HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 7„ • 74114*.Mq.e*e. "•:" 119 • " • 1, 4 ' • ' . CHALLF,NC•INcl . :ORDER Mark 2:13.22 ' • * ,Golcion Text came'•not•:to ;the righteouhui. stripers.'' 'Mark 2.17 "." • rhe Lessen In Its ,Setting Time 7-, Early summer, ,A.D, Place Phe teachIng recorded.' le' . , Verse 1,3 and the'calf Of '1Viatfliew„;-took w Plaee :along the ,ellOre of (tattled,. pie, ne.ar the city ,of Ca'pernauin; • the "fcast°,FIVen-bY •M.attheyw in honor, ! sat Jeseeleoir place in 'Matthew 'S helve in the city of Capernauth, et the nerth. ' ern end ef the Sea' of. Galilee. ••••• 1.4And he went fokh again by the sea to.the sewer,. the lily; the bird, . Ho Ouetoni,when teaching, was • to point tothe soWei„ the 1111y, the, bird. He • • is nopale recluse emerging front , ;library ,te instruct. "And all tpe mnti- tude resorted 'unto 'him, and he then taught•them.'" • • • ' •"" • '. A FolloWer •of _jesna "And as he passed by, he ettit Levi the on of Alphaens.'" This man is Cer,. •••• 'Minty to be identified with ;Matthew, which Is the.naMe he uses int his own., Oospel hi referring to himself (9.9)...A • number 'or men in,the,New Testament. had , two' • names; generally one used in: speaking of their life 'before•. Christ found thcm; .0.1,LE, the- other 0!-- • ' their Rte.:after'. theY!becaine diselples • or Christ, though not ,exclusively So: • • "Sitting -at --the place of tO11t"--1.-Matt-7, 0.1 hew was a •titx7C011potor;: pacated in n ' • city through which passed: a.'great•,deal of trafficiong; caravans carrying ' the etch goods of the. Orient down into ' Egypt, and •returning to ,MeSopotamia., • ;laden, With :ItgYnt's treasures and.,agri- •c -.pro IflC re -was , 4 poem:lay when, Jestis. 'eat ,dewn, :acttially ate. With .peblicatle and sin- ners.• the Slgulficance of :it OIL was that.he was,willieg.te make them his.' Arlends..4Tbe PhariBees, refused siqn, to come 111 contact . With; the. type of Men; gatheredaronn.4,-•MattheW'a table thatday,- anl. for i_Teatui .iref•only to have dontacf.:Witit.•thein',..but, to actnal,.: • '41y sit down '.faild'eat. -with ; thein, In - '.t 111011.• In thelr rIght, as one, • putatde the.,'14.74 tinworthy. 'of •, their: contidenCe.: • • - "Alill'when ..‘.1peu.s.•: heard ;ft.!' • • • 11,1304;•• 011icisEQ• Of the. I.:?hartsees was net spokee to YE311:$,', but to. WC disciples; . but 014. Words Were uttered, in n'tone..• lend ennugh ter 'Jesus. to •hear them., salth Unto them,' They thatare whole have 110:need Of :a but they that' are sick; 1 earne not to . Call the righteous; but :.;'etrinerff." '• saeadmits that, the people Witp when'. • that day ' he is eating',,and drin1t111g are •`Sick;' 1.,e:. they.arersinnersi The • .Phaiieges neter::lifteiVwftrigertn-heal sinners • of their slia;;Ireter this pui.P.Ope had Jesus come, atitt"br',Itis 80 eing. those Pharisees, .thennielves:, would qffiveto acknowledge • • that VinFinec-ewasTfar above theirs. ' •' • Nifiy, they Faited" • "'And. John's ,theciples: and the Phar, Aseenwere,lestingq.and they pine' and •• say unto him; 'Why do John's .diSciples and the disciples of .the',. pharlieee-fast. but -they dlsclples do not?" ..The-; Phar,laAes' fisted. Of tlieir own .accarct. twice In the week in their.:. 