HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 8UNR. Y
• To"the long .Astof deaths in re,
• cent months M the •,St... Helen's 'eMn-
mufti was added another esteemed
lady; in the. paseing. of Mrs. Charles
Durnin, ow Thursday last.
Her • death dcctirred, at•the home
at her daughter, Mrs. Colin Mae,
• Donald, With. WhOni she'lles Made, her
home for more than twenty years.
Within,,t'ysto, months of her • Othyear,
Mrs, DUrnint. • has been in ' failing
.health 'for more than: A yean,laUt was
only seriously ill , for 'about' 'three
- '"-
-Formerly MarY, Ann Reid, She, was
born' in County Down, ;Ireland and
,earne• te.Canada. as, a. ysiufig girl with
'her parents, .' who settled. in ,Ashfield
On the 6th_Con.. In this township, Mrs.
Durnin .has spent practically all of
her long life Yellowing her, marriage
, •
to Charles Durnin, they 'resided in
Muskoka for a short time, then re-
turned to Si. 'Helens 'where Mrs.
Durnin has been a continuous resi-
dent. Her, husband predeceased: her
: Arty:, yearsago. She hetsOft is ,Pie
last meinber of her farnily, of four
brothers, And three. sisters...
; The, fianeral. service was held at the
.home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mac-
con -
St, Peter's • Guild .
• St. Peter's. Weinen's Guild held At. this time of Year, when Mani
-„ f 1,t:,rffittt,„
1.. .
_ Interesting Lettei$
theieregular ?meeting - at- the, heMe '41 Sentinels. are renewed. numerous
Tee410, Clarke,* January Mittancee are wacc,uraPnaied bY.1)rief
the, president presiding over gobd-. note from former residents. These-
nOrnber of memhers. Areangst the are weirs:Med 'and many- will he Pf
hnthinhas 'transacted, it •was lecided" to interest IQ Other .readers;
hold; !k enPPer in the Council. chamber Mrs.. Jane White •Brii-aN
On. the evening of March lat (Shrove enjOys the Old Twine` news and.
Tuesday), arrangeraents :to be has matiY.. fnria memories Of •KinlOss
made at the, next meeting, which will although She leff.here, with her pap:
he held at the rectory, Feb..146: • • ents...as, a -young ‘ girl4sOme 57 years
. •
01.14ei Y S'it: , To 11,fis J A Who i
. ,
:FEBRUARY,'.9.,, 1938,'
- The Y.P. held their grd. briieching the staff . of the .Cedarvale,; training
for: the year With 11; vPry. large/ 4ch°°1 'fQr *gias. 'at 'Georgetown, the
tendanee.-The MISSiOnarY Talk was,
very interesting, -taken , by Elmer,
Avery. Then' Lilian Osborne gave a
Missionary reading. Margaret Mc -
Charles read the scripture lesson and
during the evening, hymns 550, 600
and 490 were sung. The Mispah ben-
ediction brought the Meeting to a
close. After which . all took Partin
an interesting' Geography meta:
The Young people's meeting was
held in the Church,- Jan; 251P1A-Tues-
day evening after their. annual church
meeting in . the afternoon. There
were .only 16$•merabers -present, pro-
bably owing to the stormy weather
• • •
Saturday afternoon,
dizeted ' by Rev. 11 M. Wright of si„ anii''Ltieknow EeekeY match beiPg.
'fleleus.,, Interment was in Dungan- the same night. , The seeeting was
Iirk7.0.40t,e7;"'Pallacarera-''-heing.--six -°-Pen.0 as usual by the the ' "ening en" -
grandsons, ChaOes''Red Norman "Mac, ITIOnY• ;and IiirmaT-499'41ii:Ining,--fol=
troow.lphyr., ...an4,.... cheee:z.meAllie...._ lowed .by...a...:Prayer . by Rev. Mi. Mac -
ter,' ii*:,,Doiliin.'and. Parcy'Daynli. ''.T'Keaiia The iior:calr-irniji-tkikaii-Tbir
Sti,101.4.nti'..itrel four daughters, Mrs. the secretary, and also the 'reading
'Oearge:':1VifeWhriii,'(Miirtha Ann); of 4,4 the• 11101Ittes;•A_ Hylttll' 225 Was sung
•Setrfettli; ...Mrs. Harry , MeAniatut;„ which: was feiinwed by ii.: 'splendid
.(ElisabethY ' Drew; Mr Jack D - lalk by eur'Pastor• Mi '
• , , , , S.eyeli , , , ,, . ..MacKenzie.
