The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 41.6 , Congrara is visiting, tor S. few dayswith his aunt and fifslak. M. aUd-MrS. Lorne biers near MISEI,4111n- ' ' : BON_-Janu,arY at, Godiiich • Alokandria.: Marine Hospital, to Mr. • and 'Mrs.' Meward Squires, a *ion,i, • Congratulations. The Unit:6cl Church Sunday School lies •decided to have. a Concert Feb. 25th, consisting of a mixed progrupa liven by the young people and child, • ren, This is:to talte the place of the • concert which was postponed in De4 ember, on' account of . do much' , , at woo( Otting Ws. Winter, g Lain** ,Q41.147 of St. Paul's Church, held a.- Social *Veiling of cards, and dancing last Friday night at the Parish hell. The inelentent. weather lowered the attendance. Mr. Wm. IL Robb and Mies Doraliy, Robb favered, •with music for. the' dancing. Many of: the school c.hildren , are home -this wee with 'flu and tonsil - itis We would be led to believe that (the changeable weather might have 'Something te do with its elOStance. • Mr. Richard,TWamley observed hiS • 78th. birthday,„ January 26th., Many • happy returns; of the. day,. • . „Mr.. Gilles Haines • spent a. few -.. days lest week' visitinghis, sister; • Min. Wm. Welling at .Wingham., •; Miss Henrietta Quaid; the, Junior • room. school. 'teacher of Dungannon sehO01, was taken ill with an attack Of' Pleurisy. the ',early part of kit week and..went to, her'hone at .Port Albert. Mr. ; Riehard, Kilpatrick ' af • Mafeking. Supplying in her absence Latekt repOrts, are; that Miss. Qiiaid's - condition is .favorable ,and she .Will tontintie. her.. duties the 1,,,leginriing of the Week,' are her intentions,. 2 Mr, and Mrs ; Rqbt. .DUrnin atten- ' ded the ?funeral of their. friend. Mrs. •,Harri Hawkins of fort Albert last ' Friday. ' Rev. G. H. Geoghegan' Of Ridgetown, 'a former. -rector, • had. With the sleet and iee..,on 'Sunday, • the was very • mirabiandtle , attendance at the •local 'churches was , d Mr. and Mre. 'W. A. Culbert cele- brated.their 27th %wedding Miniver -1, 'sary on Tuesday and had a feW', of the' laAt meeting -which were ap: . friends -in .for a • soial 6ven. ing; "‘ts, proved.. A of ,thoolis -end re- mark?'::the eeeasion. engnitimi *Of, tke Morie.Y:A01rted'.:to n edd ustine• - _haa.„,purchatedthe truCh , owned 'by ' read:. Mrs. Toga' Park give. '.inrrerit Mr- Iktei;.-Stewart 4 Of!, 4th een• of events ifict Mrs. Chita. Congrani. gave AttlifiehL. • the topic on' "Child Welfare"; Mrs.; Wordi-,came- the- end of the lifeir J. D. Richardson' PIM „deMO.netrar frdm:.Waterloo, :Stating the 'seriinie. *in' on :Making's dell bed-light...The illness of. Henry Ratz, owner of roll call was answered by "My hobby" the large tract of bush south Oast 'Of' A ,social Italf hour was spent over the the village, at Which several Of ,the tea with SOIL...it' A. MaeKeniie' local village Men have beeri engaged and' WM. Stethers as .hosb3ssel.. The monthly meeting of the W. M. ,of. the United Church meets Fri- day afternoon in the chureh, • Mr. and Mrs': To,n Park .observed their tenth -.wedding. anniversary on PuesdaY,LFebruaty, 1st,'" ' • r "- Mr. John burnin, .Sr,, on the siittit. ,o'neession,,returned from, London, :after a few' days' 'medical, treatnient there, Mrs. 