'pretense, of holiness. In not 'apkitights disciples :to fast Jesus of course In tie . Way con,. '"tradidts. thn law, 'Frent .Matt. •G:17 we Itee':.that:Jeenti*,••:, was not opposed to , une--: - proper piirriese,And, in the. proper way.' The dia'CiPles, of:John:really asked for eniiglitenthent. tarisiees' wanted , , . to:..diseredit • Jesus.' "And Jesus said unto :them, Can the . , sons . „ of the bridechamber fast, while :the bridegroom' is, With them? as long is :they; have ' the bridegroom • .-.1vith.: :them. . they cannot ..fast.": Joel' the 13.AP-' • •tiet hithself'..(Sohn..3::29) Sald,..thet•be was,theitiend of the bildegroom,,and-, by saYing.. this .he designated •Chilat-' as the "bridegroom bride- groom. was ,new ,with, them; It wa no tiMe for the'dliielPles...te'niiiiirn end 'to:. . , . . . , . ; their:.spirit of mourning.:' ' ..2'But he days will••donie;;When: :the: .brIdgegroontshall be taken aWaY. tient:" Ithem, And then they Will fast in that . •:day;". The, Greek Ward here ',translated ' . !taken .away' linPlies a violent'Ileath.,... hinted: at.: • death • and: .here, ho dlrect!y polnts to \though . Will. yet be twti.,Xears, _pele,o,re he shall •die.:ott the cressi'. • •• -New and MIx ;!,No than ee*.etlin piece of undress- ed cloth on:: an old garment; , salsa that ;whiek tip • it ,up taireth from it the e trent: the. Old„.• anda worse • aiiit diit;.Miel) all, 11,11POrts.and experts. and 011 all Abet was bought and soid, • • ro4dtmohey,• harbour- ' dues..,,lOWn-dues,..ete. The .taxes Jti- daea,.were Ju- daea, • and ...Paid' •Ifireetly to •Ithe .geVern- • • ment, the:,„•officials being .appointed , by the provincials theMselyes. The baits chosen fieni the 'native.. pop-. ulatiOnybeceinie. they would know the ways . of: the ' 'People;.better. ' For thls • ••position : they: had ' pay ginner,' '. :•iorts .a.• certain: shin, und.,,,eyerything„, Ceuld'!'atineese' out'!. Of •„the'41 ..:::•peopleil.retild,:get.intO. their piickets • , JeSna: 'et Nazareth,the carpenters -• son,"kne*,Matthew•theutiblicaii.ttuite',. well. Perhaps :only too 'wen., He had often beenlit.'Mathew'a -tollhooth. With' :,•;1111.- Mother's: taxes ••• and. with... other • peer peenle's ,4.%nd •,ile ,saith.. nate hail, Follow me." posSibly.:Matt7. ..liew.liad-e6me,-tik loathe the life of dis- honesty and. ,hlaeliguardisra-S'In which ...he Wed: He had long beard of ..Teing-, ant177-hacf-and-thp,Anightywo*sv•-he :did: Iied:1;ethight •oight. of 'n hlgher and .•,•iiolder: life. and that vision had'. created.; each a disgust , with his :Pre - tient existence, ',he': loathed • self. •Jeetta,'..:1'stendard..of one • 0.g lionestylui,ity_;_,1L„.4.11„.e_fi,e. ..c; • _oat is made." Discard the ,old%entire- `ly and accept not. 'Merely a, bit•ot.the, new, but all the new new patch, but knew robe., The ,Old robe-ie.:the Judaism of that • 1...perlOdi It was , useless totry to patch 'this up wlth a bit. Of the teaching or • practice nI ..Tesno.. • .• •••• '• "And 110 igati 1ut:004;11W ,wine into old wino -skins! eloe:•the,;,wine will -bilrat', the Skins., and the wine perlah, eth,;:and the skins; but they:put now wine: :IMO fresh Wine -eking.", Thedon7,,,,' tafnerir referred to were made of th skin •.'of , the geat.-,vilieh'these'..were • peW. • they Were elastic, but the old ,; f011y, of ',6utting wine which would., ter - Merit into Otitis which. did net'eknand. :The !Patche illustration gives Ah.e. env ,Ward,-.1speet of the-tratklhat:'Citriett.', lenity cannot - be ,teekeir cin to the. ',old • Where okeist . cdnies, :there , 'Conies • Change 'pia forms. • aiid cerentionies riot. -:.atift,...-0-1d-Lthiaga-'-„,04iii:.*.nYLL all' things .beCOme' eeW.