HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 2„ 4
'we' Days Are Celle '
Irer.t were OP good in the .old. '
tleYs 'iSlineat•-,every conixt be,
trusted and neglected, Brandon
A Subt1 1 -lint?
The heaver, emblem of Canada, has
been chosen to hold a place of Winer
on in arch on Ottawa's Parliament.
Re-CA*19a, 4s:the beaver,.
docidedly!•Watits• .a great ideal :more .
than he. te1lis.-11:amilton Spectator.',
...Bonds aid,Dekito ' , •
Fifty 'inillien.'dniints Worth of gov-
ernment guaranteed ;Ganadia* Nati-
onal , hallway'bends were etild
1 little, Over in boar:- It it tea kid that
; shorescannot negptiated, Just
as easily instead.iefaille• tentittual ;der '
t Brantford( Expoditor,
• rEh*gstoit: 104 to Beauty
•,Ayor, aid to .11eauty. in this 'world
snakes it a better ;world; anydelicate,
ua.6 Of 'aiinPlo little artifices' in. the
; . „,
nett/rid ?shot or -actually- ugly- lea-
ittreS wilL hlWaYS be .••Vieletinfea .
nen will.welcome- with !threehearty
cheer.,. 0 a ,trend :toward Mal beau-
ty. any show of, restraint, in appliCa, •
tion Of the top: layere..of thligetotel;
allure.;-rEarakinton journal„: ,
The !risk Constitution ' . • .
• '
Not one 'jot Of tittle of additional
'Illiertir is seeniedto any citizen (by
,thenew Cbhstitution). , In fact, it is
all theother way about; fol.. .the new
Constitution contains .clauses which
may possibly be used 'to interfere
with .freedom of Speech, freedom of
the. Press, with freedom of .assecia-
dons, and therightsof women. ' The
Constitution has imposed ' upon the •
public the new and costly office , of •
president withpowers which the titu-
lar heed of a democratic state should
not be given. It has established a
new Seanad which is at 'least
as un-
satisfactory in dielnethOd of, election
as its predecessor Inde-
pendent: .
" • .
Chinese 'War • Enters New 'Phase
The Chinese 'managed successfully
to delay the, Japanese advance for.
,three months,. and nevi,' with long
lines of communication to be guarded
Right4iintl Matti:* ,
From his own •StaariPiqint, it is
greatly.to aemer ine es 7
have e perinarient eriiploYee,.who is
intelligent.'eriongh to understand his
emPlOyees altar; and plans, and Is .wil-
ling te.Ceroperate. with hirriAn carry- ,
ink; then- out. •;•,, The. beet. Man„, of
course,for the fanner to 'hire is one
With a latnily. of his own, -because
Is least , likely to ilitOw, up: his . place .
or eeMe. trifling' • cattse:-Guelph'•
Mercury. .', • .; Mnyor R. "
The First Phore -
• he "'heiiirtill•-thenlied for his prompt
and • vigorous ;effort to.- liav,e.
: ford; lasfthe,.hoMe, Of the telephone,
, • uitahlr ,represented 'a lorth-corrir
ing movie..That the solution was
reached -• hPiq.,14,1874` g indisputablet
on, tUe4-bil04.',9fGraham Bell,',4; own
Tortultro Report Says Despair Is
Chief Ally, of Dread Ailment
Ignorance, polItY in Treat-
ment Lessen Chances.
. • •
Evidence contending. that "Cetteht
types of cancer Can be eentrelled was ,
"Presented last week 4 by Mrs..' M. M.'
Dewey in her report - on Medico -social.,
follow-up In the DunleP•caneer, /esti.; ":
• tUte, "gtgettiat tilo anneal ,
the" Social Service: Association o the •
Toronto ,Genetal Hospital ,•at,
Hol -
wood". I ; . • , •,
• :; " winni!...•,CUtes.'Shiee • 19?9. :
Figures oompiled at the institute
over a seven-year period showed, she"
announced, that well over 96 per Cent; -
of ,cases of cancer ef the lip could be.
'controlled. Of a total of 800, cancers
of the breast ' analyzed, there Were' 377 -
living ;and symiffinn-free; she added.
. . _ . .
