HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-17, Page 3- • : LESSON VIII CHOOSING COMPANIONS IN •: ' SipRvioN " • : Mark 3i7^19,. 004 ..- 439itlen. text -'-'For whosoever shall ..dcy'the, will .of God the same is my , brethbr!' 44` Mark '3;30; . . • . Tap-DO:SON. N ItS OtT.TTN(4 • '• • ..Thite--The heeling of tlie.• tiideo arid the choosing: of the_TrwelVe took pliee, iaihnSuimper, of AO.; 23.; ,thel,lneld,ent regarding Jesus belug -.491A•khc , his mother 'epd..brethren: : 6;6c:erred, in the autunin of that Year. • • Place Thef'healing: of the:milli!, tudea eccuri•ed along the sheep of the: Sea. Of Galilee; the cail of the Twelvo. took place 'somewhere, near • Caner' • haunt; the teaching regaraing our ee-e-et•-.4-eet-e-s•fee-e-teeeee-a-e-sts-o.••••40-•-••••_ "AO Simon lieBernal:fled. Peter."' Peter Is the naglish fOria. ot 41* Greek word Meaning g reek. Simon was -aity,!• .thipg, else but tt, rock when Amie• had • found him; but the. Lord SaYethitit new name to Indicate whet he was .going to :Make 14111, Mid . that the - Lord .41 Make: him before he iuIsh- 0(1 hiswonderful work of renewal and 'regeneration In this ',MAWS 'heart. , eAnd.. jarnee the son of '$ebeciee; and ' 3ellir the •brother: of! ,TaMes;„ and them he shimmed, Boarlergee Which is the• ,SMId4_Of thunder." together with 'Peter,: forre, the: inner company with whom Jesus had most , intimate' fellowship, and In where, ap-.„ • phrently; Ji most frequently copfid- .. . , :close ,reiaticinship•-to thQ will:of God WAS Uttered lu Gatiiee . •Growing ..13,epetation, • And Jesugw1th hisdisciples with., dreW-',in the sect.,'„'. Jeans. retired ,frOm. . ble•Nirorkle order to escape his eneiri-, ..,126, or: to. pray hysolitude, :ri •; -great ..inultitede'frOm Gelllee follow Cepernatuit and the Sea of Gall- 'Iee are Jocatc1 In t1e Province Of Gati-: lee,', where !rainy Gentiles. liveci.',,"And -from Judaea A id froth' Jerusalem. And • item' . and i heyena the 'Joid Idema•ea Is lheG:!eek naine. • .fer Ldom 'And about., TYre:and 'Sid - Op.". These. were the-Vve gre'at cities, of SYrOphoeniete„ legated CO. the Meal, ..terranean Sae.a_nerthWest_of--„Galilee., These Iincs bear strong testithOny, to the growing reputation ot jesuer 'recognition „oh- the', part ;et the coin, mot 1.i.,eoPle of .hiagreat'ability to 1:•teach -a itd. -,te-Terferitt.'mlracles • great meltitude. hearhig. what great things he 'did,. eanie in le b ni On• , a fleans ollowed him .to the lake .• the others' could hardly hesaid, to. fol - lots •hin.i.„`hi:t they 'eanie' to Iiim,•aftei%.: wards., for „they had heard of Many things .which he. did., • Ills Desire. to be Near Mn .And he:spake.,to hia'411Scinies. that 'ft.:little boat rthOuld.„ wait on him be throng ' hinr;" The reference :he:re., is ProbablY to "a light boat, In contrast 0:41tiiii0fsfW,h113&-sniiks: :The' boat was to keep close to the. Shote, 'theving • When' ;lie reeved:, ap astO he ready at any nrialleit to receive him: • . "For;hehad ,heeled many ; Mac:much that •as :mank as had. plagnee. Preseed. .lioto II fin.' that. they "might, touch bini • Actual? he great Masa of people thet • 'l• " COW together vvere• so : intent on ' reachint the ,L,Ord,..lesus,' even if It meant only tn tench.. his 'garments,:. • • ,...._that they threw--thernselves op: their „eagerness., • • • "And .7, the niiclean spiktdi'.,*henso-. weer they beheld him, fell deWre before him and eiied saylng, Thnu. Art the., ,'.Sonof::Ged."Evil splilts at this time seem to havehnOWn the true 'deity of.