine places twelve to eighteen inches ,deep...Crop,prOspeets hare brightened Very - considerably; especlally since this, Precipitation Of snow' follows up- •• on the heevy. rains, of last eetuimi. •• chances tor a good crop are better than they have been for many 'along • year.; Let - us hope ' the West, will get break in. 1938, ' • CUTTING OFF .ONE'S„ NOSE? It is difficult to Understand Piet. why .,Great Britain 13 moving toward. mak- ing a. lean of large 'sums of money...to • Mussolini.•Italy's ixas;heen very shaky for the past year. ,Withent, substantial '•aid from an •out- nide,,peweri the • Fascist regime' might eri, well face collapse, I „ . • .11 Britain now -extends a lean, Musa- , en, ene o f,UrilaerdePrella thins': in the east; . she Will• be inn Positipn to'finance.another "volunteer" arniy. • :expedition into ' Stein Italy Will be more poWerfiii, chap' ever, in the Mediterranean.' • • '• ,put that IS what •Sritain in the lerig, rUndoes' not :want, eeeguse .the Medi- terranean is :ter f "lifeline" to the Near East an •, • • .• : PPR, ••"A . .• , plan • has been'.predented. to. the,'. To - 1' Board Of Policepommissioners , that . permanent '110110 elatee_replace , the :present • •yearly markers on •Ontitrio", Fing,, gested • that larger plates be used, five MOOS. by 1.6for the -trent. and ',Z.*, •14;fOrthe rear. 'These. would be weld."' ed to theLcidy_', of_the 'ear and eColorell.: F Sticketa• attached, te windehields, Won ;•ii indicata that the yearly fee had, been paid, :„ • • • Seuride grand, If' we had .,„ sa , g Plates earafter year* Playlie we Pe..1.1W remember o,uti license neether. s, * • * • 'BRAVE WOMAN: IShbel •Macljen- daughter Of the late Britisii•Prime. Ministor itarneey• ii•faeDanaldc., 10 not :• 4 snob, Neit'bcr.ia she 4,.co*aro.7tuis„: forrncr hostess- at No..1:4;•.Ppwe1eg.,'„ 50:04 TAII4en, last week dlsclosed her plans to Merry the 'village ,"han-... Om. 4h." • of 'Speen; 'Pncltiaghell1041.0-', 'foriner house painter; • eleetileise's'`. helper,. 'dich-digger; di -urn -player ' 111 'the villageband, 'Miss lIfeePOnaild!a fiance :has , been a regular 'customer at ptrhaet•.:e's!;„0,1d PI w, • Mies MacDonald , does not allOw. Worry over "what , people Will say" to. stand •between her .and haPeineSe!. PRISON•••,'FINDINGS1 '.Sliortly-to•be 'presented to. parliament at Ottawa Is the report of the Royal 'COMMissien ,• on penitentiaries, 'a tabulation of find- .•itigs made during' a thorough invett. . ligaffen, Of Canada's; 'prison system. It is.expected•thereowill be .etnne 'eye- openers" on how the ..penal %filiation Is 'administered, and a number of vet'ir -definite .rectinirnendatieea •for reform. The report should:indeed he valU- abbe, Since the COniraiseien took care:: .to hear the evidence .in• Private of 'every •COnVict• .who wished to 'speak., study has'", been made of •how the "detention and. reformation";, ' which' the present law callafor; has. been earried out. . • • . • . . : PAGING bORBIN:: ',Nexttime. he • sivegra, helitake..the.,•hprse:••A 0.rnzter' couple ' "of '•`taile.e 7.3n,1oii.tho other .14iik set of for town.: driving, his *Model scdan. The. read';*as. hor- ribly icy. He kept .her under 25, but before he...had gonehalf:, a , Mile; 'the ear •.slid quietly.' into, ,.the. •The •n•elglibOr's,teani did. SeMe ;hefty pulP :ing, negotiated the, sedan ,back Ohio . • . . T tim Our •,.iitan ) kept her tinder 20. But in spite cft his Careful •manipulating of .the :controls,' ., the car turned right around and feeeti Oast •Insteatt,Of :west(' Annoyed beyond' Words (do you our • far- mer retused to fight fete' any further.: • '•He continued east, arklireck .,without .event in his own 'yard a le* Minntes.. later, andjlocked 'elver the car 1. • • IMPERIAL -TOBACCO'S ,INSPIRING,PROGRAM .. 