(Adelaide). .Winginim; 'Mre., Colin 114 topic wile very Interesting 'ori
(0' WtM:.; MaciNTOSK..
He is not deed, but $19ePst .
This friends • beloved b)y.
The: silver ,FPM' :1?rPJFP11. • .
,. He has answered the .
His ftrat. thOnghte *pie. of OtherS.
In miiistry..ef,leve,..
And now, he .eiainiS illSt revad
In his Father's hPIASe above.
Ife. loved to point the 7.vniy to, Chris
,And make the •eaeless.. see; '
The ,wendr4tie .lovO, 4e.o.,1§.„
• On the 'Croai. of gov4t.y.
And many. souls „have 'Plied to Gocl
' Because' he showed the ...way,. •---
'Sentinel Is, a v.i•PIP0,1110.,' visitor. In an And:many others ' Seeing him,
article in , lasts :week's- Sentinel, clip', , 4 :KneW, he;vlialked with k hire, day''. bi.
tiened ',1'.A.n. Appreciation", Mrs. Fin: day. •-• ' ' '•. • . ' ' . ''',
lay Pala tribute to an- ord. neighbour, . • . .•' . '
the late Mrs. W.. J. Treleaven. ' " " .
He. is not '.4.4.bqt sleeps,
Mr. '3. D. ' Murdoch, . who visited i_This friend. wIlent WC 411 love,
here last, summer, states that he. has But e411e4 to Higher ' Service ' '' ".-
been act ontinuous subscriber • ;since l''''l his Father's House 'ahuvn'; ..*
leaving' the olcisfaim in Aslifield.fOrtv ' r:' " ' ' 01 1.. ' 4 . . . il
. ''' ‘40mPoset. by an Ashfield ,Frien-
aLife.' itohert Burns”' taken -1)
hitioDoisiata "
4dbert of Winghani, gram worth .'whila 4.6rail4 t° hear'
years !ago.. The sentinel to: 'him is .
like a real .letter from „bomb arid its: •nusr HAVE STAMPS APPI-1EO
weekly:. nevi, iteins. are Mech. aPPre" RATHER. THAN MONEY IN. Box
dated at all times, bringing"' to mind , , •
. ' Nornil'Stewar--i-WhiCh inadi--1-1risr(F."
two 'sons, John • of Morriston and . • • .
Hymn 376 was Sung and. thanieeting
Maiy Jane Foster, beloved wife" of
Henry 11. Hawkins, Port' Albert, was
hon�ed in death - -when lier"funeral
ele:Frliii0;,.af'Vernonn with
..vat,a'ser-yice ztr her home for rela-
fallowed * public servlce. in
yChrist Church 'where, departed nuMber Of. accidents reported
woman had been a life4Ong ' And de,' to The Workmen's -.•CemPensation•
voted member; The services:were in Board •of Ontario during 193't NYO'
„charge Rev, A. A. Maloney, rector 70,583.; as: compared with 614382' dur,
f tise•; assisted Rey. P. H. f1936.. .• •• • `
whojead.the lesson and by • The fatal aCCidents 'numbered' 376
it..,AeOgitegari'of:;FtidgebM1, is -against' 375 "6144.'1936:
a former -rector; Who gaie,, the The total, benefita awarded during
drifts. an -1-, Of :the hymns : „snug , by the the year *wilted to $6,129,960.55,.
- W70:.,..,...,!whera-,,,,,thepslit4v,e1,2.
