HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 6r.
e Has ' Sriak
�r• a _fleck ° lees
Modern` "Garden of Eden" Cera-
mony'Held Near Tampa,• Fla
With, snakes entwined, ;about their
necks,,: Hazel: E ,Carpenter of West.
Palin. Beach, and Joseph S. Brantley,
- is. w
ca a 'Fla were,. mar led, lett
o! Ar ,
week ;in, what: they, ' aallled a, "modern,
Haydenf• Eden
ce emon .
o r y
The scone '.was o snake farm on the
outeI Irts of Tampa R..ev. John•
Branscabab,;;pastor' of the' ,First ,Meth-
odist: Church, performed`, lithe • • sere-;
' mdny1". ` .•'
r ;•" •A • 6.1x -Foot Brute •
The 'bride wore: ,street clothes", stud:
for. a' neckpiece a: six-foot -indigo'
snake; • The groom, used' ti de:fanged
rattlesnake ••about his, collar.
'`We'd been:planning to get• married,
for several•onths.,"' Brantley. said,
",but. we .never -could get up •courage
to'.the point 'of going through' with it.
But Hazel -that's my wife, now—said
she'd read somewhere that the surest'.
wa :- to,get over being:scared of; some- '
thing' was to 'do something more, den.
Brous '..
• "SO' we .picked out this•, Way." , •
•. to
ch'• Is
L d
$ lies �
P ,
. ' lrl?bst
C4 d
Elinor Areal tries to= escape, the
tartbreak of her postponed: marriagee
'to Dr;: Norman'Rogeri by' becomlng an
:stewardess. Ropers. mother
approves an. alliance
1 is ce between, Norman
and WealthY. •Fr Rene Baylees. Nor,,
Y �. .the.
,• � t'J ick'„Newton,.
. It Jealous p A.. ,a
•pii , pa �.
of who • hel d, Ehiior :.get"Tier, lob.
L*oi 9Ro ers. `:Nornan's slater, it In
tore with Jack, buttheX,:. ;shave ;quer
I di'sap arsbut vices ,
Teted. tee a PPe "
FIlao'c.,.a mysterious message -not to ,.
.,y 9
it a ain, until she' has; soap ;'htr.'
Elinor., however. Teves on' her icon.
• lar flight �Ay ferslgner; Valdmlrz, -ls=-
o' re ull - uards two
,ab ard.� Ha ea T . � 0
em it reen .ba s ` and •^poet itito a
a 9 ,.il
, -fib ri--f armlet `wtysn a shyer. *+ ane
..Y Y,
Is discovered' followlntl them through
heavy., fog:4• and ' storm.: • Elinor
• watelaes, feeeinatcd,';as"a :human.
- lire a Il Stlt.-on-th
ver, plane, naw flying Seattle them
As.; Valdmirz sprang'. at her; 1Elinoi
sought;lvainly.'to elude his',clutehing
fingers. ; They,'elosed 'abou't •her 'throat;.
Thehoarse muttering, of the'man'was
-In• herears.
"These esp•losives the; 'papers
they (.mean life'to my'country. Life.'or'
.He was choking Elinor.; • pounding
ter 1,• head. ':;against . she•, wall, Jack,'
tugged:'at him, kicked rhis ,shins,'•pried;
• at his::fingers. •
• `••Finally, he •got • the ;man away.
foreed':hfm, into the 'earner and' -held,
him, nrm
"Yoou, you rat!" • Jack , shook 'hIM
toughly "Where .did; you ;'get the pa-.•
Pers -;`and .the, explosives'?,. Answer;>.be•.':
fore L break'ahat window• and loser you ' •
• out after your bags:: Ans'wer!" T
• "TheCathney , Powder i Company--"
the' :fellow•'began.::• ..•
•"Cathney .:Powder . Company! •" • Jam
and .: Elinor.: ,exclatm"ed simultaneous
-"Yes,' Ned Cathney was •to •receive
a million dollars if-="
Jack and Elinor, started ::'at. each
other Both,;• thought of Leola, her-.
&range message•to;,Elinor.•hetr .frail
• tic wire •.to ,Norm, :her::disappearance
. afterward
-. The, puzzle, began, to fit .and • form a
pattern a itiful •pattern, with Leola';.
ea the victim..• She must.' have:. es-
caped Ned, round Norm, and come to
^tarn' them
"Who employed • you?" Jack • shot.
the., question': at „Vaidmirz. `
"My government" The man's ,Ateeth
ceased' to . chatter ' • momentarily. , . He
_,_� made..a. pretense of''Standing erect.