'Robt. cCabe of llerimiller is 'visiting for a few days., With • her daughter, Atha.", Harvey Alton: The Ladies' Guild of . St Paul's 'church is .seheduied .to Meet at the, home , Of • Mrs. Albert Patterson's, i,''ridaY afternoon. , Mr- ASHFIELD NOTES , Mr. and Mrs...-. Jae Hunter ttei- ded' the funeral ,of hey aunt, Mrs. Chas. Durnin at, St..1:1elens on Satur- day. irint LTICKNOW L • Mr.. Jas. Boakes'who spent the.. past two -months with his uncle, *T. John' Jamieson, returneOto his home in .iSaskateheivan, the first of this Week. ' . • '• Mr. John MacDonald has been laid up for the past .two.' Weeks with an attack f sciatica: - Mr. Ileonarde, Ritchie who is env, ployed with R. Scott of 10th Con., ;spent Sunday With his ,parents. •' 1'. Mr, gd. MacKenzie...arid" Km, Mici)eittigh of London, 'spent: the eek -end with the latter's. Parents. 'Miss Jean Long spent' Wednesday, _evening ,with, , - • CULRgSS CORNERS' .FridaY evening, officers and RPL .V.E , The •LadieS".' Aid Was largelr atthn7;. ded at the home of Mrs, Roph gin last- 'Wednesday: Mr. Charles C011ins spent a day re. eentlY with his ',sister in Kincerdine Who. is ill:. • and. 'Mrs, Morley Pettiplace, visited ;at Mr': Ben ScottTs fast Sunday . Miss pzzie Wall is. under the doe, tor' l enie' at,resent. We IrPe,;19,174 4 sOeedY recovery. , We • are pleaSed, to report tii4.pqn- 4i4 'McDonald, who hes; lieen'egntned to his; room for. the -Pa;st.• two *Vela. is Much improved., . , . Miss Sadie, Pollock is visiting With *re. Will Clinton at Kincardine. 'Miss.. Ada .gauley• :la:Sited. 'at Mr, Stuart NeedhaM's •recently. •• .. Mt. Isaac Nixon .visited.r.xat • Jack: Emetiori'sIest Wednesday. ST. HELEN .• , The Weekly meeting of the, Y. P. U. member of Culross L 0 •L No 978 was held on SundaY evening - IstihAll entertained their wives and ladies to Miller read the SeriPture lesson and a social evening in their .lodge room. Mrs. E. W. Rice read "Flashes from lerigthst, .progrant ...was-. provided, the Living ;Nressagew.. The °topic 'consisting ; of -.addresses,. instrumen- GoodnesS •Rewarcied?" was taken hy tate, dueti readings .and recitations. Mulcted $30 In Court n - ' :111URSbAt PEORVARX-- ' 38 A AOnifft qFP Vikh PQPIOCf Mc- Ewen, Kinloss youth living - with his parents at Pla,c1c gorse, and vhich he had purchased for couple ,of weeks before,' suddenly dis- .arinered .9n Tuesday, Jan,. 8th 7 from the ,roadway in front of their 'pIaceo, land while" going,to the.:'ginjoss• store the., youthful!, owner thought he heard !'ts bark conling from the homeof 'rank.p,a4lilet,,,.who' lives 'ahPat a .5tOeePs. , Opposite,. McEw.en .doinicile;, and :with. whom the Me- EWen's .are net on friendly terms,. • 'Going , to ' the .' Phone the • youth Constalle , levis of Walkerton and- the latter !1st .no .time in getting to .the scene.. The. .officer:clainas . that on ,.etiquir.7 'ng ;Of, ' Buechler:: if !he , had a'.. strange , dog ,about the' •PlaCe,. he. :at first -de- nied it, but later."admitted that' there 'was a:. stray. doilihn the basement of his home, which he used as. a kitchen. The Officer '.shouted Across the: road . Mr. McEUrei.i,..and his sen,' Donald', to -come ;over and 'see. if this Was.'the latter's dol,e. and On' erriving: "they identified it such. , On a.' charge being:, laid 'against Buechler for stealing or Unlawfully harboring the aniinal; d the Aceuse • pleaded -".not-guilty" .,' Walker's • court ;here 'On Tuesday • Merning And a trial which con - shined 'the entire session of,the,court ;was Um; with' Crown ,Attorney ,Free, ;• bern:prosecitting ,and Lawyer ,,j. W. BushfielcLoOkingham acting fol' :the defendant.• : . Trn; tion sale of liVe stick ,and Other ., ticles 'on. Tnesday. and :very 'ioott prices. were:realized: .Mr. Wm. Bray who Was bedfast fere . Month. with asthma "and 'heart. trouble, ,is much iMpreVed and able to be ,up. . ' , , The monthly rae'eting' of the Son- ior French Woraen's rri—Stitute met lastrweek-atlig-hoina.:,of--.Mis4has; Elliett. ' Burton -Reach, nice:7 :president; led. the. meeting, op- oned.by the Institute Ode in. nnison nnd the repetition orthe.tord!s 'Pray- er.. The- secretary ',read- the .minuteii • Alts; MacKenzie Mr. Wm. Wall' entertained...the ;crovvd A ,r4,easant -thrii Was --s.P:ent in,Ithe FRP& of ns sPe9a nun' ete. ts:hurch .on . Friday evening; :when the M step dancing,. :afterwhich the members oflhe Red side in:the Wel Crowd partook:- of a goodly luncheon test, had, arranged Ate enterpiitunentprovided by the ladies; The, xislinainz The captain, Stanley Todd presided der. of the evening; •until the wee over the following program- cOm. small hours, was spent in dards and inuniti.,--singing; piano solo"Mrs.: Old time dancing. Weather and roads Ball; solo, "Mrs: 'E.' ,W4, Rice; recite.. or ..-this year,-,-We1e7ideat -Oen, •Iligrothrlirebb ;=reading.;,-.44ritri.-These wbo-,Were, in -.-attendance l had: Bannister. • Several interesting eon- a:yery enjoyable .evening • tests Were enjoyed, after which lunch 'Misses' Verna and Cora Wall spent' including ;fee, ere= was eltiOYed.. the week -end With their 'parents, ,Mr.;. Riehard ,Martin ef Huron IS' 4nd* 14g: with her father; mre,*Tia, Woods who :Mrs; Robt. Scott PPent " the ;week: 'ver-Aryl9w MG Webb "-left on Tuesday for a visit With' ds a ran Vailey'an&..Oigeville. Mr. Ches. Duman is A. Visitor with his niece Mrs. CallehaM and' Mr. 1 • • :Callaham at Sombre, ,„ . Plan' to 'attend "the, play • "Safety evening with , Mr. and. ' Mrs.. Earle. First" in the ommunity Hall on . odgms. Friday , evening, under ' the, auspices' Mt, and: Mrs.; Harold Thompson, 01 the Farmers' Club. Ladies pease -spent. Sunday :with, mi. and Mrs. bring hind': rod Thompson The Sudden ,death of 'Reg: Douglia of Wingiumr,sent a gloom over .radio . 0 CKNX, of which le was one of tlieir announcers. , , 'Mr. and, Mrs. Fred' McPherson 'and, Mr. and Mre.' laY' Spent an • (In this series of firesideChats `anlesi names are ' given la:full, Cout- o:ion Christian names,. or ' surnames ate used anonymously. They do •,.not refer to particular individuals and any similaritY• in name or character .s purely unintentional. The VieWS Pressed are those 9f the, -writer' and Tont qiill,„9,yoqmotiumg Mra. 13aechler 'claimed the:dog' had, mule te'theiir 'Premises: In a ;Very, 4kunkry State on, Friday ',morning, Jan. '21st, and after crowding their ,cats devoured the •f994 had, pet "oat for thein in the, pump. house Th e . followed •Aars. I 0 I , For 62 years doctors have been miming daily to this Hospital to donate their ,tune' without: charge. During it the ,past year over three' score of them donated 4O000 hour& of work to the task Of giving Sick and inj Childreil the very best chance for the recovery of health and happiness.' Crippled? Deformed?