HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-02-04, Page 1YEAR—$150 IN ADVANCE -50e EXTRA TO TJ'
Ofltce Annre:
1 00-3 30 P,M.',. 7.00--0400.
Or Hy 'A' "oint lit
PP ,Ine • ,
!Phone 86'•
„ FOR cutter; diesser,
'gtaniaPliene, with..„reeerds.Apply al
Sentinel Office:
FOR SALE—Radio, 1937; electric
mantel price,
$20 00—
Aj$ply tat Sentinel Office • . '
..TENDERS ..WANTED=Tenders will
• be rectiired, by the undersigned until
Saturday, FebinitY-'12th, for 25
1:gt, cords' Of 18" beech and waPle body
• - • .
wood and. 10 cords of .4 -foot elm or.
• hardwoOOLoweetoor any tender not
• :fiecessarily,Itecepted.---= . • •
• ••• Joseph AgnewClerk,
Village of Lucknear;
, 'Sealed applications will be received
. by the undersigned, stip to 2 o'clock
of •;:the•-iiternoon of February r7th,
-..198,-"-fOr-.4he=nosition of.,±Assessoi.
/or the Township �f Kinloss", for .the
year 1938,at a salary of $80.09. ,
• J. R. l'Airie, Clerk Township of Kiii
Holytood.--.:-: •
• The: annual meeting , Of the 'West
,aw os
Co, Will:be held --tri the Parish :Hall,
':.4Dungannon, on Friday*, February' 11,-
, -..;:19,38,,itt...2._p,m,,,Lto. receive reports,
elect directors' and, transact general.
• business. . Pirectore, Thompson," An-
derson. -and -Watson 'retire but are
eligible for 1.'0i -election.
- • ' Cecil Treleaven, See'y.
Set fioDr:r. teped,eTuesday;ntspoliF.0,9!do February 5t Theh
Arena Cipb—$196.0 fti•Ze 4.List
A',.:'ritonster. ice carnival, under the,
direction Of the Lacknow Arena Clilb
will be held in tba, Community
011 TneadaY .,eVening.i. • Fel.iilittiY
A fine. variety of events' i tetra
arranged and door prizes, costume
and. race prizes will be offered to the
amount of about ' 400.00; Many of
the pripe are on display in the win-
dow at Huston's Barber Shop, and
posters and next Weples Sentincl will
give fprther -.detain of, this colorful
event. ' •• '
' A novelty number by, members Ol
the, club is entitled "Greyhound Rac-
lifeOri lee; Whit 'is it-,? We don't
know, but the ,instigatOrs .of this
"booby ;hatch", claim it is Something,
nevlir: seen before in this part of the
country,. -
A fanesr.-slcater, as the opening at-
traction of the 'night, is being .con:
'ildered but as yet plans are def-
Stratford -Midgets To :
Play Here On 'Friday
One Of 'lastest Junior Teams in
. For Eihihitioni, Game This: Friday,
Night AgainsiliCoinhined Luckno*
The ('onuninity Hall COmmittee
nee. been ,fertunate` in securing . the
Stratford Midgets, who': willjday an
If yo ti are interested in , becoming
associated with. a large , Progressive
manufacturing. concern, then ,write
.TODAY! Our 200 aliritentary-medic-
inel-toilet products sell on sight Big;
profite; 'repeat orders.. Eqnin•-•
"Merit: indispensable for country route:
You Pay' cash,. for :your goods. Sue-
‘Ceed or, return them and get credit.
For complete particulars and free
' ,ILEX :CO.", 570 St., Clement St,,
. Montreal. •
bi:Ati WITH CA ' 'fa
Watkins Dealer, ,(preferably bo -
teen and 60) needed inimediatelY
to ' supply established demand. for:
: World Familia Spices; Extracts, Balt-•
ing Powder; Soaps', Cleansers, Med-
- . .
ic`pies, Mmeralized Stock ,and Poultry
Tonics, 70 year. reputation. 10,000
, ,
dealers. Must be satisfied with 430.90
a'elcly at start. Selling ."experience
Unnecessary.' Feria experience help-
ful. Credit right ;patties.