"What's `the: name of it?".' Jack,
selves: to a • thing• like. this. Betrayt'
overnment' -
o „. mirz'''said ,.
For' a •,million, Vald
. "- a• .man
do anythie' n
seta lieneil.di or, . Jack
, .. r_
""and paper.;Write::.out. the man's'
story. Weil have"•him sign it. When
thls :scandal comes out, it's going to
o la 'erg than;
take • 'more corporati n wY. .. , •
Chicago holds to clear the C8'thneys.'
Aa .Elinor• got ,paper and pencil, she
►ccent ` on the•
' HE
noticed the co-pilot was;aignaling. She • Comes the da of disillusionment
.. to o
thea who have pictured y
There radioing• all�over about.eters turning .in 'disdain froma dish
.lie,". he:feaclsimed, ,,'.Tell dac ,to et- ot
Spinach. ,
end. a': Message." ,
here andss.
up ., and; , , . The news today is: They like rt,
"He'll d just ` a . minute; ":
: He ll, be ' up n . � Survey' of 22,416,' children ..be -
Elinor • "Tbe moat. im ortant:'
Elinor , re he
h p
... .- p. . . 'story
tweet' the :ages of. sit and_..16 showed
thing just now is the story •were get- ha .s in cb with'24 r cent of. all :
,, tat . p . a " Per
Pug' from Valdmirz.
• the' vote' '''led' the -•list � .of .'#avorte
As she rejoined Jack, 'Valdmirz was the ' o • s' site of the
,, vegetables On . b Y ,..
Jabbering " 411 e. --Ivo fail
ed.: They'U torture me= to death " • : '
"We won't.'let' ,them' near: you -if,
you'll tell us what we want to know."
'!There's no -more,' • groaned;'., Vald-
niirz. "You,": lie turned to Elinor in
resentment, "threw the bags away.,
But they would,' hive. we
were, so high and the: lightning
:the lightning .4,-a glorious death 77-7
but' Vila, this is< feihire .
pellet's.. I; took' • them, The , white, pel;.1
'• 1, tinier. Wrote:hurriedly , and held :the
PaPer'befOre the, man 'to sign, but he
Everionel.wag talking at onee,,,.Pass-
Shout. They log't:, their Usuel
heroes.. Spies,:'•adirentare
A 'goVernritent's 'betrayal, A,: great.
millionaire- Caught in the. *eh of his
ed end sped...away altar . e girl hod
• fallen. from IL. And did sOmeone.iay •
chence nnless".-4ie 'wrung hie' hands
Vaidmirt moistened his that?' roeked
to haire it; and cathney Offered •toqsell,
'it. When he 'had 'it perfected, 'I .Was','
. Jack Staked. .‘‘,.'Didrl't Yon .know, there
Wee„,nryeAanger of ,an :eirplosion'?"
1.1tes; but there -aro many spies
acerntuiln ',"149$4 Ione thern-
-*Our day befries •
e che •or periodic pains,
elated with. inocnonal .
7eietutbsiaces, and you
.• are 1riiierabIek . you
F▪ avorite ..Freseription.
It ,stinitilatet the. ap.
greater intAe of food,.
you're hula' up.,. This „
airotite Freed -lotion. ,t1 'pod, tonic.
• to sthrsidiesi the apPetste and Mitres .,
*me ot that tired; nerVous• condition., At
00 esti .se, yettagegYsibi.";, Soid,,hy
bItillt). one ttlr: It Was of fine .heno
,abse., tablets SO . cents, liquid-,
The girls ' put spinach secohd to
corn; which, topped 30 por„ cent. ',ef
the lists. ,
When we think of, 'the- 'South!. we
think; first Of. all of the hospitality :for
Which. it has been tamed. And hospi-
tality, means food • 'before. ,: anything'
else., Even tete thought of Southern.
specialties makes ,ones molith: water
-- fried "chicken,, candid sweet pota-
toes, baked ham and . corn :breads:
These 'are the•;proud ;cookery'. trade-
tionswhich havo,`given the • South a.
:unique .place. in song, story and the.
hearts of -those, who love. good food.
