HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-10, Page 6• Sifire; •
We st,K have the idea .thrit• libuting
WPI by people
• want to "oviti hoOleti rather thari• ;
by pentf,,440,*rhe wOnlcl. provide
Funny.r-aleit Love, IA .
.' An antidote. to .serious, Pesslitism
'Wier: :the ,linnaat lace 'la' to be tined
In the fact..tliat:dogd. and also some
other animals think ,onite a lot of a
great. Many: og,' Speeta-•
No4Olisitt The:NOrth-
• Thn people. of•the , North: are warm-
hearted, :kind,' hospitable! . • But the.
'country its not. The man who '
e01110K With tilt3 Ideiti-thAtt It Will; ,
• be pd.: worse to he out of *OA: in the
. North than in the South SOOp find
this a;thistalCe. Poi- his own sake,
he have .aolne-•assutance that
be can"; secure employment before be
tinclertikes ..the hardship ,of the ,:'irmi-
neY. here • and the weather. that Will
greet, hire; Mil' '
: Literally thoUsende'of' men from the
South, the East and the West- have
fonnd w0rk,'. and.' nliPertunity, in the.
prospeioue NOW recent. years.
But there: fa: a BMW to -the PoWer.'Of
' absorption.: That limit. was leached'
some time ago Surely. is no- More,:
than cruel Ati'held tint zfithie'hopest-te
Guiler.riss Censor • •
•' friend lately ,,received: „a' letter
!F°P1 hfOther; resident; in one .Of"
;the pa -entries' new at . He wrote: •
1"1.. will not 'tell, you about the war,
aa our letters are sure;.tO .be .read."
'Acres's, the back of' the envelope, out-
side,• waeofficlaRY written:;" "You are
wrong, yen?' letters are not read."-,
London Times,. •
To Stop, P Stampede
As still higher wa,ge... a,41 more paid
holidays Make jobs . in the towns more
• attractive ,In this country, sti will the
present drift ORM the land beconte
stampede. HOW to'. step it? Not by.
. saying agriculareis important; not .by
extolling the..charont, country ..
We've .got to 'help the farmer to 'make
d job in the. country ea geed As,' a job
'in' the town. Prosperity passes agri-
eniture by because .we de not take
prosperity.' to, the conatrYside. Lon-
don Dally',ExpreSs.'
og Team Brings,
Mail From North
First Mail- of Winter 'Taken Out
By Priest
[FatherIalschernie; of the: Bonnin'
recomMetid,,a/S.Weepstaltes,tiebet ,as a • . .•
• , 4' a •lef,'. $50 relies,. north Churehill,,
CathoIlc Jut Chesterfield In
'• ' :sure
a •
What, Canies:thi4Losees:' ,.. .
The losses. .ofthe.. cena410. .Na•
tional. 'RailWaye, are ' net operating.
losses. • This; Oar; as -last year, and
the :year , before that', :the , Canadian
National had atet Operating:911,9 .
1 SS and the:only loss, ,.i.,. ,
tetest.'ehargeS,'-'Well,OOA)olicy.of un -
fin. He ;also,descrilied ,fur conditions :
:iication• 'nor 'eit ..• ii'atalganitt,Lion *Mild ..
along the Hudson Bay 'boast' as poor
: or could redr ce a cent Of, the fasa OD: ,.._•
out inland 100 to 200 miles they ,were •
. .
„intetest, :pliargeS. ' The.,' bondholders ,,,better. ' • '' ' ,.' ":'. • ':' . • .•••'`.••;. '
• . iiiiific le; Cen-ciilibbline.tlietrinterest.., C eries News- io..outaest
.CotttkvFa , 7,1artitkl, ,,4z:.
:manitoba, dreve his, deg .tettni
Churchill last Week with the first mali
this. winter , from points , mirth_ of
Manitoba's •port. . • • ;,
Pother puscharrae; Whei-expecteilAo.'
return .in a week; said the *triter' .was
vet •in his area. and Eskimos
• Death of ; a' 171ear-Old: bey
Two Little Weide
Not itt.:';right nor a line' in the. Brit,.
• .. A
tS.11', North America .Act is. affected by .
Dorninon dovernment's proPosal:Ao •
pt luto .force rineniploYment
Einem ' Merely -the, two Weide; are, addl.'
wird at Eskimo Point was reyeal4 by
,the priest.. While the father was awn3".:
oil a trading. trip. to Churchill the,boy
.1eft-aledie' on. a linntliig •expeclitieri. •
When the blizzard brake he lost ilia
Way and was found frozen to death.