Indications were,. that • eel:leer could'
heontrolled it brought to the atten-
tionof medical treatment in time; the.
report ;revealed.
Three treatirierits.
mord affective known rrietheds.
tit treatment of cancer today ere sur
gory radlum and1X-ray.' and they do
.not claim ,inture, alliertnaof cancer,"
she oontintiZol. "Bet do not our rec-
ords • show :seine Canso ' for 'gratifies:
awaited•opportunity-oftguerilla -war-- and do they some -hope for
.fare on the part of the ...Chinese- the 'future?" Mrs. Dewey asked.
sodden; sharp attacks,and'withdraw-, ma.
"Ahe cancer patiligin demands the,
itls, by an enterprising ,force, never attention of the lay . public as well as,
leaving •the enem..t. in, Peen% keelUng. the, Medical Profession. • Only' by 'rec.
.himguessing where the next' attack Mg the problem *ithput, feat, 6 -Pd
will he launched: It . IS -plear that
China, will. be able to. get ' arms, (107 the methods sinitYareerofecieeegoingSsIfuleofind
euro. 1W.e
spite the repeated bombings of.the can educate the nubile to lace their
rableuts •- • --'.-.,-
receOthr -spoke of 5.00' 'of the latest . ranted fears by 'directing their steps
type Of fighter Planee, and bombers 40 the right sources. ••; '
which could Outfight and :otailistarice ."We would like to claim ',the help
IMY that Japan can send; and it, isn or such organizatiOde at women's Well known fact that in the interir
provinces there are atsenals h stii„nted,•,churdh auxiliaries, hospital
aids; clubs, Charitable organizations
are working day .and night „sto supply .and- direptors, of municipal affairs Who
,small arm ammunition. .These" depots can actively hop, fiiiithy being inter -
can never be reached by the Japanese sated in the welfare, of the afflicted
and they knew it is useless for Omit ones, then by tieing their influence.
to even atteMpt to de mi.': Japan ese to see that they obtain the pi °per
never sten .eliese suPPlies,frese'reaeh-' treatment ' from , the', OrePer.3(51,1i:66,".
ingthe Chinese and there is.. Mrs. Dewey said. ..
:little . doubt : that much is :coming ' • . • •
through other avenues, both south • Must End Ignorance
and west.. -Hong Kong News. ."The medical profession cannot be
. lett to fight .,t_his pro,b_lem alone,”.. she
feitireeni;-, again.'fitost Pinthatieally,
Tepeeted, When; 'attended, the ;
'1' 0. of a memorial here -in tribute
el in, • • ,
to himself and 'thf ',great invention...
-Meanwhile our neighbors have always
-,stuelc- to Bosto*--as4heplace--of-•or-
igin, and they hate,to....letIgo of that
hallucination. fAt Oriy., rate the Mayor,
made a-c074m3endahle effort. -
Brantford ERPOsitor:"
Ye -Chiang_ •
elkTs eview
Accidents Boost. Cai.,..10Winen
TORONTO.-inerease of 10 te. 20
per Pent, 14 Ontario and 26 per cent,
in Quebec for public liability loser-,
.ance. was' announced thlo Week by
the Canadta*;''UndetwriterS' Asseuia;
The association iaid : the 'increase
-Was due. entirely'to the ,!‘ever-increah,,
,ihr..,nuniller of mritoe car ' accidents
In the twO P.ecivincen,....Ontarlo had 4.0 '
per.cent. mord'highway fatalities last ..
'year than in 19 6, and "latest figures
for Qiiebec ,in cate the final:result
,lor 1937 will be uch the haMe there."
.. Ili the districts Of :Tptonto, 'Eamil-
ton, Windsor and Niagara Palls, rates .
for puline liability. insurance are 111 -
creased 3.!:i per cent.. Deductible colli-
sion. rates are reduced 12% per cent.
on sonie,!tyPes of care, due, to their
favorable', reCord, and are unchanged
on theredt, - • ----t. • - ----:- •.- - - • -
Construction :Of large . water, 'stet-, ,
iige,;tederVpirs •iif•Alherta for'. use in
irrigation echeiries "end as a-So:nice:of :
supply, for rivers :*':Whieli ; centie
through ISastchtobewan,•wili'be recent- .
