HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-17, Page 6you- • , , CANADA•.' • ..COSTLY PROPAGANDA 'is:'estiinated that the Nazi.,Ges,- .erhmerit, spendsone ,hundred million ; • dollars Millman)! for propaganda at , hoine' and •abroad.-Brantfora eitor; • • , • COMPULSORY HEADWORK• The •suggestion was Made at. Otta- wa that Canada adopt a 'compulsory _ voting scheme similar to that used by :Auetralia. There, Would be Much to commend tbe, proposal if prevision.. could be made..fiat compulsory think- ing on the part of the electorate as ' ivell;-LohclOn''Prec„•Press. SOMETHING TO DO WITH It Employees over 40 are found hap- pier On: their • jobs than .theary tinder 40,, some great 'United . States intelli- gence has discovered. :Of course,' it doesn't mein anything to him that • those over 40 have survived .war, a couple of depressions and are still - at work, does it? -Hamilton • .Spec,-. tater. • • , 140,000;000, APIECE , .With Britain and the United States„ both' engaged, in rearmament pre- , grams, one of the features of,. naive) Construction is the return of the bat-. For a time it was argued that the advent of the., airplane and. the--74eVelOnirierit-'nVthe submarine , *. -had' Made •battleships 'too vulnerable 1: and that they were a "thing of the .a Cost of '$69,000„.000 Sarilt Daily Star: EROADENING THEM OUT As we have ,remarked'On 'other easione, we -should like` to see our public me/1i Meinhera of Cern- nons eeijare--ahd . the ' ' Legiela , tures, do. more 'travelling. Malay of, thern, • ' unfortunately. . '.'seldoin. stir /rein their °ern districts and are therefore unfamiliar with the Amos- 'Yhere • of 'other areas: • 'We; believe it should be part el their duty to thor- oughly fathiliarize themselves , with all Sections and thus be in •a* better :Irealtieri to intelligently •consider na- tional and inter-provincial..proZlems, cause for which 'every goodeitisen- ...,•:;shianidAe_strivingnitiOnal-iiiiity.--,-,, Windser Star. . .7 NEWSPAPERS WIDELY READ , Statietiee.reteal.that there are 2,- , :253;7.2..9"-hotleehelds in Canada, • The ,:cirCulation,of newspapers all told in, ,anade. is ;2,240;061, one isn't„' far out in „saying that Practically, ev • Over the seine geographic area there; are .1.09,101 radios. • All of which :gees to. show ,thpt more than half the homes :do .not : bear broad-. There are 419,9,90 radio e in Chita.- ijorrips and g71,1,3/ 3 in Quebec. , The fact tbat.'praCtically everyone' reads •• the newipapers nuts them at the head of the list of .the' various publicity ,inedia., That is. why ,shreWd ,adVertisers favor the newspapers to 'get their :nieslage, across - to tha greatest. mfmber , ener Repard „... _ HIGH COST OF _CRIME g 1 .1§S116t1-1. Gov- ' , •erninent depaittnetit at. Ottawa shows 'that the 'average cost of a prisoner in .the. establisliMents .of the ConritrY, is over a day; or in round figures about $15.6 a year. The ',33 covera foods, clothing, heating, build- Salaries- of Wardene-and-guarda • and othei tnaintenanee costs. "Mani, a,-,,youhg° Juan and, woman- livitig „an hOneSt, life and doing ° a geed ;44e.s .;,!,,fYric has !tci exist on leas than n4 a week:. , yliere , are thalls• • ands `of prisoners in the..stateingtitil- tions, go that. 'the cost of crime to thc-cptintry is a Very serious • matter indeed:: On top Of that there are prOviticial ,farnis; and reformatories, ' • and a; police force in eyery'townand city: public ha A a deeP, interest doWn !Grit/ie.\ and every. preventiVe method 'shotild be tried. -7,•,' ' St.' Tlioinas Tinies-Jetirnal: Rule ,Carts Bah nqd ..,,- Undek Rio Ruling iuo llt,•JANtil20,,%Bras!1.