Write' immediately; The J. WO -
kine Company, .Montreal, Que., Dept.
axitibitien •game. „Luelt W. this
Friday . evening,. February 4th,'nt
The -Midgets., one of Ontarioa•ftis,1-
test Junior, hockey' • teams,. willbe
hereat full Strength,. and. will be
'appiased:,hy a eombined team Of.
LacknoW and Wiilgliarri 'players; who
ahh to Make the Stratford bOys. Sten:.
The .Midgets are at the •foc.4.:: Of
their training and are All primed for
the playoffs. '' A '1.temporary , break in
their schedule made this date aVail._
o,ble and ,7the-tiielciiOWtrip.itraa—a-6:-
. • . .
eel -sited in preferende to an offer ,froin
North Bay Where__.,theidgets Were,
deniand for this date.
'John` Kerrey, seeretaty'of the Club;
etates, that •this".villjige s to be
mended on ',theirenterprise ere'
ting sueli a fine bailding,-;-andit-Wae.
With this in Mind that he arranged
to...bring the Midgets ta'‘Lticknoiv..,
• '
If you want to see the:fasteStaPori..
,111 the World Pleed; as it 'should be
plaYed, don't fail to ;see this Strat-
ford , teerir, turn it on this •FildaY:
night. Its an opportunity rarely af
forded' Smaller towns., The admission
is 35c and 29e:
Bob• Neilson, one of the Midgets,
hes been. leeed, n the Montreel
Early Sentinel, Employee
-Laid TO Rest' Thursday
FAINVerd .8'; Caswell, 'Son 'cof One Of.
Districts• Earliest Ministers,
At.-Terento4..-$., Was '4 Sen -
l• tine'. Einidoiei Over . Hell' A cen-
tury Ago, And Has FretleentlY
Contributed Mani. 'Articles To His
-016Alina Mater •;
• •
Edward S. Caswell, Personally
known to many Old 'LucknoW friends
and a. familiar name to hundreds Of
Sentinel', readers through the numer-
ous articleshe wrote for his -Alma
Neter, was laid to rest in Prospect
cemetery ;on Thursday, following a
service held in Kingston Road United
Church. Mr. Caswell died atihis, home
in Toronto 'or Tuesday, aftet-a-twa
months'. illness..
'Since 1909' Mt, 'Caswell has been•
• „
secretary -treasurer of '.tne
Public Library and has had. many
.ather proniinent 'associations during
a long and useful career of service
i. that city. . He was a memberof
the Hoard of Stewards Of Kingston
Road United Church; pa president
Of the Canadian Club;. a Wernher of
the .Withrow Bowling Club and...His-
torian of the,, York pioneer and His-
torical Society:
Probably his Outstanding literary
ffott wa the compiling " of a'
page. Ye ume- ofportraits; au ograpir
poems, and brief biographies of "pen.
adian, Singers and their •''Songs". The
Sentinel is, pleased to a ,eoin-
plinientarY dition of hii book:
• 'A.' 'son Of the ParSOnage..
Caswell . was a- native of Goderich
where his 'father , Was stationed in
.186042, on the, Goderich Circuit •with
Lucknow'.. one of his •appointments.
A• few years' later, Rev. Caswell, wee
which in-
cluded Hacketts, Zion and Luandiv
appointments. The evening Service:
was :held • in Lycknovv,. 'in. the little
white frame structure Perched ,:on
top of "Quality" Hill adjoining the
gravel pit. Rev., Ca:Swell. .coniuctod:
services here for a year Or .se until.
the union of the tWo.,brpnehs qf
116thC;diSril,• the.. Wesleyan"- and New
Connexion.' • • 4
Caswell, as 'a' youth, joined
thestaff of the Ltickitaw, Sentinel,
where he ,Setved,"a,,three-yeat appren-
ticeship, before going to Toronto in
1881' to join then'staff of the 'Metho:
brother 'Nat". who left for Toronto•
;shortly after'. F. S. commenced learn-
ing the printing. When !`.Nat" joined
the Sentinel in 1875,it.: wee in 'the
Gfahatri Block; With David Boyd the
editor. Before "Ed" , -joined the staff
the ne* premises wae, a building on
the south side. of .Camplaell street,
resting on stout posts over the Nine -
Mile River, With Jim, Eyrani:;,in
p o
Canadiens negotiationAist, Manager
oecil • Hart,,, who saWhirn perform' a
Literary Seeiqy.. few night's ago, being Satisfied he
.will bolt •an open ' meeting: in the „triivo-inake too,
.1.1abionel :League
ruary_11.41,at 8 o'clock, . Consisting
Town hiPlin") ,
Friday, , -linaterial.*.-
of a -shert play; choruses, etc. A,
'n,iission 25c. • '
•"' •The play, "Safety First" will be
•'presented by the yoting-peopleThl,St.