' Mended to the Derninron:DePartment .
or.. Agriculture •.by theadVisory...e0111-i
, , ,
mitteeonwater developrnent for Al-
berta. The principle of establishing
. _sa6Ir .reservoirs „ was discussed at e
Meetingat .Meddeirie, Hat .. recently"
' Whielt was , attended' by Prairie Fara(
• Rehabilitation "Ant Officials .from Re-
•gina. The 'decision reached was to
recommend the itlea...4fi•,,Ottawa.
Here We 'See"' an .'' opportiinity, for.
the Federal authority to deVeloP, the
, .
great 'rivers:F a- Western Canadafor
., . .. thanI2.3mvigatieht.: . and :to "assist .4.. the,
West in a waY, that Will ',correspond
to ..th '. , uncireds: of millions spent on
river . :•i proyenients and.eanals in
:Easte ' ' hiredi.1-‘Mobee Jaw: Tirriee-
' I:feral . • - •., ' •
. , .
• „continued.. •*e. most co-operate to
dispel the fear caused by Ignotance
aid' to spited the knowledge that
, o. .
'there is pe for he ,s}ftlic ted nes
„-provlded that,early enough they-reatilt
Because of the Increasing Deinand...the right source ' Of ' diagnosis and
• .Felt ,For small change ,treatmptit." • •
.' Mrs. Dewey said even the Poorest
Ottalfa7 -eufferee-might,drictadreittance.toLthe
stepped up its :production• in, 1937 to institute. • • • , .
21:,676,600 cons to keep pace with '!On' the advice Of the local doctor,
an ever-increaeing,dernand for small. the ilirgenizOd distri,cts, give. tranepor-
'Change ' - tation through their 're11e depart-.
Production vias -t -itiente;:while-unorganized-:districts-get.--
transportation aiso, on application
from the doctor •through the provin-
cial Department of Hospitalization,"
she explained. •
Gold produced in Australia in a re-
cent month weighed 116,363 'ounces.
Wage Cuts
WASHINTPres1ent 'Reost-
Veit-dig week • opposed wage cuts by
industry during the business recession
as Niuicider and warned ,that if sal-
aries are slashed this Winter and
-.spring- the Governmen t.4-will;terforderL__
purchasing power. '
' Anibal*: •Celebrates
SYDNEY,. Anstralle.-Gtma of Aus-
tralian British and foreign warships
-thundered. salutes to the opening of .,
celebraticins comniemorating Austin,
lie's i5Oth , birthday. - • , . ,
; ; ecl,--Statearoisess.
ville, Memphis„ Trehton and. Milwrtn-
•kee eteamed*betWeen• the 'great .sand •
atone Sydney heads with WarehiPe: .
. ,
France' Italy and the, Netherlands to
Join .units • dying the Union -Jack.
Eighteen; Royal Air • Force -:planes ' es-
• dotted therii., • ; ,; • ; '
•Australia is comineittorating •
years as a White settleidient with-Cele-
btations extending Over three Months.
CeMmentall on the • 9,
Highlights of the •Week's New
PIJACANItArtiANiSti; SPOalting4tO
OalmeitY audience In Toronto's- Ma-
sonie Temple last Aldons, 014 --
lay, thrillient English novelist, essay-
ist add, philOsOplier rematked that the
present-day ",hun3Onitarian!'. movement
ie.' 6 Widespread that few dogs, heroes.
cats'are allowed to sOfer Pah/ or un-
dergo , cruel treatment, Yet ' th.e
shine' thne,:•he declared,. We sic back
-.Cnd:let terrible ,fliinge• hapPen' to oar
, human. htings in Other, 'coun-
tries' of ..the. '
lwehld aeem, he bafertek. that O'er
sympathies are. sadly -misplaced,
•ViKiNOS 1N" ONTARIO: 4.. fascia.
' atingstory of 'post ages IS recotietrriet,'
ed. by Mr, Godtell, noted author
an.d Arctletraveller, who Is sure that
seine. ding. doting, the eleventh eel.);
MI: four _hundred years b.efore the
advent of Chrietopher. GolunilMO,, the
Viking 'folloWers or Erie' the Red ponetrated , into .Northern Ontario hy way,
of Madsen ' Straits • and .0147, Albany
1-Itlyer.t Substantiating: his 'belief is the..