* , Hurt in an accident? Suf- fering from Disease? Just "ies." to any of these ques. 'ma has always opened,the doors Of this institution to children in need of hospital care.‘• No distinction has ever been 'Made in respect to eace. Creed or circumttarices.... • • • - • • — The Provincial and Municipal Governments each contribute a fixed amount4er day for those who cannot pay. But these grants do not contemplate the cost of medicines, operating rooms, oxygen, X-rays, plaster casts, anaesthetics, special diets and extra nursing—and they , do not provide for the cost of many; many other neces- sary items ' Each year we depend .on ..PUblic subscriptions to cover these exira costsiWon't you help Allis very worthy Cause? Please send Yont. gift direct to 67 College' Street, Toronto. , employ no. canvaatera. • '1 1MPORTANT, This • Nelpital dont :NO! Shari la the:lands c011iet. • • (it by th. Hop for cOvensattiti Senile@ because iaitleats' ara oda. •.•.itaitted :trolli 'mini .4.. • • COLLEGE:.STREET:' . ToitONto: • kitchen,and when she tfied to chaSe •it out it• snarled at her, and she let it 'stay in, as it' went -and laid doVrn near the stove, and, she 'didn't -want to get a draught on her 8 -months' Cid baby, holding the door open try- ing to, elect it : . .She did: ball to her husband,, Who .was at a saw -mill ;he was ,fl,,cing on the premises -end, he came.- triter and advised' her � enquire at the corner store,' where. she . was going for bread,' if they had. heard" of anybody' losing may •not necessarily, be shared profits by seeing us. • „ .ne editor. —I.B.K.) Having .our tactoll PqmpPed,wI ,khe rnost*Aden ,IThighillarY for thk. • execntien of high, class work, we aillt ; Vuumuti, xtotsseoef t.ek a!?ny1 a retail il,display of yinMgot tario. All finished. by sand blast -ma. chieep. We import all our spinites- • from the .,Old Country quart' ect, in the ,r9ugh • You eau Oa dealersi,' agents' and mid,dlemaa, • 'jack: Well Jim are we all read • E Skelton it Son -Pr anottier, .o.anCnq alternoon chat,. `0...set! It's LucknOw's oachelors and Old, maids .we're af isn't'. itY. .:c jac ul, .1Jirni You itncivit.rin. Q town, 441 he *45 'n)ct-SurnMer.: ok 4.1111:, That's ..alright,..We 'heyo ;#•pik•-pit as speumen, . "flit one up you',„I'll bet. lee oinar: night I got out my pencil and. Paper 'and, worked: out, spine in- joi•estnig-' 'figures, :on' our' own, little ..,ommun4y A here,--th. • cominunity ,now most IntirnatelY. Thisc.little Sur- ey is worked, out pretty, carefully and '.epversabout nine .miles of coun-. .iot711; .(about 7,000 acres of .lancl). akihg in all the . PeopleSummariz ang1 get the 'following .:filiiren: iota' hainber of 'people 610 ritiMberxnarried;,....widows_.;._ 0:‘%. •••.' 