• ;EVeti • man• hi:con-10S a neW,.breature., . Life • great *rnanV; 'end they -.followed hint."'.' inust,-'be tlifferOt• where Christ ' is .hypocrisy.,:ancl ,inshicerity;'• erepty•, of graft, *Irked by unsel- flsliness. • r' Now ,Matthew, himseit, • manlis to, knew that, if ,he should o'er : " accept. tills :'invitatien, 11 wonid meati ...Walking':out•of thejoilbobtli ,neyer . , . Come ;back 'again, and, giving up at ofice. the profession Which was hiii liy-•••• lug. "Andlie:nrciee and :followed: him." ,FrOni :•statement :We see .• that Matthew ,had• ab'solute Confidence 1,1 the Lord. Jesus Christ', ;he bolleved ••''' ;that, the ideals end principles Of Jeinia',.• Were, though he Was net • liying.theni; • , absolutely ,right,...the„yery truth of God' .and • he was a man of jjulck deciebtr: Jie ItneW that there were things' •Mhre important in life than ..nferiey., . . a' Feast": 'And it .came,-- to pasa', that he 'sas ! :sitting at ',meat in his house„Froth • Luke's' 1100611111% ,'se know' that:Allis , feast was, not in Jesus' .hotise,, but in --Mat,thcwls .cana and sitiner.s'sat doWil With Jesus • and hie disciples;. for "there *ere a Million Dollar Mo4o1ANTLNever Fly ". „ A Blfird 19 Nears, " This Model airplane •cost a million dollars' and will never fly 'It has been designed by the Boeing engineers. to test the new airliners to be construtted'for the TWA, making possible shorter coast-to-coast flights. Th'e plane 'will sleep sixteen 'passengers. • • ' , , . Message From Mine ravels 'To Plane Radio Conununi. lion from thl,- dergroUnt Is Broadcast Across Canada A mining .'Superintendent, a quar- ter -..-ret-ti'm.ite-ihndergroun-dr an atr „plane e• mile above the ground, and. a. radio hook-up extendeci••:the: length. and 'breadth of 'Canada were all ,linked- tOgether„ in a unique de- monstration ...of , modern ConuminiCa-.., tion `methods given /by D. E. s s ezpresi Cantidiair „National Telegraphs .iye, fore•the Rotary ' Club at Toronto., • , . A Tart- of the demonotration was • the. installation. of ;:thif latest type of automatic teletypewriter Upon. Whi-Ch's . operator' sent 'greeting's from pre- sident "Jack" Degan ,to various 'Ro- tary Clubs' from Vantonver, to, Hali- fax. WitlAn 12' minute* and long be. fore the demonstration was finiehed,' answers were received and. delivered to the president. ••• •• ,Lomig Jana Si4rt Used ' • . • . 'Pubiicant? is a -Latin word meaning • . . the, groat Offieers• who formed the,,Ilo- , , man reyeland.othi paid into,,the publiC treasury: the surn :agreed bfion by con- tiact with the ,g9iteritne.nt. • TheY sfibiet the tax -gathering .0 agents, and thes0 agents," engaged •tilliceroj • the..ptiblicans. of ' Scripture to ',Collect the dues, • The ,s1nr1erd who w�roimr , ' Wero-citiz,chs of ,Catioritanin, Who Pre, ••bably•hept away from the sYnagegtle , there'. • Or 'hiss of •the rabble : •ot, the , ' town.,•.A' 'Alsolple'. was fiindarnentally • , it learner, 'olio, who espocialiy ••attech:•.. • e(1 hiniselt toa tenolied and became. • ono of his, ardent'pinilla: Outetion His ' • • ,•"1.And the .scribes 0! the riiaIsoe" .Ilio Pharisees 'Wero the ,SeCt'thatath hef0,110ily "tei ;the laW, but to the: • ritblinditerp,retation* of the 'law, Whteh gradually fortrieol a traditional .COde by the .Side of the•tiiiWritteit laW: , . Their scribes, therefore, would .410 the rabbis Of the pally tail,. 000OISIIY Melted. iti•the rabbis', aaNif • that )ie was .eathig: :with the 'sinners ' and the publicans, 'said Unto' his ills, diplee,,.HoW is it that lie, eatoth and • ,driiiketit wlth publicans and a:int:lora?" . • in' . the . 