-recent disetivety ..near Beardmore,
Ont., (125 . nortbeast of Witt,
Arthur) of.‘a Norse sword 'and.
. , . .
• shield 'handle 'which -Ate pronounced
• by experts to be genuine Viking Weep -
Ons , .eleventh 'Century.' •
tifileatiee, It. alai .iipeet.liirkiirfitniii: -
(ma conception/ of how Anierica• came
to be :discovered •and change our hls
Ger!an Spy Sentenced
.. • •-
".,•-BESANCON, ' FranCe,:r.A military
court last weekend sentenced Rudolf
Richter :to .flfteen:years' imprisonment
011 a charge' of espionage.. ' • • 7
The '5.5-3Taar44d,"Sv!Iss.- it ...was al-
leged,. Was, a.,Meinber, Of. the Gernien,'.
Eeeret:.Seivire.vand.,'pought .plana of
the; France's' defense
.eystein • along the German border:
Soya Mr. Goribiell: ',‘Beardmore, On
Undo; may have been the scene of
gerae woodland fight ,between these
...hardy, Vikings and the Itedmee who,
for the first dine gazed Upon thepale-
• e r event ally to :bring.
about their downfall., The ant -
May' have looked upon them as Weed -
goes; Cannibal spirits Or visitors from
another World." •
t•Spme , of the . Vikings may 'have
stayed there, too; 'and become the .an -
-times• the •av,erage for the past nine
years, but 'Mint officials Were unable
to explain the reason.. , One explana-
tion was the business recovery sp-
. .
patent in the first six months of the
year oupled with general increases
in employment. ' •
• Ten Million Coppers ,
•During the year the Mint turned
, England Sees Northern Lights .•
LONDON Eng The northern
lights -a 'familiar spectacle to mrist•
land -hit . the "front pages of British
newspapers last Week.,
Britirig . for two hours 'After sunset
watched the billifeet -spectacle of a•,-
--kky7lit-411p-with"--weaving shafts-: 0!
flashing in :colors of red, gold.
and purple. ,•
•• ,
,PlatrI4e In The Paper
• Not again ;it little: Johnnyer-
, Sis-
ter SuSie, to ,see" their names' in 'the
honor list of their school cls in tbe
.'paper. • The ripPertrnent Of education
has • deCided aganst publication.
• thereby destroying by:one stroke of
• the pan a practice' that has.beeh
IbWedsince the days Of Dr. Ryerson.,
The thought behind the ne,',v order Of
• things tol,dt.nove corn" petition 'fibm
arnonget the scholars. Why? Is it
not good, to:: hate a conipetitive spir-
it? . CoMpetitiOhis tol(1. lebe: the life
of trade; 'a stimulant to achieve
• . greater. things. If the child hos no
such Motive Will 'there not be 'a tent
.dency to drift, to sirriPly get through`
°-the ,testS, examinations being. Wiped,.
, out, and let it g� 'etthat't .With
petition taken away and narrieS,With-
held , frein' the papers children `and
• parents Wilt, miss much that, hereto.;
fore has ben 'a great ,j03'. It10Oks.
like•a mistake, unless something ,else '
is to take, its Place; say for example,,
. reward for effort. -- ,Amlxerstburg ,
.. Echo:
iit 461.)171
4.16.. n good*....ar
•the tachlw
,taPaht G
ion iit„ visitambassador.week. .
s' ottnee- einhers enta
ttilittoA this ,
•#1111of 14 fitly tioPtili the
-- would convey ebilaist and
the friendly party and
ii,s61)16 to • itallPa
out 10,540,000 coppers, lightIy above
the , average for-• the :past few years.
but far below the record year of ;
1032, when 21,900,600 were :diverted
into circulation. ' •
Every year the Mint turns out 7,-
600,000 to 10,000,000 coppers to.
take the Place of those, lost; hoarded,
or..4.1,Vorn-,through.J.eonstan t4-
use. The Bank of Canada buys back
worn coins' and turns them over to
the Mint for recasting, but, the num-
ber does not equal the new issue in e
The number ' of siler'-dollars la=
sued was 240,00;' -60 -debt 'pieces,
,162',000; quarters, 2,S47,600;
2,734,000, and nickels,6,0,22,000.