„ the :1.4erd Jesits 'Christ:: ',even,: :better . . than his cliaciples.: , • • „ : "Aad he e,barge•iL4hein•-:-,nineh...that-- they sit -Mild net. make hint known" ' •Ho charged them in order - that they .should : not 'Make him .known: • There will .come : a time When.,all' the, hosts of evil will he compelled.' to, bow down and 'cOnfesa.that jeans, Christ. Is Lord of t1i (Phil. 2:1e11); but that time had net .Yee•eome,, and Jeans.. , not ,...want. any :Word of .confirmation from: • these' beings whom he kneW•to.be•••his deterzhined,;inCeSsant enemies „ The .Twelve Apostles .,•Cailed; , ' -"And he.: goeilil: up ' into • the moun tate," The location ,Of thia,Meentain is not. knowa, and speculationhsa waste of'Aiine.:'`And calleth entalhim who •• helitinseit wOrild;. and, they went, unto , WM." , Jt is not Said, hoW, many lie calt." ted :up' to time monntaie," prohatny quite . • e grenp.,...certAinly more than tweiv,e,' It 't'yL,:ciiit Of Vire group that he called up inte. the mountehr.that the •Twelve: • , were; 'Appoihted. •, . '•• " , . , . . , o'And he appointed twelve." 'Neither fothiCIT In oiii• text,. but every., reader knows that thee •twelve Ace those who, :are. called ',61seWhere the •T.welVe, :or the twelve diselplea, -or. the twelve,apost-", lee, •••,,;"That „tlley might" hew/ •Ini with: Iiint," if ever, there were' to Ime Men. to.. tarry on.tlu Lord s, work alter le was .gone, then these ,men '•'intiat be trallied, they, must live Se' elOse to the:40rd that they, ,Wcitild im .' 011ie, hie Very 'principles:, and Spirit, • fihd &me, to 'know Cth ist ti UlY and • I %unshakably:AS: the yery • Sen. of . .1tAne thathe'Inigh t ,send 'them:tett:1i to 'preaeli." The' ,Weed .here translated to iffette111- Mettle to lierald;.'arid. eon., • Vey/ • the' idea of authority, a :herald • ..',,being ittn efficial whO,`'Makeri tubIfc Preelaniatien of city affairs, The .pre, • which they were to Make- , Wet the' bexiiirig of the 'Ithigdoirt• :of .Bartholomew. Ane Matthew. Arid Tim - pies, And Thaddieus; Ane Simen,the Carianiteah. And Jiniee, the son ot •Aillhaeus.".. The Apostolic cqrnllany in 'eluded a tax-gatherer'on the one hand and a: member of a,p.atriotic assassin- ation' league on the other.. ' . ' The Betrayer . '“And Judas iscericit who ' ,aiso be trayee litm And he cometh , into: .a, house.- The qyestion..naturellys atipea,, a'..1,to•wey Jes ever &loseudas' Is 11 variet,, for he cerfalnly'„knew his cha'r- hater: This :is a mystery which will neverbelully--solyed.-it may betliat- our•Loid wanted one Man in the company of the disciples to Whom •ev- ery. gracious favour, wouldhe shown, ;and. every' cipportunity be given. for . . aceeptingthe Lora -who Would in the end not only • reject him, but .betray: • ,Jesus eltose:Peter,.. the fisherman, M • theW,:the 'tax -gatherer; a •• Stirlen 10 ,ex -re esus called these: ham, • ble, „obscure '.peasant tfolk-te. ,be "his anostlee.`because they were . the; hest that:•conldbe hae..Thote that thought ,thentselvet••better than they. were .too proud, tebecorrie apostles. • . It, should be . noted that these Men Were diverse In their 'capacities.. And. some :Of . thein were of ..ontstendingab- ility and Bente of them had almost , no ability„ at nil; yet there'. wee' a place „ . for them in the PrOgram:nt--ilestis. • .' Jelin? Family • "And there Caine hiaticither'sne']hia; brethren." :Many . believe that these• brothers of Jesus',' and sisters .:(Mark 6:3) were ,the children'ot Joseph by :a:former marriage, and .thne Iiterally half-brOthere. of ,Jesas.,•"And.