8 VERY FRIDAY NIGHT On a National Coast, to Coast Network Mussolini Finds Empire Costly Ar.ii;sp• Deiieippp,ept Appears to,. Have ;Absorbed Mare, Than . :A Elliott' Dollars ,Eineire• buil:dieg in 'Italian East., 'At. '•• .p,thiopta., and. •Italian' S'omailland—hascost the 'government'. 678;000,e00) eitiee the beginning 'Of.the. Itale.Ethiopian War; according ,to eta- " tistics published' in •the neWspaper'. • PoPold Di 'Roma . • • • '• • ,• ' 'Italy' has expended the, felleiving sums 111 Fast °Africa in.the last three. • , „complete fiscal yeaus' • 1934-35-985,990,000. lule 1.935-38-11430,009,00,0 Jire 1936-3,717,519,000,000 lire. • 0. t ;•Another indication of the large ,e3t.. Penes • required in colonization ' was 'seen in the grdWingbudget defloita since...1330, the, arable" Said. Th e• 'fiscal yeiir Of 1930,-31, revealed a. deficit .6f. Only,..503;000,000 Alre. 'Def1cit 'for %the lat tWo fiseal 'yea'ts foliow . • •.' , , ; • ,1035-30-124867,,000,000 lire. • • 193647-L48,380,000006 lire. ' These •figUres ifielude, the defleiC,of , the Italian railways. • '•• . • .••• : 0 ov.i.latripri • tie.stkitysi____, Elf' .ur VV0012*st, [ $01665 I3P6 .ri whore, btA in tho ' . TRA, laatexema.totvos:06,ttoac, , „ei /.0/1.' • t,,, A,, • y ' ."03,41 0,..r :TtralwIti 101 :if bakitssciorc i yriti,, % 4 67 i P It I i k" t i : ' 1 5 fli IF ' -cetr .4 : ;. ,a1u76 Et Glii°A::: ,!' . ±',.CIR RYA (MKS:: INN. 4 A Lis eplaces -- estnUt_Trees VVith Hardier Varieties, Such As Plane Trees and Sophora Gas . Fumes Killed Some., • Automobile exhausts are Continuing; Work ••ot :destruction to ',Paris: trees,- and It- will cost- the•-„eitY pokt. degarteient 1,720,000 francs for re- placement, of. 'dead or:tlyini trees dur- Ing -1938.; • • „ ' One of the Main attractions Of the Cityhas iiIivays been, the number Of Streets lined With trees,, And the, city 'government IS attempting to maintain the ,tradition by .suhstituting, hardiei, ,varieties for the traditionat.elm0 and horse-Chestnnte: Several years ago. it was necessary to',replace..the•:;chest- nuts on the upper halt of the 'Chenille: Elysees ,' With plane, trees.- Th'.,,Se are doing Well; and the Same plan Is being , followed- with other streets. At, the sae exPeriments ' have , been, carried on with • a great ,Variety of trees,' • , . ' • ' • • • D ORIENT TR NdLINCt 'Rehr For All Business Seen. In :-TaPanese Victory by Clon0Se: :Envoy ,Door • to, 'We'steitn, World .Would be Closed; , • NO highly Organised nationle the' Occident can.hOpe to eseape frem• the , evil results•.the .desecration of China. declared IAA at LIIIL SPecial en- voy of the *Chinese Government wha spoke last week in Toronto.' „ ,nnmhe,r of , well-meaning, fear, ,stricken Pacifists can trace their busi. fleas losses hack, to last jillY! Whea"the .Japanese ,Werb -allowed to invade , Conditions slowed down even "-more when the FJap4n,ese., Inv:Opted Shanghai on Aug, 13," he said; •. • , • .' „ ,:•04011oW on earth can the .Western nations hope to have :a peaceful; prim; perous condition of things ,while the whole trade and commerce of the Or.' lent le being Slowly strangled by the War machine of one, nation? And be. I_sav it 13 froetjpg ' the whole of •t1; East. ' To Close Door • • "If Japan wins this war she will close.China to all other' countries ex- . cept those who aro - able and willing ,to . pay heavy tolls. I;Ong before that day arrives . japan, Will be bankrupt and slowly sinking:in her own mire but she • will have dragged dowu China And a large portion of the , corn- merelal world' With her." . The Chinese nation had every con- fidence General Chiang Kai-shelewould'. be able to hold Japan in a death grip until the conflict could be brought to an effeetiVe conclusion. ,A new Army. of 1,500,000 men Was taking form in . the interior of China. This would In :all probability be augmented by units from other nations within a very short "Fighting: Own Battles" , Anse, sources; Mr. Liu asserted China • had received •11,0 assistance from fore- ign troops. ; •, •.