HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-24, Page 1$2.00 A ADVANCE -50c . PETRA I Di,. wow!: Fowier. -..tinx010-411. & svRooct.N,,;. ,.•Oifice Hours 100-4,30 PM ' . 'Sondaye4;1.4942,og PM •Or By AliP014taierit.7. !Phone 86 • FOR ' 1 efitingnpotatoeS tt Mary 'Jane Darrow's, .1.4icknew. . FOR. S. ALE -4. -Aged Shorthorn Bull ' John Hodgina, Kinlotigh. FOR SALE ---43 good pigs, 7 vtreeks old. -James Forster, R. 1, LUcknow. •RS. PETER ,McCALL,'4'..wisheS' to Ithe .the7felir re,sentative of the California Per- ' ' fume Co. Orders taken at her leinioe each Saturday: • FOR SALE -24 Brood York Sows. :8 'Carrying their second litter due to • farrow ',between. 1.st and 1.5th of March; 6,,t�,farrOw, in April; 10 in . , J. •lititton. , - • AUCTIONSALE.-of 9 horses cows, 80' head of -Young cattle, 10 hogs at Lot ;16, Con. 12, West ...svanash,':::Friday,:lebruary..25th:L.:See- - hill's.. Elmo Pritchard; Prop., Mb.tt. Gaytorr-Auc, PROPERTY :FOR.SALE-At lough, East 'Half of Lot IO, Con fl, Kinloss,, 0 acre's farm land, including • barn „and stable., .drivirig shed, store - 'and dwelling - ' •Ai3to, John.IMO_Farlita. , LOCAL GIRL PRESIDENT OF JUNIOR INSTITUTE The third annual 'at;• hoine of the Dorchester Junior' Farmers and Jun- ior Institute was held at. Dorobestet- last -week 'With .four ntnicired young people attending. 1111iss Vera Sherriff, .vho teaches," at Dere-heater,' is preat- lent of the Junior •Institute-aod her 'Picture appeared, in •SaturdaYs' Free' Press in a group photo, snapped:, ,at the function by ,the VyeePiess„'earn,' Arl ',another iSsne of, the'Free `last week,' apnearOd, Picture': Of Miss :Mary °Anderson of • London and formerly of 1. •Liicknow. Miss •Ander-: son is president. of the London Girls' Work, Board and was guest Speaker it. a special' service' in Centennial • United. Church, which marked the be- ginninStof---natiOnal,Q.-G.-1,-7r2-Week- MORE RAIN AND SLEET Out of a cleat, 'moonlit sky last Wednesday •night, the, weatherman performed, • another' of his --quick' :.-hange' acts so common this winter, And, Thursday :morning brought rain, that .froze as it fell making walking in,d Motoring ail but inipossible. As the ,weather Moderated, the sleet turned_ to a straight rain, -that:, con - tinned during the- day, washing gravel from the streets, leaving a glare of :wet. ice, that Was a real hazard to peilestriang and motorists. Motor traffic was; Slowed alinost to a Stand- still. It took one Motorist one . full hour to -make the 12 Miles from here to •Winghani, which' was one instance of how traffic. was . forced to creep olotg. • , SKATING.AMRTY ;MONDAY-± the skating •party on Monday night in the locar'arena, arranged jointly by the young People's' Societies .of the Presbyterian, *United, . Anglican and South Kinloss Churches. The merry' evening concluded With the serving of sandwiehes and coffee. • . • FERTILIZERS Altli-r-Mairch 1st, we will have in, , stock here in our ware -room, all brands .. of. C: I. L. -and Enipire Chatham fertilizer for immediate de- livery. For frill particulars,, see or 'phone • either John Kilpatrick. or N: E. Bushell. . HOME' MiXING 'Farlitere desiring to mix fertilizers; may -purchase their materials ;from. us to snit, their soil' type' and crop , at the following prices: 27127 7. t $26.90; 9-1476% at $23,09, bags ine1ded. These brands require :no. filler::-.0i'ders received until ,April 1 it. Apply to 'John. Kilpatrick; ' . • or N. E. Wisher) -140TreE,, - Centro] smut' and ' increase yield .by allowing us to 'treat your seed •grain With new and imprOVed.cereiatt • through: our new. seed •treatirig. nia- chine. Quantities under ,100 bushel, • treated.5-bere-it-our--warereem;- over 'that amount arrangements • may be • made to be treated in your Own barn:. Piice 5c -per bushel. By this, process, grain' may. be Iteated. now. For fur- ther ' information,. 'phone or -see,- • John Kilpatrick or N. E. Bushell. -41-EN-OHRS--•WANTED-BVIME-.