-L. Rfi :L.'de' 'Janeiro is likely to. beChnia, boidele'ss and muieless.'citY if a new liniunicipal tilling is .6beirodi ' The hutss And ,InigAr was pushed by the automobile, ledying only 'Te mule and cart, Used primarily for he hauling of coffee from the Wate-4 ciblielo. the steamer.. , this conveyance, under the new ling, no longer Will be allowed in he central: Seatirni :seethe ,eitY Start., ng 'heart Menthe!' MeitedVer; .the.'rega. atiOn proliniltAtOtiles' wthiin the. Ity; • rff4'EMPIRE WHAT PRIcE NEWS? , . Think Of the price of neww. Two journalists : are blown to, bits of Ter- uel, by* a shell hitting their car, and; in thelast feW, Months, twer'jOnrnal- jsts have been killed, six nwounded, . getting the news for you in 'China, DO ' not forget, as you read' your news- papers, that all over the world neWSr , liaPer Men are taking chances. t� fill these eolumns. for you. -Sunday. Ex - Press, London. POOR LITTLE TuaKsl The schoolgirls of Turkey are in for a dull time if the Association of Head Masters and HeadMistresses /melts. way. According to its recom- mendations:no giri may go to the. cinema °except ' with an :adult relatiVek she may not talk to any young man in the street except her brother,. and if any slain attempts to ,talk to her the affront skint& be reportedto parents ,or the head; master forth- with. One ;Might be tempted to think that Pasha Grundy' or his wife had. tombe.c1--the-.Statutet-ef_-Ciarford--Uni-- veraity, for their list of prohibitions. In Oxford still, no doubt, the proctors ask politely- to be introduced any damsel ' with whom an undergraduate is seen in nubile eintiperee.• All this; oecearse, is done. to pi otect/the.male from the predationti Of the intrigu- ing Sex, and it weal(' be little wonder if Turks, with their queer inversions, had 'simply' reversed •the ' rialesin a • .. girls from ' innocent men. -- Cape erment o ort ••• • Improvement Of Stock Necessary ' ,to Offset- Trend Towards Poor Quality, • Claims Principal of ,Queen UniverntY—AwlikeP- Lug' Is Urged. , entleciel.tenese ;mast , be 4.141telleti to the Peed; of development of an, improved stock Pi. R. iOcei principal of queen*. uotvetelty* • emphasized in an agdressbefore the _CornthuiiIty Ileal th :Aasociation, 7 'of e TorontoGreeter in the :AaderttY. 'Of . ..•„ . Medicine: • .• • •• •' ,4RotnetirtieS, we worry •abotit the.. propaganda spread ConntrieS.:. for the 'purpose of (raiding/the young People to DOI/de a, Strong race. ,The ,rnotive; lOtot alWayethe best, but •• am. not mire. but .86Mething• of the same Peneelintriheee: is needed; ,here," .cotdrainted the .speaker. . College. Graduates' Few Children ' "'Recently, a' suiyey, Was ''made Of •. the weineh graduates of ••, a United: . States': college., The, 'average number - 'Of 'clilldrea of each woman..,gracluate, was ..8 and In caie, of themarried. , graduates just 'slightly over one. That meant , that many- Of the "..WOmen grad- • hates..had not, married:. The average numberef',,foreigniliorn., in Toronto 13 four and flip. Now; we aro not shahs. But .it Is . the eaie,l.statietically.' ° en, . that the sons ad daughters of professional ,men and women .have rtione. inuCh--better-oh-the -average-thaw: the ,ebildren • of-parents-iess well• :fifilliiPaPxecida:•, a. promom that Is not easy; to „deal with •unless by deyeloping, o owe cooselo,efotees,...we:. are breeding away -from one tyPe.'.rit :steak' into aniother," sald the Princlpal,„ -,adding - that he Was net sure :hut : that . this problem I of • improving ; the . race was the, mostProfoundly important °At • se weshouhd see toitthat as fa aa:possihle there ia.a leavening • of the : "Leavening of .the Race".. a s. City. Dangers to produce ' -the best. stock .:Possible • • • .; Man had nehesitatioh In. attemPting orse-Tlian Jungle when It was a matter of ' cattle, dogs' , . and-sheepTiurwhen-h-111.