•:; • ' • , "So far ,we have bee'n•fighting; our • own battlet," he said. 'rhe Soviet air - Craft iere purcilaseri inthe same way: as • the airplanesfrom the ;United States but no fightieg pilots had been. suppiled. - , . , • Neivs n eview " Civilians Killed In Air Raids IIANKOW.Word that rtictor than: , 200 ciyiliang, including several for- eigners; were, killed by Japanese air, raiders ''sa Chengchow least alPall this week- over elation raised in Chinese ' Government, circles ,by ' reports of Chinese, successes along the northern part of .the Tientsin-Pukow Raulway ; Tar Emanations Horn -gut ,chie liter' Of gasoline'. 'Ot!. thei type' .used. by ears in.Franee•prOdeces 500 liters of .eetide Of carbon. .•This jtirioue to most treed; ,andia.the.prin- cleat cause . of the'difficelitkiIt-has • also been found tha' emanations from the tar'•and asphalt 'Used on the pave - menus are harmful t� ,vegetation in • Sunitneii. ,• • According to this „Year's.. perk pro - grant 'the chestnuts • on the .Ittie • Caula.inceUrt .Will bQ replacedwith the .,sonliOra a tree :that has been found to be'•.seebially Streng: The •elinsy, of the, Bodevard du Balats will be replace'd,:b:i plane' trees, :as Will •thosc. on the Avenue de ,Kaine. the, Aventie ditalie, Avenue de: Cliehy, and ' Ave- nue .daBaint,Ouen. Ontotto Planning Fgsli.Hotpheiles When Ice . croam. itY4s First '14040 In th- Oventeeittli century *Italians, Claim Jts..Dis#• • • • coVerr T1,4enone day in 4 cafe in Palertho the wonder was effected,. ,says the !,;•4•ise Independent, A ;young Opreh- tice 'wha'Saw the hieffeetual attempts Of his' clients to keep--ceot •tried bus 'hand at O, ,Tetxtnro, of treacle and iger,7 The result was: rather goOsi.: in fact ' It was a considerable lregreircreent. 154 apythieg, hitherto ,;03...ViSed... So the ap.'' prentice,followed up his 'exeiripients;', He.niado uu WOotien bex,witli a douhip, betto,m:.• In the lower department he: placed a :quantity of crushed' iCeand 'filled the ether with: creain; when le! the original ice create. It is not sur- prising that the apprentice who had the genius to discover icecream• had alse_the_sense.lto_realizeil itieS of his discovery. When''h'e. had made stificient .money • in Palermo to enable him to start on a large Wayle ' established .in, Paris. ',It • was the be- ginning of, an Italia') peaceful pene- tration that- has basted to the.present • day. The Eiiglish claira.they haddie- cOyered, it 'before this time. it was 111 1660 the apprentice. from . Palermo op- ened his shoo, and it is claimed .that Charles I had already., treate'd ;guests to ices at a ,banquet., Charles' seems. -to have .been: veryprond. of -this deli- •-• ,cacy.; for it is on record that he gave his chef $100 yearly pensiento keep the method. of preductipn a secret. „ain •• has Speet £269,739•,0001 ($1,348; .695,000). • • . Sir Thomas 'Inskip, Alinister for pe - tense, co-ordination, said, the 1938,39, •algUma4ketilshe ;,. 40- .„, .., _ • ($.4,625,00,000) 5 and:436;90,00 , . ($,- 750,090,0601. . • • . , , . •,-4--- ocgottaiio.o. *hiol concern the, Modification. Of ,the trade agreement betWeen, Canada and the .:I.Inited•ICingdoin are • in progress •now. • They :are .antecedent to tho' negotiationsfor 'a reilsed treaty .be- tween Canada And. the; •United .States ,beeauee:the.negetiatione for an Anglo- 2LAMerican pact. are:.ithead :Of What Ot- tawa are figuring on between•'themeelveS. - Austria's 'Nazificatioit . VIENNA:-.