„titaiading without, they sent. 'ante hint,' calling 'him,' And .--a .m.UltitUde • was -Sitting, . . about him end•they:say to him: .Behold • thy niothr and bte.hren` Rhone seek for thee", The Members Of. the timily of Jesus who appear in thls scene are Unable to reach .the Lord himself, he, „ • caule-of the great .multitude.that had • gathered ' around ' to", they sent Word thrMigh-the multitude., planning • te take hire..aWay, to 'smile 'quiet •place • • _. Where: he,cOuld• rest. Their intentions Were good, their purpose, hOWevet„:,..„ was hided upon a misapprehension .Of • 'the:Leta and Imis work;:. and they Were • 'planning to propose something to the .1,;cird ;Teens 'which would have ,h,een ab- solutely contrarY t4...the, will of God. • • Master of the Situation , ' '.‘And. be :ansitereth them, and .saitit. Who ipinly. Mother and MY brethrene:,, Here was s:cielicate and trying situa- tion for •Jesus; 'yet he Meets It Ntfuk perfect mastery. He shows no ,inipiV . tience. with Imis relatives. His inether .„shotild' have .known : better, He 13 ab. ' eolutely truthful. 41e. utillies the • 11/1.• timely Interruption for pressing home mornentOne truth.. • • • • "And looking round' on them that • . •. sat round :about hint, he :ettith,.,Sehnid,: My mother -404 -MT brethren! For, whosoever shall de the will . of :God, the lime is .nly.brOtheit, and :sister and Nothing could persuade. the Lord Jesus to turn aside from the Very' .'great purpose of his' life,: which .was given Itim of.God'Wheiv•heeitine-dOwn to, earth hs our SaViper: ' :Jestis:decipl not rePlidiate earthlyfies.: What ,he.. Ages, is to 'announce a • relationship. 'highet than tinte•wnien..• results.,'front .• , • Hee of. blood; • higher than Irelationship that. isstrictly physical. . He declarea that allmay be ,Intipiately'related to ;film, as close art h•thother or brethren could ever be, if the center Of, •their'. life is in the,will'be God. Obedience to Will Of God was the fundamental emid Of the :life of Jesus, and it Might al- ways to be the. aurn Of the ''children of: Geri...Matt, 6:1.6; 7i24., -"., • . Nis Poe* Eyes. As,Rear..Lights.' When • an American' patrolman me- ccntly ''evotto.ek • a .19iry,. tram' .the „babk ,Of which -shone two gloaming lights, he found that theyweretriOt. rear lights, but a: dog's ' tha dog Wassurrounded by a hotdd of grinning:Negre children, . Tho patrOlitaii itaked the 'Nettie 'driver' whythe ierry•,,had be: rear -lights. i'bents notnecessary' replied the Negro; "'Mt gets One ina kiddies, to hold. .dawki• , , lin! his emos• • $11ine as geed As' anylari- •' :tons, salt.".' - e Valetiespauglikter ' , Miss 1Viairin de Valera, daughter of Eamonn de , Valera, is` seldom ;in the public eYe. She visited het father in London 'during the latter's stay there __for the Angle,Eire talks at .Downing -Street -later .returning to Sweden to- • resume. her university studies. • "And to li authority' to east but tleinon§c" lid ompewered the , , Twelve to work all the different kihde ormirrieles Which he hiniself wrough,t. „ einittirig only those .in the World a natioq; loco stiliing the tenipeSt, Add. Walking ',MI the scO by authority is • Meant both. the poW alit! the, '..do a, thing, A Mari Regener,a$ed • . Pet*the most pronViiieht .., ter dittong time Tt1c taiids at the hoed of aul the Ifits;• andludas recap lot at tlie featarefullytdoeignated fte the traitor, ' • .