--11'- . . involved; he Was teeth to do anything . about It. -OfTcourse, said' Dr.', Wallace, , man was primarily a sPiritual and , "Bring 'Ern Back Dead" Sp. men Colkctor Ductile*. Being Bitten By 'Vampire Bat. A scieritific specimen collectOr who "brings 'em beck dead" recounted a kale Of 'modern adventure on a 13 months' safari' into the South,Ameri-• Ameri- can jungles. -Emmett ai- _sistaht curator of birds /or qldeago's IY1 e • Wen with the l " o aahgelinlitii:in* 11 t 6 al 'be. En hd and Eyda Vetcht. little' known sciehtifiCally. about his , spiritual and ,m,entalAevelopraent, 80 the.nrOblein was greatly conalaiicated. ..but, be urged, "the. thoughts of all of , •!should ' be tarried' in the direction Of .produeltig the .best raper that RAS. pOseiblo: to . Meet the ,prohlStes. that are to be faced." News In Review Pict/OE:1' 'TARLINc-Adolf•• Hitler this week, established, one, of his closest idyls-. ers, Propaganda: Chief ' Waiter Funk, as EcoPO4110- Dictator to wPrk With: Field Marshal-Herthatin Wilhelmgoer:. ing in •Tegimentiag German industry,. 'Geering,Who:teniporarily tools, over . the. RotiOniics, Ministry last Nev., ZG :When Per.Etiehrer'.acCepted the ,reeig,... ••,tiation ot ',ACting,.:Miniater Meitner :Schaeht,.'hatided' .over... the .office • to Punic, but it vitae' 'evident that Goering would, continuo to play a, major Tole in hullding np, a•military dictatorship to doininate econdinics and industry. Dies In Greece ATHENS: -Prince, Nicholas,. father of the Dueheis of Kent and thircl son of King George rof 'Greece, :died last weekcontent his long ..end•, ed. He was 66. ' • His last words Were: happy: to die; in ;My belovedhebuntry.” , • - / , • , •, . 'Annuli' ant ;Over, Padkmic Law OTTAWA,-,A'.'suggestion 'Made by Opposition Leader- Bennett that the , . Government hear legal arguments be- fore reaching • any, decision on dinl-. promised beasideratiOn In the House' of Cohn:aerie this 'week by JustieeMiii, ister•Lapointe„ ' •°°. • • .. So far ais he was ii.Ware: Mr. Lk, pointe.saidit had. not beep; the cus tom to,. :hear. --fioeli--01,•ignietifr---Out-he- •!‘look. into, the Matter". , . , bor Legislp, iio,n Yet ° and LaborCongress ef, Canada to have-the7HephinliTGOVerrittieariSpian- Set legislation that. • Weald protect workers', in •orgriniziag into trade uhitins .ann. bargaining collectively are 7 . 111111k9iY7 to meet with. oily; more . sue.; cess,--thie=year-than-they-did=-It-yea ago,. it Wire reported 'last Week Women's .Skating Crowns STOCKHOLM. -Megan of England won •the world women's fig- ure, skating Championship, edging .cint her favored countrywoman, CecIlla 2colioeod.ge,,•!jeforis: a crowd of hearty Bilis Taylor scored 1.991.61 points :to 1990.7 for 1:i'er ;dell. .1 ' Hedy Stehul,, Austrian barn_ _star now living-in'the; United-, Statel,. was hird, ti.ailed Gladys • Jagger_of --faced and declared' the jungle from which he havjust returned was les perilous than big city traffic. But he -told how a jaguar trailed .him, he caught-analaria.-and-&-blood-draining- vainnire bat bit. ' in Om Makes New Girl Is Able to .Walk Again After Six -Years ofSurgical Treatment :Napoleon's; .fitniougremark that an arniy fmarches on its stomach has a very real meaning to 18-yearoId 'Ells- eth Gerrie, of Windsor; who walks to- day' On: whit was once a part of her. abdomen, sari the Windsor Star: ' ,To explain thia seeming riddle,"Miss Gerrie has successfully 'comethrough lengthy and involved surgical treat- ment that has provided her With a new heel, fashioned' of Skin and flesh, grafted from her torso. Cti.pette; the, swarthy pudgy : 1 g epro bi- "The.jagiuir was;just a