53 fetal unmarried ,Over . years . $i . ;The latter ,are distribUteil. as fol. . .' li :fore., she . ,got , .away Constable 'McOlevii arrived, ': leaking'. for 'the 'canine.' ,.. '. • ; ,, . .. . , . • . - ,,, . The accused, Baeahler, la his eVi• 1 ' Jerice,. claimed that the Officer 'On. ar- .' :riVirit:,had asked him if he had me,..- ! en' s • dlig, and as arllie -was, the ..1:;, ;dog ,lie• thought ilie.1:IcElVen',S ss'sed,,hepr.oini;itly teld hini. ple, of ,times,.. being indignent. at. :thought .that • they :.'iv.ere. ,SiisPee7 •fiiiii:: of, detaining. ‘ their Collie, .117-...uftertivitrdstadtheAiadi, .' v ' do but that it wasn't '11c - el.'s :and. brOnglit ,hini ;down- ':and ed ' it to him.'As the. 11,1cpWeilis q.1-.1.6iihr had the hound 'a couple of eeks and . most of the tithe it Was . .. .. . . Up in the harnt. Counsel for ,de..; 1 f:endent 'maintained that it was quite .pribable, ', that ' .13aeehler. .,wouldn't * nOw": the hound which .had strayed n. his . premises an. hour' before was, 10E.Wen'S... :,.. . , " . ... ''' . • :: ' ., AN Donald '1VIcEwelt. tbe• youthful °Wiler of the 'dog. being asked' by de... 1 : . fense coinisel, why hehadn't first eti-, , quired,af Reechler'S..if that, *e,re , Jiik ' Pehe,„7-heard4ariting;,-'instead.-of' call - ?i; the.: pollee, and puttinWBnechier •.to all this •;,ti•Ouble and erise,,.."W lad' was unable' to. give a satisfactory ."1.r.lawer 'Other''then.fctiaty that hi 'Was .not. On friendly terms .with the Bae- chler'S... It Came out in eViderice that, 'Mrs. :• has. ',13e,e4ler; 'Mother ' of the Se. • cused tad. (Ordered' the :McEwen"a•.ko: • keep Away frOn? the premise s ,some time 'before, ..as :there was. much ill, feeling between, thein;:.. Mrs. • ,Frank" Baechler: in 'eniirt 'also 'claimed 'that. Donald '1VIetwen been: in the .b.6bit Of calling '.'ntitniee. at ,her from the roadway as "She f V.,11,8 Working about the . 'WOliter .:.stating that ',there. Would be COnviction nnd, a fine of .$1,09..., and .0,0 q:;),f3trfr the lat- ter of Which. anieunted„ to the'. tidy, Sum,: of., $20.06,;, ineltiding ; counsel fee of 0.1,80; „Making levy - of . Mr. ,Bushfieldi".2!the :defense counsel, asked' fern stay of . proceed7 ings'` fen': days. He later ititImathd that there would . ..Horald2rimeS;' . • • , PARA/YOUNT • • OhngrathlatiOns ate' extended to the tWri new boys On our line.,one at ' the -finite Of .1Wr; and MiS. Orlitird 4itliards, and One atthe. home, Of Mr,, aid Mrs. Oliver MacOharles.:. • We regret to report the death Of Win. it. Madintoah. at' London. As **boy -he was a rehident Of this 7.'.,COMMUnitY and we. extend biir • *rilthY tit 010 latiaykt - 30 , .. . .. . . . ... . ,30- 40 years 6 "-105",er - 66: years - : ." b St) * • • Thope- figares 'ere 'surprising, oack.. But ',surely .the , „Mil:0)er of un: parried higher than' inother Parts our niStrictliere. • — • aiciw itself • has' a • high..rate: • 'What- We lure, to figure: out .a why 'there•are 'So man' unmarried. • . " -Jack:. We' shall AssAnie,' of.:course, , hat the ideal state'' Jim'Mary,.,,Uno',:i.'he've:'130en.'.:Inat'.