However,` yeti., don't have to live in.
or e'en'visit the South to develop:, a.
taste • for their food..Even in these:
, iorthern. climes, .corn bre • ,• ith• a ,
real .Southern accent•, 1s do ti�''&r in
-many homes. Here area few selected
• recipes which;. helped to build' the' re-•
putation of 'the South but which :any
housewife can use to build up her own.
reputation as a hostess.
Southerneon. Bread''
cupcornmeal,' meal '
teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons butter,1.melted
1, cup boilin w
I B .ater
1.eup•milk ' •
` 2 e ' gga`r well beaten.
teas peons biking powder
2 , .,p ., .g
Place cor meal salt and butter in
:: bowl, add,. honing water slowly and'
beat until smooth. Add- milk, eggs • and
,Cup butter or other abortehins,
• melted
Combine: •cornmeal; salt and sugar. •
Stir 1.4 boiling water and set aside' to'
loll sligbtly ; Sift. flour once, . measure,
avid baking •,powder, and` gift again.• .
Add; milk,,egg. and •shor`tening•to hot
meal, then, add ^flour, beating, only
enough to dampen all flour. Bake: in a'
greased corn -ear •muffin pans', In hot
oven 025. degrees. F,) 20 .minutes; I.t'
makes: 12 ears of corn... ' „
If you have' never made :400,11i4
GRIDD CAKE S,; these will delight.
1 cup sifted flour'
' teaspoon •baking'powd,er
4 teaspoon soda. '
,teaspoon salt,
' tablespoon ,sugar
.1: cup• boiling,water
1 cup cornmeal. ;, ' •
2-3 sup buttermilk or thlek sour:
1 egg, well beaten
1, tabespocn butter or other shorten
ate` s •"n Fi titin
.Disca•mf'ort; of
E, Al
ing, melted
Sift flour:once„•measure, add•.baking•
"powder, soda, salt,•and sugar, :and sat
again. Pour boiling water over corn-
meal'and .stir until smooth: Let stand
16 minutes Add :milk and egg.: • .Stir;
only until. '- smooth Combine ;, ,with.
flour. Add, shortening.' Bake on: hot,•
well -greased griddle.: Serve,` hot With
syrup; Makes 1s cakes. •
while on he •subjec t t of Southern
'dishes, and; incase: you ba.ven't; had
for •a long time; trya baked ham
it; o g t
soon. There is nothing to equal the
d'elicatt flavoursome tenderneed: of
-,baking-powder: Mix -well: Tn i
urnto: a �ba ed h m;”
greased casserole or,pan, 8 x 8 x 2
•: Baked
inches,' and• bake. in Moderate, oven � " •
1350-•degreefi- 40--to-60- tninv.tep.- Se`ritls ham withT stiff brush,; and', if.
Peter Pun Eari'` of Corn •
1 u cornmeal -
c, per
teas'psten.- 'alt.'
2 tablespoons Boger
1:lcup boiling Water
cup sifted flour
2•% 'teapbons•-baking ;powder'
,.1-3.Cup, milli
1 egg, well. beaten'.' •' .+
cikleN1 Wheelr• A13464. Fun, to 114,7ake-.-Fun-to Wear
There's "Sprightly charm in this apron with ita appliqued pocket end gait
bindieg. Pattern 1683 eontaitiS e transfer pettern of the apron; the motif -
(101h x 1414.-ioches) correctly placed and' applique pattern pieces; illustra7,
Send 20 cents in coins stein s cannot be Oteeptedj Tor pattern to
Wilson Needlecraft ept., '73 est e e treet, Toronto: Write planirk
the pilet the 'Mystery. ship was 'the •
'Pl'hey".,APOuncid .4 got
_Grimes. in a -corner hod held hisi.'bod.
"Hey; the fent*, 'in the' eilVer hedge Of etiquette, , "a i.sPoonfel•
ship yoUr; sweetie? 'Ia that oy void; Of: berrien on the. teblecloth' at 1a",,fOr...
mirz /bid cOnfess 1 Has," he mai luncheon lest •Weelc;• •,
At' the hospital, 'Veldriiiri•canie back
bY. hie tide; tense and .olort,',the
Per' arid :Pencil' 'in ' her hand. •
Gourmets at Formal Luneheen-
Where Emily Post Spilled Pier:\
't are fOr Hiacolighs
focid that' Is ,too hot are the coroinen-
.est,'eaUses of hiCcough$,T which' fella*
.spainis Of the" inusele separating' the
chest from the" itanutch.. This Musele
acts; as, a 'kind' bellO;ts When you
!AS .a rule, hiccenghe, are .neg seri-
Ousi but if they persist -ler it long
time they cen cense great ,
felt. the ordinarY hiccotigh can:
breath, but It 'this dee& hot have ek:
deet :try lag drink..of cold water,
Another way to, stOli. an abstinater at-
' tiAli obit the tongue/ eut and..