• • •i • Wh61W*thrtmat its W6ustiii Vetkthoyanski Siheritt,lthe ekliti,164 aper;of one's, breath' crystalizes In to.. needled 'Of. •iddi thalOng .breatlaing. 'painful:.• IS THIS,YOUR '-ftfRTHDAY? y A. it wEncr tee-e•.4•-e-e-..-.4e•-e-e-e- • 'Whet the 'Stars. Foretell For Theie, ' 18, .19; 20', 21, 22,;23,and 4' If you were Morn on the, 19th of February' your Zodiac sign is Aquar- ius. if -20, 21, 22; 23 or 24 your Zodiac., sign is Pisces. Aquarians are loyal, stead- fast; dePendable ,p''mple: Their na- ture is; kindly and sweet.... They do not greittll 'desire wealth and &access, pones to (hem through their oWii:,en- .. terprise and efforts. ' Peopleborn under ..the sign Pisces usually have a dual nature -on the one hand impressionable and recep- tive' and on the' other hand positive, deterMined and, sometinme, hard to ...understand. Mei).- lucky, number is 11, Thtitsda . their most favorable FOr. lioroseope jar. any ,day.in the year, send 1.0,c to ALR aVeirclediii.:44t-?-4Wrp2Pit ,Lack of Teachers Noted M Alberta' .G.A.1.4%A.,11.-M,=---Albertir.irrecedryith a shortage Of :school teachers de/e-; gated. to the 'Alberta Scheel _Trustees' • Association annual convention were Itord here this week. Dr. G. Fred !McNally, Deputy Minister of Educa- tion, said ;that the shortage was duo to higher standards -demanded by the Department of Education and:reduc- tions in salaries' dating recent .Yearp: 0'.. rui /S�tViursiI •. AS YOUR HANDWRITING REVEALS IT (13y Larenco 1-11612ert) ,. . , . •• (Editor's Note* ,This Is. the firstof, series .efiweekiy :articlesby -a PO- •• ,chOlogist:and character 'analyst Whose: writhige .and radio -broadcasts have ' . • . earned; for 'him. Wide faillethroughout ih,li COntinerit welf. Ss, fa' Great,•13r1- . . talii:.He can tell your,,character from. your 'handwriting, • he.: can heIp NrOy with your. personal Problems, ',Read .•thIS engroeshrd, article and then tell .your friends about .!•1 ' For seine:Years 1 have been analyz. sing character from handWriting, and giving *advice as a' practical•Psyhelo• gist. Manythousands, of, lettere' have reaC'hed the . as .8. -result :of my news- paper artijm1e and radio'. breadeaSts. • Famous ,inoriestaite, with their high,' earninga:-and,inrite-,-Sna-giria-in-lenelit•L s: villages .WhcihaVe:. inerelY theft Youth • and soaring ambitions;: busy biiiiness • exectitiVea,,, and ' .leadeis, and , young people on the first few .ruhgs. ot. the laatInt Of progress ;• Corania.cent., -,Witteer,itrid-unhappY husbands (tofu?: inv.. eering hutbanes and lonelY• wives; sweethearts, girls and young men; tii0(4.' . forlorn and the ii)irelern;',' :eta- andl .YOting; ticli and .poor their letters "have ,jostled One, another in MY Poet- YOur:Editer has anked• the to Jot! clowrt'a tew-ot the highlights 'army ex- perleitte. M§ thief, 'diffiCulty., lies" le, selecting but rafew, items 4,fielii-ameng. so many interesting eases, •benatise..4 graphologist'g. mailbag teelna With, drain:Ft, tragedy, comedy..It 14 a Mirror in which aro 'reflected neopie?.8 hOnes, and Pearl; worries and consolations; their 'Probleins, frustrations, ainbitinit; and 'hefirteehes. 'All. the •VartedfaCets. of life are revealed,. • Truth In Love. Affair' . .