'Orient, t it two: 'Men Vol- .• untaFiiy broke bread with each ,other, dividing, : sa.y; a loaf between.. them,•" 'then:the beeitille, as it were,; united', • eite,itit hnotberflo frietidShip. Con - A C • found, The neW 1blitl1, the new attitude ,to God; will require new terms. • TO If:04110o :the new in the bonds oflhe ;„old is,.•certain4te Mean ,trouble, 'hanailisaster and loss. , , Toronto tan. ,f4i'lzet:1 'oh' Noisy 1 , sr.. • .Tt. coiti; be ex.perisive 'to Own. a. barking deg, a' screeching' parrot 'or a • 'howling. cat.if ,Toronto :City' Council: passes -an anti-nejse hyjaw drafted by Ald, Adelaide The by-laW proVideS a 850 fine for • , creat • of what, a Magiotrate holdii " be • unnece.sserY rioises: *Among "Vriziednssary; noises" IS, listed' "the. crowing,.: er.ying 'Or bOlthig. or ether 'each. Setind of or from any or bird whid4 .oistdrb4 thp peace, com- fort, and'tepose of anypersen. in, the , neigiihorhood 6f such. animal or • , , The , howeVer, does , not specify that•the owner Of the :animal , shaltlie Arida', One •of the interesting sidelights of the demonstration wan the fact. that all types :of facilities •were. co- ordlnated to act.* a• •single' unit of 40140111theitiOn... More then.8.000 tnileS• of 'Canadian 'National Tele- lzraphs... were ..• required: , : • . • ; ,• : New York CleinitUpper , wave• of 'radio coMnintircatiorf, was brought into use by the Canadian Radio-CoMmission to give a national broadcast Of the 'event.. The toe" wave. was, pressed into service to • es. tabliali connection with flight No 4 Of the Central \Term:int Airways fly- ing in regular passenger, Service, • be- tween--Montrea-nnd-Boston.--.--T-eler;- Phone loops were linked up to cern.- _Plete the talkiagsireniare. . Spoke &Om. 1800 -Foot Laver In opening the demonstration, yr,. ..canovEay caw W. Todd, gerkeral-. superintendent Of the . Lakeshore' Mines, at Kirkland Lake, more than .:400 ranee away,, who spoke 'froin the level of o.IL5. shaft of the At; the time *14. Tedd was speak- ing the passengers Yand ofileeti'. of 'flight No. 4 •were, receiving the de- monstration; by ,short-iveye from'. 5,100: feet above . the ground. When Mr. Galloway .called Harry. Cariori,,' •general manager Of the • Central Ver- mont Railway and,-.'..yiee-president of: the Central Vermont .Airways, subS1-- dary companies the Canadian Na- tional Railways,the _resPon46 came sharply and . clearly, • Thomas. R. D'evvey, whose successful -fight-against-Charles Lticfanor New York's vice kink, resulted in coniio; tior.i, arrives in NX,, to bat- tle A legal MOve to free Luclano'fFern• prisofl ,.• ir4e..Oreat•• ileyeep 'ICeland! :hag • "dliaoln•10 feet itt tlitteseter,and,SPOlitit ,hot ,Witte'r• .200- • tfore •tliatr 29,990,969 • letterk *gin . air in Etiglatid:leet •Yettt‘.• • ',. •• • oorn Man'sFlesh, • Awns to. Leather?! •. Fanner Faces CeiiaiO:oeati.:Froma. Incurable Diseisa , • . „ Recorteiled to MS late,; Ogle /s.leey; ' of.:Howard,.Weet .Virginic,.laughed • and 'joked'•fhis : week': although,- ,doe - terse. Said „that he. faced' slovt-lint cer- tain death; leCanite his •fleah. IS turn - Ing to "leather". ••• ' ' " His arths IO:Ilie.-elbowe'. ant his legs; -40•,:flie,ltneesalreadyhaVe....heeiliet,rt7,11 :flee. by the rare'dieease of Seleroderi. Ms.,..from . Specialists , at ,Yohns.:, gopkins:;gpapital''.ady 'lie Is suffering. Doctors "say ; :that. :theY :knew ..tiolther the case •nor the Cure. tier the disease. • ,Hand''Seund.0 Like,. Hammer .