hold it mit tor about &Minute',
'. It was el' hehrt-stapping Marnent.
little :more, eever !the.' &infu-
Mr*: Pobt canie through it *II right.
riuie laughed it Off. gentlY,.. and when,
'Mrs. Post 'deClitinied ,ageliist host-.
'ranee `of having Watehed Prencnnien
eat; of: theklig the ntiPititi tinder the
natiOnat dinner:" the 'food,. and Windt
by all'Ais •flatletur on earth, There'
'Italian salad, Indo-China lichee , nuts,
°-8•We-aish- -lingerberries., 'Vas- Petit'
.:The Red. Lists a' NutnliOr o
Things You...Shouldn't DO
Don., leave toye, on the .-staircase.
/Don't open ;calla With a knife.
" Don't turn On the light front 'the:
, sleep solindly, and go
daily, Get PDOSPERINE tram Your . , .A
necessary; wash , in •' a • solution or
teaspoon soda to'1 quart. water.
e 1 ' ofb'oili '
Immerse°:�iam in'a kit,e .b mg'
water or :water. and .elder. Reduce the-
•temperature immediefely and add sea
Interesting Facts 'Disclosed ,Abdut
An Escemtial Feature '
of Dress •
• R A'W N E SSI,y
No family need 'neglect even minor •
head colds• '
Nand -to --.--H re - a :. do: Take two
Here is
"Aspirin" tablets when you • feel a
cold coming on ;with a full glass
• water. of hen re at if necessary,
tg. T pe
ac ordingg to directions
package. Relief comes rapidly.
The "Aspirin"f .relief
meth,o d �
ie the Way many doctors now:
" ,
approve. you take Aa'' n fon
ro e. Y
pea i?n' ,
• rehef-then if you are notimproved
promptly, youcallthefamily doctor.
• "Aspirin" tablets are made in
e . p•'u. "
Canada. irin is the:•registered ,
e-marrk of the u er Company,
Limited of Windsor,Ontario. -
for the naive Bayer in the form of
a crosson every tablet.. •
�Ilore canal n
Hampel Ones Semployeis nave'
Doublerd\In Let 10 Years
Xn C'anadil there -,has• been no']arge-
• scale attempt, to: derive •women Qf '
t!te,• right to earn a, living, although•,•
ti+°"t a is ; n •stroi}g prejudlcinst
inar i ied • women • in wage•ear , b, oecu.e
pattens; Tbo ?lumber of married.wom-
en: employed 'Ilea doubled 'inx tee- past 4" • ,;
te,.n years;' says, a, story from. Toronto
in' the Clu ishan- ,Science bonito^,
These facts were••b'rotlght. out in the
report of` a co,ltmittee .representative,
q. .
of, 13 •pl'ganizations of 'women wage
earners.•, organl"zed under tie "chair
iricnship of Mrs, I-Iarvey Agnew ;by.the
national` cou1Gil of the Young Worn.-
'en's. Christian Association of Canada.
Perrttft, Qwrl 'Maintenance Only
The. survey was irndeltallen, by a
special 'se b-coilrm„ittee. of .the -.League.
of Nations;• at the request .of
eriments and „internaion
tal women's ', ,
Theaverage •wage for 'men •.is •set
for: the supper t of; a family of ;five, but
women's salaries. permit theta .own
Maintenance •~only, a serious' handicap • ' •
. since, it has been deterrgined that • the
majority of working •women ,support
others• outside. thein• own household,
the report continued. The ,purchasing
:pOwer and tax 'Contr,•ibu'tibu of. wage-'
••'earning:•women-is of niuch-importance,
, ..