•Affairs• Of the heart Itaitn. largely, 'Athol*, the' Iuttct's 1 receive., Girls • Mik. about the Characters' of their friends; ..boys ' Wish to kap*if they can trust their giri friends. 'SWeet- , heattit continunuly wanting to ,know the real tratit.abOtit the 'Ones they do lovo botneatic.,diabrihbotifes ata reteal- ed Only toe 'Ofteli;; 4 " A.fany writersimburden ,in their tetters. 'Confidences entrUst, "ed With MC 'are 'at Seered,as these 41 a 400.04 •Xtiowttig this, the. people60063S. .11101t2i1 ,It`O106§ and problems with an , that is poignant .H .'" • • An Otitarle, :fife the hen& Writifig of a' ytSting' matt Who*. she 'loved,. the haul•Ilet lirio"wii htni long, • int lie had but.recehtly trritlyed ltifheit"' • alitn„biasherW-its-cOniiidering-mare- -riage to-bini.::She really Wrote to me'- , for confirmation of her. viewt about WM,' to enable her to • adjust .herielf . if necessary, when they Were. Married, tether. than beertes,e she had any of:. her own denbte, • " I mit .realY•iripst have been •it .terrific ,shockto her:. The: young man was de.. Void of moral scruples, I said, and not to he trusted. Marriage between them.: would be a grave Mistake, , :, • ' :So infatuated was t,he giri that she ;diecounteci. My advice, and, AS she '• Wtote to, me later. neglected to -Make e.tien the, ino'st eletheritary,:eriquiries 'alfoilit the .Man. She WaTiritifiting•pre- parations for, the , Wedding' When, lake a front the bine, time young man's • ' ...HeIp InEveryday 'Week '„ When' a wintihieg girl, wrote a_yery lengthy' letter detailingher. finitless. 'efforts to ,Obtain: work, •She• endedl,tip by saying: that . she, had 'no. relatives and was se miserable She fele like !ending it all,' as het Money' had near- •:,Iy all gone:. : :• " • : . ;.'' . Made .definite" suggestions 'along • lines of work that :She` had „never eient, cohaideted; and., outlined one ar tWo,'• Mental :exercises 'designedto donator, act dier ntorbid butinolt. :She replied . , . 'shOrtly, afterwards :to. htfOrni me that • • slie.had.tollowed mY saggestiaris;. that . • , had been aneye-ope her, and had. 'actually ed a polition, Iwo • days'at e' e.teceivea..my'letter. ' ' ' There was nothingmagleal in,' this. UM; ,writitig•shoWed :me that She hed talent in a'd.irectien that she' haul boon 'ignoring, When I pointed it out to her,' . the, Made tho nicist of it. Ali she ..needed,..Was to he. ShOW21. her OWe '" . There 'are -thanY 'people like her Wile' are...tattering Merely 'beeausethey., do not realise' their Own potentiallttea.' .pn VQU wish to knew, What ,yoiir haticlWritihdteili al36ut-youriself? And haveyou any friends You Would' iiite to know the trUth about? IVIr.:Hibbert vUl Analyse your writing for yoq, end 'theti° of 'your friends. Write to him as fully ;as pottibie, and If !you liave:anY problemb tett: him abbtit them. Foe AOH, deep:Weil efhandwritine yen want analysed, send 164 Coin et. pcistal. ,note .(no stamps, nicaS0). . EneloSe WITH: STAMPED 'ADIDRESSED • EN4 vgLopE, .to.! • Lawrenna Hibbert, Room .4/t,'•71 'Adelaide St, West", Tor, • enter Ont Rpte will be forwarded' ila 40414 as :posaibie, but a slight de. 1s. unaveldal)ie; • A. Sonja IWnie ia the most honored young woniah.in.rnotioh, pictures theee days, itecatly, She ,went • to Washing-, ton, to, receive.the press of luightlioge of 0116.017(1er. of „St. :Olay, conferred by the .NOrwegian • -gbvetninent throtigh, their minister ; to •Washington. few .daya.later bet Ice"ballet, the • :same'one 'yen will see in