• , 'When...the 'Marshall. county farmer. .was ,only.. 23 the ailment., first apPear- ,•ed.in.19.24. and • started it the :tips ' Of yhts' flag:era •,-ancf-2,10es,,•: Each • year ' it, spread -ft tittle, Nowhe' is enable to WOrk ,:and he Must On . a .4204-: Month .relief alleWitnee.• Althatigh his logs'are• deadened, he' walks ,fOnl.. MileS, to :the nearest .grocery store n. ' • -:• . ' he hits- his. 'hand against a ta- ble, '.selind like a,,httmirier. sIt'e. the .jianie With his f6et;!! Said Plpea„ ,relief hive, sfigator., dont see . how he. 'gate around at '• • • • 'But•bis. ,ePirite are :good, arid. he •,ileeSn't •Seetn, like;•a • deemed% man. He laughs and. jolteP, 'although . I ,kno*, bus ailment gives Ithn a lot if pain.' '1921.;,.he 'Spent . Seven Weeks in • Johns Hopkins:, 1-iospital,'• but lett' when doctors • decided •that they' could not cure'the •,' ' • ,„.., , Canadian Lisa Willi Many at'Resort yoape'Toronto. etio6'§toie,` 1006 all ether thy$ 'number of honors' won at tile 'llpiehitrst, horse :show, ,Where the us; " Shown 'taking .' • ; ' • •,. - -'14,!....Atit!'..v • Ext!ert "Knock" Specialist's Set -vices Are Widely Sought • The 'last automobile Herr; Erick, „.. ,• Ben, Of 111606er; WISPelletn, saw 'WaS 1916 model, but he, bait' been..re, pairing 'care. Once , • • N his in .; or4(4.11,111, vsc• streamlined; outlines( alicksgOgY:ai ;rut: howll r running'40, I: 61. .4.0' let ,.autemebiles* have advanced since pit of .flying steel took 'away bus s4ght. Pstening •••• . • '• He know it by etening P ys -that ••autemobiles' belie .come a long way "frornth.e days when he used .to drive one and often :spent More time under the oar,.,:thati', in •Eriaks.oft is 4 ..‘krigeli".' specialist:. • Car owners porno from milee, around7 .just to have "him listen to their mo- tors and tell them where fhe trouble ;lies and then have. hie') fix it for hem, lie. haS'. a •stdel'ine,, too; He, makes " over Old .aiitornobilep into tractor e by shortening tbe•; wheelbase.. and replac'e . the ,rear axles With': truck. axles and worth •gears,• - It our pleasure ,to 2intrOdUce. a, CcluP41. .0 new :programs to our seed - era:: -Pirst,• the Man -on the Street, nt of the.. lin drial Theatre; Toronto, every Tuesday night over OFftp..... The program *is ,cOntiact-.. 'Ott by jack .Cook and ;announced by 'BO Reston. • We flet of 'Watching this program last week, .end, ,itvveren't .tor"tlie: feet that we 00.0' bah ears, and a. half dozen toes Or so; 'We really COuld, have, enjoyed. the pie,- gram...Jack 'COOlc dees, a 1 nice bit;;of, nuestioning. and 140ij Kestan nabs' the . • vi,ctime and does the commercial ati7' hounceinenti. 'Theatre tickets are giv- en t"6:-those.whoThave heen.unfortnn- ate' enough tohe, collared by Messrs. • Xestan and *Cook, • for their . entertain- Ingprogram. ' , program number two, puts Charlie Hannigan' back on the air ln-hia'regn- • tar' spot' over clro,e. LLast night sew the .firgt meeting of the ,mountaineers • atthe hayloft CKCI4, with Addle Guest doing the program.'7-we''' were ,glad to ;See our old friend Vic Pethic ;beckon radio; at the Piano; after, an TattroiKe-to-t-'0•911 . • • • . You peOple: wholike,equare deheing ' listen tO'..Charlie- liannigan ' 'Mende*, nights OVer., oKor, .at p o'clock and yon get:‘ a full' half-hour of. old time '.theatie.iickets are also g!