Shineth," her 'oWri • and. rill:Mei,'
ate -Mrs Hawkins. Up of $4,378,112.08 compensation and
many, happy memories of his' boYhood
days. Mr.aid NIL5,!• 'Murdoch, whose tiS4e ;iO4tfeal°If tul'IPeShailvi9erangn11" ntha:i
hozne ..is at, ZeAlandia, sPencl, each he is ,one. public seri/ant who is ex -
winter Saskatoon.
tritii regularity cinnes "Malcolm.
MacLeorra ..renewal from Chicago,
this .year being -his 54thsubscEiption
to . the paper •I‘Vhich keeps him' in
his early days..• ; • .
Mrs, Angus Keith, oj Man. .PtamPed lette).•;: , ParePli. in the
states they ' been ° ialch!g 9'ke .rural box for the courier 'carrY
§entinej ,since leaving '1.4.1ecknow to town and on arrival at the ffsos
ly 30 years She notes with re, ;effic.-0 porchaie paid. affix pthe ' ne'ces
gr.at the passing of Many Dia saiy. stamps. : As: this ha 'hecume
peeted by :the box holders on his
•IVfisa• SOloinon 114s been Plin-
tined to be for a couple of ;weeksMr ,Ingle :-
Fatersbn plans" 4/. brrng
,at• load? of YclIng, .11Preefl it.;i die"' '
triet about ow, first •of March.
' ' • • f. I
, Misa. Mary MaeIntyre,
WeSt4r1".17 Toronto,,, spent, we
w961i,:ead' with -her Ur. and.
Mrs, Dan, MaCIntyre: .
Mr. MetkherSOU has been cent •
:anse'd „tP. bed' for the past . to. daYs.
having- ben threatened with pneu-
monia,.. WhiO4wae checked before:, ,,,
reaehine serious deVelopinents " •
Miss Jessie' MacKenzie,Reg. N,
1,ri.sited hei'..brcitheir, Dr. /:!Gran(111ac,
Kenzie in 'S -t; Michael's •fleSpital ' •
'Toronto, and OR her ',rettrin 'earn.;
Mencect her duties on the staff of the.:
Wingliam hospital.
Owing to .rend conditions on •mon-
lay, several phone palls were received
. from those unable to get kto town.
'And desiring' 'to take advantage of
' .he $1.50 rate, As e result, , we are
open Satur.,::
lay With the new rate. effec-;
've Monday, . February 7th. •
• "l'he raiiit of the Lord's Sup-
BrokepiLines in AII nents At s
.colours. Reg, $1.50 to $1.,95. Clearing' • • • • •
Sale Price 7; , , , , , Discount.
'ular$I.00. .Sele price ...-.... , . '
'TAnSTItir-Traveller %So suitable for " Upholstering
Cushions §?c.
CHILDREN'S WOOLLEN:- MITTS -Long .cuffs. Regular 45c,„
cnits000s,sw:gArtsnsl:Air nntii164p pRICIS
BolLEp0,00, 00c4B,,..„Oure: ' fancy • pi4!.'ertie. •
YtOir.04i• Sale Prioe..:,
ducted by 'Mr, Justice Archambault
The Opening lf.Parliament
iV ' 451 P the .National • UOietePloYment' Cent:,
of t.. pe C art f.Q ebec and,,k
lier, will be Celebrated in the, Pres-..; . Y. JL -I
': ' ' ''' ... '. '
-caSiOns,...Th_latest,:kiek,froin.,:one:of ' - ' 13 T°Pn ' B•Id(-', • an.9.:' the ftOPellIng a
. troute,o,. liaito,bdeoi.i7poorinet.thda,no,uhi.e•oinS:n.°bainig;'t.:.:1;ot.;1171:tilas et irthev ems Church,,,!i:onpr.is!g0:isde,arSyv lli,!4,:dvaepY;;I•en evening
t abt 1 _...• . 1 The„.spe.t4c., ulni..,f_,411,_ of the "H. oneY-
"these..toterg,..of his maj.e.,§ty5.,rniiii j,!,. , _welock,. taken ..br 4.0.0. .1.i.,.A. mel.-... [arliament '-'ciotit ma cle ' tl,reTbeadlines-
on the 4anie :day diViding. the honori.