---7- TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIRLO, Tenders Will be • reoeived by the iniciersigned -clerk for,. Climbing and hauling approximathlY seven thous- and _Yards of 'gravel. A Marked cheque for 10 per :cent. of tender to 'accom- pany tender. Contractor to pay for' gravel. Lowest or any tender ' not necesaafily. accepted. Tenders to be opened at 2 p.M., March '14tif,' 1938. ' ' '.11erbert C. Curran, . Road ,Supt.; Lucknow 7. ` • C. E. McDonagh -Clerk, Lucknow 3' , • ' MEN 'WANTED!. If yet' are •interested in becoming Associated with a large progressive manufacturing concern, then write TODAY!. Our 200pliMentary-medici- . nil -toilet •products sell on sight. Big, . eut-ele %profits; , repeat orderirr-Equip- ment indispensable for country route. You pay cash for your goods. Suc- c�ed or ,return there: and get. credit. For. cetriplete' -particulars and free ' catalogue without 'obligation; FAM - ILEX CO., 670 St:: Clement St.; Men - FERTILIZER Lucknow Joint Club will operatetheir. fertilizer Mixing Aation • this - year wider tlie seine management ,as the three previeps.)yeare. Chi') mein- . hers , and those. who • join. the having . their, .materials/1 mixed .here .are assured .of. sowing a fertilizer second to agile offered them any-. where besides saving themselves dol- . Prices. on materials and mixirig, on I 1.app1leation to JOhn Jamieson' 'manager` tUekilaikt Re no 'Phone Dungannon 68-r-I...,Te early and co-oPerate, -0-;-4er-Sotraerrioyef FRACTURED SHOU_LDER 'lee. ,conditions last Thursday.cfairm. 'ed ...victim,. ,Nvhet Miss 1VIargaret Mritray. fell at her home at Para - Mount and fracthred her shiiiilder,, The injury, was treated'here and Mies Miirray .at ,pvesent at the home of Miss Piekering in the village. LOCAL GIRLS WIN' • .Lucknow • girls played the first' -.11o0key game -of -them fair, young on Tuesday night 'in Ripley, .when they took the ,Huron Township' il- lage lassies Into.carnp-by-a±sceri,..701.-, 5 to 2's; Mildred Ritchie led, the seer-. ing with two goals, and'vitas' also the bad: girlof the night with two nen- II-ties, Helen MacDonald, . tn. ,Horne and Ariria •Finlayson, get -a, goal apieCe. ,Neva ' Ferris and Margaret 'Pickett ;Scored' for; Ripley, With the fernier getting,'Ripley's lone penalty: , The score was 1-1' at the end- of the first period. Lucknow scored 4 goals -1/0,1re--xeedrid arid Ripley,rep one in the 3rd.. • . Lucknow-Goal, Leuise Greer; De- fense, Mildred Ritchie,:c'Helen Mac- Donald;.'ist.,line Lir- Horne Anna Finlayson, Etta. Belle„..MacDonald; Alternates; Islay .and Audrey 'CaMP- bell,. Kathleen , 'Carruthers; Doris. Ritchie. . 'Referee -Harold Greer. • SACRIFICE 'CLEARANCE Having rented' My store, the re- mainder of 'Ott' stock of stationery -and . chinaware ',mist be ,disposed -: Of it :sacrifide prices by ,Saturday,' Feb- . 7 Alex, MacDonald Ashie!cl . .• . Reeve' By 'Accian,iation .6)1111Cillor. Por.' Past Three Years •. Succeeds 'I`o Beeveship' Fillin Va- cancy Caused By. Death Of Reeve . Richard Johnston -Fred Anderson Of Zion Elected By Acclamation. To Council • • , Vacancies in 'Ashfield Council Were filled" by aeclanciation at • Monday's nomination 1Whea ;Alex MacDonald • of Loohalsh Was elevated to the reeveship and Fred Anderson of Zion. • .Was elected as the new councillor by ston.'• Mr. MacDonald, serving 'his acelamation The, 'rennina-tion was- required due to thedeath, of Reeve -Richard, John - fourth. term as Couneillor, resigned. to qualify for the reeveship. 'rwo .eX7 reeves,. John A.: MacKerizie,•_and .Mut, do Matheson, Jwithdrew in favor Of Mr. -MaeDonald: There were three nominees ' for the Council. 