‘;,en. free for your requesta.,,so if You would. . . f like .Charlie and the: boys to Play your favourite old-tiinex. just. drop 'him a • . • . note' to CKCL. : . The Dr. ,Tackson show, "Air -Breaks'''. • is really. going great guns.: Hey Lock;,' Sley and his sixteen.Pieee grehestia• I roun The Di RADIO HEADIPERS - By FRANK DENNIS - are doing .fine hit of support to . thwie:oslinOn-utireg on the:•shoir:',-:,14,017'.. dentally; this' •an ainatenr•Shew;:- _tor, Oersen::Oneariak.4,in:the grain getainlyedoliar%hilh-::•;*Frprair 'does' n ,i,ine; bit et..I'Vl.,C,ing.'and Vncle Maurice Boddington .1e, the 'announcer: : -The program is •heard ,: Friday nights •at .8.30 Over CPRB:' • • , • •, ' • • * 4.• • • Frank Luther, . tenor, will. pre• sent.. 'an, original radio' dreefa, des- . . • • • tined. to, he. : according.: .to., Frank, as te werir• short 'short; drama," dUring, his Person, to Person broadcast over the NRC,Red:, Network. Luther . the three ,:eharecterwin his, original ptivi-et-:`He", "'she". end. "poor' ;Itichard". • , • . • • ., •• • : • •, • Lucille • • Manners,". uOpider. singing • •htet Of : the' Service 'Concerts,: .heard over the. NBC -Red : Network 011 4tieg Paralysis • Virus Visib!e. • Vienna 'Veterinary Worldng Ori Vaccr.ne For DiSeate • For -the first tinie in reedieal history •, the viruses of foot and mouth disr•o-e and. iefantile • tisralY'siS have .bee,n made- visible. . • • '' , The e,xPeriniepts were carried' ct3f • .by 'Dr. 'inns Gerlach, director of the . 'Vienna 'Veterinary Institute. , The, discoyi4ry. Is considered, of great importance in facilitating et, , forts to find botter ways of eel:abating and PreVeeting 'PeralYs)e. • The feet and Mouth cattle disease is Sweening, Europe. Austria .13 on of the •very :few , tountriep 'which thus far free from' th.e plague, accord- ing teipftlelal,:reports, lenow,•'engalo4 'in „attempt- . fropl.ther • ••r .Natccptic. Traffic'. • ,. • • Secret;Disclose -.Means • .of :Su Iving. Prisoners -le Discovene Through • :Arrest . Albert 48,-Iileaded, ' list Week at Tet,entO to possession of • • nercotie'drOgii'and was remanded fOr,,,• • eentekee. 'Police, said • they believed , • that with Higgins' ,arrest, they. found • ' the niethOd .prisoners in Ontario instl- • tilt:Jona Were ,sepPlied with narcotics. • 'Shot".' Under Postage 'Stamp: • • • "..Letters y found nY.Itiggiiis* possession -.'adyleed te1' worry: z0Out-hisatipplr'ot--niircOtiogrler 110. • • •`., • ' Hue7Wiara htogl;vtaer4:.r(aemttperee.• arrested, 'age. ',Stamps on any, •ettiTelpau he • re- , , , .„., "shot?'. i3e6hi voiivetdo! O ;1,10aul. O: drugs 0_ fe: toneh _.--pieleflooiperrynnLt. Arthur. Keay' and. ” • .„ • • ,„.„ ., • ....• the -•Nsisonilriretil,: Of. ::d4lragt:ilin: Ttilc:vreenstfifig!,''oti'elT:tto a" , Toronto house where they waited , tit ,•three ' mea :eniered.. 'Searching re,' , 1,vealed narcotics .on the men; The' offieerio :decided .to wait 1•Ongei::,• Two hours later another Man. • tered who. fled when he ,saw °that. ofilz , he gave his name as • Higglns and :tiOtoe,..said.,,,theY,'„found !four capsules in his posSesion and.the lettere, FridaYn. at 800. . E.p.T., owns • an original :sketch : of 'herself. by "Jay - Kaye, fainguicHollywOod artist. .iCaye,• whose einciteafedIfilP, Ti•ShOW is •a;dallY feature of hundredeof news- papers throughout, the century,: •trav- elled- neresrlyreenn-try....torNevir7Yerk7 expressly , to Make the presentation. Although both *ass: Manners nud: Jay Kaye :have 'risen to gala# in apposite .ends • of the ceuntry,,the pair were or- Iginaily neighborOn,:New.:Jersey.