'i"sli4.''id---tii-a7.1.31.ey'ailiag habit ..61 'lleYl na-on' rittird0Tafternoon at '-' . •
leaving money together With an nil- . . --•-• §, , :‘ • • - the Canadian 1-----1-----aWS7.--.-The
llev,:,' G. •'114..., YOnng.. .. ' ' •• •• : •• ; •.,ses_20 mueil- c' (Anur , 0 iirtii.h ..tiadi.,
i -,'..7:70ii,,.e.irh:V;etc9Wildeestri;Eepnitive: tim• r•;:th' ; :FM, , so d niv.:::, :1:11a geafiittaruy,e--. amp dil i,stae,arry,
• o'clock • the address beingivpii
--e g-• -Y Opening never fails to stir One's pul-
borTA?. ."7 • , ontrivireetieeaun
Rachel WebSter. The, ,month Of many up.siitinped •
- • •
I • IA
rs.. (Dr.) .Geddes; P. the,..ceurier, , as - 1'50
closed hir • the isiniaiing of, .1diipah .uarY • has been an ideal -,inenth
Benediction. . Owing • to our *eeren-,. ,district , Manitoba.
tion ecimmittee7 beMi 'absent, there . biniveiate,''.the
,nf..,inany,' Subscribers. and *qt,eltionle ,and
were no games, or contexts:, • •
• lnyit.e, letters:of, reminiscent nature
n, e present do-.,
, . • or in connection with-th
, ings and successes of former resi-
ink 1936 the 1937 figures being ma
ted .
Rov. C."2.ghanchose-aa his toxt$1,251,,848.47 medical aid.
Rev. 22:. whichtext Was' the subject Taking a basis.. of 300 working
614- inspiredthe Writing of • the, days, the average daily benefits aw-
hymn. In -,,,,feeling terms he .referred arded amounted to about $20,435,
- to the denarthd ,woMan, :giving quiring an average of 963 'cheques
6...tration4....".t0 show: lioN her, life had ..per day, Tho average number of new
'been li-TC1 ti3 a true, follower andbe- claims reported . daily increased frorir
,lever in Christ,,doing the Works the 205 in • 1936.to 236' in ' 1937. • ;
" Master ;had called upon her. to AO, es- There Were 5,728 accidents :report-,
PeclallY to the clergy of the . church ed during .December, and the benefits
to .yvhoni' she', was a mother, at all • '
times. The speaker declared the real 'ARMLESS' BOY CONTINUES
,. • , .
'feeling ..nn this oci7asion tshould. be " .TO "DO THE, UNBELIEVABLE
and was like that' Or '3Ohn,,•while they , • '
Sorrowed; yet there was a • spirit of j • This Week we have an exhibit, in
trillripli • and Victory. , the window ...which, has attracted a
Burial took Plaee in the Port Albert great' deal of .attention. It is a duck
cemetery,' the Pail-bearersbeing, ciit'ont. of half-inch wood. It is pain -
John Fo3ter, John • Quaid? 'George ted white;trimmed with'red and.,
• eurrellamiltonhiimas.-l-Dongh,,......green„andisLthe....wu,r1Pf Beg:L.10116e...
erty, William 11.. Hawkins and Car- Bert is the ledwho had the inisforl .
tnan , Hayden.. •Flower bearers . were tune to lose both arms eight or nine
-ltalPhi--F-oiter,...,flereld_Tigth, George_ years ago •when ,he grasped a . live'
Dougherty, Anthony Vitoomen, 'Leslie electric wire. „ ,
'Johnston and :William' Vrobirian..' The .In the Manual Training work, Bert
flowers inchided, •a cross, ,from: the bold's:. the jig' saw betWeen his s;chin
n'sband, a wrelth from ' the. Sisters and shoulder and by moving•his body
and iiibthlr'q. ;sprays' from Slater up and down works the ea*. His ten-
• ,
Sad Guild - of -Christ cher, tells vs -that heisadept with his
Norville (:Mr: and paint brush and (nate enjoys using it.,
•N'orville'," 'Anderson, GOderieh)' It is held between his • teeth.--Wiartoii
and Mrs. H. G. Shorriff, Echo.