_:_ _2.
eel...te," e eonstitution; niaking7it‘OlearT
rotherThisCharme said no Word -had.
. . , , - --- been --received- at. Chesterfield from T.:: .
and .definite.that ,the Or bl i
. . . .
ti6ial...one,..00 which all are '.egrpecl.
It :30•04..c9rApAal*,::seem:that the op-
position 4f-AllfertriT: Ikte?. Etritillawieli7.
' . and . quebee, to the prenesed,:.legislai•
, Con would:. Be fatiloni, 'It the oppesi-'.
tiOn ia,,pre.0„ed,7.t,p;.,Catharines' Stan-
, . .•,
; We'ke4.4)1..Cittiew,;Them
'At one Ainin.tl&e ..bwniarsbio of an
automobile was a sign. 0.! wealth. That
time is notvery longago, but Itilas
departed definitely now. • 4 siltvai pf
the -1.10it‘d States-. and Canada has
' shown ' that„ ..antoMobile, ownershtD
'among: families with intornee ot less:
than $30 ta Week is increasing at the
rate of 1;006,000 annually. It is expect-
ed -that . by 1940, tWritlairds.' of
' tot cats in .thes•jtyie ceuntries, or more
thon. 15.000;000:* them: will he
by Perstins :in, the less-than430
.;-=tdmonfon •Journal. • ' •
t -•
H . Manning of the British Arctic ex-.!
peditionis -alone on SouthamptonIsland In ••
. .
the.northernyeachei.of null -
eon BAY, Manning hopes ethes from.
Southampton Island to .the inainiand,
•An the spring • and .jounieY :to ChtirCh.i
• 111 by dog team but the muld weathei
and ; poor , 'iCe ,Conditions :iihay,"';
• .4
:et S0:0
ew BritiSh C0111018 TrOPIIY Crefttes Widespread Interest
Among Curlers
• •;••
; HaricliOme, Cup Donated by Macdonald Tobacco. Co. •
, Ontario curlers from the smatet towns und, eltihs are being given an •
equal chance with their brother devotees .of "besOni and stane'to win the
new British • Consols 'Trriphy, this, year.. This will be • emblPinatical of the ,
Single. Rink Curling championship of the Ontario Curling Association and •
will carry with it the :right to represent Ontario in the -12th annual. play -
downs for the Macdonald's Brier Tankard and the Curling ChaMpionship of
the Dominion of Canada;- '•"
Every one of the other : Canadian provinces andall-will,-be'representek-7
at ,the Milcdonald's Brier playdowns which start February 28th at the
• Granite' Toronto, declares its; provincial charepiori-b-r-the-i3cinspiet.'"-
reline. In order to pick the strongest possible rink to represent Old Ontarib
in the Dominion PlaYdovvnsi Ontario has begin split into eight divisions.
From the divisional games at Kingston; Sarnia, Midland, Toronto,
Oshawa; Kitchener! ,Guelph and :London will emerge the'eight district
champs On February. 23rd the group winner's 'come to Toronto for the
Ontario-finalsThe-winher-tthere.--will___receme, .the .Trophy, presented,
by the Macdonald Tobacco company,, the gold- medals. 40 ,With'it'a-Fid
'the, tight telearry. the Ontario banner. Intel thec:lists for the Macdonald's. ,
. Ontario has only.onCe W011 the Dominion CliamPl'OnshiP in curling. Western '
' xn-e'rSiTICiektahieCr: -",inallagnitifiratillion of thileTbIl/1"reacdosneLteil'ael7BvtriitehrTSialvn.ekisafd Play'in 1927;
Canada seems to produce the annual winners.
.News In Review
• •
" •
Csieatest...Mass Migration •
. One : of . the •
• greatest maria 'migrations in hninchi7
history haii.begun ,Ircorii- the .• YengtSe
River toWnw.Of Central' Chine., • , '
. 'Driven- frota • their lioniee' by Japan's1
• iiiirtisfon, Omintlese. Obi:Mande
esp. are 'fleeing over the; highways and:
•across country deep lute. the: '
•They are travelling •en foot, In wheel-
barrows, ,rickshas, on donkeys, and in .