--Foehrer Aden • Hitler of Germany, :backing un an • ultinia,ittm. ,lvith..strOng: military ,forces eking Aus- tria's northern 'frontier,' last, Vieeit,, '.,,forced Chancellor Curt 'Schuschnigg,, ,to piaco 11-Ve ;Austrian Nazis or Nati , _-sympathizers• In his Cabinet. ,•SChiniehnigg,•'. long a. ,bitter. foo of Nail penetration into Austria, where the, *ail 'Party . has beet Outlavied. !since:31mi), .1933, initatinced':hiti capi- tubation and etibinitted-,his new Cab- inet:list tO'.13resident Willielm Ulltlas.; • after th, . Hitler's• ree- ay ultimatum Q3Cr • pired, ,; 1:16tib•-.1N-11.6.----It-w4s--1,01191,ted.1-tin-- Ofticlally St; Queen's ;park' lest week that tonstruetion of Sotir neW-41Slsr hatcherieS-with ArearhO; nouds, t an estitnated ,cot of 1,2,0.,0o0, 13 1Io ;Idecl 'f or in esti:Mates of the Ontario ..Tieparthient Of 66.rue. rtUd .n.oberies . to he reCOUlthencted.• for iroldsion ,in ' tio hucl,rab it the • lcenhing *Seg., 81011•Sf the Provr c' 1eglislature, • It. was und6rst hp hatcheries Will he located •at• ,;\ICW• tislteard; Peterborougli oti Mon'itoOtin ISland arid in Mni1tolt4, Tton:t iind. Other' Vatietie$, .of gan isT ra(sed li tlo •hem? .plarits wilt be used p!rtrnarilse; td StOck .the, Surgoanding di ttiets • Reannament Program Increased: LONDON —Great Britain this week ended the first year. EA a £1,500,00,000. 07,000,000000 five-year • rearmament prograttiAnd planned a heavy increase in defense expenditures 41 the second year. • During the 1937-38 fisCal Year, Brit, ..• • . ;AVE Get this • COUPONS IrEVERY Mtn AND HALF PM.° PACKAGE : • • 44,44444.. o the AT LARQE 'CANADA • TI -18 EMPIRE 4 • CANADA They: Do It Over 'There • While Boards' of .Education on; this .eontinent, are hesitating about the use Of ',radio broadcasts in Scheele, there - are -more - than. 7000 schools In Eng.. ...land receiving lessons: via ,the ether Wavea„,-.-St..„ThOmits Times Journal • Hit:Wrong Man , • •;Marshal. von • Blomberg, German "Minister of Wu ha resigned,. and - 'departed' On a honeythoon. • with a young lady of whom the artily officers' n .a . ow -w y ou • - that have happened to., Chancellor • fritler, instead?,Woodateck 'Sentinel - Review:. ,• . • . • • /.- . •. • Agaarcrud ' it oxeMa . taret* , VATICAN.,,CITY.-L4eferritig directly to. the ,prosPective marriage between " . . King ,•oz I of Albania, and Countess • Geraldine Alipehri of Hungary,. the Vatican, organ, Oseervatore Rotnanp, „ . this week gave: voice to the: Catholic', ,Churchrs. •:ohjectiOn to "Mixed mar.; , Geservatore recalled that ordinarily • (Moil a • marriage is regarded:as Void. • when .it involves a union between -Catholic. and .a. person who has not been baptized. , . '.Disturbed By Japi• • VONDON;':Eng.,',Thel..Barl of Ply- mouth, iltider7Secrefiry lo17-Foreign. AftairS„...told the House. Of Lords iabt Weekend ..,,t.4699yeinmeni is closely' Niqfebnig, the problem of, international :trade' on the Itingtsb River in 'Ohina,-, as. Welll.aa. the., future ,••ofthe • •Chinese busioine Administration: . • . Lord ,plymonth, termed' •!.'very.dis turbing" the:announcement hr Japan - 06 authorities itt Shanghai that they Would not respect even .threign 'obliga- tions se:Cured by •the .ctistoins.• • , • • :Killed lit ManneuVren• . -Four fliers were killed. this Week When two, :Czechoslovakian army :Planes ,,eellict•-, , n ed . and, graphed' during ••manoeuvres near Milovice. . • . , • Two Murderesses Sohl poltceman's daughter, and Gene vieve Owens i her,cempanion in a $2.1,0' holdup during ,Which a bUs.:'..driVer..lwas Slain, were . •convicted' of first-degree ' Minder by an all -mete jUry. which :recommended Mercy... ' DOntee.His, Letter Provocative-7- ..,,bmscow.