„ ,
, Ivz1.
Friday' 'Feb. 4th- 12.60' noon -
,Canadian Farm, and Home' Hour,•
12 45 -Sun -Ray program; 1.00 -Car-
son' Robinson!s Pioneers; 1:15 -Cap-
sules of Melody, 5A5-JimmY and
A T.•
SaturdaY,-,PeN---5th---12.00,-. noon -
Canadian Farm, and Home Hour;
12:45--LOICNX, Hill -Billies; 7.002 -Wes.
seSaionern., he•journey's
end that MathematiCally, he, is in a
.luandary, and is tecoming :round -
Shouldered. lugging :the. eopPer, tein-
age .in .his•;,officiai else' takes
up", alita-of-hirAirne after--reaching
thePOsi Office ;here' Attaching. these
stamps to the.-'•reSpectiye 'Pieces • ' as:
Postmaster Hedglimen .and his staff
.have tabooed' this job, and,the, work
falls upon, the, hapless courier.: :Be-
' escorts with plumed hats, jingling
puys an o s o .
• 'ek-91(:1' bicifight mild ivath°‘"""det. arid *old; ',sore's of' vl'emen'in
sides this winter -time . driving be-•
hind old 'dobbin i§ :not' conducive to.
so ;easy; and in two. cases `o'utitol not
ilt!rhYte lirri.utsithitiendleolchvitallinrden:r7
, . so e T rou GOBat
.,1' on Sunday, turning cold that night tices; Of the ',Supreme Court: •inernbers
make streets and roads •a glare of' ..of the 'Privy Council , in • gold -braided
Motor I ravelling , Was hazardous, Winclsor.unifornis. and ,ineinbers of
, • ,
suits, and 'the crown Of the sPectacle,
Their Exeellthicies' in gorgeous array,, . .
• , . „ bah Honses in sober biack and grey
and ',blacksmiths were , overworked . •
ith• the fiend ',Of horses cinizing in '
mission 'which. .lately, Completed ;
ite labOurs and is .ready,to report.'It •
Considerable interest is also being
evinced - in-regard-to„-theL•nropesed in-
quiry into; the operations of the Civil .
Soenirgieeet.unAecti'mastn,d the OYU Serviee,
Superannuation ,Act, talked of for
lands 4.'of a llouse!4'40fd. Co_c!ps. nibeonsinCotmh!'
Tuiit,,,iteeey..iTthsemgeomveberrirms ecnatwivioilli;.!katrIeet---j Chairman for such- a .Com-
is expected all of these reports , will
bejmnlemented by legislation. -
ziuttee which will.ebe far-reaching in
its. importance, touching, as it does,
the lives of so. many. Canadian cit-
izens who are civil servant's.
„ ,
to, be sharp shod. A bitter wind blew • • la E TO CIIEC.15-CHIMNEX, FIRES
atten ed Y es- e-carrip, er , -
1V1,011daY; with, the,mereurx drOPP.,.' cellencies beautiful train carried7b7
,ng •tti-ist.a:Zero;,cluring the. two pagee."..picturesqUe buckled
• • ,shoes,' White silk '•stockings and knee
f breeches, --their- navyblue coats frog-
ged in silver...