her film • . • ,••• .,41.1appy'Lanalpg," :played A benefit ast • -Matliada,S4nare- Garden in Ne'w York City sp'onsoredby an iinpressive array , of Carnegies,, 'Asters, and Reckefel- lees. ' ". • Tionehelary.of the occasion was the • Children's, Village which lends a help - rig h and-1,b---NeirThlie 'Sopja Henie 'aren,', and thanks' to Sonja a .stagger- : air s: -c, •Mars was raised • "- : • Sonja exereses her gratitude for - all these honors in 'neat 'little phrases; but she cloeP,n't get the leapt ,bit eocky ..about. it. She seems as ,•Cornpletely unspoiled, '.as Completely oblivious to her,'uniutie',poSition in the entertainwent World • as Shirley Temple :does, ' Gracie Allen; long, radio's. queen of nonsense, is at last to ..get the: receg, ,nition she .deserves from • paramount pictitreir. They are having the, author • of Philo :Vallee 'murder , mysteries: write, "The Gracie 'Allen Minder Mye- terY.',' She Will be the star,-. and no -lesa'a Celebrity than John 13arrymore . , , will ,Pertray Philo Vance ' . When. Jack :Benny' first Started talk, ing..,..abont. that. rattletrapoldcar on -his--radin.pregrara, it VAS jinit-the fig- ment:of s Script Writet's ithagination. iiy-the'tinne radio audiences developed a hilarious 'attachment for, his wheezy old -motor Jack began tO-Wiali that he 4 .:RADIO OF THE" WEFIC • , • By tRANKPENNIA ' .really had. One:ea he and Mary' Living, •Eitoni*'fitade..the rounds Of aged -Per fets and fnund, Sus t the. car ;of `,t.t,i r dreaMee- • `It is a fa -II', model and. Viet ;thirty -0"c. tEhatlehg-proinieed .returw•Of "Oihria :.,tWanson, 4o the screen is „postponed 'indefinitely again; "Columbia pictures, ,wthch had. ' Planned :to jaaye, ;herpi4y•.. th� lead iii_'•"HelidaY,' hate deeided‘ inateed to pre. the leading role to . . „ . Ketheririe Hepburn. Joan Bennett and Cary Grant will be featured With her, so it ",promises Lo be on of those nochtit,pjugnil!l•fairiligt" regularity when- they..borroW, yanking stars' front o 'ter stridies,•• 4 Radio stars are much, more ,thrifty , than. the.. eariy tiiotion•pictere ;stars, Iostof them _invest their earnings in .businelse's that'are not so dependent on:youth and ent!ertainnient whims of ,the ,public, Jack, Fulton,: tenor of, "Poetic Melodies:" hap bought a• half- interest,:in a Fifth Avenue habereash• ery. Ethel, Owen of Edgar...Guest's '."11 , Can Be, pone," preg'rain, owns „a: dog ...and Cat hospital. ie Milwaukee and president • of a dog biscuit 'company: Truman 13radley; 'commentator.oni the -TS-undey-evening:-h-euris president of a,Cod tic .firra: . • ' • .Three. young, men whipae youthful ambitions :Vete :strictly _serious have - become:radii:1:s -great-comic trio Lan: itY",,Iteds and Charlee, •Butterworth started eut as a newspaper man. It was Walter's adaptation :and revival. of "The IVian on the Plying .Trap'eze' that thing 'him into. night club enter- taihrnent and, Item theree:to:radio. Voice Mirror' Aids In . Ma Talkies . develOpment--4tbe'“volee eitirror,". hated On 'theprinciple of instantly: yet, 14altihtdc.rtc.:14tattreNtiaetioreificaPIV•4R°Ot.%dv11,44 Review of iVnifel? Pictured, lo conrer- ence at New Ynrici• la S. g, President of the. SecietY of Motion; , 'Picture ,Bivirmerii„, • ', . it 1p43., To4e'le,4,Vrooirc ea ,min. p''..wr"toinuab 0M4,isia.k4e to record her arias nti. a strip .of .steel tape. The ..recording 'would be ,:'plaired, ; beck t o, her finStantlY;, With no waltfor. :'141Pf•rtillit."iigrifoPrrtriaen7ee.4.'as,4r&its. ilq014i*PaC.1.1 • .0-tififie#.1hq: artiat„,'.4:uerMatien'li sound 'xecerd'veduld,be..inade•;. it net,- the ' ' .cording Could be (1l3,lhc tick ef .a and. 