'Planto ShOot. One, 961 Miles
, Into the Air
• •
A scheme for. shooting .an exPlora.-
.tery rocket to a ,height of 967 Miles .
abO3re the earth, was unfolded at Ne*: •
York lea( Weelc • beforea' convention.,
,of. aeronautical .engineers.
worlit In Theory• ,
The idea works, in. theory, Frank 4.4
Malina and .•A. M.L'O'."
7-Cr`filM42-fdtraitittitte Of Tatifinil.
, . . .
. said 'Ina Paper written -Lor the annual
, Meeting of ,the institute, or Aeronau-
Sciences. • •or
.. Whether; it *ill work in 'fact, !they.
added, :depends on the 'efileiene$,‘ of
tlie rocket and lts "motor".
Their 'proposedrOcket-7Wetild'ectu-,
:ally consist ef:.three'separate, rockets, •
One';',Withiii the; Other, to .be .launched
"etiaceeeively.. , • . .•
• Reaches High yeloeity
"A rocket thade: 'UP of three
reePectiVelyj.Of .000, 200 and 100
they explained; "the :lightest bang •
fired' last, reached a dalCidated
tude Of 5,100,000 .feet . and a Mailman):
Velocity Of 111,000 rallee Per .hour,'"'
They' prepoded, to lanneh the itektit
fronia imountain top to save
uel bo -
cause the high velocity '. of .flight,
through :dense lower leVela'!tif the • et.
litosiihere „gatiii,ei fuel to be rail*eit'ea ittP.'lloinoe' the thr4e4n4/ne
. rock-
et had. Cleared denset,. sir, ttierAaid;
it •would ''coast" to higher altitudes.
. The outeeseet the proposed expert'
mentut 41104 would .be
(0 gain knowl-
edge of meteorniogie4 conditions in
- the,. unpar fitrhOsprietes'.
' • ,
, .
0,0, You Like .our Work?:
• „if you do .not: .getariy,• enjoyment
' out • of your daily • job, ar i you do
udt;'" et: ,04,,.t0tiriewtni
ptece of Work .yett4aVedeme
!'. then. you are net'.4htateika:..In- that
job.and YOU t11..,•nkt.":4914 Make .ii.'•
slit:gess. •of It. • 4:7•„:.-• -7. • •
As long aa yOu L0Dklip0fl Y, 1,6" did
' tell .in ,thia.,
• diseatlafied,':.- •
'Why not exper‘Tinetit;? 'Try' a Month.'
•• of actually ' showl,4`..hiterest In:the.
preblertiS :the
jiess you ..areJA 404 will be Oldast''
• antly surpriftedtri ;42.ficite. he*.
_ . ,
•yritir outiotik.:pklife will !change and .
be*mitol*,-;:kattei4, eatieiled yc will.
lie if you iitife4iAW'7,1kpt.
•• •
*here eking begint
earlier aid lasts longer.
Tr', the htt. Treniblant Sector
••-tlitli Kandahar, .The Tama'.
.reatt,'iturtitst downhill 'terrain
In Easterit,Caiiiida. 1 25.milee
of trailiiinittnetor, SidAciting
behind dog teanui,1 Skating.
Hockey.. Ctirlinge Ronieback
Tea:h' ost
. • vitality' of, Gray,
Snag Inn.
'Write for folder., ,,
-A as....„, „J./aka risky&
!lips,' Song now.,
‘11. Wheider;„
On the. just-coinpletedAfid-mile•high
*ay 'between Hanhov„, and Ichang,' one ..
*80Lmile, king; 'column 'nf'.thede war -suf-
ferers ,%yae,seaxixecently. IdanY' wera:,
Wenien., and . children:
• cats end•.hirde ':•mede :a• ...part Of ;,the:
strange .procession.. '
-t471zYNt•Oit"ii,;*.th,41-kit-ariratlde for
:#,ntiror . areia and
was given 'first reading In the 'House
:01 Cornmonslast WOk. -•
The bill. wa. intOrtnced ,,hY.:• • the7
Stet, Hofl C.
and is an amendment to the Canada
Shipping. Act. , He sald it Would enable
each ,:control , to be exercised , if and
when if was necessary. . ...^
The NeW'PrineeSs,:Beatrix
AMSTERDAM, The;Nether1ad�. -.
PrinCeSSjullana's baby .had:.been.
name isfBeatrix;:: chosen because ., of .
itd.,,;Meailitingf .11# -timer. of .happiness
name is Beetrix
,,Crange-: Indeafk.
ar Will Set Back
Japan .$3,000,000,0
TOKYO. -Japan's fighting forcesl
last *eek prepared a budget .estimat-
' ed high as $1,800,000,000 to car-
ry- the,centliCt. with. China for au -
Other year. • . .