The face value or,the Coins issued .
'Monkey Language
Saved Professor
Japan's gasoline' shortage has
:brought the :rickshaw on the „streets'
.again. '
• '
To Investigate Radio Industry'
,OTT.AVA.-The' Tariff Board was,
instructed this week by Finance Min-
ister Thinning to make ,a complete
vestigation' of the 'radio industry in
Canada, ' ,
-, The .inveitigatiOn,which will take
months; will embrace production,. die-
iter Randal
he •loet. PM) hnnfired' P.Oancle., .
agreed to, let be 'fed, •erange.
Ida. diet to.. •the, two Write'
Previous had einialfited of ..ci6totn.,
• len. Wafer. aild; :CP*, ,ounces of Water,'
Nee has .every; intention Qr. re.,
tinning, to: 4,49, ,.riehdrapeeed fast .Iupt-
,..Os Seen. as. reco.vers,,from his pros,
••-,ent Setheek.', health brought otr•by
the flu. • • ” • '
.• The OPeentric 41417., :Noe -is ritterriPting
to prove :to the Men •Crin,
live by spirit without 'b,tinefit,:ot
. . -
material, sustenenee.
,.1 •
py.p.Ffmr A.14.'EygiWhen Spanish
rebel: airplanes bombed and machine;,.
gunned • the..limocent• populace of Bor.',
.celon.a last week, hundreds of helPleas
eiVtlion,a„ went down to a horrible'
death, others -fond theMeelvts. alive,.
.at the eiit Of thelioniharrime.ot,, but
with • an atm or a leg; tutseing. •
...Next day, the l'.4byalist .army planes.
hit hack .a,t the rebel's by ..subjecting
one of their.",eitiej to the. satne'tretit,
•beent, the , Bathe kind of. death;
From now , on, apperentlY, it's go -
•to be on "eyefor an ete' a.tooth-
;tor a teeth", until theteare no pee*,
left on Spanish earth: to hp wiped chit.
• • , . : • . , • •
, •• . ,
• ENVIABLE' ,RECORD: The .Rephh-.
lib of Argentine achleied in 1917 the
dons, thronghout, the world.; It. prep!
, fleetlyellininated unemployment,
dueedtaxes, etrengtheeed, Its financial'
position. ie., ellity, Intlation fear's; and
produced bumper :Craps that brbught •
hlgher•prices In expanding world mar,
, . . •
Russia yseveral thousand White Ras-.
elane tOok shelter in the deMOCretie
. Central. European ' country of Ozeehe,
shivakia' and founded \-' -permanent:
homes there.; after- the suppression
eeitors of our present ay Indiansof the Boviet Republic in • •Illingery.
fugifiVes.. sought sanctuary. in Czech°-
.$/,000,000 ts, WEEK: :Canada's; oX4', slovakia:t Oer-
. . ,
ports- to Japan of war :materials and mans :and Jews . have fled te,t secho,,
other •commodities each Week reach a . Slovakia .to eseap, the power of the
'total .of One 'Million 'dollars 01,000,, Nazis 1nco ,1933. :Now . the anti Sen
. • • I- : itic drive -begun by the:Rumanien
• Gov -
So When Canadian People talk of in eminent is threateninT.to•eend ,thous-•
. .
. stituting a. boycott against Japan they ,ende of iewsaaroes the border into
have 'a herd t1me gaining . a sympa, Cieehosloyakla. ' • • ;
• ilietic,..ear Inmany quarters Czec1os!ovakla in a Precarious sit
'nation In Europe „ •counts ROmanig.,
SPIRITUAL EXISTENCE: , Re*. her ally in the Little :Entente., as her
'Israel Harding Noe,: Of .'Meinphis, beat friendIt she now williflgly
Teen-. ,Whii•••VMS ;Ipspendeit lest .week shelters refugees • from itutaania,
,JIyii-hiii.i3iShop,for,..refuelng to break a: ' she: 'will -be. hrborIg the state
year-long fest in the: courie entitiies. ' •:,
:tribution• and side, of ..reeeging .sete,
radio tubes 'atid parts of sets and.
tribes. In addition, the Tariff ' Board.