, eA
, Helens in the St. Helen's Community,
' Hall on ' Friday evening, February
4th, under the auspices of the Farm-
ers'. Club., Dance after. , Admission
• 25c and 16c.
.Ord.;.0t Two Deaths
Received At Kinloss Home
Wednesday, February 2nd, •• ' was
Candemas Day, the 'date on ,Which
:legend has it that the bear and the
ground hog Come out of their winter
lairs, to have a first leek around
since their fall„ hibernation. If they
:see, their' shadow, legend alsosays;
it means six Weeks more winter, Well
we can look Or it, for there Was MM.
tient , 'Sunshine yesterday for. Mr,'
Brain .to see his shadow, if, he Was
at the proper
-.Card Of Thanks ,
Mr. Charles Dtirnin and family
'Wish to sincerely thank friends' and
neighbors :for, their , kindness, and
• sympathy ' and • the' numerous floral'
tribute's' and eapeeinlli thank St.
' Peter's Ladies Cluiki. for their •kind-
neso'during Mrs. Diana*
'Card Of Thanks •
The family of the late. Mrs. , Charles
Durnin Wishes to sincerelythank'
friends and neighbors for their kind-
ness and , expressions of sympathy
• during the illness and at*the time of
the death of iheir., mother,.
Mrs .• Dan 1Viclotyxe _Received jjews
Of Het Uncle's -Death, While Mrs.
Alex MacIntyre, Who Was Visiting
With Them . Received Word.- Of
Death Of, Her Brother -In -Law
Mt:/arid Mrs:: A. G. •MacIntyre,
who are herne from the !west Visiting
relatives and friend's in and around
Lucknow,, received. a . telegram.statt.
trig that Mrs. MicIntyfre's brother -in.:
law, Mr. ,11, R. Wilhis, had passed
away ; luddenlY .ivit4. -a= heart :..tittach;
in East End, Sash:
Mr. Willis Was 59'years • of age,
it,. strongly'. •built inan,::Who in his
Yonriger.,yeets served' or the • North
Western mounted polka but of late
'years. 'conducted an old tinie.rarieh
ninth of East End.; ;
- gout six years nge,„. , Vino
was caught One afternoon 'lite- bliz-
zard which forcecl hint to unhitch his
team se "'that' they 'knight shift for
theinselVe's,,while..he Walked and ex-
ercised' to keep , from freezing 'until'
the .blizzard :Ceased: at noon next :dny.
'Snide then he hasiiever enjoyed real
good health: ; •• - •• ,
.Way of Et cOifieklOnt, ;Mr. and
Mrs. Dan MedititYre; Where' Mr, and
Mrs. Mak.. ''.1ticititstre were visiting.
.OVet the yeek.end,.' received .a tele-
gram alsO infoirning thorn of the
.death,,, the, '44the • thiyA ot. ,Mrs: ban
ririele, Mr. Aiehahriari,
in Witinifieg hospital, ,vhere the late
•Mt, "Willis!' daughter „is One Of the
iihrjes. •., •
„ .
. C
EBRUAR'Y, 4th 1938
, „
In acetordenCe ,With •the ,New Pro-
gram of Studies for Grades, I to
of the Public, ',School,. no reports', Will'
:Iea" adoptingPI s''qh‘ tb-heoclios1,isPYLTsptoPn f",:ttilteill.9ru'fieg'-rh'S'7° Tues-
'any' each in'onth, Report .Cards.
will. he, sent,. ta. the „.homes shawing
progress made. •• • K. MacDonald
• • • ..,
Reeve Of Ashfiekl Twp.