-.Tosenh Stalin's .widely published letter appealing to the work es Oulhe.WOrld to -111111e behind the Soviet-17-nionitlefrattickeifirinst-be , reed as it dochnient•og.deraestie,•;rath-. '6i than. interaitiOnal;. Mipertance; au sources 'declared . . this Week. ::.• •„•, • • ,' •, : They warned that to interpret •the message In .tinr otliorT-way would In • evitably lead ,tO.iimeturaCy and keg.' gerationi' •:, • Children Won't Applaud prominent headmaiter in South' Africa is strongly advocating a six ,day school week. Hesays that the gap from Friday, afternoon' to Mon day morning .., is 'too 'Ong, but he needn't exPect any applause fre& the ranks of juvenile :Canada.—Brantford, 'ExPositor, Radio In The Family • • . Broadcasters shouldever. bear in .Mini 'that. they;. are.. not •talking to • Sophisticated •:adult aediences, as in ' the the-htre-'but'tha•t-rwhat'they-say- goes' into. homes, 'where. there ' are boys aniF guuls Whet get* :by: 'in a • theatrer, where Tiliere has been -undue-laxity ot•-recent....yeats,IS utter - iy oet•of .place : in the 'midst of a farn- ily. RadieThas-heen .respect for ',eqme,' time, . one, of' the Most, .fretinerit offenders being a high.... priced.pitpedian .whose :tiresome per • 'sonal•allusipne are bonietimee,•iii very questionable taste, '. ; • • ••'• , ' • ' :.-Itadi.9-1S-fainilf.eetertalimient, and .'sbouldWe-4feet as clean as.•family,life ;..THE EMPIRE :The :Perfect Egg ., • Canada •clainis• to have, produCed, •at. 'ter years 9f, reeearch•and.ekperiment. ,.What is from the point .of vie* of the • eonsnmeet,in;,Fhglatici- the--;perfect4ne•-• Ported egg •The first consignMent of • . , ,these eggs his jest ,arrived in Lohden —750 dozen—and :they 'Will be Ms- . tributed to experts ' in, yariong,..parte of the ceuntry, from:. wheel opinions will be gathered. The housing and feeding, ,of.xthe, poultry have been-miu- • •titelY- Watched,. the eggs have'. been :graded and tested, they have *Peen. • h fixed temperature,. and 'watched by vigulant C.P.R. officials and they are 7 .being:, Ikandl:gd',. on . tejs Side'.wiUu alt 'ther•care usuallybestowed an. • :the " niost precions. ,Cargoce...-irisii ;lode. pendent • • • ' • The Township. Clerk Nominating candidates for the post of "forgotten man"' is a not uliconi- ; mon oCcupationthese days and one, hesitates to suggest 'additional nom-. Isn't it just possible, however,, that, - whoever else may be entitled to the designation, the municipal clerk is in line tor' such recognition? And now at a' time when alt over th'e district,' 'municipal „clerks are tak- ing, up their 'dutiesfor the: year, It ,might be 'opportune to stopand think what that Work means. • Clerks are important Officers in .cit- ietr:tineuswinfabut ..especially In the rural •municipalities the work "of the cierk is .almost ail:embracing. TOwii. • ahip 'councils get In the habit of rely Ing on the • clerks in Mani ways and year by year; as neW;regulations are .:Pittinte-torcebythtrgoVernment;4he scope; of their duties increases. Sault Ste. Marie Star. ,•4 Americans Trip Maroons, for Hiiaceir VictorY n'ooen0, Sdhriter, th'e N.mV or Arcerleans,;sh es ptIst 'the rot of the Ntont'eal Maroons., litiVitig shot iotti Et 1111 Beveridirt% who ntlenots to AOC.'" (Mete bnige in iett aspoOk rebounds from fOree of 'shot): ' • •• Say Modish M4les, Will..Btossom Out • — Jp..Colers .For Daytime Seit0.• This $Malmer--.7DOUe of Wpo.dsor Loses Hold • .M.pctorg 140.0.014' out . tocOloto47Kalefry, borkotifix," 1 powdeOtne„, for :0441Ple .thely deyttnie suits uls.1132zpe'If the ers .' 