,wagi7th; and. when it. comes to pick -1., Recently in cleaning up an a
in small, coins, out of the
niental boiias With:,cbia hand's, Weil ;ribtrasj&ffi ofil:'wesPavers visa oldattic.
three-t•gry into the _snoW,:::ir intietrZtillig. arra, appears. P es:.•
fun - eade ent Hospitals for
whence they are extremely difficult 8'11111141°n Pattilliti"TinCitrevid`hitl"
Th • I
e • piac ice ,p, win be. established" Itres on state
;In a sery short eine a tent hospital '
,press despatch 'from Toronto. reading -
the treatment of consumption atienta
to retrieve; andadditional t, cause
-The frequent recurrence china-
ney. fires in";Liicknow .during the Past.
few months, has 'resulted ,in many
. ,
suggestions for their :prevention and
centrol. •The 'hundred' tier vent,
I; 'e'..v...terit", defe. Y'tebille6.7. :Li rt. is.in li ntlb. gel e national ln.' any- te, PlieFr:rt'Fincluu 411;117'07,7,11,1,rli .0,
. • . .. .
.c,„it," ..bpai0j . ilo.. gathering'
gino4:nrny.nriptiensi,,p.otitstaenriit ppleoiti,pesfirkiderri ipiao. ' ?tr:iv-11e1.31:7:fl:-Fveat.gi:Irectii•ii.lv:[!g;e'd!.. ksi.t.i°41ienld;;I:autc'o.eohfti.roeue;d"-,.,.,..
1.if.h1..0 in the ..country „brings together
..-7-.-P1!•".F.!..7-',-.T:4"reni•ac-Y--"ilbd'-'''°'''"r 4 t!'s4etdfir' p.pblapl,'Oilf t1:14a-szitotity);;:r)cfl'Osileulthbei.11iewin,.
..".i''ig:b.t, hityr:1:.}1;1GioslieEnit,xnalnauelee:iren11::5:O.iiia..7.14,'dha'ee_g•ri'r.el.'ci,t;agfafY6,eri"e.,.res:itieil:t.t..,'... , . , :ii . 11! - :i hi:0gsuti'llid:oh: ,. vi:, dumpers,: t,ee.,s' 1 tbutlAl,pz hie. ::;:;lwh. foitri:ri.;:n...' •' di anr: ..giftire:aal It i,1 ..:
'. forth the prOgran of, legislatiOn.'for
4i.ltid those who fear chinin'ieY fireE'i
,.. parliament..-L.tO Tiny ' mind. of the. '
gh the stove. pipes. This Will re.:2'
ingf.iiiever.ance. .' ' ..selt. ' hi the, suiohoi, ,,, fumes ,beiug
. .7.71,1e7gfeeetrifil..M.1-the7phri;)rierri:
ac'll'' der:ewe:101y; sniOther: any:fire and ex-'
ii-.-Pilie'chitnney; Which *ill..
..May deirui..op,. but this is the arise.
. e emergency, • should at s
Revision Of, Canada's .,•trade .treaties ,
• . . • . . • • • .. .. . . .
. Nvith the IJnitect IS•tates And the Um- ,. , • , •
111- tor cxaspCi:atiflfl. • leaving unstamped...letters and par- thaVh43-8e15343thin.-44-a- te-was-causftigi.
Styles for every businc ss
Various colors and designs
Samples suggestions and
pries without ..obligations
%no diftilcultz;, tiliat the trforposak of
eels in rurall..boies ,illecral •and as. n8Wil on' osP emu Olf
• dozen ity physicians some of whom
,Srbicli...he can' Sell- .alond route, the l'iraVeil.n7g:omt"ilTle°1•tOP,itiforsillifietrill itft:
b0*-4huic,iarsHah0P1d.,alaide....h; • 'fftiantePThireteXagee.'11,Pt traV.ellele
and have ;all. '., mail Matter' deeltea odt ' witfin tee andpi:ovat ,tOr the•'then
the mail man' Sl.weYs carries Stampi; *ere wining to donate ,their services free
wth the 'Proper amount —Vincial-Medica °Meer 1)f Realth. Dr.
as to. facilitate the collection as slee and the first of sue tents were
o,• pos age, • Bryce, it was proposed to have nearly a
•• • .