.will Sindy.. :the :hearing of the Patent
law' 'Mon; the :.nianntacturei-Lien and
inirtationLof_redio titbeii:- and sets.,
particularly the effects upon the ...Ira-,
pottatiOn, post andnee of radios: in.
Canada of the alleged pooled epnticil ,
of patent .tighte. • •
'More than 70 .chiefs' otnative tribe's .
in South :Africa. recently eonVened to ••
.disciies: the shortage •offeria tabor,
and decided that the only ablution
was higher :'wages and :better treetr •
. :—
meat . of.. woriterd. • • : • . :
.A knewledge• ,Of Prhohkey. langeage"
bride saved:die life Of .Mr. •Stanislav
..CzeehoeloVakfail etitombib-
Who has :arriVed In Iblifban„
lb•tirric!'t..hrOUgl,i drk
et Miica
,Mr Skulina,aceoMPanied .by his
Wife, lihs jut eoMpleted a 11'nionthe'
tour'. dui iiig Which .he eolleeted and
Seht„ 40;096 'beetieS' to the National',
Aluseithr 'of 'Prague; which 'sponsored
ilis johthey, , ' , - • • .,•••
Scares .,, Off, Python .
"Monkey language"' hag he grain, -
Mir' or ,syritak; , but all: the primitive.
'Wants, •
emotioitt and..desires...ten .ha-
Cinitreyeti., 'One day, :'•While. Mr: Skiilina.
Was Ooireentrating.Oit the ;9•APiulqi .of,.
a. spettel heetle, he was",• SaadeSV
ilta801 by te warning cryor; the
He, started .hp and found a•litige
pythonyarde. Of. 'him,: He
, .
Wa5 uhrmd'
„Ilis;ne.tiVe, 'f'clioyii" 'arrived In -floe
to 14U the rePtile, „ . • • • "
' traVelled:threogh, Eenet
,aIN'igetia.,. the takti. ".Tellad ttrea
.ArlefC01(t4t Attida
johantieehlirg. and . •
, .
,,... ___ !LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr: A. J. Bushell, Lt. -Col: G. R. Philp, M.D., Colonel C. IL Hill, D.15:0.; NSW '
44 B. M. Dingle, Major. Hugh Ferguson, D.S.O., Major T.,ZiL. Median., OW. W. W. Parry, H.C„ Mr '
l'' . •
• . .
,100,000 Expected.
,At Corps. Reunion
Business Booming
taly. Sends Men
To Far01,
The fltst practical ete .Ard the
colonization of 'the., new '.italiare'dOen-
qtiest was taken last week when 150 '
all heads of fdinilies,
ditii to take', unland. in ..Fthieinaa
s, Pict -were.. With Fascist Spirit
Tchief qualifications these
on eehres. c°, f aPsi;
arnofoaogdp,•"oP11,1:107Mt.ta(ShilYs ..P4fs .
workers They must he between 25
andtheiri areveterana of the war. . r
.Their wive'S and faraili6a. Will
low later' .When the rough work of '
building," shelters 'and :preparing the
land has been' accomplished. 'Each -
Man received before. he left, the
feria Of the Fascist Colanial Militia,
-agricultural ‘equipment and the .seed
:for his new land.. Por •the first two
years all land will be Worked: jointly:
Then the best workers -wall he reward- .
ed, with assignments Of -farming land _
'amounting ' to between 60 and 110
All colonization is being ergazred
by regional bodies working- •closely
with the • appropriate
*hiCi.i 'hoe received funds previously .
to begin mirk. Subsequent colonizat
tion will move enligruits from differ-
ent sections of rtsly- to separate parts
of Ethiopia. The Party which left
, last week goes to the southern -Ott
Of Ethiopia and will settle in the ter
served for the eldest son of the Ethi-
:.opien Emperor. . Others' from, the
, same region of :Italy will join them •
‘ither4 later
Famihies to Follow• .
• In li`ekr.uary, 4,00 -heads of families .•
from the Romagna district will *eve
to settle in the northern "part of the
_country, ' along reodbiedu
250 heads of famil'es will
the Venetian Province.