Died Suddenly Wednesday
Richard Johnston, Prominent Mafe-
kingr-Fitmer And Reeve Of The
Municipality, 'W a s Recovering
From pneumonia Illness When
Seized With Acute Heart Condition
' —
The ,Township of Ashfield and, the
district in general, has been shocked
tnd.saddened.by,,tbe ,sudden death Of
Richard Johnston Reeve ' of ' tnat,
mknIcipality. Mr, johnston passed
a Way .suddenly'. ;early Wednesday
at ,Haren-„County_Couneil two weeks
'ago, when hebecame ill` and was
prevented from attending the .,entire
.session.:,A man ta,whoin illness was
practically unkriewn, he declined the
.Aerv,ices of a doctor. • • •
:Returnihi heine Afie end of the
avleek,,,,Ari • . ' • e—d
•Mr. Caswell' never. lost • interest in
LuckneW, and -visited here occasion-
ally. Having 'a great admiration' and,
respect Tor ' the Pioneer 'tresidents of
this community, hewrote,numerous'
historicalLond_ .reminiscent -_:_ articles_
that tthe Sentinel has on fileand con-
siders invaluable. - • '
Mr.: Caswell : is survived by his
,,tersi:Evelyn anct•-;,Shirley • at borne;
also by two Gi'd,thers,, Rev., Wnt. B.
CaSwell. of .Oakville; 'Nat; of oToronta,
and, 'four' sisters, Mrs, W. 4..
MrS: Victoi*Collier; Miss Jessie Cite,
W , of .Toronto, and Mts. R.
• ,
• .
I '
When' it was. deterininecl ...thet
Johnston . was 'ill with 'pneninonia.• He,
,was riaking'"faVerable recovery hoiv-
heart attack, : 'kissing away before his
attending' nurse could mailmen med-
. ,
ical aid: ,
,1Vir. Johnston, who' -was in. his 70th
year, was-, .resident of the
:Mafeking .comirinnity, :where he was,
highly •' regarded '. as a- friend i ,arid
neighbor. -.Her .wits:-I-Widelyt.---knawn
throughout the ',Township, . having
serVed. as councillor and deputy reeve
and ,was ,serving his *end term in.
the reeveship which , successfully
contested in 'phoA December election
in 19,36. • .
Surviting are ,bereaved widow,
two sets Cecil of Ashfield Elmer' of
Mildmay. :arid tind• daughter, XTS:
Hiram Moffat af,"tinion, N. H. .John-
ston of Exeter and , Albert Johnston.
of West 'Wawanesh .are 'brothers, and
one sieter, Mrs. Lotti White of Tor-
onto, also survives.
An 'advertisement. Of the ...Evan's
Funeral Service' in 'Saturday's Free
,Press. Contained the picture of D.
M. Johnstone, :forMerly, of LucknoW:
Johnstone is manager Of the fine
new north 'branch funeral hoine at.
Richmond Streit and 'Central Ave.,.
and lins,been associated with the firm
in this Capacity, sinde the opening of
this Branch two years ago. Mr. John-
stone his been a ',licensed funeral
ector and emiMinter ,since 1918.
The Jews are rightfully the*own-
era OfPalestine hccord,ing to God's
Promise to kbealiarn,• ISaac. and:
Jacob, The :wealth of the bead Sen
is many "times inOre , than that .of.
'United' States. Unconsciously
tine ' is ,preparing . for the Second
Coming of their 'Messiah ,and, our
Saviour. Every thinking • person
should tossess "Rebuilding Palestine".
thartielotti illustrated hOok at
• 4
The funeral of , John Donovan, a
• :
salve of. Concession a, West ,
wanosh,.' was held from Davison's
Funeral Parlors on Wedireday morn-
ing to 8t.:Anguatine Conetery. Mr.
Donovan, tiled in Toronto on SundaY.
' He has two brothers, Edward and
Albert in this coMmpnity. '
Brother Of 'HUgh Milntosh
Buried Here On Tuesday
Rev..' Dr,' W. R. McIntosh, Native
Of ,Ashfield AndProminent Clergy,
man.Por More Than TWO. Score
Years,, Passed Awe)," ,In. London' On
• Friday • ;
Dr, William R, Meltitedh; native of
AShfield;- former Minister- Of ,King
e're'et 'United Church, London, for
25, year a and widely known in the
. ,
ministry. of the former Presbyterian
church and latterly;of the -.United
9hufelf, died 'suddenly 'At his. home,
826.. King Street, London Friday
night.' '
Dr.. MeInto.sh. had retired. because
Df ill health in June, '1935; but had
aegn_ in good health until overconac'
...nr a heart ailment. He was 71 years
• • During the quarter century of•
Ministrf in London,- he , was highly,
'rega.rded, not only be members of
his qwn faith 'hut by members of
every . denomination for his deVotion c ruche Retiring
to his Cense and his -liberal and -earn-
, .