:it w . ointed out. 1n ro"gird to' in.. ',.;
Wes p
:come' 'taxa *Motions,. :women are 'oft-
. en. in a false, position; 'as• the •,law .re,
o ndent ^to live tin the sane
quires. d. pe , , s ..
household; • and '• many- -.women - .are.
forced 'tliVe.a apart •fro�.thd. e .t
u ort.s
Many ve.- HaDependents
Some 3170, reports" •we sive
re re d
from teachers,'nurses;:libraries, social
workers,. Y. W.C.A. secretaries; dietiti-
ens,: 'lawyers; physicians,, clerks . in`
business offices and .private' secretar-
es, ealesgir'7 hair -dressers. -Industrial
workers,,wvaitressee, domestics , and ,'
charwomen It'was. found %•hat 22 'per,':.
gent„, are the , Bole support of ,; dapeo-
dents _ 15 I ei^ cents : have onl _ .Them
'1%.• muse= for istocktegs"is. to be
'established in Apoldo; Gerrnany; Where
Stockings 'have beeo rn'ade ;pr." three
On, the sidewalks of ,Lontlan is coo-.-
clUcted\the business.. of 'mending ,•ns
laatei' hosierY, The, lady whose'
foot' on a footrest provided. by 'the
wernan WOO, does the Mending.,
'chemical .as nowder. InCidentally
, S.tockingS 'Made", from. the inner
.Tyrkey,,S.yria and. the' Bei'kit
invented leg coyerlriga et'istcielringe
The length 'Of..the -silk thread tised
in, one pair' Of .wonien's hase1I's 'about
- ,in :Foe:pie:es!
, of *hy ".wenieti: go in for self -adorn -
'bent .:on "a, big 'scale, • after.' Prat.. •,los.-
pertinent of ..De Paul. University,' had
from'. membere of her own tex,".
scraper bate and keep 'up pit' the letett.
-woman dresses -to-eatisfy-terself,"---
Last -Love, Better
'More than 60 per cenL;of the stn -
dents at Vietoria College; University '
they than being loveless- in their vote,
last Week after a debate` on the Sub -
; 'It is better te have loved end lest
than never to have loved ,at all,",1
The Yrote Was' 0 to 37 and here s
sonie of the reasons': ;
J. •Aldridge, • 'fourth-year std-
. -dent: "EoVing and; losing ftilfils :the
:highest: funet:ons of the; uniVersity'."
eithjeet open,
mind --and: open -arms:. NeelOni is:
a petty aspect Of:leve,,latit.a 'gripping
Unruly Tongt4e
Canses -.Regret*
You'll be sorry. jate/7-that you ad=
'She will; And 'you wilt loser a friend. t
7 ;That yes told'. three' of YOur best
friends abont the light you had lest
night with 'your bUsbend.' Tomorrow,. '•
when 'the' quarrel' Is, made up, theY'll
gogsip'. along its way. Per' you don't'
really went to cause .another's down-
' That Yon told •ankone,„ anything 'for
your mind." Itqs,' a' piene you'. won't
want •to reclaini...When' your anger ,has
. :That You '.'ran • detve" another :girl -. .
:When a 'young' :Man .mentioned 'hey
name... The•,'disint.ereate.d :way ;be ,takes
yen made a big miatake in. veicitigit:
.That . yen. rearranged the trot* to
snit yOur Own. Convenience.. "Ohances
Ore .yonli: .6e, einheitesiee
'• That. Yeti stetted. :pursuing tile' good
That made :yoprzielf • Into 'your .
PsekolOgista 41.i. It 4s, FOr Men,.
Other,' •Wornerif' for
Belies -
leek soMe . of them
`Opts tbeir..hay .friends. ').thers,
chusbanda Malting theni. Pay the"
One at ilt;ed peYehologiete Said:
Another vieWand this frorult,Wonten
,1-.eonyeS theOge‘coler. an autumn -
due to the decayIng,•ehloroPhyll, ;or.
Chemical changes,. and to' the „expbs-,
.0n a 'National
Cowst to Coast Network
atvitild titattOo. 18' to
portion' of •calorosi Mended. with at',
thin 'at/wee-WOW modiettialAtigredlcols.
'Tenni Tablets Ott preitiotly end, direct-
' •iytioon. this the' fie*
lint. they tit. ti theism:- Your druggist
het clitus4'
School Broadcasts
Canscla. Far Leaind In This
Method 'of
. basti by the 'Canadian Broadcasting
8:tetes and 6,600 411stening':Schkeis" ''
, tchiti nsgal ids, tiirtte,. 'ngeeors .111,,atiolti.h,,,e 06Prnedoeti.,rrae,td". wn, iths,s.ai,,ii:do.;.0 .
. 'Greeter 'use' Of* Meilen picttitea. alai.