ColonizatiOnbOdko.,e. are being form, "
• edin five or sic other parts of Italy,
particularly :in Centres where the,'
population is greatest. They -in turn
will be, given re, specific regfon of ..
• Abyssinia and will he,' chergelwith
assuring a constant .streern of • Italian
In England Where There
Are Now 9,000 Sets
Television is a flourishingbusiness
in England already, despite ' the fact.
meet referencee:tp it are still phrased
in the future tense. , Certainly it IS
the key to all entertainmentof the
future and Englsnd , isfurther
ahead With the sciendathan any other
country, ' although the pnited. States:
and Germany are taking an increas-
ing interest, and Italy plans propa-
".'Nner y'filneelrWaspa.perinen'A good '•kive
examined Statistics and ' •beseiged
to find out j,ust. how 'good -tele-
- vision -realty Was '
. -
They find, television has been at it
for some time. People Suddenly jump
to their seats arid :realize that 10
.Iyieeasr,i'sihfrtehnei;ir_n t
• Television in, Great Britain is. said
t� be two years ahead of any
country. • Setmay Soon be 'estab-
I'Sheil in movie houses, Although' in
that reSpect there' is a good .deal bf
discussion in the movie business' as
to why they should ,enconrage 'some-
thing .that may yet put them, out of
business.. But C. A. Lejeinie, mbvie
critic for the %TA:Alden Observer, hod:
•tlik ariiwer to: that: • • •' •
. ,
.• WelltICitoWn Military Men ,age of sixteen, -ho was a .sergeant ,at•
Soon in the ..picture, front left to - nineteen, ! •• '
right, are Art Bushcll, Doriainien Pitt • ' Number five -is titio e; Fee,
Might, Of, the., Canadtart Pensioners). guson,' D.8,0, 'Joining the 6th Dat-.
-Association, and erstwhile sergeant of 'talion ..in 1914 he pery0E. In Printed
:To the C/riginni..third tAttoniini C.E.F. With the loth' Battalion, of which he
:stlitinner . • Next .in line is Lt. -Col. : George R. 'Wits seCond Caltitnand'atthe end of
Phily„,1,(1.0.,,.rier% Associate' Ceroner the War. ' , • '
for the 'City ;of Toronto; and ono in. characteristic Attituda
' The CAn4dittri Corps Reunion for the' fir:St mcdical nie* in ' the Majet.T. M: lyiediand, secretary of
A93g"eii4tinitor *ay:- ',Stated to hd,held .• fortof Canada to.,v.olunte.er for •war the Corps Association. anclitlie,
T"Ptento (it July 00t1•4. 3lito * i, , • •Of dird'e-toilf, is third ,frold,the• right,
,'Augdet let or this year, preliininarY' A .4.Vnetatter" Sits on Colonel Puffing the ever-present, pipe;*
work hne;replted in the Philp)a ,iett in 'the •pOrSeri• of .0eloriet •he. IS acknowledged eahocbtks: ontirt,
solotiop, by the Canadian CorPe. Charles. R. Hill, who ethieheriCett,hie pion onekei ring ,puffer -is" Captain
edeolation to.uheil Of'a Donrd: of Di- .' service as a' Private, .Aad W. W. Parry,'• legal 'nelViserth
•-rectors to affairs of the fittighed up as Ceiorielf P.S.O. : the Colter: ithd a prominent Toronto•
; Ilie• • "dnildia 'enineri" • Wielding -the. this . latoor., •
teuitit the' directors:et a recent .tneet.•. drkse it pencil -efts, (Jordon --'Telling the Prealdent hti* the
ing *hile' they •dlietissed 'sone .ef the pingleo 'President .•ef, the board 'Ana peke •ilhod to.it is tifehkBarber, n,
probfenie. arise from tfid 'Atit'•aid • :a•ilddiati • Corps ASSOCIAtioni, trienilief of the 'Oorpe. Cduricti, for
'centration of tor1.1.doto,bts! Oter 'Cbinptroller of the MaShdy, Bat, three ycai's President of the. !iippett,
hundred thousand Mtn fii. one spot .ris' COnipany. Association,- and -entertaiiiitenWit.
hit three 'daryi.,.. • L'•'. ' :.viitilHtheottoeros Own llifles at the ritgoi de*Itutoi.