'United: ..SOfes,,,, g, taller -004,18n can put :It .4"Vr. , This predictlou aleng WIth the 41:,; gojiii4tIon that men's trOuser,3 Will he,' halt he . Welt 'Shorter 'at' the. Peg And. the Duke 0! Windsor has lost ont of the Mers. chant Toor. Dos!g*fl'a'' •A4seciat.100.. aritPlillAY:v..°121iu4881 4e101..h°;e14r,-ePI.Q1‘c“:, inecting in Chicago PseI Shades ,copper flannel' ..Coat Worn, With belge Irpugers, .striped • In bide `• (Corn -hewer •shade)'. and r6sy:OoPPe was, one ,nrodel that 'gave. a hint as to the.. color 'trend in • ,siimmer • 'peorte. sults, Mediumto fight shades, 'brOWni .green; blue and .burgundy are. --f1eadip.g-bo1ors4p-the-sp0rtiteld.' 90)Or.. also: gees forth in • evenihg, elothee,andnOt tlmldlv Dinner Jac eta are in ,powder bineand bur•gundi",and 'u orn , pwvietnhi.nitgp,o lateolt,terO.ontsw selfS.4.h satla reVers and evening' capes llned Wtiit; White., satin are; in. for a revival, Said, the deSigners... Anti -Hitler Show Staged In Paris One Display Says Nazis Gave • Foes 285,000' Years In PrISOn • . • There • is an, expositioe In Paris' to„ conithemorate Adolf Hitler's five -Year reign -2-41A it lsnet a , show that Pro. Cas "Ch ' '" Cast -of , "Charity" The • selt•comforting but specious , opinion that anYthing,• is good enough lw pheritY.is_aeflarently nieletwid4Y4s held than the large number of gullible: givers Who make real:sacrificee would lead on to lbelieVe.-_It_Se,eins ;there' %are far. too piany people wile 'are in. ;•; :clined to look upon charitable institu. thins as a convenient dustbin ih whih cast-off Clothing and; other' oddinerits; no longer fit for human hiunanuse can be deposited with a niinirnin of trouble—thus obtaining for the givers fletitieus glow ot godliness and at the same time Savinethent-the'bether of burning, the articleSat homeFor- that It appears, is What the charitable institutions have •te..,,do•„with the rub- ' Wen After' all charity may cover •.a.• 'multitude. of sins,' but it mus cover • . • • . -.something.; .Blankets ' that are but . . shreds, 'Of their, fernier selyes,-glOvei ,without fingers, :hats without crowns,' coat3. thati,jet4xi the' !our winds of_ heaven, .and other rags that 'shame . -gilded-alme-can coverhothing but the , recipients' confusion and the ,denor's hypocrisyf In such cases the charity - that begins ,at home might well end there —Johannesburg Vine. ' • Canada'i3 .Best 1937 'Customer Dominion's 'Sales In the United States Top Alt Other Nations'• . for The. Pig Year. _ . • • Canada sold More geode to the Unit•'• ed States than any,tithereentetry-dur.'„ Ing the year 1937; the U S. Commerce Departmerit*thollin:edlaStwlriT WgtAasthtihnesoiliMa time the bp' Minion,Ws the second largest customer of the• United 'States,' vkith the 'Unifed.lcing-, doni)ocenpYing fir t plaCeas purchas-' 1.. Japan was the I7n ted Stats'' third , . .. . ranking, cestom.er, •followed by "France - ' Germany. and Mexico. ; ' •• ' '• ' . . .The United -Kingdom, now tiegotiat- 'lligNatrade, agreement With the United . States, bought $535,060,006. Worth' of - :. iner.chand Ise in: 1937,. out, of total' Uni t-' ' 'ed, Statee• shipments to the world:Of . • Britain .BuysMore • The" Br1tih perchaees were 21 per cent m.ore•thaa 10..1030; • .• Canada negotiating,' a tie*. ti•ade ogreetnent, increaged its, buylng in the u.s.: 33 per Centto '$0190003000; Jaban Whieh. boeght, cotton- and ether' goods there in large ,quantitiee 'petit a few Menthe age, botight that-: was $84.000,00.0 inbra then 'the United States bought from 'Japan . • p.iteabi aly1 Canada, also . bought 'ft great dealt ;more • from the i.i;itited . 'States than: thdy,, eeld, •Olinadals salee, in that,countrytote'llotl .