'vacancy resulting from Mr. MacDonald's resignation. Fred An- derson ,O Zion, al newcorter to mun- icipal office, qualified as Councillor and .received the seat Without oppo- sition. Mr. Anderson is the :first re- -presentativem-f -thne-nortir-east-cornet'' of the nornicipality to sit at the I3oard for some seven years... . Nominations were received as fel- low's by 'qlerIc C. E. McDonagh: i • For Reeve . Murdo • Matheson, - nominated by Peter. McIntyre and Samuel Gibson. John, MacKenzie, by W. B. Hawkins and John Qoaid' • Alek, MacDonald' tisr For C•Mou'ind)ciror Samtiel Sherwood by Wilfred Dren- nan and G. O. Durnin. ' E. G. Zinn,. by J. F. Johnston and Wilfred Farrish. "Fred Anderson. bY jarrie..MacKeri- iie and 'Murdh Matheson., Ashfield; council .is now • qonippsed of Reeve Alex MacDonald,' Deputy Iteeie, Gilbert} Trayne ,and Council- lors W. A7--ett-lbert-;L-orneff.Jehnst and Fred Anderson. HAD NARROW ESCAPE .Gordon. FitlaYsen of Lechalshhad a' narrow escape from being ',trapped when fire .reeently destroyed a• three- storey hotel.:at Larder, Lake. Gordon who work S on •a night shift in' the EBRUA.11r. 1938 OPPOR+UNITY $ALE DAYS. ONTINljg Tills wEEK • • , Opportunity Sale DityS Spen, 'red by. .LuchnoW merehants, , continue again this Thursday and. Friday, when. Ideal steres will offer the Ptiblie. special bargains it Praetkally, all lines of merch.- • . • „ ` 'Read the advertisetnents ' in •-:this issue. and Watcb for. the, sale .1) ..pennants on store windows., Your' ' merchant .is :prepared, to serve You and on these bargain days prices , on many 'lines are shislic.d to making •Itilying /this ' Friday and Saturday particuiar- ty profitable for you: • Shop -Lucknow this Friday and Saturday,Fc'bruary '-25th & 261h; Tune in for the- Broadcast over CKN.X. Thureday at 1 p.M. for ' the friendly message- from the 1.1 • 1.7 Lucknow :Merchants. „. . Shop and Save -Save and' Shen: WED -PING BELLS • MCKENZIEVVFBSTER • A quiet w edding took- -placca.V.the Ashfield Presbyterian Manse at 12 ;o'clock :noon, on Saturday, February -.19th7--When ghter of Mr. and Mrs.Janes T. Web- ster,. was united, in marriage to Mr. David McKenzie, only•lsou 0±; ivfrs, R. '.VICKenzie andfthe late Mr: McKenzie of ‘Ashfield" Township. The Rev. J. K. .VIeGillivary officiated and Miss Ethel McKenzie, . sister of the groom; and Mr. .Lecinard . Webster; brother •of the, :bride were -the attendants: The .H bride - .:Wes:• -dressed a • floor_ len o otif-wra-e-coloreillitifon .yefvet witif hat And coat' to Match and silver 'sliaes, Immediately ;after the cere- mony the happy ,couple 'left Oh a trip to- :Londori. and -St Thomas; and on their 'return- they will reside on the flighw,ay near Kiritail. : groom's • On,' the , Bluewater WOOD*.TENDEItS :LET AT SPECIAL MEETIN THURSDAV, , Eight tenders' were received.:by the Village.' Council *t a 'special Meeting -Thursday, • for ,4 -foot Wood; and 18 inch beech and maple. Lowest tenders Were .accepted in each ease, with Frank Todd the • slic,cessful bid- der for ten cords of -4-foot wood at $4.00 a .cord ,And Neil ' McCallurn's tender accepted for twenty-five cord's northern. town, was sleeping at the of'18 body wood at 14.8.00. -title of -the- :outbreak and on being *, • ' • ' awakened,: succeeded in, making his escape,' but was. able to 'Save only Arena „Club Carnival VI • some of his -clothing. Showed Profit Of $176.96 DIES'c . • • ,. 'Arena-Chilt-S-Plit*.ProCeeda With Com- munity Or• Receiving $88,48: • . • - : - '• , • The monster darniVal recently staged by the Arena' Club,as well as delighting 'some 1200 people whoat- tWded, was also a realfinancial suc- cess, ,aS the foliowing , statement•re-, AreaTlhe: lAi.'•ena,Ciab Of twenty members:. which has sponsored so many %, suc- cessful undertakings in the past few Months, was requested by the Com- munity Hall conintittee to ,undertake this carnival, as. it, was considered that , the Club, through it • riunibers and past achievements, was best able to :handle' this big event as it tinned out to be. The Club, however, turned Over :halt the net, proceeds' to -the Cominanity Cemmittee; .in eharge of the operation of the hand- ing • and 'each,- ol.gan ilation Prefitedto - e ex - tent of $88.48. .••• • • 'Statement . .Carnival„. 