curious' fel gan stet and racketeerth tion era, has lost Mind under the sterir., Is itiline and monotony -6f -,W : ptirionment-on-;Alcatra&-Island . . • Capone, Who once ruled the Chicago raekets so completely that he was vir-' low," he said. "I've made Six expe- :4119na-in-isexan--Years-and-this-was, my first touch of malaria, not a seri- ous case. Bitten While Asleep 'The vampire bat bit my toe while • I was Sleeping. I awoke a gory sight laut didn't really lose ,enough- blood to endanger my life. • With 10 natives, Blake travelled- ' 16,000 miles .and brought back :3,099 apecinidns, including 1;600 birds,.rep- tiles,'., fish and mammals, The ,nirinai- pal purpose Of the expedition. he said, was to obtain 'specimens and . back- ground for three "pernianent'habitat". exhibits .of uncommeaLbirds,-at-the- musenm. • /le brought 'hack specimens of the 'lloaettin birdr7dulrbed-by-scie "Stinking Hanzia,". the only known bird showing remnahta of;•reptilien ancestry in the form of finger-like 'appendages On :the wings of , the , young. On the lighter side, Blake said he fre,q.nently.„. joined the • natives in a- -repast of monkey stew,and liked ,it. ' • • Because' other colintriel Would not reciprocate, Belgium has ruled that:, buses entering the country With for- eign tourists intist pay- an entrance tax. °.' •• ' No :'Ordinary: Tissue. Graft. • • • :But this wati_ne •orditiery.'skin. graft, :not just -removal Of skin and fat frOm. 'One, • spot to be, attached to another • hat_needed process-4oek more than ,e year: beeauseduring the entire operation the ekin to be 'graft-. .'ed Was never separated from her body,' ,NoW, after, belag da. Invalid for aix Yeare,Ishe Can Walk again and take up the norMal hie that Was SO 'painfully interriiiited in. 1931 when a track ran . over iferien '11.6e1,7 Tipping away the kin • • • • The 'heel.- Was 'hared :almost to the bene,'. as fat :forward ' as the Middle tit the foot. The indicated treatment .Was a elite ;graft, •• and one was applied shiartly after.. ihe. accident, ...but it wouidn�t atiu1 her ;u,eight, failed to thally immune to arrest, today .sfiencls his time 'making •and retriakihg his hod: •.-"•; • ' To Visit France LONDON.--r-The King and ',Queen France for feu!: daM'this summer,' Marking the 'firet 'State •visit. by their Majesties to a foreign coun- try ainee their accession. ' heal properly and ulcerated • when Miss Gerrie walked.. , ramifer-of#Sk .7 In 'this .c,oridition: two years ago.. she consulted a prominent Windsor or,thri • bedic surgeon; who iprefers to remain anonymous. • He 'dectided that the, only course Ottreatinent.was'a transfer of akin and Its iniderlying fat from al)? domeh to heel.Tha.t,i.a necesOall. -b-ecange, of the large 'area 'of the 'scar.. First Step was AO fashion a tubo of the desired ainennt, of abdeminat skin and flosh. When It had heeled, still attached' to the bOdy`..the transferring protess began. •The upper end of the tdhe was -1, detached, and sutured, or Stitched, to anew Site, on the left leg... • King George Flew Here To Insfoect R.A.F. Cadets iliog Ocue VI insPeete the 'eadoto of the Ilo.,tof Air Vere.e.i ot crtittl,voll. Log; otter .hOving howl: f';'61n residence. at -8andringhani; the SeaOhd flight'of. his ' ••. ,FREEI For Premium List gif Wan: Rogers St Son Silveristo" • write to Thos. , J; Lipton 43 Stout g„ Toronto. Red Label aae. 14 lb- •Oristigio Label 3,80 40c •o'mmentary'on the • 141 .