. Cost $i75 to $725 •
.• .
•"The industry may 6144Iitep*,
and harm it,; boycott Andoutlaw:. it,
but In •the end will have to succumb
and work w:th it. . Per once; lust ,
ohee in our history., we English are
iready „ Ihefere the AmeriCaiis. 'Why
in thunder Can't•We lia)-te the courage,
the ''initiative, to pool our resources
and jump; ahead to .prOsperitY now?"
Statistics show no teIevizion re-
ceitierg in 1.,oridenin 'Septeiner, .1936 •
but thereare ne4„nearly'9,000: dost
of roCevere range from approidinate:_
rik-p-75- to .$725:7'
The., Leaning Tower Of Plea has
added neakly a feet to US inclination
in the poet' century, and: is now more
Until 14 feet, out of plumb... •
King George
er R
To *Ereadeast to EnsPire en Feb- :
ranirry 17 at Reception
The King's Intimation thathe is not
-going to • retest his --Christmas broad-
' Oast for a. While apparentli ,does , not:
Preclude him from being heard :over
the radio on other • eCcielone: '
IlisiMajestY's voice will be heard •
1n the United Kingdo-ra-ancl, the Do '
minions Feb. 17. when he speaks it
reception at the Guildhall by the Lrid
, :Mayor of London:, Sir Harry Twyfolu,
• i!4niPalg.41.
• Regret DiseentiiruatiOn
' The , BBC doesnet admit having re
Ceived any request from the King to
Curtail the ntiMber. pf occasions on
.,*.liteh his, voice might be broadcast:
.MeenNvitile letters to the editor' in the ,
. .
various. newspapers frequently regret
His • •Majesty's 'apparent decisien'• In
respect tb Christened messages .Some
of them .suggest that. it his retirement'
from theairis necessary his place ;
might he. taken by the fluted.' • ,'
., .
speech be ..breaticaat. over attfor,
BBC: Eninire ,shortwave rebroadeasta
several dines diiring:the day:
, On Feb. 17 the King wilt be Speak-,
-Ing " ti a,-baniiieti--w-bich-As:41,istin,iilar,•-
-to the direct Christrnai broadcast.
}Ifs' .MAjesty's...ChriStmas 'speeeh; goo-
eiauly waS received, as an intlicatien
lic prefei'd not to , '711aard on the• .
seemingly (Mel that Interpretation.
• tierrilaheri. ba1'geode iiiditst;loa
Alt opetating praCtiteliY At cepticItY.•
le' nearly, tri'd.o 'Aft far frOtil
the 'kiwu,. lutiWorentli„,aridia:atinest. the
• stone, MO •the.
.„.Sritynger X-RaVs
Burn Much -Less
Seientht Finds ,Cancer '• Is rest
, Treated ,by 1117.e, f`SrtraPirr
Kind '
A long siontling* rinizlp about the ,
:value of million -volt X -rays -on huMan
cancer: was ',solved last -week. wiilr an." ;
• I
netineement of 'a discovery that tile;
Iiighr.powet, shi.Apnei
discovery„ was 'told in tho •afl
nual report Of the, Creditor Inetitiite
of "Coriebr Research, of .061onilit3
•.• -
versity,Mulct. direction of 'tit 4rancis
Carter Wood., '• '
on, X•rayll,ofciftll kInds deli& Chneet
ly. ',The ray asolvee
have • no effect, tut ..lbey, explode : .
ms !colt iehloe ti"firtiogifst ilont a6i 1..t s s.
Burning 'Flethiced 40 Per tent,
With loW•poWOr X-ray, those * oqylo-
siOn:it'sehttor, the' electrons In all direc4
tiotis, like tlio
l• fi:iti*VtIrl'..lYnilehnetast:nut;
eleetrene in. one general • direction,
'hike explong elfraptIO:
The. practical apPlitation on human
datICO140thd report declared, its '-tO' dilt
f'doto by about 46 per 01t.' the skin,
burningeititeed; by X.411Y•e. The irtik
lidii,yelt4Zroy4 aro about:•thav irlueh
ycooter" then beditiarr .rast,