5th February, :1938- Tibial:Receipts, , ........ t .E.ineriditures .• , . 11, Greer, tel: calls .4 • 75 ,Lucknow Pipe, Baud • : :JO .00 , Miss . Patricia,. Maritiel;'' • ; • • Skater ' ' • 20 00 Lucknow • Sentinel • ,& Racli.O. , . . 1640 Wm Schmidrc. ............ 01. John Todd, lodgings • , re Skater 1 ,50.:, Sundryaccts. paid, ' : . • ' cash by E. A: 4 13: .; Prizes Paid by Prize Committee. Pearlinari's . .1 75 McKim's' • . • • 1 50 'Rae* Porteous 2 85 Reed ,ez 'Rathwell 2 25 Schmid 2:,(10 ;Templeton AO' Co. ribbon 2' 50 4 00 L. TurVey „, ." • 2,65 • • F. M. Paterson . 1 75 -1 C.*.litecker, ... . . .. . ,. • 2 00, Wm. Muidie 'S/,` Son, „ 4 75 MacDonald Bros2'110 3. McDonald, ..sulidy . 60 Wellington McCoy- 2 oo::$:, 86,60 • Mrs. Wm. Schmid is in Hanover this vek on .deceutt if the death of her father,- , Mr. John Beckberger, who passed 'awaY Monday night, af- ter ,a ten day -.illneSs, following severe paralytic stroke. Ile suffered -a-airnilar'seiztre7 a few: years, ago. The funeral is on Thursday. ,* 'Besides his widow a , ..family: of eight ' sOns and daughters survive, lustitute At Home Again Popular Annual Event : Large _Crowd Attended Annual So- . cl Function 'Featured By A Pre . gram,' Liunch, And Dance. --Ladies Give Amusing ' Farcial ;:Presentia- . tion, Of An t Institute Meeting • • " , . :The aminal "At Home" of the Wo - GUEST oP: PREE PRESS AT- ." men's :Institute again proVed. highly, _popular. and :attracted a, particularly ,„ VEEIC..END HOCKEYtGIK- large gathering on ' Tuesday night; • when a..pleasarif socialevening was ' ,• Treleaven, Lender" Free spent that included i variety: ,pro- 131'eSs carrier'.bey'enjOYed a week -end grain, lunch and:a dance. • • . trip to Terontd,which hichideil 'etten, The opening nuinber vvak an emus - ding: the .hockey genie on Saturday ,ing• ;farcial-presentation of 'an Inati- night between the Maple Leafs and tute, nieethig, presetiteChrififteep ,of New York Amcrienn.s. thc locni branch.. The Skit Was. really- ,_ Allah was one of about. fifteett,hoys' arid kept 'the. 'audience in from •thil, district:to take in 'the trip laughter,'aS; all the .buSirteSs., the roll aS the guests: of the London paper: call, the secretary's' and 'treasurer's The • boys were picked up on. Satur- report Were..carried out in a ridicit- day morning, made Guelph for din, lets ner.and on' into "Torento to"take jn During the 'fleeting an 'Old Maid's the sights beforegame tirne, They. Qtartette". Was given by Mrs. Viola spent the .night in stYlel at. a TorontoJew,itt, Mrs. Phillip' 'Stewart,. • Mit: hotel; returning on Stnday: ' Horace Aitchison , And Mrs. Robert Struthers. Mrs. Campbell. Thempson recited tWo:amasing pOeina and 1VIr3. Clarke and Mrg. D. M. Thompsot -sang a duet:. '11/Its, NOrtme , Wilson presided at the plano:',Other meMbets taking part Were Miss Ildzel Webster; Mrs. ,W7. 13. Anderson, Mrs. Wm: Yowl, 'Mrs... Wesley Huston, ;Mrs. R: 11. TherripSon; Mrs. Morgan Hender- son and MI'S? Wellington Henderson, Wh(t. read. the Minutes of the. last meeting -47 of thein, 'Seven'. Of bus- iness. and forty of .gossip. • • The, second part of the , program included a violin,: duet by Dr, Wit, Fowler :atid''Dr,: Jarnea Little, accom- panied by Mrs. Fowler; n lannOrous reading by Mrs. :IT,.G. Sherriff; a vocal duet by Bud • Orr and Lloyd. JUVENILE PLAYOFFS Stewart;, a mouth organ:duet by Miss ;The JtiVenile Playoffs ,in droul'i )3; and Murray Henderson, atecitimaltied betvitebrr lAndlcrieW and Ripley get' tin, by their father,, Eldon Henderson oii derWay Thursday When. Lticknow', the autoharp:. a' ata.by- Mrs. Phillip plays in Ripley.' The second game will -Stentart and Eldon 'Henderson); ' arid l, played in Ltiolchow on Monday 'A'skit by '"Mr. and Mta. flarriston", night. Febiniait, 28th 'at S' Ilazel Webster, and Tem Patton, The • . FARMERS ATTENTION!' , GroSe's Specially Cornpoun ecl High, • Grade4' Fertilizer May Secured Iron) agents throughout: this froin Miltbn district salesman, R..R. -7; Lucknow, Ont., 'Phone 7.744;. Dungannon. Mr.. Groae's fertilizer plant is situatett On DitidaeSt.) West Toronto, and is one • of the :most inedern plants Ontario *hich has .been in operation for some Mine. • ' Any :partietilar .problems that you taye.