•'ffigitlightti! Of ;:thi•,-.WeeVo 'News - NOT rort 'Crill,PREN:In New NrOrk *the* ;critics: raved about) "Snow .White and the Seven pwseffg"111.44Ang this first feature-length animated' car., ' tOon as the..tnovie of a deca,de.. Alia! rii..4411.p,0 l;1.hoettl'glhat,gBut no, aid it was given ',a Certificate (leder - leg it 'suitable 'lar adults only Rea son for the action: some of the scenes might ,frighten children, • • BLAMED: • A JaVinese naval spokesman declared last week . their heavy rearmament nregrania naainveailt.ebuoitidhienrircoati.enoti...i.es.to;4,take,np the .„There may he something In that too If we.exarniiie. the problem more chis ly.- •When - the'-'`,haVe"-. heti:One 'Seem le find itnecessary to tremendous • battleships, What does one expect the goroot.. BroatIcastipi, Corpnration continueidi and ere .:continuing . ' • •• . of the general., denu,nclation, of the. Corporation's cloiags: We are paying good Money .for prograras that .our.AinericanitetiSitie,get.for nothing.;.: the Corporation,. pledged to preserve the .t.'atlie as a national agency for the • lienefit Of7Canaditins,,.has sold its facil•; , 'ties wholesale •te., Arnerican 'advertis- .era;.,progranis Originating. :in Canada have,mit improved,: .canned muele • stili. used 'to 'a 'great, extent , An, approach to the', ideal British .',----System4ts-what--we-allr,' thought: wei. were going to get: •. • NoW, everyhadY's. arms. It; will 'take a while to the country don again, '• • , ••• • • * * _• ITALIAPRQPAGANDW: 'The world fa fiat *eking .up , to ;the feet that 'fiar the:past few yearaMtiesOliai - to do?, ... ' " hbeen spending millions of lire in' • . , • flOoding, Enrope,-Afriee:the Near Exist • -B*PTEEFItta-firfld cm ca Makes Molten Meta Freeze From Inside Physicist 'Discovers fo. the ProOev, • A Ne* tsiVg• of *Physics. • , • Dr. 'Byron E. Eldred,' Net. Tork TIP4104.ietolerto,,17.Pfneth,c4,Ofv. 4.101404,ir feWper,e.M4:0.111417:„' covere,d what "pureqrelentists'.' ,par e'tiew law of physics, :11111 with:4 lie etfirted•A .revolotion, in the, casting 'of . :• h an irrt ac rotpop C4;, ae accepted t. *sit anni de ar more ,q. e oPureo capper;Is 'one of •the 'Pew' prod.00tS, ' Dr. Eldisegets it .by ',Causing molten. inetilL to freeze °the, inettte 00. ' :latest 'Heat 'OeVelo' me 't i,t-87:14113.1"tt*orP•1 11.1;si"e'P'rleelV'*:r;g44M8 statcd by: ;cause et. .4e*.eleptneht, •of • latpitc heat *Rhin' Its own substance,:It ceases, In 'Of,ect,: to he a Conductor Of " externally applied' heat, • • Late.nt • heat Is which spasses out, . without cansing any change • .tenaperainre, •durincfreezipg. the'latent 'heat ilisCh7fO7Y-r-7- Dr. Flared 'di:airs • from ftirnacea con, thinous and.. endless .castings, • In .the • f�in of tubes, rods, pipee, Or sheets, ; The. metals are.' copper, bronze, steel, ,en. ;Idonulipme rehreo:ts,.!:. at:11107es., •• •In• Prior..casting methedS inetal hit* • .• frozen in .Ito, aoold•.by heaCdissipating Outward through the.:Jeurfece. •In Dr: • Eldred's•new.,. rheth.od.. the .eaetinIC • cOmes out.,of a -splgotitio die' or mold, endlessly and already : formed: in thla now. Mold only partof. the beet paages,••• out from the. casting's. surface, ihroigh. •• the .sides of the.....4ohl." .Tliat "part, Is ' -"Superheat". W.110§0:-‘10S840424.02:the.., ,inolten mase just .to the •freezing . . ns. v, war •• le ..ragilig right now between „ 'Italian propaganda; .kot. the •most Part : dbinperaey. and taSciami, tititl-Britieh;; It. is now pretti'geper alb" In At any Moment the conflict believed that .the trophies Britain •is may spread' ,InvolVe 'each of lie :eicperiencing:ia Palestine 'ai.e a direat. Teetly. A are, involved ..indlrecttyt result of this propagatidiziag; .• and alrady)• ' • • " • • ' that the new new' Fascist get up in EgYpt, ,experts predict that (after King Farouk cliemissed his :pro, "the emifiagratien' wilt flare lip ',next .. Britieh.'hiinisterTis directly tracinihte.. in' dem.Ocratie-Cie,choslovaltia the:. heed Of .'MtiaeolinE..... • .. country Adolf ° aims :teinereh ,Lateet; spectacular tench Of. Italian,: .east to .capthre ..prOpeganda•ivaejlie,•maignideTinffitght the ,•graintielda: of the•Uhrelae. . • of three Italian military ,planes .