$399,909,906 107,, att inerease of 'six •-per eent, over, 10,16 • SIt ie peesible 'to• sec -eniy •nbont 2.,000 at'any bite time with.the •'naked,' eye, ,rind ()lily 1)111%01).4 Y,Ith keen: eyesight an see thht turober, .44,441.4444.,•• • 400 StUtlente 6deupidd a tate at /fine, ,Iirened', for / lours' and 'drank only one.,Intiftpint of, beor They, vete stakit4, a protbst 'agaffist being forbidden to ivffske a proc6s,aidn, . would •Sponsor. „ . Grie of thel,•mpre-pronhinent diSpiays ,,.inforrns,.. Visitors.; -that 285,00 'years 'in'prison",••have -been 'Meted.. 'Out to . . adversaries b Gerreith,, , septirts ; einetY-five nereone. haVe..been executed by the, hatchet.• ' How Unemployment 'Problem, Solved, Local ; .unicur labor, -aided by . the. League ,for the..Rights'of• Man :and. the,-,Thaehrianii___Coinnittle.e,. boys ; ranged the eXpositiOn, which features,' doceinente,hearing. on; several eYents, .:during. the Bitler..'regirae.; particularly_- the. ,Reiplistagfire the racialtheery imeasures,'hostility toward , Catholics and'.eit,.cormennietitiope, in the llelds of art lIteraind. scienCS.. Statistical ,eliarte afin''.to• prove that , the, unemployment nrOhiem has been . ‘'.solved by • the require•hients ;of the •atini•and the rounitiobs• • and , arm0 •tradei. • • ' • ' ' , . One Operation 'CuredTrouble -Mn.'.Who:Pneftrscpirarredy:SO,o'n.F.,ruerily 'On Couldn't Wastoonka '§anatorinia',: Sydney; Work .etired bya einaple, operatien at -.:the ...A • Man who'• Sweated' so •freely •he ,coultI not tarry on his WOrk, has been Aus tralla The prineipal. of • a Scheel,: he. • at:. :time's) ' "oat :pints. Of- moisture while, lecturing to a: class . jThe doctor who perfornied.. the op- . °ration :Said it was an •;extrtiordinal* • ease ithe • first he: had known, "The patient' weuld, Start, ''perseiring•Tin: the, middle' of •,a,,:pu,blic. 'address or at•:some . ether Mest:inopPortune.time and Fhave • to. stop : speaking.'.', he declared.; , i • Extremely ;pare, Case .; • Underan anaesthetic, the,doCtor. removed the Brat Mid' "second gtnglift , --nerve centred: in the region of . the. ‘, shoulder blade :After three weeks toe. • "Man was allowed to leave Ile fle Was told that a. ,Siniiihr ,operation might be necessailr on the ether side for 4 l.fn,it this has Pt"oarod un necesstiry - -Tho complaint from which the man was Buttering was hyperhydrosis, ac • cording to A" Sydney,' epeeiallat. It Wee ..41bAnu ts°. tyxhdien1;a•con:h%tal:di, .hi terareen troublese:Vea]... pee rattliclo6nds;' .. Bottled News'. , ::. The tise of 'bottles to' learn •about sea currents is an 'ancient one, and . 'it, is. on '. record that Quaerf Elizabeth ' of England 'appointed an,,,,,' official Whose title -wee ."Uticorlter Of Ocean.' • Bottles.." •', He ' Was. the 'only ••,•persOti allowed to Open 'sealed' bOttleg, dig - covered Ori any Englieh beach—and anyone .,eled whti, yentfired to de 'Se ' did it at riSit of being' exectitedl Th0 •effiCe and title, continUed, todid. tithe '.of GeOrgelll; ':; ' There. was a taund reaSop;for : 0,6041 fitie.cn .tas-appaititnierit. As , 'bottle •discoVer.. . a ,fistkeirnein .efl,. eir&rr the shore 'near • tehtathetf..thel, liews: that Nova , '7,e el 1)1 a, ' until then Il4tviany had,been seiZed by the butch .., a lime' tiMe. 13.eferci and ',it Was re... • garded as linear tent that, Ally, sach'' ` tiows in Siituro ShOtild be c oinuidui- catedt.!?,,,,,,,t146 right quarter:4 Without aux possibility ()...t. ICS's 'bt tilt°, , , .riing glories, wind against the 1 glgTi trOill: left 'to liihL1 hop Vines Wind With .the iun; frorti:right to tett. , 'The viol of the halanee WI1061 in a Wateh..treVers Meth lig .10 Mlles a •.,