„ to deal :With, 'Write "Grose Ltd;'; West Torentet ;Mr; ,-Grose has had tiventy-five..yeare exPerience . the' inaritifeetiiritig of Fertilizers..1.1e also has a'. fertilAn•,„ Areal/tent to. combat witeworni which' cannot /be sec/Ikea from .titty Other • Company, . • witteroonts' at the. icAtroiting. phteeg Ltiekhow, .11,1010 and Clinton.• Milton Kilpatrick. thitritt Saleintan, , •41 `41:),I.FF01)11. iNSINEJV Corte and Noy the "Daffodil,. Din- ner", 'served ,by St. Peter's- WoMen's Guild in the Council' Chanther 'on Shrove Tuesday eveiiing, March 1St; 5;30 to 8O'c1oOk; Admission 3,50 and 25c. e.EXHIBITION HOCKEY ° Drionto,: O, It H. A. group cnarii, Plots and Lucknow ,SePoYq, will play an exhibition. gaine LucknOtr Com- Munity Arena this Friday night, Feb- ruary 25th at 8.15. 'o'clock. Admission25c-, and: 1.0c. Kenneth • Cameron,..'a local boy plays with the ban/MO.:team Gents eaurit.on the tontid and the dialogue took Pla"Oq tritio se.tri.nd gam will-he'Pla:Yed to a. fiii-1 journey to Whitechurch. Rill Chin ish in ease 0 a tie. Lucknow was the bohdueter -and Bud Orr the iles are playing fine hockey and rfan8 peanut vender, - • , are :tisstired- of a good iarea on mon,. Gointitinity, singing followedli‘eftire day., It is nein these jtiVeniles that lunch' Was. Served and the "evening Litcknov itope to btild tfp a Suhroi.„ceileluded With a Clahed, With MUSie FoafiA 'next SeaSen, Th winners vfll by Elden Henderson and Dotard c - meet' Grote, A wiriflei, of j v chaviet aha Roy IVItCreight eafter-/ • , Net ;Proceeds ..... , . .$17690 50% Net Proceed.s. to, . ••Cornathrtity'llall Cotri. ...„.$. •88.48 •50%' net 1'reeeeds to ' . Arena Club „ $*;:88.48 W. V,`,;formstoli, President, Agnew, :Sec,-Treas. • Rae Watson Awarded $6000 In Damage Actio Vernier Luckaow Boy 'Enters .4201,- 000 Damage Action' In Motor .Ac- cident In, Which He Had His Foot Torn' Off -Was Awarded $6000.00 With Any Additional Costs To Be .-• Rae J. Watson, . of;LOndon, sell, .of Mr.:, Jack Watson and ,-the late Mrs. Watson,, formerly ; of Lucknow, was , awarded.' damages Of ' $6000.00 With ' .any' additional costa to .be added, by •JOstioe G. F. Maarland in Supreina, Court; in Stratford on Tuesday; The •action was brought against (Marie's Reid of Brucefield for .$20„, '900-darnages-for-injurierreeehreehr .- Rae in, a motor, accident at. Hayfield last September. Watson .. suffered loss of his 'left foot . and his left leg four inches he - low .the knee as -, a result .• of injuries . suffered in the accident:- He, appeared '..- in court on crutches. ... - Watson,. testifying on his own be- half ' as the case . opened • Monday' afternoon, told.- the coOrtthat he was riding south or/ NO. 41-lighway from, Clinton to Ihneefield and when he approached ' the village -of 7Brifeefield be . slowed dawn. He noticeda car facing him 'on •the .east . side of the . • -, • •road; Fur whibb Appeared. to be sten- • -NATIONAL COMP/H.17RX FOR ding ..still. When he approached dos.: GBITUAR • THA [mum OF er the car' started, to move.: and ,., Dr.. GorVirell , vehO attended Rae at formerly ' Of Luckflow, occurred, sad_ The death"of Mrs. Mur.chisont • ThisS!jo:::1Rit7eRe.S composedofoAf rep. • resentatives of all Christian 'churches . '‘Yiing directly across ' :the road strik- ing. the motorcycle about midwaY.be.• tween the front 'aiiitrear wheels, the. time 'Of the. a.ccident,', testified that.'' Canadian Red , Cross.in .seeking con- .' .. 3f ' Canada', is , co-operating With . the ' he found Watson -iyhif on the . road denly at her home in Toronto, earlY Saturday • ,morning. Mrs. 