This',: with previous appropriations;
would bring to approximately $3;-
000,000,000 the cost to Japan 'og the
first 18 months: of the war Which
started last July. '• •
Foreign Minister Hirota told Par-
liament the indemnity to be exacted
from China Will include both repara-
tions- usually paid` "e conqueVng na-
tion" and compensation for property
and business losses ,suffered by Ja-
.:itqalYsed: by Ara. Expert
Ygur Handwriting Tells All
• 'Nixt weelc in this paperi• Lawrence, Hibhert,
, 'Jpsychologist, character-analot and Lecturer,
begins, a series of. artiCi,zs Ob.,handwrIting. •
Hi Will Seni You a -COMI3icke PeVendini
Analysis For 10c
Cotnrrientary on the
(ligblights of the 'Week's- News ,
, .
moves arounder way •bring. about
bettee-relations•betioen• Great l3ritairi
and Italy.' Mussolini,: to tell the truth;
is hard-pressed for cash, haying spent
enormous auma Ethlepid,..:and is
'looking for a little ..flnancial help from •
John Bull. • 'Britain, apparently; Will ,
he glad. to lend Money if for nrith-:
ing else than ,to ree ore Peace In Oin
IVIedlterrapean,_ I) Italy .1: first, wili
have to -comply with, certain condi-
'among the Arabs 'hi the Near East;
withdravi "volunteers" ' treni Spain.''
Again ,,,there are • wheels within
. wheels. ItalY-will ,not fulfill'. these
quireinenth unless Britaia- first 'receg;
nlies•Htle4taliair-conqueat- of,Ethiopia•-
end consenta to call the King of
TO RESCUE !If a •tuinor,
,that frinii,!Outer a
.highlylinsulatedeountry. between So*.
let Siberia ,and • China,. are advancing .
turns:Out to be true it •rneans thedeclaripg that `once
to the aid of the Chinede. armies • -glneering exPert;
•ginning •of the. end for Janan. The
' b an 'of st: imignitudc colleets
there is"..nothing yqu can de ,ahotit ?It.
-.'arrtry-of-stengolela reported tcritu
her 260,000. ',men, all ineunted; .thor, ..OgO ' a 09)0 Of. ,greatly,inierier
, 'Mechanized eqUipnient has !, to, the alloy nsed today, was.
come: froth. Russia' and they ire skilled generally conceded to .h0, -obsolete any -
In -the most7,no-to-date-nillittir way.' • '
ee,duxe, • ' • • • , ," . •
. Outer Mongolia !eat once under the
suzerainty of Chine, and the 'protection .
of, the Soviet Union, 'can fight'in self-
defensel: against the ...Tapanese;:witiinut-
.Initilving the netitrality Month:. •
' The Mengel armies are In a position
to make Short ehrift. of, the long-drawn-
out. Japanese lines the, north . Of
*-Chitia-,-vaud-tir deliver' • body 'blows -Tat
the Japanese Ettpire. ,
ttier kein4a. 1
, ,tithe wilLicome.z„vhcri, ..we he able
w Era- -Movie
Mty Be
"Felt" y
Denner Also Pre.! Erce-,:aa,
eon of Pliva?-Y "Tringe
IVkCh.Lie" .
•InVention. mIthin.tweiity-iirei,t0 fiftv.
and Of ;"4,tinjem' aChinqs,", Oat will t-,
• ,osholted.:, as; yell as :ser.:n• :hcr.Efir
,eelves, ihte„.thei plat:MA' .4r3
I•°41.q61141q:l.t.e•04;i:lcialtta1teg icY0.1#11Pbclelili'7,761174,
Inc an tolt4se', fi. at the ,.flnal seesen '
0OW • York . tia..e.gilfer4,04,4.• the •
Naticital Aeatti. 'of iz,e,yioNiR''' Orr .10004.
Pfeares oi, the:United' St,eigel. • • •••
)n Three ClniPnitons ;
iTr Jtlfids'•:"..atartee.jits., talltYY re.: • ,,.:
viewing tre.,44.tentiolt of tbe camera; • •
then of ',pictures pnved and. then
-pletures --that talked, .N.o.1,v -there. hre.:
pietnr0e, cqleri threedinien.,
sional McitiVeS juat, around `corner,:
as ;\! Prles.tley in" his: play.