• With the purge. lair week • •io Ger by by Musaolini's eoh, Brune), all the way. many -of all the moderates., and .con - from Italy te••• .Seutli 'America,' Writing .servatiVes...a.nd. ,pro,notiot *OM the.: ' in; the New york,Times, 10-464i1 . government Slid the °Ariey an Import White calls it the Meet recent chapter 'ant check; to 'Hitler's plan. for' early • iii.."an:Iintenaire campaign of MOM:, . coup in the,:eait has been ;removed. gent', vfell-inapagp& propagendapoil7 Watch„0zechosloyakia. s.emething's •cultural :and coramercial „Irene-) WhiclideTeaceeding,ih atl.:threeT . • 'Oases" in ' • Otlibli71-6-itures---erthe.'seine :South NO ItOymiTiqsug-----Hopes---regstd- by. the ruiner that the King an'tl• qUeen might' visit Canada this . year were dashed by the deelaratien_ in London. 2,this_week_thatitheteJtWas.:_no..lotinda.,„ , tion to.: the report,. ; • • It Is precedent that the King first henor :ladle after his -Cdrenation, Only might' Their ;MajestieePorad, to: Can ada, • BROADCAST,..RUMPUR:: The pre.' Posed MOO 'peewee lit.Cithadian radio • license' fees started .11. The rtinanui raised over thatsuggestion exit the proposed increase to 50c; but once be- gun, the attacks on . the , Canadian • 4 IYew Kind of Corie • In the hope of , producing' a, new type -6tiviscrieliardy 'eraugh to resist , the severe :northern 'winters, scien- tists at a: Swedish biological institute have.. succeeded in creasing Wheat with • rye: The 'heiv: grain is suitable for •tior- them areas, as it takes much less out 'o the soil than ordinary .,,wheat, and , It ripens earlier, in the year.: ' • Another experiment,. at the same institute, is • 'crossingi 'wheat --with couch grass, to produce it 'night' that would not only. 'yield a normal crap ..of "grainbut would Olga, bind the soil together: Religions PerieintiOn • NEW - Religious freedom, involing the fature, Pt Christianity itself • in Oei maiy Jias been placed on secret trial in Berlin: , • That was;Alie teal meaning, of 'the Nazi Gavefilinent',s • PrOsebution of 'Rev. 'Martin Nieasoeller, Lutheran -.patter , who has led the:ProteStant re. volt 'against atterlipted reglinentation of the Church, and a tendency to atip plant Christianity, With NMI-Pagan/sin, , The battle of Gettyslitirg Wei an accident iti that heitheriarmy expect- ed to:fight there and neither had any ilesire to do go. ..Arneripan campaign: .daily broadeasts from Rome; visits of Pronilnerit Jtal Ian "leCturets:. invitations to Smith -Ameidcan-Faacist sympathizers to -vis-,• It Rome at the, expense of the Italian Government; maintenance of close cultural ties with Italian coloales_jn.4.:. the South Ainerictin republics; 'tans- own :the largest' and • most entitil.•bank in Peru, train the. Pertly-. Ian' Army:. Mere to pilot fighting new trade 'treatlea ••• 'The reiiiit Is,',' dealares Mr„ • that ell South 'Americans are. m' . ore • 'eontieloas of Italy today than .of• any.. . ether country, : excepting their .Own," .SPRING ""Tae drear- iest Moaning' the: year, love; Is short; est' and .nearest ,the, spring," sang the. poet. And aren't we glad!' . • • February -"le - set*. be &elle. Time for crocuses things before we kilo* .11. SETTLI.NG, .Tlie' Duke and iDaphess of Windsor 'have. apparently : given upall thought i Of VIelting :the 'United Stats, fer:;.the:timeheing, and. :are 'settling down In .a chateau near • Versailles, France,, wh tell. they have Reports :run -that they !have,' ".ariCi';ParChaSed. a•loMei.j.iii the 'Ba-,. hainaS,. • In