'Murchison. . . and. part of his lett . aeti cai...a:, eff,.,T pa.s.sed..,.,aways,,..vhout. regaining : con- .0.,t1,:biamtitle.L1_440-,cat=osfti--frecarvir-tke,-; Rilicil-ear-;.:-41e-sa, • - . = .r----p"d .frem a •heart attack, As she. .iie' ravageses 'Of'• wart ',D4Y1 by day, ' : tation-of part of ..the . leg was . neees- ,das, about to retire 'F'riclk night. , r , press and radio are laying the stark' .sarYeto save the .man's 'life, because .v.vill 'be midaninnter-be: .- "Miss'. Frances Armstrong; who is facts of thisgreat tragedy before: us, . of severe injuries to the tissues: but: atteffdirig business I college in ' Ter- Let uS,'.:1 agine how we would feet he added it ' fore . the .man • can get an., artifiCial onto, was spending the week -end if the same' cenditiont ;befell us. Ii , limb nil., the stuliip,, „. .1 with her grandniother, whose death the face of suffering such as theirs, , carte' as a .distinct 'shock toher asnur sympathy .arki,....nelir can know no ' .".II have' no hesitation in finding thc well s Mrs. MUrchison's family and barriers ' or 'creed. Donations should accident was caused by gross negli her many friends here; 1.1er daughter, be made: Payable to the "Red Cross genee'',On. the Partof the defendant, Nies, .(Dr„,) Bean, .who was holidaying. Chiriese • Relief Fund?' . and may be Justice .• •McFarland said.., "MedieO, in Pleridre,..bad . left oh their return deposited at any local Bari '..er !Red: eVidence4as . shoskri---thatLtlie-lilainti-e-,;, leurney-and---ennliriniehe locat-Q, . to. -Cross. Offfc-e711.17Canada.. , will .possibly have, to have another advise her of her mother's death. . ,Signed on behalf of the :Ministerial operation and damages'should be I , ' Mrs Murchison, fornierly slViiimie Assoeiatiot Of Lucknow- ' ' s an ia .• ecause. is injuries are ne- McBride; was: horn at 'Holyrood.-Foi-;: trianent and will prevent hint ,fr ). C. IL ka-etionala; G. M. Young carrying on :9n:,bis business..in . ,I /„.. A. sloown,inag'nh;trivmeaSrriapgaeratmoaJagnht7tMbelTrcrhei: . W. J:''P tton, ' A'. A. MakineY'' manner.. S. •T, . Acker; P. Rickard. • sided in Lucknow, where - he . conduc- .... , .:. ted a. jewellery. and „book Stere. Some thirty: years.. age;', they ,moved ..te- Torotto, where Mr.. Murchison passed away' in NoVeniber 1932... tY. 10 (S?rILY .BRAND NEW 19.8BATTERY RADIOS-TOQUAL. ITY,,rliODUCED`:IN CANADA'S . LARGEST . RADIO. (MY -LESS TOAST THE RItE YOU WOU,LD.PAY,i0R THE CHEAPEST OF MAIL 'ORDER HATAOS. Beautiful. Hand Ruhhed Wainut Cabinets -,4t. High 1714": Wide , . .. Speakers - Automatic aVolunte Control -Short Waive from. . 1300to1870K-- .Performace 90 Day Factory, Guarantee_ 5 pir Money Back , • ,Trial -No 'Trade -Ins. (AiN PRICE $18.00, MRS.'JOHN MURCHISON EgoKEN ANKLE AND ,PARISH' 'TRANSFER FOLLOW 'CLOSELY ,._.:_woroi-abeen.-reaeilied. that Rev. mt.. And_leir. murchisot-were high- :7Another -Paralyzing .atorin letore • • HURON 'SNOWPLOWING HAS _L__ ' COST ABOUT $111;000 TO DATE.. recent years, Mrs. 1VIV rchison bas". fie- in this Village, 'Where in Fr. W.- J. O'Shaughnessk. pastor at' IY 'nig Wintet 'gives his last kick and Riversdele and liolyrood parishes, calls it quits, 'would be just ahead has .,.beeti---"-transterred to 'Hamilton. quently .Spent extended. visits with Mrs. sufficient to 'rocket :Munn ,CountY'a ,- y fen her daughter, Mrs. Z.:Art-it-strong. Mrs. Bert 'White (Glenne). Detroit; 00. peak ago. Barring, anything like qtlint--,Srid . . Bev. Fr.. O'Shaughnessy recen show removal costs to tear the $12,7.. on a parishioner, and was 4 Patient M and fractured his ankle while calling _Surviving are three.' daughters; 0. that was reacledtwo years• .i._.: in the- Brude-teinitY:HesPital at Wal., - (Dr) • H. G. Bean (Eva),.. Tor- c ounty Engineer, T. R. Patterson; .is ketton for a-,feW days :befo're beii.ig onto; ; Mrs. F. T. 'Armstrong.;(Millie). offering ' Prayers -the county's hill ' Lucknow and .two sons,°Ed of Nash- ville, Tennessee ,and.,; Erne of Tor-- . One,brother;.Will IVfeBride also sur. viyes, and the day of; his sister'S death, Mr , and_Mrs....1)1c.Pride weret planning to celebrate their. 