'a new Tecr,ii•ding ,Made on •sanie piece of tape', •Th' "Voice nairor," as, explained by ' Mr, Woif, invelvea the'Prabess Of Iup- idIy ' rneying. a :narrow -steel (dee (Or .• . wire) .betWeen two magnetic- . A niolecular pound .pat tern ,is reagneti- ,cally recorded and reproduced pa; the tape. Then the sound. can' •be ohliter- ated In a fraction 4jf a.,second••;and• a new recniding inade on the same.. tape_ I-lOweVer,• if '.the operator ' wishes' to., 'preserve, it, only: the magn`etie pH:mesa,. itielf,t,.or,. a ,temperature • Change ot . 0143 seVel'itY that its. Possibilities: 'ate • unlikely, can ,disturb the recording. jT� siniplify. the .pleture, 'Mr; 'Wolf ' eoinphred the .".invlsible niolectilar • ' bound .Pattern on .the': tape With ' the' ' 7-,perforetiona-on7:the-relet-of -a-player. pianoand the Magnetic' process with time part Of •A 'PlaYer• piano that comes lute • contact With:the perforations and • thus produces. the music. ' deMonstration' of the ."v,bice, ter" would Ito • eanecially. startling to thOseWho'rieVer. haVe •hadtheir,._Voice'S recorded, ., as •the average person has no idea, hoW •• .. ODDS AND •TENItS:,--;-On.his:raturri . . ,froni a' concert:tour. of thirtycities; 1 -Igor Gerin :Will get, his- firial--.7American„ citizenship.palletS all his iimplts .Ken :Murray ,10 Moat , proud of' ,.,being asked to heniastercif- ceremon- ies at the President's ,birthday _ball hi Washington .......Warners. have .ehing7', .ea their Minds again about ,Who is to • be: the neW...iTerphy, Blane. New it • is Lola Lane; who will play:.the,:rple Of ail the Stare in "11O11yWOCid.Hoter, it la Benny' Geednian Whogets the , moat riotous resiiphse .frorn the :and• • lence . Alice Brady. le headed ;Cr ,more big dtaniatie 1.01es:since Pin, Old, _ _ _ . , Chicago,'"_butdrst. she4411--do-another- .. eozneey, 'Good •Bye. -Broadway": for , Tommy .Riigs'et':•the;v*. leo Progrant will ap,pear. la_a_sep_per,V, .:ing role. Custodian of Abbey canon Frank Ilassel1;l3arty, has- been appointed custodian l fef 0,Vestrilinster Abbey, in' Loridon. The noted c1ric is Canon -.eff...1-he Abbey, ss' well as, being rector of Si.. John's Church; in London, • ' ' ' , . • oronation Costs . Fixed at f150,0_15 LONDON. -The, COniptr,oiler Gen- eral of civil- aPpropriation,..aecounts announced 'last . week that the ;Coro-• nation of 'King George and ..Queen Elizabeth cost, £1;385 ($6;925) lest' than, the Pailiarnentary 'grant. • •. • "Expenditures :totalled 450,615. as compared with the 'estimate of 11520-, ooa and included' £149,224 for the Office of Werics; for the , Part ..Marshal's °thee, and i856'ntis,cella, neoui.• Geieerninent 'Sale of seats re- alized` 12 709• " ' Eskimo's Chess Win . . , , ' An 1..?ticima...hus.Litise--won--,a--eliess- , tournament 'arranged by Soviet sci- ou1tific workers in the Aretic. • 'These Scientists taught Eskimos • . he*: to playthe"' game, and they _snick 1 y.2.alio wecL.n,--reiharkable- crest!, a the moves. „ When the tournament hegan, one Eskimo riot oriiirdefeated hid fellow tribesnien, • hut.. also ; the Russianswho had taught hint: ,•I d etioit • of: the Pari Expos1tjon last year wis,.ofaially 'announced to 'bd$),040;e00. :.