•Miss Manners was a re0, den • N.J., *Otto 'KaYeb. lived • the,. next town, : ..Mapleweod,•': N.J. • The,: sketch . : presented to. MiSa., Manners is tile 'first of a•neviitrip ori radio -stars now be- ing sYnclicatedY miss Manners is tieing .; the eketelt., on her radio program cov- er •andas .Part ofa. letterhead on her '•fair•mali statkinery. , • Stomic c e Mean Brain Tumor A Docton Are Advised to Call In Nerve Specialist When. Snch ' Pain 00=3 • IliysiCitins are mistaken .when they.; dismis8.:e • 'neurotic patient, as'.a , he may be su;-:, • ,tering from7V-dfiriiiikoe rirbrain .• .„ , • fut• tatiOn, the -'‘ eruiSk. Con mees."..of.ithe • • Pan4mericau . Medical Association • . , , was told .hist Week at Havana, -Cuba; ..;' stomach ache. inaY,SOMetimeS in- , , Aleate...a hraieLidigease lend, :therefore, should draw the: interest of -41m .penr; ologist, the internist and the surgeen, s' said Dr. 1. S Weehsler,:, of New ark., . Don't ,Operate .By Mistake •• 44bdgmlniii pain is • generally :c.ar- :rectly regarded' ..as :the..restilt nI dis- ease affeeting 'the' various .organi,•and ; tisSues Vittliin the abdominal cavity," he •said. .• "Frain. time to time: patients , present pain syndromes assoelated • And You with Other synapterne Whichjustify the diagnosis 6t: uppendleitia, gall: . Stones', gastric ulcer, kidney colic, etc, . • Not infrequently the eyndrotile' Is . c arac eristic as to justify abdominal 7-714-„ .• • • • 2 ,i3y7-A. •:0 WHAT THE, .4TARS FORETELL .FOk THSE'••tiO.R14;014, operation NV Vg. • the SUrgeon, reyeals no PathOlogy,.":, • • 0`4 • r. • Many. • of these, Syndromee. Dr. 4 FPPRVARY..4•;,.0,'..P,. 73.8, 9 Ailci."14.• ' •••• • 1,4 • • . , • •-0A.!1,• --Weoliste.,i;,Ltaid.Zare ''due to .diSesSes- of. , • • • • • ' *** ' ' ••' ," 0 4 ; Ailuarius is the Sign under •A‘iii.e,h these Whoe birthdays are 'listed above- were born. These •Peonte hate kind, sweet - dispositions, -are ..very•flexibie, and have even, well-goVerned: tempera and. natures.-They '0 are. easy to live, with and makeigo,ocf friends Pince they hare high uswailr,atake-gnt31,-htisiresg"-.-avetiirt-eg -•and. aretgentralir , ceeesful' in their .undertakinis. ' • ' • •• , the brain. :He•poirited Wit ',trial „ . . flhl graine arid.'.epilensy of cerebral 'Origin: lire sOrnetirsei; characterized, by' ab- dominot ' • • , "I3r a in unioi Ina he ma ek r'I't •hy• duatit.n.e.:tleer • and the brat condition he idiagnosed oblY ..aft Utile, treatment' of the ab- d'onitnal• eonditien.'" he cont,intted. ' Yoult OWN 13113,TtibATE.;- - ''• • 'laws ' like , ' 'ffil •resrfect Your . . , ..! , . ,.•. y l i tt 1 e ' ifileulty in , getting la o g opinion. ,. . ,. to?, 0. A .Ry. ,4_you. . 1.• . - long' ,Ind.tedafast 'fricrid,i You `have , . you aOil the whole, 174 Even, relatives an coming FE14. ..._. . ., ., getting ei an,mitn, ,turs, ,, - . : ', d in-, •A , I ' should' be a sueressf41,and .prosperousleriod for,1you. . , , „. • . ,,e: 2for ,yoth tnougli, .rts is to,. ,i) .t b „Y with others is one ou . good1 a:ea:I:is:1 e oi. e,:c, j, ..... . , greatest _ 1.,.. I by oth:de6rs; f6iC,paieltiajoodt, :41 , ... ,A,r.A. , %, ,ifi e i t . niany:-,1:.1.agef 'o,1.. airi,u,..:::.0 lio....qa)er..e,tso,,,dotultto.bi•oe,.1:1.N.:0;1,:y..s.tic..., ,.....si :, , . , .., :.1:4, '' 'FEBRUARY • .' . .' . '5'. ----;'°tio•iiiii:i'c'eatoil'is'llueggt'6:tiosletsl'f'inclallici.lia.