55th 'wed, ding anniversary. . • ' '' ' . • , The funeral service Was held at the home of Mr: and Mrs. Armstrong in Lucknow, on. Tuesday, cOnducted :by Rev.. S. T. Tucker. Inter/he/it was in Kinloss ' Ceinetery. .Pallb6arers were, G. 11. ',Smith,. Wrn, Porteous; A.:E. McKim, W. W. nor, W. L. MacKen- zie and D. C. MeMorrare ' Miss MARY IVIIJRCHISON ;ToOBSERVEiiiir. ORE.E.AtEit, : `i. _ . -.-. • Miss ' Mark. MurehisOn„ a lifelong .7 The World's Day of Prayer will. I • 'e<mT.TFnrildecla5•'.;Ohlquirrechh4 . Wthora, ° 3 Women 4P.ailnt-• resident of this conninmity: 'passed ihneldthi denominationS„are - meeting all over . the world on this da Y for Prayer.i ear. - Will You he one of therill. The Offer- nig- goes to the Interdenominational - • moved to Hamilton. hospital, to be wider the care of a specialist. . olit Time Skates I . we . have on display at the Sen- tinel Office') a-Tairortild-tinte Wooden skates. A:broad" steel blade is set, it the Wood,' the skate is screwed into the, heel of an ordinary Shoe and thenstrappedon. The Pair are in the possession of Mr. Sam burnin, and Sidney Decker ' were :them at the masquerade carnival.. , . , Death' RemOves.Zion's Oldest Plionter Resident , Mr. Isaac Andrew, A Lifelong -Resi- dent Of Community And Man Of 7' Sterling Worth, Passed' 'Away At His Home On Saturday In His $1s1 for this winter will be approximately , $11,000, it is estimated. , The current winter, up until two or', three weeks ago, •was' -a steady, one and snow plows were working'on the • county. roads almost • continuously.:. When all .equipment was operating at capacity the cost to the,county.of keeping the roads ,oPen approximated $150 a-day..The county operated three plows iof its own :this year,:rindocon- . tracted for the .fourth. Teams were also used o11. someroad's duritgthe winter. away at her •horte a ''rtile torth. of the village, oni-Sumlay, February 13. Although afflicted with near. blindness for the past few' years, Miss Murchi- son Continued, in .gdod' health -until about four week§ prior to her death. year,-“11/1ias •MurchisOa- was' born at :Patainount; a daughter' of the late.- Donald Murchison and Jeanette. MacPherson, and in this pioneer Scottish hopie were instilled thany•a.dniirabig qualities'that Made Miss. Murchison ' a •heleyed :and. teemed -citizen during a 'orig. -life of nearly four score years. • ' , . 4. 6 Again. this Zion cornrnunity hh. been '.Saddened by the 'paisineof, its _ , . oldest resident, 'Mr.. Isaac Andrew: only son of the late . John P. and Jessie Andrew, .pioneers 'of this dis- rict, z ' • ' ,1 ' Mr. Andrew, whe..'Was. 81st, Year; was liOrn. on the firm ,now •oe- uPied by Mr..°00. Hunter and •spent 11 his life there and his :present eine: He was a Man of Sterling 'Worth, honest, upright and true to he highest ideals of Christian living. Ile Was it ':nieniber active Work - r. in the Zion ;Church and Sunday chool, as long as his 'health' -permit - ed and a :kind • and loving hasband rid father; wheSe heart and. interests entred Armin& his:church and home; Mr. und':Mrs. ,Andrew, formerly Sit,. an Anderson,: eelebratect, their .50th wedding anniversary' in Ile leaves. to mourn besides his Wife, two tons, David of the Sehool 'AgridultUre, Vermillion, Alberta; 'Alfred of North 'Bak:and one daugh- ter, Mrs, Gorden Kirkland, Lucknow; one Sister; Mrs. S. Kilpatrick, ,Brockville, Ott; and six graridehild, reit, Two SonsTredeceased• him; twenty-two years ago and' John of Edmonton, whoise 'death (icon -red in October of 'last year.' Three ••ststers alsoiptedeceased hini; Mrs: Jas,-Ba.11(.: Well, Mrs: Wm. • Stothers and MI.'S. Wm, Wilton, • • , • The ftinerl service WAS hold from ' .hOine;. Monday' afternoon, with 67: W. .T. Patten of the Ashfield' assisted • by Rev. Ona d -1\141,061OW the ter:vied; it. S. j„ Kilpatrick And Mra:- Them- Atidetactl duet ',"Jesus oAter Of My Soul". ' • 'Interment Was Made in .M-6011111 erneiety';.