- ..ied three years and have been very, .yery happy: Out you can :speak :fOr „ , Jack: '1 kneW .1 should be married i always feel': that life.; cannot • be ...omplete•I.UnleSs one 'Alves a 'home Arid. farhily resPensibility: • hard r,or me to Isegregate : thg'faetOrs're- .iponsinle for My not, Martying., But ieW .13, thein- ,ure as whele...'"WhY; are :ii"ei.'reral iundred nietilk, people :Zip the Luck • area'still- 'single?" . Jim At least not... :because , most ,gere whinari-haters • 0 nuolhaters. 'Jack: we.. be'safe . in think - ng we thost zeally Wanted:. a Mate. Jun An Odd Onementally or,PhYSi:- ttY---handicappeettPerhrips....7making iucceSsful marriage unlikely • Jack': But, of the -reit. Moht 'e-irli$ -mire 'were .Cor are) • sweet- and and lovable, droniing. of the •young. gallant who wcaild ,Carry them dreaming of a. herne, and, .babies.,' nd :the' young, 'chaps 'were. (Or:Are) ..binkieg of the' future--Oioney 'saved, le fUrni..that. can be .hotglit,:that libilse; And above tallf'iMarY, lis ;iiy 'and inuspiration: . • • JiM: And. -11,firy's yOu vill go on to hay. ''"eu.slierik as tho problem . is Pretty naich one 'of 'inoneythe'. economic. factor', ' JekLrly'I haVie 'always ...hotight that: the '.'federal or 7Provin- -;geverinnents : ',Oven .cheine . might' Work) e'oUld • asaiet young people who went ,tia get estab,: fished' bp,fni• of' their oWil. , ; JIM: That,vd,Uld.: take aWay_-01-the- .ndeperidence they now . possess. if .11;trYour- andlite •rtiha,dhno;t ii'workedI,m.s. suor-ei hardt ike,e, They'd ekpeet it ,:, heil wouldn't. be t • soe, dear to Gofiern:- 'pont hPm help would, afraid,' spoil OPl Jack. .1 realize bew you 'worked for. ,vhat.'yea have, 4i you deserve, to be happy. YOU res0 .aboye' yOur. dig; '411,ties. I..think 'that having to Mike ;Teat sacrifices- 4 '.g6O4 ,for anyone, if not- too' great.. Too... many :o: pOr peoPlei. aPPareatly, fob/id the .'Obsita= cies ',too much for, their . strength. .Look at individual cases and' you will 'This Man wasted his- money;; this fellow was` careless and a drink - 'dr; so-and-so had to:lOok. after the. old !elks." And So' on. But in all such tqhleeys'ticoonusl'd e 6.0)1 Y".7tit sWatla et ir'eaSonin J.,might ,now beA. Million- aire) but by what they ha yo done. In other ;wends We iMiht judge;:the',grotip net by 'the strongest nor by the by the average. " Jim: I'll -admit Abet, ' Jack:: Anyway', Jim when speak of governinent 'itsjata.nee. I don't mean- relief: tnenrif ii3;11e,m'e like thEit of Some countries 'White, if- - young 'Man .has AhnWil ability, thrift and fine eharacter,'(his , gh1friend's, , DON N .0 ()IS, , Mr. 'Will Craig ,of Western Univer- sitY ‘London spent a few, days, last %yeah 'at his honitli here. Mrs, . Harry. BoYle spent the oteeli" •c.:tutevwittahi.Mofr:thenyyleouailyWingharnt ladies of St Augustine Parish are spcingtngt . series' 'Of progresslVe 'euchre p ies '- during the next few. weeks. The ',first . • one was held on' Wednesday evening in charge of kiss' JI;isephine $iirpbY, and the next One will ' be in. charge. •A Miss Grace Moir: • • ' bastituie ,‘At HOMO," " •A Pleasant evening was spent last • Friday, when Institute inemberii, their, families' and. ft,Orlds,. number- ing about 100, gathered at 'the Pariah . Hall, St. Augustine, for their annual "At Home", The. first,part ef the ev.; • ening Was, spent Playing• progressive •: euchre. Cecil CliaMney wa6 the. win- ner'.of the gent's !prize, and lira, Gus, Kinahan_.,and Mari ‘FOrin' tied for the-ladiesi-prizer.