:est.I37inMdc*Intbs.-'hWent to London in
i911, and from that ira43 took an Resignation, Received At , Annual
Meetin On Wednesday Itecom s
,I3PUND Tagg
OF,ONE4VAT,I.,EP' PION iiING Ariz! 'AcHigv-. • ' .
EMENT EvgIty gRANqIf...octO R I0 ...TRA.,Nsmiss;oN
. , . . •
AND ,,,.gpopi:710•/.1.-Fclit,.: Ttgkgky.4,g, --,!•=wagRg • ' RADIO
it( till I PRE
• . ' ,
1, 1937 6 -Tube Performance. 1Vlarcorn Radio, Like New, $20.00;
71938. 8 -Tube :Performance Marconi Mantel. Model' 00Mo:1E4014
tor to Sacrifiee,. at 40% off 'List Price.
TRELEAVEN.---In„ Lucknow; 01
. .
Friday,, January' 28th; to Mr. line
Mrs.. Harold Treleaven, a daughter.
, •
— From 'Active Ministry
active part in the re s life of the ,.
city: He was a leader in social ser- •
vice work and was at one time chair, Effective J'alY Mr. ' Tneke,r.
man of the Old Age Pentilon Board Who lffie Been. Six Years At Luck:
, . „ , , . ,
of th
• Eon Killed In War/. ,
Dr: Mel-it:ash • tOok.a..Couregeous
stand at the time of ;the Tar in which.
lia-'7-eldest--Soni--rGordenT.-wai killed.
•Again• in the Aries „of. ,the church.
union -campaign; he stood by his con-
victiona...He was the last moderator
of the London Synod of the .„PreitliY,
terian Church before union and. after
his church 'passed . into ,Union became
the. first Chairman 'of...the .Middlesex
4. W. -00fAiiiiii; RESIGNS .
The annual 'meeting of the Huron
• • ,.
sioner'for-the past fewyearswittiest' '
year, -7 --Chairman- -re.; 7
signed. Stewart Needham was , the •
new conuniO,koner ejected.
The .'1,15retere concluded, a success-
ful year with a surplus of $12707.60,
of ..-ishich $11,20445 represents caslo
on hand or in the banstrillte This sur -
',George Veare of Toronto as sen
tenced to 5 'years imprisonment with
18 lashes last *eek, when he pleaded..
guilty- On a charge- of ass niting
. with intent- to rob ss ve yn 1-
chisok. manager 'of a -candy: shop , at
NOrtly Bay. Mise Aitchison, formerly
:of .Lucknewii. a: niece of Mr.. and
Mrs. F. Malcolm.
On : account of the preparatory
Services in the; Presbyterian Church•
this Friday 'evening,' the regular
classes of the 1nstituteviI1 not meet:
All students will please : Plan to bet
present the following Friday night;
Fehratiry R. H.
:. Sentinel. stibOription ; rates
of $1,50 in Canada and $2,00
,the States will continue", in".
effect unpil thu, Saturday
night, .Febiiry
• :Effective Monday, February
7th, the $2.00 and $2.fifi rate..
,,beeonte 'effective Without
This • ,f.week of •graee has '
been ,deeided uPon, due Solely"
to „roit'd and weather Conditions
on ',Monday,. which reaulted', in •
several phone Calls, ftoni tural
Subscribers Who had Planned.'
to renew that. day but 'Were
ProVented froth gottiitig ,•into
' by •the elements,
:in The MInIsLry
'-.The annual. Congregational 'Meet-
•• ,
ing of the Lucknow United Chureh
was held:, ,Wednesday evening,,:
uary gstii.,pwini to the •weather,. and
the ;bad .roads; there was a amain].
attendance, than usual. •
:The reports showed healthy pen-
Presbytery-ol-the-UnitedFChurch:.;----dition_.of depertments :of: :the.