• dozen•tents,, some, for cOoking. Others for
vAll 'as the distribbtiOn :Of his Maj.: to Morrowed from th‘e 1411itie, De-
. „
g „
• partriient.
, . ted 'Kingdom, Unernployment
estY's- mail.- • WalkeiltOn • Herald- This proparial was made lust three Years opee, delidatelY hinted at and the ex- . , .
Times; • , • • snumeropretivtesnewTasorowntatobehoseaptivd droorubctioesn; po
,of Canadian
hvdro-elcctric pow-
• "Shorty4 Robb, a Ben TelePhono.-
." was instigated by a
o9 marked change in
ig s. on! way employee in the Stratford district,.. ,
,pubuc opinion as the curabilitY of er were the highlights.
by th RUCCCS8
.was the specs* outstanding7-its hrev-, was instantly killer while. trimming
itY, which On occasions such as his trees in •Ilarriston- On Tuesday.
is not. Only the semi Of Wit,' but. the gobb,s; neck was fractured in a, fall
epitome of discretion.- The, elistionarY to, the • sidewalk. A number here will
'note ,,of optimism, in spite of drOught knew *the Unfortunate young man,
and rumors of, wars, was sounded who has done .telephone work in th,e
-and•-a---vvort1444--eavAiser7Was--set-isek7-village at--different-tinteti;
billies. ' ••• attained tihe littl hospital in Muskoka:
,wt 'i.Snug:nhtniy; which had been erected by t National
:ritirrituhin 'Asseeiation someeightyear
e ,ii:Jrliiiir8lagilipar,the treatment
Togryi :a9onietg to ,T.,ife•; Sr,.+1'.'aY 'tul"'ercul
r thon ay,'47T$b::
alon 42tfood, C3asi-rint
Eitan ers; . s'at' the • Patrerulin'4;1:Itkiirs •
thoseineorlley days When •
° e teniptZ
,r,_igvEity.00-'-st. Andrew's Chiirch. , Latn3sdebadis front wooden asrhaccakl"
almost. worse. than theto think s disthase cure was
Royal Chefs; .14'0-.1-capsuies.: , 'What an evolution the4,eo..ehos' heels!
dTY,u;•e:.00a •-Keent±gnetht-hlieinoto:ii; , •e_Tiatkese,_ftohe•cmonsuusiconikpat'ivaeand,
f , the A. 1,-0-9-huro, grigoqat for Consumptive C dren"
Chefs; '1 •' , • • .--*Rd''Yal nursing care.' °in "Pert
sanatoria -with -
.0 weae , Raj -rimers their(igreat 13.-tPiildirrds
psu es of Melody. •.; • 'Of course. such service lc costlY and , the 'Session, Among these are those
.esaY, Feb. 9th ---:10.30 pod and • adequiftsely ntligtibr egg* '
Church of the Air. 12 alli•-• skiliPd medical and aurIldnal ti'rearnIZ
ing. No 'surprises were sprung. ,
The Session is likely to be. of ,toime , DEAD 'LETTER OFFICE
length a.s rrt'ost: of it is , -
highly controversial. :addition to With 2,00(060 pieces of mail land,'
this, reperts of a number of • Royal ing,in ;the dead letter office •each year,. • •
Cominissions are expected 'early, in the !• ,Canadian. Postai authorities ••are
to, educate people to the CBS
ese hospitals roost have helP incarim of the: Textile Inquiry and the Grain tom Of placing a , return address on '
ThiireclaY, "10th=" --1.• thO- tuberculous poocorarn;r —ThatwlauwhY-- • • '
you are to tsto.i isyon riih
ot eing presided over all letters and pare'ela the upper'
Church Air: 11.30 -Hold Th 1 olri
, . .canadian penitentiarY ,metliOds"..40e-
by Judie •Tdi.geOn; the inquiry into left-hand corner of the 'letter:Or Par
7.30-Bennyrmy and ,Mark. ' Toronto.
tTa.lo-sh CtItagtletrelet
.. •