•; ' SymbOt of Uneasiness.. ToPs"Gepnan Edifice ... • 1,1 Caged, wings ield feat, Atop (Al(' COthlt1,11 6Xilibit at the Paris „ - well .sYinholiZe"' ti e Orretit Coling et', pelitital and military 'unrest in Gerniatly, r n yiduals hear; their own voices shy 'bone coneuCtion.. while the sound Is „ transmitted: to fher persons ri,Couati- 7 cally; hence, 'there is. an :alinost., be- •Wildering. disparity in a person's ton- • 'caption of hi or • her own voice and . the sounds that canie back after one - has Made a recording; .• , • . ' • g,lcaLd.adag Studies •P: rks •,It is signitlean"-t,,in :View of ...the talks . In this :countryover the eatahilehment Ot National Parks, says, I,Oinkin ;mpg- lan$ ..114.,e,21 the '.rito-Vertistite.; in :Canada has' not only preserved '• inany.:titinfireas Of .square ' *ilea,. tp_i„ Cinedians'. for n'11-'.tinie, but ' had. an' irrintediate and beneficial :effect ‘upon the, National srevenues.' • • • Visitors •Increasing • A review. of • 'the b.usiness .done • during the, 'summer months„has..jusi,•, • 'been • publishedand shOws, the , regis- tratins in the „parks„ Where ..rtienthlY • record's.; of motor traffic.. are . main- tained, ,indiceing eh:increase of eight: per cent. over the figures of last year. , Remarkable inereases_were-reixinted,' iample, in Island i.N'ational Park .: • nthe Alberta Parks. Travel , 'ferlex-,... ,reached mi. record of 60,00 visiting Motorists, an increase of no less than forty, per cent. tanif secured „ , 708, an increase „of twelve, Per cent.,- • while Jasper dld not .do so badiy..with .; 1592. The Kootenay Park in .British , Columbia weighed in with .54,006, . while yolio advanced•to 56,000. The 1Prairie„..playgroande were patronized:. • 1,10;000 "Motorist's entered.' •Rrcliug Mountain :National ,Park, and travel to •Prince Albert •National Park : Would' have us believe 15 an add waste '--reached a total of 28;000.: Vast . Tourist •Trade . 'Anothee indication. of :the' „a4trac,. tions • of Canada to the tourist„is.• the 1. truffle via the Peacte Bridge and rtry at Ford '"ttie, Oatario.. During the .fiest ' sun:inter. ':'nielitha :ever c-arilirere entered ior ferty-eigl4Thonr.: •. period',,. an-inctease of :67000 Over the: .. .ber.restienditig nev,o0 d last eat ti additmon 130,000 ears were. entered,: en sixtY•day tPurist:',nerrnits,;; 1.. • ‘, It is:•estilitafect that 'Canada's' tonr,.. 1st -trade -it worth $300,000,000 a.,year, Narrowest Escape ,From Collisioit • . • • t Astronothera. have •jest teVeiled,that., the 'earthhad' a. narrow eacape'fretri •Acelision With a 'minor', planet 00..• .00c1,0ber, 30th ;Wit. • • 'We mieded lttg inte*ottehother only 'by tive !Intl a. half hebta., ' . ' "This wAS ;the. harrewest"; 'Whieh, Ole earth .haa . Over haa , Within the Period, .of •astren. oliaerVations,!,',:saye'rir. ‘yood., the Sotith •Africa,astrohoreer:. ::‘•Moved 1tiy,coly...mil68, a Second ' 1111116,t' pliteet mts'Ara:v.01141g .at • tWenty`niiiee a second; wore worn d� 111,g h ell: • Sei that, While we ;avoided in liond•on cl:mislr by . tive and ' balt„' boors, we w4r6. 'OM . 400,06 .. lnilo niatt, *;"111e,11 acenit, tint; slic'tmbto e e • th' aity'boa .hu t nn astronemer:4 , ;INA mhtor pia oo t graphcd both in 0,,rmany:,--at 'tiVO Sell tit Atrica...,com:. parison , fhe• t tiro() photographs., abled, the ,sciehtists to tracn the pant :(ye the Wilnde"ro,!, uitd to .tt,O, 'hew ,ffoar • hod ()Milo to ' 'At ene tlnio It so:I:eh:ea, to ho•pumang.: ninmat..atfoght towarda • .