417.413.0 Olicy C.Onw-fty§',', bel ere the
, moon...Bridge:" News photographers' to see, hear, feel• and smell'tne pres,
'went to. tOwo It, • pictut,e •engravers ent, past and future, all in one flash, .
did:. a ,laad-offictk business; tewspaper7 ' Mr. Jones declared,
eirpulation figtxes soared.. Over the oven may. come to • where there
week end too, railways and:highWays :wIll no privacy -a horrible thought
•carried: armiea 'of sightseers, to "X". to„Me,but it may becorhe a ,realitYl"
'Inai.ks the spot : . , . . , . • 25 •to '60 -Years Hefibe
, .Wiiile the ..peePle of Ontario. ' sat
cliiietlY in' their hones :reading. the ' : VI% 'Iones. later hmiDitil°t1 hi's" rl... '
marks with, the assertion that he he.
s;171:nit-iinPgg.'inPatle.eri'l....'lliih.X0(1:6, frihei.als .. wei.e, Heves "we 'actually will have In
..,s, -t -,0i.-zi-eu-.6 .--1,--6-iie-r2-.6.i'itiLP.,,Piez.c.f.it--.-4-w..•• enty. -five,.....,t' 0fi.f.- ty Ye.a_s_ra . Caliveinvol-. '
wotild.L.eut-off-electrieilight-riervIco. in tislis as IT:'' Wells .1111(1 Aidee Bilx:7'
Western Ontario and cause an unpre- -.1eY'llaV"eseri.°- in. their. iinagina- •
Cedented industrial, tie-up if' the • plant 1 tive writings. The senies of 0:tbuch" .
, at Queenstot were any 'further *dem- and 'fsinell'' . will be added : ,to the-:
age'd ' by the iCerjaM. The - (Jute • Vtalkies;'' he declared. • , .
_ ,
,-over Cenipany plant. just below : the : ... •
•diftnsing pe6ume duringromantic
'Already .there are .experiments of ;
:arreadY, Tradnea-of--inovies,n. he-teniarlceci.
ith the chopping f tlie wind and ,
Colder wreath el' • again the danger
impossible?: No.. ,
S -Sed ar'
ing, at us from .front ;:pages Of the
dailies. •
Could the .situation, be.en
avoided' N� says a Well known. ert-
'Protest 4141itii,..Littiteg, Colts •••.,
Liberals .aubmitteilte i'aritanienk thjii ":
week has beensigneft by 750!066 ',Par
'sone; Sir Archiliald Shietali; leader of
'the Liberai 0ppolt1on In the House
dmeniee.s, annonneed:'The petition-
147Part Of the, .Catepaign launched by •
the .,LfiSeral 'party ..-urging a r,eturn..tti
,free •
:"Goklen Shirts" on
MATAMOROS, Mexico. • Soldier")
and pOlice, patrolled' the streets this
'Week, as .nesireports reached , -here
that armed 'btnds �t MeXidati ;FeaCista,,
-'Golden Shirts'':, -'-Were Pillagingand
hartitag raflway bridges Alongtrio
iVfOx0d,Teicas.,ribriler", tokr
World Radio :Conference •
-"CAIRO, .Egypt. -King Farouk • tali
Week opened the World Conference on
Juternatignal tadiep telephone: and
. .
of. 62 .cOuntries, ineluding Canada,
. were. present to -hear the...Iting:s brief
'hinging' speech, .• ,
7-449 q011.0rt11.1_0_tinVIEca.“91'si'te10.
•months ; and is to revise 1 atho tele-
graph. aild, telephone tegulatichs
by the Madrid International Conven-.
'tion Of 193:4;:-/. .ria. •
"Will Neier. COinproiniae° .
BARCELONA, • Oval*. ,Premler
Juan. Negrin told the, Spanish Cortes
.(Parliairient.) .last Week:the' Govern-
ment Would never agree :to any. com-
promise With :the insurgents.
, tone in .danger .of aft :,•-rcilds, the
Cotter?: first session this '.ydaryias held'
in the dining-roona .of a'. massive mon-
astery,perched highiht-therlofty Mont
. sertat • ;
Monntains about
. ••• ,th1rtyfive•
• .
from .parcelona..,1; : •
'Wipe • Out Terrorist's:
, .-JgRITSALM.,==.The second major.