any case they .are atteinpting, to .establish .a priote • life' of ',their own; are tired Ot, living in the gouseh hovt. ofjpUblicity:., ". • • Wirt LISTEN... .7 ADA:41938 IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S, INSPIRING PROGRAM ' EVERY FRIDAY:NIGHT On a National Coast to Coast Network Try [he fant, • *Ida trails- at argi :kit:dabs* the. Tarichereau, the Mt, Treiribisni Ittlly •thapped: and marked., '38 'Pulp'. • e, eliodocti,,Equrpmon A/40i° . •' Siostn.hestod,.robini!,..Sioehorit inset!, Mob!' other Slyports; Bona lot ioldiat,,,,SOd tinpotws • •"'qv, LTERRw IN.EAST.ERN •EANADA,.. GRAY ROCIIS INNJE • . After that, freezing is done by 1088 of. latent heat, .' Latent --heat is pre- , veated from passing. out through :- sides' of the teinperritiire eon.' '• trol of the mold. .It' has to flow out through 'tlie castiag..itself Its free**. end., The result Is freezing starts in the 'Middle 'of the molten port on and -pro pees in rac es n metallic structure. , • Under the old' procces.. free g was .:intermittent. Numerous tract . Iinperfrctlons resulted, I some al- loys . fully. 50 per Ont. ha to be re- •, • &JAL, : , Radio Elements • Replace Radium ew Vork Doctor For Treatment For C Radio -active elemehte may paiapibly replace radiant in the. treatmenti Of.. •••caneer, according- to, Dr. C.T. Little, of New York. - - • br Little, managing director, of the• . American, Seciety7for the' Control. IA „ Caticer, was' Toronto, „ Under the • , auspicee. of the Heatth. League Of Can- ada, to speak on cancer. He has been President of: the liniVersities of Matae.".__ --a-iirMlehigari-ann has done extensive researpi work. He also • is antember. I of the neWly-formed National Advis- . ery qapper-Ce-u.. og the • United _ States .''Te Reduce Coet ! . He declared the cOnnell is 'delaying • 060 for the pureliese of radiiim expenditure Of a federal grant, oi $2070,ii amtae the work of Dt. 0. Lawrence ' .cf the University. et calitOrnia, whoa!, ,atorn-splItting technique, new .. can. • , Make eny°. eldrhent radio -active. •This:. work still le, in the laboratory stage," but with a grant of: S30,000 to Parry him until ,Tnly,. and .possible further'• ' assistance, it 1g hoped Dr, Little said, . ..that the technique may be .made cont.: • .• mabelerclaHly.7 and prote_s_sjona:llyapPlie,., , Dr. Little said this 'Would, reduce. e-774eat-Ment-bt-iliOr: . • ;7.,, than one-half. Winter Tomato Mould Beaten Type:limn' une to Infection. lir. De- veloped, Testatd at thit. ' Dr. J, W. IVItie4rthuri • professor. of , geneties at the, University 6f Toronto, I(1 last: week a conmiertill „green,. ".• house. tomato, to btOwn..:• rriould, has been: developed at the yinelead, Cnt.,!Expotimerital Station. The fiinguai infeetion sproada through '4; Mei) of winter himitides, rapidly, .frequently • destroying a grow- • ••• er's 'whole cropitninunity to the • lection was" brought' ,about ,;•thratigt. crossing the: greenhouse -tamittO wlthi 't wiid toniato; no ,.bigger than a cur. Aratilfot,tlfertto,in•tho npper Andet; itt South., Oehotleists have carrlett the opera,;.,, tiott. thr;otigh seven • g'enerations Of , . • , . , pleats and, aro nOw,•readY,'Di Mac Arthur aalil to, peonothice 'did fruit' ' "all rieeePtable", MOet'et rd vlop- 'inent work Wei ,,,tortio(Lo y,hr. lq.• Langford,' whio. recently tuned- the staff or lIrshotre doiloge,..t.eonex0110, .,„ t4,ove1Iere, oetuaNy Imp° for .• eta ttin'thetii to gee be- 1:1ALtbe liorigo.o. Mirages °beveled" , ..otony daert ..troi•ellere oft tti,• death, btf6 'they hove etted rOttlitlegS balers. • 'rhe. dial of the'efeek, tbe .1';111701 Towor ineonui•eA at teat 111, ood fe ;placed. tt tI hoight of 640: feet, It ,ie Notiooted at hight,