` The pallbearers Were keiiStS, ST: ,OBLEStS! MA'14' • DIES • Y After ' lengthy illness,. 8eatii •M :ea/n.6 Wnto Woods at his,hoine itt St. Ori Sattrday. WU it his 81st year and ha's' been 'Mine eSteerned resident (ir that' d dommtmity, • ". The Nnotal'ierviee',:ag ,141d 'the 't 'thilted 'Church, St. Helots , .TiteSt.,1,1_ day :afternoon, .conducted by nov,.1r,.,4,m. Wright.M. Interment • WAS ill' (1r0O4141." bill deirieterk, o liotitas and 'Prod, Atideratid and S. • Ititpatriek;„, brothers,in-laSi and essts, George Andrew; Chas. :' Mae, Obagit. and John 1/40111iti, 'cotisifis 1 Mr, Andreiii „:• •• COMMittee. , , . ANOTHER CHIMNEY FIRE • , Another of ,a •Series., of chimney .fires .during, the winter Months; that , have 'resulted • *in fire. alarms „heing:. • turned- in, occurred mid-afteritoen,' . brother Donald:* burn - Mr. murehison, died when. mail:, was Airs. Norman Stewart. The fire burn- . but thirteen. With her •mother n ..ed itself .out Without damage, ,and" .Suriday, at the home of .-Mr.,-..and marc than twenty-five • ocars., het', witnessed many, 'changes who died ' in 1869,4. without the , necessity of 'any aetion. she moved to their home mirth of the 11.'°'..t.1:1e..brigade village.' Her .1libtlier died. in 1920.•.For cousin, Mr. Donald • Macliefinld litta The deceased wag a sen of the late, Made his home With Miss n:Vrell,iscill. Itenty: lialdenby of gull,. Eng, and who during her' last Illness was oarpl. Elizabeth Coronet ,; of Armagh, Ire-• • for by 'another :cousin, Miss , 'Y loud; who 'emigrated to ' Amherst'Is- McPherson' of London, . , ` near .Eingston, married there. " Muitchisbn wasfaithf Ui and. ,where' five' (Hannah,' Alfred, Member of the Presbyterial' Churoh. mary, Henry,"Martha) of theirfani- and: took: a partieularly active • part mi itt SundayISChool and l‘lissionarY five 6yfe c,ten'‘fy !Leo., born.a Wheneiet6 •fetrulto6s; , ciety, work: She a 'member 'ft liiivrishiP of Brno', County to begin the W.M.S. for Many yours... served rife in. the Memories of the log a lengthy' period as •seCreta'ri and .1.4,11001 .housein the. crossway road,. the was later honored :With a "Life, Mem- 'meetings: for .werShip in the settle- . bershiP.' ntent huts, the sowing of grain, • The funeral 'serviee Was liald;rii. her atiOng„tbe •sturnps;' reapidg with: the cradle and Aineshing with the flail, formed the chiof topics of hissconyer. sation' in his declining years.' Fifty years -age he mdrried Fanny Thomp-' on, ilaUghter of the late Janie§ Thompson. and Grace .j-locigiiis.••, • Left ,to Mown 'his, passing'. are his NvidOW,, .one daughter, 'four sons, one s'istcr, ond brother, thirteen grand. „h'ildreni,. and two great grandchild - on: The, Sister; Mrs, Softhiii Fer' late residenceon Wednesdaylast eon. ducted by1 Rev, C lX. MacDonald Interment was Greethill cemetery. with W.'' W. Hill, -John Alel<ay,"SteNt;.. art Rebert.soli, .1Tanies Bo•ker, :Macintosh: and !Jelin Henderson, act- ing as pailbearers.. .'"' • . • • iltStitY ti A titiENEY Pfttliel" lIaldetilty„ after t11- ter/natant illtiesses, • Of over three years; passed ..peocefolly twoy at on, resides An VailectiVer; B.C.;; brotg noon, , Mandan 14014' t hor . rrotl, 'sons •Howard ' and Alhert. at his hotie •at,Westterd. Pight l tO reside, at ,Westford, : daughter rdo the laSt• he talked With neighbors and (Mr.5.`„. Walter:Nicholson) resides " near . kit folk AS the 'Saeds or 111 chbotrylIervie„ Ann ;Cheater tear Leactesa, away.. Eight:y..41w vonis ton M'ontlis Stia ''?Wilbert in vokcitIto, and two .days of joy, sadness, 'The funeral ,seryiee was ,Conducted adversitv • with' , very 11,:V' '11,07V, 5.1',CRitC‘bie of the' ,Church dant love for the "(immuny 1M itown the AgeehSrtotl., Kinhitigh;• and AISo.by AS Westford ni which ht; had hotql the 'OratIgd ..11retliten. of 'home and postrilaster, selnier trogooy. .'011ii`ch thteriiteht, ,wardeh, • Aft& 8etrAtary. ,L.'0.1„ • No,..0-rCorillilf, cc/tete/I. Lucknow.• • . , • . , , , .1 •