.,Punitive operation -:by BrItlsli soldiers '
against Arab teribrists Within the past
year, was under Why in the Jenie
04, 0014 _.twenty ,miles :northeast of
Nablus„ 'this
battalions 'the, Illitee.,Iiithfis and
,the' Queen's- 9Wit ItO3ral.•••Wedt:,ICent •
Itegiment, • aided •by stive
Planes, attempted to '• 'wipe 'out a:
strong band of terrorists in, the' Mean -
tains'. .
Soviet Navy Ready
iNio.covv.-The revitalized • Soviet
Naiy. is breptired 'to crush the enemy
wherever , and whenever necessary,'
-Nevi '-Dionimiseat Peter ,;A..Sizilrneff
deClated, this Week in Open warning.'
to "rapacious Paselit" Polera,
The newsPaPe,r Pravda, ProinInently,
Smirnoff's tecetint 'et ;Mos=
cow's new nafat strength, delated
that the 'Milted, Statee expanded ,iithia-
.Ment ,pregrain cnstlttited a Atm. att..,
Swer to. 'all aggre.6sot litktions'; '
, •
thug Who had been eating:el:jinni held
tip .11 taxi drive Nabbed by the .police'
a few minutes later, he was taken to
the station and hot' pending identifi'•
•cation : •The thxlinan supplied the clue•,
of the ".Cailen_hreath It Was the seine
thug. . . ' • '.
• The moral. is' . .
• • P • P
• 75,000 'MORE tloyiEs.::kflirither
of the housing commission ;headed by,
• Hon. Herbert' A.'Bruoe Mr HO.71d
heptiard, expert in housing problems
-declared in a public adflress last Week
,at Toronto that,. Canada :needs 1.5;000'
• more . homes'If we don't put, the.
money into .home construction 1. now,"
Mr. Sheppard . said; "the' slum prob-
lem Will. soon .reach the proportions
.Seen in many, "United States .cities.,,,It.
will then cost tile -S2.$0 a year to, keep,
' each .fdinilY in the alfim8. We pay, for
our Slania :in increased.costa • of hes.,
•social,,eeryiee and upkeep • of • 'Mental.
, institutions andJails
The .slinn menace taultiPitee day by
..clay. And it isn't In ' Canada's large(
cities alone, our smallest of towns
has its disgraceftd habitations,. hovels;
--We 11'haVe,to..face0O----fiaet-- that -
something lia.s. to fie done and that
. right speedily:
-- First Sea Lord
LONDON, Eng. -The
week announced appointment of At14:.
miral Sirttoger 13aCkhatis6- to be Lord
Commissioner Of, the. AdOdirOty. it•Od.
,.Critot of the 1•Talial.gtoit: The emit:int.
carrlea. Vith, It the.lioSt.Of ,First
Sa Lord,-
who ltas be'et
ceeds Adtairai of the ,Fleet Lord' (Matt
, who riodo Ilrst Sea Lord '
Attlee 1.033, • '
, .
:}nT AT SANCTIONS: .Ono bypile
the League; of-Natioas' feeth are he-
lag 'pulled Oitt...and•ita. bite' Made, niere
:and. :•inorii-! harraleas. •StinetionS, lts
Moat :effectiveweapon in dealing ',with '
ati aggressor'Country by denying that
country the.'essentiale,' of •Var-making,
have never realty beon enforced.. An
-'"IrtieMtit-iifade-tif-lnit a -Curb on ltaly
, when she tiro ,invaded ,AliyaSinia in.
1933 vas TarreSted halfWayby theoh
ejections Of Various nationS, and was.
not carried' to its „logical. eonelusion..
: Italy. got away •With murder:right in
the' face of Leagee Coy:orient; as,
Salinn had 'done. three Years before:in
:•seizing; Manchukuo... ! '• '
• NOW, small ,iiations' represented •in .
the "League are,Calling;: far the '. abaft,
,,donfaent of its, Syatem.' 'of . Obligatori
ltanetions, saYiug that the .Leagne cnn
110 long€r•wield punitive power .or !en-
force ''c011ectiVe •seciirity . when Abree
blg PowerS,,TaPaff, Italy ,aad-Cerinany,
are On the outside; - •
t •. '
,The' •generah attitinle.,seelne .to 1)17
'"The.1,4,agtie ,i8 idying •,.'lei.her
. go!"..'. . . but, pezzle:' Who lsilled the
League.' ••
BRIDGE ccEs OUT: ' The biggest
news story to break in, ,Canadian press'
:circles for many years was the threat-
• (hied Collapse, andlater, the 'actual,
Iniekling,,of Niagara's fanfous •"Heney-
English. rivers, wash ,more than
606,909 tons ,of. Solid .matter down to
tThe sea every rhonth.