°d, '' °I ',,Pyul., ..,11 * rEBRUARY 6-:-2121fe eettung .Y,e • ,,. , ,.., .9.' ta..bridge: ' Yon -will do this ets, ,. •A 4 ' strict attention to all mat C) ' •18. n ent' thie year'`and' Tows happiness sources of kriowledge. i ,ou- N.] cip,5lealiitig, -w,ith" property: iise• dillicult periods y f -y ' ,' own 1.4 :your lucky in ,do- ' • ,,r4 ' day is ,Saturday. • • ', . .' •• • rn..j.i.14'w•itit•c'ider,713P,16'an.c: P:t,-. ..:4 .. 7, _ sO' . at. ..),,eas. ht .4 ipiaa,,i.dly,t rc,hrealnigielsa.panritele.sitsitlaileladtepilrof;pr6rilt'oyu;,,,tyh,pisti,,Si;‘11; . . ' .14: fl.11111 11, tr., 7 A: harmony.Ya: 7io1:,c l'Y abl, -Watot'. •,:,Your• health. should ld be good%ani , • .4 ' you should enjoy a pciio o . ... .. , ,. ,.. .,. , x . • : ••L!.444:., ''..111i'w• ,ei.;-'1'8eeiPlytdita, i.itntii..illi. Ye:y''gcti':-...,' iy..,11.0:11,1.usitle:,61i cilkr'S tdf s 4. hoc el -1.111.i 01' i .1i :Ire il:::e.astli irt'y"o:dri'e' ..' l'*171, youNvl8 wish worka1 t::tia' 5:r dtla idil.°1 . ::::::44 . AP 4 good . " heuld: experience kcal progress .and, gaiu through :$ • 1-4 . 1:4 0:4 ' influential•tlesEtelldh, 115tiAn111Y1 fle---4:', .1.! is a,n • I., 4:. i fdr,l..):s.i,ne,..ss fitr,a,ir, s, ,for your, r' lore. T,here, should be notliing,y, al,- A ,::"ite,alth, for'social affairs andfo, , . ,.•44.,soever for ypu. to *worry., about, You are, artistic .. and cleaply Inter.„ AR, 'Tr- EhIZIJARV 10—Unies you 1.°1Y n'-- - .'- • ' ability to Y. - ' ' -1 art and literature, . , ., , .... • tT ''t • our WI • : :W-.0; : stabilizefl- s11-ailditll yourstRt"; l PeljihYli but I rt.r.a dY always Pit,i,.c111c,s s, 't.trl b1.11entirelyi tY/4141€ uc1:1)Yoti°Y;Igu'hiodatiti%°: ew;ipltr)t:Ile• ee°t'8ii.' Ir. sy't' ''' ogYYni::•6t or .: P:.:1 . • - t • , • • •ood or you, 4 , 2 ' IT *.• to their tamest., . . , .. •• . • • , . pi ,A.!he_inini„editi, te fu nit. ..iii e.P , ,,bo,v,a 1.1n,el ,y..oui.,.v011 ..e , .,,. , ' Vth- dile In the year) .or .YoU, , ,. ' ::: 004 ' forllfu;1 l'a6 ttlY1 yohtli yr t a , cla,a1,1t8O s, 1., . ' " .• Id lik q tiorescopo 04 X ' $ 6 W.,,,'•Ter.O.I.o. ••••,-e.as- --1 ' ' . - 1 'iot listed -it ti•fect. above, Send‘‘'160.11eldt61.1Ak!Ita. et,°Vrielilr)10e7t$6' 1,,bdt6T)a111,(1601 i•';'j-. V 116e,a1 °° t6,14:tanYT(11 date ri,in't 'your name, address and birth date plainly, pi .k. *.l. 4 4.1.' * *6 1•* : *. * * * * ***.. *L. 'V.*** ****.t.I.14*.4 "*.... :47.4.:.:**, K fr. *,...**;:c..,* 44. ,,,,.. t.:4:ca.A.k tf,,,A.A.A..A..A.A.A st st . Cost Of Living Is Up Slightly jinclex Avcrage.,Stands at.84.3 For, • "•• Decerp. her In Canada. • • ' • , • OTTANVA•:-••The •Derninien Etikeati, of 'Statistics' has reported, its' cot of liNitig • index ,for' December was 84%8 aga'hat 84.2 11 Nei; ottib d,r and. 818' for December,'. 19.36; *: • .A retail priee'S ,incl'6\ for fooAs•rose fons 48.8 to gains for' butter, efrs, onions 'arid canned snlinon being of.more con_seiltionee than a lengthier list of declines -whieli included lard, beans, canned N',Ogetti.bl.e.: hnnan. die an Uleit meats. . • Moaerate increase .f or coal, 'COlte and, ',wood eritised ,thefuel index to rfs,e'•,from S 7 in NoV.Otrirber• to Sea' in liec;etifber.• The clothing inilex at 73,3 Itgaitist 71.d. in December 'N't,itti, slightly higher mainly owing; ti • ad4 Vanees, mV,oellen ready-to-wear 'gar-• inento: • ' ' • , rilie.."rtnt:;Kie* as 80.0 agalase, . „Lk:111'11'6in of artificial teeth ar'o, Ported • trent America . every gear tO ilreat britnitli, where they. ate•-inade up into sets.;• •ti