' Dr. McIntosh -was, honored by his
selection- as president ,of the London
Cenference, :Of the. United Church in
,He 'Was particularly interes,red in,
religious eduention. work and for 10
years Was?. chairman Of ,the board . of
religions education ' of. the Presbyter-
ian and .later the United church. r. omPl years of
FOr. five years he was teacher Of active ministry. Expreasions of high
philosophy .it the University of Wes-. appreciatiek_of his mirk during. the
tern `Ontario.
,t Native u,Ashfield
Dr: McIntosh, Was born in Ashfield
Township, Arid attended ' district
stitute• He trained for the ministry 'stewards were 'also. elected—W.
at *Knox College, graduating, in- 1393. Anderson, Hervey Treleaven, U. 'MC7
Following his ordination he, served Intosh, :Joseph Mallougai, N. E.
Bushell, Sam Murchison,:grant • Mac-
Diarmid, W. IT;johnston, A. W.
Hamilton and. E. Taylor.
The meeting "closed with a•',;sOcial.
half hour when ,lunch was served by
church. They raised .$1325. for Mis-
•sions. The Women's Association raj=
Sod $419. while the total ammint .raia-.
ed it1;, purposes WAS oyer $4450.:
The. Pester,. %Rev. 'S.' T. Tacker,
handed in his • resignation as •pastor,
his retirement to take' effect &Hy' 1st,
six years of his pastorate here were
voiced by'many present • , .
. • .
. Four new elders.weteelected, Wm.
'Presbyterian churches at :Barrie.
and Elora,prior. to going to London.
• Since his retirement from, active,
service in 'the Ministry he had re-
mained associated and mtetested
the Work of icing ..Street Church...,
Dr. McIntosh was a writer of
thany. articles and in 1010 •published
the Voinme "Canadian Problems".,,,
SurViyingare his wife, formerly
'Wise Jennie :Cowan, of Ashfield; four.
daughters, .Misses Grace and jean
at, home; .1111-S. -Howard .,IlaYinan, of
KeettlySide, . of ; Toronto; - One son,
Grant .McIntosh :ar, London. ;,There
are also :four sisters, Mrs. , Isaac
lietherington,', of Goderich; Mrs.
Hetha Geedham ' of %Detroit. Mrs.
..Robert Thompson in the .. State •.-of:
Wasnington. and Mrs Cali Mann of
Los Angeles; and one brother, Hugh
McIntosh., of. I,ucknow:•.
The :funeral service :Was held in
Lubirliow :United Church on Tuesday.
afternoon, attended by many ' 01d;
Ashfield 'friends.. The service was in
charge: of Rev. S. T. Tucker, atiented
by Rev. Mr. .Woods of :London' and
Rev. 0;.,11. MacDonald Rev. Woods
paid a fitting tribute te the deceased,,
recalling how he rase,frons o humble
Pioneer honie to.. a high .Place, in the
ehiireh, leadership;
Interment was in 4teenhill ceme-
tery. I, •
the Women's:. Association.
Dealt With Village
Work Tenders Tuesday
Council Requests coinnitinity -Hall
—Coininitte_e To -take Immediate'
• "Action To Provide Wind and, 'Fire
•,Coverage' On' Community .
°With Reeve' N. g, Bushell' in the
chair and of members present, the
Vllage Council .field ' their regular
February meeting On, Tuesday .night,
when three tenders for village , work
were received, as follows; Wm. John-
ston,' day work, 40C an hour; , DaVe.
Milne, .daY, work 40e,: snowplowing
,50c;' F. Malcolm, grading and, dragg-
ing, 55e_itn..heut.., • .
• Grading .and snowplowing Went to
Messrs. Malcolm and Milne respec-
tively, • :with daywork,to :be •divided
between Messrs. Milne and Johnstonl
6 Council requestedthat the Com-
tnunity 'kill Committee take ,inirned.
late action 'to have ;Wind and fire in-
eurinci Coverage•PlaCed on the Com-
munity Hell, The, Potnittee,the
following': morning, .placed $5000 wind
coverage on the brilidirie, but: are en-
quiring further into fire insurance
,rates before 'taking out this protect
Council decided to call for tender's
on 25 cerda.of beech and maple
wood and 10 cords et., 4: feet elm' or
genet aC'eoutits presented for the
toonth totalled, $1,4100.