• On a National
Coast' to ,COaat Network
tov ceit
Millions of people have con.
fidence in the: blue colour
that assures safe,econorniCali
satisfactory' heating.
'blue coal'
audh as Maxwell .Anderson,fanciffilly, , • .,:.
deserilieein. his play, The Star Wag-
on which Will, transpc,se events; et
the past to the present
.By this machine lid said, '41 bo'
lieve if Will he ',PoSsible, say, to won..
der what the Prince Of -Wales or the.
Siden is tot turn -your machine
:on them, and Atoally see what. is go-
ing• On; ImpOriaible: Why? `Televisitin
Is here today, ifet it?".
Su atOSt4 ftfte.:
Aeronaabeal:-. 'Engineers Fere-...ee
able Shpa, to Fly' et Sci.0,00
stratosphere in 'larger and ever. larger
like. 'giftaiiiie .*projec.,,
P' tiles' across Colt:Went and °Coat. w'Oft.'..,
:ph:tared-by: Ongineerif--atteudit
.siith annuni ineeting inn Institute
of .A,otonaut.to, al. Sciences, 011:, n,t
UtiVers(ty, • New York, ,laSt,
. •
Motorsof-increasing size7-.1Mo-1flite
171 larger:ettuiprrietit; would enahlo tiTe,
fatcre .airpianeto: fly long . 'distances :
at from .20,000 to :30,000- .inot eleva.
tion '.and tarry.' heavy ' ioada;• it was •
said. At the snide, .titne;• mere reliable
'Motors' are reditchig thenecessity of
installing nuni.rotts" engines : in ..each
airplane, 'aecording to engineers'.
' Launched :By Catapult
qThe heavier' :airplanes IMO( be..
• leuriched, .froin ,• the ground in some;
. manner, and Dr.' J. C. flunsaker,,
rector of „the Department '
.ical Engineering at Massachusetts' In- ..
nid' of, a f . or - eatanalt.,Vtith
assistance;. he 'held, a fully lead-
ed 'Shin would: have 1.1esS., difficulty , in . •
leaving the idading, field, ' • • l'
Deer -like , Animal
Strange Mixture
• Captured. Intalifoin;a It Hai The
Hornsof a Sheetiand the'Mark-
ings Of An Antelope.
A. strange animat, with the body Of ,
.dper, borna:like those .of a ,nattiti-: •
' fain Sheol; and; charaoteriStieS
:antelope and other Wild and dentesti..
bated. ,arilitals;, his flnelly, pap,.
tilted after it. hail reanted la the Sair:
ta'AnttMitriiitain's pe4r,CotoOft;Gtifit.,,,,
for several...yea:re,.
Confined In it pen 617 116 B?cby Bry.
ant. relit:116..1n 'Santa .04 • tanyoa, the
.: animal: is attraCting, mach attention."
Wfld ,find fleet, it %Was :captured, after,
acYOritl'daYe tit traIJln' by W. Talbee. ,
'rancho ridert. Ho kiltitedthe aillinal :
'With a gteuecf tothehmis and:linaily
stiC666dedIn ri,$)ii.ng',11.. .‘ '
, •
Ha 's Feet of Deer
ttl.dera of the 1110170 111•6' • siglitod
the ti„ninid.1,110ettfyANtro: $ortt.'*,t17N,"It
was fhOit.nenily blotk, • Sind..11:1t., .."
'd'ovolO-Ped White spotq o 1t8 tutrip at,
.. tor, the ,taehion of. antoldrie.. and tho.
borne hoso grown.,
head :; tith1 that:
,ofti dOotAith tioOtO lino of a dOtile=
'tleate& 'Sheen. lie 'body. .fa uoyetofi
:with the brittle: hair like: that Of :
dear, but .1170, hear, ta ch7k1y its feet
aio trioso, of 6. doer.
Iri Artnenia, the ddit.yniald: .6riuttis,
"het gOat-ctOarri btitthi by hariging
1ie' goatgkiii Oh a tL1p7t1 nnd.
si;,vi'agiug it to and
7, 2.-••-•