-Consedation • 'went -to -grace Moir and-Joe-Xe115%-'-'7- • Lunchzkwas served by : .the, Institute members ' and the relnainder' of the iOn Robinson, evening was spent at danenik,.. the T.' Craig, Charlie Robinson -arid: Or - music 'being supplied by Mr. and Mrs. A. B.reoliess; itee*. dayswith Clicin Miss Belle . Hewitt Spent . Sunday" • . kith .Miss Evelyn McLean• . - • , .Mrs 'Gerald McKver and ,ciatigiteru. , Shirley and TOOfirla ;visited last week it J, B. -Hedgkinson's. , • Mrs. Slessor 'With Bervie, friende. .. • Mrs'. Karl-HoYle returned home on • - :Saturday, after snanding the iodor, wo Theey'reekw:ualsiakhLmeolendedtioii,lotiif:h:e:tnCht.iuiciiietS�ciet. 7htirch on Monday evennig.. The •irograni was as feHOWS:..hymn 619, praye,‘ Rev Mr Mckitchiel scrip- „ lure 'reading', hymn - i09; Minutes .and' rail Cali, '•Miss Jean: Anderson; Current events, May Boyle; sOky,',Edna Jackson,‘.diseussion, *Ferry ITodgInS• solo, Fred Jackson, '760; benediction. It then 'took . the ' • , .form of , a :soclal. A' contest prepared ; ')17,' Miss, Malcolni was enjoyed by all* .Lunen was 'served, '-,The a'ext ineetg will be he/d' on be 'first; MOnday in February In the 1..- Preshyierian Church.. • ' • (Intended POC Last Week). Miss Pearl HoCkley of Culross vis - ted dung, the past week. ak Mrs Wm. Jackson's. *. ; Congratulations to; Rev, and .MrS.:. W.,' A.' Townshend of London on the. ' Trivia of a baby boy ” Miss Muriel Merarlan ef Kincar- line, . spent a.few 'days at her home . ..ileMe;.. W., Tweedie reCeived word of he death' of his niidei the rly of this community -Mrs --Karl Boyle i visiting at tbe° •.. Townshend -home, in London. • „. , • , Mrs. Art , Graharn: returned,: .honin ; '. qfter .being; confined to ..1)e'd at Ole '- ..!iome--Of her- parents, Mr.: ancr-Mrs. • 'i. E. Haldenby. • , ', r " . , . . , . . . • , Mrs. •E, Stanley And baby Beverley , ..thiCken. . . * • - Irelici iesipie,v1vni:hii:nug:ya attacking e irdianygs a withpiece her ‘ „ . 'thicken: Thie. must 'bean incubator • Bill: .No.. ,,chicken with' a Inother .. puld be 89 totigh. mprOVe'rnents repayable at low fii- ,ereast over a. long petiod„ , ,At any rate- does seem, that . :arms '-around ..LUcknow are getting.--.., too • large and are, not well' ehough worked. And at the Same time- many * rood, clean', yonng chaps go, off eaeh ikar to , work elsewhere 4:ir reniain-init- ,ntaavr(iedlittlien ethhaeeefeamoilfy..1,haotnimerin- thernselves. They -def-nOt Want to wif:Trtkkhsiu, dreenrsts'°:tmhee;nwe oeullirril:1:rd,efireere!"ithY. Jack: It wouldl seem, thea, that 'a new crop of maids and, bachelors growing , ,Jihn: tea,, Unless :cOnditions ,change ",,Ve maY expect niany ,,01 -the young 1:116ePhi e tth°elyaynei°Verreirantiteinildutnoili, ed • Jac*: It aPpeare that., we don't have te ;reed boOkS tit Make' .acklat t�6) he 1$ eligible for :goVerninent stlidies. Rare "We 'hatie .theM 'drat aliat,enee in baying land and- Making. hand in ottr'6Wri contmunitY. '