The, Customary. grant of $5.00 was
ramie to the Salyation'Aionly. '
A statement from the COuntY. Trea-
surer, for audit piirposos showed' that
tax arrears. of $58.1.1 returned* to
the County,. had been Paid in 1937.
Tax arrears amount to soine $3609,
cornarnug fav,oribly to the CetteS,
pending period.:Ei year age. •
Word has ...been received . hereof
the death at 'Hythe, ' Alberta, 'of
3ame4, Paterson, ' formerly . Of this
district. And a .brother Of ..the late
•Itenry`-Patersen, Wet -Wawantish.'-
, Mrs, Petersen predeceased her
hitsbarid, ,Surviving ttre two sena, In-
gle$,i and Millet. of HYthe and lArs,
The ,lea hithreet is on this 'week;
„ .
thoSe Who stilt' sfoiv lee are sot
'Curing,,a Vied (nighty of irent 16 to
18 inched iii depth; off Treleaven'A
two-thlitis of the line.-
. • •
Total nuMber, of suliseribers and.
renters •on this system is 689, which
operates in the TownsbitoS of 11or°,0,
Kinloss, Kincardine, Greenoelc and •
Ripley Village. The syktein has. 1811'
miles of poles and 880 'miles of single
N FULL AcTrirrrie
Construction of all the .-rooms
the Coniniunity Hall , was CoMplet
list. meek and .cioir comfortable
comodation is provided for •
ions of the various activities :taint'
on there. . .;
. The, large: eominunity room, ', with;
the giaaaed„in_frent permits theee...1
who wish to ;view proeeedings On the. ,
ice frord a heated room. The spacious
gallery above, is- an ideal place -pro- - . -
•viding What promises to. he a select
sP„,Ot to .view, a hockey Match. All in ,
2LUCknew has (building .that
they can be justly Proud of and from
nene, in this district. ,
Its .the 'busiefit spot in town °,4-'4
with .rarely an afternoon or evening..
that genie activity is not in pregress...
on Monday evening, 'Caretaker '•
McCoy had .the ice in. good shape for ‘‹;
the first curling of the season. Free
skating a couple of afternoons - a:
week, is provided for children under
eleven; public Bohai' 01403, both
boys, and. girls .are going for hockey
in a big Way, and even .the young
ladies are taking it up,' having had
their first :practise Tuesday after-
noon; the Juveniles •ancl, Intermediate •
teams _get in frequent .,practises and
three 'nights a Week is eet apart for
Skating,. ,se *11 UiTadrop'
into. the building;ahnOst anytime and
find ,something doing.
. Death came suddenly : to Reginald
Douglas, 324eareid dark sports
announcer; Whoplunged sixty ieet
down. an . open elevator shaft'. t� the
cement basement at the durney Gloita •
Factory in 'Wingham; on •Pricitty, He
'died a few minutes after being ad, .
ridded, to Wingham Hospithl, suffer,. •
ing from a fracture, of -the skull and,
a broken ,back; '
Reg„;!‘vho,-lias been associated with •
the Wingliant. Station for some ten,
years, ,Was .knownto-a largeradio
audience,: and many ' sat with 'bowed
heeds on, Sunday as they listened to
the funeral service broadcast 'fronii
Pault:Anglicaa Church with .Rev.
E. 0, Gallagher,. the newly appointed,;
teeter, paying a rfitting tribute to th.
popular young Mari,
• The 'broadcast Of th funeral' ritet
was preceeded earlier in the .atter
pooh by a Memorial service in whlcb
aSsoelateiand tittiate , and ,friends.3.,....;,
who. had 'worked. With. Aeg, at Oft:NZ
took part The„ .toue memonini
program Of chi�fly musical nuMbera,
,included severo1avorite,i:.of Reg.,
Interment 'Was in Witithatil ,,enta•e'
tett ,tfarri4d .several taelathit age,
his ,Yontig IOU survives, ati• well Ali
1114 parents, :Xi'', .110 Uri: Hobart.
Douglas ofl. tfifilinct and One sleet • •
in Caioleri, .